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Generic Fantasy Stat RP

This will be a Stat RP based on the world my Generic Fantasy fiction is about. As the story is relatively new, I'll be using this RP as a training ground to better learn about and flesh out the setting through the help of fellow RPers. As of now, not everything is set to stone so any customs or festivals anyone creates is up to them and would be a wonderful addition to the lore of the world.

World and Background

The setting can be found here http://serenesforest...showtopic=24562 . It's just first post. The rest can be ignored.

As of the start of the RP, the timeline is early 1191.


The Nialp, plainsman who claim to have been the first people to tame horses. They boast the best cavalry and archers.They are nomads who wander the vast central grass sea situated between Tsae and Emocni, refusing to work the land and harm it. It is believed that for every combatant, there are three horses. One for the travel to battle, one for the battle and the last to carry the loot or retreat. Hence the nomads seldom lose their manpower in battle with their swift strikes and lack of desire to hold new grounds. Womenfolk are accepted as equals in Nialp as the small size of their tribes require every tribe member to contribute to the society and to bolster their forces when attacked. Due to lack of farming, the Nialpians are incapable of sustaining large populations, hence individual tribes are small and do not pose a threat to any nation. But recently, some tribes have been rallied together by a powerful leader who sends them to plunder Tsae border farms and traveling caravans, creating tension with Tsae and Emocni. Thanks to the food obtained through plunder, this band of tribes have managed to grow large and powerful, threatening the freedom of the smaller tribes. Their archers have proven decisive in repelling Tsae wyvern rider and Emocni mage retributions. The smaller tribes live in fear of either being raided for their horses by the growing horde, or be subject to the vengeful wrath of Tsae and Emocni.

People of Nialp:

They are made of many tribes, each similar to either our ancient mongolians, northern or native americans, southern. The wide plains allow them to have acess to the best horses in all the lands, hence most of the characters from Nialp would logically prefer mounted combat. Nialpians are the only race who have mastered the art of using bows while mounted. They have no mages, but some of the weaker tribes have recently accepted the aid of the Heirophants of Laynia, causing them to have some clerics. It is said that there is a southern tribe that still remembers the ways of Ancient magic, thus have a bare few shamans at their disposal. The tribes that are scattered follow a leader who's position is decided based on the tribe itself, while the large horde that is building is head by a Great Leader as they term it. Southern Nialpians, the minority among the Nialpian tribes, are more closely related to the people of Aes while northern Nialpians tend to share common heritage with Tsaens and Letamites. While northern Nialpians were occasionally mistaken as Tsaens, southern Nialpians are easily identified by their reddish skin and general friendliness. Though nomads like the northern Nialpians, they till the land gently and leave behind young growths in hopes that in the future when they return, there would be some strong plants left to cultivate.

The Letam, tall and dark mountain folks who settled down on the northen mountain range after successfully clearing the remaining Dragons there. The people of Letam were quick and sure of foot, skillful in maneuvering around the treacherous mountain steps. They wore little armour as it was too impractical to walk or climb in full bodies of armour. That was until the discovery of mithril on some of the mountains. The precious ore was much lighter and stronger than steel. The people of Letam first forged it into weapons, but realised later that its lightness and strength could be used as wonderful armour. Due to its weight, armourers of Letam could forge huge armours that encase its users but still light enough for the user to maneuver well enough to fight competently. However, mithril is a very rare mineral and only found in the Letam mountain range. The limited number of mithril meant that few of their warriors could afford encasing themselves completely, so only those deemed strong and very stout of heart were allowed to own the armour. These were the Letam version of knights as the mountain did not favour cavalry charges. This massive change from swift and skillful myrmidons to slow but sturdy armored knights have caused conflict in the military ideology of Letam. Traditionalist scoff at the clunkiness and cowardice of the armoured knights to hide behind so much armour, while the knights claim that they could easily block off narrow paths on the mountain and stalling entire armies trying to force their way through when there is too little room for the myrmidons to evade attacks. The debate continues as the old try to prove how the new ways have made the young weaker and softer inside.

People of Letam:

Their skin tones are on the darker overall shade and are above averagely stronger with greater stamina than people from other nations, only rivaled by Yracians in terms of physical strength. Their people are more likely to be able to buy mythril items from each other as the material cannot be found in other nations and the people of Letam guard the mining of the metal tightly. Their people have two extremely different approach to combat, the old ways of the myrmidons or the new recent ways of the armored knight with huge mythril towershields and marching phalanx. Letam has the second largest number of devotees to the Heirophants of Laynia, thus some of the most skilled clerics and bishops hail from Letam. Letam is based of ancient Greece in arcitecture and Roman military. They rule through many independant city states.

The Aes, they were seafolk who settled on the broken island chains to the south. Their taming and breeding of the remaining pegasi gave them another means to travel their lands that are separated by seas large and small. They are the only ones who know how to tame pegasi and they keep such knowledge secret. There is recent conflict between the sailors and pegasus riders over who are the true protectors of Aes. Most outsiders believe that the sailors are merely jealous of the priviledge pegasus riders recieve due to their rarity and freedom to go where they please. Mages also exist in Aes, but are far smaller in number and somewhat inferior to the ones in Emocni and Tsae. Their mages control wind magic with skill and finesse that mages of other lands fail to achieve due to many years of practice in steering and increasing the speed of ships that travel between the islands. The islands have few arable lands and almost no minerals to mine beneath it, forcing Aes to sustain itself through fishing and supplying trading ships for other nations. Many have turned to mercenary work and piracy for better pay. Rich traders and lords pay large sums of money for the aid of pegasus riders to serve as scouts and for quick surgical strikes on enemy armies. The low birthrate of pegasi and time taken to bond with a rider keeps the supply of pegasus riders low, hence raising their fees even higher. Due to the lack of control of Aesian leaders and wide spread poverty, Aes has become a safe haven for refugees and pirates who control the people through their needs with the loot they bring home. Despite the harsh and rough nature of the people of Aes, they treat womenfolk with respect as the pegasi only allow girls to bond with them.

People of Aes:

Their people are dark skinned, appearance based off indians and south east asians. Their culture on the other hand is a bizzare mix of many unique cultures based on different areas due to their history of being a safe place for ancient tribes or followers of failed uprisings fleeing whatever danger persued them. Hence their people have a lot of mixed blood in them and most of those who live near the mountains and care for the rare pegasus that lives there tend to be extremely fair skinned, almost to the point of being pale. The Heirophants of Laynia have no real hold over the people of Aes as they already have competent wind mages who already provide the nation with what they need, the power to calm storms that rage around the nation.

The League of Rekam, a large collective of small nations in the west who merged together under the leadership of the disciples of the great Seer Laynia. As the central bastion of the Heirophants of Laynia, the largest religious group in the entire continent, they house some of the most gifted light magic users. Because of the immense control of the Heirophants of Laynia, mages and shamans are generally not welcomed as they are viewed as heretical as their brand of magic are either destructive or manipulative of the natural world. It is not uncommon for travelling shamans to be burned on a pyre by superstitious villagers headed by a zealous Laynian priest. Each nation houses its own army with some favouring mercenaries. Minor skirmishes run rampart as the nobility occasionally try to expand their influence and test the might of their army as the power of the entire nation greatly deters other nations from directly fighting it. Only the frequent intervention of the Heirophants of Laynia keeps the entire league from falling into utter chaos. The leaders of each nation play a subtle game of balancing each other's power to prevent one from becoming too strong and take over the league while at the same time building up their own strength. They face frequent raids from the north of which they are slow to repel, unless the Heirophants promise them divine retribution for not aiding their fellow lords. Despite the armies at Rekam's disposal, the kings tend to mistrust each other in fear of weakening themselves and fail to mount any strong response to the raids. The power of the Heirophants is so great that they have a large contigent of paladins and priests that make up nearly a quarter of the army of Rekam.

