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Abysmal Souls Chapter 5


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"That or a fetish for girls covered in soot. The latter would be weird, but then again you ride the backs of coaches, so I dunno." "My, you're a snarky li'l bitch, aren'cha? Maybe I shouldn've put away my knife..." Can't take a joke, can we? I don't claim to be that funny, but, damn, cold as ice, this'un. "You two know each other?!" He laughed, the girl getting worked up over something like that, "why yes, we do! Both after the witch, we are. 'Bout that, Grant, gotta tell you somethin'. I'm all fer killin' this witch, but you haven't paid me a damn coin yet, so please be understandin' me when I say, if I find her, I'm gettin' her side, until I get paid. 'Course, if you've got the mystical five hundred or so that you said I might get for this on you, I won't be askin' anyone any questions." He figured that getting that out of the way first would be a good idea. Rather now than later. If he wants to get upset, he can go right ahead, I'm not killin' unless I get paid. He'd been ignoring the girl for most of it, laughing again at her frantics, "Actually, you know what? Don't answer that. As long as he doesn't try to drug me or something, he's fine." "Damn, yer paranoid! Calm down, girl. I'm not some creep, whose gonna try'n grab ye or somethin'. I'd kill ye before tryin' that." Geez, Grant, why d'you gotta pick up all the crazy ones?

"Now please don't go creeping on friends, alright? Anyway, ugh... Change of plans for me. I'm gonna be taking it 'easy' so to speak here for about a week, helping out this girl here. Hopefully the results will be hilarious to behold." "If anythin', she's creepin' on me, but alright. She's makin' you somethin', best let her get at it. I'm off to see if I can snag a room at the inn." And he was off, dashing into the first place he could find.


"I can't, I never learned. Lived on a farm and never left, remember? So can you let go of me now? You sitting on me is enough to keep me still." Gideon seemed pretty annoyed, and even buzzed, she let his arms go and laid back down on him. "G, I, D, E, O, N... at least, I think that's how it would be spelled, if you wanted to know. S-Sorry about that..." She was getting really upset with herself, forcing him into doing what she had, the alcohol making her overreact. "I-I'm sorry, Gideon... I d-didn't mean to upset you like that." She'd also misread his reaction, thinking he was upset with her, or something. "I really shouldn't have done that... I'm sorry. I won't bring it up again, I promise." Not wanting to make him angry, she kept apologizing, though he'd probably get upset at all of that.


"What? No, nonono, I don't want to do that! Not to you, fuck that, I'm not... I'm not that kind of girl. I'm just reeeeally self conscious about myself right now. I've never been with a guy who's been so head over heels for me, and, well..." "What? No way. I refuse to believe a girl like you has never had someone this in love with them. There can't have just been me..." Unless I've really been the only person to get this close to her. Damn, that's a depressing existence. He still wasn't believing it, but he wouldn't press the issue anymore. If that's what she's saying, I guess I have to believe her. "I'm afraid my scar will put you off. There, I said it!" Don't laugh. Don't you dare fucking laugh. He smiled, forcing the chuckle back down his throat. "Something silly like that? Carrion... there's more to you than your body, y'know. And I like you for more than your body. Besides, everyone has scars. Heck, I'm sure I've got a few hanging around." It's nothing to be that insecure about. "Fuck that, I'm not backing down, I'm just feeling insecure, but if what you've said before is true then I shouldn't feel so bad, right?" "Right. Don't get so down on yourself over something as small as a scar, alright?"

And then she started getting undressed, which brought Adrian back to embarrassment. "Y-You're sure about this, right? I mean, you're not still buzzed from the wine, right? I don't want you to make a choice you're going to regret in the morning, or something." Adrian, you're just shoving your feelings onto her. Either do this, or don't. He thought about it a bit more, before taking a deep breath, "no, you've already made up your mind. It's me whose being unsure about it. I've been unsure about it all day, but... I've made up my mind, and I-I think I'm ready for this. Just... don't be as rough as you sounded like you were going to be, alright?"

