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[FE11] Random Reclass Roundup Take 2

General Horace

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Undrafted units are exempt from the reclass rule, right? Generics are considered the same as undrafted units, then - as in, they may meatshield and shop, for example?

I just finished chapter 3 - is there some sort of mumbo-jumbo-anticheat measures, or may I continue, and reclass my units according to my dice rolls?

I think that's all I have to ask for now, hmm?

Undrafted units are allowed to meatshield (with no wpn, of course), and one of them may shop besides the drafted ones. At least those were Hippo's rules, I suppose Horace's are the same aside from forging restriction and banned Warp staff.

And about continuing, you should stop there and await for Horace's\Kitty's directions. Because in Hippo's draft, the rolls were randomly assigned (the rolls were given to the drafter that follows). I guess that's why Clipsey hasn't posted her rolls, because she wants someone to be in suspense until the very last minute, and not precisely herself though.

Edit: My name is sort of clung to Clipsey's OP. lol

By the way, I'll post my results.

Prologue I: 6 turns

- Because of Marth's mediocre base skill.

Prologue II: 8 turns

- Product of having only Marth.

Prologue III: 14 turns

- Product of being damaged by the two mages.

Prologue IV: 12 turns

- Same as PII.

Chapter 1: 8 Turns

- Marth is ridiculously awesome. Receiving no damage lessens my worries. Future MVP of my play through. Caeda did well, she dealt frequent crits.

Chapter 2: 5/13

- No damage to Marth, Caeda and Cord got nice level ups.

Chapter 3: 8/21

- Marth and Cord went south while Caeda, Castor and Julian stayed north.

Unit         Class    Level   Hp  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Weapon Level

Marth          Lord   12.83   28   12   0    10   14   17   13    0     Sword B
Caeda   Peg. Knight   05.19   17    6   1     9   15   12    8    6     Lance D
Cord        Fighter   05.11   22    8   0     7   12    6    6    0       Axe E
Castor       Hunter   03.90   21    7   0     3    6    3    4    0       Bow D
Julian        Thief   04.64   18    5   0     6   12    8    5    0     Sword E

I'll wait for the drafting to finish to see Kitty's rolls. :awesome:

Edited by Quintessence
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Just in case you guys want to restart this. . .


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Okay, so I made some beatiful and sexy post here, but I got a PM and closing the immediate notification made me not being able to post this. Meh.

So, here are just my logs. There's a lot of stuff in there, since I didn't want to just post a wall of text nobody cares about, but I guess it's just a longer wall of text instead. You all will have to scroll the page a little further. Yay.


Starting this. Seems fun. Seems random. Seems like I won't get far enough to experience the fun part, but cool enough. Let's go!

Prologue 1:

-Marth only, and he's suprisingly free. Yay.

-6 turns - 0 effective. Marth got a level. Cool, or something. Could have bothered with boss abuse, but no. Lol.


Prologue 2:

-Marth and Frey. Got to love them. Storm the castle!

-Killed off Abel. No need to do that later, huh?

-8 turns - 0 effective. Actually, I don't want to keep track of levels anymore.

-Oh well, next chapter, eh?

Prologue 3:

-Nothing special, really.

-13 turns - 0 effective. Taking my time.

Prologue 4:

-Recruited Gordin, sacrificed Cain.

-17 turns, still 0 effective. Loving the exp from those reinforcements.

-Total turns after Prologue - 0. Marth is level 5, Frey is 8.

Chapter 1:

-Immediately took/sold items away from units I didn't draft.

-First time seeing Norne.

-Retried four times, always forgetting that speed on Marth is key. Lol.

-7 turns was what turned out. I think I should be able to be faster or I'll lose, but whatever. This is fun gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Turns: 7; Total: 7. Deaths: More than I can count, so what ever. I'll be going to Gaidens then, I guess. Whee. Haven't done that before anyway.

Chapter 2 and further will wait until we have drafted more. I want to see how the units turn out and who picks who, before going on. Just planning ahead to increase my chances :3



The draft has progressed nicely, and I know who I want - and none from chpt 2, anymore, so I thought I might as well beat it while waiting for the dice rolls.

Chapter 2:

-Trading and stuff, got all the items into convoy from my meatshields. Drafting is cruel.

-Tried again a few times, finding the perfect route for Marth. I know this could have been in four turns if I had RNG abused or lucked out a critical, but I didn't do either.

-Ended up with five, then.