People of Rekam:

Think of medievil europe with the standard castles, nobles, cavaliers in shining armour. No mages or shamans exist in Rekam as they have all been driven out by the might of the Heirophants of Laynia. Mages are tolerated, but shamans tend to have to hide their identity due to the paranoia of Ancient magic the Heirophants have fostered in its flock. There are two main ruling powers in Rekam, the original kings who still hold their own lands and the Heirophants of Laynia, who govern the spiritual side of the people as well as handle some of the decisions made by the kings.

The Tsae, the only other civilisation to rival Rekam's might in the eastern lands filled with dense forests and lush tropics. Horses are not favoured there as thetrees impede their movements. But they have wyverns, great reptilian beasts that can fly over the canopy. But the wyverns were not natural in the tropics, they were brought in when the people of Tsae sent humanitarian aid to save the barbaric tribes people who dwell on the mountains near the north from extinction during a great earthquake. Since then, the mountain tribes have been eternally indebt to Tsae. But large scale migration of Native Tsaens from the south to help build and colonise the tribal lands have caused new resentment and fear of Tsaen culture possibly disrupting the distinct way of life of the northen tribes. The native people of Tsae are very adept in magic and ancient knowledge as the tropics were able to hamper the rampage of the Dragons, leaving many old ruins intact but claimed by nature. Their mages specialize in controlling the weather and storms as Tsaen farmers tend to turn to their mages in hopes of preventing droughts. Hence the power to summon fort lightning from the sky comes easily to them. Tsae boasts one of the largest army in the whole continent, all controlled by a single ruler, the Emperor. The emperor's of Tsae are all self proclaimed great men sent by the ancestors to guide the people. They obtained their power through the use of three major coloured factions in the nation. The Ruby Shield military, the Sapphire Tome mages and the Emerald Scroll magistrates. As long as the Emperor held sway over these three factions, no dissidents have ever been able to succeed. Each emperor knew about the dangers of open rebellion and took steps to ensure the people were watched as well as satisfied with their current livelihood. But recently, the current emperor is stricken by a strange illness, rendering him powerless and leaving the ruling of the nation into the divided hands of the three major factions.

People of Tsae:

They look like the east asians of our world, the koreans, japanese and chinese. Their culture is heavily based on ancient china with its many provinces while the japanese culture is thrown in mainly in their eastern provinces in terms of cuisine as well as skilled sea masters and swordmasters. The newly incorporated northern tribes are based of korean like culture, hence most wyvern riders have korean like names. The Heirophants of Laynia has yet to gains any grounds among the Tsae who are relatively conservative as a whole, favouring their own thunder mages who serve their purpose of making sure the farmers get bountiful harvests. The ancient ruins of Tsae jungles strangely do not contain any knowledge or teaching regarding Ancient magic despite their large institutes devoted to the study of magic. Tsae is ruled by an emperor who's power is shared with the three major factions of the nation. Tsaens who intend to carve a powerful place for themselves in Tsae either have to come from one of the numerous powerful clans of the nation or be an integral part of one of the three major factions. Other commoners do not have any hope of boosting their standing in society.

The Emocni, people of the barren desert lands. They have managed to secure every oasis in the desert and create outposts to make travel between the east and the west easier as trade has become their source of livelihood. Despite the harsh land, their access to culture from all parts of the world and lack of actual population to wage wars allow them to develop culturally. They are exposed to many idealogies and they provide a great meeting ground for all scholars to meet with their counterparts from different places. Hence the study of ancient lore and magics in Emocni far surpasses even Tsae. They even have those schooled in what some call Ancient magic while others, especially Heirophants of Laynia, call it Dark magic. The various ancient ruins scattered in the desert further add fuel to the fires of knowledge of the emocnians. Their mages specialize in controlling fire as it is easy to draw heat from their surroundings by day, to warm their homes at night. The Emocnians have no true army division other than local militia to keep the peace within their lands and a mercenary army to keep Nialp raiders from their eastern borders. Despite the great potential of their mages in combat, few would serve the military as they prefer the comfort of their towers and tomes to the disciplined life of the army. The lack of interests in old ruins of other nations and low tax rate imposed by the Emocni leaders on traders, have given many generations worth of peace for Emocni. But on the streets, people whisper about tales from the newly growing population of priests and clerics of Laynia about foreigners and locals being kidnapped to the tall spires to be sacrificed and experimented on by Emocni druids. The recent number of missing people unaccounted for have lent credence to the rumour, causing more people to flock to the Heirophants of Laynia for spiritual and physical protection.

People of Emocni:

Emocnians are based of the arabians during the height of the silk road, basically their golden age. Their people generally know many languages due to mingling with traders and scholars from all over the world, baring Yracians who seldom leave their homeland. Due to the position of their nation relative to others, the people of Emocni have embraced a pacifist, friendly outlook, always trying their best to avoid conflict as their population is small and their army is nearly non-existent, while their borders are large. Their people know that they cannot wage war on so many fronts. The only true defence their people can call upon is the vast magical knowledge the Emocnians have gleened from the various ancient ruins scattered in the harsh deserts of Emocni. The large number of practicioners they have of Ancient magic also helps in keeping their borders protected. The Emocnians are loosely ruled by a council of druids and sages.

The Yrac, wild people to the north of Rekam, are often to refered to as barbarians by their more 'civilised' neighbours. They are spiritual people with shamans who remember the old magics from the ancient times. The harsh cold far northern lands are unforgiving, and only the toughest tribes could survive there. They frequently plunder Rekam for food and wealth. They have mighty berserkers and brave fighters and all know that most Yracians are honest men as trust is paramount to survive in their environment. Honour on the other hand, is a concept of civilised folk to protect the weak and sly in their opinion. Attempts to raid Letam borders were made to obtained the fabled Letam Mithril, but skillful myrmidons confound the berserkers while columns of armored knights marching into the fray made such attempts costly and futile. The small sea that sepparates Yrac from most of Rekam lands have forced them to master the art of making fast boats in order to slip past the navy of Rekam and plunder their exposed coastal lines. The tribes each have a their own personal shaman to give advice and act as a a mediator between the tribes. Currently, there are five great tribes of Yrac are the Hauki who thrive on understanding the sea, the Vahvih have mighty berserkers, the Susil defend their lands with fierce mercenary warriors and the Kaerhu which consists of the largest number of bandits and fighters in one tribe who rob Yracians and Letamians alike. The last is the Vares, the tribe consisting of only shamans gathered from all the other tribes. Their numbers are kept strong by the children of other tribes as well as their own who have the gift of magic. The shamans of Yrac may not be as knowledgeble or large in number as Emocnian shamans, but their ancestors have passed down many great and mighty tomes of old which are very powerful and dangerous to be protected from outsiders by the tribe. It is claimed that such tomes contain spells that can tear the world assunder and bring fort endless cataclysms if misused.

People of Yrac:

They resemble the culture of the northern europeans. They tend to be fair skinned due to the long winter months in their friggid wasteland. The far northern Yracians are smaller in size compared to the southern ones that dwell near the coast due to the lack of game to hunt or any agricultural prospect. Their source of food would be the highly dependant on buying over or stealing the foods the large Kaerhu obtain through their frequent raids in Rekam. The Hauki have sufficient nutrition from the sea while all the tribes revere the Vares and always donate food to them. The Vares in turn train and send shamans to guide the other tribes, keeping them alive and fighting the strange beasts that roam the Yracian wastelands, creatures that were believed to have been born of the Forerunner's attempts to harness Ancient magic. The Vahvih had the great fortune of seizing control over the few arable land in Yrac that lie near a Letam Volcano, which annually spews fort heat and ash to keep their lands fertile. The Kaerhu were not so lucky as the Western border was filled with ice capped sea, hence highly dependant on their raids. The Susil tribe has literally nothing to help them sustain themselves, relying on selling their swords to the highest bidder.

