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Abysmal Souls Chapter 5


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"I think I can do that" She really laughed as he pulled her into his arms, rolling with him so that she was sitting on top of him, still giggling like a moron. "This is a first for you, huh?" Gettin' drink in you, I mean." " She leaned her head in close to him as he spoke, trying her best to contain her manic laughter, "hehe, yeah~ Never had a drink before~! I think I like it..." She decided to just lay down on him, the way she was sitting feeling a bit uncomfortable. Gideon's face was red, she could feel that her face was red as well, and they were both so close... If I lean in just a bit more, I could... so she did that, and kissed him, letting her lips sit against his for a few moments before breaking it to giggle even more. "Let's just... stay like this, for a little bit~... Unless..." She took his hand, and placed it on her side, giving him that same coy smile, "you want to pick up where we left off before the food?"


"Aaaahaha! Oh what, you don't want it now? Yeesh, you sure know how to treat a girl!" "No, no, it's not that! A-Actually, I should've guessed you'd bring that up. Guess that's my fault for reacting like that." He drank the rest of his water as quickly as he could, almost choking on it once again, clearing his throat a bit once he'd gotten it all down. She's going to kill me when I try to eat, I swear. I'll have half the sandwich in my mouth, and she'll say... something, and I'll start choking. "It's not quite so painful anymore, so I'm guessing it'll be painless by tonight, so uh, yeah. It's totally up to you now, Adrian. And besides, I get a little... wild when I've had a little alcohol in me. Chances are you'll loooove iiiiit~." ... Something like that, yeah. He quickly glanced around to make sure no one was listening, no one staring at them, from what he could gather. "I'm pretty sure I will. Just... it'll be my first time, so, don't get to rough with me..." He couldn't have been blushing more, discussing this in public, and admitting to something as private as that.

When the food came, he tried his best to eat it as quickly as he could, hoping that Carrion wouldn't get another tease in while he downed the soup. He was glad that she hadn't said anything, as he took the last bite of his sandwich. "Mmm... delicious. Nothing beats a simple meal like that in my honest and expert opinion." He didn't really get why, but that line made him laugh. "So, what, you're a mage and food critic, now? Ha ha..."

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As she climbed on top of him, she was giggling like an idiot; he had to admit, though, it suited her. Better than her usual shyness, at least. "hehe, yeah~ Never had a drink before~! I think I like it..." Dammit, I've created a drunk. Her face came very close to his, and when their lips met, he put his hand on the back of her head and kissed her back hard. Her giggling interrupted the kiss, to his disappointment. "Let's just... stay like this, for a little bit~... Unless...you want to pick up where we left off before the food?"

Her suggestion sobered him up a bit. As much as he liked the idea, Gideon had hoped she wouldn't say that. He didn't want to try anything with her like this, but she was asking, and he didn't want to deprive her either. Still, if he let things get too far now, they would both regret it. Running a hand through her hair, he looked directly at her, his forehead resting against hers. "Amera, you're drunk," he said as calmly as he could. "I love you, but unless I know you're doing okay, I don't want to do this right now." He didn't feel too good about refusing her, and he knew she'd probably insist that she was okay. But she didn't look it. Giving her another kiss, he hugged her tightly and stroked her ear a bit as his lips left hers. It wasn't much consolation, but he had to play it safe. Especially if she would be hung over in the morning...


"This is defnitely all wooden, probably metal holding it together in certain places though. We'll check it out when we're there. Speaking of which, should be like... an hour by now." Mel nodded and wrote a few more things in her notebook before slamming it shut and looking up. The first thing she saw was Pravna, and the sight of the city made her face light up. "Wow..."

"Goddess above... I always forget how... magical the place looks." "It looks like the kind of thing you only read about!" she chirped, standing up and nearly pressing her face to the window. "We have to stay at least a week. It would be a crime - no, a travesty to overlook all the stuff this place probably has!" This is it. I'm bound to find someone who can help me here. "If you give me a week, I think I'll be able to finish the armor up," she told Grant as she sat back down. "As long as I can get started before tomorrow morning with getting all my stuff in place, I'll have plenty of time to get it done. So one week, alright? Please please please?"

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Her face went blank as he mentioned it was going to be his first time, and then she grinned, ear to ear. "Oh boy, this. Will. Be. FUN!" Suddenly going all prim and proper on Adrian, she tilted her head up slightly. "And yes, I am a magician, a food critic, an artist, an alchemist, a poet, a singer, a dancer, an archer, and a fencer. Just to name a few of my many talents, good sir!" And then she burst out laughing, grabbing for the wine again and taking a large sip this time. "Oooh this just feels GOOD to let loose like this! You have no idea how long it's been... Thanks, kid!" She took another sip and laid her head down in her spare arm, looking at Adrian, wondering what his mind was buzzing about at this very moment.


