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Abysmal Souls Chapter 5


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"Listen, bud, wanna help me here? I'm lookin' for a, uh... a girl. Pink hair, kinda short, travelin' with some other kid. What was his name, uh... Adrian, right. Listen, this is probably really random comin' from a strangah, but, you did just knock into me. Y'could at least tell me if you've seen either of 'em."

Carrion and Adrian? What would he... "Why? I haven't really heard anything, but..."

If he were asking only about Carrion, I would understand, but... Adrian as well? I didn't think people knew about him instead of Carrion...

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Something was off about this man, but Horatio couldn't place it. Not until he spoke. "Why? I haven't really heard anything, but..." Yeah, he knows more than he's lettin' on. Gods, I guess I do have good luck. "Why? Because there's a blood crazed knight that's on a quest to kill 'em, an' if I don't get the chance to warn her an' this kid, they might get their asses killed by him. Now listen, bud, I'm not stupid, and you seem to know more than you're lettin' on. If you really don't know anything, then off with ye. But if you do, I'd hope you'll tell me, so I can warn them both." He lied perfectly through his teeth, something he'd grown accustomed to doing. If this guy's able to see through my bluff, well, pfff, I might as well retire from the business. His hand hovered over where he knew his knife was, the instrument completely concealed by his cloak, though.

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"Why? Because there's a blood crazed knight that's on a quest to kill her, an' if I don't get the chance to warn her an' this kid, they might get their asses killed by him. Now listen, bud, I'm not stupid, and you seem to know more than you're lettin' on. If you really don't know anything, then off with ye. But if you do, I'd hope you'll tell me, so I can warn them both."

Well... If he's telling the truth, that's good, but if he's not... Come on now, think. If he's really "protecting" them, he'll find it alright if I tell them... I hope "You're a sharp one, aren't you... In that case, I suppose it wouldn't matter to you if I told them myself, would it?"

Hopefully I'll know what he really wants from his next response. If he's lying, then he's absolutely perfect at it. If he's telling the truth, he seems sincere...

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"You're a sharp one, aren't you... In that case, I suppose it wouldn't matter to you if I told them myself, would it?" Checkmate... Pffft, fuck that, like I'd ever play chess. More like 'gotcha!'. "Yeah, there'd be no problem with that. You'd best tell them soon, though, that knight's already here. His name's Grant, just so you know." And now all I've got to do is follow this idiot back to wherever they are, whenever he goes back there. He's believin' me if he's already told me that they're here, so he'd head back to the right away. No doubt about that. He tipped his head to the man, "oh, my name's Horatio. I guess I'll get your name later, kind sir." He began to walk away, wondering how the man would deal with this information.

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"Yeah, there'd be no problem with that. You'd best tell them soon, though, that knight's already here. His name's Grant, just so you know."

Alright... "oh, my name's Horatio. I guess I'll get your name later, kind sir."

This will be... interesting. Could he go back now and tell them? If the guy - Horatio, was it now? - was telling the truth, it would be best to run back. Then again, if he isn't... Stop it, Danyon. They'll be fine. They should be.

He couldn't convince himself to stay to look at the sights. As much as he liked the shops of the festival, as well as admiring what the shop owners had to sell, this was too big to ignore.

He hung around for a few more minutes, looking around to make sure he wouldn't be followed, before going back to the inn at a pace somewhere between a walk and a run.

I have a bad feeling about this...

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Glancing behind him, he smiled. The man was already off, and Horatio knew what that meant. That means I've got the perfect li'l lead to where I need to go. This is just too damn easy... He pawned his cloak off at the nearest stall that would take it, not wanting this man to pick him out at a distance. His knives were visible now, but that wasn't weird, not with how many people at the festival were donning weaponry, both real and fake. In complete contrast to his cloak, his shirt was a blood red, which would make recognizing him even more difficult. He shoved his hands into his pockets, and slouched, following after the man. With what this guy was wearing, following him in a crowd wasn't hard at all. Tooooo eeeeaaassyyyyy. If he wises up, I'll jus' check the inns. That's probably where they'd be, this early in the day. Heehee, Grant, sucks to be you, bitch!

