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Abysmal Souls Chapter 5


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Three is a crowd, but what about six?

Ormis begrudgingly got onto the horse behind Aurelio. "Don't worry about me, I'll try not to stab you if I fall off."

Teis mounted his own horse. "Shall we be off?"

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Even though his dream wasn't the best of all, Rine was able to sleep for a long time, waking up late. He had plans to reach Indolcure before night, something that at this pace wouldn't be possible. Complaining about it wouldn't help, also, so he dressed up quickly, made himself presentable and left his room with his backpack and all the items he was carrying at the moment. It was imperative to stop at every nearby city to buy more supplies, since he didn't want to be slown down by carrying many things at once and make himself an easy target for bandits. "After I finish eating breakfest, I should ask if there is a market nearby", he reminded himself while going downstairs.

It seemed like a straightforward day until he saw a girl running downstairs right infront of him. That sight paralyzed him like a ghost, losing himself in his own thoughts. "What the... No, it can't be... This girl can't be who I am thinking of, right? Or else she wouldn't be in a place like this. Yet, she looks so much like the girl in the newspapper...". Adrian broke his line of logic as he charged towards her, an action that gave Rine the wrong thoughts. "Wait!", he shouted, chasing the couple and thinking that the boy was up for something bad, and Carrion was his target.

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"Alright, girl, just come with me and--" before he could begin to try convincing her to come along, fire flew past his head, and he shrieked, diving to the ground. She began to shout and scream, fire spouting in every direction. All he could do was huddle against the ground as the heat passed overhead. This is nuts! This is fucking nuts, and it's not worth any of the gold they promised! How the hell are we supposed to get her back alive?! He tried to look up to see if that other man was doing anything, unable to spot him at all.


Sighing as he followed after Carrion, unsure if she was putting on a show or if she was legitimately bothered by what he'd said, a sudden shout shot into his ears. "Wait!" Adrian almost fell off the stairs, grabbing onto the guard rail to stop himself from falling. What the... He turned his vision to the spindly looking man behind him, who looked extremely terrified. "Uh... can I help you...? Sorry, but I'm a bit busy with my girlfriend here, and I can't really stay to chat." That was... really weird. Turning back to follow after Carrion, he made his way off the stairs before he could get startled and almost fall, again.

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Rine looked calmer as the man stopped to answer him, but kept one of his hands ready to cast a Wind spell on him if he did anything else. "Uh... can I help you...? Sorry, but I'm a bit busy with my girlfriend here, and I can't really stay to chat." wasn't really what he expected, making him feel silly for ever shouting so worried like that. "A-Ah, it's... It's ok, sorry. I thought you w---", he answered to the wall, as Adrian wasn't there anymore. "The hell is going on with him and his girlfriend? Wait... WHAT?!"

"That's probably a dream", he kept mumbling to himself while walking downstairs, "I found the Crimson Witch, embarassed myself and found out she has a boyfriend. I can't believe it. That's probably a dream.". But it wasn't, and he knew it. "Damn it, I'll have to apologize later... Although it will be a way to learn more about her. That is, if she doesn't kill me first".

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Did some... guy just try to run up to Adrian and stop him from talking to Carrion? That was horribly stupid, my dear man, and even though you look like a scholar you should have some skills of proper communication.

He didn't really want to deal with any more stuff in the inn, deciding it would be a good idea to maybe get out a bit earlier.

He went upstairs to his room, brushing past Carrion and Mel, quickly packing up his clothes, books and weapons before returning outside, to the stables.

Might as well give the horse a good warmup for today.

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With the camp on her back practicaly set on fire, she fled, running as if there were no tomorrow, wondering why such tragedy could happen in that happy day and why her brother has turned agaisnt them in the end. He, above anyone else, should honor the family, instead of throwing it all away like trash; in the future, he'd probably earn all of their father's heirloom and continue the legacy of his family. That cold-blooded murder wasn't necessary. Scheming to destroy her life wasn't necessary. Now their father was dead and Rainos would probably die too, they would all die; her brother, in the end, is going to run the risk of being taken as a hostage out of his greed and foolishness. "If they don't kill him, I will... It doesn't matter when, but I certainly will!". But not right now. From the sound of footsteps comming from behind and the horses moving in her direction, it was pretty obvious that the girl was being chased. There was no other option left but run from them.

Luckly, she found the set of mountains separating Shuthra from Lushira. That would help her a lot agaisnt the cavalry, but if they decided to leave their horses and chase by foot, the odds would still be agaisnt her, as finding a hideout while many soldiers are looking for the girl is pretty much impossible. And she isn't a hiker, either. But fleeing while horses were on the track was suicide, and the forest wouldn't help forever. So, yes, hiking was a good idea, and the plan worked out as soon as she began to climb the mountain. But she forgot about her own limits, and as soon as the mountain was climbed, her legs wouldn't obey as before, and she was running out of breath. Howver, for the men chasing her, it wasn't as exhaustive.

