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[FE11] Random Reclass Roundup Take 2

General Horace

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Chapter 4 - 8/22 Turns

Forged a +5 Might, +30 Crit Iron Lance for Gordin, called the Killer Lance.

Some highlights:

DM!Ogma 3HKO's thieves

Matthis 5HKO's Cavaliers

And Marth 3HKO's the boss with a Rapier.

Sent all my undrafted dudes to die, while everyone else went to the west. The boss was killed by everybody except Julian.

Marth   Lord          06.95   21   5    0    8    8    10   9    0   C Sword
Cain    Curate        08.87   25   4    1    9    8     5   4    6   E Staff
Jeigan  Bishop     ??/03.97   23   1    3    7    6     1   5    8   D Staff E Tome
Gaggles Cavalier      05.85   22   7    0    5    6     6   8    0   E Lance E Sword
Bord    Hunter        06.27   21  13    0   10    7     3   5    0   E Bow
Ogma    Dark Mage     05.89   23   2    2    5    5     3   5    3   E Tome
Julian  Thief         04.10   18   5    0    6   12     8   4    0   E Sword
Matthis Myrmidon      03.16   19   4    0    9   12     0   4    0   E Sword

Edited by General_Horace
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Ch. 1 - 6 turns (6 total)

I tried this one several times, thinking I could do it in 5 turns, but it's just not possible (if Marth had 1 more Strength...or if Abel could use the Silver Lance) without a lucky crit. Marth 3HKOs the pirates, so he gets bottle-necked at one point. I can either have Abel unstick him, which means I can't beat the boss quickly enough, or I can have him press on, which guarantees that Marth can't Seize on turn 5. I wish I had just kept my first try, but we live and learn.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon Levels	
Marth	Lord			6.19	23	8	0	5	11	12	8	0	Sword-C	
Abel	Cavalier		8.49	25	10	0	9	10	4	9	0	Sword-D	Lance-D
Draug	Knight			2	20	8		4	3	1	11	0		Lance-D

Ch. 2 - 6 turns (12 total)

Darros gets a +2 for costing me two turns. Abel charged forward, Darros killed a thief, Draug killed the northern enemies. Abel got a crit that saved me from a 78% chance hit on player phase. Good job, buddy!

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			6.79	23	8	0	5	11	12	8	0	C					
Abel	Cavalier		10.29	25	10	0	11	11	4	10	0	D	D				
Draug	Knight			3.1	21	8	0	5	4	1	11	0		D				
Darros	Pirate			3.6											D			

Ch. 3 - 6 turns (18 total)

Abel 3RKOs the boss, so I have to wait around a turn. Stupid Bord dodges the enemies to the north, so I still need to kill off at least one person for now. Got Navarre.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			7.41	23	8	0	6	11	13	9	0	C					
Abel	Cavalier		11.29	25	11	0	11	11	5	10	0	D	D				
Draug	Knight			3.8	21	8	0	5	4	1	11	0		D				
Darros	Pirate			4	22	6	0	2	7	3	5	0			D			
Julian	Thief			3									E					
Lena	Cleric			3														C
Navarre	Myrmidon		4	20	5	0	10	12	8	6	0	C					

Ch. 4 -

Reclass time!

Abel stays a Cav.

Draug becomes a Pirate (bye lance rank)

Darros becomes a fighter (At least he keeps his axe rank)

Navarre becomes an archer (The worst rank to lose)

Lena stays a cleric

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			7.41	23	8	0	6	11	13	9	0	C					
Abel	Cavalier		11.29	25	11	0	11	11	5	10	0	D	D				
Draug	Pirate			3.8	21	7	0	4	10	1	4	0			E			
Darros	Fighter			4	24	6	0	2	8	3	4	0			D			
Julian	Thief			3									E					
Lena	Cleric			3														C
Navarre	Archer			4	20	7	0	4	5	8	8	0				E		

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Caeda: Cleric :facepalm: At least she'll be better than Lena and Maria.

Catria: Myrmidon :newyears: She's usual in my runs so, no regrets.

Cord: Knight, what is THAT!?

Radd: Cavalier...things are getting brighter now.

Palla: Archer. Yay!! Another used character! Maximum Spd. Growth! :awesome: 30%... :facepalm:

Castor: Fighter :o: What Hp and Str growths! Spd :huh:

Jake: No swap.

Elice in Wonderland: Cleric!! Yay!!! She'll be seriously Auming Ephidel to gather quintessence!! :lol:

Rickard: What do I have to say about?

