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Abysmal Souls Chapter 5


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"Like hell I am! Nothing's gonna save him from thi-" The kid coughed a bit, and a bit of blood came out the corner of his mouth. "Guess that's a no..." "...fuck, my ribs are broken AGAIN?" "Look," Gideon said, dropping the tent and kneeling down to help him up, "I know you're really upset and your pride is hurt and everything, but don't be a hero when you're coughing up blood, yeah?" Rolling his eyes at Ormis's stubbornness, he helped him inside the inn. "Hey, can someone give me a hand here? Guy's ribs are broken!" he barked into the dismally quiet (in his opinion) first floor of the place. I still have to get the tent...

The quiet girl who was with Zwool had tapped on Ormis's shoulder, getting Gideon's attention. There were some weird glowing rings on her... "What?" he asked, looking skeptically at the girl. "You want somethin'? Speak up!" She looked worried. "If you can help him, just say so and we'll get him patched up, yeah? But don't just look at me like that." She wasn't saying anything. Groaning, Gideon just set Ormis down. "If she keeps being a mime, just call for the bartender. I'll be right back." With that, he ran outside and grabbed the tent and his bags. He passed them on his way back in without a word and climbed the stairs, grumbling all the way.

His hands were both full when he reached his door, so he opted to kick it a few times in lieu of knocking. "Please be in there..."

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"Let's go tell my father, I'm sure he won't mind heading towards Pravna instead."

"Yeah, it's in completely the other direction, but I'm sure about this one!"

Unknown to Lucretia, he would set off on anything that seemed remotely related. He was probably getting desperate, almost a decade with nothing to show had hurt him deeply. He went off to find Adano, hopefully he wouldn't mind.

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Adrian moved from his position, leaving Carrion to scoff. "Oh, my lap isn't comfy enough for you? I guess you'd like a girl with more meat on her bones then, huh? Iiii see how it is." Listening to Adrian's answer, she nodded, taking a deep breath and settling down on Adrian. "Yeah... doing nothing sounds fantastic right now..."

"Then... how about we take a vacation after we deal with this fake witch? Shuthra's a pretty warm country year round, I'm sure they've got some nice beaches hanging around, or something."

Carrion looked up at him as he said this. "Are you serious or no? I don't really know if I'm even allowed to take a vacation until my brother's back... I wouldn't feel right about it, but at the same time, I really want it. Why is life so convoluted..." Ultimately she smiled coyly at Adrian, eyes closed now, "But really, you just wanna go to the beach, don't you. Vacation or no vacation, am I right?"

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"Yeah, it's in completely the other direction, but I'm sure about this one!" Hell, Lucretia would've gone to hell and back if it meant going with Aurelio at this point. She made her way to her father's room and knocked on the door.


The knocking on his door made his head turn. The plan wasn't to leave for an hour or so.

"Who is it?" He asked.

"It's me, dad." Lucretia's voice came from behind the door. "Aurelio says he's got a lead, in Pravna."

"Pravna's quite a ways apart from Lushira, but if he's got a lead, he's got a lead." Adano opened the door a minute later, bags ready. "When do we head out?" He asked with a smile.

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Finally, he was back. No point making himself a target now - If he wanted to protect Carrion and Adrian, he'd just have to stay around them.

Not the most eventful way to spend my day, but it is the best, I guess...

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She'd been disturbed by whoever was knocking on the door, stirring and glancing back at it. "It's unlooooooocked... just open it..." She rolled over instead of getting up, groaning a bit. I don't want to get up... it's Gideon, right? That means he's carrying the stuff... he should just set something down and open the dooooor... Rolling back onto her stomach once again, she swished her tail, hoping she'd be able to just get back to sleep.