With no ideas left and filled with despair, Asviel chose a random direction to go and fled, going beyond her limits for now. At least until they lost track from her, until she'd be sure that no one were following her anymore. That clumsy tactic worked out for a while, before the girl fell on the ground from exhaustion. No matter how much she struggled, her legs couldn't obey her anymore, and the deprivation of air in the mountains just made it worse. If the capture weren't successfull, then her death probably would be. "They're drawing close... Damn.... It can't end like this. Goddess, please help me".

The sound of footsteps became louder as they approached and blocked her way through all directions, with their weapons ready. The oldest of the group, probably their leader, walked towards her. She recognized him as one of her father's companions, one that weren't a stranger at all; They knew each other, and infact, they met each other a long time ago. When the girl traveled to Lushira with her father to train under her master, he was with them, advising her father about the places they should stop, helping with the defenses and scouting whenever they made settlements along the way. "Did you really think that you could flee from us so easily? It was a good idea to climb the mountains, but you aren't really used to such a task for the body, are you? Such a frail and weak girl couldn't possibly expect to go further ahead for too long. But worry not, little miss. You've got a bigger probability of surviving with us than in this place"

Was there something else she could do? Her control over the Ice element wouldn't help her agaisnt him nor the traitors. There was no one to call for: Her father was dead, and Rainos is too far away from them. "I-Is this the end? What else could I do?! Goddess, please hep me!".

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Making her way down, she spotted Amera and Gideon talking and decided to inform them of her situation rather quickly, not really wanting to stick around much. "Oi, you two. If you're intent on going with me I've got to go collect one other person, and then I'll meet you at the southern gate in like... twenty minutes. Unless you wanna help me find her, she's blonde and winged like a bird, white wings. Imagine an angel from some folk tale or something. I dunno, Adrian seems to hate her though, don't know why since she's like one of the nicest people I've met... a bit quiet, but nice. Anyway..." Her gaze landed on Adrian and her eyes narrowed slightly. "Are you gonna hurry up or what? We don't have all day! We'll be lucky if we get there by nightfall at this rate!"


"So this is a family problem? Greeeat, just what I need... Whatever, I'm gonna be asking around town then. See you later, I'll find you since you're so easy to spot. So am I, but whatever."

Aideun and Arcen

After showering and dressing herself in some simple modest clothing she went downstairs, still feeling a slight tinge of grogginess. "Hopefully they have some good breakfast food here..." Taking a seat in the dining room, she began to leaf through the menu until a server came up to her. She hadn't even noticed Carrion, Amera, Mel, Gideon or Adrian yet, too distracted as she was.

Arcen was walking down the street, looking in every inn he could find for Aiduen, desperate and as foul smelling as he was. He was tossed out of all of them, told to go clean himself up and get a job due to his newly found hobo status. All of them except the single inn he hadn't been to yet, one he hoped against hope would be the one with Aiduen in it.


Oh god dammit, there is fire fucking everywhere, why did I not even remotely see this happening?! A flame singed the tip of his hair, making him pat the hell out of it in a panic, causing a nice bruise on his head from the force. More importantly, he noticed that there was another person, someone that was Aiming for me?! What the shit?! SHE HAS ALLIES?! Oooh fuck, fuck fuck fuck, I need to get out and regroup and just... run. Leave this twat on this stupid island... Oooh DAMMIT, the other two! Shit, they're gonna... She's gonna fucking draw them out. Fuck. This. I should just leave by myself... He peeked his head out again, "H-Hey there, calm down... it's just... a misunderstanding, you know? Haha... ha?"


His ears had picked up the pursuit easily, the sloppy footsteps of a child and many a soldier coming from the same direction. The original, his curiosity knowing no bounds, felt the need to check out the situation.

"Did you really think that you could flee from us so easily? It was a good idea to climb the mountains, but you aren't really used to such a task for the body, are you? Such a frail and weak girl couldn't possibly expect to go further ahead for too long. But worry not, little miss. You've got a bigger probability of surviving with us than in this place"

Of all the... All these men to kill a single girl? How savage. How... dishonorable. Peering over the top of the cliffside, his eyes picked out a girl in blue, surrounded by soldiers, just as he had heard from before. Leaping from his great height, he let out a roar, slamming the ground and indenting it as he did so, landing very close to the girl but not enough to hurt her. "Leave this place, or I will make you all suffer. This is such a gross display of unneeded force, one I will not allow to happen. If you have any common sense, you'll know an Original when you see one. So I offer you the chance to simply retreat now, or I will forcibly remove you from this mortal coil with my bare hands." Digging one claw into the ground, he faced the captain, his eyes growing colder by the minute, growling.

Edited by SlaveKitty
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Shit, what did I drop?