:lol: renz: Warrior. No def growth!! :wtf:

Wrys: Stayed in his village in Talys in Ch. 1 waiting for Marth to come back from Ch. 4.

Bantu: Is going to stay in his village forever, hoping for Marth to visit him in Ch. 7

George of the Jungle: Is going to stay in his village forever, hoping for Marth to visit him in Ch. 9

Samson: Is going to stay in his village, hoping for Marth to visit him and realize his dream of becoming a former gladiator.

The team's nice and will do better than the last one, at least I expect it.

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Chapter 5 - 6/28 Turns

My team blows. A lot

A tagteam of Jeigan, Gordin, Ogma and Bord had to kill the boss. Matthis is progressing nicely.

Marth has proc'd strength, speed, and resistance equally.

Chapter 6 - 9/37 Turns

My magic dudes ganged up on the boss, and Gordin eventually critted him into death range. Hardin blocked the two cavs from murdering my squishy units.

Marth   Lord          07.98   22   6    0    9    8    11   9    1   C Sword
Cain    Curate        10.53   27   4    1    9    8     6   4    7   D Staff
Jeigan  Bishop     ??/05.13   24   1    3    9    7     2   5    9   D Staff E Tome
Gaggles Cavalier      06.31   22   8    0    6    6     6   8    0   E Lance E Sword
Bord    Hunter        08.19   23  13    0   11    7     3   6    0   D Bow
Ogma    Dark Mage     07.09   24   2    3    5    6     3   5    3   E Tome
Julian  Thief         04.87   18   5    0    6   12     8   4    0   E Sword
Matthis Myrmidon      04.36   20   5    0    9   13     1   4    0   E Sword
Sedgar  Hero       ??/02.15   24   7    1   11   12     2   8    2   D Sword E Axe

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Chapter 6x was 15 turns:


Marth   Lord          08.15   22   7    0   10    9    12   9    1   C Sword
Cain    Curate        12.17   28   4    2   10   10     7   4    8   D Staff
Jeigan  Bishop     ??/06.04   24   1    4   10    7     2   5    9   D Staff E Tome
Gaggles Cavalier      09.16   25   8    0    7    7     9   9    0   D Lance E Sword
Bord    Hunter        08.19   23  13    0   11    7     3   6    0   D Bow
Ogma    Dark Mage     09.10   25   2    4    6    6     4   5    3   D Tome
Julian  Thief         05.53   19   6    0    6   12     8   4    0   E Sword
Matthis Myrmidon      05.82   21   5    0    9   14     1   4    0   E Sword
Sedgar  Hero       ??/03.32   26   8    1   12   13     3   9    2   D Sword D Axe

Chapter 7 - 9/46 Turns


Marth, Ogma, and Jeigan teamed up.

Chapter 8 - 6/52 Turns

Marth, Bord, Jeigan and Ogma ganged up on the boss, while Sedgar was off working on an axe rank to kill armours. Julian and Cain hung around the arena.

Chapter 9 - 5/57 Turns

Sedgar doubled the boss for good damage with a steel axe, then Bord and Matthis finished him off. Julian got the tresure.

Marth   Lord          09.85   23   8    0   10    9    13   9    1   B Sword
Cain    Curate        13.91   28   4    2   10   11     8   4    9   D Staff
Jeigan  Bishop     ??/08.00   24   1    5   11    7     2   5   10   C Staff D Tome
Gaggles Cavalier      10.59   25   8    0    8    7     9   9    0   C Lance E Sword
Bord    Hunter        11.36   23  14    0   12    7     4   7    0   D Bow
Ogma    Dark Mage     10.44   26   2    5    6    7     4   5    3   D Tome
Julian  Thief         07.63   21   6    0    7   14    10   4    0   D Sword67
Matthis Myrmidon      08.80   24   7    0    9   15     3   5    0   D Sword
Sedgar  Hero       ??/05.14   30  10    1   14   15     3  11    2   D Axe D Sword

Chapter 10 - 8/65 Turns

Sedgar hit C in axes, so he one rounds all the bosses in the game (for the most part) now. He ran to the boss and killed him, while everyone else trailed behind. Gordin killed the Hero for the crest.

