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[FE11] Random Reclass Roundup Take 2

General Horace

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Wait, I have to go through all the gaidens? It's not optional? Seems like it's not. Sorry, I didn't know what mandatory meant, so I assumed it was the opposite of compulsory, lol Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

...I see. I pick Tiki in that case instead of Gotoh, I guess?

Edited by mmKALLL
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I did the prologue before I even knew if I would have Jeigan, so I'm glad I didn't get him.

None of the maps were even close to 20 turns, though I was trying to go sort of fast through them. (Because why not?) I sacrificed Frey, if you're interested.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon	
Marth	Lord			5.23	22	7	0	4	11	11	8	0	Sword-D	
Abel	Cavalier		6.54	24	9	0	8	9	3	9	0	Sword-E	Lance-D
Draug	Knight												

Edited by Whitefang
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I'm here now Eclipse! You gave me all the gaiden characters, I'm sensing Berserker Etzel and Sorcerer Ymir.

I'll update the OP.

Also, you'll be giving your rolls to the person below you. (1st drafter gives their rolls to second drafter, second drafter gives theirs to third drafter, etc)

Edited by General_Horace
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Well, Horace, I know how much you LOVE to waste turns, so. . .tee-hee~!

How do you want to handle the last few characters? I wouldn't mind seeing them as a pool, and everyone gets to choose one for free.



Whatever, I'll take that Est then.

So that's it! My rolls coming in a second~!

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Got it! My rolls:













You might have to ignore the last number, as I rolled for 12 to be safe. If a number lands on Tiki, it does nothing.

I'd really like the reclass screen for the ones I don't have classes for yet. I hope you enjoy my comments!

10 - Barst (Knight. . .DAMMIT!)

5 - Merric (I was hoping for anything that wasn't a Mage/Curate. FML, he's a mage)

7 - Roshea (Myrmidon, was damn good last time)

4 - Athena (Archer, who will be awesome the minute she gets a Longbow)

8 - Tomas (staffbot. . .crap. . .)

6 - Roger (Knight, FML, he's not gonna be doing much)

8 - Wendell (Dracoknight, I think)

5 - Astram (GENERAL?!)

4 - Maria (Mage. . .well, uh. . .oh help me. . .)

6 - Minerva (Dracoknight, HELL YES, time for things to die)

2 - unused

Overall. . .Athena, Minerva, Roshea, and maybe Wendell will be amazing. I've got a slowpoke army for the rest!

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My rolls in a minute. You guys can pick one of the remaining dudes, it's likely to be Macellan for most of us.

Here are my rolls:













And my units:

9 - Cain

10 - Ogma

8 - Sedgar

4 - Jeigan

4 - Gaggles

7 - Matthis

3 - Bord

12 - Horace

11 - Etzel

4 - Ymir

6 - Scrub

I have no idea without a reclass screen, I'll keep you posted!

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Chapter 2 - 4/9 Turns

Silver Lance go! Ogma, Cain and Jeigan were able to team up on the boss. Gordin sat back and sniped at enemies behind Draug. Bord picked up all the kills for some reason.

Marth   Lord          06.46   21   5    0    8    8    10   9    0   C Sword
Cain    Cavalier      07.57   26   9    0    9    9     5   8    0   D Lance D Sword
Jeigan  Paladin    ??/03.27   23   7    1   10    9     1  10    6   B Lance D Sword
Gaggles Archer        03.60   18   5    0    5    4     5   7    0   D Bow
Bord    Fighter       03.30   21   9    0    4    7     1   5    0   C Axe
Ogma    Mercenary     04.61   22   6    0   11   12     3   6    0   C Sword

Chapter 3 - 5/14 Turns

Jeigan, Cain and Ogma teamed up on the boss again. Marth ran, while I tried to get Navarre to crit blick some of my undrafted dudes before recruiting him, but he only killed Abel (no crits).

In the chapter 4 base, with reclasses complete...

