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[FE11] Random Reclass Roundup Take 2

General Horace

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Ch. 11 - 9 turns (71 total)

Abel uses a Goddess Icon, because he's super important and Luck affects Crit Evade, Accuracy, and Avoid.

I'm glad Cavs have 9 movement. After Abel impales the Manekete boss with 2 100% hit Silver Lance strikes, the two Cavs clear Marth's path. They have just enough for Abel to get in Javelin range, and Vyland can get in Steel Lance range on the "boss" on the gate. Of course, Abel crits because he does that, so Vyland gets to attack Jake for exp.

Caeda had only enough time to stop at one of the shops, as axe wielders have a bit of a hard time against mercenaries. Only Jake and one merc survive the map.

I buy a new Rapier, new Javelins, and a few Silver Lances, since there are no more freebies of those.

I'm a little sad about missing Linde, but I feel like I have real chance to win this competition, and with you guys, I need all the turns I can find.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			13.78	27	10	0	6	14	16	9	0	B					
Abel	Paladin		20	1	35	15	1	19	16	9	13	6	D	A				
Draug	Pirate			10.1	27	10	0	5	14	3	4	0			D			
Darros	Fighter			10.94	29	12	0	4	8	6	6	0			C			
Julian	Thief			6.33	19	6	0	8	13	9	5	0	E					
Lena	Cleric			11.2	19	0	6	9	10	12	3	10						B
Navarre	Archer			11.42	25	10	0	6	9	11	8	0				D		
Vyland	Cavalier		10.89	26	9	0	6	11	4	9	0	E	C					

Abel got to level 20 on the boss kill, so he was actually promoted at the base. (+3 luck is because of one stat up, and the Goddess Icon used at start of chapter).

Ch. 12 - 9 turns (80 total)

The turn count is increased to get the boots. 9 movement Marth is what it's all about. I like the boots because they cost turnst to get now, but will certainly pay off later.

I also need to kill at least 2 of my reinforcements. (One of my generics stays at the base. SIGH)

Abel charges forward, as usual, and my need to get the boots allows me to get all of the other treasures as well.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			14.18	28	10	0	7	14	16	9	0	B					
Abel	Paladin		20/	2.85	36	15	1	20	17	9	13	6	D	A				
Draug	Pirate			10.57	27	10	0	5	14	3	4	0			D			
Darros	Fighter			11.36	30	13	0	5	8	6	7	0			C			
Julian	Thief			6.33	19	6	0	8	13	9	5	0	E					
Lena	Cleric			12.47	19	0	6	9	11	13	3	11						B
Navarre	Archer			12.2	26	10	0	6	10	11	8	0				D		
Vyland	Cavalier		11.25	26	9	0	6	12	4	9	0	E	C				
Midia	Paladin		??/	1	24	7	1	11	9	7	9	6	D	C				
Boah	Paladin		??/	1	22	7	2	10	13	4	10	7	E	D										

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Might as well put this double post to good use.

Ch. 12x - 16 turns

Goals for this chapter: Increase Paladin levels, get Navarre as much exp as possible and get Lena's tome rank as high as possible.

Lena gets a +5 Might, +20 Crit Fire tome called "Flare" (18 Atk). With a 35% magic growth rate, it should last her a while, but she's far exceeded her average magic growth so far. We'll see.

Pretty straightforward chapter. Poor Horace.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			15.33	29	11	0	7	15	17	9	0	B					
Abel	Paladin		20/	3.27	37	15	1	21	18	9	13	6	D	A				
Draug	Pirate			10.93	27	10	0	5	14	3	4	0			D			
Darros	Fighter			11.94	30	13	0	5	8	6	7	0			C			
Julian	Thief			6.33	19	6	0	8	13	9	5	0	E					
Lena	Bishop		12/	2.53	25	1	9	11	12	14	5	11					E	A
Navarre	Sniper		13/	1	35	13	1	11	15	12	9	3				B		
Vyland	Cavalier		13.19	28	10	0	6	13	4	10	0	D	C				
Midia	Paladin		??/	2.21	25	7	1	12	10	7	9	6	D	C				
Boah	Paladin		??/	1.46	22	7	2	10	13	4	10	7	E	D						

Edited by Whitefang
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Chapter 5: 6/34

Screwed totally for not having a cav or peg. :facepalm: But whatever, Marth, Cord and Julian cleared archers and cavs. Marth got the kill for the boss, who else would?

