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Ivalice Mafia - Winners: Clan No Lynch

Radiant Dragon

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Core, those deals you're making are terrible. Seriously. I already know who the kidnapper is.

Edited by Kitty Admiral
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Except that could all happen in 48 hour cycles and maybe for once we'd actually use the full 48 hours for all of the discussion that would otherwise fill up 24 hours of day and night phases.

That would require there to be any discussion in this game whatsoever.

*Goes back to speechwriting*

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The reason this cycle feels so long is because someone hasn't sent their action in yet, otherwise it would've ended a while ago. Also hurting discussion is the fact that there's not much to discuss about the lynch this cycle. Still, cycles from now on will be 48 hours long (this cycle will still end at 10PM GMT, or once all actions are in), but that doesn't stop people from asking for extensions.

I'm waiting.

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here Core. I have a hand for you so you may put your face in it

With a little capitalization and punctuation, that would be a combination of the most grammatically correct and funny thing Sho has ever posted.

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Eclipse got torn to pieces by the power of the Rift. Oops.

Dear eclipse, you are Gabranth, Independent Interceptor


Gabranth is a Judge Magister of the Archadian Empire, although he is orginally from the country Landis, born as Noah fon Ronsenburg. He is Basch's younger twin brother, and the one responsible for his disgrace following the assassination of King Raminas. He guards Larsa to protect him from the Senate, who would use him as an easily controlled source of political power.

If Larsa would be attacked, you will step in and kill the attacker, preventing them from harming Larsa. You will not be able to protect Larsa from being lynched, however.

You also know that Larsa is Snike.

You are allied with no one, and win if Larsa survives.

You have failed to protect your young charge, and have lost your last chance at reclaiming your honor. Now you have no other recourse than to avenge him by finding his killer.

Each cycle, you must send us a PM entitled 'Cycle X: Take vengeance on USER'. You will visit user and kill them with your swords the Chaos Blade and Highway Star.

Also, if you are killed by an action, you will take your attacker with you when you die. This will not work if you are lynched.

You are allied with no one, and win when all other players are eliminated.

she also loses lol

Luka laughed evilly at the deed he had done before he got murdered as Gabranth died. Oops.

Dear Lightning, you are Illua, Khamja Redirector


Illua is a high-ranking officer of the criminal organization Khamja, and also owner of a Grimore of the Rift. Obsesed with gaining power, she will stop at nothing to open a Rift to take its power. She believes she would be fit to rule Ivalice after gaining the power of the Rift, and considers herself the heroine of her story.

Each cycle, you may send us a PM entitled 'Cycle X: Show USER1's power to USER2!'. You will visit USER1 and open the Rift, causing any actions they perform that night to travel through the rift and affect USER2 instead of their intended target.

You are allied with Khamja, and win when all threats are eliminated.

Slayer was then found slashed to bits in a small corner. Poor little fellow.

Dear Ulki, you are Babus, Khamja Role Checker


Babus Swain is a Nu Mou serving under Prince Mewt in the dream Ivalice. Wholly devoted to protecting Mewt, he originally opposes Marche's attempts to return the world to normal, but changes his mind when he realizes that returning would be what's best for Mewt. His appearance differs from other Nu Mou, as it looks like he's based off of Mewt's teddy bear.

Each cycle, you may send us a PM entitled: 'Cycle X - Perform an investigation on USER'. You will use your position as the Prince's assistant to investigate USER's life, and you will learn their Role abilities.

You are allied with Khamja, and win when all threats are eliminated.

Finally, Core shit his pants when he realised everyone was chasing him. He screamed, lost his voice and then got strapped to an atomic bomb. Whee.

Dear Core, you are Mustadio, Khamja Roleblocker


Mustadio Bunansa is an Engineer from Goug who works with his father to repair the forgotten relics that lie buried in the town's mines. When his father, Besrudio, was abducted by Bart Company after they found a Zodiac Stone in the mines, Mustadio enlisted Ramza's help to save him, using a fake Stone to fool the abductors.

Each cycle, you may send us a PM entitled: 'Cycle X - Use Aim: Arm on USER'. You will Disable USER with your gun, preventing them from performing any actions that night.

You are allied with Khamja, and win when all threats are eliminated.

And with that, Khamja has been eliminated. That was fast!

Night actions going out now.

Edited by JBCWKitty
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