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When he broke it to her that he was illiterate, Amera looked visibly upset. He couldn't understand why. Did she think she had offended him? "G, I, D, E, O, N... at least, I think that's how it would be spelled, if you wanted to know. S-Sorry about that..." Nope. I'm glad you can spell, at least, though - it might come in handy. "I-I'm sorry, Gideon... I d-didn't mean to upset you like that." Upset him? "Amera, you didn't - " "I really shouldn't have done that... I'm sorry. I won't bring it up again, I promise."

Gideon sighed and looked her over, shaking his head. "I told you to stop that," he said, his tone a bit gentler but still carrying a bit of irritation. The apologies were what got to him. "I'd be less worried about you if you laughed at me for it, to be honest." He'd be annoyed, maybe, but not worried. When she got like this, he just thought about her past. Was she like this with her old master? One misstep and she just apologized profusely? Smirking, he kissed her temple and stroked her ear a bit more gently than before. "You're really unpredictable when you drink, you know that?" That probably didn't help, and nothing else seemed to be working, so he turned her to face him. Then it dawned on him - the tent was still outside. His smile grew into a very sinister grin, and he put both his hands behind his head. "You forgot the tent," he told her, his tone both triumphant and coy. "You said if you forgot...anything, right?" This could be a very nice chance for him - but then, it could end very badly. Hopefully he could ride on the teasing for a bit as he thought of something.


"My, you're a snarky li'l bitch, aren'cha?" "Yessir I am!" she chirped, grinning. "Maybe I shouldn've put away my knife..." Oh, come on. That's not even subtle. And why's it a knife, not a sword? You self-conscious? "why yes, we do! Both after the witch, we are. 'Bout that, Grant, gotta tell you somethin'. I'm all fer killin' this witch, but you haven't paid me a damn coin yet, so please be understandin' me when I say, if I find her, I'm gettin' her side, until I get paid. 'Course, if you've got the mystical five hundred or so that you said I might get for this on you, I won't be askin' anyone any questions." Mel glanced over at Grant, a bit shaken by what he had said. If she's evil, why is he hiring people like this guy to go after her? He said it wasn't about revenge! "Damn, yer paranoid! Calm down, girl. I'm not some creep, whose gonna try'n grab ye or somethin'. I'd kill ye before tryin' that." A necrophiliac, too. God, this guy creeps me out...

"Now please don't go creeping on friends, alright? Anyway, ugh... Change of plans for me. I'm gonna be taking it 'easy' so to speak here for about a week, helping out this girl here. Hopefully the results will be hilarious to behold." Mel nodded proudly, looking right at the creepy guy. "If anythin', she's creepin' on me, but alright. She's makin' you somethin', best let her get at it. I'm off to see if I can snag a room at the inn." With that, the creeper left, and Mel heaved a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry, but he really creeps me out, Grant. We won't be spending much time with him, will we?" she asked, hoping to the Goddess he would be with her on this one. "And...okay, I gotta ask, why did you hire him? Of all people, why someone that...that weird? He talks about killing like it's taking a piss!" It was someone like that who stole my parents and grandpa.

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Ormis had been sulking out in his tent (and seriously considering outright leaving, since no one seemed to really care if he was there or not) for most of the day. There was nothing interesting at the festival. Once the gates started closing, though, he grabbed his stuff and ran, barely making it (and earning himself a scolding from the guards for his troubles). Wandering around, he got a room to himself. The four hundred gold was really coming in handy (and he probably had more than the rest of the group, seeing as he'd completely neglected to buy supplies. After pacing for a bit, he just lay on the bed and fell asleep almost instantly.


Teis finished his meal, and paid for his own share. Bidding the two of them goodbye, he left, as Carrion and Adrian were both long gone, probably in an inn room having fun together. Making a quick dash to get his tent (and everything in it), he made it in shortly before the gates were scheduled for closing. Without much of an idea to do, he settled on finding lodgings. Buying a cheap room (he had to try three different places before he found one that wasn't booked solid), he wearily took off his armor and settled on the bed. The money from the arena tourney was about three-fourths depleted. Hopefully, they'd leave before it was completely used up.