Chapter 6: 8/42

Again, screwed for not having mobile units, Marth rushed alone to the throne room and in EP7 double critted (5%!) the boss with silver sword, 9 dmg per hit (54 total dmg). :awesome: Forged a "Dagger" for Rickard and had to sell Castor's axe becuase in the chapter he hit 21 Atck. Everyone hit D in wpn.

Chapter 6x: 20/42

Training chapter, my units are getting slightly better..... :facepalm:

Name      Class    Level   Hp  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Weapon Level

Marth     Lord     15.64   31   14   0    12   15   20   14    0     Sword B
Caeda     Cleric   09.23   20    2   0     7   14   15    4    9     Staff D
Cord      Knight   08.07   22   11   0     9    6    8   16    0     Lance D
Castor    Fighter  09.30   29   12   0     3   10    6    8    0       Axe D
Julian    Thief    09.25   21    8   0    10   16   11    7    0     Sword D
Rickard   Thief    04.28   17    6   0     3   11    1    3    1     Sword E

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Chapter 17 - 3/105 Turns

Promoted Matthis, he killed the boss with the wyrmslayer. Got the VIP Card and Fortify (maybe Cain will contribute something now, oh wait, Jeigan makes him obselete).

Marth   Lord          12.42   25  10    0   10   11    14   9    1   B Sword
Cain    Curate        19.86   32   4    3   13   17    10   4   11   B Staff
Jeigan  Bishop     ??/11.81   26   1    6   11    7     3   5   11   C Staff D Tome
Gaggles Paladin    11/06.84   34  12    0   14   12    13  14    6   A Lance E Sword
Bord    Horseman   13/03.66   27  16    0   17   12     7  10    3   B Bow E Sword
Ogma    Sorcerer   13/02.63   35   4   11   12    8     7   5    7   B Tome E Staff
Julian  Thief         12.19   25   7    0   10   17    13   5    0   D Sword
Matthis Myrmidon   16/02.00   39  12    1   16   21     8   9    3   B Sword
Sedgar  Hero       ??/12.21   43  14    1   21   22     7  18    2   B Axe D Sword
Horace  General    ??/04.35   32  15    1   13    8     7  17    3   B Lance D Bow
Xane    Chameleon     01.22   18   2    1    2    8     9   4   10   Walkin' on Water.

Chapter 17x - 11 Turns Got the poleaxe, but not to Wo Dao because I was too lazy to move Julian down to get it. Horace stayed back to kill the Paladins, while everyone else picked up exp. Time to forge an axe for Berserker Etzel.

Marth   Lord          13.26   34  11    0   10   11    15   9    2   B Sword
Cain    Curate        20.00   33   4    3   14   18    10   4   12   B Staff
Jeigan  Bishop     ??/12.42   27   1    6   12    7     3   5   11   B Staff D Tome
Gaggles Paladin    11/07.87   35  13    0   15   12    14  15    6   A Lance E Sword
Bord    Horseman   13/04.59   28  16    0   17   12     7  10    3   B Bow E Sword
Ogma    Sorcerer   13/03.42   36   5   11   13    8     7   5    8   B Tome E Staff
Julian  Thief         12.49   25   7    0   10   17    13   5    0   D Sword
Matthis Myrmidon   16/03.93   40  12    1   16   21     9  10    3   A Sword
Sedgar  Hero       ??/12.31   43  14    1   21   22     7  18    2   B Axe D Sword
Horace  General    ??/05.99   33  16    1   13    8     7  17    3   B Lance D Bow
Xane    Chameleon     01.63   18   2    1    2    8     9   4   10   Walkin' on Water.
Etzel   Berserker  ??/06.00   32   7    8   14   12     7   9    6   D Axe

Chapter 18 - 6/111 Turns

Gaggles and Sedgar lead the chrage, backed by Bord. Marth was kept alive due to physic spam from Jeigan and Cain. He also got a dracoshield prior to the start of the chapter.