Magic in Generic Fantasy

Magic is the driving force behind all aspect of existence. The laws of reality of how and why the world runs the way it does in Avengrande is due to the compulsion of magic. It is the reason why the rain seeks the earth, the fires desire fuel, why the birds fly away during winter and such. Those who control the magic of a specific law of reality may dictate the rules it runs by.

Before the great split of the Forerunner race, they were able to wield immense magical power as well as soar the skies at a whim or shrug off the effects of the weather with their sheer physical capabilites.

When they were split, the Spirits kept with them the secrets of magic...by becoming one with it. The Dragons had lost their abbility to live in a community, each becoming more distant and territorial in exchange for immense strength and force of will that only increased their arrogance. Hence they saw no reason to seek the lost part of their selves amongst the Spirits to learn magic. They felt it a sign of weakness to beg for power.

Humans who were the weakest of the three had no such luxury. From the first Shaman who peered at the dark depths of Truth behind the Ancient magic to the simplest thunder mage novice electrifying his master's prized mythril rod, all spellcasters of Avengrande know that they do not control the magic, but rather it was the Spirits whom they called upon to 'serve' them.

The first human mages awakened when their own Spirit found them and bonded with them. When a Human's Spirit self discovers them, the Spirit would be compelled to merge with its incomplete self, the timeless longing of the Human in search of their 'soul' and the Spirits search of their 'body' to be able to percieve the world they are cursed to look after. But not all mergings are successful, as time passed, Humans and Spirits evolve and become less compatible as Human bodies become more independent, automatically rejecting the Spirit as if it were a disease. Spellcasters today tend to be physically weaker than the average Human due to their bodies being similar enough to the early days when Humans were weak from their separation and have yet to develop completely to live in a now foreigned world.

A new being, mages were able to percieve the Spirit side of the world through the eyes of their Spiritual self. With the abbilities of Spirits to affect other Spirits and the Human's independent thought, mages could send fort their Spirit to sieze control of other Spirits. Through controlling a Spirit of Fire, a mage could produce flames out of thin air and direct it as they will. But the concentration of any kind of spirit is unevenly distributed. And there are supposedly many unbound Spirits, spirits that have the abbility to influence reality, but have yet to be assigned by nature a part of the world to oversee. Those Spirits are susceptable to certain materials that mages would use to summon nearby 'free' Spirits to do their bidding.


Mana is the essence which is made by the world and act as food for Spirits and the 'soul' of a living thing. If Mana were to be removed from a body(Usually through the injury inflicted by magic spells), a living being would be harmed in spirit. Spellcasters have naturally more resilience to magical attacks as their Spirit Self would serve as an additional protection against the intrusion of other Spirits.

Spirit Self

The Spirit Self of a spellcaster tend to take the form of animals both mystical and mundane. These forms tend to be whatever the spellcaster know off since it is a direct reflection of their inner self. The differing appearences do not signify the power of the spellcaster, rather it speaks off the traits of the spellcaster. For example if it takes the form of a Wolf, it might signifies that the spellcaster tends to prefer working in groups as wolves are pack animals or is relatively free-willed as wolves, no matter how tame, may turn on their masters unlike dogs or both. Sometimes, when a spellcaster faces a point in life where they change the way they percieve the world so completely that they are no longer who they are, their Spirit Self may take the form of another creature. Thus far no Spirit Selves have ever taken the form of a Human or Dragon.

When the caster casts a spell, the Spirit Self would manifest and merge with the summoned Spirit, changing its appearance slightly as it acts out the spell. For example when the very same spellcaster attempts to cast a fire spell, his Spirit Self would take the form of a flaming wolf or a fire breathing wolf based on how the caster percieves his spell to manifest. But the end results would be the same as the target would end up on fire anyway.

Spellcasters seldom have need to converse with their Spirit Self as it is them after all. A decision made by the Spirit Self is merely the decision the caster wants to make. But some spellcasters believe that conversing with their Spirit Selves allow them to better understand themselves and therefore their vices to act upon. Fortunately for Spellcasters, their Spirit selves always hide inside them and 'lives' through them unless forced out in the casting of a spell. Hence spellcasters can try to converse with the Spirit Self of other spellcasters to learn their deepest secrets. The abbility of the Spirit Self to recall any memory, no matter how buried, inside the spellcaster give others the illusions that spellcasters have superior memorisation abbility.

Anima Magic

Spellcasters who channel the elemental spirits of Anima magic tend to have varying desription how the spirits are felt as different elements had different temperments.

Some, like Wind, tend to be tricky to deal with. The more focused the spellcaster tries to be, the harder the Spirit of Wind would try to elude them or struggle with the spell the spellcaster intended to cast. Instead, the spellcaster had to let go of all their willpower and relax, trusting in the Spirit of the Wind completely in order to let the Spirit of Wind perform its magic, a feeling described by accomplished wind mages as 'when you feel prepared to let go of everything and expect nothing back, only then will the magic flow through you'.

Fire Spirits on the other hand are dangerous. They were, in theory, once the most violent of Forerunners, seeking to oppose anything. A fire mage had to be cunning and redirect the fierce nature of the Fire Spirit to the desired goal. Usually the body of a target that is flamable. If the Fire Mage attempted the approach of a Wind Mage, they might find themselves engulfed in flames as the Spirit would choose them to be the outlet of their eternal rage.

Lightning Spirits are swift and shifty. They dislike being in one place long and act, as some Lightning mages describe it, like children with vastly shorter attention spans. As soon as a spellcaster siezed hold onto a Lightning Spirit, something surprisingly easier than trying to control other Spirits, the spellcaster needs to unleash it immediately or the Lightning Spirit will escape as easily as it came under control. It is assumed that the Lightning Spirit was never captured, but instead obeyed the caster for a short moment out of sheer curiosity.

Light Magic

Light Spirits is described by clerics and monks as calm obedient things. The Spirit comes when it is called and goes when it is not needed. They are strongest the more the caster is at inner peace.

Light magic tends to take the form of force effects, solid matter made out of nothing but spiritual energy. Thus far, Spirits of Light have this strange temperament that causes the combative use of Light magic to always leave its victims barely alive despite immense power placed into the spell. Hence monks and bishops or other practicioners of Light magic always have to cast yet another offensive spell or slay their opponents personally. Scholars declared that Spirits of Light believe in justice to be done without the killing of their enemies, hence all Light magic users are liberal in how much power they exercise when unleashing their powers. Unfortunately, killing an opponent by shattering a wagon and having the wooden splinter embed itself in the target's vital organs are not percieved as direct actions by the Spirits of Light, proving that death can be dealt to the enemies of Light magic users as long as the cause is not directly tied to the spell effect.

It is presumed by Light mages that inner peace is achieved when the caster believes truly in something that gives meaning to their existence, thus putting their mind at ease. This theory holds true to most people because the most powerful Light mages are the vast number of clerics and monks who all collectively revere and believe in the ancient Spirit Self of the Seer Laynia. This belief fuels the very Spirit of Laynia, a Human turned Goddess for the League of Rekam which allows her still exsting Spirit Self to command the obedience of the Spirits of Light who had served her in life.

This trait of Light magic is what made the people of Rekam give rise to the religion, Heirophants of Laynia, they currently worship, which gets more powerful with every new true devout added to their ranks. But the Light mages of Emocni believe that it is the Spirit Self of Laynia casting the magic for the Rekamite light mages instead of the mages themselves. They question the believes of the Heirophants of Laynia for binding themselves to believe in another being when they should try to find belief in themselves like the Seer Laynia did when she was alive.