Marth   Lord          09.98   23   8    0   10    9    13   9    1   B Sword
Cain    Curate        13.91   28   4    2   10   11     8   4    9   D Staff
Jeigan  Bishop     ??/08.47   24   1    5   11    7     2   5   10   C Staff D Tome
Gaggles Cavalier      11.57   26   8    0    8    8    10   9    0   C Lance E Sword
Bord    Hunter        11.92   23  14    0   12    7     4   7    0   D Bow
Ogma    Dark Mage     10.84   26   2    5    6    7     4   5    3   D Tome
Julian  Thief         07.92   21   6    0    7   14    10   4    0   D Sword
Matthis Myrmidon      09.24   25   7    0   10   15     4   6    0   D Sword
Sedgar  Hero       ??/06.46   32  11    1   15   16     3  12    2   C Axe D Sword

Edited by General_Horace
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First post is getting too long.

Chapter 13 - 5/95

The problem with this map was that my fliers were pinned down by Arrowspate, and while I could've sent them packing with Hauteclere, I have better things to use it on. Midia recruited Astram before he moved (and promptly died afterwards), and Astram went nuts killing stuff with a Levin Sword. I managed to sacrifice Lena, and Tomas hit D staves in the nick of time.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      20.58  33  14    0   13   19   21   12    0
Barst     Knight    14.80  28  14    0   11    4    9   19    0
Julian    Thief     10.61  22   7    0    8   18   11    5    0
Merric    Mage      13.86  26   0    7    8   12   10    4    7
Roshea    Myrmidon  12.31  29   9    0   15   13    5    4    0
Wendell   Drakky     5.61  21   9    1    6   15    4   13    4
Athena    Archer    14.77  27  12    0    7    8    6   10    0
Roger     Knight    10.46  25  11    0    4    5    6   13    0
Maria     Mage       9.08  18   0    6    4    4    4    5    5
Minerva   Drakky     3.75  25   9    0    7   13    6   12    3
Tomas     Curate    10.32  23   2    1    4    5    5    3    7
Astram    Hero       1.39  Final recruit!

Chapter 14 - 7/102

I could've finished this in 6 turns, but I delayed a turn for the Silver Card. Minerva and her Flying Hammer makes bosses very unhappy. Everyone else mopped up and got decent to amazing levels.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      20.71  33  14    0   13   19   21   12    0
Barst     Knight    15.04  28  15    0   12    4    9   19    0
Julian    Thief     10.61  22   7    0    8   18   11    5    0
Merric    Mage      14.49  27   0    8    9   13   10    4    7
Roshea    Myrmidon  13.12  30   9    0   15   14    5    4    0
Wendell   Drakky     5.87  21   9    1    6   15    4   13    4
Athena    Archer    15.36  27  12    0    8    9    6   10    0
Roger     Knight    11.20  26  12    0    4    5    7   13    0
Maria     Mage       9.68  18   0    6    4    4    4    5    5
Minerva   Drakky     4.94  25  10    0    8   14    7   12    3
Tomas     Curate    11.07  24   2    1    4    6    5    3    7
Astram    General    2.00  33  11    1    7    6    3   16    3

Edited by Clipseykitty
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<p>Chapter 4:<br></p><br>Archer!Frey, Peg.Knight!Norne, not bad.<br><br>-Quite standard, had to heavily rely on my meatshields to survive, especially with Norne, since there are bowusers here.<br><br>-Everyone did well and most level-ups were excellent.<br><br>-I missed the boss twice, one turn longer because of that -.-'<br><br>-9 turns, 27 in total.<br><p>Chapter 5:</p><p>-Everyone raped, I was very happy with Hardin's position and a crit from Marth.</p><p>-5 turns, 32 total.</p><p>I don't feel like playing chpt 6 right now, but Hardin stayed as a cavalier, and Wolf became Berserker!! Feels good, man. I'll get back my second place now! gee_wiz_emoticon.gif</p><p>Horace, liking your clerics and Dark Mage? gee_wiz_emoticon.gif</p>

...Why did this happen? :/:

Edited by mmKALLL
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Ch. 4 - 6 turns (24 total)

Navarre gets a +5 might, +10 crit Iron Bow called "Archer". He probably doesn't need it.

Abel and Marth charge west and North, the undrafteds go to the slaughter :(

Abel gets a sweet crit on the boss with a Steel Lance after dodging, but misses next turn the superfluous exp on an 88% displayed hit on a horseman. Go figure, eh?

