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Bull(crap) Mafia Postgame


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I can fucking justify those actions, you stupid little piece of shit. I never asked you to kill BK (Fucking bring me proof on this if you can, faggotface), and I thought at the time that Pariah was a mole. If she was, we would have been screwed because she had like all of our info.

So there's my justification, and it's far better than whatever you did, asking your little stupid questions in our chats and making yourself totally intolerable.

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So, here's the context for that first quote about GBBs:

[spoiler=Clips Logs]clipseykitty: Snike, do you have something very alcoholic I can drink?

Snike: closest I have is Corona

Snike: why?

clipseykitty: Ugh, I'm allergic to that.

clipseykitty: This is what I'm dealing with:

clipseykitty: First of all Snike is NOT the killer from what I know.

clipseykitty: secondly,I want to call random shots since I am normally lucky

clipseykitty: thirdly,what is Slayer doing?I want his ability to be used to find aliases

clipseykitty: fourthly and most importantly WHY THE HELL ARE WE NOT LYNCHING OBVIAM?

clipseykitty: fifth point:there are only 2 day killers,BK got his kill during the day due to misunderstanding on Life's part

clipseykitty: sixth:StK will kill AL's filler today so do not do anything stupid Joe.(that was an order)

clipseykitty: seventh:what are you thinking?

Snike: who is this

clipseykitty: Blitz Kitty, Proto's leaky younger brother, who I must deal with if I want my faction to do more than self-destruct.

clipseykitty: This is out of the faction PM.

Snike: I'll send him a... direct message.

Snike: has he claimed

clipseykitty: Finally. I think? The claim looks fake.

clipseykitty: It also means that no one has a kill in our faction. Ever. Someone's lying, and it's probably him.

clipseykitty: I'm trying to respond to this idiot, but I keep feeling the urge to punch my pillow.

Snike: He was running his mouth in IRC earlier

Snike: also

Snike: oops

clipseykitty: No problem.

Snike: No

Snike: I mean oops

Snike: WRT the kill

Snike: who would've thought twins would be moles

clipseykitty: You randed the mole?! NICE!

clipseykitty: Haze just got on.

Snike: No, but seriously

Snike: How the fuck does he not know that I'm the faction killer

clipseykitty: Hmmm?

Snike: Like

Snike: it was on the spreadsheet FtP leaked

clipseykitty: He's that stupid. I'm doing my best not to scream.

Snike: You know

Snike: I have his alias

Snike: I can send a message

clipseykitty: Kill his alias?

Snike: Yeah

Snike: He has a night kill, not a day kill

Snike: so as long as his name lives

Snike: you guys won't be too crippled

Snike: but srsly

Snike: There's dumb

Snike: and there's Psych

Snike: and then there's Blitz

clipseykitty: He makes Psych look manageable, and that's saying a lot.

Snike: I agree with you, and I've had to deal with him about twice as long as mafia has had to

clipseykitty: Sooner or later, he's gonna cause me to slip, and if I do, it's death for my faction.

Snike: slip as in request your demise by buster?

clipseykitty: Slip, as in start yelling at him in public.

Snike: ohlol

clipseykitty: Once that happens, our faction is doomed.

clipseykitty: And. . .sent.

clipseykitty: It's too early to be drinking, but something is serioulsy wrong when the next-most intelligent person in this faction is Slayer.

Snike: good lord

clipseykitty: I'm probably not gonna win, so the best I can do is even things out.

clipseykitty has quit IRC: Exit: Tee-hee~!

Anyways, I was asked to kill eclipse, but ended up getting modkilled when I sent in the order after I asked for a sub, and neglected to post in limerick format before I left, which was about two hours or so after the phase began. Sorry, guys. :/

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*checks own head*

*is surprised to find hair still on it*

And you guys thought I was joking when I said GBB didn't need any outside help to implode!

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can we ban blitz can we ban blitz can we fucking ban blitz

If you wanna ban him in your game, that's your own choice. I personally don't think it's fair to ban anyone, especially someone who didn't even cheat, so I wouldn't ban him in my game. Whether Blitz gets to play in any particular Mafia game depends entirely on the people modding the game. Same goes with all other players.

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Agreed. You can only get better at a game if you actually play it. If people don't allow you to play a game, you can't get better at it (obviously).

I mean, even people like Psych or Slayer, who are generally considered "bad" at mafia, are more competent than they used to be when they first started playing.

