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[FE11] Random Reclass Roundup Take 2

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Chapter 24x - 20

This chapter was used to finalize some weapon levels, as well as promote Maria (finally). Stuffed Tomas full of Spirit Dust, so that he'd be able to heal come Endgame. I'm gonna need it!

Tomas hit A staves, Wendell hit A lances, and everyone else got some levels in. Julian finally remembered how to be awesome, but I could've used this 20 chapters ago!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      28.38  40  17    0   16   25   27   13    1
Barst     General    6.29  43  19    1   16   10   12   26    3
Julian    Thief     15.21  27   9    0   12   19   16    8    0
Merric    Sage       4.94  38   3   12   15   16   16    8   11
Roshea    Swordity   4.38  46  13    1   24   24*   5    7    3
Wendell   Drakky    14.55  28  12*   1    7   20*   6   15    4
Athena    Sniper     8.04  43  17    1   20   19    9   14    3
Roger     General    6.68  43  19    1    9    9   14   21    3
Maria     Sage       1.69  25   3   14    9    6   12    6   11
Minerva   Drakky    15.14  29  15    0   15   18   14   16    3
Tomas     Bishop     4.06  38   3   14*   8   13   10    3   16
Astram    General    5.53  36  12    1    8    6    5   17    3

Endgame - 5/158

Unfortunately, Wendell and Minerva combined didn't have enough firepower to take out Medeus (Wendell was doing something like 8 damage to him with Lightsphere). . .so Marth had to walk over and do the bulk of the damage with Failchion. I'm not about to fish up stats, but here's a rough idea where the stat boosters went:

Seraph Robe: Minerva x2, Wendell x2, Marth

Energy Drop: Wendell, Marth x3

Spirit Dust: used on Tomas last chapter

Secret Book: Wendell x3

Speedwings: last one unused

Goddess Icon: Wendell x4

Dracoshield: Wendell, Marth x3


This forced the AI to target Minerva, who wiped out most of the generics, after my usual Geosphere shenanigans. Roshea, Merric, Tomas, and Barst survived the northwest, Athena and Astram were sufficient for the northeast, and Roger, Maria, and Nagi held down the southern entrance. Medeus died to turn 4E Hauteclere (10), turn 5 Falchion x2 (22 each), and turn 5 Gradivus (6).

No, I'm not retrieving my endgame stats. Chapter 24x and that stat booster outline should give you a good idea of how I got through that.

Final review:

Marth: MVP by far and away. Started strong, and never, ever looked back. It's rare that I get Marth up this high, but he damn well deserved it!

Barst: I hate armored units in drafts, but he did his job as a wall very well. Quite a waste, if I do say so myself!

Julian: This is the kind of run where he needs to gain ridiculous Strength and Speed, but didn't get the former.

Merric: I wanted him to be a physical unit, but no beans. Excaliblicking helped get rid of some otherwise durable units. He did fairly well, and I'm glad he decided to be fast!

Roshea: Thank goodness for his bases, or he'd never have made it as far as he did! Insane HP and Skill, bummer everything else.

Wendell: Did a superb job carrying runs over, and for some weird reason, he gained a bunch of Speed. Not that I'm complaining!

Athena: Decent while an Archer, scary while a Sniper. Didn't spend enough time as a Sniper.

Roger: Trolled by his own class, sadly.

Maria: Turned out surprisingly good. . .but mages suck in drafts. . .sorry, girl!

Minerva: Flying Hammer of Doom, with solid stat gains throughout. Unfortunately, she didn't get quite enough Strength for Endgame.

Tomas: It was a pity that I didn't have one more Master Seal, or he might've been able to use his monstrous Res on Chapter 23. He couldn't gain Magic to save his life, instead opting to gain Speed and Luck. He's gotta remember to do this when he's a physical unit!

Astram: Sucks as a General.

Overall: Three armored units ain't saving this kind of draft, even if I had two fliers. I needed someone else on a horse, so that I could go through those arrow-heavy maps without fear of OHKO.

EDIT: Forgot the Green Skittle

Turn counts final! I'm totally looking at third place, at best. Go me.

Edited by Clipseykitty
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Hooray for weekends! biggrin.gif

Ch. 17x - 13 turns

The Paladin reinforcements are a bit too strong for Midia and Vyland, so they retreat and with the help of Darros, they gain a little bit of exp. Other than that, the map went smoothly. It would have been difficult to do quickly, though.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			17.36	31	12	0	8	15	18	9	0	B					
Abel	Paladin		20/	10.24	41	19	1	25	25	12	14	6	C	A				
Draug	Pirate			13.11	29	11	0	5	14	4	4	0			D			
Darros	Fighter			14.83	32	15	0	5	8	7	8	0			B			
Julian	Thief			6.33	19	6	0	8	13	9	5	0	E					
Lena	Bishop		12/	5.71	26	1	10	12	12	15	5	13					D	A
Navarre	Sniper		13/	6.12	38	15	1	13	17	13	11	3				A		
Vyland	Paladin		14/	1.76	32	12	1	9	14	4	11	6	D	B				
Midia	Paladin		??/	4.01	26	7	1	13	12	7	11	6	D	B				
Boah	Paladin		??/	2.71	22	7	2	10	14	4	11	7	E	D				
Xane	Free			2.99	19	2	1	2	9	9	4	10						