He re-entered the inn, just in time to hear Carrion saying something about leaving in 20 minutes, and that she and Adrian needed to find someone... An Angel anri? That would be fun.

Sounds pretty fun to find, and cute. Might as well do what I can.

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Mel descended the stairs in time to see Amera practically leaning on Gideon and whining about something. I knew there was something. She probably nags the shit out of him. That or she's really clingy... Shrugging, she continued down the stairs, walking right over to Gideon as Amera moved to a table. "Before I forget," she said more loudly than she realized, "the rest of my stuff's in your room, so when you go up there let me know, 'kay?" It'd suck if I started this adventure with nothing...


"So, what now? I'm hungry, and too tired to play any games to get food out of you," Gideon grinned and shook his head. "I'm gonna go sit down at the table, if you suddenly feel like ordering something, let me know. But don't take too long, please." "Go sit down, then," he told her. "I'll get something for you to chew on that isn't my arm, okay?" The kiss surprised him - normally she wasn't that forward, especially with people watching (and they were from the moment she started chewing on him). Maybe I'll get some initiative out of you sometime soon...

Before he could order, though, he heard the grating voice of his most recent acquaintance. "Sure, sure," he said back quickly. "We're gonna eat first, though, so we might be a while." I think it's her voice. She's pretty loud... "Oi, anyone in there?" he near-barked into the kitchen area. A bearded man in an apron shot him a look, which he happily returned. "What? It looked empty."

"Oi, you two. If you're intent on going with me I've got to go collect one other person, and then I'll meet you at the southern gate in like... twenty minutes." Gideon half-turned to look at Carrion as she spoke. That sort of puts us on the clock... Then she scolded Adrian, which won her an appreciative grin from Gideon; that grin quickly faded when he heard a shrill laugh from Mel. Definitely her voice. "You can't fix something in less'n twenty minutes, can you?" he called to the man in the kitchen, who nodded wordlessly. That was fine, as long as he was doing his job. "Alright, just do what you can. We'll be outta here in fifteen, yeah?" Another silent nod. Shrugging, he walked over to the table and put the key in front of Amera. "You want to get our stuff while we wait or should I?" he asked, knowing what the answer would be.

Melanie, part deux

As soon as Gideon dropped the key on the table, Mel rushed over. "I can get it," she said quickly, doing her best not to reach impulsively for the key. "Or some of it, I guess." There can't be anything that heavy between them...wait, doesn't monkeyman use an axe? Suddenly she regretted her offer. "Yeah, um, some of it," she parroted herself, turning a bit red. Don't make me get all of it...

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She's definitely annoyed at me. With how fast she was walking away from him, and that slight narrowing of her eyes that happened when she looked at him; it wouldn't take a genius to realize that he'd screwed up once again. He sighed. So I guess I get to be in the dog house for a while, huh? "Alright, coming. And I doubt it'll take us that long if we're going to be at the gates in twenty minutes." He took her arm and pulled her out of the inn, not being very forceful as he knew what position he was in. "So... what, are we just grabbing some quick supplies like last time, finding that girl, and meeting everyone down by the gates? Tell me what's up, I don't want to just stand here and be useless." He was going to be bossed around. A lot. He knew he was, but he was willing to do it to try and make Carrion feel better about his rather out of place comment.


"Yay, food~" She slumped onto the table, but kept her ears perked up while everyone around her talked. Mel has stuff upstairs, Carrion's leaving in twenty minutes, and Gideon's still getting me food. Okay, works for meeeee~. Well, we've got stuff upstairs too, so... and that was when the key hit the table, Amera jolting up in her seat at the sudden noise. "Our stuff? Sure, I can grab that, just make sure the food's portable." Mel chimed in with an offering of help as well, but seemed a bit apprehensive. Always the impulsive one, eh, Mel? Amera couldn't help herself as she began to chuckle a bit, stretching from her chair. "Mel, you and I can deal with the upstairs. Gideon will get us some food, and by then we'll be ready to leave with Carrion." Without waiting for conformation from Mel, she took the girl's hand and began dragging her off to the stairs, letting her tail brush past Gideon's arm as she went.

Quickly bringing her back upstairs, as she wanted to get the packing done as soon as she could, she felt like now would be the best time for some girl talk. So as she walked back into the room and began collecting her clothes, she looked over at Mel and asked, "so, Mel, uhm... what do you think of Gideon? I know that's a pretty weird question, but... I dunno, I just want to know what everyone else thinks of him." Maybe she sees in him what I see.

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A little conversation wouldn't hurt, I guess.

"Carrion! Adrian!", he called out, walking towards them. "I heard you back in the inn - looking for someone, aren't you? An Anri that looked like an angel, wasn't it? Mind if I help?"


She was hungry, but she didn't want to make a stop as she rode past Melgrythine. I can make it at least to the river by nightfall, provided the horse doesn't kill itself for whatever reason.