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			7.92	23	8	0	6	11	13	9	0	C					
Abel	Cavalier		12.32	26	11	0	11	11	5	11	0	D	C				
Draug	Pirate			4.8	22	7	0	4	11	2	4	0			E			
Darros	Fighter			4.37	24	6	0	2	8	3	4	0			D			
Julian	Thief			3.6									E					
Lena	Cleric			3.85														C
Navarre	Archer			5.44	21	8	0	4	6	9	8	0				E		

Ch. 5 - 5 turns (29 total)

Darros/Draug get a +4 might Iron Axe called the "Edge Axe".

3 more undrafteds meet their fate. I gang up on Wendell for his Barrier staff (thanks, man!) The plan was a 4 turn clear, but Abel didn't get close to a B rank in Lances and Vyland couldn't get free to help out, so I settle for Marth getting the killing blow instead and seize the turn after. Hopefully the rapier doesn't need much more usage.

I deployed Caeda to do some shopping. That seems sexist, but it's because of her movement, honest!

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			8.71	23	9	0	6	12	14	9	0	C					
Abel	Cavalier		13.12	26	11	0	12	11	5	11	0	D	C				
Draug	Pirate			4.94	22	7	0	4	11	2	4	0			E			
Darros	Fighter			5.27	25	7	0	2	8	4	4	0			D			
Julian	Thief			3.9									E					
Lena	Cleric			4.19	16	0	2	7	9	9	3	8						C
Navarre	Archer			6.57	21	8	0	4	7	9	8	0				E		
Vyland	Cavalier		1.5									E	D				

I probably won't update for a day or two, but I'll still play and log a bit, I'm just a bit busy now.

Edited by Whitefang
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Chapter 15 - 5/107

The usual 5-turn strategy, with Minerva getting the boss kill and Wendell getting the extra Energy Drop. A few others got some Dracoknight experience, but for the most part, people were standing around. Gharnef couldn't kill a single generic (boo).

Minerva's Speed is growing nicely. I might be able to do the 6-turn Chapter 16 stunt yet!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      20.71  33  14    0   13   19   21   12    0
Barst     Knight    15.04  28  15    0   12    4    9   19    0
Julian    Thief     11.18  23   7    0    9   19   12    5    0
Merric    Mage      15.35  28   0    8    9   13   10    4    7
Roshea    Myrmidon  13.82  30   9    0   15   14    5    4    0
Wendell   Drakky     6.00  22   9    1    6   16    4   13    4
Athena    Archer    15.47  27  12    0    8    9    6   10    0
Roger     Knight    11.57  26  12    0    4    5    7   13    0
Maria     Mage       9.78  18   0    6    4    4    4    5    5
Minerva   Drakky     6.20  25  10    0    9   16    8   13    3
Tomas     Curate    11.69  24   2    1    4    6    5    3    7
Astram    General    2.00  33  11    1    7    6    3   16    3

EDIT: Screw you Chapter 16 RNG

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Chapter 11 - 9/74 Turns

Promoted Gaggles and fed him a speedwing, so he would double everything on the map (yes, 11 AS is good enough to double all unpromoted enemies). Marth and Sedgar combined for the Khozen kill, while everyone else went south and went shopping, and used the arena.

Marth   Lord          10.13   24   9    0   10   10    13   9    1   B Sword
Cain    Curate        14.47   28   4    2   11   12     8   4    9   C Staff
Jeigan  Bishop     ??/09.11   25   1    5   11    7     2   5   10   C Staff D Tome
Gaggles Paladin    11/02.38   31  11    0   11   11    11  10    0   B Lance E Sword
Bord    Hunter        12.18   24  14    0   12    8     5   7    0   C Bow
Ogma    Dark Mage     10.84   26   2    5    6    7     4   5    3   D Tome
Julian  Thief         09.29   22   7    0    9   15    12   4    0   D Sword
Matthis Myrmidon      11.00   27   8    0   11   15     5   6    0   D Sword
Sedgar  Hero       ??/07.14   34  11    1   16   17     4  13    2   C Axe D Sword

Chapter 12 - 7/81 Turns


He OHKO'd Harmein (not a joke) and his cav buddies, while Sedgar, Julian, and Bord made a path for him. All the treasure sans the dragonpike was retrieved.

12x time to raise weapon ranks.