"Yeah... doing nothing sounds fantastic right now..." "Yes, it does..." About to do so, Carrion started up again, about the beach. He hadn't been completely serious, but he could give it some more thought. "Are you serious or no? I don't really know if I'm even allowed to take a vacation until my brother's back... I wouldn't feel right about it, but at the same time, I really want it. Why is life so convoluted..." "Er, yeah... and I've got my family to worry about. This really is... yeah. Convoluted. Though, thinking about it, I really wouldn't mind a nice relaxing vacation..." He mulled over it for another moment, Carrion speaking up again, "But really, you just wanna go to the beach, don't you. Vacation or no vacation, am I right?" "I can't say that thought didn't cross my mind... But! How about this. We don't go out of our way to go to the beach, but if we pass by, we stay for a day? How about that?"

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"It's unlooooooocked... just open it..." Is she taking a nap? Gideon sighed and dropped one bag to open the door, and as it swung open slowly he saw that a hardly-dressed Amera was sprawled on the bed. With some effort he reached down and grabbed the bag, taking a few steps into their room before dropping everything but the tent, which he set down heavily at the foot of their bed with a rather unpleasant clank. "You have no idea," he said breathlessly as he kicked the door closed, "how lucky you are that I took this job." Lazily he pulled his jacket off and sat on the edge of the bed, fighting with his boots. The kid would be okay - there were other people down there with him. That quiet girl and the innkeeper would take care of her, probably. As he slipped out of his boots, he fell onto his side of the bed on his back, glancing over at Amera. "Sorry if I woke you." But if I have to wake up, carry all our shit, step in to help that kid up AND make sure he's in good hands, you can stand to be woken up once by knocking.

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"Deal... though really, if you wanna go that badly, I wouldn't mind it. My brother has waited or... I hope he has anyway, for a long time, what's a few more days?" She was all ready to start cuddling with Adrian when there was a knock on the door.

"Carrion... Can I speak to you?"

Sighing and a bit miffed, "Ugh, sorry kid, be right back." Sliding herself off the bed and then opening the door, she found Zwool staring at her which unnerved her. "Uh... what do you need this early, Zwool...?"

"It was... what you mentioned earlier. Lovers or something."

Oh Goddess what is he going on about, this better not be what I think it is. "Uh, what about that...?"

"A lover will protect the one they love, right? Well... what if they don't have the power to, like your lover there."

"...Zwool, I'm going to give you a chance to say that again in a way that doesn't make me want to set you on fire."

"Look at him! He couldn't take me on in a fight, how can he protect you if he can't even help himself?! I'm the one who should be protecting you, you know you need me."

Fists clenched, she wanted nothing more than to just punch him in the gut and then send him flying with a burst of fire. In order to quell her rage, she stared at the floor, talking through gritted teeth. "Zwool... Just go away. You don't understand the concept of love friendship, so don't you dare speak of this like you're the end all be all!"

"Then what IS love, Carrion? Tell me!"

"It's something beyond your grasp, I'll tell you that right now. I'll also tell you that if you don't leave right now, there will be hell to pay." Taking a deep breath, she looked him in the eyes. "I'm being serious when I say I don't know what love is, OK? But I'm also saying that you need to leave if you're going to insult me and my partner like that again. There's more to this world than trying to figure everything out, just... go live. Go find someone who likes you for you, and just live with them, just... just fucking go." And then she slammed the door, locking it again, hands on her face as she leaned against it, sliding down it.

Zwool was confused by this, but he heard one thing clearly. There's more to this world than trying to figure everything out...? In a paradoxical move, he shook his head, pondering what Carrion meant. Unfortunately, he couldn't seem to think with all these people around, so he was forced to find a means for quiet and walked outside, in the forest.

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"You have no idea," The door slammed, not very hard, but hard enough to wake her from her nap. She groaned and sat up, rubbing her eyes to look at Gideon, who was speaking between breaths, "how lucky you are that I took this job." "Uhhhnn... I don't think I do, nope..." She was still waking up, too tired to even get upset for what he did, and thinking about it for a second. He just went out to get everything, and... everything's pretty heavy. No reason to get upset at him for waking me when he's done all that... Her mind was working much faster than her body, which had finally begun to stretch. Gideon collapsed onto the bed, and Amera, well, she did what she normally would next to him, "Sorry if I woke you." "Nooooo proooobleeeeeem~" She cuddled up on top of him, closing her eyes to enter back into her nap. The fact that she was in only her underwear wasn't really donning on her, with how tired she was from just waking up.