Edited by JBCWK
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"Don't worry about me, I'll try not to stab you if I fall off."

"Heh, just don't tickle me too hard with that knife of yours."

It would be a little awkward but there wasn't really a better option. Teis and the others were ready, everything was packed up too.

"Let's get moving then!"

He rode forwards, leading the way for the others.



Alex had emerged from his hiding place. Lunaria soon stopped spinning, she focused on the man in front of her. Still maintaining her mad smile, she listened to what he had to say.

"H-Hey there, calm down... it's just... a misunderstanding, you know? Haha... ha?"

She looked at him, her eyes gleaming and her smile widening. She outstretched her arm.

"Ha ha..."

A stream of fire leapt from her hand towards Alex. Her aim wasn't fantastic, but the sheer heat was enough to dry out the grass beneath it. Small animals scurried away in the desperate attempt to avoid being roasted. It didn't look like she liked his excuse.

"Ha ha ha!"

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One more glance. One more look to the girl on the bed behind her, before Obelia’s eye casts a wary and rather weary look to the guards in view. She looks once more to Ken, as if so much needs to be said on the ludicrous nature of these quick events, yet for some reason she just lets them go. Perhaps she just trusts him. Or maybe it’s the kind looks or the words that he says as if they’re so easy to believe, laced with trust. So she nods once, saying nothing but hoping, as her hand rests with an almost paranoid stiffness on the pommel of her blade, he gets enough of her answer.


(Langley 2: The Noel Strikes Back)

The door across the hall opens and it seems like Andy’s wish is granted. Langley, tired and slightly lethargic, glances with a bleary expression to the boy in front of her and darting, sluggishly albeit, a hand to hide her mouth, she speaks and yawns, elongating words and missing some sounding as she greets him.

‘Heyy… An’y… you’re… here to see Noel? She’s having a tough sleep…’

Which was the smallest way of describing it.


(Noel 2: The Langley of Doom)

Sleepless and sleeping seem hand in hand for Noel, her body almost convulsing every so often, what had made her friend jump from sleep so many times, try to shake her awake only to find Noel just curls tighter in on herself. She shakes in her sheets, her fur sticks to herself and is matted with a sweat across her frame. Though she is tired in appearance talking to Andy, Langley has been on edge all night, seeing her friend wracked with something unseen and unsaid.


‘Mimble wimble…’

Yes, she really said that. Carrie’s eyes slowly open, noting a distinct absences of pillow like chest against her head now. She sighs a bit and with a small curse, even awake, realises she’s probably been very, very clingy. And she knows as well from customers who clung to her mothers stall just to barter or chat when her mother had to work that it’s not the most attractive personality trait. She sits up slowly and coughs once or twice, sleep clearing from her head but a small puzzlement as she hears water running…

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He followed the couple until the end of the stairs, but it was too late already, as the only thing he saw was Carrion head to the exit and then Adrian take her arm and leave. But he was able to hear a bit from the conversation, luckly. "[...] got to go collect one other person, and then I'll meet you at the southern gate in like... twenty minutes. Unless you wanna help me find her, she's blonde and winged like a bird, white wings. Imagine an angel from some folk tale or something. I dunno, Adrian seems to hate her though, don't know why since she's like one of the nicest people I've met... a bit quiet, but nice. Anyway...".

Well, even if they stayed there longer, what could he ask them? Something like "Oh, look, it's the Crimson Witch! Your photo is in every newspapper in every city! Please, give me an autograph!" or "That can't be. You're... Just what are you doing here?! If the wrong people know you are in Pravna, then..."? Words simply disappeared from his mind, making him feel like a guy with little to none social skills. "What the fuck could I expect? Those strange events are confusing my mind. Only a naive criminal could think about comming here when the Magic Festival started, and her boyfriend didn't sound like a bad person either. If I really want to learn more about this, I should head to the southern gate".

If they are selling food in the Inn, then Rine is going to stay there and make an order. If they aren't, Rine is going to the Market and buy some supplies and food before thinking about leaving the city.


The sudden appearance of the huge werewolf-like Anri scared her. From the looks of it, he could kill them all in less than 15 second if he chose to, but instead he decided to let them get away. At least it meant he wasn't a bloodthirsty giant, over nine thousand times more dangerous than that group of cowards. "Leave this place, or I will make you all suffer. This is such a gross display of unneeded force, one I will not allow to happen. If you have any common sense, you'll know an Original when you see one. So I offer you the chance to simply retreat now, or I will forcibly remove you from this mortal coil with my bare hands.". Whatever an Original was, the others were aware of it's strenght and gave some steps back, mumbling runts before fleeing. "He's invincible. If I had such a strenght, I would be able to kill all of them and save father and Rainos...".

