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[FE10] The "Does Haar Need to be Banned?" RD NM draft.


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QQ are you sure? She 3HKOs the archers

Don't you mean Snipers? Either way, her offense will suck if she doesn't S-rank her strike. :/ Why did you give all those Satori Signs to Nealuchi, anyway?

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Damn, less than 200 turns in drafts? :( Ull beat me by like 50 turns :(.

Silver - Micaiah, Sothe, Leanne, Ilyana, Haar

Greil - Ike, Nailah, Rafiel, Meg

Hawk - Lucia, Ranulf, Reyson, Makalov

Hmmm... Looking from that team...

4-P 3 turns

4-1 5 turns

4-2 8 turns seem the most possible, perhaps 9 is more likely...

4-3 6 maybe if going by Red fox's PT with haar... 7 maybe... Idk...

4-4 10 turns

4-5 3 turns

4-E-1 3 turns

4-E-2 1 Turn

4-E-3 1 possibly

4-E-4 1 turn

4-E-5 4 turns (not sure really)

that is 45 turns, he needs to make it below 35 to get it below 200... He doesn't have much leeway... I don't think... This is however impressive turncount anyway.

I want to know if my prediction is close. Quickly Radiant finish... No pressure :P

Edited by SlayerX
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4-2 8 turns seem the most possible, perhaps 9 is more likely...

I'm hoping for 7, but I'll admit that depends on how much Lucia and Makalov's Strength cooperates.

4-3 6 maybe if going by Red fox's PT with haar... 7 maybe... Idk...

I'll probably be happy with 7 here since I don't like this chapter, but I'll be trying for 6.

4-4 10 turns

I think I can get this done faster than that.

4-E-1 3 turns

I'm reasonably sure I can get 2 turns here.

4-E-5 4 turns (not sure really)

2 turns, 3 at most.

You're pretty close, but I think you could give me a bit more credit in some chapters.

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I'm hoping for 7, but I'll admit that depends on how much Lucia and Makalov's Strength cooperates.

It'd be hard to get makalov quickly to Valtome... Plus he gets no good 2 range (maybe hand axes but his strnegth is a problem [not sure if he gets axes, but i'm assuming he does])

I think I can get this done faster than that.

It seems pretty hard considering you only have 4 units there... and one cannot fight... but i'd love to see how you do it.

I'm reasonably sure I can get 2 turns here.

That seems hard to be honest... I don't think anyone has ever done 2 turns...

2 turns, 3 at most.

I could see 3 turns... 2 turns might be pushing it... idk...

You're pretty close, but I think you could give me a bit more credit in some chapters.

I was mostly seeing what most people seem to get in these chapters and get some sort of rough count... Even with Haar your part 4 doesn't change much from others aside for 4-3 where pegasus knight have trouble dodging/killing sometimes. Even with the improvements you made i you still won't get below 200.

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Aran and Ike grew a point of res! ^^'

4-1 and 4-2 don't bother me

4-3 does a little bit because I need to find gem and Sothe needs to survive Purge for 2 turns after being airdropped. Its more the thought of re-doing them but theyre not that long ^^'.

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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It'd be hard to get makalov quickly to Valtome... Plus he gets no good 2 range (maybe hand axes but his strnegth is a problem [not sure if he gets axes, but i'm assuming he does])

He will have forged Hand Axes, rest assured.

That seems hard to be honest... I don't think anyone has ever done 2 turns...

I did it in two in my last draft. ...I think...

I could see 3 turns... 2 turns might be pushing it... idk...

I did it in two in my last draft.

Even with the improvements you made i you still won't get below 200.

No, I don't expect to get below 200, either.