"A... A week? Look, Mel, I'm not so sure... about that. Well..." He thought about it more, and it would actually make more sense for him to stay and recuperate than to blunder about the world on one leg. "You know what, wish granted. If you want to stay a week, I'll see what I can do about money and a place to stay, OK?" He was actually looking forward to what she could concoct. "Oh, and before we get there, are you terribly against sharing a room or no. If yes, we can save money, if no, I can understand. Chances are, you'd have it to yourself most of the day anyway, I'd probably just be sleeping in there."

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She couldn't stop her giggles, but was still disappointed when Gideon's hand left her side just to run through her hair. His forehead met hers, and she went to kiss him again, but he started speaking before she could. "Amera, you're drunk." He gave her a quick kiss and hug, before she sat up on him. She almost fell over in the process, but still managed to look a bit offended, "a-am not!" She crossed her arms in defiance, her cheeks still burning red. "I love you, but unless I know you're doing okay, I don't want to do this right now." The ale was making her more immature, on top of being tipsy, as she stuck her tongue out at him, and turned around to fall down onto him. "Fiiiine, no more kisses for you! And don't even think, abouuuuuut~," not even getting to finish her sentence, Gideon had started scratching her ear. "a-about thaaat... Da-Dangit, Gideon~" She couldn't do much else, other than fall limp against him, her body betraying her, as she began to purr a little. Stupid ears and your stupid sensitivity, so... stupid...


"Oh boy, this. Will. Be. FUN!" Carrion, you're seriously scaring me... He figured that she had to have had sex before, which only made him wonder why this seemed like it was going to be so much fun for her. Think about Carrion having sex just made him think more about her, and her... She really does have nice legs and... whoa, simmer down Adrian, you're still at the restaurant. Carrion's switch into joking defused him pretty quickly, laughing alongside her. "Right, right, and I'm actually a pirate, sailing the seas, stealing for a living! Yarrr, ha ha ha!" Oooh this just feels so GOOD to let loose like this! You have no idea how long it's been... thanks, kid!" He kept chuckling, just enjoying the moment, now. "Don't thank me, thank yourself. I wouldn't be sitting here laughing without you." This really is fun. How could anyone think she's some evil monster? That still boggles my mind, it does...

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"Oh pshaw, quit shoving the credit around! But I don't feeeel like arguing right nooow." Taking the glass and simply gulping the rest down, she wiped her mouth and smiled lazily. "Well... you got the money on you, right? Let's pay and get OUTTA here!" She knew she was drunk at this point, but she didn't mind a single bit. She was sure Adrian wouldn't mind it either, and besides, it was close enough to bed time as it was. "Let's go get a room and have some fuuuun toniiiight, boy!" Putting her head in her hands, she leaned on the table, staring at Adrian quite lustfully, not even trying to hide it at this point.

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After a couple minutes the Waitress came back to take their orders. "The usual Elly?" She asked to the winged Anri, and was greeted with a nod. She then turned to Zwool. "and you hon'?" Zwool sighed, setting the menu down. "I can't read... at least, not well enough to keep up with this." Both Ellandra and the waitress giggled. "That's OK hon', I'll help you out. Meanwhile sir," She stated, turning to Teis with a smile as she walked over behind Zwool. "I can still take your order." She then leaned in and grabbed the menu for Zwool, naming off and explaining all the entrées to him, glancing up at Teis with a smile as she wait for him to speak up.

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Carrion was being more eccentric than usual, and Adrian could only blame the wine. Just how strong is that stuff? Glad I didn't have any myself... "Well... you got the money on you, right? Let's pay and get OUTTA here!" "R-Right, hold on..." He fished around in his pockets, taking out the gold they had left and making sure to leave a rather generous tip along with the money for the meal. There were a few people who had begun to stare at Carrion, unsurprisingly. "Let's go get a room and have some fuuuun toniiiight, boy!" If there was anything he was appreciating, it was her enthusiasm. "Alright, let's." He gave her a smile as he stood, taking her hand, pulling her up from her seat and into a kiss. If he was going to get anywhere with her, he had to stop being so nervous about... everything. Even if I'm completely red, right now, I don't care. He took her hand in his, and started out of the restaurant.

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Teis, lost in thought, hadn't noticed the waitress come back. He waited until she was done explaining to Zwool before he asked for a bowl of soup and some bread. Nothing too fancy.