"Deal... though really, if you wanna go that badly, I wouldn't mind it. My brother has waited or... I hope he has anyway, for a long time, what's a few more days?" "I'm... not sure how to feel about that sentiment, but I'm glad you think it's a good idea." Carrion seemed intent on cuddling, so he smiled and went with it. There was a knock on the door though, and he sighed, but Carrion went to get it. He didn't really care who was at the door, until he heard Zwool's voice. That guy just won't... "It was... what you mentioned earlier. Lovers or something." Shut up about this...

"A lover will protect the one they love, right? Well... what if they don't have the power to, like your lover there." ... What the fuck did you just say? Now he was annoyed beyond just petty annoyance, sitting up on the bed. "...Zwool, I'm going to give you a chance to say that again in a way that doesn't make me want to set you on fire." Or before I get up to kick his ass! His sword was sitting next to the bed, as he sat up and grabbed it. "Look at him! He couldn't take me on in a fight, how can he protect you if he can't even help himself?! I'm the one who should be protecting you, you know you need me." And that was the last straw for Adrian, as he took his sword out, ready to gut the anri, but Carrion seemed to be handling it well enough. "Zwool... Just go away. You don't understand the concept of love friendship, so don't you dare speak of this like you're the end all be all!" "Then what IS love, Carrion? Tell me!" "What love is, is me loving the chance to finally shove this sword into you, you worthless little--"

"It's something beyond your grasp, I'll tell you that right now. I'll also tell you that if you don't leave right now, there will be hell to pay. I'm being serious when I say I don't know what love is, OK? But I'm also saying that you need to leave if you're going to insult me and my partner like that again. There's more to this world than trying to figure everything out, just... go live. Go find someone who likes you for you, and just live with them, just... just fucking go." And without even giving him the chance to try and fight an almost impossible battle, she slammed the door on him. Adrian was fuming, but there was nowhere for his rage to go, stabbing the sword into the floor and collapsing back onto the bed.

"You know what the worst part is? He's right... He's right! I couldn't even stop one guy, how'm I supposed to..." And now Adrian was crying, holding his head in his hands.

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Amera had barely stirred until he slammed the door. "Uhhhnn... I don't think I do, nope..." When she began to stretch, he glanced over at her from his side of the bed, then looked away - if he was going to dissolve these pervert allegations, he had to stop ogling her. Even if she was very oglable. "Nooooo proooobleeeeeem~" In typical Amera fashion, she climbed on top of him and rested her head against his shoulder. That calmed him a bit, and his eyes fell shut, his hand instinctively moving to her ear. She didn't overreact to that anymore, so it was just a little thing he did. "We can take a nap now, though," he assured her. "If you want one." It couldn't even be the afternoon yet, but hey, if she wanted to nap on him, he wouldn't complain too much.

From the other side of the wall, a bit more noise flared up. Carrion sounded more upset this time than before, and Gideon could have sworn he heard three voices yelling; so who the hell's the third?. "She's gonna burn this place down," he mumbled tiredly into Amera's hair. "Did she seem okay when you checked on her?" He pulled away slightly as he asked, shifting in bed so his eyes were level with the anri's. Even if Carrion's love life (or whatever it was she was on about) didn't matter to him in the slightest, she and Amera seemed somewhat close; if something was up with Carrion, Amera would probably pick up on it.

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"God dammit..." It appeared that Zwool had struck just the wrong chord with Adrian, which only served to make Carrion more angry at him.

"You know what the worst part is? He's right... He's right! I couldn't even stop one guy, how'm I supposed to..."

Rubbing her face, she went over to Adrian, laying right next to him. "So you're not the strongest, big whoop." She hated seeing him so hurt, so she brought him into a hug, stroking his face. "So you didn't protect me physically. Though you did make me stop thinking of suicide, is that not protecting me in some way? And besides, who gives a damn who protects who, you love me, I love you. Don't let some stupid Anri who doesn't know what he's talking about get you down, Adrian. Especially when he's entirely wrong." She gave him a kiss, hoping it would help him calm down.