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After she took her clothes off, she rolled onto the bed, wrapping some of the sheets around herself for the time being. "Oh come on, I'm not THAT buzzed, I was puttin on a show for the clerk down there. I know how these places work! And besides, I'm not vomiting like you first saw me, and that's a good indication of when I'm seriously buzzed. ANYWAY" She was smiling ear to ear now, "First step is to just DO IT! I want it, you want it, simple as that, riiight? Right, I'm always right! Trust me, everything else will just follow. This... is supposed to be a great thing, sorry I freaked out earlier if it's putting you off but this is really reeeeeally good. It's all in your hands, so just get over here kid!" In all honesty she wanted to laugh, feeling like she was teaching a class or something like that.


He glared at the man as he ran off. Melanie did have a point about him though, he really was just killing for money. "I don't think I'll be talking much to him, yeah. I'm supposed to give him the reward money upfront now? Is he retarded? Whatever, I'm not here for the money, and he was the only guy at the bar who seemed like he'd take the job at the time. He thinks he can threaten me out of it later, fucker's got another thing coming."

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"I told you to stop that, I'd be less worried about you if you laughed at me for it, to be honest." "I-I know you did, but I thought I'd made you upset, and I don't want to make you upset, but..." She was rambling, which wasn't something new to her, and she didn't really know how to stop herself. "... I just... really don't want to make you upset, even if it's over something small. You're the first man I've grown to trust, and upsetting you... I just really don't want to do it." "You're really unpredictable when you drink, you know that?" She groaned, regretting drinking, as it started wearing off. "I know, I know... I'd say I'm sorry about that, but apologizing seems to upset you more than anything." Relaxing herself against him and his affection, enjoying the kiss and scratch, he brought up something she'd completely forgotten, "You forgot the tent" Her eyes shot wide open, Oh Gods I forgot the tent. "You said if you forgot...anything, right?" I did, I did, I did, why did I say that?! "Uhm... Y-Yeah, I did... so, what do you want?" Please don't be anything sexual, please...


"Oh come on, I'm not THAT buzzed, I was puttin on a show for the clerk down there. I know how these places work! And besides, I'm not vomiting like you first saw me, and that's a good indication of when I'm seriously buzzed. ANYWAY" He slid under the covers with her, almost unable to comprehend how red he was getting. She's completely naked, you know? This is going to happen. I hope you're as ready as you think you are. "A show? Well, good thing you did, then. It got us a room, even if it was expensive." She seemed to be a bit happier than he'd first pegged her about this, but it was making him smile. "First step is to just DO IT! I want it, you want it, simple as that, riiight? Right, I'm always right! Trust me, everything else will just follow." Everything, huh? "... This... is supposed to be a great thing, sorry I freaked out earlier if it's putting you off but this is really reeeeeally good. It's all in your hands, so just get over here kid!" No time to be embarrassed now, Adrian. Just do it. He leaned over and smiled at her, pulling her into a hug. "Just do it? Alright, then..." Giving her a long, passionate kiss, he pulled her on top of him, and went with what felt right.

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"I-I know you did, but I thought I'd made you upset, and I don't want to make you upset, but...I just... really don't want to make you upset, even if it's over something small. You're the first man I've grown to trust, and upsetting you... I just really don't want to do it." That may have been more than she had ever said to him, outside of the story about her past. Yep. Drinking makes you crazy. "I know, I know... I'd say I'm sorry about that, but apologizing seems to upset you more than anything." "Well, if it's about everything, then it's certainly up there," he replied, smiling. At his mention of the tent, she seemed to panic. "Uhm... Y-Yeah, I did... so, what do you want?"

She sounds pretty upset about it. Suddenly it didn't seem worth it to tease her over forgetting... He rested his forehead against hers and gave her a light kiss. "From now on," he told her after pulling away, "when you're drinking, for the gods' sake take your time." That didn't seem unreasonable. After tonight's episode, he was convinced that drunk Amera was a bit dangerous to them both. "Honestly..." he grumbled, scratching her ear a bit. It was sort of a soothing thing for him to do at this point - her purring calmed him down. "What did you think I was going to say - " It dawned on him, and he started to crack up a bit. "Please tell me you didn't expect something about sex from me..."