Now what? If the mountains belonged to the Original, then where should she head next? Going back was suicide, and there were no cities or forts next to the settlement. "A perfect place for a perfect ambush...". Facing the giant was the only option left now. "T-Thanks, but... If you w-want me to leave the mountains, I-I can't... There's nowhere to go... The camp is c-completely destroyed, y-you can probably see the smoke comming from below. A-And you should know that they a-are looking for me. So please, l-let me travel through the mountains until I get close to C-Coryngols..."

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"Hmph..." Frowning at her boyfriend, she couldn't honestly find a reason to stay mad at him, and that was probably the one reason she was mad. He apologized already for it, he didn't mean it I suppose, but... "You have no tact is the problem I'm having, got it? I know you didn't mean it, I know you meant it as a jab and maybe I'm just overreacting and I'm sorry, OK? I take things way out of proportion, I'm a pessimist, this shouldn't be news to you. Yes, I'm working on it but you shouldn't be pushing me like that... I mean, I'll stop poking fun at you if you stop poking me. It seems I can dish it out but can't take it anyway... Whatever, can we just drop this? I'd rather not be crying on my way to possible death."

"Carrion! Adrian! I heard you back in the inn - looking for someone, aren't you? An Anri that looked like an angel, wasn't it? Mind if I help?"

"Yeah sure, go help please, just... meet in twenty minutes, like the rest..." Pulling her arm away from Adrian, she went towards the mage tower again.


The heat made his face red and his eyes were widened with fear. What is this laughing, that is not a proper response to my question, why is she so crazy?! Scrambling away from her, he made sure he had his other blade with him. "Probably not the best time to check that..." Short sword in hand, his face turned into one of absolute rage, foregoing any sense of safety and common sense, he decided to gamble it all in one lunge at the girl, sword held high in the air as he jumped and roared against the oppressing heat.


"T-Thanks, but... If you w-want me to leave the mountains, I-I can't... There's nowhere to go... The camp is c-completely destroyed, y-you can probably see the smoke comming from below. A-And you should know that they a-are looking for me. So please, l-let me travel through the mountains until I get close to C-Coryngols..."

Looking to the east, the scent of ash found its way to his nose and he grunted. "You wish to return to a Lusisan city after saying you're being chased? Surely you jest! And these are not my mountains, child, I simply happened to be in the area... Perhaps fate has something greater in store for you if such is the case." Taking a less aggressive stance, he brought himself to eye level with Asviel. "Here is what I'm gathering. You are on the run from trouble in Lushira, and you were caught and surrounded. My entry caused them to flee, which means they will be reporting the situation to their authorities. I may have just started a war because of you, you know... An Anri so near their borders could be taken any number of ways, but when I enter the great beyond, knowing full well that I started a war, I won't regret it. I won't let one person be killed just to save thousands of others if the choice was coming from a forced hand. And now for my final question... Can you walk? If not I can carry you to the nearest Shuthran town, or wherever you need to go as of now. If you are being chased, chances are having me around would prove beneficial for you, child..." He got himself down even further for if she wanted to climb on top of him. "Ahaha... Where are my manners? My name is Ignatius, and if you can recall the name I assure you I am the very same one you've heard about."

Edited by SlaveKitty
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Ken smiled, they would return for Lady Lucinda one day. He headed towards the wagon, getting ready to set off.


Alex was incredibly quick, she barely saw him coming. Her smile faded, her eyes stared into Alex's as he connected. The blade delivered a significant gash down her right arm. She fell to her knees once again, clutching her arm. Her teeth clenched, she scowled at Alex. There was very little she could do, and she knew it.

"Mr Bush-man! Run away! This man is really bad!"

Edited by Dokutayuu
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The fire stopped, and then started again, as this new person tried to reason with the girl. It hadn't worked, but in a rather stupid attempt to get to her, he jumped from his hiding place with sword in hand. Reynor heard the sound of metal cutting through flesh. Some blood splattered the ground, and she fell to her knees beside him, yelling at him to run. Can't do that, and I can't let you get killed, not yet! He glanced up, the other man close to where he was cowering, which gave him to chance to push off with his feet and tackle this guy into the ground. He hadn't thought of what to do after, hoping the sudden tackle would take him out long enough to think of something.

The rest of the group

The rest of the mercenary group had heard the sounds, both from Reynor and the female laughter inside the island. Jack and Alfred headed over to see what had happened, leaving Bee to defend Alison, in case things went south. They both rushed through the forest as quickly as their legs could carry them.


"Uh... I was just wondering where you two were. Is... is she alright?" He didn't walk into the room, too polite to do so without being invited. But he did glance past Langley, wondering what was wrong. "It's... not because of this whole situation, is it? I can leave, if that would help. Or..." why didn't I think of doing that first? "Well, I don't know how well it would work, but I could always try my staff on her. I've only ever used it for physical wounds, I don't know how well it will work on mental ones, though... But I could still try." He could hear the eagerness in his voice, which was slightly embarrassing, but he wasn't doing this just for Noel. He would've offered to help anyone.