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"We can take a nap now, though, if you want one." "Not sure I want to, now that you're back..." Leaning up, she smiled at him, and gave him a kiss. "I don't think I'll be able to get much sleep with such a hot stud in bed here, with me... Though, I don't know much else I could do if I don't sleep. What d'you think we can do, Gideon?" She shot him her trademark coy smile, and leaned up a bit more, her shirt more low cut than she thought it was; she didn't notice, of course. Her tail shot around his leg again, and she giggled, wanting to get some more embarrassed reactions out of him. It had been way too much fun earlier, and if they weren't going to do anything, she wanted some more.

Her fun was quickly disrupted as she heard some yelling from down the hall, again from Carrion and Adrian, and... Zwool? What the heck? "She's gonna burn this place down," "I don't think it's her, Gideon..." If that kid starts up some trouble, I'm not going to let him get away with it, no matter how nice he seemed. "Did she seem okay when you checked on her?" "Y-Yeah, Adrian just joked about her being too rough during sex... I don't think anything was wrong." The yelling had ceased, and she relaxed back against Gideon, still smiling up at him. I guess it wasn't that big of a problem... yeah, everything'll be fine.


"So you're not the strongest, big whoop." It was a pretty big whoop to him, but as she hugged him, he realized how melodramatic he was being, and wiped the tears from his eyes. She's right, I guess... "So you didn't protect me physically. Though you did make me stop thinking of suicide, is that not protecting me in some way?" "Y-Yeah, it is..." That doesn't mean I don't want to protect you in other ways. "... And besides, who gives a damn who protects who, you love me, I love you. Don't let some stupid Anri who doesn't know what he's talking about get you down, Adrian. Especially when he's entirely wrong." He couldn't be happier to have her there with him, as she'd brought his mood back up. "I know. I know... I shouldn't let him get to me, but... no, there's no buts. I've helped you before; I saved you from Grant back on the cliffs. And... I was there for you when you needed someone, and I... think I helped against those mages. I still can't really remember that, but, I have helped." Suddenly, he was feeling a lot better about himself.

He sighed and gave her a smile, pulling her on top of him and onto the bed. "I've got to learn to stop being so overly dramatic about what others say. If you thought I wasn't good enough, I'm sure you'd tell me; you're that kind of person." He laughed a bit, only hugging her tighter. "So, what were we doing before that abysmal interruption? You seemed to be wanting some cuddles..."


And now I'm bein' tailed by that damn knight. Fuck my life; jus' let me enjoy the day! Luckily for Horatio, the knight was rather... unprofessional about his following, and it was simple for him to see his assailant. I'm just going to have to lose him, aren't I? That said, he slipped into the crowds, almost running now, ducking down so that his read hair wasn't picked out amongst the people. Good luck, knight, all that armor on you; have fun keeping up! His hands in his pockets, he darted around a corner and kept going.

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"Not sure I want to, now that you're back..." Not this again...He leaned into the kiss a bit, if only from force of habit - knowing her, it'd probably stop there. "I don't think I'll be able to get much sleep with such a hot stud in bed here, with me..." Stud? Really? Didn't she agree with me when I called myself a drifter? "Though, I don't know much else I could do if I don't sleep. What d'you think we can do, Gideon?" Gideon smirked; even if he wasn't too sure whether she was serious, he couldn't help himself. It sounded goofy when she put it that way. Her tail wrapped around his leg and he put his hands on her waist, his forehead rested against hers. "We'll just have to be creative," he said, kissing her again. If this was for real, he wouldn't mind; if it wasn't, he'd have to call her on it quickly. He had fun with their teasing fights, but he was still a guy, and it was more than a bit frustrating to have this girl barely clothed, all over him, and taunting him on a regular basis.