Ch. 18 - 6 turns (110 total)

This one was challenging, but my generics (who now come promoted) and Paladins blocked out the enemy troops on the island (Draug crossed the river and drew some aggro as well). I wanted to give Marth the boss kill, but there was no guarantee that he could 2RKO the Paladin and dodge one attack (he was 2HKO'd), plus there was the variable of a cav and a healer. So the safe thing to do was to have Abel easily ORKO the boss.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			17.81	31	12	0	8	15	18	9	0	B					
Abel	Paladin		20/	11.81	42	19	1	25	25	12	14	6	C	A				
Draug	Pirate			13.5	29	11	0	5	14	4	4	0			D			
Darros	Fighter		15/	1	39	18	0	6	10	7	10	1			B	E		
Julian	Thief			6.33	19	6	0	8	13	9	5	0	E					
Lena	Bishop		12/	6.41	26	1	10	12	12	16	5	14					D	A
Navarre	Sniper		13/	6.39	38	15	1	13	17	13	11	3				A		
Vyland	Paladin		14/	2.83	33	12	1	9	14	4	11	6	D	B				
Midia	Paladin		??/	4.56	26	7	1	13	12	7	11	6	D	B				
Boah	Paladin		??/	2.93	22	7	2	10	14	4	11	7	E	D				
Xane	Free			3.22	19	2	1	2	9	10	4	10						

Ch. 19 - 5 turns (115 total)

I prioritized the Master Seal and Starsphere and Marth took out Tiki in 2 rounds. He missed twice, but he only needed 2 hits. He was 2HKO'd by Tiki, so Lena had to use a Physic on him to keep him alive with a mere 1 HP left.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			18.49	32	12	0	9	15	19	9	0	A					
Abel	Paladin		20/	12.36	43	19	1	25	25	12	14	6	C	A				
Draug	Berserker	14/	1	36	13	0	6	15	4	7	0			C			
Darros	Warrior		15/	1.68	39	18	0	6	10	7	10	1			B	E		
Julian	Thief			6.8	19	6	0	8	13	9	5	0	E					
Lena	Bishop		12/	6.95	26	1	10	12	12	16	5	14					D	A
Navarre	Sniper		13/	6.99	38	15	1	13	17	13	11	3				A		
Vyland	Paladin		14/	3.56	33	12	1	10	15	5	11	6	D	B				
Midia	Paladin		??/	4.85	26	7	1	13	12	7	11	6	D	B				
Boah	Paladin		??/	3.13	22	7	2	10	15	4	11	7	E	D				
Xane	Free			3.44	19	2	1	2	9	10	4	10						

I'm looking forward to Abel with Gradivus, Starsphere, and Lightsphere.

Edited by Whitefang
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ZOMG, Draug has bow rank!

(in other words, looks like there's a tab where there shouldn't be in your stat sheet. . .sorry. . .I really do read them!)

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Yeah, the columns are a bit screwed up when I transfer them from Excel to Notepad++, so I have to add a tab. Looks like I added one too many for Draug, thanks for the catch, Eclipse!

Edited by Whitefang
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Hmmm. . .

1. Hit "Edit post".

2. Copy the code box from the previous post.

3. Edit in the changes.

4. Next chapter's code box!

Just to let you know, you don't actually have to hit edit post to copy it, just straight up copy from the main page, edit, and paste.

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Just to let you know, you don't actually have to hit edit post to copy it, just straight up copy from the main page, edit, and paste.

I don't use WYSIWYG, so if I were to do that, strange things happen. . .tee-hee~!

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I don't use WYSIWYG, so if I were to do that, strange things happen. . .tee-hee~!

I have no idea what WYSIWYG is, but i'll take your word for it. I don't see why people use more complex things than Notepad for these stat tables.

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I have no idea what WYSIWYG is, but i'll take your word for it. I don't see why people use more complex things than Notepad for these stat tables.

WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get - It's a "programming" style common with scripts on the internet where the formatting and code is done for you and all you do is put things where you want them.

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Hmmm. . .

1. Hit "Edit post".

2. Copy the code box from the previous post.

3. Edit in the changes.

4. Next chapter's code box!

Thanks for the advice, but that doesn't work when I have to add a weapon rank or a promotion. Also this way I only have to enter in the stats once, and then just copy pasta it everywhere else. I find it to be very easy to use Excel, just tab over and start typing the new stat and it overwrites automatically. No need to fidget with the mouse or anything.

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I've reached chapter 4, and went to reclass my units, but I noticed knights (for Cord) have gone to the limit (2/2) because Draug is alive and Unil offered his services as a knight also. So I'll re roll the dice for Cord.

The result was 10 and Cord is again a knight, so I'll re roll...

and...the final result is 9 and Cord's a Dark Mage!!! First time using a Sorcerer, yay! :awesome: Excalibur, but...that'll force to recruit Merric... :facepalm: ...no way, until ch. 24x.

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So yeah.


Finally got that Chapter 8 clear -.-'

Chapter 8 - 6 turns, 55 total.