Marth   Lord          10.13   24   9    0   10   10    13   9    1   B Sword
Cain    Curate        15.74   29   4    2   12   13     8   4    9   C Staff
Jeigan  Bishop     ??/09.38   25   1    5   11    7     2   5   10   C Staff D Tome
Gaggles Paladin    11/03.27   32  11    0   12   11    12  11    0   B Lance E Sword
Bord    Hunter        12.40   24  14    0   12    8     5   7    0   C Bow
Ogma    Dark Mage     12.37   28   2    7    8    7     5   5    3   D Tome
Julian  Thief         10.12   23   7    0    9   16    12   4    0   D Sword
Matthis Myrmidon      11.61   27   8    0   11   15     5   6    0   D Sword
Sedgar  Hero       ??/07.72   34  11    1   16   17     4  13    2   C Axe D Sword

Chapter 12x was done in 20 turns.

Horace get. Gogo Silver Lances.

Marth   Lord          11.14   25  10    0   10   11    13   9    1   B Sword
Cain    Curate        18.24   31   4    2   13   16    10   4   10   C Staff
Jeigan  Bishop     ??/10.07   25   1    5   11    7     3   5   10   C Staff D Tome
Gaggles Paladin    11/03.69   32  11    0   12   11    12  11    0   B Lance E Sword
Bord    Hunter        13.02   25  15    0   13    9     5   7    0   C Bow
Ogma    Dark Mage     13.32   28   2    8    9    7     5   5    3   C Tome
Julian  Thief         11.13   24   7    0   10   16    12   4    0   D Sword
Matthis Myrmidon      13.36   29   9    0   11   17     5   6    0   C Sword
Sedgar  Hero       ??/09.08   37  13    1   18   19     5  15    2   C Axe D Sword
Horace  General    ??/03.00   32  15    1   12    8     7  17    3   B Lance D Bow

Chapter 13 - 3/84 Turns

Forged a +5 Mt Fire tome called Falaflame for Jeigan, it's now his PRF weapon.

Bord promoted in the base, allowing him and Gaggles to team up (exactly) for the boss kill with Gaggles wielding a Silver Lance, Bord a Steel Bow. Horace and Matthis each killed one ballistae.

Marth   Lord          11.14   25  10    0   10   11    13   9    1   B Sword
Cain    Curate        18.24   31   4    2   13   16    10   4   10   C Staff
Jeigan  Bishop     ??/10.07   25   1    5   11    7     3   5   10   C Staff D Tome
Gaggles Paladin    11/04.18   33  11    0   13   11    12  12    6   B Lance E Sword
Bord    Hunter     13/01.46   27  15    0   15   11     5  10    3   C Bow E Sword
Ogma    Dark Mage     13.32   28   2    8    9    7     5   5    3   C Tome
Julian  Thief         11.13   24   7    0   10   16    12   4    0   D Sword
Matthis Myrmidon      13.50   29   9    0   11   17     5   6    0   C Sword
Sedgar  Hero       ??/09.29   37  13    1   18   19     5  15    2   C Axe D Sword
Horace  General    ??/03.12   32  15    1   12    8     7  17    3   B Lance D Bow

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Ch. 6 - 8 turns (37 total)

Vyland gets a +5 might Iron Lance, and I'm out of money. Only about 800G left.

I have 14 units, so I don't have to worry about missing the Gaiden. I still have more undrafteds to get rid of, though.

Bah, Marth and Abel are so crummy. Well, ok, it's my own fault. Abel still can't wield the Silver Lance, so Marth and Abel team up on the boss and Marth refuses to crit this time. Vyland tracks down a thief, Julian loots stuff and kills a thief. The undrafteds block out the Silver Lance cavalier so that it can be killed from range by Navarre and Darros. Draug apparently ran around aimlessly.

I need to send more than just Marth and Abel to the boss, apparently. At least the next chapter is fairly relaxed.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			10.3	24	10	0	6	13	15	9	0	C					
Abel	Cavalier		15.02	28	11	0	14	12	6	11	0	D	C				
Draug	Pirate			4.94	22	7	0	4	11	2	4	0			E			
Darros	Fighter			6.43	26	8	0	3	8	4	5	0			D			
Julian	Thief			4.4	18	4	0	6	13	8	4	0	E					
Lena	Cleric			5.61	17	0	2	7	9	9	3	8						C
Navarre	Archer			7.13	22	8	0	4	7	9	8	0				E		
Vyland	Cavalier		2.92	21	5	0	3	6	3	8	0	E	D				

Ch. 6x - 15 turns

I take my time, get my undrafteds horribly murdered, and get some much needed exp into Vyland, Draug, Darros, and Lena.

Pirate Draug makes me sad because his defense growth is 0.