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So, back to the night before a moment. Langley smiles back at Andy but then hesitated. To tell him what she thought would be tantamount to some sort of social suicide in her mind. She knows that whatever happens, she'll not want him to leave because she had a stupid thought. He's much younger, she knows that and is hesitant because she feels creepy knowing she'd want to kiss the guy, however much she feels like it'd just feel nice if she did. So she just shakes her head once or twice, smiling as best she can back to him.

'It's nothing much, Andy. And you're right, this place is kind of neat. Ahhh, here we are.'

A rather rickety but nonetheless, rather brightly coloured building comes into view at the end of a street. It feels like the literal end of the road, just slightly large fields of grass behind it, even further beyond that, just the sea. Its colours are quite clashing, purples with blues with yellows in a stunning mish-mash of the bizarre. She sheepishly grins back to Andy and explains.

'My mom always though, after I was born that there was no excuse not to have some brightness in her lives. My dad suggested we get some flowers or something, but my mom wanted something more... striking. And, well, yeah. Don't let a post-pregnant woman giddy with happiness near some paint cans, I guess.'

She smiles a bit more, pushing aside that thought from before and heading toward the house, opening a rather sturdy iron gate and heading up the path.

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"It'd be awkward, but if that's what makes you comfortable...." She turned and gave him a quick kiss then stepped out and dried herself off. Towel wrapped around her, she crawled right back in to bed, a moan of pleasure erupting from her as she laid there. "This bed just got a million times more comfortable, I swear to the Goddess..."


As he wandered to every nearby place, he was constantly denied. "We're not looking" or "Sorry pal" was something Grant was getting really pissed at hearing. Surely someone needs help in this blasted city, good heavens!

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Ormis woke up when a rock hit his window. He groaned, tired from both the lack of sleep he'd experienced during the trip, and the fact that this was the first time he'd slept in an actual bed in ages (or at least, it seemed like ages... the last time was shortly after they'd busted Grant and that other girl out from some prison camp).

Eventually, he had enough energy to roll over. He did so, fully intending to go back to sleep, except that he managed to fall off the bed. Cursing, he picked himself up, dusting his clothes off. He hadn't even taken off his travelling cloak (it was new, so why not?).

Grabbing his sword and running downstairs, he made a quick run around the block, grabbing a piece of bread from a vendor on his way. Ormis had just finished eating it when he ended up back at the inn. Shaking the water out of his hair (it was raining again), he headed up the stairs to take a shower.

Five minutes later, he was hopelessly lost. He had no idea where he room was. After stumbling around for a while, he eventually found a stretch of corridor that seemed familiar. He spent about fifteen seconds worrying about bothering someone else. Ormis eventually just settled on trying every door until his key worked (he failed to notice the fact that his room number was engraved on the key).


Teis awoke to a sharp crack of thunder. Great, it's raining again. He took a shower and ate some breakfast before he returned to his room, putting his armor back on. The knight was finished and more than halfway out of the inn before he remembered that he had nothing in particular to do. Teis scanned the festival, hoping to find something semi-interesting. Instead, he saw the fancy horseman hurrying through the crowd. Without much else that caught his attention (besides a guy in a red shirt with clearly visible knives, but there were enough people around here with weapons that Teis just shrugged it off), he followed.

"Hold. You're... Danyon, correct? What is it that rushes you so?"

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"I don't care if you don't give me an answer now, I'm not going to tell you if I love you until I mean it for myself... I am glad, though, that I got that kiss out of the way~"

"That's cool. No point jumpin' in the deep end right away."

It was a relief in a way, things would have gotten pretty freaky if they went too quickly. It was getting late, Adano had called to them - probably time to find an inn.

:PEl Timeskippio:P

He had slept well, the trio had managed to find an inn. It was still pretty early, or at least he thought it was, A few more minutes wouldn't hurt. What were the others up to? He hadn't seen Grant, in particular, for a long while.

OOC: Down to you, Craig!


Ken (post timeskip because he does squat all!)

Obelia's offer of bread that night was politely declined. Sleep was on the menu for the night. He would also sleep in a little, unknowing what the day ahead saw for him.