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"Fiiiine, no more kisses for you! And don't even think, abouuuuuut~a-about thaaat... Da-Dangit, Gideon~" As she fell against him and purred, Gideon sighed with relief. At least this way he didn't have to worry about her doing anything she'd regret. "Hey, you asked me if we could stay like this," he pointed out. "So we're staying like this for a little while." You'll thank me for this. "Hey, Amera...can I ask you something?" He paused, looking down at her to see if she was a bit more sober - the scratching may not have been helping. "Carrion wanted to come here to unseal herself, right? Does she even know where she's going after this?" He didn't expect her to know the answer, but she knew Carrion better than he did. "If you don't know, that's fine, but I can't tell what it is she's after."


"A... A week? Look, Mel, I'm not so sure... about that. Well...You know what, wish granted. If you want to stay a week, I'll see what I can do about money and a place to stay, OK?" Mel grinned. "Got it!" "Oh, and before we get there, are you terribly against sharing a room or no. If yes, we can save money, if no, I can understand. Chances are, you'd have it to yourself most of the day anyway, I'd probably just be sleeping in there." She shrugged. "I don't mind. I'm sure there'll be a chair or something I can sleep in, and if not you can just give me a blanket for the floor." Her eyes narrowed and she folded her arms, anticipating what he'd ask next. "And before you ask, no, we're not sharing a bed, and if you try anything you can expect to lose a few teeth." He was a mercenary who hadn't had a girlfriend in a while and who pushed people away. Maybe he was repressed - she couldn't take chances. "Besides," she added, glancing out the window at the city again, "I doubt I'll even use the room that much. Maybe to nap, but I'm gonna be either hunting down alchemists or working most of the time. You're still getting us a room, though," she told him, grinning. "How much daylight do you think we'll have once we hit the city? If it can be helped I want to start soon."

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It's now or never, Lucretia.

She wanted to say more, but she figured that there was nothing left to say, so instead she let her actions speak for her. She pulled Aurelio close to her, and embraced him in a kiss. In it she poured all of the words she couldn't bring herself to say.

I love you.


His eyes fluttered open. He was on the ground, sore and exhausted. His body was telling him to stop and rest, his mind was telling him to keep going.

"Just... A few minutes of rest won't hurt..." He found a fairly large tree nearby that he sat under, pulling his hat over him, and nodded off.


He found Lucretia and Aurelio, but when he saw Lucretia kiss him, he knew he wanted to leave them for a moment, so he walked around town a bit more.

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The waitress nodded toward Teis with a smile. After about another minute of explaining Zwool was able to place his order, and she ran off to place it proper. Neither Zwool or Teis seemed to be in a talkative mood, so Ellandra was content to sit quiet and just stare dreamy eyed at him, when something dawned on her. She poked him and pointed to Carrion's table. Zwool looked up and nodded. "Oh yeah, I'm traveling with them, so is Teis here. My name's Zwool, by the way." He told her with a gentle smile. She giggled, this was good news to her. She pointed to herself and held up two of her fingers. Zwool nodded in understanding... he thought.

After a couple of minutes their food arrived. Ellandra had some sort of grains platter, with various breads, and Zwool had some sort of meat, which looked Rarer than healthy. Zwool didn't seemed to mind though, as he grabbed his utensils and went to town happily. Ellandra giggled and munched on her crackers as she watched him.

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"Hey, you asked me if we could stay like this, so we're staying like this for a little while." She would've whined more, but even in her buzzed state, she knew that she had said that. Not like she was going to be moving much with him scratching her ear. He then... stopped for whatever reason, which let Amera roll over on him, "Hey, Amera...can I ask you something?" The scratching hadn't really sobered her up, but it had brought her down to earth, enough to stop trying to get him all over her, "yeah, what is it?" She semi-collapsed onto his chest and closed her eyes. If she wasn't getting anything, she was going to try and sleep. "Carrion wanted to come here to unseal herself, right? Does she even know where she's going after this? If you don't know, that's fine, but I can't tell what it is she's after." "Guess it's talking time~" She forced her eyes open and sat up, scratching the back of her head. "Honestly? I've got noooo cluuuuue where she's going after this. Knowing Carrion I'm sure it'll be just... a barrel of fun!" She threw her arms up, and then fell back down onto Gideon. "Hey, Gideon, should we sleep, or d'you still want to deny me all those touches~?" She smirked up at him, still way too buzzed from the ale.

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Taking Adrian's arm in her own, she smiled. "Yaaaay! So like, go pick a place to stay, I think there was one at the entrance, but like, it's sooooo laaaate, I don't know if there'll be any vacancy at this time of night!" She almost looked worried for a moment, before thinking, "Well... I'm sure someplace has enough room for us two young lovers on their first night out, riiight?" Hoping he got the hint, she leaned against him for support and for the obvious affection.