Marth   Lord          06.46   21   5    0    8    8    10   9    0   C Sword
Cain    Curate        08.23   25   4    1    9    8     5   4    6   E Staff
Jeigan  Bishop     ??/03.56   23   1    3    7    6     1   5    8   D Staff E Tome
Gaggles Cavalier      03.70   20   5    0    4    6     5   8    0   E Lance E Sword
Bord    Unknown       04.27   -------------------------------------
Ogma    Dark Mage     05.61   23   2    2    5    5     3   5    3   E Tome


Edited by General_Horace
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This has the reclass order. The exception is that Dracoknight is actually to the left of Paladin (in the male set A), so switch those two spots.

I could not test the promoted female set, so if someone can confirm that, I'd appreciate it.

Here are my classes based on mmKALLL's rolls

RN	Unit	Class
10	Abel	Cavalier
9	Navarre	Archer
10	Draug	Pirate
12	Midia	Paladin
10	Lena	Cleric
5	Vyland	Cavalier
4	Darros	Fighter
11	Linde	Cleric
8	Boah	Paladin
7	Arran	Sniper
5	Jeorge	Dracoknight

Note that it is irrelevant for me about the promoted female set, as Midia rolled 12, giving her the same class since there are 6 classes in that set.

All-in-all, I am satisfied, but a little saddened at how many units retained their original classes. (I picked Jeorge before looking at the rolls, and I still don't know if I'll bother with him. We'll see).

Edited by Whitefang
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Time to start~!

Prologues 1-4: All done under 20 turns, and with Super Star Marth only.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       9.??  25  10    0    8   12   13    8    0

Chapter 1 - 6/6

This is about as fast as I can go with only Marth. Thank goodness he's awesome.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      11.25  25  12    0    9   14   15    8    0

Chapter 2 - 5/11

You'd need a mount to do this faster. Barst was rather unhelpful. . .

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      12.49  26  12    0    9   14   16    9    0
Barst     Fighter    4.10  24  10    0    7    9    5    6    0

Chapter 3 - 8/19

Marth couldn't 2HKO the boss, so this was the best I could do. Caeda recruited Navarre, then went shopping.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      13.69  27  12    0   10   15   17    9    0
Barst     Fighter    4.74  24  10    0    7    9    5    6    0
Julian    Thief      3.??  Base

Chapter 4 - 9/28

So it begins. . .the nightmare. . .

Picking up Merric was easy. Keeping him alive long enough to get over the bridge was another matter entirely. Fortunately, he was in blick form today, so he gained quite a bit of experience from a single Horseman. Barst camped on the fort, and Julian chipped where he could. I'm keeping this count, because I got some damn good gains.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      14.36  27  12    0   10   15   18    9    0
Barst     Knight     6.83  23  11    0    9    3    6   15    0
Julian    Thief      4.56  17   5    0    6   13    8    4    0
Merric    Mage       3.08  22   0    5    4    6    4    4    4

Chapter 5 - 5/33

It took a few tries such that Wendell didn't murder Merric, but once I got that figured out, I was able to complete this by the skin of my teeth. Everyone seems to dislike Vyland's hair. Barst hit D lances, Julian got a decent level, and it's now time for death on wings (or so I hope). Forge, here I come!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      15.03  28  12    0   10   16   18    9    0
Barst     Knight     7.38  23  12    0    9    3    6   15    0
Julian    Thief      5.33  18   6    0    6   14    8    4    0
Merric    Mage       3.78  22   0    5    4    6    4    4    4
Roshea    Cavalier   3.80  Base everything
Wendell   Sage       1.13  Base everything

Chapter 6 - 9/42

Roshea got Blue Rain (+5 MT Iron Sword).

I went nuts sacrificing things to draw out the stuff that was protecting the boss. Barst had fun killing off those stupid horse guys, several of my own horses became bait, Sedgar somehow survived, and the boss died to Merric and Marth. Roshea gained Strength (whee). Wendell is ridiculous as a Dracoknight (killing thieves and all that jazz).