It is believed that Light Magic is the most powerful of all magic, but Humans are never truly at peace, even with themselves, hence thus far the true potential of Light Magic is never discovered.

Dark Magic

Dark Magic is sometimes refered to as Ancient magic or True magic as it was presumed to be the first kind of magic used by the Forerunners. There are only seven powerful Spirits that can be called upon to perform Dark magic for the spellcaster, and every cast causes a great strain on the spellcaster.

The mastery of Dark magic meant confronting the 'Truth' of the spellcaster each time they cast a spell. Shamans claim that everytime they use Dark magic, their Spirit Self would take on a sinister countenance as the powerful Dark Spirit tries to seize their Spirit. Only by facing and accepting the 'darkness' in oneself, will the Dark Spirit pass into the caster and be safe to utilise for spells. Shamans claim that the Darkness is the True nature of all Humans for the Dark Spirits were the darkest and greatest proof of how far can a Forerunner fall, and Humans being descended from Forerunners are no less immune to it. A Shaman had to acknowledge that aspect of themselves, accepting it as part of their very being and releasing it into the spell for their magic to work. Denial would lead to the dark powers leaving the casters drained of all stamina, too weak to defend themselves for a period of time at best to devouring the merged Spirit of the caster, leaving an empty husk behind.

Because of this, servants of the Heirophants of Laynia have decreed that such magic is vile and forbidden. But the people of Emocni and Yrac still practice this magic because it's effects are limitless, being limited by the sheer imagination of the caster. The former practice it in persuit of knowledge as well as the discovery of the 'Truth' exposed to them everytime they try to harness a new spell, that gives them a sense of better understanding of the world they live in. The Yracians practice it because their ancestors had been doing so for generations, their lands presumably a large experimental ground of Dark magic performed by the Forerunners long ago.

The seven Dark Spirits are known by shamans based on the 'True' identity of the spirits discovered by the shamans through many generations as, Gluttony, Pride, Lust, Wrath, Sloth, Envy, Greed, the darkness within all Humans. Each spirit is powerful and work whatever power the shaman can associate their vice as in the form of magic, such as Wrath's power to pierce all magical defenses or Gluttony's abbility to siphon stamina from their enemies.

Staff Magic

The Spirits of Innocence as the Heirophants term them are neutral free roaming spirits. No one truly knows their purpose since these Spirits are said to be found anywhere, not upholding any aspect of reality. They just exist.

To cast staff magic, the practicioner needed to bare themselves to the Spirits of Innocence and be judged worthy of being wielded by them. No ammount of willpower or coercion seemed to have any effect on the Spirits of Innocence. It is believed that these Spirits have a preference for those who use it to be filled with a sense of purpose or truly desire to save the life of their targets.

Staff users claim that the Spirits of Innocence fill them with a sense of compassion, bordering on overwhelming pity, making it harder for them to find any reason to even defend themselves if it meant harming others when extensive use of Staff magic was performed within a short period of time. Some clerics were noted to break down in tears over the a bowl of soup, citing how sad it was for the vegetables to sacrifice itself to sustain the cleric. They got over it after being locked up and starved in their meditation quarters after a while. Hence most staff users develop smaller appetites and genarally become vegetarian. Even then some extreme cases of staff users developing unease with the concept of eating as a whole. Hence staff users are all advised to not flaunt their spellcasting talents wantonly, as the side effects are not easy to shrug off.

Scholars have came up with a theory believing that Spirits of Innocence might have been the large majority of peaceful Forerunners who willingly chose to become Spirits, opposed to the many who never made the transition by choice of either Humans, Dragons or Spirits and became the Anima and Light Spirits. As such, it is believed that Spirits of Innocence may have independant thoughts.


The deceptively harmless looking parchments actually contain Spirits within that are feeding on the supplied Mana imbued in the scrolls. In this way, a mage in a location where Spirits are absent, which is a rare phenomena, can still call upon the aid of the magical Spirit to do their bidding. Doing so breaks the seal of the scroll that holds the Spirit, releasing it immediately, hence scrolls tend to be single use objects. The benefits of having a Spirit already bound in a scroll meant anyone with the slightest talents in magic could cast more complicated spells, as the spells cast from scrolls are specific in their use and orientation. The only problem with scrolls is they do not last long, as soon as the magical seals binding the Spirit also sustains itself through Mana. After all Mana is depleted from the scroll, the Spirit is able to escape back into the world.

Tomes and Staves

The main tools of a mage would be the tome and the staff. Spirits of Light, Nature and Darkness are attracted to the Mana of living matters, hence a Tome is made from wood and other parts of nature that were once alive which allows it to store a lot of Mana. Each time a mage attempts to cast a spell, the type of Spirit associated with the materials used in the tome would come and the mage would unleash their Spirit Self to capture the 'free' Spirit. With the 'free' Spirit under a mage's control, the mage would direct it to perform a task, then the Spirit would be freed of its servitude and upon leaving, take a portion of Mana, proportion to the power of the spell they perform, from the tome to replenish the bit of itself that was consumed to affect reality. The Mana taken from the tomes would then need to be replenished by mages through the drawing of mana from the required type of material. Staves are similar to tomes, but they instead attract Spirits of Innocence, Spirits that are friendly and have curative powers, although some recent ones have more manipulative powers.

Magic Weapons:

These tend to have been crafted through the collaboration between spellcasters and craftsmen. In its making, the craftsman would leave an unspoiled gemstone which tend to be associated with the Spirit to be bound in the presence of a spellcaster of great skill and affinity for the desired element to summon an extremely powerful Spirit. There, the spellcaster would use great amount of spiritual energy to subdue the Spirit, and sealing its essence into the gemstone.

The essence would be trapped there while the spellcaster fill the tiny jewel with large quantities of mana harvested from the surroundings. It would feed the Spirit and the seal placed upon it for years, but the owner would need to always supply it with more mana, for if the supply runs out, the Spirit would be able to free itself from the gemstone due to the breaking of the unpowered seal.

To call upon the powers of the Spirit, the user had to call out the triggering command that was predetermined by the spellcaster who sealed the Spirit. This word of power would weaken the seal in such a way that the Spirit can thus exit its prison...but not truly escape. The weapon user will then need to impose their Spirit Self onto the Spirit and manipulate it with sheer force of will like any spellcaster casting any spell.

Those who have not awakened would find it impossible to control the Spirit, and the Spirit would in turn not carry out what ever the wielder intends it to do properly for although Spirits have no will of their own, without the will of others to guide them, they would just smash into the direction they were pointed at during the time of activation before returning back to the weapon.

The characteristics of the Spirit would be similar to those described in for typical spellcasting. Except in the cases of Light and Dark magic. Light magic Spirits are naturally more obedient, hence more likely to carry out commands even by non-awakened masters efficiently. Dark ones tend to have self awareness...for they are in fact a part of the seven primary Dark Spirits that lay within the dark parts of the heart of all beings. Hence even a fragment of them would act in accordance to the aspect they are associated with. Thus are extremely dangerous to unawakened users for they can easily turn on their masters who have no protection against them.