"Y-Yeah, Adrian just joked about her being too rough during sex... I don't think anything was wrong." It was a funny image, and Gideon's expression spoke to that fact. Whatever, it's not our problem anyway. "Good, because I was enjoying our conversation," he shot back, sitting up a bit to face her properly. "Interesting topic, though, now that you mention it..." He was fully prepared to be rejected, but it didn't hurt to ask.

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Lucretia had already found Adano. From the sounds of it he was happy to go too. He got a map out, hopefully the route would be simple.

"OK. From what I've heard, there's a pirate hideout south of Pravna and they're keeping a pink haired girl though. Now, there aren't many of those around and the timeframe sounds about right. Our best bet would be to head to Talenor and then south from there."

He took a breath, he was seriously hoping this was it. It'd take a while to get there, but it couldn't be helped.

"The odds are it'll take us a week by foot, and unless we can piggy-back on a wagon or cart, we'll probably be walking."

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He's on to me.

It was obvious. The man ducked and ran, weaving his way through the thick crowd. Teis knew enough about his own strength to know that he would never catch up in a direct pursuit.

On the other hand...

Instead, he opted for a more roundabout method of pursuit. The knight wandered about, entering shops, watching exhibits, and basically doing as he liked. Every time, he would drop a question to the proprietor, or the manager, or the clerk, or a random passersby about a man with red hair and massive knives, and what direction he had been heading. The way it was phrased made it sound more like the assassin was on not-so-unfriendly terms with the knight, and could possibly backfire if the man were to meet a less-than-attentive clerk. No way around it. Each time someone had a response, Teis would meander over in the direction indicated. More often than not it was a false lead, but he made progress. Enough so that, after two hours of probing, Teis was fairly certain that he could trace the man's footsteps over the course of the day. Hopefully Danyon would have a better lead.


"Fuck you, I don't wanna be a damn hero! Just let me at'im so I can smash his fac-"

And Gideon was gone. Ormis winced as the healer girl healed his ribs, but it was better. For once, he hadn't had to let them mend over time or had someone drag him to a church. He grinned, thanking her, and ran off. If he was lucky, he'd run into that punk again. If not... well, the day was young.

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Propping her head on her hands as she stared at Adrian, smiling, "Cuddling is nice I suppose, though I wouldn't mind a... second round if you will either, but we should be having food coming up soon, and I swear to the Goddess herself, if I get interrupted during that, it will be unpleasant for everyone in the vicinity." Kicking her legs up and down, she lulled her head to the side. "Sorry your nap got interrupted there... I suppose you're pretty much awake now anyway. Maybe you and I can go for a nice calm walk? Just go watch performances and such? Nothing strenuous of course. Heck, maybe we could stop at the great library of Pravna, grab some books. Who knows, maybe they've found something I don't know about resurrection theories!"

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Gideon seemed to be playing along, but Amera wasn't so sure she just wanted to play around anymore. There was something she hadn't been telling Gideon-- that being, that her teasing was nothing more than her own little tests to see if he would do anything drastic; and he hadn't. She'd really begun to trust him because of all that, and as his hands met her waist, she began to wonder, maybe I should stop teasing him, and just let him have some fun? "We'll just have to be creative." Gideon's words brought her back to reality land, where she proceeded to kiss him. "Right, creative. Creatively lower your hands, already." She smirked at him, waiting to feel thwm move.

"Interesting topic, though, now that you mention it..." "What, sex? I've never really thought about it; never had a reason to. Why, what d'you think about it, Gideon? Maybe you even have experience with it..." She giggled, wondering why he was so suddenly wanting to ask about this, until the obvious dawned on her, making blush like mad. He's wanting to talk about... oh boy...


He laughed and blushed, a rather awkward show of emotions for him. He still enjoyed the moment, "a second round, you say? I'd be totally up for that. But, you're right, food first." Carrion didn't want to get interrupted, and neither did he, after all the interruptions they'd gotten already. "Sorry your nap got interrupted there... I suppose you're pretty much awake now anyway." "Yes, I guess I am, but don't apologize for that." So, in true Carrion fashion, she began to start asking to do stuff, kicking her legs behund her. "That all sounds like a good way to spend the day, Carrion. Buuuut," he said with a smile, "food comes first, alright? I'm hungry enough as it is." With that, he pet her hair, holding her close. Shouldn't be to much longer with the food, there weren't many people downstairs. And I hope the food tastes good... Carrion brought up one more thing about what they could do; the books that could house resurrection spells, "Hey, yeah! We could even ask that Magus guy for help. Now that's a good idea."