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@RK you can finish 4-3 in 5 turns? :blink: Thats crazy! I'm aiming for 7 ^^' I doubt it can be done in 6 turns with my team. I'm stuck in 4-3 right now though because my Sothe keeps dying and I need to rescue/drop him in a specific turn to finish in 7 turns. BTW Rhys has alot of luck, he capped it, but why does he has 35 luck cap while Miccy has a higher lck cap? Both are incredibly good dodging machines though. Laura's lck sucks right now though (20) she can't dodge-tank many enemies but she's good against those crossbow users.

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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@RK you can finish 4-3 in 5 turns? :blink: Thats crazy!

Leanne is amazing; the Desert actually helped by allowing me to be so aggressive with her. It helped that Haar can ORKO everything on the map with forged Hand Axes, something no other flier can do (Jill misses the Generals even with a Tomahawk, if I recall correctly).

Anyway, here's my progress up to the Tower. I'm going to try and finish this tonight now that 4-3 is out of the way.

[spoiler=Part 4]Prologue - 2/167 turns

Micaiah gets a Speedwing, then BEXP to level 20 capping Magic, Speed and Resistance. Haar gets 2 levels so he can 2HKO the boss with a forged Hand Axe (which turned out to be unnecessary, but whatever).

Micaiah - Vantage, Resolve

Sothe - none

Ilyana - Shade, Daunt

Haar - Cancel, Vantage

Micaiah is put into Resolve on the first turn, and accompanies Haar north so she can take out the Steel Longbow Paladin on turn 2 while Haar kills the pacifist Tempest Blade General. Most everything suicides onto Micaiah (Vantage + Thani is fun in this chapter), with Haar killing what can't reach her. Ilyana solos the south while trying to build her Thunder rank. Sothe shoves Micaiah on the first turn after Leanne Vigors her and Haar so they can reach their targets on turn 2. Micaiah ended up getting MVP.

Chapter 1 - 5/172 turns

Rafiel gets the Boots, while Ike and Meg each got 2 levels of BEXP. Ike also took the Torch I got in 2-2.

Ike - Paragon, Cancel

Meg - none

Nailah doesn't need skills

Ike takes the south, using a Torch on turn 1 so he would be able to kill the southern Bishop turn 3 (my usual plan of 'have Nailah trail Ike and have her reveal it' wasn't going to fly this time), and takes care of the boss area. Meg handles the west, with help from Volug revealing the western Bishop on the last turn. Nailah went east with Rafiel, making sure to draw the pacifist Horseslayer General towards them away from Ike (he had to keep moving each turn).

Chapter 2 - 6/178 turns

Lucia is BEXP to promotion, making sure she gets Strength the last three levels after she started capping stuff. Makalov also got 2 levels of BEXP for some Strength. I forged 3 Silver Swords (one got an Axe card, which will get blessed) and a Hand Axe.

Lucia - Parity, Adept

Makalov - Adept

Ranulf - Quickclaw, Wildheart

Reyson - Celerity, Miracle

Ranulf and Reyson used Laguz Stones on the first turn. Makalov went south while the others headed west, with Ranulf doubling back on turn 3 for the reinforcements after helping Lucia push through the northwestern enemies. Reyson made it possible for Makalov and Lucia to kill all of the Bishops on turn 6, allowing everything else to suicide onto them on the Enemy Phase (which took quite a bit of skill and/or critical procs, hence the Adepts). Ranulf finally reached S Strike.

Chapter 3 - 5/183 turns

Bought Pure Water for Sothe and Haar, and a Shine for Micaiah since her Thani tomes were both almost broken.