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"Something wrong, Gideon?" Her sudden advance (if it was even an advance) bothered him a bit. Didn't she want to wait? "Why don't we go and ask Carrion later? Or... if you really want, we can just go do our own stuff." She was giggling. Bad sign. "just water, really? You suuuuure it'll work?" she asked as she brushed up against him and took the cup from him, apparently still in her towel. And her stockings for some reason. She was blushing, but the coyness still confused him a bit. "Yeah," he told her, his expression a bit skeptical. "So are you just not getting dressed?" he asked, glancing over his shoulder. "Because I can always lock the door." His face was still a bit red, and he didn't look directly at her - until he knew she actually didn't mind him looking, he refused to.

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Obelia slept well that night, quite amused as well that Ken had no desire for bread the day before. The week had illustrated his love for the stuff yet she rested quite calmly the day ahead, though the pain in her knee swelled during the night, easing slightly as the morning came.

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Zwool and Ellandra watched everyone who was coming in and out Inn with rather... confused looks. Evidently, no one was meeting up yet. Ellandra decided to use this time to cuddle up to Zwool, wrapping his arm around her and leaning against his shoulder. Zwool didn't care, he was more occupied with watching everyone... and hoping someone would notice them in the lobby, and you know, tell them what ws going on. He would of asked somebody, but they were all in and out so fast he didn't have time to speak up.

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'It's nothing much, Andy. And you're right, this place is kind of neat. Ahhh, here we are.' "Right, right. If you say so." He had no reason to distrust her, not yet, so, why question it if she said nothing was wrong? She might just want to not tell me. That's alright. His thoughts immediately shifted to the rather... bright house that Langley had brought him too, not sure if he was suppose to be impressed, or appalled, at the display. 'My mom always though, after I was born that there was no excuse not to have some brightness in her lives. My dad suggested we get some flowers or something, but my mom wanted something more... striking. And, well, yeah. Don't let a post-pregnant woman giddy with happiness near some paint cans, I guess.' Impressed, right. "My, it's... it's something, Langley. I'm not sure what to think of it, really." Langley was already heading in, though, prompting Andy to follow.


"It'd be awkward, but if that's what makes you comfortable...." "Right, I'll just throw it on for now. I can just get it washed later, of course." He dried himself off as well, though he'd barely gotten wet, and started getting dressed as she flopped onto the bed. He didn't expect a moan, blushing a little, "This bed just got a million times more comfortable, I swear to the Goddess..." "Hah, enjoy it while I run off into unpleasant weather to get your clothes. I'm totally taking over the bed when I get back, just so you know." He slipped back into the blood stained shirt, sighing. Well, it's not like I need to stop myself from drawing attention. "Alright, I'll be back. Maybe I can get Teis to help me bring back the tent." Slipping out of the room, he spied Ormis walking into another room, sort of surprised that they were in the same inn. Zwool was sitting in the entry way as well, with the girl from before. Mentally scoffing at the two, he offered a wave, and walked outside.

Now, he had planned on trying to find Teis first, but he was right outside the inn, trying to talk to Danyon. "Oh, hey Teis. D'you think you could help me get the tent from outside? I can carry all of the clothes an' stuff, just don't think I could get the tent as well."


That fancy man had been called upon by someone who had just appeared from a nearby inn, at which Hoaratio smiled. There. That's where they'll be. As if his thoughts were predicting what he wanted, another man walked outside of the inn, this one considerably younger than the two. Horatio kept smiling as he approached them, walking up to the boy. "Hey, kid. Your name wouldn't happen to be Adrian, would it?"

Extremely put off by this random person asking his name, he hesitated, before responding, "uh... yeah, it is. So what?"

"Ha ha! Alright, I've got some questions to ask you, then!" He bolted forward, his knife up to Adrian's throat. "So. Bring me upstairs to speak with the witch, and you don't have to die. Don't think I won't, I know she's in there, Adrian, so if I have to kill you and move on, I will."

"Wh-what the fuck, dude?!" How did he-- no, that doesn't matter, how can I stop him?!