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He slowly staggers out of bed, ready to follow his normal schedule. He creates an ice cube in his hands and lets it melt, using the water to cleanse his face, somewhat. He then leaves for breakfast, his hand tightly gripping his sword, always wary of his surroundings.


If I masquerade as a shopper, I might find something. He looks around the main plaza, seeing if he can vaguely recognise anyone.

Still nothing...

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"Thanks, I thought of it all by myself!" As she began to think of what to look for, it came to her that she had never been in the restricted section of the Pravna library. "And that's a great suggestion by you, I'll bet that guy has access to the top floor of that place, I'd definitely be able to find something there!" And then she began to snuggle up to Adrian, laying her head on his chest. "See, you may not offer the best protection, but you more than make up for it! I never would have thought to try and call in a favor from that guy!" Shifting her posture a little on him, "Plus, you just make me feel good all around, you know..."

Gwen (In Chaldron)

Walking out of a shop and holding a bag, Gwen cocked an eyebrow at Adonis from afar. "Curious..." She muttered to herself. That man has been in the same location since I walked in here... What's his angle? Feeling a sense of duty to find out, she made her way over to the man, looking all around her. "Are you waiting for someone, sir? Pardon my intrusion if you're simply waiting for someone who's late, and pardon any offense you might take, but you look... out of place, standing around here like that."

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"OK. From what I've heard, there's a pirate hideout south of Pravna and they're keeping a pink haired girl though. Now, there aren't many of those around and the timeframe sounds about right. Our best bet would be to head to Talenor and then south from there." Lucretia and Adano both nodded, that was the quickest and easiest way to get themselves to Pravna. "The odds are it'll take us a week by foot, and unless we can piggy-back on a wagon or cart, we'll probably be walking."

"Waiting another week isn't the best thing," Adano said, "I'm sure there's some way we could get there faster." He looked out of the window, spotting a horse outside.

"I wonder if there's more." Lucretia added, noticing what Adano was looking toward. "It will take a bit of time but less than before, for sure."


(Yep, still walking. Nothing new here, folks.)


She was confused at Zwool's sudden outburst. To say the least, it wasn't expected. Part of her wanted to find out why he erupted like he suddenly did, but the other part of her knew she had more important things to do. Accompanying Carrion and Adrian on their journey was more important. She sat in silence, like she always did, pondering her next move.

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"I'm sure there's some way we could get there faster."

He had seen the horses too. Normally he'd just run up and jump on one, but again, he couldn't do it in front of Lucretia. He'd have to play it by the book, something he'd probably have to start doing from now on.

"Let's go see whose they are, maybe we can strike up a deal or something."

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"Thanks, I thought of it all by myself!" "I'm glad you did, actually. I don't think the idea would've crossed my mind..." What had crossed his mind was going to watch some more of the festival, still intrigued by those magic displays. Heading off the library during such an event hadn't been any of what he'd wanted to do. "And that's a great suggestion by you, I'll bet that guy has access to the top floor of that place, I'd definitely be able to find something there! See, you may not offer the best protection, but you more than make up for it! I never would have thought to try and call in a favor from that guy!" What, you really wouldn't have thought of that? Come on... "There's one problem to that, and that would be I don't think he'd be willing to do us another favor until we deal with his witch. He already gave you an unsealing for free, but access to private information at the head library...? I dunno, Carrion. We could still try. And... thanks." Her compliments were really bringing up his mood, making him feel like he really was important to her, "Plus, you just make me feel good all around, you know..." He blushed a bit, but he smiled, "all around, you say? Glad to know you think that way..." He leaned in and gave her a kiss, wondering if they really were going to get anything other than resting done today.