-Some of the cooler things are having to restart four times, getting Marth blocked by three enemy lines, and me having two 62% chances to hit the boss with Armorslayer. I'm thankful I saved, I had to retry eight times before succeeding, and then a enemy comes and crits Norne. :facepalm:

-Julian was left with two hit points and three enemies able to hit him after I finally ORKOed the boss again. Almost a guaranteed ragequit with the ~60% hit chances, but he seems to be too cool to die.

-Radd went back and did some shopping. Everyone can use Silvers, right? ..Or not.

Caesar became a Dark Mage. I was right to invest in a mag growth! Woo!

Chapter 9 -

..When managing my inventories, I come to a realization. I realize why I had suspended the game in such a sweet spot in the first place. Wolf is dead, and I overwrote my save. :facepalm:

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Ch. 20 - 5 turns (120 total)

I was hoping that the Hammerne village was more accessible. As it is not, I will be skipping it (sorry about the exp loss, Lena, go work on your tome rank).

Abel crits Camus with a Javelin (twice, just to make sure he's dead). And then Abel becomse invincible with the Gradivus, Starsphere, and Lightsphere. I no longer need a hint of strategy.

I'm actually wondering if I could have done a 5 turn clear without Abel critting once, and I think I couldn't have with my current strategy. Well, if Xane hadn't been hit by a ballistician he would have been available to help I guess, so it was poor placement on my part. Saved me from redoing the chapter, at least.

Anyway, Draug with a Hammer was useful, as was Darros with a Poleax. I feel like Darros finally pulled his weight, though I'm still not sure that he was strictly necessary. Lena did not need to use her Physic staff, so she got to use her tome a few times.

I didn't use the arena because I had no access to a battle save and didn't want to waste the run I had.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			18.49	32	12	0	9	15	19	9	0	A					
Abel	Paladin		20/	13.68	44	20	1	25	25	12	15	6	C	A				
Draug	Berserker	14/	1.54	36	13	0	6	15	4	7	0			C			
Darros	Warrior		15/	3.01	41	20	0	6	10	9	12	1			B	E		
Julian	Thief			6.8	19	6	0	8	13	9	5	0	E					
Lena	Bishop		12/	7.41	26	1	10	13	12	17	5	14					D	A
Navarre	Sniper		13/	7.89	39	15	1	13	17	14	11	3				A		
Vyland	Paladin		14/	3.7	33	12	1	10	15	5	11	6	D	B				
Midia	Paladin		??/	4.85	26	7	1	13	12	7	11	6	D	B				
Boah	Paladin		??/	3.35	22	7	2	10	15	4	11	7	E	D				
Xane	Free			3.54	19	2	1	2	9	10	4	10						

Ch. 20x - 20 turns

Alright, after this I don't need to worry about killing people off.

This is one of my last opportunities to get Marth some levels, so I let him do most of the work. The last 5 turns or so is Lena Heal spamming.

I had Marth convoy himself a Draco Shield, because I thought he might counter-attack too much and die, but one of the enemies that he couldn't ORKO attacked first, so it didn't matter.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			22.22	36	16	0	12	18	22	12	1	A					
Abel	Paladin		20/	14.82	44	21	1	26	25	13	16	6	C	A				
Draug	Berserker	14/	2.01	36	13	0	7	16	4	7	0			C			
Darros	Warrior		15/	3.01	41	20	0	6	10	9	12	1			B	E		
Julian	Thief			6.8	19	6	0	8	13	9	5	0	E					
Lena	Bishop		12/	8.99	26	1	11	14	12	17	5	15					D	A
Navarre	Sniper		13/	8.34	40	15	1	13	17	14	12	3				A		
Vyland	Paladin		14/	4.47	33	12	1	10	16	5	11	6	D	B				
Midia	Paladin		??/	5.4	27	7	1	13	12	7	11	6	D	B				
Boah	Paladin		??/	3.68	22	7	2	10	15	4	11	7	E	D				
Xane	Free			3.94	19	2	1	2	9	10	4	10						

Ch. 21 - 3 turns (123 total)

Abel OHKO's the Paladin, and 2HKO's the Generals. All in one round, of course. He also ORKO's the boss. Other helpful contributions from Darros and Navarre, who kept Caeda safe long enough to shop. Draug and the Paladins (plus Xane) helped clear a General in Marth's way and killed a few Dracoknights.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			22.32	36	16	0	12	18	22	12	1	A					
Abel	Paladin		20/	16.51	46	22	1	28	25	13	16	6	C	A				
Draug	Berserker	14/	2.64	36	13	0	7	16	4	7	0			C			
Darros	Warrior		15/	3.12	41	20	0	6	10	9	12	1			B	E		
Julian	Thief			6.8	19	6	0	8	13	9	5	0	E					
Lena	Bishop		12/	9.28	26	1	12	14	13	18	5	16					D	A
Navarre	Sniper		13/	8.64	40	15	1	13	17	14	12	3				A		
Vyland	Paladin		14/	4.82	33	12	1	10	16	5	11	6	D	B				
Midia	Paladin		??/	5.87	27	7	1	13	12	7	11	6	D	B				
Boah	Paladin		??/	3.8	22	7	2	10	15	4	11	7	E	D				
Xane	Free			4.47	19	2	1	3	9	10	4	10						