He sighed and put his hands on his head. "As angry as I am for you even thinking that, of friggin COURSE I wouldn't share the fucking bed! I'm twenty six, I know how this stuff works, I'm not some creeper, yeesh!" He wasn't seriously hurt, just disappointed. "And as for time of day, it's not happening tonight. Sun's already down, and we'll probably only be getting in due to being on this guy's coach. So I'll just pay for the room, you'll map out everything you need for whatever, and I'll see what kind of job I can grab. Sound okay?"

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"Guess it's talking time~" She didn't sound too happy about that, but then again she didn't sound too lucid at the moment either, so Gideon wasn't picky. "Honestly? I've got noooo cluuuuue where she's going after this. Knowing Carrion I'm sure it'll be just... a barrel of fun!" I'm not convinced. She has to have some sort of plan, and I need to know what it is if I'm working for her. "A barrel of fun, huh..." "Hey, Gideon, should we sleep, or d'you still want to deny me all those touches~?" Gideon sighed and shook his head - he knew he would be screwed with sober Amera if he did anything with her while she was drunk. Of course, that didn't mean he couldn't show her a bit of affection. His hand on her head moved down to her shoulder and he kissed her, smirking against her lips. "You act like I'm going to leave or something," he told her, his tone a bit incredulous. "I'm not." Nah, you'll just get killed in the field. Hardly the same thing. "You need to sleep this off anyway." The next time I get you ale, you aren't getting a pint.


"As angry as I am for you even thinking that, of friggin COURSE I wouldn't share the fucking bed! I'm twenty six, I know how this stuff works, I'm not some creeper, yeesh!" "Just making sure," she said coyly, grinning at him. "You don't have to bite my head off over it." Twenty-six? He looks a bit older than that. Maybe he's just really stressed out. "And as for time of day, it's not happening tonight. Sun's already down, and we'll probably only be getting in due to being on this guy's coach. So I'll just pay for the room, you'll map out everything you need for whatever, and I'll see what kind of job I can grab. Sound okay?" "Fine," she said, sighing heavily and resting her cheek on her fist. "Stupid slow coach," she grumbled. "The automated one'll go a lot faster'n this."

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There was a certain happiness to having a cute girl hanging off of your arm, and Adrian was glad he was able to experience it. "Yaaaay! So like, go pick a place to stay, I think there was one at the entrance, but like, it's sooooo laaaate, I don't know if there'll be any vacancy at this time of night!" Oh, shit, she's right! Aahhhhh, why didn't I get a room when we first showed up?! Dang it... His frustration was becoming a tad apparent, as he desperately tried to think of how to get themselves a room. "Well... I'm sure someplace has enough room for us two young lovers on their first night out, riiight?" "Uh--..." He parsed what she'd said in his head a few times, before sighing at what she meant, "you're really going to make me beg for a room? I guess I'll have to, won't I?" First inn it is, then. He'd just remember that they'd left their tent and everything outside the gate, which was going to be closing soon. Ah, crap. Crap crap crap! I'll have to go out and grab that first thing in the morning, won't I?

Dragging a rather inebriated Carrion along, he walked into the crowded inn. It was loud, it was bustling, and it was probably full, but he walked up to the counter either way. The man there didn't seem to notice him, Adrian piping up either way, "hey, d'you have any rooms left? Any at all?"

Sort of startled, having not noticed him, the man spoke up, "sorry, kid! Place's booked full!"

Dammit! "There's nothing at all? I'll pay higher than normal! There's got to be at least one room that someone hasn't taken yet! It's sorta important," he said, glancing down at Carrion.

"... How much higher are you willin' to--" it was then that the man took notice of Carrion; the giggling, laughing mess that was still clinging to Adrian's arm.

"Oh... yeah, I see why you need a room, kid. Listen, uh... there's one, maybe two rooms that haven't been checked into yet, so, slip me about twenty gold, pay the normal price, I'll hand you the key."

I'm damn glad that Teis gave me that money, now! Adrian's face lit up with a smile, immediately taking out the money for the room and the clerk's 'tip'. He was given a key, and a grinning nod from the man, "don't get too wild up there, kids. We have to clean that room tomorrow!" He laughed, and Adrian shot up the strairs, doing his best to make sure Carrion didn't trip along the way. He quickly unlocked the door, and sighed happily. The room wasn't some gross little inn room, but it wasn't a suite. "This is still a pretty nice room..."