Most importantly, however, is that Abel achieves B rank lances.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			10.79	24	10	0	6	13	15	9	0	C					
Abel	Cavalier		15.36	28	11	0	14	12	6	11	0	D	B				
Draug	Pirate			6.07	24	7	0	4	13	3	4	0			E			
Darros	Fighter			7.43	27	9	0	3	8	4	5	0			C			
Julian	Thief			4.8	18	4	0	6	13	8	4	0	E					
Lena	Cleric			7.56	17	0	3	8	10	10	3	9						C
Navarre	Archer			8.11	22	8	0	5	8	10	8	0				D		
Vyland	Cavalier		5.08	23	7	0	3	7	4	9	0	E	D				

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Chapter 4: 7/28

- Had to retry a couple of times due to Castor's and Julian's fragility. Also, forged a +8 Mt and +10 Crit Iron Sword named Stab for Julian, for him to attract opponents and stab them until tearing them apart. Send a bunch of meatshields to east middle part of the map, although some survived. While Marth, Cord and Julian went west and north. Castor and Caeda were in charge of the hunter because the thief missed most of Castor's attacks.

Unit         Class    Level   Hp  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Weapon Level

Marth          Lord   13.81   29   13   0    11   14   18   14    0     Sword B
Caeda        Cleric   05.87   17    2   0     5   11   12    4    8     Staff D
Cord         Knight   05.61   20    9   0     8    5    6   14    0     Lance E
Castor      Fighter   04.84   24    7   0     0    7    4    5    0       Axe D
Julian        Thief   07.09   20    7   0     8   15   10    6    0     Sword D

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Chapter 14 - 6/90 Turns

Sedgar is broken.

He hit B in axes this chapter. He and Gordin ran towards the throne room with Marth. Gaggles opened the door, allowing Marth to barrel through with Sedgar, who killed the boss on turn 5. Ogma went and killed the archers, whom he OHKO'd with Bolganone.

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Chapter 16 - go die in a fire (6/113)

Wendell got an Energy Drop, Speedwings, and the Arms Scroll (Silver Lance).

This chapter trolled me in numerous ways:

1. Roger had problems hitting stuff.

2. The Silver Sword Hero would sometimes spawn with 15 Speed, leading to an instant reset.

3. The horses from the center island would position themselves such that Marth couldn't move well on turn 5.

4. Minerva misses, then gets crit-blicked by the boss (71% miss, no less)

5. No matter what, I couldn't recruit Xane. Nuts.

Once I got through all of that, it was doable. Norne will be my shopper, unless Minerva/Wendell are free to do stuff, or I get a Class A promo with insane stats.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      20.95  33  14    0   13   19   21   12    0
Barst     Knight    16.02  29  15    0   12    4   10   19    0
Julian    Thief     12.31  24   7    0   10   19   13    6    0
Merric    Mage      15.46  28   0    8    9   13   10    4    7
Roshea    Myrmidon  13.82  30   9    0   15   14    5    4    0
Wendell   Drakky     6.56  22  11*   1    6   18*   4   13    4
Athena    Archer    16.40  27  12    0    8    9    7   10    0
Roger     Knight    12.74  26  12    0    4    5    8   14    0
Maria     Mage      10.48  18   0    6    4    5    4    5    5
Minerva   Drakky     7.76  25  10    0   10   16    8   13    3
Tomas     Curate    12.01  24   2    1    4    7    5    3    7
Astram    General    2.00  33  11    1    7    6    3   16    3

Chapter 17 - 3/116

This chapter's far more trollish if your best non-flying offensive unit is a mage. Here's what happened. . .

- Minerva had to kill the mage in the boss' room, and it didn't matter if she was hit.

- Roshea had to be near Marth

- Wendell had to reach a certain square by turn 2, or it ruined everything

- Merric had to take as little damage from the Bishops as possible, while 4HKOing the VIP Card one.

- Marth had to hit two 78% shots with the Wyrmslayer, or he died.

- Athena had to hit two 96% shots to get Fortify. . .oh, and not eat the 1% critical chance.