The next chapter will be dedicated to Roshea and Julian.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      16.27  29  12    0   10   17   18   10    0
Barst     Knight     8.34  24  12    0    9    3    7   16    0
Julian    Thief      5.76  18   6    0    6   14    8    4    0
Merric    Mage       5.79  22   0    5    4    7    6    4    5
Roshea    Myrmidon   5.10  22   5    0   12   12    5    4    0
Wendell   Drakky     1.71  Base everything (still awesome)

Chapter 6x - 18

Remembered to get Athena. Got some decent levels on my underleveled guys. I hope the next chapter gives Athena some good things!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      16.27  29  12    0   10   17   18   10    0
Barst     Knight     9.26  25  12    0    9    3    7   17    0
Julian    Thief      7.62  20   7    0    7   16    9    4    0
Merric    Mage       6.53  23   0    5    5    7    6    4    6
Roshea    Myrmidon   8.08  25   8    0   13   13    5    4    0
Wendell   Drakky     1.71  Base everything (still awesome)
Athena    Myrmidon   Base everything

Chapter 7 - 7/49

Athena as an Archer has funny stats.

It was the usual march down, until I hit the boss. No thanks to RNG shenanigans, I had to rely on a little bit of luck (mainly forcing the boss to attack a generic) in order to live. The only reason why my turn count looks like this is because Barst hit a critical with a Steel Lance.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      16.64  29  12    0   10   17   18   10    0
Barst     Knight    10.15  26  13    0   10    4    8   17    0
Julian    Thief      7.94  20   7    0    7   16    9    4    0
Merric    Mage       7.67  23   0    5    5    8    6    4    6
Roshea    Myrmidon   8.56  25   8    0   13   13    5    4    0
Wendell   Drakky     2.15  20   8    1    5   15    2   13    0
Athena    Archer    11.08  26  12    0    6    7    6   10    0

Chapter 8 - 6/55

Thanks to weird unit positioning, Marth didn't make it over until Turn 5, anyway.

Wendell was absolutely amazing here. He still does enough damage to be useful. I need to use him more, so that I can stick him with a Ridersbane. Everyone else did their fair share of things, including Roshea dodging at a nice time, so I didn't have to use a Vulnerary.

Julian hit the arena, since he had nothing better to do.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      17.14  30  13    0   11   18   19   10    0
Barst     Knight    10.46  26  13    0   10    4    8   17    0
Julian    Thief      8.77  21   7    0    8   16   10    4    0
Merric    Mage       8.40  23   0    5    5    9    7    4    6
Roshea    Myrmidon   9.16  26   8    0   14   13    5    4    0
Wendell   Drakky     2.60  20   8    1    5   15    2   13    0
Athena    Archer    11.38  26  12    0    6    7    6   10    0
Roger     Knight     5.30  Chapter 9 isn't your map

Chapter 9 - 5/60

Marth punched the boss' face in with a Silver Sword. Everyone else made sure that no one was in his way. The Devil Axe dude kinda killed himself for me. Barst and Roger managed to play with a couple of pirates for experience; Wendell survived a Steel Bow (and killed the jerk, too).

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      17.82  30  13    0   11   18   19   10    0
Barst     Knight    10.54  26  13    0   10    4    8   17    0
Julian    Thief      8.77  21   7    0    8   16   10    4    0
Merric    Mage       9.00  23   0    5    6   10    8    4    6
Roshea    Myrmidon   9.75  26   8    0   14   13    5    4    0
Wendell   Drakky     2.99  20   8    1    5   15    2   13    0
Athena    Archer    11.53  26  12    0    6    7    6   10    0
Roger     Knight     6.00  22   7    0    3    5    3   13    0

Chapter 10 - 13/73

Minerva's the Chapter End button. Merric could've killed the boss with Excalibur, but I have better things to use it on. Barst barricaded the southern entrance, with Roger and Athena sniping. Merric blicked my Master Seal, and Maria got a little bit of experience in as herself.