Marth   Lord          13.94   34  11    0   10   11    15   9    2   B Sword
Cain    Curate        20.00   33   4    3   14   18    10   4   12   B Staff
Jeigan  Bishop     ??/12.60   27   1    6   12    7     3   5   11   B Staff D Tome
Gaggles Paladin    11/09.35   36  13    0   15   13    14  15    6   A Lance E Sword
Bord    Horseman   13/05.47   29  16    0   17   12     8  10    3   B Bow E Sword
Ogma    Sorcerer   13/04.01   37   5   11   13    9     7   5    8   B Tome E Staff
Julian  Thief         12.49   25   7    0   10   17    13   5    0   D Sword
Matthis Myrmidon   16/05.99   42  13    1   16   23    11  12    3   A Sword
Sedgar  Hero       ??/12.91   43  14    1   21   22     7  18    2   B Axe D Sword
Horace  General    ??/06.06   34  16    1   13    9     7  17    3   B Lance D Bow
Xane    Chameleon     02.14   18   3    1    3    8     9   4   10   Walkin' on Water.
Etzel   Berserker  ??/06.06   32   7    8   14   12     7   9    6   D Axe

Chapter 19 - 5/116 Turns

Eclipse, I can confirm that this throne does not give movement cost. In the PAL version anyway.

I didn't have enough fire power to break through the Heroes in time, as Sedgar and Matthis were the only ones able to ORKO (and didn't have enough movement). Gaggles is really not that bad though.

Berserker Etzel ORKO'd a thief with a steel axe.

Marth   Lord          14.92   35  12    0   11   12    16  11    2   B Sword
Cain    Curate     20/01.00   39   5    5   15   18    10   4   14   B Staff E Tome
Jeigan  Bishop     ??/12.73   27   1    6   12    7     3   5   11   B Staff D Tome
Gaggles Paladin    11/10.01   36  13    0   16   13    14  15    6   A Lance E Sword
Bord    Horseman   13/06.15   30  16    0   18   12     8  10    3   B Bow E Sword
Ogma    Sorcerer   13/04.56   37   5   11   13    9     7   5    8   B Tome D Staff
Julian  Thief         12.49   25   7    0   10   17    13   5    0   D Sword
Matthis Myrmidon   16/06.90   43  13    1   16   23    11  13    3   A Sword
Sedgar  Hero       ??/13.14   45  15    1   22   23     7  19    2   B Axe D Sword
Horace  General    ??/06.14   34  16    1   13    9     7  17    3   B Lance D Bow
Xane    Chameleon     02.48   18   3    1    3    8     9   4   10   Walkin' on Water.
Etzel   Berserker  ??/06.25   32   7    8   14   12     7   9    6   D Axe

Edited by General_Horace
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Alright, thanks. Looks like a bug, then, because the throne gives movement penalties in the US version. Hmmm. . .how do you want to handle this?

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Alright, thanks. Looks like a bug, then, because the throne gives movement penalties in the US version. Hmmm. . .how do you want to handle this?

I think forcing a 5+ turn clear is the solution, as it's possible to do a 4 turn clear with the bug.

And I mean, I'm emulating, so I could get the NOA ROM for future drafts, but some people play on their carts, which would still cause issues.

I would just guess banning a 4 turn clear on chapter 19 would be the best solution. I didn't get it anyway, and Marth could have been 4 spaces away from the throne at the start of turn 5, I just wanted to test if what I remembered was right.

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The same thing happens on my Cart too, I just checked the epilogue of a no warp playthrough, I got 4 turns on 19 as well there. PAL cart. IIRC it was probably fixed in the NOA version since the PAL came out earlier.