Sporting a towel and his underwear as he left the washroom, he eyed the sleeping Carrie, still in bed. "Couldn't even wake up, could ye?" Maybe that's fer th'better. I could leave while she's still sleepin'. Mulling that over in his mind, he began to put on his pants, keeping Carrie in his view. "If she does wake up though... well, can't leave her here, can I? But what 'bout that Theresa, eh? She was a lot more... my type, than Carrie 'ere." He sighed, finally pulling his pants on. "Not that Carrie's a bad girl either. Just... geez, so much danger, 'specially in my line o' work. But if she's been a big enough girl t'handle herself alone for this long, maybe she'd be fine comin' along." He sat back on the bed, stretching his arms a bit. "I guess we'll see."


He wanted to laugh, as Carrion seemed unable to stay mad at him, but she once again pointed out the genuine problem. And he knew he had to try to stop, but he couldn't help himself, at times. "I guess I've learned too well from you, then. Because you're pretty good at doing it." He gave her a smile, hoping that he'd be able to cheer up the situation with a little bit of a joke. "But... yeah" he added, turning off the smile, "I don't want to see you cry, either. So let's leave with a happy thought in mind, okay? Let's leave thinking that when this is over, we'll be able to... just stop, and live life. That sound good?" He didn't get to have an answer, Danyon jumping into the conversation, and Carrion giving him an answer.

He was surprised by her pulling away though, but decided not to think anything of it, simply following after her. I really hope she doesn't stay upset about this. That would seriously put a damper on this entire trip.

Edited by seph1212
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The Traveling Pair

They rode ahead, Lucretia's horse close to Aurelio and Ormis'. Adano was also not too far behind. They rode in a group, staying close together in case of emergency, but also riding far apart enough so that they had room to view their surroundings.

Sexual Tension 101

"No, Gabriel! I won't do this!" Julius was shocked at Gabriel's request. "I am not going to kill people for you!"

"You don't have to be the one doing the killing, Julius--I just need your help." Gabriel replied calmly. Come on, Julius. Please, help me.

Julius stayed quiet. No... I'm not doing this again... "Gabriel... you don't know why I left, right?"


"My uncle's death... I killed him, Gabriel."

"What---?" Gabriel was taken aback.

"He killed my parents, Gabriel. All I did was create retribution." Julius turned away. "I can't do it again, though."

Gabriel put his hand on Julius' shoulder. "I understand. I shouldn't have asked that of you. It was a dumb request anyway."

The next thing that happened was a blur to both--Gabriel pulled himself closer to Julius, and kissed him, as hard as he could. It was euphoric, in a way. As Julius received Gabriel's kiss he was stunned--unsure of what to do. He remembered all of the nights spent with Gabriel, the countless hours cuddled together in bed, whispers shared, kisses given.

As he broke, Julius was unsure of what to do or say. Gabriel stood there dumbfounded as well.

That one guy on his lonesome

Cameron saw a town in the distance, the first thing being a moderately sized arena. "I've heard of the Lazarynth Arena before..." He muttered to himself as he entered the town. He wondered if there was a tournament going on. He needed money. Then again, he was not that good at fighting. He learned basic protecting techniques if necessary. He shook his head and continued onward, stopping, of all places, at the jail. He didn't know why, but he just felt it necessary.

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That Original said something that didn't occur in her mind until now: Those traitors were part of the Lusian army, and they were inside their own territory. They wouldn't be charged for the deaths of fellow Krians, and that's if it comes to be announced on public. Hiding the facts was easy for the authorities, which obviously directs to her father and Rainos' deaths as something that the others may never do something about, least know about it. With that thought, she closed her fists as strongly as she could, trying to hold the uncontrolable tears. "Y-You're righ about everything, they are part of the Lusian army and no one is going to charge them for it. I have nothing else to do in this hypocrit country. "The Church"? No, that's just a lie! My father never gave a reason to make them kill him in the end, but he's a Krian, they couldn't care less about his death. I doubt something, -anything-, will happen to those traitors... No, cowards! B-But anyway, thanks for your help. If you could take me to the nearest town, city or village of Shuthra, I'm going to be grateful for that". Ignoring his name for now, she tried to climb on top of him. "S-Sorry, I didn't think about that either. My name's Asviel.... Nothing you must have heard about. I'm currently useless, but I plan to bring my brother to justice somehow, if he escapes the chasers. I know a bit about the Originals, but I don't recall your name, sorry".

