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[FE10] The "Does Haar Need to be Banned?" RD NM draft.


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DBs belong in top

Not necessarily. They don't save as many turns as Titania does, so they're probably fine where they are. Well, Jill could probably go to the bottom of Top, or at the very least above Nolan.

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Not necessarily. They don't save as many turns as Titania does, so they're probably fine where they are. Well, Jill could probably go to the bottom of Top, or at the very least above Nolan.

Jill only wins in Late part 3 and in Part 4 both have their benefits although Jill wins by movement. However Nolan is more useful in Part 1, and he can match Jill's 3 turner of 3-12. Honestly they are very close i don't really think Jill should go above him.

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I have the weakest team? :o: I'm going to try my best to prove you wrong Balcerzak :^_^:

Idk why balcerzak thinks my part 3 is weak. Neph with a crit forge+promotion will make part 3 a walk in the park plus i got rolf as neph backup then janaff comes along. Volug has been proven an excellent and reliable db pick time and again.

I'll freely admit FE10 is my weakest entry in the series as far as familiarity is concerned. No offense was intended at all, I was just saying what came to mind after I pored over the list.

I'll be the first to admit to dissatisfaction with how my own team turned out as well. I would have been a lot happier with one of Tanith/Sigrun. As it is, Soul's move caused me endless internal debate on whether I should consider re-recruiting Jill to GMs. I am probably going to have to keep 2 saves and try it just in case, to see what sort of effect I can get from it. But as it was I had to try and gauge how long the "shitty" DB would stick around, and it gave me so many other headaches.

Additionally, I had a very difficult time on Skrimir vs Cain. I literally had typed up a post drafting Simba before I deleted it and went for a walk. As it is, I probably made the wrong decision, as more Desert help probably outweighs hoarding Royals as I'm sure I could have 1-turned most 4-E maps without anyway. There was pretty serious agonizing going on over almost all of my picks tbqh. Well, except Ena, 'cause when you get to the dregs, you know...


Jill: :wub: Wanted her in my first draft but she was taken and I got Volug. Volug was pretty sexy, but he didn't have wings or 1-2 range. Gauge was occasionally an issue too, and Jill see's none of that drawback. Plus she gives me (theoretically) flexibility in sending her to GMs, which I don't know if any drafter has even attempted before.

Boyd: Wanted GM with 1-2 range bad. It was a coin flip between him and Gatrie. Gat has the better start, but less move, and shittier speed cap, so we'll see how Boyd treats me. Sadly, this doubles up on my Axe users.

Mordecai: Last time my only P2 unit was Marcia and that was a big mistake. Mordecai seems like a solid enough contender that with the change in rules on 2-2 I should be able to get by with just a Lucia penalty. If I get lucky on stat growths he may also be able to handle Ludveck in 2 turns or so, but I'm not sure I'm gonna hold my breath necessarily.

Tibarn: He's the Hawk King, what is not to love. ("His availability" is perhaps a legitimate response.)

Shinon: Wanted another Merc because I sort of want to do 3-1 without penalties. Also, I may or may not have forgotten that Mordy joins me, and was comparing "Ike+Boyd" to last draft's "Ike+Mia+Soren" and thinking "well, this comes up short."

Caineghis: Rawr, I'm the best kitty ever.

Muarim: Needed 1-8 help due to Jill. I had hoped for Tormod, even though he's probably weaker endgame, solely because I took Muarim last time. Muarim is beast though. Sucks he'll never cap his Strike rating.

Fiona: Why couldn't you have been Tauroneo. I am not sure you'll be able to level to the point I can promote you to 3rd tier to whack Ike. :facepalm:

Ena: Free Bloodtide. What is not to like? ("Her offensive and defensive parameters" is a start.)

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Since it seemed widely accepted, I added the Volug free for 1-5 exception. I could type up an analysis of my team, but, well, the point of that is usually doing it before you use them and I'm already halfway through part 2.

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RFOF, you so crazy. Wish I had that kind of free time.

I started a while ago, like, before I even drafted Astrid. I held off a bit at 1-7 to see if I would get an LEA and when it looked like I wouldn't I moved on.

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For the longest time I was aware that I may need Leonardo, so I didn't bother even putting the disc in the machine.

Same here. I didn't start until after Lyre was the only non-Part 4 exclusive unit remaining.

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Btw im gonna be busy with a path of radiance draft im at chapter 18. Once im done ill start with this.


Volug: he was the only good db unit left. He'll be a great help.

Nephenee: an amazing unit. Helps in 2-2 and later joins the mercs so she becomes my main part 3 unit.

Calill: the best mage in the game imo. Shes a great help in 3-9 and will be my main attacker in the desert.

Janaff: figured id try him. He should be a big help even if his availability kinda sux.

Rolf: helps a lot in part 3 with his player phase 1rko'ing. He'll be awesome in part 4 too as always.

Nasir: Most of my team cant double auras normally but can with him. Nuff said?

Tauroneo: wanted some help in db just in case things go wrong with volug's lack of 2 range.

Pelleas: will help with reinforcements in 4-2. Staffbot after that.

Kyza: not sure why i picked him tbqh.

Edited by PegKnightLover
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There's something I noticed with this draft and I'm wondering if others may have spotted the same. It seems like people drafting RD have become more focused on maximizing part 4 effectiveness than before. Of note is how much later the LEA, Giffca, and Caineghis were drafted than I'm sure they have been in the past, and the Dragons to a lesser extent. The first unit to be drafted that is unavailable for at least two pre-4-E maps was Nasir by PegKnightLover on the 6th out of 9 picks (followed immediately by Caineghis).

Or is it just me and nothing is really much different? I just remember when thinking of my picks that I really needed better part 4 effectiveness, something that I never had to think about so much before when drafting.

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Or is it just me and nothing is really much different? I just remember when thinking of my picks that I really needed better part 4 effectiveness, something that I never had to think about so much before when drafting.

I know I was thinking more about Part 4 after Lilmik's draft, which is the biggest reason I went for Makalov instead of Giffca.

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I'm at the 1-8 base, and have to rig 4 +Speed level ups for Micaiah, and she has no stats capped... This is going to suck. I'm very tempted to just say screw it.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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I probably won't be able to start until the Sunday after this coming one, as I need a clear file and I'm gone most of next week. My Edward wasn't looking too good on the one I started initially, and I want to 4 turn 1-4. Probably means I'll take a 6 turn to get the energy drop on 1-2. Oh well, I'll come ahead in turncounts by wasting one turn.

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I'm at the 1-8 base, and have to rig 4 +Speed level ups for Micaiah, and she has no stats capped... This is going to suck. I'm very tempted to just say screw it.

Okay so it didn't take as long as I thought it would, but it still wasn't very fun.

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I'm at the 1-8 base, and have to rig 4 +Speed level ups for Micaiah, and she has no stats capped... This is going to suck. I'm very tempted to just say screw it.

This is why I make it a case to make sure Micaiah is already good before then, without needing BEXP. In this run I only gave her BEXP for Endgame, and even then only so she could hit level 20 before promo with some better stats.

Oh yeah, I'll put it out there now that I'm happy I didn't waste a draft on an LEA because my part 1 was perfectly fine without them.

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@Soul- zihark is just decent imo. Hes sooo frail x_x

In HM, maybe. But this is a NM, and he's really easy to fix. He also has better offense and 2-range over Volug. Not to mention he doesn't have to deal with a gauge.

well i'm happy I got Vika because that draco gets on my last nerves

Kill it with fire.

Edited by Angru Mainya
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