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Chapter 6 - 10 turns, 42 total. That boss totally ruined it for me, and I had trouble staying alive as well. Meh.

6x - 10 turns, 42 total. Exp frenzy, yay :3

Edited by mmKALLL
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Chapter 7: 7/49

- Cord attacked the mercs and archers near Bantu's village and got a level up, while the rest of the army head south. I ended in turn 7 by Castor's lucky crit (1%!!!) :awesome:

Chapter 8: 5/54

- Castor is really lucky, he countered and killed the four steel sword cavs with Devil Axe, in the next turn he hand axed an archer, then he head towards the boss along with Marth and finally he ORKO him with devil axe. Castor is a wandering danger with devil axe :awesome: !

Chapter 9: 5/59

- You already knew what happens when someone equips a devil axe...Julian and Rickard left Pyrathi Isle in total bankruptcy but they were lazy enough to leave the wyrm chest save. Radd is a cav and gained str and skl! :awesome: 5 base spd :facepalm:

Name      Class    Level   Hp  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res    Weapon Level

Marth     Lord     16.14   32   15   0    13   16   21   14    0      Sword B
Caeda     Cleric   10.93   21    2   0     8   14   16    4    9      Staff D
Cord      Knight   10.15   24   12   0    10    7   10   18    0      Lance C
Castor    Fighter  12.76   32   14   0     5   13    7    8    0        Axe C
Julian    Thief    11.60   22    9   0    11   17   12    8    1      Sword D
Rickard   Thief    06.09   18    8   0     4   13    2    3    1      Sword D
Radd      Cavalier 02.55   20    7   0     2    5    1    9    0  Sword D, Lance E

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I was bored in the doctor's office, so didn't get stats for the next few chapters.

Chapter 17x - 20

Everyone had fun on this chapter. I tried to use the boss as weapon EXP for Wendell, but then the boss died. Jerk.

Chapter 18 - 6/122

Minerva and Wendell are just tanky enough to survive a single Steel Bow hit. I had them on "clear things out of the way for Marth" duty, while Marth went around murdering most of the map by himself. My slower troops got a few light pickings, thanks to a frail generic.

Chapter 19 - 5/127

Grabbed the Pure Water, Spirit Dust, Seraph Robe, Geosphere, and Bullion on this map. Screwed up so I couldn't get the Bolganone. This map was absolutely ridiculous, in terms of damage. Luckily, Marth did a ton of it, and my fliers teamed up to get rid of Tiki. Merric got enough kills to promote; several other people are so close that I'll probably promote them early for the next chapter.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      25.02  37  16    0   14   23   25   13    1
Barst     Knight    17.41  29  15    0   13    5   10   20    0
Julian    Thief     12.77  24   7    0   10   19   13    6    0
Merric    Mage      20.00  32   0   10   12   15   13    5    8
Roshea    Myrmidon  16.13  33   9    0   16   15    5    4    0
Wendell   Drakky     9.42  25  12*   1    6   18*   5   14    4
Athena    Archer    19.21  29  13    0   10   12    8   11    0
Roger     Knight    15.15  29  13    0    5    5   10   15    0
Maria     Mage      12.16  18   0    8    6    5    6    5    5
Minerva   Drakky     9.80  25  12    0   11   16   10   14    3
Tomas     Curate    16.02  28   2    2    6    8    7    3    9
Astram    General    2.79  33  11    1    7    6    3   16    3

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Ch. 13 - 3 turns (83 total)

Midia dodges like a pro. I chose to have her use an arms scroll to be able to use a Silver Lance. She and Abel combine to kill the boss and Marth Siezes. Abel ORKO'd Astram and the Ballistician in Marth's way. Midia finished off a Ballistician wounded by Marth's Levin Sword.