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Arms folded and deep in thought, she was walking towards the tower at a slower pace than she would have liked had she been paying attention. Let's try and sort this out... I mean, he's definitely trying, but he's starting to act like me and then I keep exploding. That ain't fair to the kid, I know it isn't, but... An exasperated sigh and a head shake later, "What to do, what to do...?" Thinking about what Adrian said brought a smile to her face. "Yeah, that would be nice... we should find your mom and your sister, I should try and get my brother back, we should all go and live somewhere nice and quiet, not too far or close to civilization... I might get a little antsy staying in one place, but I think having company would help me out a lot. I mean, look how much you've helped me already." Her smile dropping ever so slightly, "And another thing. I don't want to hear another word about you being or feeling useless, I'm so sick of hearing that, OK? Plain and simple, you're NOT, so quit trying to trick yourself. If you want, I'll just have to fucking prove you're not useless."


Tackled, he had no idea how to react. Rage? Confusion? A hint of sadness? Instead of wondering which to feel, he went for a mix as he angrily struggled against the insane man. "What are you doing?! She's the goddamn Witch! She's a plague on the land, the worst of the worst, a murderer, a villain, and apparently a TEMPTRESS NOW as you seem to be defending her! What, you hoping to get some?! Are you that desperate?!" He kicked the man off and rolled himself a safe distance away to get himself up, crouching for the time being. "I give you one chance to take her down, ONE MORE CHANCE." He didn't particularly care about the volume of his voice about now, too angry and emotional to care about something so small.


Rising slowly so the girl wouldn't fall off, he groaned. "Asviel, child, you're not useless. You're only useless if you refuse to have a use, I always say anyway... So tell me, what can you do? Any crafts, any sort of medicinal practices, magic, teaching, manual labor... if you can do anything even remotely close to that you're not useless. Even now, you're providing me with a conversation, something I love dearly." He started walking to the east, not wanting to stand still in hostile territory any longer. "If you would be so kind and continue this conversation, I'd like to know what makes you so angry, child. Can you elaborate please? Perhaps I can help alleviate some of your aggression..."

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He nodded along with her, walking towards what seemed to be the mage tower? Right, that magus guy should know where that silly angel's wandered off to. Honestly, she should know we need to leave, holding us up like that. Rather bothered by their lack of actually leaving, Carrion brought up him degrading himself, to which he sort of sighed. "Y-Yeah, I know. I'm getting better, so there's that, but... let's not talk about that. Happy things now. Like how this is going to be a ridiculously easy task. We'll grab the girl and bring her back, and then relax for the longest time. Heck, that might put you out of suspicion, if they get her. I know that's using someone as a scape goat, but hey, if she's going around setting people on fire, it's not like she deserves anything better." He put on a smile, trying to change the subject from themselves. They still had their own problems to work out, but he didn't want them thinking about that, being distracted from what they had to do.


"What?! I'm supposed to bring her back alive, that's all! The fuck is wrong with you?!" He stood himself up, stringing another arrow. "I'm not gonna let some hot head knock the reward down to half because he got too antsy and had to take a swing at her! So you either calm the fuck down, or come at me, because I'm not letting you kill her unless we have to! Honestly, rookies..." He was rather annoyed at this guy's claims, hoping that Jake and Alfred had heard the earlier screams. If they were charging their way over, then he wouldn't have to worry about being alone with a volatile mage, and an impulsive mercenary. Don't do anything stupid, kid. Make another move like that and she might kill us both.

Jake and Alfy

The screams had stopped, the sound of laughter as well, but there was still some foliage to rush through. It was rather thick for them, being the size they were, so they had to cut themselves through most of it.

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Lunaria didn't quite understand what was happening. This new man had turned up and hurt her and her new friend. Her frustration began to build up again, she had been trapped for years and people kept coming after her - taking away everything she had.

Why does he have to do this? He's so wrong! He's a horrible man! I will break him!

Getting back on her feet, she let out a scream. At this point she saw nothing but Alex, nothing could get in her way. Her smile widened.

"Burn, burn! Everything burn!"

Her maniacal laughter started once again. Flames enveloped the area, she had probably forgotten about her wound, and the man she was going to protect. Her balance was a little off, she seemed to be swaying slightly, but that wouldn't get in her way.

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In an unusual display of restraint, Gideon kept from rolling his eyes at Mel, mostly because Amera seemed to agree with her. "Mel, you and I can deal with the upstairs. Gideon will get us some food, and by then we'll be ready to leave with Carrion." Us. That means three. I'm not made of money, woman... After the usual affectionate tail caress, Amera brought Mel upstairs, presumably to talk about...whatever it was girls talked about as they packed. Sighing, he got up and moved to the counter in front of the kitchen again. "You don't have a bag or something back there, do you?"


That worked better than I thought it would... Amera dragged Mel up the stairs, almost causing her to trip - it was too early to walk that quickly!