Micaiah - Vantage, Resolve

Haar - Cancel, Vantage, Imbue

Ilyana - Shade, Resolve, Daunt

Thanks to Leanne, Haar is able to kill the Purge Bishop turn 1 and the Sleep Bishop turn 2. He then proceeds to ORKO every enemy in the south with his forged Hand Axes. Micaiah heads along the top, clearing that area on her way to Stefan (with three people maining Swords, I would like to have Vague Katti). Ilyana, after Meteoring a Sniper in Micaiah's way that was in Best bio, killed all of the central enemies that Haar flew past while also grabbing Baselard. Sothe killed the immediate western enemies while grabbing the Daemon Card, sending back the Pure Water so I didn't have to buy another for Ike next chapter (I was kinda poor at the time). Canto was invaluable at allowing Haar to be Vigor'd with Ilyana so they could reach all of the enemies fast enough. Since you apparently can't Flare with siege tomes, Ilyana had to get up close and personal with Lekain to Flare him so he'd retreat, costing me the Laguz Gem (although I think I could have gotten both by having Micaiah kill the enemies in Stefan's area instead of Ilyana, but I did not want to restart). Thankfully I didn't need it.

Chapter 4 - 8/191 turns

Ike gets Sothe's Pure Water, and a level of BEXP since Strength and Defense were capped. Meg got another 2 levels to cap her Speed. I reset until Ike could ORKO all of the Generals in Oliver's area.

Ike - Pass

Meg - none

Nailah still does not need skills

Ike and Rafiel head for Oliver, Nailah cleared out the western treasure room before heading to the others, and Meg went east then north along the bottom. On turn 5 after helping Ike clear the northwest quicker, Rafiel heads to help Meg and Nailah clear the northeastern treasure rooms, allowing Meg to get into position on the ledges to kill the turn 8 reinforcements on the Enemy Phase. Oliver was recruited because he got to Rafiel before Ike could get to him.

Chapter 5 - 3/194 turns

I sold Shriek and Pelleas' tomes so I could afford a Silver Lance forge for Geoffrey.

Lucia - Parity, Pass, Cancel

Geoffrey - Paragon, Beastfoe, Miracle

Makalov - Paragon

Ranulf - Wildheart, Smite

Reyson - Celerity, Miracle (Miracle was wasted on Reyson, since he never got attacked on either map)

Ranulf Halfshifts and Smites Lucia through the swamp. Reyson uses a Laguz Stone on the first turn before helping them get through the terrain and Laguz quicker. Makalov helped clear a path and was Vigor'd into a defensive position with Geoffrey and Tibarn's aura to guard Reyson while Volke protected Elincia from some Tigers.

Stats (^ indicates a used statbooster):

Name		Level	HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Ike		T3 20	65  37  08  40  37  27  32  15^ | 
Micaiah		T3 01	37^ 12  32  21  27^ 35  14  32  | A Sothe
Sothe		T3 02	43  25  10  29  27  22  20  14  | A Micaiah
Ilyana		T3 12	45  24  34^ 30  30^ 15  24^ 34  | A Haar
Meg		T3 15	56  33^ 07  26  32  30  31^ 32  | 
Nailah		Lz 33	66  17  05  23  19  35  16  13  | C Rafiel
Haar		T3 18	57  38  08  38  32^ 28  38  16  | A Ilyana
Lucia		T3 10	49  27  17  39  38  22  20  26  | 
Geoffrey	T3 06	46  31  12  29  27  22  23  24  |
Makalov		T3 13	54  31  14  24  33  30  30  18  | 
Ranulf		Lz 30	59  17  06  17  16  25  14  10  | C Reyson
Volke		T3 13	52  30  05  36  35  19  26  22  |

Part 1 total: 62 turns

Part 2 total: 24 turns

Part 3 total: 79 turns

Part 4 so far: 29 turns

Overall turncount so far: 194 turns

Assuming a 3/1/1/1/2 clear of Endgame, that would give me a predicted total of 202 turns, 29 turns lower than the second lowest count (Xander's 231 turns in Yet Another Radiant Dawn Draft) according to Integrity's topic, and he had Titania.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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RD's turncounts are amazing. :(:

Because I'm actually forced to reset until I get the lowest result each time. This draft would be a lot less frustrating and a lot more fun if I could just say "screw it, I'll kill that General that Lucia failed to Adept/Crit/Astra next turn" like I usually do.

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