Lucer, Laim, and Auffle perform admirably by looking like pincushions.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			15.53	29	11	0	7	15	17	9	0	B					
Abel	Paladin		20/	3.76	37	15	1	21	18	9	13	6	D	A				
Draug	Pirate			10.93	27	10	0	5	14	3	4	0			D			
Darros	Fighter			11.94	30	13	0	5	8	6	7	0			C			
Julian	Thief			6.33	19	6	0	8	13	9	5	0	E					
Lena	Bishop		12/	2.73	25	1	9	11	12	14	5	11					E	A
Navarre	Sniper		13/	1	35	13	1	11	15	12	9	3				B		
Vyland	Cavalier		13.19	28	10	0	6	13	4	10	0	D	C				
Midia	Paladin		??/	2.64	25	7	1	12	10	7	9	6	D	B				
Boah	Paladin		??/	1.46	22	7	2	10	13	4	10	7	E	D				

Ch. 14 - 6 turns (89 total)

Well, I missed the Bullion because I should have given one of Julian's escorts a Master Key. Live and learn, it's my motto.

Abel ORKO's the General with an Armorslayer thanks to conveniently reaching C rank swords by the time he gets there (Yes, I do have more tactics available to me than "Abel rushes forward"). Boah uses my last door key here, so now it's only Master Keys left. (Though a door key will soon be dropped, but I don't remember where it came from).

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			15.68	29	11	0	7	15	17	9	0	B					
Abel	Paladin		20/	5.23	39	16	1	22	20	10	14	6	C	A				
Draug	Pirate			11.79	28	11	0	5	14	4	4	0			D			
Darros	Fighter			12.77	31	13	0	5	8	6	7	0			B			
Julian	Thief			6.33	19	6	0	8	13	9	5	0	E					
Lena	Bishop		12/	3.21	26	1	9	12	12	14	5	12					E	A
Navarre	Sniper		13/	1.58	35	13	1	11	15	12	9	3				B		
Vyland	Cavalier		13.49	28	10	0	6	13	4	10	0	D	C				
Midia	Paladin		??/	2.91	25	7	1	12	10	7	9	6	D	B				
Boah	Paladin		??/	1.77	22	7	2	10	13	4	10	7	E	D				

Ch. 15 - 5 turns (94 total)

The Talisman would have been nice to get, but I'd have needed a flier, I think.

Lena uses a barrier on Marth and Abel on turns 2 and 3. Navarre took care of the Dragoons with his Steel Bow (Very close to A rank now). Draug and Darros are useless. Vyland, Midia, and Boah find things to kill, while my generics stop Gharnef in his tracks.

Lena can't ORKO the bishop without a crit, so Abel finishes him off and allows Marth to sieze.

I actually forgot to give Lena the Barrier staff at the beginning of the chapter, so I had to have Marth rearrange his weapons a bit. Just a bit of convenience, but it saved me from restarting the chapter.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			15.98	29	11	0	7	15	17	9	0	B					
Abel	Paladin		20/	6.26	40	17	1	23	21	11	14	6	C	A				
Draug	Pirate			11.79	28	11	0	5	14	4	4	0			D			
Darros	Fighter			12.77	31	13	0	5	8	6	7	0			B			
Julian	Thief			6.33	19	6	0	8	13	9	5	0	E					
Lena	Bishop		12/	3.64	26	1	9	12	12	14	5	12					E	A
Navarre	Sniper		13/	2.76	35	13	1	11	15	12	9	3				B		
Vyland	Cavalier		13.79	28	10	0	6	13	4	10	0	D	C				
Midia	Paladin		??/	3.06	25	7	1	12	10	7	10	6	D	B				
Boah	Paladin		??/	2.07	22	7	2	10	14	4	11	7	E	D				

Lena is about to gain a tome rank, which will giver her Flare tome 20 ATK, so one more Magic growth means that it's done for.

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Chapter 20 - 5/132

Promoted Barst, Roger, Merric, and Athena. Left Maria at base. The only thing she'd do is die.