Ch. 22 - 7 turns (130 total)

After much painstaking calculation, it comes to naught as the fliers come to me and make my life much easier by dividing up their damage. Marth does have to survive with 1HP left, though, and gets some exp on a few counters.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			22.88	36	16	0	12	18	22	12	1	A					
Abel	Paladin		20/	18.55	47	22	1	28	25	13	17	6	C	A				
Draug	Berserker	14/	2.74	36	13	0	7	16	4	7	0			C			
Darros	Warrior		15/	3.62	41	20	0	6	10	9	12	1			B	E		
Julian	Thief			6.8	19	6	0	8	13	9	5	0	E					
Lena	Bishop		12/	9.94	26	1	12	14	13	18	5	16					D	A
Navarre	Sniper		13/	9.09	41	15	1	13	18	14	12	3				A		
Vyland	Paladin		14/	5.43	34	13	1	11	17	5	11	6	D	A				
Midia	Paladin		??/	5.96	27	7	1	13	12	7	11	6	D	B				
Boah	Paladin		??/	3.9	22	7	2	10	15	4	11	7	E	D				
Xane	Free		4.9	19	2	1	3	9	10	4	10						

Ch. 23 - 7 turns (137 total)

I couldn't get the Fortify staff, but I hope I won't need it. I already have one anyway.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			22.88	36	16	0	12	18	22	12	1	A					
Abel	Paladin		20/	19.72	48	23	1	28	25	13	18	6	C	A				
Draug	Berserker	14/	3.04	37	13	0	7	17	5	7	0			B			
Darros	Warrior		15/	4.24	42	20	0	6	11	10	12	1			B	E		
Julian	Thief			6.8	19	6	0	8	13	9	5	0	E					
Lena	Bishop		12/	10.65	26	1	12	14	13	19	5	16					D	A
Navarre	Sniper		13/	9.22	41	15	1	13	18	14	12	3				A		
Vyland	Paladin		14/	5.61	34	13	1	11	17	5	11	6	D	A				
Midia	Paladin		??/	6.73	28	7	1	14	13	7	12	6	D	B				
Boah	Paladin		??/	3.9	22	7	2	10	15	4	11	7	E	D				
Xane	Free			5.1	19	2	1	4	9	10	4	10						

Ch. 24 - 5 turns (142 total)

Abel goes over the mountains first, so Marth goes behind at a slower pace. Not having a flier costs me one turn.

Lena uses two barrier uses on Marth and Abel which simplifies everything greatly.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			23.28	37	16	0	13	18	23	13	1	A					
Abel	Paladin		20/	20	49	23	1	28	25	13	19	6	C	A				
Draug	Berserker	14/	3.04	37	13	0	7	17	5	7	0			B			
Darros	Warrior		15/	5.01	43	21	0	6	11	10	12	1			A	E		
Julian	Thief			6.8	19	6	0	8	13	9	5	0	E					
Lena	Bishop		12/	11.03	26	1	12	14	14	20	5	17					D	A
Navarre	Sniper		13/	9.59	41	15	1	13	18	14	12	3				A		
Vyland	Paladin		14/	5.61	34	13	1	11	17	5	11	6	D	A				
Midia	Paladin		??/	6.73	28	7	1	14	13	7	12	6	D	B				
Boah	Paladin		??/	3.9	22	7	2	10	15	4	11	7	E	D				
Xane	Free			5.2	19	2	1	4	9	10	4	10						

Ch. 24x - 17 turns

Lena gets boosted up to rank B tomes just because (actually so she can have a good tome with no AS loss), and we're off to try and cap Marth. After this chapter is done we'll see what other stat boosters to use.

Unit	Class	Promoted At	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth	Lord			26.89	40	17	0	14	20	26	13	1	A					
Abel	Paladin		20/	20	49	23	1	28	25	13	19	6	C	A				
Draug	Berserker	14/	3.41	37	13	0	7	17	5	7	0			B			
Darros	Warrior		15/	5.52	43	21	0	6	11	10	12	1			A	E		
Julian	Thief			6.8	19	6	0	8	13	9	5	0	E					
Lena	Bishop		12/	13.02	26	1	13	14	14	22	5	19					B	A
Navarre	Sniper		13/	11.12	42	16	1	15	20	15	12	3				A		
Vyland	Paladin		14/	6.82	35	13	1	12	18	6	11	6	D	A				
Midia	Paladin		??/	6.73	28	7	1	14	13	7	12	6	D	B				
Boah	Paladin		??/	4	22	7	2	10	15	4	11	7	E	C				
Xane	Free			5.6	19	2	1	4	9	10	4	10						

Final - 5 turns (147 total)

Ok, Lena gets Spirit Dust x3 and Seraph Robe.

Abel gets an Energy Drop and a Dracoshield.

Midia and Boah get a Seraph Robe each.

Marth gets a Dracoshield x2 and a Seraph Robe.

Vyland gets Energy Drop x3 and Speedwing x4, since he's probably my only other help for Abel on Medeus.

Meh, all that and I should have only bothered fielding Lena, Xane, and Abel. Abel 3HKOs (2 rounds) Medeus with 100% hit rate. Ok, I guess Draug and Darros were helpful in killing one of the clerics.