"Don't play stupid with me! As for your friends," he glanced over at Teis and Danyon, "I'm pretty sure they're smart enough to not try anything." He pulled his knife away from Adrian's throat, but kept it ready to strike, the kid shivering in terror. Horatio grabbed his collar and pulled him close, "I'm here to question her, and nothin' more, for now. It'd leave a bad taste in my mouth to kill someone without a reason, or without pay, and I'm not workin' on anyone's clock right now. So, unless you want me to go off and tell Grant where she is..."

"... You're fucking kidding me. He's not here, you're lying...!"

"No, Adrian, he is! And if I don't get what I fuckin' want, he gets to know where she is. You got that? And then he shows up, and we kill her, I get paid, world keeps turnin'. Do I get to go ask my questions yet?"

Adrian tried to parse all of this as quickly as possible, weighing everything that had been said. Alright, alright, I don't give a fuck how good of a fighter this guy is, we've got Teis, Danyon, Zwool, and Ormis here, so if shit seriously goes down I doubt he'll be able to get away with any of it, and FUCKING GRANT IS HERE?! Gods be damned, that man's insane. He started to sweat, still entirely unsure of what he should do, but what other choice did he have? "... alright. Just... Gods this is insane... just get your questions over and done with. But let me ask you one thing, first."

"Shoot, kid." He slipped the knife back into its holster.

"Why can't you people just leave us alone? Carrion doesn't want any of this bullshit, she doesn't deserve it, and hasn't even done ninety fucking percent of the shit people say she's done! So why?"

Never thought I'd see such conviction from someone so young. Maybe this kid's tellin' me the truth... "Because I need to see it for myself. And because money speaks to me more than my conscience does. Now get me inside." Adrian didn't want to do anything this man was saying, but he wasn't about to try and start a fight in the middle of the festival. He led him back into the inn, trying his best to keep his cool passing by Zwool and Ellandra. Horatio whistled the entire way up to the room, which was seriously upsetting to Adrian. Is he enjoying this? Adrian didn't want to open the door to their room, shaking as her turned the knob. "Oh, just do it, ya git!" Horatio had shoved Adrian out of the way, knocking him down as he pushed into the room. "So, witchy! I'd like to talk..." His hand was on his knife, in case she tried anything, though he wasn't sure he'd be able to dodge anything she threw at him. "Now, don't get all up and pissed with me for mistreating your boy toy, I really would like t'ask you a few questions. First one being... does the name Grant ring any bells?" He smirked, happily anticipating her reaction.


"Yeah. So are you just not getting dressed?" Dang it, he's not getting embarrassed... She'd thought this until she glanced up at his face, starting to laugh at how red he was getting, the fact that he was looking away from her making her laugh even more, "Because I can always lock the door." She couldn't stop her laughter now, setting down the water to hold her stomach, falling back onto the bed with hysterical laughter. "Y-Y-Your face! Ha ha ha ha, Gideon, it's soooo priceless!!" She could barely contain herself, finally managing to sit up and stop, her headache attacking her. She was too happy to care, finally managing to bring her joviality to a reasonable level. "S-Sorry, sorry, I just had to see if I could tease you like that! Your face looked so embarrassed! I'm really sorry, but it was too much fun to not try, Gideon." She stopped the hysterics and smiled up at him, giggling a bit.

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Zwool watched Adrian with a worried eye, the man was nervous, but calm... but even being nervous in this situation meant trouble, especially since Zwool didn't know the second man, who looked like he was having the time of his life. Once he was sure the two were far enough away he stood up and turned to Ellandra. "I'm going to make sure everything is ok, I'll be back in a minute..." She nodded... fairly confident that he knew what he was doing. Zwool smiled and quietly made his way up the stairs, as he made his way to the top, he heard an unknown voice speaking, asking Carrion... a weird question. Rather than directly engage though, he quietly as he could (which, with a leather holster, was actually pretty easy) drew his Claymore, it's blade crackling with electricty for now, and pressed himself against the stair well wall, and listened...