Barst OHKO'd every single Paladin near the bridge, while Minerva went nuts with infinite Hauteclere, and Wendell/Athena hit respective criticals to get rid of the Generals (even if I got no criticals, the General I kept alive would've been blicked by Merric the next turn). The four that made it across the river took care of the Paladins, then. . .Camus. Marth dodged with his face, and the generic General put himself in a rather irritating position, so I had Marth duck just southeast of Camus' range, while Minerva hit the Pachyderm, Athena chipped Camus with the Silver Bow, and Wendell took two inaccurate potshots at the Devil Sword thief. Horace the Berserker used himself to bait Camus, which worked beautifully. It brought the latter close enough to the rest of my army where Athena could hit with a Longbow, and Roger could give Camus a piece of his mind for ditching Nyna. Roshea and Julian went to the arena, with Tomas and Merric healing.

My flying duo took out Lorenz. Seems he doesn't like Hauteclere.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      25.35  37  16    0   14   23   25   13    1
Barst     General    3.12  41  19    1   15   10   10   25    3
Julian    Thief     13.24  25   7    0   11   19   14    7    0
Merric    Sage       1.16  38   3   11   13   16   13    6   10
Roshea    Myrmidon  16.83  33   9    0   16   15    5    4    0
Wendell   Drakky    10.23  25  12*   1    6   18*   6   15    4
Athena    Sniper     2.31  38  15    1   15   17    8   12    3
Roger     General    1.93  39  15    1    6    9   10   19    3
Maria     Mage      12.16  18   0    8    6    5    6    5    5
Minerva   Drakky    10.14  26  13    0   12   16   10   14    3
Tomas     Curate    17.00  29   2    2    6    9    7    3   10
Astram    General    2.79  33  11    1    7    6    3   16    3

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Chapter 10: 8/67

- Generics were slaughtered at north east. Marth and Castor went for the gate, Cord stood in the fort dealing with pegs and dracos, as well as cavs and horsemen, knights were too slow. Julian, Rickard and Radd went to the center.

Chapter 11: 11/78

- Cleric Caeda delayed everything. Radd is geting def blessed, he solo'd the market square.

Chapter 12: 8/86

- Julian and Rickard opened doors and chests. Marth and Castor went to the throne room, while Cord and Radd dealt with early reinforcements.

Chapter 13: 4/90

- Aww this chapter sucked, Rickard is too fragile, he was 2HKO'd easily. Caeda got spirit dust, Radd got both energy drop and speedwings to 4 turn the chapter.

By the way Whitefang, how did you 3 turned this chapter, it is impossible to do so since Marth takes movement reduction of the gate. 4 turn is the maximum someone can beat this chapter.

Chapter 14: 9/99

- Two turns wasted waiting for Palla and Catria.

I'll be posting stats soon when my DS gets fully charged. I was at this *, once again, to smash it towards the wall, but I held back. :facepalm:

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Hmm, Horace had a 3 turn clear as well. I also always calculate the distance manually to make sure. I am quite confident that if you move Marth 9 squares the first two turns, he has just enough move to seize on turn 3. My strat did require that Abel counter and kill Astram and then ORKO a ballistician.

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I just spent 30 mins before bed on Chapter 16. Abel missed one of his 72 hit armoslayer strikes on the boss. No big deal, because Xane can come in and...miss one 96 display hit with a silver lance.

And all that after trying to get Xane and a 6 turn clear, which I have deemed impossible due to Marth's positioning and the fact that Xane always moves first. I was due a bit of bad luck I guess.

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Chapter 20x - 20

Maria got a ton of levels, and Roshea wasn't supposed to kill Ymir in the time he did (via Devil Axe, that is). My Generals made great walls. Athena chipped the boss, and Maria grabbed the kill.

I'd love to promote Roshea and Maria, but I'm short a couple Master Seals. I think I'll give the next one to Roshea.