- Roshea had to gain Speed

Getting the last one was a pain, but once I did, everything else fell into place. I think everyone besides Barst got a chance to do something in this map.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      21.89  33  14    0   14   20   22   12    0
Barst     Knight    16.02  29  15    0   12    4   10   19    0
Julian    Thief     12.54  24   7    0   10   19   13    6    0
Merric    Mage      16.26  28   0    8   10   14   11    4    7
Roshea    Myrmidon  14.26  30   9    0   15   15    5    4    0
Wendell   Drakky     6.86  22  11*   1    6   18*   4   13    4
Athena    Archer    16.80  27  12    0    8    9    7   10    0
Roger     Knight    12.84  26  12    0    4    5    8   14    0
Maria     Mage      10.59  18   0    6    4    5    4    5    5
Minerva   Drakky     7.95  25  10    0   10   16    8   13    3
Tomas     Curate    12.31  24   2    1    4    7    5    3    7
Astram    General    2.00  33  11    1    7    6    3   16    3

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Can I reclass generics/undrafteds to make them easier to kill? I understand it might not be ok because giving them more movement gives them more flexibility to tank some hits.

Here's some more info. I think maybe I played too much.

Ch. 7 - 6 turns (43 total)

Abel 4HKOs the boss, and 2RKOs with a Silver Lance. He didn't need to crit the boss, but he did anyway, so it was a 1RKO. Navarre OHKO'd Minerva and I managed to get Marth forward easily thanks to my faceless guys and Vyland. Everyone else pretty much just protects Lena who used one Physic use.

As an aside, this is now the furthest I've ever gone in this game.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			11.09	25	10	0	6	14	16	9	0	C					
Abel	Cavalier		16.53	29	11	0	14	13	6	11	0	D	B				
Draug	Pirate			6.75	24	7	0	4	13	3	4	0			E			
Darros	Fighter			8.81	28	10	0	4	8	4	5	0			C			
Julian	Thief			5.4	18	5	0	7	13	8	4	0	E					
Lena	Cleric			8.43	17	0	4	8	10	10	3	9						B
Navarre	Archer			8.88	22	8	0	5	8	10	8	0				D		
Vyland	Cavalier		6.22	23	8	0	4	8	4	9	0	E	D				

Ch. 8 - 5 turns (48 total)

Copy what I said in Chapter 7. Abel is the best. His crit saves me a Physic use. Did a little shopping and only Darros used the arena, and mostly for Lena to heal him afterward. Everyone else piled up top to gain exp and be generally useless. Actually, Vyland did kill a few Cavaliers to help Marth get through.

Vyland has 20 atk with his forged lance now, so he's almost outgrown it.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			11.24	25	10	0	6	14	16	9	0	C					
Abel	Cavalier		17.46	29	11	0	15	13	6	11	0	D	B				
Draug	Pirate			7.25	25	7	0	5	13	3	4	0			E			
Darros	Fighter			9.51	28	11	0	4	8	5	6	0			C			
Julian	Thief			5.5	18	5	0	7	13	8	4	0	E					
Lena	Cleric			9.07	18	0	5	8	10	11	3	9						B
Navarre	Archer			9.34	23	9	0	6	8	10	8	0				D		
Vyland	Cavalier		7.43	23	8	0	4	9	4	9	0	E	C				

Ch. 9 - 5 turns (53 total)

Abel ORKOs the boss with a Silver Lance. He and Vyland clear the way for Marth, while I manage to get one faceless killed by a pirate. Lena heals Abel on the chest island as he took some damage from pirates or something.

Oh yeah, I decided not to get Jeorge.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			11.88	25	10	0	6	14	16	9	0	B					
Abel	Cavalier		18.32	29	11	0	15	14	6	12	0	D	B				
Draug	Pirate			7.64	25	7	0	5	13	3	4	0			D			
Darros	Fighter			9.69	28	11	0	4	8	5	6	0			C			
Julian	Thief			5.5	18	5	0	7	13	8	4	0	E					
Lena	Cleric			9.57	18	0	5	8	10	11	3	9						B
Navarre	Archer			9.51	23	9	0	6	8	10	8	0				D		
Vyland	Cavalier		8.14	24	8	0	5	10	4	9	0	E	C				

Ch. 10 - 9 turns (62 total)

Again, this is all Abel and some Marth. I wanted Vyland to kill the Hero, but he never would have made it there and the Hero went west anyway (d'oh). Vyland was necessary to help out in the treasure room, though. All my generics undrafteds delayed the flyers.

Abel can 4HKO the boss, but the curate heals him, requiring Marth to get the killing blow. I lose one turn because Abel 2RKOs the Hero (which chose to suicide into Marth). Now what to do with this Master Seal...

