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[FE11] Random Reclass Roundup Take 2

General Horace

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Wut!? You caught me out of the base. Do turns in Prologue count? Caeda.

The results were:












Let's see the outcome of this one.

PS: Just available at Monday-Friday nights and Saturday and Sunday evening-nights. Just to leave you aware of my general movement. :awesome:

Edited by Quintessence
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Alright, I'm back. ...only three picks? I am disappoint. Clipsey, I work during the day for the whole week (and weekend) so feel free to draft for me if i'm the one holding things up. I'll edit the OP when I can.

Sorry Master Horace! I did my best! Please don't kill me!

(histrionics end)

Anyway. . .I'm choosing Barst and Merric. Please don't ask what I'm on.

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Funny, I would have picked Ogma.

I'll take Navarre.

So would anyone else with a brain. . .and it seems I don't have a brain

EDIT: mmKALLL, your turn!

Edited by Clipseykitty
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When in doubt, grab a Skittle. . .or something like that. The Orange one, specifically. I'll also grab Athena, and pray.

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When in doubt, grab a Skittle. . .or something like that. The Orange one, specifically. I'll also grab Athena, and pray.

Vun voman on your team Clipsey?

My pick is Radd.

By the way, it seems my name is clung to Kitty's OP. :sob:

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Yes, because I am the world's number one speler!

Once again, I'll give Horace something that more-or-less makes sense, which is Banban Jagen. Watch Horace rip through everyone's turn counts.

Whitefang, you're up!

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It can wait till I actually get to the point of reclassing so I don't have to post them twice.


I bet I get like, Myrmidon Gordin, and Bishop Jeigan.

OP is updated, I'll continuously update it if we get picks tonight, as I'm around till tomorrow.

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I'm waiting until drafting's over to roll dice. It's funnier that way, and whoever gets my rolls will be in suspense until the very last minute!

Stealing: Green and Purple (Tomas and Roger).

Edited by Clipseykitty
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Undrafted units are exempt from the reclass rule, right? Generics are considered the same as undrafted units, then - as in, they may meatshield and shop, for example?

I just finished chapter 3 - is there some sort of mumbo-jumbo-anticheat measures, or may I continue, and reclass my units according to my dice rolls?

I think that's all I have to ask for now, hmm?

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