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"What in blazes..." Adrian had seemingly come back with another man, demanding something from Carrion, asking about Grant. Lazily, she sat up while covering herself in the sheets. "What about him? Last I remember he was looking for me. I'm honestly too tired to give a shit right now about him. Worst comes to worst, I'll just end up incinerating the fuck and then go on trying to live a normal life, something that seems to be fucking illegal for me."


He had come across the great library of Pravna. Knowledge ebbs and flows from this place, the history of magic is kept here almost religiously. "Huh... maybe they've got something for me in there..." It was a vain hope, one born not of desperation but out of curiosity. He knew virtually nothing of magic save that there were four elements. It was thankfully relatively empty when he entered the towering building, not wanting to deal with any more bustling streets and festivities, not due to hate but simply wanting some quiet. Looking about, he sought someone who maintained the place, hobbling up to the front desk. "Hello, can I speak to whoever runs this place? I have a bit of a random request..."

The man cocked his head slightly, "I'm sorry to say, we don't usually call down the owner for random requests... What exactly is it? If it needs her attention I'll gladly seek her out for you."

"Uh... right. Sorry. Um, I'm kinda desperate here, I'm looking for employment...?"

"Uh huh... Well, I can help you with that, sir, what were you looking to do here? Unsurprisingly, there's not much that needs doing here. Basically, greeters, night shift, maintenance, umm... That, well... no offense, that might be all you can do based off of what I see."

"Ha... No no, I appreciate the honesty. Also, I'll be blunt, I've no knowledge of magic, is that... needed here? Sorry if I'm being 'foreign' here, I'm not sure how this capital works."

"Ahahaha... I'm sorry, but, haha, no, you don't need to know much at all about it. Look at me! I'm a dropout from the arcane academy!"

"My... condolences?"

"Pfft, not necessary, it simply wasn't for me. My parents assumed 'oh hey, it's Pravna and you're born here, you're a mage!' and I simply wasn't cut out for it. Lemme just explain how bad I was. I managed to set ice on fire."

Smiling and laughing, "Wait, how the hell? Sir, I'd have passed you for that! That's awesome!"

"Haha, if only. Anyway, back to the discussion at hand, you want a job, huh? Seeing as the festival is going on, I can easily get you in for a night shift if you'd be up for it, sir...?"

"Grant Enston, and yes. Can I ask what I'd be payed?"

Sighing, the man shook his head back and forth slightly. "How does five gold an hour sound?"

"Friggin deal. What time you need me here by?"

"Before sundown at the LATEST. I'll be here, the name's Liam, just ask for me at this desk here."

"Alrighty, see you later Liam, and thanks a million."

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No way...

Teis knew it was coming. He knew it, yet Adrian's request drew him off his guard for just long enough for the other man to have a hostage.

"I'm pretty sure they're smart enough to not try anything."

"Think again."

He took out his axe, pointing it at the aggressor. Before anything could be done, though, they were gone. Cursing, he put it away and followed. He arrived just in time to see the two at what he presumed was Carrion's door.

"I'd ask that you leave the boy out of this, but as I can imagine that's not going to happen, I'm simply going to ask that you put his body somewhere that won't get in my way."

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He was about to tell Teis to watch over Carrion when Horatio came right in and held a knife to Adrian's throat.

"God damn it, you fucking bastard!" He drew his sword, but realised it was pointless - Adrian would probably die if he did anything. As Horatio dragged him upstairs, he nervously talked to Teis in a hushed voice.

"Keep him occupied. If this 'Grant' guy is really here, Carrion's freaking dead. I might be able to shoot Horatio from somewhere... I hope..."

When he was done, he immediately bolted for the door, trying to find somewhere where he could get a good aim.

Steady now, Danyon. Just stay calm, and look. Can you get up to any of those buildings?

... There! That roof isn't too far up... Be quick now, or they're dead.

He frantically looked around for a place where he could get a good grip, finally finding a small corner to hold onto. He slowly pulled himself up, drew his bow and waited. Hopefully Adrian and Carrion could keep him talking for long enough.