Besides, isn't Blitz really new to mafia? Like, wasn't this even his first game or something? Multifaction is much more complex than your average game of mafia, and thus probably not good to start your mafia career with. Judging from what he did throughout the game, I have the impression that he simply didn't know what he was supposed to be doing.

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Hmmm. . .

This is technically Blitz's second game, as his first was Death Note (where he didn't do much, IIRC). New or not, some of the insults to the other players was kinda uncalled for, including one where he called Slayer a bad player in the faction thread. I'm the one that had to deal with him the most, and I think he deserves a couple more mafias to work out the kinks.

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Agreed. You can only get better at a game if you actually play it. If people don't allow you to play a game, you can't get better at it (obviously).

I mean, even people like Psych or Slayer, who are generally considered "bad" at mafia, are more competent than they used to be when they first started playing.

Yes, yes and fucking yes.

Look, I'm the king of shitting on people's mafia skills and here's my take on a couple of people.

Paperblade - Fantastic thinker and fantastic mole. Played phenomenally throughout the game until he laid down to die.

Kay - Only reason why her faction had a chance. She would churn out logs where people told her shit for absolutely nothing in return. It was like watching a machine go to work. Hell, her skills actually scared me.

Psych - Didn't make a single stupid move from what I saw and managed to keep his ass alive to the end of the game where the Crazy Casayas' kill priority outmatched the God's Bowling Buddies.

Eclipse - Another great player who never gets her due (despite what you guys say, nobody actually respects her solid play). She was very close to figuring out that Paper was her evil twin but Paper beat her to the kill. Great job with keeping the GBB in line.

Slayer - Got his faction organized. This was much more than I expected from him. Much more. I actually think that the GBBs wer the first faction to get organized, believe it or not.

That's just my thoughts on a couple of people, feel free to agree or disagree.

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Though, admittedly I checked out around mid-game and only did what Paper and RD told me. I literally almost copied pasted what Paper wanted me to threaten eclipse with, and just voted who they told me too.

The only thing I really did was try and get something out of eclipse like Day 1, and it only succeeded in her seeing throught it and having Rein freak out.

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I didn't really lay down to die, I had flown up to Concord to visit a friend the Thursday of that weekend for the M12 prerelease and spent most of the time out with him and his local friends. If I'd had more time I probably would have posted something up to try to get people to lynch Obviam

Also there was that thing Psych did in ipchat that I yelled at him for

Edited by Paperkitty
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Eclipse - Another great player who never gets her due (despite what you guys say, nobody actually respects her solid play). She was very close to figuring out that Paper was her evil twin but Paper beat her to the kill. Great job with keeping the GBB in line.

Elaborate please?

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Elaborate please?

Eclipse should be auto-killed/inspected/hooked starting N0. She was only killed early BECAUSE of her specific role. Yeah she did get inspected for it but Obviam (and I remember this well) got hooked something like 4 times in a row. Not Eclipse.

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She was only killed early BECAUSE of her specific role.

No, I was going to have eclipse killed Night 1 regardless (well, unless she was a Bomb or something). It's not like I had anyone better to hit.

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Obviam getting permahooked was almost as funny as him getting permasilenced. I vote in the next game we permapersuade him.

Also I'm pretty sure eclipse only lived that long because no one knew her alias until there were bigger threats (in terms of role, such as Core being a vote negator). Or maybe that's just wishful thinking ;/

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Probably because once my night role was dead, I was more or less useless as a day role. Not sure if Snike passed my alias to the rest of his faction, but I gave it to him right before he left, so he could shoot me.

I have three reactions to that snippet of mine:

1. Thank you for the compliment, Life.

2. What's this bullseye doing on my forehead?

3. My mole role went all wrong, after everyone thought it would be funny to beat up AL. ;/

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I wanted to ally with them because Kay and Proto made it pretty clear they didn't care if they hit AL trying to get at CC, but that didn't stop them from freezing and lynching me :|

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I wanted to ally with them because Kay and Proto made it pretty clear they didn't care if they hit AL trying to get at CC, but that didn't stop them from freezing and lynching me :|

I still don't know what happened there honestly, everyone knew I'd made an alliance with CC, but Kevin still froze you randomly and Weapons voted for you, though I'm not sure his vote made any difference.

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You didn't make this alliance very clear. It only seemed to be against proto, you never specifically said "us and the casayas are gonna team up against the other three."

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