Casualties: Midia, Boah. I don't feel like replaying it right now, so sorry guys.

Xane copied Lena for dual Fortify nearly every turn, except when Xane needed to be recovered from Ballisticians targeting him and a few early turns I used a Physic when just one char needed extra healing.

Character evaluations

Marth - Pretty good, he was able to usually kill anything that got in his way except very early and very late. He had little trouble surviving.

Abel - The star of this playthrough. The hardest part was getting him to rank B lances, but once that happened it was easy mode.

Draug - Draug the Pirate. Fast, and somehow he gained defense after class change. *shrugs* His ability to walk over water proved useful at times, especially once he got access to the hammer and poleax.

Darros - I probably should have just killed him in chapter 2. As a Fighter, he could use Hammers fairly quickly, but he was too slow movement wise to put it to good use. He also suffered from low speed. His bow rank proved slightly useful for downing dracoknights in later chapters.

Julian - I didn't need him for much combat, but his utility was invaluable

Lena - Lena was extremely useful this run. Without her, Abel doesn't advance nearly as quickly thanks to her quick staff rank to use Physic. Along with her abnormal magic growths that I got, she was healing a lot of HP each turn. As a Bishop, she didn't really gain anything, but she was more than useful as a healer.

Navarre - Navarre the Archer/Sniper is awesome. Frequent crits, good movement once he promoted, and very high strength. I should have had him kill Minerva for the Hauteclare, though.

Vyland - He was good. Better than the other horsies.

Midia - She was extremely useful the first couple chapters that I had her for, but then she fell off a steep slope of usefulness. She had extreme speed and strength problems, making her harder and harder to use effectively. Still, at least she could use Silver Lances quickly.

Boah - Paladin Boah was a master of keys. That's about the extent of his usefulness.

Xane - Crucial in a few chapters, including Endgame. Two Abels is always nice, and two Lenas worked very well. Sometimes I forgot to use the imitate skill before Abel walked away, but he still was useful as a Vyland or Midia clone.

Nagi - She killed a couple enemies and kept Marth safe, I guess.

Linde - Unrecruited

Arran - Unrecruited

It was a fun competition, and I look forward to seeing everyone else's reports as they roll in.

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I was curious to see what this was like and to horribly demoralize myself try to play efficiently for once. I ended up randoming Eclipse's team.

Marth -

Extremely useful and due to not having any other early game front-liners except Julian, was almost soloing chapters early on.

Julian -

I've never used him as a combat unit before, but he's actually really good - his low defense was made up for by very high HP. Sort of like a mini-Marth.

Barst - Dark Mage

Barst was extremely underwhelming, he finished the game with 5 magic and rarely doubled, he was borderline useless.

Merric - Curate

He was really awful prepromote, but after promotion was my best staff user and best magic user.

Roshea - Archer

I expected him to be worse than he was, he started off really badly, but after using all of 6x to feed him kills, he started to be capable of taking people out. He only got better once he got a longbow.

Athena - Mage

I let her die because she was higher levelled, worse than and had worse growths than Barst and Merric. I kind of wish I had kept either her or Linde for Aura-use, but would 5 mages really made my life any easier?

Tomas - Myrmidon

I didn't use him. He came in way too late and would have had pitiful defense all game and with the general lack of avoidance in this game, he wasn't worth the effort.

Roger - Knight

Surprisingly good, though very slow. He generally acted as a rear guard and kept my mages safe, extremely nice strength growth, but his defense was lacking toward the end.

Wendell - Bishop

One of my best characters early on, but slowed down as I went. His low skill was often an issue, but was overall more useful than Barst even considering that because at least Wendell can double.

Astram - General

Absolutely Awful. I used him a bit to fight and as a wall, but he was really awful.

Maria - Mage

I initially intended to keep her, but her terrible offense was too hard to fix so I just ended up letting her die.

Minerva - Dracoknight

Finally a high mobility unit, I used her a lot and my turn counts after she joined went WAAAAAY down. Her growths might not be that great, but her bases are pretty decent and as soon as I got starsphere she was absolutely raping everybody with her Hauteclare.

Xane -

He was surprisingly useful, I've never bothered to use him before. He was generally a second and slightly worse Minerva (I didn't have any Silver Axes to give him) or a second and slightly worse Marth (didn't give him a rapier at first and then later on he can't use Falchion).

P1. 5

P2. 10

P3. 18

P4. 19

1. 9

2. 7

3. 8

4. 8

5. 7

6. 11

6x: 21 (1)

7. 8

8. 6

9. 5

10. 13

11. 9

12. 8

12x: 18 (0)

13. 5

14. 6

15. 6

16. 8

17. 3

17x: 20 (0)

18. 7

19. 6

20. 6

20x: 11 (0)

21. 4

22. 8

23. 9

24. 5

24x: 12 (0)


Turncount: 183

Sadly, I didn't keep track of when they promoted as I was going and I also didn't keep track of most of the stat-boosting items, though most went to Marth in the interest of being able to kill Medeus. These were the stats going into endgame:

