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Let's Play Dream of Five V3.0


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Name         Lv Xp Mhp Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Comments
Renair        7 41  23  10  13  15   8   5   4  Good
Furetchen  3/-- 54  38  16  10  13   6  10   4  Best unit, easily
Kolbane       6 69  27  11  10  12   5   7   3  Good, has started doubling
Ilanice       5 41  21   7   9  12   9   4   6  Horrible against anything but Cavaliers (and she didn't get to fight any in C4)
Amelia        7 16  23  10   9   9   5   5   8  Good at ORKOing stuff that's weighed down, sucks at everything else
Chester       4 53  22   6   9  13  10   5   2  Bad
Crowe         6  0  24  11   9  11   2   6   1  lolArcher
Lia           4 23  19   7   6   8   7   3   8  Healer
Lumi          6  0  24   9  11  13   4   7   3  Looks pretty meh

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Anou, if you use the latest patch (the one in DoF thread OP), Lumi gets another point of HP and spd to base.

I think if you patch it on now, the HP won't carry over, but the SPD will. I dunno why the HP doesn't, but 's what happened when I tested.

Also, nice speed on Furetchen. 12+ speed guarantees doubling every wyvern ever in the current patch.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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Anou, if you use the latest patch (the one in DoF thread OP), Lumi gets another point of HP and spd to base.

I think if you patch it on now, the HP won't carry over, but the SPD will. I dunno why the HP doesn't, but 's what happened when I tested.

Also, nice speed on Furetchen. 12+ speed guarantees doubling every wyvern ever in the current patch.

Yeah, it's weird how he's procced speed on every level but basically nothing else.

To be honest, I'm tempted to go in with Nightmare and set everyone's growths to zero. I don't typically do 0% growth playthroughs, it would be nice to try.

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....do it.

I've always wondered what 0 growths DoF would be like, but I'm not exactly skilled enough to do it myself.

As Furet said, another point speed on Furetchen nets him several more chapters of use. His bases do last out a long time, though, considering he has total growths of 210.

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In my experience, as soon as Kolbane starts doubling shit with Steel, it's like...THE milestone of the earlygame.

Crowe isn't as bad as Wil or Dorothy, so I'd advise at least having him hang around.

Supports fast enough to actually happen:

The Initial Three Guys


The Cavaliers

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I wonder if I can let Dan to give you my excel with the averages containing most people in the patch, since he doesn't plan on releasing them until much later.

Your Ilanice got ridiculously blessed, QE. Like, holy crap 16 strength doesn't happen until 20/3 and that's because of the +2 on promotion.

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Ilanice is bad? but she was really good when I played :(

Don't get me wrong I fucking love having a mounted unit, it's just that before you start fighting cavaliers her combat is kind of ass. Then again I keep on forgetting she can use Iron Swords.

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Don't get me wrong I fucking love having a mounted unit, it's just that before you start fighting cavaliers her combat is kind of ass. Then again I keep on forgetting she can use Iron Swords.

lol Anouleth ^^' I usually have her wield swords.

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lol Anouleth ^^' I usually have her wield swords.

To be honest I don't think it would make that much difference now that I've stopped fighting axe users. I'd like to see her join with an Iron Sword instead of a Slim Lance though. Just something to point out to the player "hey she can use swords don't forget". And also who the hell brings lances to fight bandits.

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To be honest I don't think it would make that much difference now that I've stopped fighting axe users. I'd like to see her join with an Iron Sword instead of a Slim Lance though. Just something to point out to the player "hey she can use swords don't forget". And also who the hell brings lances to fight bandits.

Thats true I didn't know she could use swords either ^^' until I looked at character screens, maybe we should tell Astra to give her an iron sword (or slim sword) instead of a slim lance, but slim lances are tradition for the first pegs to wield (Thany, Florina, Vanessa, Marcia) maybe she can have a slim lance and an iron sword? I forgot what she started with anyway ^^'.

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The iron lance IS basically useless. I usually end up accidentally grabbing too much stuff with Ilanice and chucking it soon, anyway.

After the route split Ilanice picks up further, although more so in Musain given the Wingspearable targets and the magi. Onduris has bowmen and wyverns that she'll struggle against, but at least she's good against myrmidons.

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The iron lance IS basically useless. I usually end up accidentally grabbing too much stuff with Ilanice and chucking it soon, anyway.

Well I have mad h4x inventory managements skillz, so I haven't had to drop any items yet (and I've had Chester stealing occasional potions as well).

After the route split Ilanice picks up further, although more so in Musain given the Wingspearable targets and the magi. Onduris has bowmen and wyverns that she'll struggle against, but at least she's good against myrmidons.

In my experience she sucks against sword users as well. She doesn't have the strength to 2HKO and she doesn't double. It doesn't help that her durability is so poor that she's often getting 2HKOed back. Unless I'm really missing something with her growths and she'll grow faster than the enemies, her combat only seems salvageable against effective targets, mages, maybe axe users. Which isn't so bad, really. It's more than most pegasi can say.

What I guess I'm saying is that I don't care if her combat is mediocre because she still flies. Fliers should not be able to fight as well as foot units, just how I don't really mind Chester being weak because hell, he's a thief.

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Although, she most likely won't be doubling myrms, for it takes 16 AS to double a male myrm and 17 AS to double a female myrm come chapter 8B. Don't remember stats in 7B, though. And since exp gain lowered due to the higher enemy density in comparison to vanilla, assume you use her for combat without favouritism she'll probably hit level 13 by chapter 9 or 10.

Speaking of routes, which one will you do?

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Although, she most likely won't be doubling myrms, for it takes 16 AS to double a male myrm and 17 AS to double a female myrm come chapter 8B. Don't remember stats in 7B, though.

Speaking of routes, which one will you do?

I may do both. Remind me of the difference between the two countries again...

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Onduris is swordie land and nobody doubles them except Lumi and Renair. Kolbane and Ilanice too, after a while, but nobody else.

Juan is a god there for he has LANCES and ridiculous awesome durability.

Musain is magefest. Also more cavs. More lance enemies, though both countries have their share of loldiers. Onduris also has more archery, at least in 9B.

Onduris has a crapton of wyverns, which is good when you have 12+ speed Furet for he doubles and thus onerounds them. Crowe is pretty good there, too.

Although in Musain, due to the nature of chapter 9A, it is advised that everyone on the team be trained. Luckily, you're not short of deployment slots, either. Everyone can be deployed in 5, 6, and 7A. 8A is...special.

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Onduris is swordie land and nobody doubles them except Lumi and Renair. Kolbane and Ilanice too, after a while, but nobody else.

Musain is magefest. Also more cavs. More lance enemies, though both countries have their share of loldiers. Onduris also has more archery, at least in 9B.

Onduris has a crapton of wyverns, which is good when you have 12+ speed Furet for he doubles and thus onerounds them. Crowe is pretty good there, too.

Although in Musain, due to the nature of chapter 9A, it is advised that everyone on the team be trained. Luckily, you're not short of deployment slots, either. Everyone can be deployed in 5, 6, and 7A. 8A is...special.

I meant in terms of setting! I don't care about the dumb enemies, I just want to play on a pretty snow map.

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Oh, snow map.

Uh, that's going to wait until Vishara.

Vishara's COVERED in snow.

Lesse, Musain is more indoors while Onduris is more outdoors.

I recommend Onduris because indoor maps and I don't go together. Except 10A. 10A was fun.

Onduris has fog of war, though.

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Vishara is snowy. Winter hits midway into each route, but it's more noticable on Musain. Musain tends towards castles, Onduris towards open fields near the start and indoors at the end.

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