Grant doesn't like him either? She sighed in relief, grinning at Grant. "Had me scared there for a bit," she said to him. "I figured you had to be desperate if you hired him. Guy's hardly even tactful. Didn't he say he would betray you on the spot if you didn't pay him well enough?" Mel scowled at her repetition of what he had said. Fucking sellswords. They'd kill their parents for the right price. "Whatever, it's not worth worrying about. Hey, are there more inns than the one he went to?" If she had the option, Mel really wanted to avoid that guy.

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After a quiet walk in the back streets of the city, Ellandra and Zwool found themselves back in the main street. Ellandra was still clinging onto him like she was on a date with the high-schools star quarterback, and Zwool was still not really caring or knowing what was going on, just enjoying the company of someone who legitimately wanted to keep him company, (or so it seemed to him). Ellandra giggled and pulled him back into the back alleys though, and found a nice table for them to sit at. Zwool complied, he didn't have any real plans... not anymore at least.

She giggled and looked at him intently, as if she had something to say. Zwool tilted his head in response, wondering what was on her mind. Ellandra then proceeded in a nice little game of Charades. First she pointed to herself. "You..." Ellandra nodded then made two walking motions with her fingers, one behind the other. "... uh.... follow?" Ellandra giggled and then pointed up to a red light on a nearby building. "Light?" Ellandra shook her head, thought a moment, then pointed to her ruby sun ring, and back at the light. "Uh.... shine? hmm... red..." Ellandra nodded happily and cut him off, and then pulled a strand of her hair in front of her, and pointed at it. "You follow red hair..." Zwool had to stop and think for a moment. "Follow... red... oh, do you mean, follow Carrion?" Ellandra nodded some more, looking at him hopefully. "So... you're coming with us?" Ellandra squealed with glee and hugged him. Zwool was kinda speechless. Carrion said people... that only close people hug... right? At least, decently close people... and yet, here is this girl, I think hugging me... um... He hugged her back nervously. "That sounds... nice..." But... why? She seems so oddly attached to me.

Ellandra was just happy to have him understand. He might of been slow, but he was good natured, quite the stud, and he was hers~. She was traveling with him, and he didn't seem to mind his muteness, she didn't care about anyone else in the world right now~

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"From now on" He's going to force me to always wear short skirts, or low cut shirts, or he'll make me parade around in my underwear, or-- "when you're drinking, for the gods' sake take your time." ...That's it? Really? She couldn't believe him, almost ready to ask if he was joking around, but deciding on a smile and cuddle instead. "Alright. I can do that." Her mind stopped racing, and she was honestly ready to just sleep. "Honestly..." But he started scratching her ear, and she started purring, fidgeting the slightest bit. "What did you think I was going to say - Please tell me you didn't expect something about sex from me..." She grumbled a bit, unable to grumble much because of his scratching. "Well... y-yes, I did. I trust you, but you've got to understand this is still tough for me. Even the kissing is... well, I love it, but there's that nagging at the back of my head that something's going to horrible wrong, or you're going to make some advance on me. I'm not completely oblivious; I know I'm hot, so..." She simply sighed and relaxed into his scratching. "I should just stop. I know you're not going to do anything, so getting worried about it's going to accomplish nothing~"

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"Well... y-yes, I did." Gideon sighed and closed his eyes as he listened to her. "I trust you, but you've got to understand this is still tough for me. Even the kissing is... well, I love it, but there's that nagging at the back of my head that something's going to horrible wrong, or you're going to make some advance on me. I'm not completely oblivious; I know I'm hot, so..." It took a bit of restraint for Gideon not to laugh at that. Well, it's true... "I should just stop. I know you're not going to do anything, so getting worried about it's going to accomplish nothing~" He just put a finger to her lips and smiled. "I know," he said softly, his hand moving back to her ear. "You do know that all you need to do is tell me to stop and I'll stop, right?" That seemed like a simple thing - and she was the more educated one. Pressing his lips to her forehead, he held her against him and stroked her ear, satisfied to have her a bit more in-control. Then he yawned and adjusted under her a bit. "If we're going to sleep, do we have to be fully clothed for it? Making a move is one thing, but this is going a bit far," he teased, grinning down at her.