Unit  	Class    	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Sword	Lance	Axe	Bow	Tome	Staff
Marth 	Lord 		30   	42	21 	0  	18   	25 	27 	16 	2*   	A
Barst 	Sorceror 	9.73 	30	8  	5  	15   	14 	12 	8  	8         	      						A 	E
Merric	Bishop   	9.70 	37	1  	7  	11   	19 	12 	6  	14   		  	           D 	A
Roshea	Sniper   	14.09	49	17 	1  	22   	18 	6  	11 	3 								A
Julian	Thief    	22.59	42	16 	0  	18   	22 	21 	10 	0    	B
Roger 	General  	14.65	50	21 	1  	13   	12 	22 	23 	3    	A    	E
Wendell Bishop 		13.54	30	1  	9  	4    	15 	5  	5  	12   			           A 	B
Astram	General  	2.96 	33	10 	1  	7    	6  	4  	16 	3 				D   			E
Minerva Dracoknight	19.11	33	17 	0  	14   	18 	14 	18 	3    	D    	A
Xane  	Freelancer  	6.17    20      3   	1   	4    	9  	11 	5  	10

This code hates me, the weapon ranks line up badly (some of them), but they're in the right order.

*Marth got the Talisman.

Edited by XiSrOn
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Chapter 20 - 5/121 Turns

Gaggles and Xane (as Gaggles) fired Ridersbanes around, while Sedgar poleaxed Camus. Horace protected my squishies from the paladins. Time to get General Ymir :facepalm:

Chapter 20x - 12 Turns

Everything was dead by turn 6. It was amusing to see Gaggles sit on a bridge and OHKO 5 paladins while taking only 3 damage in total. They had silver weapons too. Xane copied Julian to speed up the thieving process.

Marth   Lord          15.75   36  13    0   11   12    17  11    2   A Sword
Cain    Curate     20/01.86   39   5    5   15   18    10   4   14   B Staff E Tome
Jeigan  Bishop     ??/13.19   28   1    7   13    8     3   5   11   B Staff D Tome
Gaggles Paladin    11/13.04   38  14    1   18   13    15  16    6   A Lance E Sword
Bord    Horseman   13/06.69   30  16    0   18   12     8  10    3   B Bow E Sword
Ogma    Sorcerer   13/05.64   37   5   11   14    9     8   5    8   B Tome D Staff
Julian  Thief         12.62   25   7    0   10   17    13   5    0   D Sword
Matthis Myrmidon   16/08.71   45  13    1   16   24    11  13    3   A Sword
Sedgar  Hero       ??/14.36   47  16    1   23   24     7  19    2   B Axe D Sword
Horace  General    ??/06.81   34  16    1   13    9     7  17    3   B Lance D Bow
Xane    Chameleon     02.48   18   3    1    3    8     9   4   10   Walkin' on Water.
Etzel   Berserker  ??/07.05   33   7    8   14   12     7   9    6   D Axe
Ymir    General    ??/10.00   48  19    0   14   10     5  19    3   D Lance D Bow

If Ymir had a lance rank he would be pretty decent.

Chapter 21 - 3/124 Turns

Gaggles Gradivus rush. Chasia the dracoknight (who has 15 Str 16 Spd and 16 Def) bought stuff at the secret shop.

Chapter 22 - 7/131 Turns

Gaggles killed stuff with Gradivus, while Sedgar and Bord went around ORKOing and blicking Wyverns. Ogma blicked with Excalibur.

Chapter 23 - 7/138 Turns


I used a generic instead.

Chapter 24 - 4/142 Turns

Sedgar ran over the mountain, and I gave him an arms scroll so he could use the wyrmslayer. He cleared the way for Marth. Chasia bought more stat boosters.

Chapter 24x - 8 Turns

I just killed everything with Gaggles.

Final - 4/146 Turns

Gaggles killed Medeus with a Gradivus double, then after Cain and Jeigan fortified, killed him on the EP.

Marth   Lord          17.01   37  13    0   13   12    17  13    3   A Sword
Cain    Curate     20/04.08   43   6    5   16   21    13   4   14   A Staff E Tome
Jeigan  Bishop     ??/15.87   30   1    7   15    9     3   5   12   A Staff C Tome
Gaggles Paladin    11/20.00   60  25    1   28   25    20  24   10   A Lance E Sword
Bord    Horseman   13/08.01   32  17    0   20   12     8  11    3   A Bow D Sword
Ogma    Sorcerer   13/08.45   42   5   18   15   10    10   5    9   A Tome C Staff
Julian  Thief         12.62   25   7    0   10   17    13   5    0   D Sword
Matthis Myrmidon   16/11.00   48  15    1   18   26    12  15    3   A Sword
Sedgar  Hero       ??/20.00   60  22    1   29   26     7  24    2   A Axe C Sword
Horace  General    ??/08.32   35  17    1   16   10     7  19    3   A Lance C Bow
Xane    Chameleon     06.34   21   4    1    3   11    13   6   10   Walkin' on Water.
Etzel   Berserker  ??/08.01   34   7    8   14   12     7   9    6   D Axe
Ymir    General    ??/11.76   49  20    0   14   10     5  20    3   D Lance D Bow

Unit Analysis in a sec.

