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Abysmal Souls Chapter 5


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Noel's eyes soften a bit. She is hesitant, not intending to make him scared of her but she doesn't want Langley undefended, doesn't want to feed the warmth in her head that is urging her to actually take him for herself. She just ignores the continuing burning in her cheeks, the idea that he could still consider her beautiful despite her own appearance. Yet with a slightly defensive nod at this notion of breakfast, Noel finds herself sighing slightly, inwardly too.

'Langley is a hybrid anri human who has spent most of her life either trying to help out her parents, me or not just deck anyone who had an insult to throw at us. I'd say she's pretty impressive too.'

She heads for the door rubbing her arm, glad he'll tell her and even slightly guilty. So much to deal with, all in the space of a morning, she isn't surprised if he just wants to vanish.


Langley's breathing remains soft and shallow, every breath steady and slow within a dreamless slumber. Yet at one cough, her form curling slightly tighter into the chair, her tail slinks up and quietly wraps around her leg. She continues too rest, silent now as the clocks tick moves on.


Seeing Horatio's face become quite thoughtful before he came in, her head turned back, Carrie wonders for a moment what he's thinking about. Maybe just what they're going to eat. She shrugs lightly to herself, confusing to others who can see no questions asked to receive the movement, but she heads in with him.

She ignores the small calm in her heart, the slow eats at being held in even such a small way. She sighs to herself and wonders at what point that's going to become a problem for him. Relatively soon, she chuckles quietly. As to what he'd said? Her cheeks tint ever so slightly, a small 'thank you' offered, while stopping herself from feeling like that was the best thing she's been told in a while. Because it kind of was.

Sitting with him at the table, a curious glance going across the menu, she glances up and looks to him through her cracked world, answering as 'cool' as she can muster.

'What'd you like to know?'


Zwool's fist lightly raps the door, hesitant too of touching it, or of not knocking hard enough. Paranoia to please anthers unknown whimsy, that he knows plenty is a trouble he'll have to face. But he knocks, realising with a sudden thought that the library book is still in his hand, turning his hand and gazing over the textured cover. His eyes are wide until he manages to shake his head, focusing on the door ahead.


He whispers it to the air, seeking reassurance in none as he waits. If Ellandra is resting, he'll probably be more annoyed at waking her, but he'll deal.

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Putting a smile on her face and putting silly thoughts behind her, Carrion left the shower and saw a still shirtless Adrian on the bed. The blush crept back on her face, not as intensely as before, but still quite visible. This time though, she didn't say anything. She just smiled and walked right over, crawling into bed in the hopes of not disturbing Adrian, since he looked like he was trying to fall asleep. However, Carrion couldn't help herself as she found herself on top of Adrian, arms wrapped around him. Carrion felt almost childish doing so, but at this point she couldn't deny her urges, to a certain point anyway. We aren't going there tonight, but if he's gonna be like this then I'm gonna react to it... "Sorry, you're just... I can't seem to help myself, haha." Propping herself up ever so slightly, she put on a pout. "Um, if you're not too tired, would you..." For some reason, she felt embarrassed to ask it, but she went for it anyway after a small gulp, "Would you... give me a back rub? Please? The shower loosened it up but... please? I-I can return the favor! I promise!"

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It was their third night now, and Elune was starting to get frustrated.

"This will get me nowhere. You know this. I have no reason to stay."

"If you leave, then what will you do? What will happen to our 'deal'? How will you achieve your 'revenge?'"

Adonis' last question tore at Elune, but she couldn't stop herself from leaving. When she was out, she got onto her horse and left, not knowing if she had any aims at all. Probably find another town, complete some mercenary work, anything which would be better than staking out Chaldron for however long.


"What the HELL do you mean? I bring you proof, and you still dare say I am a fraud?"

The typical idiots at the guild didn't believe an 'old man' was capable of freezing a wolf's head. "Sorry, gramps, but I still can't give you the entire thing. That's only one wolf, out of 'bout a dozen of them! We'll be nice and give you half of the money, arright?"

Cyrus was incensed. He slammed his fists on the table and rose up, before drawing his sword. He turned and pointed the sword at a table where some people were eating and playing cards, and a cool beam of ice flowed from the sword, freezing the entire table as well as the plates and cards which were on it.

"Now, do you believe me, or must I freeze you next?"


He'd somehow found his way back to the inn, where he found his horse still in the stables, thankfully. He was exhausted from the ridiculous events which had gone on, and immediately got himself a glass of ale, to keep himself awake for slightly longer. He stumbled upstairs to his room to drop his belongings, and then took a long, warm shower.

When he was done, he slowly made his way downstairs, where he got himself a relatively small dinner. Danyon tried to clear his plate as quickly as possible before returning back to him, where he immediately lay on his bed, beginning to fall asleep.

