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Name: Oscar

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Nationality: Rekam

Rper: Eail

Age: 22

Spirit Self: Oscar has no ties to Magic and therefore doesn't have one

Appearance: About 6 feet 5inches in height iaza18252119222300.png Don't take this sprite to heart, just kinda use it as a basis for what Oscar looks like, take a couple years off his face in your mind

Personality: Despite Oscar's rather imposing appearance he isn't truly all that violent of a man unless angered, in which case you had best start running. Oscar has always been sort of a loner in life, only ever truly had a single person he could call a friend due to his desire to be on his own for periods of time. If Oscar does ever make a friend of a person, you can guarantee that he will do almost anything for his friend, including taking a blow for them( Important). Ever since he could remember Oscar has felt more at ease whilst in the company of females compared to other males, likely due to being raised without a father figure in his life.

Background: Oscar was born to a family consisting of a soldier for a father and a housewife for a mother. While Oscar was still young his father was slain in combat against a group of Bandits, the only memento he has of his father is his old sword, if at all possible Oscar would prefer not to use this blade until he feels he has equaled his father in Skill (Won't be used till after Promotion). After his father's death Oscar has not gone down the path other lads likely would have taken, which would be the route of revenge. Instead Oscar merely wishes to protect the innocent from people like those that killed his father. Since his mother's death four years ago from illness Oscar has been working in Emocnia as a caravan bodyguard.

Class: Armor Knight

Weapon Ranks:

Sword D Lance D

Level: 2


Vit: 6 Str: 5 Mag:0 Ski:3 Spd:3-1=2 Luk:0 Def 6+4 +2=12 Res:0

Simplified Stats:HP:22 Atk: 5/0 Hit: 6 AS: 2 Eva: 2 Crit: 2 Crit Evade: 0 Def:12 Res:0

With Weapons : Atk: Steel Sword 12/Steel lance 13 Hit: Steel Sword 20/ Steel Lance 18

Ability:Guardian: Sword Rank Up

Gold: 5

Equipment:His Father's Old Sword. This won't be used till after promotion and it counts as a Mythril Weapon

Steel Sword

Steel Lance


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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay. Buying time.

Buying Elite for Sumomo and paying the price with some of the points she accumulates.

-2 points + -1 point from the Elite Ability.

2 levels gained (Sumomo is now level 4) and 3 points left over.

2 points spent in SPD and 1 in STR.

Item Sumomo nabbed in the tomb was changed to a KE.

Pure Water added to her inventory.

Sandbreaker added.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm kinda new to the forums and all, haha, but uh, you guys think I can join? I know you've already started, but yeah. Been thinking about joining this cause' it looks hella fun. =]

Though the last time I RPed (and the first time) was five years ago, and it was a blast, but I don't remember exactly how to. Rather, let me rephrase, I don't remember the mechanics of it moreso than anything else. What's allowed, what's not. Who posts when, in what order, how would I know? Etc.

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There's no real posting order. It's mainly just post to respond to what other people posted or to initiate some interaction between characters. This is a stat RP though, so you'll need to look through the mechanics in the chat section to make a character. Anything you don't understand, feel free to PM me.

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If you can get on IRC, you'll find Rothene/me on #sforestmafia in DarkMyst (Rothene usually comes on a bit later than this; I tend to be on about now). Things go faster if you can ask in-person.

We always welcome new people otherwise, my character's gonna end up running off with a wyvern

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Awesome, sounds great. I'll read up on what I can and start working on a character. And if I have any questions, I'll be sure to ask you guys. colon3.gif

Edit: Working on a backstory almost done. =D

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@Kay: Thanks. Haha. Hope I have some fun.

@Eail: Thanks....? xP

Hopefully I'll be done by tomorrow or Wednesday. Friday the latest. Silly school distracting me.

So. I've been reading the RP somewhat, pretty much the recent posts. Can someone explain a little what's been going on? Or is that something I need to read up on myself. All I can discern so far is that everyone, or at least I think it was everyone, was chilling in a tavern to get some food. Soldiers came in. Stories were told. Two people left the tavern to go duel? Or teaching someone how to fight.

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The Story So Far:

People are scattered around a desert oasis. You can show up somewhere, and I think you'll get a feel as to what's going on. Have fun~!

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Rakael is sitting on her stat points from her level gain. Any more power and she'd break the rest of the PCs in half. :P:

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I'm done with everything now, I just need to figure out a reason to be in a desert oasis, and what reason I would have to join you people. (Well, not me perse. laugh.gif)

I'll work on that tomorrow. unsure.gif

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First App, yay!

Name: Jakob Guysome

Race: Human

Nationality: Emocni

RPer: Spector

Age: 19

Spirit Self: Fox (Dark Spirit: Pride)

Appearance: Pitch, almost ethereal black hair, curled so badly it makes a small Afro. A comfortable black set of Robes with red detail lines swirling around to form a Dragon-like shape.

He has narrow cheekbones, but they're so inset you'd never notice. His pointed chin makes him look sinister in tandium with his robes, but his soft voice and deep green eyes help assuage the fear. Untirl the Dark Magic flows out, that is.

Backstory: Jacob always had a thirst for knowledge. When he was young, this was cute. When he was a teen, less so. Eventually, he came into his own after merging with his spirit, which was quite appropriately a fox. Upon realizing the extent of his new-found powers, he set out on an expedition into nearby ruins with another adventuring party. It was there he was amazed, or some would say seduced, by Dark Magic. After the adventure, he spent the rest of his life to studying the secrets of Dark Magic, and how it could be used. Eventually, it was time to venture into new lands to find Dark lore in the ruins of other countries. To that end, he tried his hardest to develop his skills in anima magic, so as not to be deemed killable on sight. It never really worked, but he could reliably fake it if anyone asked. He often made trips back to his homeland, despite his wanderlust.

His dedication to his learning gave him quite the aptitude, so in accepting his nature to feel superior to everybody because of his large intellect, he became a force to be reckoned with. It left him rather physically frail, but he still pocessed the endurence to survive in a desert.

Class: Shaman

Weapon Ranks: Dark C, ""Fire E""

Level: 2

Traits: Mage

Stats: Vit:3|Str:0|Mag:10|Ski:7|Spd:5|Luk:1|Def:1|Res:7|

Simplified(Not inclusive of Weapons equiped:( Hp:16 Atk: 0/10 Hit: 14 AS: 5 Eva: 6 Crit: 4 CEva: 1 Def: 1 Res: 7

Abilities: None

Gold: 5


1) ""Fire"" tome 0Mt,0Hit,0Crit,1Wt,N/A (0)

2) Ancient Book of Gluttony 10Mt, 9Hit, 0Crit, 5Wt,Melee & Range (270)

3) Basic Dark tome 6Mt,13Hit, 0Crit,2Wt,Melee & Range (130)

4) Vulnerary: 3/3 (20)

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Spector, you might want to edit that. try to copy the template on Notepad, then fill it in before pasting it onto the thread. Funny things tend to happen when you copy paste directly.

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