Edited by General_Horace
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Marth - I hate all you people who get good Marths. Mine always blow chunks. Base strength and speed coming out of the prologue. A liablilty, like always.

Cain - Woo, a Bishop with more strength than Magic! Good thing he had all that speed, because he couldn't attack unit chapter 20!

Jeigan - Unlike Cain, he was actually kind of useful from time to time, because he could, you know, attack.

Gaggles - Thank you for rolling Cav for at least one of my units. He was absolutly atrocious until he promoted, then he suddenly started ORKOing stuff. It was scary. I stuffed him with stat boosters for endgame.

Ogma - He actually gained some magic (although he did eat 4 spirit dusts) and combined bosskills earlygame with Jeigan because Marf couldn't do shit all. Turns out in NM you can hand anybody an Elfire or Bolganone and they can OHKO unpromoted stuff. He was pretty good.

Bord I was expecting him to do more, with his movement, but his low durability held him back. And when the Pallys started showing up, he couldn't double them.

Julian - Absolutly useless combat wise, but he got me some nice stuff.

Matthis - Took a bit of babying, but once he promoted, he was pretty awesome. He was a fast, durable swordmaster. (He was like, 6HKO'd by Silver Lances)

Sedgar - Thank god I didn't have to use him as a sorcerer. He saved many turns from chapter 10 on.

Horace - He's invincible in NM, but the 6 movement held him back.

Xane - This is the first time i've ever used him, and he's pretty useful for this kind of run.

Etzel - His 100% HP growth kicked in twice. He got nothing else on his 2 level ups.

Ymir - His bases were pretty fabulous, but he had lousy weapon ranks and movement.

It is very sad that I beat my first SD draft turncount with this team. ALSO WHY WHITEFANG, ONE TURNNNNNNNNNNN

Curse whoever gave you Paladin Abel.

I also like how I predicted getting Bishop Jeigan and Berserker Etzel.

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Hey Horace, you might want to recheck your turncount at Chapter 8.

And I thought I had won. I am so deflated. I took too many turns to get the boots, I should have replayed that chapter and been more aggressive in Final. Maybe I could have pushed someone else through the mountains than Abel in Chapter 24. Wow. Congrats, Horace! It looks like you are going to be the winner.

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Hey Horace, you might want to recheck your turncount at Chapter 8.

And I thought I had won. I am so deflated. I took too many turns to get the boots, I should have replayed that chapter and been more aggressive in Final. Maybe I could have pushed someone else through the mountains than Abel in Chapter 24. Wow. Congrats, Horace! It looks like you are going to be the winner.


Thanks for your honesty. Looking at your team, you had a whole lot of nothing asides from Abel, so it would have been tough to push through, unless Vyland could use the ridersbane in chapter 12. This was your first draft of SD (IIRC), and this is like, my tenth or so, so I know exactly what to do for the minimal turncounts lategame. In chapter 24, I don't thing any of your other units could have survived the barrage other than Abel, and it hurt not having a Hero or flier to solo that section so Marth wouldn't die.

And Endgame, for future reference, just have your overpowered Pally (Cain, Abel, Frey, Hardin, Gaggles) whack Medeus on turn 4, and counter on turn 4 EP. It will always KO, and with boosters, your Pally should be durable enough.

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Thanks for your honesty. Looking at your team, you had a whole lot of nothing asides from Abel, so it would have been tough to push through, unless Vyland could use the ridersbane in chapter 12. This was your first draft of SD (IIRC), and this is like, my tenth or so, so I know exactly what to do for the minimal turncounts lategame. In chapter 24, I don't thing any of your other units could have survived the barrage other than Abel, and it hurt not having a Hero or flier to solo that section so Marth wouldn't die.

And Endgame, for future reference, just have your overpowered Pally (Cain, Abel, Frey, Hardin, Gaggles) whack Medeus on turn 4, and counter on turn 4 EP. It will always KO, and with boosters, your Pally should be durable enough.

I thought the Curates would heal him first, but even if they would, they can be easily neutralized by anyone who can attack from 2 range.

Yeah, not having a flier hurt, but not too bad for my first SD draft. There were a couple places where I could have saved a turn or two. *glares at Darros*.

I also kind of thought that the win condition of Final was seize, because that's what it says before Medeus transforms, so I didn't worry about it too much. When I killed him and the game ended, I realized my error, but I thought I had a large enough lead.

The only reason I saw the error was because I wanted to see where you made up time and how I had gotten the lead in the first place. That was a great come-from-behind victory and it was well earned. mmKALLL and Quintessence still have to finish, but I think you've got it.

Edit: Cleaned up some tags.

Edited by Whitefang
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Congratulations on finishing, you two!

Lack of a mounted unit made several chapters longer than necessary (namely Chapter 13 and Endgame). Luckily, I got a godly Marth, so he was able to do the brunt of the work during the later chapters.

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*Eternity later*...

Sorry for no posting but I was moving and I was really busy and tired. By the way, I'm by ch. 14 and have lost the count so I'll make a one and only post of the turncounts and stats (notes and highlights).

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Finally I finished this run, my turncounts aren't as brilliant as the other participants', but I'm glad I've broken my last record. Yay!!!