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What the hell was she laughing about? "Y-Y-Your face! Ha ha ha ha, Gideon, it's soooo priceless!!" She fell over, laughing hysterically. Really? Send a mixed message, then laugh? Amera, come on. "S-Sorry, sorry, I just had to see if I could tease you like that! Your face looked so embarrassed! I'm really sorry, but it was too much fun to not try, Gideon." She was still laughing. Sighing, he walked over to the door and locked it, turning around and leaning on it.

"You done?" he asked, his eyebrow arched and his face the picture of annoyance. "If this is what I get for trying to help you, next time I'll just tell you to sleep it off." He smirked a bit at his own words. Or maybe it was just hard to stay mad. It was a bit silly for him to be reacting so bitterly... Alright. You know what? We'll play this game. Smirking evilly, he closed the distance between them, and he grabbed the end of her towel with his fingertips, keeping his hand very still. His face was a bit less red now, and his face was a couple inches from hers. "I need this," he purred. Very slowly, he lifted the corner of the towel he had grabbed, making sure not to actually pull it off of her as he did. If you feel like teasing, I can tease...

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"What about him? Last I remember he was looking for me. I'm honestly too tired to give a shit right now about him. Worst comes to worst, I'll just end up incinerating the fuck and then go on trying to live a normal life, something that seems to be fucking illegal for me." "Feisty, damn. Well, hope you're enjoyin' bein' illegal, 'cause he's here, tryin' to find you. An' I'm here because the bitch ain't paid me a cent to help kill you. I'm sure there's some idjit out there who'd pay me to do so, but it'd be easier for me to find some small job than to search them out. But, hey, if carrying your head around for a few weeks meant some tool would throw out five hundred gold or so at me, I'll gladly do it. But like I said, I haven't been paid, so my conscience is runnin' the show here."

He leaned up against the door entrance, seeing the knight from earlier show up behind him, "I'd ask that you leave the boy, but as I can imagine that's not going to happen, I'm simply going to ask that you put his body somewhere that won't get in my way." Horatio let out a hearty laugh, even going as far as to slap his knee, "oh, aren't you just precious! Calm down, 'sir knight', I'm not going to hurt anyone if they don't try to hurt me. Geez, you're making me forget where I was going with this line of question... right, right. Witchy-girl-or-whatever-your-name-is, I highly doubt that I can take you in a one on one fight, head to head. You'll set me on fire like you're sayin' you'll do t'Grant, and I'd rather not take my chances with m'own reaction time, so..." he cracked his neck, "I guess this is a warning of sorts? Don't really have much of a reason to kill ya, since you don't seem like the devil every myth's made you out to be; just a rather attractive semi-naked normal girl, and I have no money on me!"

He would much rather have stuck around for some more talking, but this knight wasn't going anywhere. Don't think I'm gettin' past Mr. Knight in Shining Armor without takin' a few scars, and I'm too lazy to try and fight right now... agh, what to... well, there's a window. Second floor wouldn't be that bad of a fall, you'd just have to roll properly. Nah, too risky. "Oh, one more thing. He's got this girl with him, cute li'l thing, probably misguided into helping him-- ANYWAY, she's makin' him something to fight you. Hell'f I know. Well, there is one more thing..." He dropped his casual demeanor, "if I do get paid to kill you, I will... unless you can pay me more, that is! Sorry, I don't do serious, almost cracking up at what I just tried there, ha ha!" He turned to the doorway, sighing at the knight, "Now, you gonna let me pass, or are you gonna be all 'hurr, gotta protect the innocent, de derr' on me? Don't be a hero, I'm too tired to deal with all of this right now." His hand hadn't strayed from his knife the entire time he'd been talking, and if this man wanted to start something in the middle of the inn, he'd be happy to oblige.

Adrian hadn't said much of anything while the assassin had spoken, getting genuinely scared now that he knew Grant was in town. All he'd done was stand and walk over to Carrion, hand on his own sword. It'd take him a bit to parse all of that.


