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Ivalice Mafia - Winners: Clan No Lynch

Radiant Dragon

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You walk into the designated meeting place and look around. An odd assortment of people of all races greets you, discussing what to do about the recent activities of Khamja, an underground criminal syndicate attempting to take control of Ivalice. Hunt them out and eradicate them obviously, but where to start? You step forward and join the discussion.

It's eventually decided that the group would unite as a Clan against Khamja. All that's left is to decide on a name, and to start hunting for the scum.

[spoiler=Rules]1. This is an OC game. Whilst you are alive you can post in the game thread. Once you are dead you cannot share any information, unless you are mafia and on the same team, in which case you may talk with members of your team only, and only for strategy purposes. Knowledge acquired after death cannot be transferred from a dead player to a living player.

2. Every user has a role PM. Role PMs may not be shown to other users on Cycyle 0, but starting from Cycle 1 onwards they may be freely distributed. Screenshotting of all forms is banned. If anyone finds a person encouraging others to take screenshots or taking screenshots and showing other people, please be sure to report it.

3. You can paste things told to you by the host. You may fake logs. Do not take pasting of a host conversation as definite proof, these can be faked. If you want to fake a log, feel free to PM one of the hosts for assistance. Impersonation of a host or another user however, is banned at all points. Please do not attempt to impersonate in any way.

4. Vote in '##Vote: USER' format. Please do not edit your old posts with your new vote - simply make a new post. The lynch has priority over all 'night' actions; If you're lynched, your action will not be performed, and if you target a lynched user with your action it will not go through either.

5. If there's a tie, no lynch will take place.

6. Priorities have been decided beforehand and will not be revealed until after the game ends.

7. This game does not feature items.

8. Only sign up if you know you're going to be at least fairly active. If we notice that you seem to be idle, we reserve the right to have you forcefully subbed out if necessary. We'll most likely nudge first, though.

9. Be careful who you trust, obviously. This is Mafia, after all. And make smart lynches! I can't stress this enough.

10. Death is certainly the end for everyone.

11. If you have any spreadsheets, please inform us and let us have access to them.

12. If you are modkilled, your team will hate you for it. So don't break the rules.

13. After death you are only allowed to make info-free posts. They could be simple "Fuck you all you guys suck" posts, or "Good luck guys" sort of posts. As long as they doesn't contain any information about the game, it's fine. That said, don't excessively deadtalk. If living players and/or the hosts ask you to be quiet, do it.

14. If your Role PM contradicts the rules, follow your role PM.

15. There are no hidden players.

Each cycle will last 72 hours, except Cycle 0 which will last 48 hours. No deaths will occur during Cycle 0. Later in the game, we may decide to shorten cycles to 48 hours as the game size shrinks.


5. Blitz Kitty - Migelo: Town Civilian

9. Haze - Vayne: Town Persuader

16. Agnaktor - Balthier: Town Vigilante


14. Frostbite - Dr. Cid: Mafia Inventor, Lynched Cycle 1

4. Snike - Larsa: Town Doctor, Killed Cycle 1

11. Core - Mustadio: Mafia Roleblocker, Lynched Cycle 2

2. Ulki - Babus: Mafia Role Checker, Killed Cycle 2

3. eclipse - Gabranth: Independent Interceptor, Killed Cycle 2

18. Lightning - Illua: Mafia Redirector, Killed Cycle 2

8. Strawman - Montblanc: Independent Flavor Checker, Lynched Cycle 3

13. Psych - Mayhew: Town Civilian, Killed Cycle 3

10. Excellen - Yiazmat: Town Safeguard, Lynched Cycle 4

12. Paperblade - Vormav: Templar Alliance Checker, Lynched Cycle 5

17. Balcerzak - Cid: Templar Recruit (formerly Town Kidnapper), Lynched Cycle 6

1. Proto - Delita: Templar Recruit (formerly Town Lynchproof), Killed Cycle 6

6. Life - Llyud: Templar Recruit (formerly Town Watcher), Lynched Cycle 7

7. Sho.M. - Gurdy: Town Civilian, Killed Cycle 7

15. Kevin - Cid: Templar Recruit (formerly Town Doublevoter), Lynched Cycle 8


1. Jean-Marc

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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Sample Role PM:

Dear USER, you are Doned, Town Civilian


Doned Radiuju is Marche's little brother, who is confined to a wheelchair due to illness. However, when he wakes up in the Dream Ivalice he realizes he is able to use his legs. He sides against Marche to try and prevent him from returning the world to normal, because he feels that Marche gets everything and he does not want to be confined to his wheelchair again.

You may not have any unique abilities, but you must still aid the Clan with your voice and your vote.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all threats are eliminated.

Pretty standard. Name, role, picture, short description (if you didn't notice from Mitnala, I kind of suck at writing these), role abilities, and win condition.

It should also be noted that I'm using the original translations for the names of people and places from Final Fantasy Tactics, and not the War of the Lions ones. Also, don't assume that a character's in-game alliance and/or strength will carry over to their role and/or alliance here. There's nothing stopping me from making Orlandu a generic Mafia goon, for example.

More importantly, during Cycle 0 you may vote on a name for the Clan using '##Vote: Name', and the name most people agree on will be the one used in flavor. Make it a good one.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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All Role PMs should be sent now. Please tell me if I screwed up in any way as soon as possible.

Edit: Also, unlike Mitnala, you may freely reveal your character's name and flavor. Cycle 0 will end Friday at 10 PM, GMT.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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So people picked cycles, huh? =/

72 hour cycles is better than 48 though

Since my main problem with cycles was activity more than the cycles themselves, guess you can consider me a sub

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You want to call the clan Rein *stares at Psych oddly*

To each their own, I suppose.

For some reason this didn't make it into the rules: Deaths will not happen during Cycle 0.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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##Vote: No Lynch

After re-examining the evidence against Kitty, along with Paper's testimony, I came to the conclusion that Kitty is most likely NOT Mafia.


Unvote: Kitty

##Vote: No Lynch

I would suggest you all do the same unless a new target pops up, which is not happening in this phase.

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Alrighty then, sooo.....

I'm too lazy to vote when they won't even be counted xD Though for some reason I was not lazy enough to type this entire post, which is several times longer than it takes to vote.

*kicks back*

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