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"I get where you're going with that, and yeah. This is the mage capital after all, one inn would hardly suffice any tourists and whatnot." Looking over at the coach then back to Melanie. "So uh, you done looking or what? I figure this guy kind of wants some sleep, ya know. No rush though." He added on with a smile. "Anyway, I'm just going to offer once that it'd be wise for you to hang around with me until we get a place to stay. Unsavory types and all of that, much worse than that guy, lemme tell you."

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She caught him stifling a laugh as she called herself hot, oh, I'll bring that up in a sec... His fingers kept scratching her ear, and by now, she was really getting used to the feeling, enjoying it more than finding it uncomfortable. "I know." "I'm really glad you understand, Gideon..." "You do know that all you need to do is tell me to stop and I'll stop, right?" Ooohhh, I wonder how I can tease him with that... "Alright... I want you ro stop worrying about how I might react to stuff. And by that I mean, if you really feel like smacking my ass at times, go ahead... as long as it's not in public. Okay?" She figured he'd say yes right away, and she didn't mind him doing it, not entirely. It'll help me get over everything a bit faster. I'm sure it'll feel awkward as all hell for a while, though. Gideon seemed to want to make things more awkward right now, though, asking if they had to be fully clothed to sleep. Amera blushed and smiled, rolling off of him and standing, quickly slipping out of her leggings and skirt. She went to take off her top, but... "Uhm, Gideon..." She turned to him, her face red and a bit flustered, "I, uh... I can't get the buttons undone. Could you, well... help with them?"

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Rest of the day was, sadly, pretty boring. He'd gotten a room early as a quick precaution before resting for a short while. As he left for a final walk around the parade, he saw Adrian carrying a horribly drunk Carrion up to their room.

Oh shit.


It was getting late, and there wasn't much point in both of them continuing to search. As they had decided earlier, they met back in their room once it turned dark.

"It's to be expected we won't find him on the first day. I will find him though..."

Hell, he's determined. Elune hadn't seen anyone so angry over revenge for a long time. Then again, she knew the feeling of wanting to kill someone. That was essentially the sole purpose of her life anyway.


Patience, Adonis, patience. You've done this for 2 years - another 2 months will not hurt. He couldn't let himself be controlled like his father was - He had come dangerously close before, but now was not the time.

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Zwool shot up. "Oh Goddess... I'm locked in town, and the camp's outside... and I'm not allowed to leave... and... dammit..." He began to muse and mutter and generally get upset over. Ellandra let go of him... he was clearly distraught over this... then an idea struck her, which is weird that it would have to strike her considering she lives in town. She shook his arm to get his attention, and then pointed at her self, and then raised her hands over her head in a triangle. "Your... you... Your... okay... Your... house?" Ellandra nodded, then pointed at him. "Me? I can come... to your house...?" She giggled and stood up, tugging on his shoulder for him to follow. He shrugged... he would have to meet the others in the morning then... and she started to drag him off through the night streets.

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"Alright... I want you ro stop worrying about how I might react to stuff. And by that I mean, if you really feel like smacking my ass at times, go ahead... as long as it's not in public. Okay?" I don't recall ever worrying, but if you say so... "Okay." He nodded. "I can do that." When she climbed off of him and began to undress, he pulled his shirt off - but then he saw her blushing. She had seen him shirtless before, though... "Uhm, Gideon...I, uh... I can't get the buttons undone. Could you, well... help with them?" Seeing an opportunity to use his new privilege (that was what it was; apparently his leash was getting longer), Gideon nodded and moved next to her to look at her shirt. It was a nice opportunity to take a look at her, and despite how he had reacted when she said it, she was hot. Really hot. Gingerly he reached for her buttons, resisting the urge to just jump her and begin touching her as his larger fingers fiddled with the buttons on her top - and steadily unbuttoned it for her. "There we go," he said as the last button came undone, pulling his hands away. "You were right, by the way." Before she could ask what he meant, he laid right back down, stretching a bit and yawning. It wasn't that late, but he didn't mind going to sleep...