"A barrel of fun, huh..." "Yeaaaaahhhh~ It's always fun when you're around her!" She kept rolling around on him, ending up just laying down on his chest, one again. She'd closed her eyes for a moment, when he kissed her. She was about to protest, but she liked it too much, just pressing back against him. "You act like I'm going to leave or something. I'm not." "I knooooow thaaaaat! I'm just in the mood for a bit more than kissing right now~. But youuuuuu won't let me have that~" She pressed up against him and kissed him again, sighing as she stopped, "You need to sleep this off anyway." "Murrrr, I told you already, I'm not drunk~! I'm jus' having fun. You're so silly, Gideon~" She pawed at his face, giggling some more. "But hey, if you want to sleep, we can sleeeeeeeep..."


Having walked since morning, the city was finally in sight, and that only made him smile. He started running, wanting to make it before the gates closed, but as he came upon the walls, he found that he was too late. "Aaaahhhhh, dammit! You're fuckin' kiddin' me, right?! Dammit!!" He kept cursing for a few moments, until he heard the neighing of a horse, snapping his head in the direction. It's a coach... Fuck yeah, I can still get in! They'll have to let that in! He walked for it to pass by him, before jumping onto the back of it, hoping he didn't make himself too noticed. He was too tired to care, either way, and it was dark enough for the guards to not notice him hanging off the back. Gotta get into the city tonight, gotta get a room, and then gotta get to searchin'.

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"Yeah yeah nice room whatever I don't care come ooooon!" Dragging him as best as she could, she pulled him in further then closed and locked the door, grinning at Adrian. "So you're a virgin, huh..." She looked his whole body over, simply smiling. "A guy as cute as you? I don't buuuuy iiiit!~" Walking over to him, she slipped her coat off and threw it on the floor, moving in for a kiss. She held it there for a bit before pulling back and looking into his eyes. "Before we go further, we both need to wash up. Blood on our skin makes it aaawkwaaaard! Go wash up, go wash up, go wash uuuup!" and she started pushing him to the shower.


"I hope so, girl. Taking half a day to reach the nearest city is stupid." The coach pulled up to the gate and the guard on duty him in, a small nod to the coachman. Said Coachman looked in the back, "One of the perks of being a frequent visitor, they don't check my cart usually unless there's been an emergency! Ahaaa!" And they pulled in, dropping the two off at the entrance. "Well folks, thanks for the money, hope you had a nice trip!"

Before he left, Grant pulled up alongside the man. "Hey, thanks for the trip and all but could I ask a quick favor? The girl I'm with has an idea for some crazy contraption thingy, she'd REALLY love to inspect this cart, d'ya mind if she does that?"

"Huh? Eh, I suppose it's fine. Not like I'm in any great hurry this time of night, won't get much business, usually don't anyway. So go nuts. Need a lamp?"

"Yeah, and thanks." Taking the night lamp, he walked over to Melanie. "Alrighty then, he's gonna let you inspect, so do what you need to do, I'm gonna go and see what I can do about reservations..."

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Zwool and Ellandra finished their meals. Zwool looked quite happy, a little bit of blood (the meat was so rare) that dribbling out of the side of his mouth, and Ellandra was giggling at him, grabbing a napkin and dabbing it away. "Oh sorry." He said. The waitress came back and laid a note on the table. Zwool slid it over to him and Ellandra. "Is this how much we're paying?" Ellandra nodded, already setting the amount due from her on the table. She pointed at one of the numbers, and then to Zwool. "That's how much mine was?" Ellandra nodded again with a giggle. Zwool grabbed a small handful of gold and started to count out the amount, he couldn't read letters all that well, but he had picked up numbers, those were hard to get through life without. 14 Gold later he stood up and gave a slight bow to Teis as he grabbed his sword, and then proceeded on his way to the door.

Ellandra stood up and quickly jogged after him, grabbing his arm with a begging look. "You wanna come with me?" Ellandra nodded. "Well, seeing as I've got nothing better to do I guess it can't hurt..." She giggled, and let him lead the way, sliding her hand into his and leaning her head on his shoulder. Zwool looked at her a little funny, but brushed it off. I haven't seen to many people walking like this, I wonder why Ellandra here is... heck, I don't even know what it means... but I guess it's kinda nice, it seems like she really wants to be with me...

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"Yeaaaaahhhh~ It's always fun when you're around her!" Gideon sighed. Something tells me Crimson isn't in this to have fun. "I knooooow thaaaaat! I'm just in the mood for a bit more than kissing right now~. But youuuuuu won't let me have that~" Before he could reply, she kissed him again. Dammit, stop doing that. I'm trying to be responsible right now! "Murrrr, I told you already, I'm not drunk~! I'm jus' having fun. You're so silly, Gideon~ But hey, if you want to sleep, we can sleeeeeeeep..."

His hand moved between them and he poked her forehead. "Fine, I'm calling your bluff," he said evenly, smirking. "If you're not drunk, I want you to spell your name for me." He didn't even know if she was literate, but if she was, she could do it. "You only get one try, though." Pulling his hand from between them, he put it on the back of her head, watching her intently. "Go ahead," he said, smiling - this would prove it. And hey, if she got it right, he wouldn't feel as bad about it.