Generic Fantasy Stat RP MkII


Each character has 27 starting stat points to distribute in anyway among all the stats. Hp has to have minimum 1 point. Maximum stat points placed in a stat at level 1 is 6

Vit = affects Health

Str = affects Physical Attack and Weapon weight reduction

Mag = affects Magical Attack

Ski = affects Hit and Crit

Spd = affects Evade and Attack Speed

Luk = affects Evade and Crit and Crit Evade

Def = affects Defense

Res = affects Resistance

Weapon Triangle Bonus:

The character recieves +2 to Weapon Mt and +3 to Hit when character has Weapon Triangle Advantage(WTA) and -2 to Weapon Mt and -3 to Hit when character has Weapon Triangle Disadvantage(WTD). There are not bonuses when the character is Weapon Triangle Neutral(WTN)

Weapon Triangle:

Sword beats Axe, Axe beat Spear, Spear beats Sword

Wind, Fire and Thunder are all Weapon Triangle Neutral to each other and are all classified as Anima Magic

Anima beats Light, Light beats Dark, Dark beats Anima

The rest are WTN to each other


Attack = (Physical)Str/(Magical)Mag + [Weapon Mt x3(if effective vs target)] + Weapon Triangle Bonus + Weapon Rank Bonus

Defense = Def, applied against Physical Attacks

Resistance = Res, applied against Magical Attacks

Damage = [(Physical)Attack/(Magical)Attack - Target's Defense/Resistance] x 2(If crit successfully)

Attack Speed = [spd - (Weapon Wt - Str/3, minimum 0)]

Number of attacks = Attack twice if [Character's Attack Speed - Enemy's Attack Speed] >= 3. If the character can double and the Attack Speed is x2 then the character Attack's trice, AS of 0 to negative are treated as 1 for this instance.

Hit = Ski x 2 + Weapon Hit + Weapon Triangle Bonus + Weapon Rank Bonus + 5(if Effective vs Target) - 3(to counterattacks beyond the first performed during that phase)

Evade = Attack Speed + Luk

Hit Rate = Hit - Target's Evade

Crit = (Ski + Luk)/2 + Weapon Crit + Weapon Rank Bonus + 1(If effective vs Target)

Crit Evade = Luk

Crit Rate = Crit - Target's Crit Evade

Health = 10 + (Vit x 2)

Staff Debuff rate = (Mag x 2) + Ski + Staff Mt - Target's Res x 2 - Target's Luk


There will be 10 levels in total and class promotion at the 6th Level. On the 1st Level and the 6th Level, no bonus stat points are give except the fixed class bonus stats. Each level up will award the character 2 Stat point which can be saved up until the character has 3 stat points to learn a new abbility. In total, the character would have 16 bonus stat points.

Maximum stat points placed in a stat per level up is 1. Maximum Stats at any level = 5 + Level + Cumulative Class Bonus + Trait Bonus

Characters would not be recieving the standard exp for leveling up. Instead, level ups are auotomatically granted to all existing and incoming characters after a certain plot point.

Combat Mechanics:

All decimal values are rounded down unless stated not to.

Xd20 = roll X number of 20-sided Die

To determine a hit or a miss: roll 1d20, if it lower or equal to the Character's Hit Rate, then a Hit is scored and damage is dealt. Otherwise the attack misses.

To determine a Crit or a miss: roll 1d20, if it lower or equal to the Character's Crit Rate, then a Crit is scored and damage is tripled. Otherwise the attack misses.

A Crit can only be scored if the attack hits.

When attacking, 2 Die are rolled. The first Hit Die is for the Hit rate and the Second Crit Die is for the Crit Rate. If the Die rolls are the same, then an Auto-Hit is scored.

If a Hit Die roll results in a 1, it's also an Auto-hit. If the Crit Die roll is a 1, it's an Auto-crit, although a hit must be scored or the crit is wasted.

Dice rolls done here: http://invisiblecastle.com/ username:GFRP, password:gfrp

All die rolls MUST be done through that account. The character must be named for the roll and the roll must be done for a specific action done by the particular character at a particular target and be linked individually. If multiple rolls of the same type of labelling are done, the very FIRST roll would be accepted while the subsequent ones are ignored.

Status Ailment:

Poison: Characters inflicted by poison loses 20% of max Hp per round for 3 rounds. This loss of Hp cannot be increased of reduced. Multiple poison effects do not stack, but the duration refreshes each time it is inflicted.

Sleep: The character cannot perform any action while asleep unless woken up or damaged by an attack. Lasts for 5 rounds if uninterrupted. Eva is considered 0 while asleep. Allies may hit the character and will deal 1 damage minimum to wake the character up. Silence: Character cannot use any magical attacks or abbilities that use the Mag stat for 3 rounds.

Berserk: The character will attack every round at a random target from either their own team or enemy team for 3 rounds.

Combat Phases:

Battle is broken down into Rounds split into 3 Phases, Player Phase, Enemy Phase and Neutral Phase. The battle runs according to the order of the mentioned Phases.

Players act during the Player Phase until GM declares the Phase has ended, which starts the Enemy phase followed by the Neutral Phase for NPCs. After the Neutral Phase ends, the Round is ended and a new Round begins with a new Player Phase.

During the Phase the corresponding character can take actions, a character can Attack, Defend, Use Items or other special actions. After performing the chosen action, the Character can no longer take any other actions until the Round changes. Activating a Special Abbility does not cost an action. 'Free' actions can be triggered before or after taking an action, but must be done within the character's turn.

Combat Teams:

Characters in battle are always split into teams of 1~3, sometimes more for special situations such as when a mounted character switches into a team in the middle of combat.

Characters of a team can only engage in combat with characters from the enemy team they attack initially.

Eg: Team A member 1 attacks Team B member 2. Hence all other members of Team A can only attack members of Team B and any spell or abbility performed by members of Team A that targets 'members of the team engaged' will target all members of Team B. Consquently, members of Team B cannot attack members from any other team since they are already locked in combat with Team A. To attack members of another team, Team A or Team B has to completely incapacitate all members of one side or another Team comes in and engages that Team, hence freeing up one team from being locked in the fight.

Battle Teams are established at the start of battle based on the first 3 characters to attack a particular established enemy team or if a group of Rpers already decided on being a team before the battle.Members of the same Battle Team can use items on each other as well as target each other with spells or abbilities such as heals or buffs. Characters cannot make characters of other teams the target of their abbilities or items unless members of those teams are engaging the same target as them.

Mounted characters will have the benefit of being able to change teams in the heat of battle. Horse mounted takes and action to switch teams, Flying mounted may switch teams once per round as a free action.


When a character attacks another character, the enemy may counterattack if they can afterwards. Both PCs and NPCs can counterattack.

Weapons with both Melee and Ranged attacks use half of the wielder's Str or Mag to determine Attack when performing Ranged attacks.

Siege attacks cannot counter nor can they be counterattacked. Siege Ranged attacks can target any character in any team.

Attacks of the corresponding types may only counter each other. Melee counters Melee but not Ranged, Ranged counters Ranged but not Melee


Characters can sacrifice their Attack Action to Defend another character. When a character is Defended by another character, the Defending character will be the target of enemy melee attacks that target the character they are Defending, effectively making them the Defender instead.

The Defend action may also be specified to defend the Group instead, where the Defender would then intercept the first attack/counter attack at melee range directed against the group. After that the Defender defends no more.

The Third Defend method is to directly Defend all against a specific target in the battle team the Defender is fighting as long as the target is not Defended. When the target attempts to attack/counter attack at melee range, the defender instead gets to redirect the attack to themselves once per round. After that the Defender defends no more.

The type of Defend action needs to be specified in the battle post.

Characters Defended by other characters cannot perform melee attacks but may perform Ranged or Siege attacks.

Items Usage:

Using an item takes an action.

Switching weapons is a free action, but can only be done once per round.

Characters can carry up to 5 items in battle. Items include weapons.

Staff Debuffs:

To affect a target with a negative status ailment with a staff, the staff user must roll 1d20 under Staff Debuff rate. If success, the enemy is affected by the stated staff effects. If not nothing happens.

Character Sheet:

Name(Race, Nationality):



Spirit Self: (Mainly for Spellcasters, also for 'magical' effects of weapons such as Lightbrand...etc.)