"I get where you're going with that, and yeah. This is the mage capital after all, one inn would hardly suffice any tourists and whatnot." "Good. That means we're finding a different one from the one your...um, friend is at." "So uh, you done looking or what?" Grant asked, causing her to blush a bit in embarrassment. "Oh, yeah, yeah, he can go. Sorry!" she called to the coach. "Anyway, I'm just going to offer once that it'd be wise for you to hang around with me until we get a place to stay. Unsavory types and all of that, much worse than that guy, lemme tell you." "What, so I'm on my own tomorrow night?" She rolled her eyes. "I won't be out anyway, so that's hardly an issue." How chivalrous. Maybe Grant used to be a knight, and that side of him's resurfacing...nah, he's too rough around the edges. Knights are clean-cut. And crazy articulate, too. With horses. Does Grant have a horse? I haven't seen one... "Well? Where we headed?"

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His hands are so close to my... oh man, this is so embarrassing, this is so embarrassing! Praying that he wouldn't try anything, she sighed with relief as she felt the last button come loose, letting her chest push out a bit. There we go." "Thanks, Gideon... Damn, that shirt's tight. It really feels nice to get out of it, at the end of the day..." She was still wearing her tank underneath, glad to have remembered to keep it on, lest this situation get even more awkward for her. Dropping the shirt, she climbed back onto the bed, laying down next to him, only to hear, "You were right, by the way." I was right? Perplexed, she shook his arm, "right? Right about what? Don't be like that, Gideon, tell me!" He'd bothered her curiosity, and she wasn't going to sleep until he told her what he'd meant. "Seriously, that's going to bug me all night if you don't tell me! I won't let you sleep if you don't!"

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"I didn't mean it like that, dammit." It was almost resolute the way he said it, but he was just miffed that she thought it was only for one day. "Look, let's just go find a room for us and our stuff, then we can lay out a plan of attack, alright? Just keep up, not like I'm all that mobile anyway..." He picked up both bags and with a grunt he hefted both of them over his shoulder, his other arm holding his crutch as he hobbled along. It wasn't too long before he found a suitable place for them both, only getting the room by pretending Melanie was his daughter and that they desperately needed a place to stay. It's amazing how gullible people will be to a silly story... But I suppose it goes to show the true kindness of a human spirit? I don't even know at this point... And after that, he made his way up to his room, sighing with each step he took. "Of fucking course, had to be on the second floor... accursed luck!"

(Problem solved, carry on)

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So by this point, things have shifted quite a degree. With many far from where the last week or so had left them, we focus back first to Obelia, whose form, in a rather dreamless sleep at Lucinda's bedside, is startled awake, incoherently mumbling as she hears a crash somewhere slightly off. She recognises after a moment, the nature of such a sound and with her body standing, still within the armour she's worn since the week before, not really bothered to change. Her hair is slightly messy and even with Ken's company, Lucinda's odd condition continues to gnaw at her minds recesses, curiosity and worry gleefully blending into what is causing her slight loss in general hygiene.

She is at the stairs top, glancing down with worry after a moment, seeing Ken all right but a stair broken, calling down to him with a worried tone.

'Ken? You okay..? What happened?'

She can gather what may have happened, but since she had exited her home country, the unexpected has its way of working into what people consider the 'regular'.


Somewhere else, Langley is tired as her foot slips, knee colliding with a rock of a rather sharp indifference to her. She sighs once but smiles too, not really too bothered by it. Enough fights had strengthen her for such falls and with the place she calls home right in front of her, she can't help a small grin, glancing back to the guy who's kept her relatively cheery along this whole journey.