"I hope so, girl. Taking half a day to reach the nearest city is stupid." Mel shook her head. "Three hours or so, probably. Maybe even less. I just gotta figure out how..." When the coach came to a stop, she yelped again and almost fell over - she wasn't expecting it to be so abrupt. "And it'll slow down gradually!" she growled as she picked herself back up.

"One of the perks of being a frequent visitor, they don't check my cart usually unless there's been an emergency! Ahaaa! Well folks, thanks for the money, hope you had a nice trip!" Mel nodded as she picked her bag up and climbed out. It seemed a lot heavier now...maybe she was just tired?

"Hey, thanks for the trip and all but could I ask a quick favor?" Grant had said to the coachman. "The girl I'm with has an idea for some crazy contraption thingy, she'd REALLY love to inspect this cart, d'ya mind if she does that?" Mel folded her arms - he didn't have to put it that way... "Huh? Eh, I suppose it's fine. Not like I'm in any great hurry this time of night, won't get much business, usually don't anyway. So go nuts. Need a lamp?" "Yeah, and thanks."

"Alrighty then, he's gonna let you inspect, so do what you need to do, I'm gonna go and see what I can do about reservations..." Mel nodded and took the lamp. "I'll just be a sec!" she said as she began to look over the sides of the coach. It wasn't nearly as intricate as she'd hoped - it was a box on wheels with a place to harness a beast. Sighing, she went around back, hoping to be surprised. When she held up the lamp, she was - there was a guy hanging onto the back. "What the hell...who the hell are you?!" she demanded, taking a step back. Now would be a good time to have a knife or something...this guy didn't grab on when the coach started, did he?

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Before he knew it, Lucretia had pulled him into a kiss. Despite being surprised, he reciprocated - out of everyone he'd met on his travels, Lucretia meant more than anyone. Words escaped him again, it was so much easier when there wasn't a whole personality behind the face. Although he was rather attached to hers.


Picking himself up off of the floor, he brushed himself off. The Goddess had been on his side, he was virtually unscathed.

"Well... that was rather unfortunate! I better warn the owner about the floor boards, somebody could hurt themselves."

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"Yeah yeah nice room whatever I don't care come ooooon!" "W-whoa!" She started doing the dragging, which he didn't mind, until he heard the door lock behind him. Wow, this is seriously happening, isn't it? Her grinning only made him blush more, but he did his best to smile back at her. "So you're a virgin, huh... A guy as cute as you? I don't buuuuy iiiit!~" "It's... true. I don't really know how to convince you otherwise, sorry." How about my lack of knowledge about how any of this is going to go? Gods, this is so embarrassing... At least he didn't find her kiss awkward, calming down a bit and pressing his lips back against hers for the moment. A moment he wanted to be longer, but she seemed to have other agendas, staring up at him, "Before we go further, we both need to wash up. Blood on our skin makes it aaawkwaaaard! Go wash up, go wash up, go wash uuuup!" He chuckled, letting her push him off towards the shower, "you could join me, y'know. If not, I guess I'll just get on with that." So he walked into the washroom, and closed the door, but part of him wanted to see what Carrion would do, leaving it unlocked. As he got undressed, he kept thinking, this can't really be happening, can it? I bet I'm gonna walk out of the shower and she'll be already asleep on the bed. Hell, I don't even know if I'm seriously ready for something like this... he stepped into the shower, the water cold but refreshing.


"Fine, I'm calling your bluff" "Oho! Are you now~?" She sat up once again, and squinted her eyes at him, smiling, "If you're not drunk, I want you to spell your name for me." "Ha ha ha ha! You want me to do something as easy as that? Ha ha ha!!" She'd broken out into hysterics, falling back against him to laugh, trying to control herself because she wanted to ask him something, "Ha... ha ha, so, so Gideon, tell me, how are you supposed to know if I got it wrong... wh-when you don't even know how my name's spelled yourself? Ha ha..." The whole situation was making her a lot happier, at least, finally bringing her laughs down to giggles. "You only get one try, though. Go ahead" She stuck her tongue out at him and sighed, "A, M, E, R, A. Theeeere. Seeeeriously, like I'd forget how to spell my own name, ha ha~" She poked his forehead, wanting to play his own game. "Alright, alright, my turn! Spell YOUR name, Gideon!"