Weapon Ranks:

Level: (Currently start at 2 unless Elite ability was taken)


Stats: Vit:|Str:|Mag:|Ski:|Spd:|Luk:|Def:|Res:|

Simplified(Not inclusive of Weapons equiped): Hp:|Atk:|Hit:|AS:|Eva:|Crit:|CEva:|Def:|Res:|


Gold: (starts with 425)


1) Item equiped

2) Item

3) Item

4) Item

5) Item

Mount Entry:

Data for class stat bonus and items can be found here: http://serenesforest...dpost&p=1675934 and here: http://serenesforest...dpost&p=1685645


Name: Omair

Status Ailment: None

Class: Mage

Traits: Mage

Level: 1

Stats: Vit:5|Str:3|Mag:4|Ski:6|Spd:4|Luk:1|Def:4|Res:5|

Health: 20/20

Abilities: none


1)Blade Fire Tome (Atk:11|Hit:25|As:3|Eva:4|Crit:3|CEva:1|Def:4|Res:5)

2)Basic Fire Tome

3)Vulnerary 3/3

Name(Race, Nationality): Omair Sandwaker (Human Emocnian, Emocni)

Rper: Rothene

Age: 20

Spirit Self: A Dung Beetle always rolling a ball of hoarded Mana

Appearance: A medium sized brown haired man of 185 cm in height of light built with dull green eyes. He is always seen with a shawl around him and typical brown desert wear.

Backstory: Born to an old caravan guard and barely of age street dancer, Omair knew only travel from the moment he was born. His father would travel with traders accross the whole of Emocni while his mother entertained the other travellers with her simple dances. Born neither with his father's tenacity nor mother's lithe form, Omair would have been an utter disappointment had fate not been more capricious. On his twelveth birthday, his Spirit Self manifested, when he learned his father took a blade meant for a sage in a tavern brawl. The sage decided to adopt Omair and his mother both for Omair's display of magical capability and his mother, for what he claimed was the mage trait within her blood that gave her the look of fragile beauty. Two years later, his mother bore Omair a sister who manifested her Spirit Self on the day she was born, a dangerous phenomena that harmed those nearby. His mother being the closest, was among the confirmed dead.

Now a young man, Omair has yet to come to terms with whether to hate or accept the man who gave him a new home and taught him how to harness his 'gift' for combative purposes, but at the expense of his true family. His feelings about his half-sister are shaky at best. Dspite being of the same blood as him, she also carries the same blood of the man who inadvertantly took his family and is responsible for the death of his mother.

Mount: none

Class: Mage

Weapon Ranks: Anima C

Level: 1

Traits: Mage

Stats: Vit:5|Str:3|Mag:4|Ski:6|Spd:4|Luk:1|Def:4|Res:5|

Simplified(Not inclusive of Weapons equiped): Hp:20|Atk:3/4|Hit:12|AS:4|Eva:5|Crit:3|CEva:1|Def:4|Res:5|

Abilities: none

Gold: 0


1) Blade Fire Tome: 6Mt,13Hit,0Crit,2Wt,Melee & Range

2) Vulnerary: 3/3

3) Basic Fire Tome: 4Mt,15Hit,0Crit,1Wt,Melee & Range

4) Item

5) Item

Edited by Rothene
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Name(Race, Nationality): Cora, Nialp

RPer: Psych

Age: 19



Personality: Cora is a very brave girl. She will attempt almost anything at least once, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She's very blunt and straight forward, but doesn't always realize when she's hurting someone. She loves exploring and adventuring and wants to experience things with her own eyes. Her very family is important to her, and she works very hard to make them proud. She tries to be very dutiful and hard-working, as her young brother and sister look up to her. She worries about her future and what this magic might do, but is also anxious about it, wondering if it could be a good opportunity.

Backstory: As a young girl, Cora lived with her family on the plains, always moving from place to place. She loved horses, and always wanted to be around them, helping to feed and care for them and even helping them give birth on a few occasions. She would always run off into the woods on horse back and go exploring. Her father was an ex-warrior for her tribe, and eventually grew old and retired. She continued to take care of his old horse and make sure he didn't get sick or hurt in his age.

One day, a group of Laynia Heirophants passed through Cora's settlement. One of them noticed Cora playing, and began talking with her. Cora's mother was always well read, and was very good at using various herbs for brewing potions and other draughts. Cora's grandfather was rumored to have been trained in the Ancient magics, and her mother learned how to brew potions from him. Magic ability had been in her bloodline, and the group of Heirphants were able to train her in minor healing magic. The day that the group left, one of them gave her a letter, and told her to make her way to the capital of one of the nations if she felt like continuing her magical training. She begged her father day and night to let her to go, and eventually he decided it was time for her to become a woman. She was given her father's old horse and she set off on a journey to Rekam.

Mount: George, Horse

Spirit Self: A horse made out of fog and mist. It's translucent and appears to glow almost. It's very cold and gives of a deep chill.

Class: Troubadour

Weapon Ranks: Staff C

Level: 1

Traits: Horse, Mage

Stats: Vit:5|Str:4|Mag:6|Ski:3|Spd:5|Luk:2|Def:5|Res:3|

Stats: Hp:20|Atk:4/6|Hit:6|AS:5|Eva:7|Crit:2|CEva:2|Def:5|Res:3|

Abilities: None

Gold: 25


1) Mend Staff

2) Stimulant

3) Antidote

4) Torch

5) Pure Water

[Current Gold: 55]

Edited by arachnidsGrip
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HMm...entry overall seems fine, you don't need to list the items your character's equiping in the 'item list' like the bag, the staff and dagger I presume the dagger's in the main hand wince it'll be the weapon she can attack with...albiet not so proficiently while the staff is in the off-hand since it's non-combative.

Her weapon proficiency is Staff is correct, and since Staff doesn't force you to sacrifice any weapon proficiency, you should have Dagger proficiency + 3 more of your choice. Spellcasting costs 2 Pick and Survivalist + Horse Mount cost 2 more totaling at 4 picks when you only had 3. I presume you sacrificed all 3 Extra Proficiencies for the Extra pick right? That would leave you with either Dagger proficiency or any weapon proficiency plus either a weapon specialisation of the weapon she's proficient in or the Improved Critical of the chosen weapon.

Basically you have 1 more weapon for her to be proficient in and 1 more Pick for A weapon specialisation or improved Critical.

Items on the mount are basically extra stuff for it to carry, in this case you gave it no bags so nothing needs to be listed.

Oh, and you listed to have 9 Provisions, remember you get 4 at start for free and another 4 from Survivalist, so it seems you only boght 1 Provision, so you don't need to factor in cost for it so your character still has 40 Gold.

You still have 2 Stat points not spent on her and Survivalist grants her 2 extra Stamina

She has 20 Stamina for now, which means she has (20-12)/4 = 2 Items slots. +10 from Normal Bag giving her 12 Item slots total for now. Your bag sgould have 2 Slots filled due to so much provisions and the antidote.

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Um, so like

Name(Race, Nationality): Cora, Nialp

RPer: Psych

Age: 19

Size: Height: 175 cm, Weight: 70 kg

Affinity: Wind

Appearance: samplen.png

Personality: Cora is a very brave girl. She will attempt almost anything at least once, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She's very blunt and straight forward, but doesn't always realize when she's hurting someone. She loves exploring and adventuring and wants to experience things with her own eyes. Her very family is important to her, and she works very hard to make them proud. She tries to be very dutiful and hard-working, as her young brother and sister look up to her. She worries about her future and what this magic might do, but is also anxious about it, wondering if it could be a good opportunity.

Backstory: As a young girl, Cora lived with her family on the plains, always moving from place to place. She loved horses, and always wanted to be around them, helping to feed and care for them and even helping them give birth on a few occasions. She would always run off into the woods on horse back and go exploring. Her father was an ex-warrior for her tribe, and eventually grew old and retired. She continued to take care of his old horse and make sure he didn't get sick or hurt in his age.

