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[FE10] The "Does Haar Need to be Banned?" RD NM draft.


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@Fenrir 2-3 is self improvement by 3-11 or 3-E+ she's solid enough ^^'

Aww I was crossing my fingers for Muarim

Ah ok, so when your drafting her your just getting help in late P3 and P4.

I ended up with only 2 units to go with either Ike or Elincia, since I had drafted too many people locked to specific routes. So Elincia and Tibarn duo'd 4-2 (I would've done it with just Elincia, but I couldn't find a way to keep Tibarn out of combat).

Also, Balcerzak has Jill, Shinon and 4 Laguz. Hilarious.

That sucks, I've been forced into similar situations myself, but at least it was Tibarn/Elincia.

Only the tigers will provide problems though.

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I don't think your really entitled to anything here.

Kyza is fine on any of the routes.

Maybe Kyza, but Muarim is really, really good when he's around.

Also PegKnightLover, it's your pick.

I meant about the gauges and whatnot haha. Muarim is a rapefest when he's around, Mordy is to really. I probly should have picked him sometime.

Edited by Fenrir
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Kyza is great as long as you can afford to give him the resources he needs. His biggest problem is his mediocre Strength, although he'd like a Speedwing too. But his availability is good and Tiger gauge is reasonable. Plus, once he gets going he's great all game (as long as he gets Strike levels when he needs them).

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