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"Right, creative. Creatively lower your hands, already." This woman was the queen of mixed messages, and when her lips touched his, Gideon was even more confused. He had been holding back because he was certain she wanted to wait. Now, he wasn't so sure anymore. Maybe she had a change of heart. Or maybe she was in heat. Gideon didn't even know if anri could be in heat, but she was making a convincing case for it. Obliging her, Gideon moved his hands from her waist, keeping one on her hip but moving his other all the way to her barely clothed bottom and squeezing it affectionately. You said I could, so no complaining.

Then she took the next step. "What, sex? I've never really thought about it; never had a reason to." Bullshit. "Why, what d'you think about it, Gideon? Maybe you even have experience with it..." His voice caught in his mouth when he tried to reply, and a flood of unflattering memories washed over him. He didn't exactly want to tell her "Yes, I've been with girls without self-respect who were too drunk to stand at the time." That seemed like it was in poor taste... "I might," he replied coyly, smirking at her. "You mentioned it, though, so you have to have an opinion. Let's hear it."

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Langley sighs and with a slow yawn, she glances back to Andy, rubbing her hair and slowly looking into the living room area. Chairs are slightly scattered but not upturned and a large clock ticks quietly on a slightly dusty looking shelf.

'My parent's just be away at the moment. Doesn't matter, Andy...' She glances back at the guy and then nods upstairs.

'Upstairs, second door on your left is the bathroom, the fourth door on the left is the guest bedroom. Beds should be made as we only ever had... um, never mind.'

She was about to say Noel. She is silent a moment and slowly chuckles to herself, at the question she wants to ask.

'How long you want us to stay here? I mean, we can rest up here for a couple of days or we could go in the morning. Your choice, Andy.'


Obelia's head raises and now she is wider awake, a slow yawn coursing from her throat as she stretches her arms. Yet she is quiet as now, it feels off. What exactly feels off being the environment, making her feel tense? She is worried that someone is close and doesn't know whether it is Ken or not, curiously calling out his name.

'Ken? You there?'


As yesterday ended, one pair of eyes quietly watched Langley head inside the darkened Aokkoa House, silent from the side as they took a quiet interest in the boy that moved in after her. But then they shut, vanishing from view and soon the area, whoever was watching gone.

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It was a rather new and unwelcome feeling, his hand down there, but a part of her wanted it. It was a nice feeling; completely different than anything she'd felt from her owner when his hands got too touchy. This was enjoyable, and it made her moan just the smallest bit, turning red. I know you trust him, but... are you sure you're ready for all this? It feels good, but... She was going to go through with it as far as she could, though. Having teased Gideon as long as she had, she felt she owed him something, even if it wasn't going the whole way.

Gideon had stopped himself from answering her question, which made her worry for a moment. "I might" Not that surprised... "You mentioned it, though, so you have to have an opinion. Let's hear it." "U-Uhm... I don't really have one, other than I d-don't know if I'm really ready for something like that... I'm sure it feels great, and I'm sure th-that we'd enjoy... it..." she was red once again, stopping herself from shaking, but still looking up at him with a ridiculously vulnerable face. She was trying her best to not freak out at his touching, and she was succeeding, somewhat.


"Sounds like you've got a fairly impressive house here, Langley..." He began to glance around, looking at the size of the place on the inside. It was a rather roomy house, but it was still pretty large. Larger than it had looked from the outside. The living roomed seemed less than welcoming, though, as he wondered why the chairs were strewn about as such. 'How long you want us to stay here? I mean, we can rest up here for a couple of days or we could go in the morning. Your choice, Andy.' "Oh! Uhm... Well, I'll let you choose that. You might want to meet up with some of your old friends, wouldn't you? For now, I think I'm just going to take that guest bedroom that you mentioned..." He was really tired, and the bed seemed ridiculously welcoming to him, as he trudged up the stairs, into the room. The bed was comfortable, he found, as he collapsed into it, almost falling asleep immediately.

Edited by seph1212
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