One day, a group of Laynia Heirophants passed through Cora's settlement. One of them noticed Cora playing, and began talking with her. Cora's mother was always well read, and was very good at using various herbs for brewing potions and other draughts. Cora's grandfather was rumored to have been trained in the Ancient magics, and her mother learned how to brew potions from him. Magic ability had been in her bloodline, and the group of Heirphants were able to train her in minor healing magic. The day that the group left, one of them gave her a letter, and told her to make her way to the capital of one of the nations if she felt like continuing her magical training. She begged her father day and night to let her to go, and eventually he decided it was time for her to become a woman. She was given her father's old horse and she set off on a journey to Rekam.

Mount: George, Horse

Spirit Self: A horse made out of fog and mist. It's translucent and appears to glow almost. It's very cold and gives of a deep chill.

Class: Troubadour

Weapon Proficiency: Staff (Specialzation), Dagger, Bow, Sword

Skill: 7/7

Stamina: 22/22

Luck: 7/7

Magic: 14/14

Abilities: Spellcasting: Staff, Survivalist, Horse Mount

Equipment: None

Weapon: Main-hand: Dagger , Off-hand: Staff

Shield: None

Armour: None

Bag: Bag

Accessory: None

Gold: 0

Items: 3/12 (Antidote, 15 Provisions, 2 Provisons)

Dagger x 1

Heal Staff x 1

Bag x 1

Provisions x 17

Antidote x 1

Mount Entry:

Mount Name: George

Mount Gender: Male

Mount Species: Horse

Bags: None

Items: None

And actually...

Character can trade 3 Stat points for 1 extra pick for Abbilities.
I sacrificed 3 points for another ability.
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Counting her stats, you actually only have 2 stat points not 3 to spare with those, and Staff has no specialisation :/:

Really? And I can't sell my Dagger either? XD Okay then. Maybe extra healing from staves?

Character has 12 Stat points. Character can trade 3 Stat points for 1 extra pick for Abbilities.

Skill = 6 +1 per 1 stat point, when it reaches 10, +1 per 2 stat points. Max 12 Skill

Stamina = 12 +2 per 1 stat point, when it reaches 20, +1 per 1 stat points. Max 24 Stamina

Luck = 6 +1 per 1 stat point, when it reaches 11, +1 per 2 stat points. Max 12 Luck

Magic = 6 +2 per 1 stat point, Max 18 Magic

Weapon Proficiency: Staff, Dagger, Bow (Specialization), Sword

Skill: 7/7 (1/12)

Stamina: 22/22 (2 from Survivalist, 4x2 so 5/12 here, or does Survivalist over rule it and make the order different or something? I added the points and then added the Survivalist bonus, so that might be where we're off.)

Luck: 7/7 (6/12

Magic: 14/14 (4x2 or 8, 10/12)

No, yeah, I am off. Whoops.

I'll just give her bow specialization and take 2 points from stamina, and give 1 to magic I guess.

Edited by Psykitty
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Changes done recently:

~Scrapped the concept of Weapons having limited uses

~Repairing and Crafting is no longer an Abbility. Crafting temporarily removed.

~Simplified Weapon list so that it's less complicated. More advance weapons maybe added in the future.

~Reduced consumables on the Item list

Changes probably do not concern your character Psych, but you may make some changes to what she has purchased if you so desire.

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Did a massive overhaul of the Stat system as the previous one might have been too complicated, hence the sign up ammount. Forgive me for adapting the FE calculations as I presume it would be easier to pick up than an original one.

Psych, you'll be needing to change your character to suit the new system if you're still interested :/:

And for anyone who might be interested, I am unsure what sort of leveling system would be appropriate. Do people prefer

a)standard Exp per hit/kill system

b)Plot specific system where successful advancement of obstacles through combat or non-combative means award a sizable sum of Exp for every character and incoming characters

c)'After this point of the plot every character and incoming characters gain a level' system

The first might create gaps between character performance due to level differences, while the latter two should theoratically keep everyone even in level.

I'd like some votes between method a,b or c please...

...or should I just remove the whole concept of stats altogether and make this a Statless RP? This would be option 'd'

Edited by Rothkitty
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Also I think C is the better idea. That makes everyone stay together so there isn't anyone who overpowers the others.

I also updated my original post, though tell me if I can sell my Heal staff for a Mend staff. I have 130 gold left over and kinda want to do something with it.

Edited by The Magnificent Psykini
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You do not start with any free equipments anymore, so even that Heal Staff has to be purchased, meaning your character's Gold would be sitting at -30 now. :/:

And since you do not start with anything other than those you purchase, no, you can't sell that Heal Staff. Alternately, you can have your character stock up on Elixir or Vulneraries to heal others. Which might fit into her backstory since her mother brews potions, so it makes sense for her to have some at the start.

About the backstory, upon further inspection, servants of the Heirophants of Laynia dislike Dark/Ancient Magic a lot, almost to the point the more fanatical members might take it into their hands to burn Dark magic practicioners on a pyre. So having her grandfather be rumoured to practice Dark Magic might repel those visiting Heirophants of Laynia, unless that rumour was a secretive one kept mainly to the locals. Meaning those Heirophants heard nothing about it.

But it seems ok thus far.

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I'm not to sure about accepting you at the moment even if you prepared a nice faultless piece of sign up, Snowy. You've already signed up in Disciples of Tysannir which looks to be an engaging RP. Plus you're already in RotE, so I presume you'd be sufficiently occupied.

I'll be honest, your presence here might cause those with some interest but are undecided to sign up to outright decide not to be in it as far as some SF RPers and their impression of you go...hence I have to say no for now. If more sign ups come around and are favourable with having you join then I'll let you know if by that time you still hold interest in this RP.

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Name: Alena, Aes

RPer: eclipse

Age: 18

Spirit Self: Unknown (never had to deal with this in her life)

Appearance: About 160 cm, wiry, semi-tanned appearance, short, thick black hair, brown eyes.


Backstory: Her family started as modest fishers. Year after year, they caught less and less fish, until one of her brothers turned to piracy to feed their family. One day, while on an errand in town, she saw a baker chase after a boy, who had stolen a loaf of bread. She quickly looked around before helping herself to two loaves, because she knew her family would have no dinner otherwise. This marked the start of her thieving career.

About two years after her first successful heist, her brother's ship was lost at sea. Her parents and younger brother still attempted to fish, but with little success. She did her best to keep her family alive, but got unlucky right before her 18th birthday, and was nearly caught. Knowing that staying would be trouble to her family, she bid them a quick farewell before stowing away on a ship headed to Emonci. She swore she'd return home when she amassed a fortune - one so large that her family wouldn't worry about starving!

Mount: none

Class: Thief

Weapon Ranks: Sword C

Traits: Foot

Stats: Vit:4|Str:4|Mag:0|Ski:5|Spd:6|Luk:3|Def:4|Res:2|

Simplified: Hp:18|Atk:4/0|Hit:10|AS:6|Eva:10|Crit:4|CEva:3|Def:4|Res:2|

Abilities: Survival Instinct Resolve

Gold: 20 (but pretend she stole 10 more before it began!)


1) Slim Sword (2 MT, 22 Hit, 2 Crit, 1 WT, Melee)

2) Vulnerary

3) Torch

4) Throwing Knife (5Mt, 15Hit, 0Crit, 4Wt, Melee & Range)

5) empty

EDIT: Readability

EDIT2: Random recalculations

Edited by eclipse
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Yay eclipse welcome :XD:

Not that I want to nitpick too much but Crit here is (Ski + Luk)/2 + Weapon Crit...etc

Basically Alena's Simplified Crit is (5+3)/2 = 4

And your gold is supposed to be 20 by my count...