'Andy, we're here! Though you may have already gathered that~' She smirks in a quite innocent way but glances back, rubbing her knee as she stands tall, ready to enter home. The sea is distant but could be seen as they descended the mountain, distant but the only thing beyond this town and she is quite happy, wanting to speak to her friends, the now grown local kids, the parents who'd grown to accept her family. To be honest, anyone with a connection to this place had some connection her as she's grown. But most of all, maybe two things strike her most of all. To introduce Andy to her parents, for a reason that again, eludes her common senses grasp. And second, to find and say hello again to Noel. If she was still here. Hopefully the amount of Anri here is something Andy is cool with, but she is still ponderous, even after all the time spent walking across the mountain, what the boy behind her is like.


Carrie? Well, she holds a bag of gold in her satchel, eyes tired, not really sure where she's going. She started this as an adventure, yet after some time, she finds she's been wandering without purpose or thought, simply to walk. She heads along pathways, moves across fallen tree stumps, is soaked by rain and chilled by night. She has all the money intact, feeding on scraps of food held within her bag, in a jar she'd procured before she'd departed Lazarynth. So now, with not much surprise and more then a little fear, she see's someone beneath a tree, resting. Her own hood is up, as is the person who is beneath the tall oak. So she is curious for a moment, whether to awaken the person or leave them, in case of trouble.

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"right? Right about what? Don't be like that, Gideon, tell me!" Her voice was a bit whiny, causing him to smirk. He wasn't sure why she didn't know what he was talking about, though. "Seriously, that's going to bug me all night if you don't tell me! I won't let you sleep if you don't!" She just wanted to hear him say it, probably - that was fine. He leaned in and scratched her ear, resting his head on hers for a moment. "You are hot," he said softly into the ear he was scratching, before laying his head back on the pillow. "Can I sleep now?" Despite his tone, Gideon was grinning the whole time he spoke. Somehow he was able to deal with Amera drunk - it couldn't get much worse than that. Hopefully.


"Look, let's just go find a room for us and our stuff, then we can lay out a plan of attack, alright? Just keep up, not like I'm all that mobile anyway..." "Got it!" she chirped as she followed him. She said nothing when he took her bag; it was a lucky break for her. That thing was heavy. The story he told at the inn almost made her crack up on the spot. Really? Do you actually think he'll - omigod he bought it. How stupid can you get?! "Of fucking course, had to be on the second floor... accursed luck!" Grabbing Grant's bag from him (it had to be lighter than hers), she took it up the stairs and waited at the top for him. The inn here was a lot nicer than the other one, at least - maybe she could even get some work done here. Hopefully Grant won't mind if I mess with stuff on the floor. He seems like the kinda guy who's a heavy sleeper...I don't think he'll mind. He's taking his time getting up here, though...

Edited by Anti-Social Kitty
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When the kiss finally broke, Lucretia found herself in a position she'd never been in before. She grew up surrounded by women; she never really felt the love for another man before. It was exhilarating, to say the least. She had never been on such a high before.

"Sorry, that was sudden, but..." her lips tingled, her body was in a state that she'd never experienced. It was amazing. "I... I think I'm falling for you, Aurelio."

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"Ooof..." Making the last arduous step up the stairs, he took a deep breath. Not winded so much as just tired. "Now then! I think it's room 211, should beee... this one here" he said, walking down the hallway and unlocking the door with 211 plastred on it. "Well come on kid, once this door closes it ain't openin!" He left it open and wandered in, dropping her stuff on the floor with a louder clanking than he thought it'd be. "Oh god dammit, sorry." He couldn't tell if he was serious or not, but either way, running on three hours of sleep for going on three days caught up to him as he zonked out falling on the bed, limbs akimbo.

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"Gideon..." She was almost ready to give up, but he leaned over and scratched her ear again. This is becoming a habit for you, isn't it? Stopping her rampant thinking, she just wanted to hear what he'd meant, "You are hot", although she wasn't too sure she wanted to hear it after the fact, because now she was embarrassed. Again. Gideon went back to laying down, and she sort of collapsed onto the bed, sliding herself under the sheets. "Can I sleep now?" She wrapped an arm around him and shuffled herself up close, smiling, "sure... sleep sounds pretty nice, right now." Her tail was wrapped around his leg, as she got herself as close to him as she could, starting to drift off to sleep.