I forgot to record Maria's stats. My bad.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      25.58  37  16    0   14   23   25   13    1
Barst     General    5.04  42  19    1   15   10   11   26    3
Julian    Thief     13.54  25   7    0   11   19   14    7    0
Merric    Sage       2.24  38   3   12   13   16   14    6   10
Roshea    Myrmidon  18.53  35  11    0   18   15    5    5    0
Wendell   Drakky    10.36  25  12*   1    6   18*   6   15    4
Athena    Sniper     4.04  40  16    1   17   17    8   13    3
Roger     General    2.27  40  16    1    7    9   11   20    3
Maria     Mage      12.16  18   0    8    6    5    6    5    5
Minerva   Drakky    10.20  26  13    0   12   16   10   14    3
Tomas     Curate    18.43  30   2    2    7   10    8    3   10
Astram    General    3.43  34  11    1    7    6    3   17    3

Chapter 21 - 3/135

Standard three turn clear. . .not.

Minerva Hammered two of the three Generals (she was 3HKO'd by them), while Roger drew the last one. Astram played tag with a Dracolord, Barst sniped the Sniper, and everything after that went straight to hell. It was so worth it. Boss was murdered by Minerva (Wendell was around to clean up, but it wasn't necessary). Merric hit D staves. Yay.

One of my resets was because I forgot to give my new shopper the Member Card. She's pretty godly for a generic, so I killed Norne.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      25.68  37  16    0   14   23   25   13    1
Barst     General    5.87  42  19    1   15   10   11   26    3
Julian    Thief     13.54  25   7    0   11   19   14    7    0
Merric    Sage       2.45  38   3   12   13   16   14    6   10
Roshea    Myrmidon  19.43  36  11    0   19   15    5    5    0
Wendell   Drakky    10.45  25  12*   1    6   18*   6   15    4
Athena    Sniper     5.35  41  16    1   18   18    8   13    3
Roger     General    3.26  41  17    1    7    9   12   21    3
Maria     Mage      17.02  19   0   12    7    5   10    5    8
Minerva   Drakky    11.47  27  13    0   12   17   11   14    3
Tomas     Curate    18.95  30   2    2    7   10    8    3   10
Astram    General    3.79  34  11    1    7    6    3   17    3

Chapter 22 - 7/142

Minerva shows these losers who's boss. The End.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      25.82  37  16    0   14   23   25   13    1
Barst     General    6.20  43  19    1   16   10   12   26    3
Julian    Thief     13.54  25   7    0   11   19   14    7    0
Merric    Sage       3.10  38   3   12   14   16   15    7   10
Roshea    Swordity   1.00  43  13    0   22   17    5    7    3
Wendell   Drakky    12.36  27  12*   1    6   19*   6   15    4
Athena    Sniper     6.15  42  16    1   19   19    9   13    3
Roger     General    3.89  41  17    1    7    9   12   21    3
Maria     Mage      17.02  19   0   12    7    5   10    5    8
Minerva   Drakky    12.61  28  14    0   13   17   12   15    3
Tomas     Curate    20.00  32   2    2    7   11    9    3   11
Astram    General    4.09  35  11    1    8    6    4   17    3

Edited by Clipseykitty
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Chapter 23 - 7/149

Ugh, two well-placed archers made this harder than it should've been!

My armors made nice bait. Merric was busy getting staff rank, and Julian went thieving. Everyone whose movement didn't suck stormed the top, and on the final turn, I got both Master Seals and the Fortify (thanks to both fliers and Roshea).

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      26.39  38  16    0   15   24   26   13    1
Barst     General    6.20  43  19    1   16   10   12   26    3
Julian    Thief     13.54  25   7    0   11   19   14    7    0
Merric    Sage       3.64  38   3   12   14   16   15    7   10
Roshea    Swordity   1.32  43  13    0   22   17    5    7    3
Wendell   Drakky    12.76  27  12*   1    6   19*   6   15    4
Athena    Sniper     6.66  42  16    1   19   19    9   13    3
Roger     General    5.57  42  18    1    8    9   14   21    3
Maria     Mage      17.35  19   0   12    7    5   10    5    8
Minerva   Drakky    13.31  28  14    0   13   18   13   16    3
Tomas     Curate    20.00  32   2    2    7   11    9    3   11
Astram    General    4.09  35  11    1    8    6    4   17    3

Chapter 24 - 4/153

AKA pulling this one out of my rear. Promoted Tomas, gave three Speedwings to Roshea, and nearly paid for it!