...and Psych, upon further scrutiny, your character is supposed to have simplified crit of [(3+2)/2 = 2.5 = 2(rounded down)] based on the formula. Keep in mind numbers are rounded down unless specified that it isn't.

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Name: Zoey (Humans, Letam)

RPer: Me. (Zsword)

Age: 18

Spirit Self: Raven (has yet to manifest)

Appearance: Zoey has deep crimson armor that seems to fit her slender form to a T, with similar hair coming down from behind her helmet. Occasionally you can see her red eyes glinting out from underneath them.

Backstory: Zoey was originally born to be a mage, tought thouroughly in the mountains of her home nation in the art of simple cantripping, when her parents were both killed by maurauders. Unable to help them she was devistated, and decided that instead of taking up the flimsy magic she was born to do, she used her family heritage to by herself a suit of armor, weapons, and to fund her training. A couple of years later she stumbled upon an old Dark tome in her families few remaining heirlooms... she flipped through it's pages idly, remembering her families desires for her to learn it... and with her cash dwindling, she needed work. With a new resolve to see the world she decided to travel to Emocni, and perhaps be able to learn what her family wanted to teach....

Class: Knight

Weapon Ranks: Spear: C, Sword: E

Level: 1

Traits: Armored.

Stats: Vit:4Str:4Mag:4Ski:4Spd;3Luk:0Def:6Res:4

Simplified Hp:18Atk:4/4Hit:8AS;3Eva;3Crit;2CEva;0Def:6Res:4

Gold: 70


1) Item Steel Spear (8 Mt, 13 Skl, 2 Crit, 5 Wt.)

2) Item Iron Sword (4 Mt, 17 Skl, 0 Crit, 3 Wt.)

3) Item

4) Item

5) Item

Edited by Zsword
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Welcome. Sign up looks fine just...

Armored Knight's only have Trait 'Armoured' no 'Foot' trait.

For Attack, you'll need to write it as 4/4 basically Physical/Magical

Hit Stat is Ski x 2, so she should have 8 Hit

Crit is (Ski + Luk)/2, hence with 4 Ski and 0 Luk, her Crit is (4+0)/2 = 2

...otherwise it's all ok. :XD:

there's a little too much female PCs now...13th your PC being a male would be much appreciated, not that I mind much... :>_<:

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  • 1 month later...

Can I sign-up? And do you think the RP is too far ahead to catch up?

Since I didn't get any reply from the other RPs I tried to sign-up for, I think it's ok to try this one out without worry.

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Can I sign-up? And do you think the RP is too far ahead to catch up?

Since I didn't get any reply from the other RPs I tried to sign-up for, I think it's ok to try this one out without worry.

Roth is busy for a few days, so I'll try to answer a few questions for him (despite not being in this RP).

-You can probably sign up and catch up relatively fast, it's only in chapter 1.

-I haven't seen any other RP sign-ups from you, aside from AS, where Slaveblade denied your sign-up, and Border, where I can't see discussion wrt sign-ups. You can talk with those two about those sign-up. Also, there are 3-4 other RPs, so you could try in signing up in those ones, as well.

*is shot by Brothene*

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Snike, if you're gonna answer questions, then get in here! *grumbles*

Oh, uh. . .hi. I AM in this RP. I'm not Rothene, but if you absolutely need help, I'll do my best! Story-wise, everyone just met up, so now's the time to jump in! Stat-wise. . .there's a small scuffle and an all-out raid that just happened.

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Snike, if you're gonna answer questions, then get in here! *grumbles*

Maybe in January, when I'm less focused on not failing.

I'm tech support, anyways. >_>

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Name(Race, Nationality): Rine (Human, Tsae)

RPer: Lorddomu

Age: 17

Spirit Self: A red eyed silver hawk

Appearance:Red hair (Yes, red, not ginger); emerald eyes; wears a red shirt, along with a black armor with a golden pattern engraved in it's center), and grey shoes; Is also 5'7 foot tall

Backstory: Rine was born in a poor village of Tsae, and life has been hard for him and his siblings since day 0. His father hardly stopped home, working for his country wherever it was necessary as a Wyvern Knight and also sacrificing his life inside and outside of it in the battlefield; their mother was always busy, either working and taking care of the kids. As he went through hardships in his young age, Rine always thought that he'd become a Wyvern Knight just like his father; No, even better than his father: his talent would be so great that he'd become one of the elite, and his family would never have to go through all of this again.

Three months after the boy became 11, two of his father's most trusted companions came to their house. One had his right arm badly hurt by a piercing weapon, and his armor had a big broken hole in the center, and his left shoulder was almost completely destroyed; and the other had his left eye covered, obviously hurt (if there was still a left eye). They came with his father's armor, black with a golden pattern in the center. On that moment, Rine was busy with his siblings inside the house, and didn't pay attention to who came to visit them; but as he heard his mother crying, the boy and the others rushed to the door, finding the two men already inside of his house. As soon as he understood what was going on, he also couldn't hold his tears, speechless.

When Rine became 16, his training was complete. He still had ways to go, but at least he was ready for the battlefield. Without any options left, the only thing left to do was to grab his axe and continue his father's job and fulfill his dreams.

Mount: Wyvern

Class: Wyvern Knight

Weapon Ranks: Axe C

Level: 1

Traits: Wyvern, Flying

Stats: Vit: 6|Str: 6|Mag: 0|Ski: 5|Spd: 5|Luk: 3|Def: 4|Res: 0|

Simplified(Not inclusive of Weapons equiped): Hp: 22|Atk: 6/0|Hit: 10|AS: 5|Eva: 8|Crit: 4|CEva: 3|Def: 4|Res: 0|

Abilities: Charge

Gold: 20


1) Iron Axe (8 Mt, 13Hit, 0Crit, 5Wt)

2) Throwing Axe (9Mt, 11Hit, 0Crit, 6Wt)

3) Vulnerary

4) Item

5) Item

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Wyvern Rider has two traits. Wyvern and Flying.

Also he has 7 Spd at the start...which is not supposed to be the case as the maximum stat points you can place into any stat upon creation is 6. the only way t go above 6 is if your class/trait modifier adds more points to that stat, only then will it be above 6 at level 1.

Maximum Spd a level 1 Wyvern rider would have is 5, since after putting 6 points into it, you'll be reducing it by 1 due to Wyvern trait.

Simplified(Not inclusive of Weapons equiped): Hp: 20|Atk: 14|Hit: 38 (I didn't understand that o_o, it's obviously wrong)|AS: 4 (5 if rounded up)|Eva: 6 (7 if rounded up)|Crit: 4 (if rounded up, 5)|CEva:|Def: 5|Res: 0|

It's not inclusive of weapons, meaning it's the value where you do not include what ever parameters your weapon has...so if you Str is 4 and Mag is 0 you write 'Atk:4/0'. And everything rounds down unless I specify something rounds up...

After counting the total stat point of your character, I noticed that it only has 27 points in total...you have not(I assume) added the bonus points for class and traits.

Here they are for you convenience:

Wyvern rider: +2Vit +1Str +1Def; Axe C; Wyvern, Flying

Wyvern = +2Str, -1Ski, -1Spd, +1Def when mounted

So his stats should be: Vit: 6|Str: 8|Mag: 0|Ski: 4|Spd: 6(should have 1 point removed and placed elsewhere)|Luk: 2|Def: 6|Res: 0|

Like I mentioned earlier, the maximum points you can place into any one stat at level 1 is 6...so the Spd stat will need to have 1 stat point shifted to another stat.

Hmm...based on your Hit if you have Ski of 5, and weapon hit of 13, Your hit with a weapon is [5x2 +13] = 23. But I'd say you fix your other stats first. It's better to do things step by step. What time are you most active? Do mention it in the next post and what time is it where you are so that I can plan out a time to be online to answer any questions you have immediately.

Edited by Rothene
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