The cart had stopped without a hitch at the gate, and no one had noticed him. He whispered his victory to himself, "Yes, agh. Stupid city, with their stupid rules. Fuck that shit, I'm not waitin' 'till mornin'." Stepping off the cart, he hadn't noticed the lamp light that had come upon him, reaching for his knife as he heard a shrill voice, "What the hell...who the hell are you?!" Fuck. Y'just couldn't get out of there faster, could ya, Horry? He kept his hand on the knife, slowly stepping towards this girl, "Now listen, girly. Don't go off an' start yellin'. I just hopped on so I wouldn't have to wait until mornin' to get into this bloody place, a'ight? I don't need you goin' off to tell the guards, so if you would kindly let me walk away, I won't have to try anythin'." The knife was in his hand, probably visible to her. If she tries to scream, you've gotta shut her up. Last thin' I need's some dumb bitch gettin' me thrown out, or thrown into jail.

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Her laughing was a bit reassuring, but a bit unnerving at the same time. Hopefully she was just overconfident... "Ha... ha ha, so, so Gideon, tell me, how are you supposed to know if I got it wrong... wh-when you don't even know how my name's spelled yourself? Ha ha..." Don't worry. I'll know if you screw up. "A, M, E, R, A. Theeeere. Seeeeriously, like I'd forget how to spell my own name, ha ha~" Crap. He wasn't entirely sure, but that sounded right, and she probably knew it better than he did. "Alright, alright, my turn! Spell YOUR name, Gideon!" Fuck. "No, no, I'm completely sober and you know it," he said quickly, shaking his head. "I don't have anything to prove." She had called his bluff right back, and he was starting to think she wasn't as drunk as she seemed. He'd certainly prefer messing around with her to having her figure out that he couldn't spell, though... "For what it's worth, you've convinced me, though," he said, grinning and kissing her hair.


"Now listen, girly. Don't go off an' start yellin'. I just hopped on so I wouldn't have to wait until mornin' to get into this bloody place, a'ight? I don't need you goin' off to tell the guards, so if you would kindly let me walk away, I won't have to try anythin'." Mel scowled at him, taking her bag from her shoulder and holding it in one hand. "You try anything and I'll knock you senseless," she growled, taking a step back. Then she reprocessed what he had said and cocked her head. "Wait, you didn't climb on when we did, did you?" That would be crazy. Maybe he has someone he's hunting? He looks like a bounty hunter or something...no, focus, Mel! He's trying to threaten you! "I'm not gonna scream or nothin', so you can put that away." Her voice was a bit agitated - fighting scared her.

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"Good." Mind racing, heart beating a little faster, she could only giggle slightly, until she saw herself in a reflection on the dresser. Her hand instinctively going to her chest, frowning, eventually scowling at it. She hated it, and it made her feel terrible just looking at it, and then she panicked. "What if... what if it makes him hate me? Oh god..." In her mind she was freaking out and the alcohol only stimulated that feeling for her, blurring her senses just enough. She sat on the bed, pulling her shoes off then setting her head on her knees, thinking over the possible outcomes. But... if he really liked me, he wouldn't care about that... right Aaagh... why am I so troubled by this suddenly? He's new to this, he'll love it anyway! But... what if he DOESN'T? Ooooh... Damn this world. Pulling her head back, she looked down her shirt at the mark still on her chest, grimacing and sighing. He thinks I'm beautiful, so... why am I freaking out like this? Deep down she knew exactly why she was freaking out, but she didn't want to vocalize the fear, afraid it would come true.


As surprised as he was, he smiled. "Turns out we meet again, eh son?" He walked up to the two of them, turning to Melanie. "Don't worry, he's ever so slightly a partner of mine at the moment. We're both after the same person."

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Gideon seemed a bit put off by her correctness, which only made her smile more, her giggles increasing. "No, no, I'm completely sober and you know it," "Soooooo~?" "I don't have anything to prove." She smiled, staring right at his eyes, "I~ don't~ care~! I want you to spell your name! I had to do it, so you have to as well~ Come on, I'll start you off... G... I... come ooooon, you do the rest~" She was really enjoying this, still on her buzz, no matter if he believed she was or not. "For what it's worth, you've convinced me, though" "Well, I'm still totally buzzed, so I was sorta lying about being drunk, ha ha! It was jus' too much fun to see... to see your face when I got that right! Oh, come on, Gideon, play your own game with me~ Spell your naaaaaaaame~!" She seriously wanted this, sitting up and holding his arms down. "I'm not letting you go until you do, hee hee." She didn't know if she was stronger than him, but now was the time to find out.