Turn 1: Parked Minerva near the boss, since she couldn't kill him, and he could 2HKO her. On enemy phase, she criticals the boss, the dodges a mook who runs on the throne and criticals him.

Turn 2: Roshea didn't dodge a Bishop or a Fire Dragon. At 4 HP, he rolled out of the way of a Mage Dragon, and kicked the living daylights out of it.

Turn 3: Marth dodged a Fire Dragon to save this incredible run.

Overall: WTF/10

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      27.98  39  17    0   16   24   27   13    1
Barst     General    6.29  43  19    1   16   10   12   26    3
Julian    Thief     13.54  25   7    0   11   19   14    7    0
Merric    Sage       3.89  38   3   12   14   16   15    7   10
Roshea    Swordity   2.02  44  13    0   23   23*   5    7    3
Wendell   Drakky    13.64  27  12*   1    7   20*   6   15    4
Athena    Sniper     6.87  42  16    1   19   19    9   13    3
Roger     General    5.66  42  18    1    8    9   14   21    3
Maria     Mage      18.19  19   0   13    8    5   11    5    9
Minerva   Drakky    15.14  29  15    0   15   18   14   16    3
Tomas     Bishop     1.28  38   3    4    8   11    9    3   13
Astram    General    4.09  35  11    1    8    6    4   17    3

Edited by Clipseykitty
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Ch. 16 - 7 turns (101 total)

Got Xane and made myself two Abels. This time Abel connects on both of his Armoslayer attempts, so there's no need for any worries. Draug actually proves his worth this time by killing the cleric before he can do too many healing shenannigans. Not much else to say except that nearly everyone saw combat and helped push Marth through the enemies. Boah unlocked the second door.

I unfortunately lost some good level ups for some blanks, but what can you do?

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			15.98	29	11	0	7	15	17	9	0	B					
Abel	Paladin		20/	8.19	41	18	1	24	23	12	14	6	C	A				
Draug	Pirate			12.71	28	11	0	5	14	4	4	0			D			
Darros	Fighter			13.37	31	14	0	5	8	7	7	0			B			
Julian	Thief			6.33	19	6	0	8	13	9	5	0	E					
Lena	Bishop		12/	4.13	26	1	10	12	12	15	5	12					E	A
Navarre	Sniper		13/	3.59	35	13	1	12	16	13	10	3				B		
Vyland	Paladin		14/	1	32	12	1	9	14	4	11	6	D	B				
Midia	Paladin		??/	3.16	25	7	1	12	10	7	10	6	D	B				
Boah	Paladin		??/	2.07	22	7	2	10	14	4	11	7	E	D				
Xane	Free			2.19	19	2	1	2	9	9	4	10						

Ch. 17 - 3 turns (104 total)

Marth ORKOs the Manakete with a Wyrmslayer, and Abel clears the way to said Manakete with a Javelin. Navarre puts the Silver Bow to good use and counters the Fortify staff users, gaining my only loot from this chapter (the most important stuff at least).

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			16.98	30	11	0	7	15	18	9	0	B					
Abel	Paladin		20/	8.58	41	18	1	24	23	12	14	6	C	A				
Draug	Pirate			12.71	28	11	0	5	14	4	4	0			D			
Darros	Fighter			13.37	31	14	0	5	8	7	7	0			B			
Julian	Thief			6.33	19	6	0	8	13	9	5	0	E					
Lena	Bishop		12/	4.51	26	1	10	12	12	15	5	12					E	A
Navarre	Sniper		13/	4.55	36	14	1	12	17	13	10	3				B		
Vyland	Paladin		14/	1	32	12	1	9	14	4	11	6	D	B				
Midia	Paladin		??/	3.49	25	7	1	12	10	7	10	6	D	B				
Boah	Paladin		??/	2.07	22	7	2	10	14	4	11	7	E	D				
Xane	Free			2.43	19	2	1	2	9	9	4	10						

Edited by Whitefang
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