As they entered the room, Mel quickly got to work arranging what few things she had - her journal, the shoulder pad she had made, and a bit of change. From when I bought that festival food, I think. "so, Mel, uhm... what do you think of Gideon? I know that's a pretty weird question, but... I dunno, I just want to know what everyone else thinks of him." The question took Mel off guard, and she turned her head quickly to look at Amera. Is this girl talk? Omigod this is girl talk! She must think I'm her best friend or something! Somehow, she repressed her excitement (though a bit of it showed in her bright grin) and sat down, leaning against the chair nearest her. I need to get another backpack... "Um...well, he's pretty cute," she said, the femininity of her tone surprising and disgusting her. Really? THAT'S what I sound like? "But he's filthy," she added somewhat curtly, as if to shout down her feminine side. "Does he ever bathe or anything?" Her eyes met Amera's and she snatched at the coins on the floor without looking, missing a few with her first clumsy grab. "He's really sarcastic, too. Sometimes it's funny, but like, people don't appreciate that sometimes, you know?" A mental image hit her - Gideon glaring at her and asking about sarcasm. "B-but don't tell him I said that," she said, her tone dropping a bit. "Anyway, like, you probably know him better than I do. That's just the impression I get. He's big, snarky, um, he's sort of intimidating, and he doesn't bathe enough."

The axe leaning against the foot of the bed caught her eye. She had never properly inspected it before, and now that she saw it, the engineer in her was getting excited. "Wow, is that his?" she asked absently as she walked right over to it and looked it over. Her hand gingerly moved to its handle, and when her fingers closed around the cold, thinly padded steel her face lit up. I can barely move it...is this what he uses to fight with? It's heavy, but the weight distribution seems spot-on, and it's barely even scuffed! For a monkey like him to use this must mean it's really durable. Well, that or he's a coward. I really hope he's not. "He uses this to fight, right?" she asked, her tone a bit insistent, as if she had to be certain the axe was as well-made as she wanted it to be. "It's...who made this? Where'd he get it? How much did he pay? Omigoddess I have to ask him when we go back down! Does he get offended by questions like that? He doesn't, does he? No one does. Well, no one should - it's not a personal attack or anything." The speed and enthusiasm behind her words only increased. " 'Cause this thing's nice. Like, real nice. It takes a really good eye or a lot of dumbass luck to pick up a weapon like this for anything less than two-fifty, and..." She froze, and blushed a deep red. "Am...am I rambling again?" she asked tentatively, dreading the answer. Smooth. Way to goof up girl time, idiot.

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Moving with him, keeping as close as she can for now, Obelia tilts her head at the wagon ahead, curious as her head turns to Ken, asking with a very curious stare, her travels mostly by, indeed, tiring foot.

'We're taking a wagon? Is it safe? You wouldn't be able to see incoming arrows inside there…'



'Well, we're here, so… yeah.'

Aware of her past 'pushing' with Andy, feeling as if she could be trying to throw too much at him in one go, she just nods and with a glance at his form in the doorway, ignores that silent hunger to wrap her arms around him. Yeahhhh, tired, clingy, se turns away after a moment to try and ignore this rather inward, rather selfish wants, calling back to him as she stares at her squirming friend.

'And come in, Andy, it's alright to just come in.'

She does turn a small smile at his offer as she shrugs, a quiet one as hr eyes turn lightly back, seeing her quiver.

'Go ahead. But I'm not sure healing magic heals decision making, Andy but… if ti can make he-'


'Orr… yeah.'

She turns, seeing Noel's furred muzzle saying that, a slightly chuckle at it. Answering her worries for her.



Noel's mind begins to flicker, trying to switch itself on. The landscape in her head begins to fade and distort, the darkness flecked with small trickles of light streaming in. The two paths seem to distend and twist closer to the curled Noel and her head raises, feeling someone close. Perhaps distant imagination or maybe her body feels the distant body heat approaching, her friends close.




'I can't wake up?'

Rising with a slight smile from her rested position, awake enough to listen and putting aside thoughts of how tight, too tight she may be clinging to him. She can't tell him though. How much it feels odd to say what comes next, raising a knee and placing a hand upon it, glancing down to her side with a playful raised eyebrow.

'So, Theresa eh? ~ I see I've met some sort of match? And nice abs.'

She grins and teases with ease, keeping herself bright with him.



The door opens and with a slightly surprised blink, Ellandra's eyes see… Zwool. He's actually here. With a slight flutter of her wings, a partly surprised reaction, she offers a rather small smile back to him, wearing her usual, gentle white dress, not much else to work with. He looks cool. Welllll, as cool as a dragon hybrid nervously holding flowers- hey, he got flowers?

All this time, she just looks and maybe that's why Zwool, standing there, observing her gaze silently at him with such a stare, wonders…



Why is she staring?

He smiles back yet does hesitantly wonder why she seems so intently focused on just looking at him. He shyly remembers she doesn't speak, her expressions have been what he's found recognition in, yet for the moment he stands still, she does, in the early morning day, flowers clutched in hand, wings fluttering once or twice in curiosity.

An interesting start to the day indeed.

Edited by NagafenOfIlivikitty
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