Langley had fallen as they walked, nearing the end of their journey, and Andy called over for her to stop so he could heal her, but she kept going, much to his chagrin. 'Andy, we're here! Though you may have already gathered that~' "Yes, yes, I know that, but wait a moment!" He grabbed her hand and stopped her, pointing his staff at her knee. "Really, you should take care of yourself more then that. You've got a healer right here; don't just walk around with an injury," the magic left his staff as he spoke. It was only a bruise, but it was still something she shouldn't just ignore. "So this is your hometown? It looks like a nice place, Langley." He didn't really have much to say on that, since they were still a bit from the town. But most of all, he was happy to have seen civilization again, wanting to fall into a nice, soft bed, and sleep.

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Ellandra opened the door to her house with a smile, stepping in with a joyful spin. Zwool followed her in and looked around. It was pretty nice, decently furnished, calm decorations... just, a pretty nice cozy little home. Ellandra was already at a door to the back of the room, beckoning him to come over. He obliged, still glancing around to adjust to the new scenery. When he stepped into the next room he found that it was her bedroom. She patted the bed with smile, indicating he could come lay down, before running into another nearby room (most likely a closet or bathroom, to get changed). Zwool unstrapped his sword and leaned it against the wall, and sat on the bed. For living alone it was rather large... after a few second, Ellandra stepped back out wearing a much lighter night gown, and hopped onto the other side of the bed, laying on it with a smile. Zwool smiled back. I guess sharing a bed won't be that bad... when you have no other accommodations, it's not my place to complain... he thought to himself idly as he layed down facing her. She giggled and wrapped her arms around him with a pleased sigh, already drifting off it seemed. Zwool just kinda shrugged, and closed his eyes as well... sleep sounded good...

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"I... I think I'm falling for you, Aurelio."

That certainly caught his attention. He looked at her, bewildered for a moment. Deep down, he probably felt the same way she did but it was still quite a shock. A few people had said it to him in the past, but again, the feeling was different here. Still, it was quite a statement. How was he supposed to answer? Well, he should probably be honest, he did like her too. Saying something was better than nothing. He looked her in the eyes;

"Lucretia. Bleh, I don't really know how to put it, but I've liked you for a little while now... yeah. That's probably all I've got figured out."

Hey, it could have been worse. It's not like he was going to recite poetry for her.



'Ken? You okay..? What happened?'

It was Obelia, she must have heard him fall. His heart was warmed by her concern.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. The floorboard is probably in a worse state than myself! Do be careful, heaven forbid you take the same descent I did."

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Langley's eyes glance back to the guy and for a second she does pauses, hesitant. She hopes silently she's not been driving him up the wall during the trip buttt... with a quiet smile, she states something she thinks is quite obvious, doing so anyway.

'And I see you've grown a bit on this trip. You haven't stuttered in a while and you even have the confidence to get annoyed with me when I'm annoying.' She smiles t that, wide too. Yet she does glance back, the wind picking up and heading back across the town, in their direction. A faint smell, salty in its essence, gave the hint of the sea. She chuckles and looks back to Andy, nodding at his look as if he is saying how much he and through extension, she would like to sleep. It was a rather large mountain after all.

'Well, tomorrow, I can introduce you too everyone... but, for now? The gate should still be open, so we can head inside if you like and look for my house. It's my parents, really, but there's always a spare room.'

Without a hint of sadness, pure happiness for now flowing through her body, she takes Andy's hand, calmly leading him on.


Obelia's sigh is rather audible but with a slight dash forward, she twists her body as she leaps along the stairwell, grunting slightly and feeling a slight pain in her ankle, but landing next to Ken, her armour making an audible clank as now, she checks the priest over with a worried expression.

'You're sure you're okay?'

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Almost as soon as he had gotten up, Obelia had leapt down the stairs - landing in a slightly awkward position. Ken was not hurt, luck was again on his side.

'You're sure you're okay?'

"Yes, I was rather fortunate in my landing. Are you hurt at all? That was quite a leap, especially for one wearing so much armour."

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