Don't mind Maria's class; this is a running joke.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      18.56  31  13    0   12   18   20   10    0
Barst     Knight    13.26  28  14    0   10    4    9   19    0
Julian    Thief      9.07  22   7    0    8   17   10    5    0
Merric    Mage       9.76  23   0    5    6   10    8    4    6
Roshea    Myrmidon  10.05  27   8    0   14   13    5    4    0
Wendell   Drakky     3.39  21   8    1    5   15    3   13    0
Athena    Archer    13.02  27  12    0    7    7    6   10    0
Roger     Knight     7.03  23   8    0    4    5    4   13    0
Maria     Curate     3.51  Base everything
Minerva   Drakky     1.57  Base everything

Chapter 11 - 10/83

Forged a +6 Fire tome for Maria, so she could gain levels and whatnot.

Since Julian and Roshea didn't have enough sword rank for Levin Sword, I had to take the extra turn. Athena and Roger couldn't hit those mercs to save their lives (~80% hit rate, no less). Merric and Maria did some damage, while Marth was the hero of this map, taking out everything of note. Minerva and Wendell ambushed stuff from the south, which kept pressure off of my squishy sword dudes.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      19.23  32  14    0   13   19   21   11    0
Barst     Knight    13.44  28  14    0   10    4    9   19    0
Julian    Thief      9.37  22   7    0    8   17   10    5    0
Merric    Mage      10.63  24   0    6    7   10    8    4    6
Roshea    Myrmidon  10.66  27   8    0   14   13    5    4    0
Wendell   Drakky     3.93  21   8    1    5   15    3   13    0
Athena    Archer    13.40  27  12    0    7    7    6   10    0
Roger     Knight     7.73  23   8    0    4    5    4   13    0
Maria     Mage       4.84  17   0    4    2    4    1    5    3
Minerva   Drakky     2.39  24   9    0    6   12    6   12    3

Chapter 12 - 7/90

Having two fliers is ridiculous in awesome ways. Minerva took care of some of the riffraff near the throne while Marth killed the boss, then Wendell flew off with the Master Key to get the Boots. Due to the speed I went through this map, I was only able to grab the Bullion and the Arms Scroll, which I think are the two most important things(Dragonpike would've been nice, but I think I'll manage without it). Killed off everyone that wasn't Midia or Tomas, and had my two Knights barricade the door near my start position. Roger got a lot of good experience this way; Barst was bored.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      20.22  33  14    0   13   19   21   12    0
Barst     Knight    13.73  28  14    0   10    4    9   19    0
Julian    Thief      9.37  22   7    0    8   17   10    5    0
Merric    Mage      11.83  25   0    7    8   11    9    4    7
Roshea    Myrmidon  11.33  28   8    0   15   13    5    4    0
Wendell   Drakky     4.35  21   8    1    6   15    3   13    4
Athena    Archer    13.49  27  12    0    7    7    6   10    0
Roger     Knight     9.49  24  10    0    4    5    6   13    0
Maria     Mage       5.54  18   0    5    3    4    2    5    4
Minerva   Drakky     2.87  24   9    0    6   12    6   12    3
Tomas     Archer     Yo.

Chapter 12x - 20

I had a lot of leveling to do, and not enough enemies to do it on. Roshea, Julian, Wendell, and Maria raised their respective weapon levels, while Roger wound up being a punching bag for the pirates. Tomas was plenty busy!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      20.22  33  14    0   13   19   21   12    0
Barst     Knight    14.19  28  14    0   11    4    9   19    0
Julian    Thief     10.53  22   7    0    8   18   11    5    0
Merric    Mage      13.58  26   0    7    8   12   10    4    7
Roshea    Myrmidon  12.09  29   9    0   15   13    5    4    0
Wendell   Drakky     5.35  21   9    1    6   15    4   13    4
Athena    Archer    14.30  27  12    0    7    8    6   10    0
Roger     Knight    10.46  25  11    0    4    5    6   13    0
Maria     Mage       9.08  18   0    6    4    4    4    5    5
Minerva   Drakky     3.53  25   9    0    7   13    6   12    3
Tomas     Curate    10.02  23   2    1    4    5    5    3    7

Edited by Clipseykitty
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