She kept giggling until she heard the sound of the door locking, stopping her chuckles and only half smiling, "You done?" He looked ridiculously annoyed, which made her sigh. "If this is what I get for trying to help you, next time I'll just tell you to sleep it off." "Oh, come on, Gideon, it was just a joke. You can't actually be mad at me~" She knew he wasn't, or at least thought he wasn't, because he'd smirked when he said that. "Really, you of all people should be able to come up with a better... bluff than..." She began to doubt her thoughts as he scowled and smirked, walking right up to her and grabbing the edge of her towel, "I need this" The corner began to come up, and she quickly grabbed his wrist. Instinctively, she pulled on his wrist to keep the towel close, only ending up pulling him on top of her. "Aahhh!" Oh crap oh crap oh crap!

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Zwool eased up at Ties, and the sound of Carrion's voice. Carrion apparently had her magic back, so if that man tried anything, he wasn't getting anywhere. He stepped back down the stairs and gave Ellandra a friendly wave. "They've got it covered, but uh, I'm just gonna stand here just in case..." he told her. She nodded and waited. Zwool didn't put away his sword, he just wanted to wait and say a few words to the man... if he walked out alive.

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As the man told hr Grant was here, her heart sank. "Why.... how the hell would... no, why WOULD he chase me all the way down south, what the hell is he trying to accomplish?!" Worry, anger, rage, sorrow, all of these describe what she was feeling right now. Being complimented on how attractive she was wasn't helping settle her down either. Reaching for the clothes she had on the floor, she rather quickly put them on, agitated by the whole situation. When they were on, she got up, pointing at the man. "You. Why are you trying to scare me here? What do you have to gain by doing this?! This is so... random. Why would you even remotely help someone with notoriety like mine. Frankly, I think you've got ulterior motives, and if you don't spill it right here, right now, then just leave and hope you never run into me again."


A smile plastered on his face, he was moving about the crowds with ease, stopping into a grocer's store and picking up some dried meat and bread for the two of em. Simple and delicious. he thought as he walked out and back to the inn. He took a deep breath and scowled at the stairs, once again making the arduous journey up them. When he made it to the top, he sighed exasperatedly. "Dammit, why eighteen steps? Couldn't there be, like, seventeen or something?! Rrrgh..." In his anger, he went to his room and walked in, locking it back up. "Here's your food, 'princess'..." he said, oblivious to his surroundings and still trying to wake up fully.

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"Really, you of all people should be able to come up with a better... bluff than..." He could see how unnerving this was to her, and that only egged him on. When he lifted the towel a bit, she clumsily grabbed his arm and yanked it, pulling her on top of him with a shriek. She looked panicked - Gideon just shook his head and smiled, propping himself up so he wasn't crushing her. "Gotcha," he said, giving her a quick kiss and stroking her ear. "You didn't expect me to actually go through with it, did you?" All things considered, this didn't end that badly. It was just another of their little games. As annoying as those were, they were starting to grow on him... "Do you want to get dressed now, or should we stay like this?" His face wasn't as red as before - now that the tables had turned, he was a bit more confident.

Through the wall, Gideon heard what sounded like shouting. It was muffled enough that he couldn't discern the voices, but someone sounded upset. The hell's going on over there?


The room was covered in crumpled balls of paper and pieces of metal when Grant walked in. Mel was sitting on the floor with a fresh blueprint in her hand, drawing feverishly - she had a deadline to meet. "Here's your food, 'princess'..." Grant said, handing her some dried meat and bread. Perfect. I can eat this with one hand! "Thanks!" she chirped as she bit into the bread. Of course, that didn't stop her talking some more. "Any luck with jobs?" she asked as she kept scribbling and chewing.

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"No one is preventing you from leaving. Personally, I would like nothing better. Begone, and don't return without this 'Grant' that you speak of. I shall be waiting." Teis hated paid assassins. Mercenaries were one thing. At least in a guild, one was semi-likely to find someone with actual conviction. An assassin-for-hire, on the other hand, was pretty much guaranteed trouble.

Edited by Cam
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At last he decided to get up. He rummaged through his bag for something to eat, he wasn't paying for an overpriced meal. Ingesting a stick of meat, he got up and got dressed. Walking down the stairs he heard some chatter about Pravna and its festival. Nothing about his sister though, they really would have to search through all of Lushira.



Ken had also left his bed and gone to get himself ready. However, nobody had noticed the man who had sneaked in through one of the inn's windows.

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