Turns: 5; Total: 12. Not too bad, maybe could have gotten two or even three off with this team, but this whole quickly finishing and draft thing is sort of experimental for me. And I don't feel like retrying each chapter a dozen of times - some of you probably do, though. Which might make me end up losing. Luck will tell.

After pressing 'start' a few times, I notice that I can't, however, prepare yet? Oh well, must be a dementia making its way to me. Might as well play this as well, then. Julian is free <3

Chapter 3:

-I decided to recruit Navarre after all, since I didn't want anyone I'd use to die. Atleast you can trade after recruiting, lol. His def suprised me - the thieves didn't kill him even in two turns after I had weakened him by a bunch.

-Went quite smooth, and people gained a lot of exp. Again, that one turn I could have been faster, but miscalculation and "¤#%& NPCs being in my way.

-Sixth turn I rushed everyone the exp I could, and seized the gate. Not too bad.

Turns: 6; Total: 18. Finally, that preparation screen. Got to end here because of the idea of this draft. :D

Also, got to love generics. >__>

Marth is level 7, Frey is 11, Norne is still only 3, as is Julian. As if anyone really cares.At least I'm a few turns ahead of someone at this point, good enough for my first draft :awesome:

Edited by mmKALLL
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When did I say I would be around today? I won't be around till wednesday.


It can wait till I actually get to the point of reclassing so I don't have to post them twice.


I bet I get like, Myrmidon Gordin, and Bishop Jeigan.

OP is updated, I'll continuously update it if we get picks tonight, as I'm around till tomorrow.

Just sayin'. . .

Anyway, I'll keep my end updated, too.

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It says I will be around till tomorrow.

But it wasn't the clearest way of saying things. Sorry.

I'll chalk this one up to stupid time zones, then.

and just for that, I'm so giving you Elice

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I'll chalk this one up to stupid time zones, then.

and just for that, I'm so giving you Elice

Right, I'll say the day next time.

What if I want Peg. Knight Elice

And did the prologue, didn't really know the turns, but I can assure you they never exceeded 20.

Here's my stats right now, Marth is actually the worst thing I have ever seen.

Marth     06.08     21   5    8    8    10   9    0   C Sword
Cain      05.34     24   8    7    8     4   8    0   D Lance D Sword
Jeigan ??/01.94     22   7   10    8     1   9    6   B Lance D Sword
Gaggles   02.40     18   5    4    4     5   6    0   D Bow

Chapter 1 - 5/5 Turns

Standard Chapter 1 clear.jpeg

Jeigan proc'd speed, which helped him ORKO the pirates, and Cain did at the chapters end. Gaggles killed the thief.

Marth     06.08     21   5    8    8    10   9    0   C Sword
Cain      06.27     25   8    8    9     4   8    0   D Lance D Sword
Jeigan ??/03.08     23   7   10    9     1  10    6   B Lance D Sword
Gaggles   03.00     18   5    5    4     5   7    0   D Bow

Since Bord is still out there, I'll stop here for now.

Edited by General_Horace
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Poor Wrys, he sucks for everyone.

Btw Horace, did you cared to level up Marth's str & spd? He's being screwed. At least dynamic growths exist. He should be having by now 75% in str. By lv. 25 he should hit 19 str, if he gets no gain in the next 5 lvs.

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Yeah, Marth probably won't make it past level 20 though the way I play (unless I get an army of 6 move units). Yeah, he's screwed, but I almost never have a good Marth anyway, so it doesn't really matter. At least he has enough defence that he's not being targeted by enemies.

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Horace is recruiting himself.

Whitefang, you're up!

Yay! Nobody seems to be a morph, Estnino was a total crap in my last run. I need a rich source of quintessence, Elice is going to Aum Ephidel from Wonderland, lol.

@ WF: try to see which units may reduce your turncount. For example: Minerva and mini minerva aren't hot units because it will take too much turns for Marth to recruit them, since warp is banned.

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Yay! Nobody seems to be a morph, Estnino was a total crap in my last run. I need a rich source of quintessence, Elice is going to Aum Ephidel from Wonderland, lol.

@ WF: try to see which units may reduce your turncount. For example: Minerva and mini minerva aren't hot units because it will take too much turns for Marth to recruit them, since warp is banned.

Ah, that's true, I hadn't considered recruitment. I can always elect to skip someone, though, if I find I've made a mistake. (I'm glad I didn't pick Minerva, I was thinking about her but her bases kind of suck for a prepromote).

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