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			13.33	27	10	0	6	14	16	9	0	B					
Abel	Cavalier		18.89	29	11	0	15	14	6	12	0	D	B				
Draug	Pirate			9.54	26	9	0	5	14	3	4	0			D			
Darros	Fighter			10.33	29	12	0	4	8	6	6	0			C			
Julian	Thief			5.5	18	5	0	7	13	8	4	0	E					
Lena	Cleric			10.75	19	0	5	9	10	11	3	9						B
Navarre	Archer			11.02	25	10	0	6	9	11	8	0				D		
Vyland	Cavalier		9.44	25	8	0	5	11	4	9	0	E	C				

Ch. 11 -

I just don't see Curate Linde saving the 4 turns it should cost to get her. Being able to use Physic twice is an attractive option, but I'd need to get her to C staves first, which would take 38 staff uses. That's a lot of investment for something which might be superfluous. Besides, I might need to use all of one staff before that option becomes available.

I think I'm going to give the Master Seal to Abel when he gets to level 20 (hopefully this chapter). I pretty much don't need anyone else, though ignorance of what lies ahead could be costly. After Abel, my candidates are Vyland (another Pally), Lena (+2 Magic, +1 Move, Tomes), and Navarre (+2 move).

Edit: I just looked, and I have Paladin!Midia and Paladin!Boah coming up, so I guess it's between Lena and Navarre. Of course, there are 2 Master Seals in that chapter, so I guess there's no issue. I just don't know if I'll be able to get both.

Any advice is appreciated! wink.gif

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It's something I regularly do, and I have yet to see any indication that it's not allowed. Some of the later Generals can be quite hard to get rid of!

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I would promote Abel ASAP. Although he can probably solo the chapter with no effort as a Cavalier anyway, his stats were all superior to My Paladin Gaggles, who ORKO'd everything in the chapter except ballistaes anyway, so maybe let him level twice there.

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Yeah, he took care of everything easily. He was even nice enough to crit the boss (stealing the kill from Vyland) giving him enough exp to get to level 20.

By boss, I meant guy on the gate, not the real boss. Abel had to ORKO the real boss with the Silver Lance, which I sent to convoy after picking up the stat booster to save its uses.

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Chapter 15 - 5/95 Turns

Hero Sedgar had just enough movement to kill the boss with a hand axe. I wanted Bord to get the kill, but Horseman have shit movement in the desert. Used Dracoknight distractions to lure magic users away from Marth.

Marth   Lord          11.62   25  10    0   10   11    13   9    1   B Sword
Cain    Curate        18.99   31   4    2   13   16    10   4   10   C Staff
Jeigan  Bishop     ??/10.85   25   1    5   11    7     3   5   10   C Staff D Tome
Gaggles Paladin    11/04.81   33  11    0   13   11    12  12    6   B Lance E Sword
Bord    Horseman   13/02.40   27  15    0   16   11     6  10    3   B Bow E Sword
Ogma    Sorcerer   13/01.86   35   4   10   11    8     6   5    7   C Tome E Staff
Julian  Thief         12.06   25   7    0   10   17    13   5    0   D Sword
Matthis Myrmidon      15.26   31  10    0   12   18     7   7    0   C Sword
Sedgar  Hero       ??/10.56   39  13    1   19   20     6  16    2   B Axe D Sword
Horace  General    ??/03.56   32  15    1   12    8     7  17    3   B Lance D Bow

Chapter 16 - 7/102 Turns

Just couldn't get the 6 turn clear. Sedgar killed the boss with the Hammer, and got critted in return... for 9 damage.


Marth   Lord          12.42   25  10    0   10   11    14   9    1   B Sword
Cain    Curate        19.51   32   4    3   13   17    10   4   11   B Staff
Jeigan  Bishop     ??/11.74   26   1    6   11    7     3   5   11   C Staff D Tome
Gaggles Paladin    11/05.63   33  12    0   13   12    12  13    6   B Lance E Sword
Bord    Horseman   13/03.19   27  16    0   17   12     7  10    3   B Bow E Sword
Ogma    Sorcerer   13/02.40   35   4   11   12    8     7   5    7   C Tome E Staff
Julian  Thief         12.19   25   7    0   10   17    13   5    0   D Sword
Matthis Myrmidon      16.26   32  10    0   13   19     7   7    0   C Sword
Sedgar  Hero       ??/11.86   41  14    1   20   21     6  17    2   B Axe D Sword
Horace  General    ??/04.07   32  15    1   13    8     7  17    3   B Lance D Bow
Xane    Chameleon     01.22   18   2    1    2    8     9   4   10   Walkin' on Water.

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