"That's enough of that...!" He said out loud, stretching out of the shower. His clothes still had some of her blood from before, and the only thing he could wear in the room was a towel. It was making him more embarrassed than he felt comfortable with, but it was large enough to cover him, at least from the waist down. He wrapped it around himself, and walked out, only to find a rather upset looking Carrion on the bed. "Uh... Carrion, what's wrong?" Has she decided against this? I can't blame her if she has. I'm still not sure I'm ready for it. Despite not wearing a shirt, he decided to sit down next to her, hoping she wouldn't mind. "Listen, if... if you don't want to do this, that's fine. I'm not going to force you into anything, alright?" He placed a hand on her shoulder, pulling her a bit closer to him. "If you want to just go to bed, we can do that."


"You try anything and I'll knock you senseless" "Lord! I'm gettin' threatened by a todd..." it was at this point that Horatio finally got an eyeful of the girl, of course noticing her chest, "my word, either you're just short, or the Gods've been nice t'you. How old are you, lass?" Horatio was indulging in his biggest weakness, women, and quickly put his knife away, "Wait, you didn't climb on when we did, did you?" He scoffed, "what're you, nuts? I've been walking towards this damned city all day, an' as soon as I get here, they close the gates! I climbed on so I wouldn't have to wait until mornin'." "I'm not gonna scream or nothin', so you can put that away." At this, he chuckled, "what, not scared by the dark clothed man whose been hanging off of your coach? Maybe I've been stalking you, girly!" He would've teased her more, but a familiar voice spoke up, "Turns out we meet again, eh son?" "Gods be damned, is'at you, Grant!? Ha ha, what a turn of events! I climb onto your coach to get into this place, that's fuckin' nuts! Oh, sorry for scarin' ya, girly, I'll leave ya be now that I know you're with ol' Grant here. Makin' sure he doesn't fall over, are ya?"

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"Well, I'm still totally buzzed, so I was sorta lying about being drunk, ha ha!" What a surprise. She's probably found me out... "It was jus' too much fun to see... to see your face when I got that right! Oh, come on, Gideon, play your own game with me~ Spell your naaaaaaaame~!" Then she pinned him. She was stronger than most girls her size; Gideon figured he could overpower her, but with her drunk he didn't want to take the chance. When she gave him an ultimatum, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. Not that he could blame her - how would she know? "I can't," he said matter-of-factly. "I never learned. Lived on a farm and never left, remember?" He wasn't terribly upset about it. She had asked, though, so she got an answer. "So can you let go of me now? You sitting on me is enough to keep me still."


"my word, either you're just short, or the Gods've been nice t'you. How old are you, lass?" he asked as he put his knife away. Melanie rolled her eyes. "Raped instead 'a killed. Wonderful," she said sullenly. "what, not scared by the dark clothed man whose been hanging off of your coach? Maybe I've been stalking you, girly!" "Then you have no standards," Mel shot back, sneering at him. "That or a fetish for girls covered in soot. The latter would be weird, but then again you ride the backs of coaches, so I dunno."

"Turns out we meet again, eh son?" "Gods be damned, is'at you, Grant!? Ha ha, what a turn of events! I climb onto your coach to get into this place, that's fuckin' nuts!" "Wait, wait, wait," Mel said, holding her hands up. "You two know each other?!" "Oh, sorry for scarin' ya, girly, I'll leave ya be now that I know you're with ol' Grant here. Makin' sure he doesn't fall over, are ya?" "Something like that." She didn't much like this guy. He's not as funny as he thinks he is. Does he think he's funny? What's with his speech impediment?

"Don't worry, he's ever so slightly a partner of mine at the moment. We're both after the same person." Mel arched an eyebrow in Grant's direction. "What, does this person have a bounty on her or something?" she asked, sighing. "Actually, you know what? Don't answer that. As long as he doesn't try to drug me or something, he's fine." He looks like that kind of guy. Maybe he carries sleeping potions or something. Wait...don't tell me HE's an alchemist. I'm not settling for him!

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"What? No, nonono, I don't want to do that! Not to you, fuck that, I'm not... I'm not that kind of girl. I'm just reeeeally self conscious about myself right now. I've never been with a guy who's been so head over heels for me, and, well..." After a deep breath, she continued. "I'm afraid my scar will put you off. There, I said it!" She would feel proud if not for the situation at hand, giving Adrian an awkward smile, not even registering that he was almost completely naked. "Fuck that, I'm not backing down, I'm just feeling insecure, but if what you've said before is true then I shouldn't feel so bad, right?" And then she began to take off her shorts, blushing a bit.


"Oh don't worry. He may have one more leg than me but I'm sturdier than I look. He wants to try his luck, he'll find it difficult. Anyway, hurry up, I think the coachman wants outta here." Turning to Horatio, he gave a blank look. "Now please don't go creeping on friends, alright? Anyway, ugh... Change of plans for me. I'm gonna be taking it 'easy' so to speak here for about a week, helping out this girl here. Hopefully the results will be hilarious to behold."

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