The turn count is:

Pr. I: 5

Pr. II: 8

Pr. III: 16

Pr. IV: 18

Ch. 1: 8

Ch. 2: 5 (13)

Ch. 3: 7 (20)

Ch. 4: 7 (27)

Ch. 5: 5 (32)

Ch. 6: 7 (39)

Ch. 6x: 14

Ch. 7: 6 (45)

Ch. 8: 5 (50)

Ch. 9: 5 (55)

Ch. 10: 8 (63)

Ch. 11: 11 (74)

Ch. 12: 9 (83)

Ch. 12x: 16

Ch. 13: 3 (86)

Ch. 14: 9 (95)

Ch. 15: 6 (101)

Ch. 16: 7 (108)

Ch. 17: 3 (111)

Ch. 17x: 19

Ch. 18: 6 (117)

Ch. 19: 5 (122)

Ch. 20: 6 (128)

Ch. 20x: 12

Ch. 21: 3 (131)

Ch. 22: 8 (139)

Ch. 23: 7 (146)

Ch. 24: 6 (152)

Ch. 24x: 16

Endgame: 4 (156)

Total: 156 Turns!!!! Yay!! I didn't win the draft but this record is almost 100 turns lower from my last and first SD draft :awesome: .

Facts that cost me turns:

-Not having a strong early class/unit such as a cavalier for the first chapters.

-Recruiting Jake.

-Recruiting Catria and Palla.

-Recruiting Lolrenz.

-Not having a flyer for Ch. 24, otherwise I would've ended it in 4-5 turns.

However, reclassing the units wasn't as traumatic as I thought, at all.

Here are the stats:

Name     Class          Lv.   Hp  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res    Weapon Level

Marth    Lord          30.00  41   25    0   21   25   30   17    2      Sword A
Caeda    Bishop        14.29  30    3   18   20   25   27    6   17   Tome C, Staff A
Cord     Sorcerer      10.28  34    7   20   16   19   16    6   16   Tome A, Staff D
Castor   Warrior       12.45  49   30    0   17   22   15   17    1    Axe A, Bow C
Julian   Thief         18.61  31   16    0   17   21   21    7    2      Sword B
Rickard  Thief - Base -
Radd     Paladin       14.73  48   25    1   21   24   16   26    6  Sword C, Lance A
Jake     Ballistician  22.24  28   14    0   11    7   12   20    0
Catria   Swordmaster   11.75  45   24    1   29   30   15   17    3      Sword B
Palla    Sniper        07.56  42   24    1   24   25   12   19    3        Bow B
Lorenz   Warrior       08.17  35   11    0    5   11    4    7    1    Axe D, Bow B
Elice    Bishop        01.00  25    1    5    8   10    5    5    9


Marth: Giving him Boots made him lure many enemies in the endgame chapters, making him gain a bunch of EXP, that's why he's Lv. 30. Excellent stats, he capped speed, luck and str. No stat boosters at all, except by Boots and a Seraph Robe I gave him to increase his surviving rates. :awesome:

Caeda: Above all, the greatest surprise in the play through. Definitely, a good candidate for Bishop. Excellent Avoid and Luck, plus her support with Marth goes good for both. Her mag and res suck somehow, but she dodges javelins, ballistae and low hit% weapons. :newyears:

Cord: The biggest fail in the run. Too average for me, his level ups were literally pathetic and I had to battle save to make him catch good level ups. He was a disaster in ch. 20, ballistae almost kill him and the paladins rushed over him. :facepalm:

Castor: As Marth's main supporting character he does the job pretty good, but not excellent after all. He got good level ups and once he gets to the 2nd tier he did his job better, but his movement suppressed his fighting skills, because Marth moved 9 and he 7. :dry:

Julian: He was of great importance for the first 5 chapters with a forged sword since Castor and Cord were weak for the time being, but as soon as chapters passed, he got undervalued by Radd the Almighty :awesome:

Radd: Pretty nice development throughout the run, but his cavalier class made him rise more up. His colossal def gains made him a running machine, he was lv. 19 cav. by ch. 16 and str, spd and def were all in 18-19. But once he promoted to Paladin, his growths weren't as good as cav. but his ridiculously superb bases were enough. As paladin, he became Marth's right hand and everything fell down in their way. MVP undoubtedly. Paladins and Dracos are the most efficient classes in drafts.

Jake: As a support unit and reinforcement, he did his job really well. He KO'd mages and curates, as well as thieves with Pachyderm and Stonehoist.

Catria: Sadly I promoted her by ch. 24, but she became a killing machine as a swordy, just to mention, she gained 10 level ups in three chapters and just with a energy drop and a dracoshield to make her sturdier. She's really good as a filler/reinforcement, but her best class is draco.

Palla: Snipers aren't so splendid in drafts but they are useful though, such as clearing the way for others with a longbow, dealing frequent critical hits, etc. While she was shadowed by Catria, she was vital to deal with pegs and dracos of Macedon in chapters 21-22. Good reinforcement.

Lorenz: What do I have to mention to some old man that cost me a turn and has mediocre bases as a lv. 5 promoted unit?

Elice: She did nothing but loling around. :lol: She didn't Aum anything, after all.

*!!!* I was missing Rickard: At least he is a thief.

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