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Gideon, Melanie

"Yes, it shou-- whoooaaaa, whoa... y-yeah, it should." Gideon didn't understand how she was the one having trouble between them, but a ditzy Amera wasn't an angry Amera, so he decided not to ask. "Thanks~ I really do appreciate you carrying me, Gideon..." Getting a bit affectionate, are we? It wouldn't go anywhere - he knew that. Not with Mel around. From a few hours of knowing her, Gideon was certain she couldn't read situations properly, so she wouldn't give them any time alone. It was a bit frustrating, too; just as Amera was starting to get more affectionate with him, they had a noisy millstone to drag around for the rest of the night (and probably the next day, too). He didn't care much to hide that sentiment.

"So now Mel's gonna lead us? Well, this'll take ages." Mel didn't hear her say that - she was too absorbed in looking at them. They seem pretty happy...I thought happy couples fought a lot more than this. Maybe she nags him when no one's looking? Yeah, that has to be it. "I... guess so. He's never said no, so far. Of course, if he did, I wouldn't do it, but until then, this is so much nicer than walking~" Mel smirked as she rubbed up against Gideon, her grin growing further when she saw the look on his face. I'm gonna cockblock you in the worst way, monkey. "You don't mind, then, do you, Gideon?" she ventured, smirking. This was fun!

Gideon shook his head. "Nope. She's light, and she has fun up there." He left it at that - she seemed to be taking any chance she could get to fuck with him, so he wouldn't give her any chances. "You see anything? You're supposed to be looking, right?" It was more than a bit foreboding when Mel didn't even respond, instead just resuming that stupid stare of hers. You really want me to hate you, don't you?

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Expecting some sort of backlash at this point, Andy braced himself, but was surprised to be met with rather calm words. 'Langley is a hybrid anri human who has spent most of her life either trying to help out her parents, me or not just deck anyone who had an insult to throw at us. I'd say she's pretty impressive too.' She's still not mad? This is fortunate, indeed! "I... yes, that does sound rather impressive, Noel..." But... even if she is impressive, she's more like a sister, than anything... over this week, I haven't felt anything like you say she's felt for me. But he still had one more thing he had to say, as Noel began to leave the room. "Noel, uhm..." he began, finally looking back at her, "th-thank you, for... being so nice to me. It's... it feels good, getting along with people." He followed her out of the room, trying his best to put on the first smile of their entire conversation.


I'll just get some soup, an'... yeah, that should be fine, they've got food at the inn 's well. Nowhere near as good as here, but so much cheaper. He scanned the menu until he fell upon some tomato soup, setting it down and deciding on that. It was good enough for him. 'What'd you like to know?' "Don't play that game with me, c'mon. Just start with whatever ye feel comfortable with, I'll listen." He wasn't about to start asking specifics. Carrie could talk about whatever she wanted to, and he really would listen; he wouldn't just smile and nod. Made women feel better when they knew someone was actually listening to them. At least in his experience. "Maybe start with yer childhood, or how you ended up in Pravna. That'd make for some interestin' conversation, at least."


... sleep... don't fall asleep, Adrian... His mind did its best to keep him awake, almost drifting off, before feeling hands around him. That's Carrion, right? Yeah, who else could it be, silly... He didn't bother opening his eyes, as her voice made it quite obvious. "Sorry, you're just... I can't seem to help myself, haha." Really? That's... sort of surprising. "I can't imagine..." he stopped to yawn, finally cracking an eye open at her, "... imagine why you can't help yourself. I doubt I'm the pinnacle of attractiveness, love..." He sat himself up a bit, smiling, "you, on the other hand... you're pretty close to perfect." Gently caressing a hand across her cheek, she put on a pout, but he wasn't about to fall for it this time. She's pouting, she wants something...

"Um, if you're not too tired, would you..." "... Yes?" Don't make me guess what you want, though I have a fairly good guess of what it is... With how she was blushing, his mind was only heading to one answer, not expecting hers in the least. "Would you... give me a back rub? Please? The shower loosened it up but... please? I-I can return the favor! I promise!" "Aha... hahaha! A back rub? Why d'you look so embarrassed about a back rub?" He didn't want to offend her too much, stopping his laughter as quickly as he could. Carrion, don't get my hopes up like that. "But, sure, a back rub? Roll over. Dunno how good it'll be, though... and quit blushing, it's only a massage, ha ha."


Mel, why aren't you picking somewhere? We've passed at least three good looking places so far... It was beginning to dawn on Amera that Mel didn't seem that interested in choosing somewhere to eat. She seemed more interested in Amera; Amera and Gideon, and their little embrace. As if she could even call it that. But Mel's interest turned from unnerving to annoying, as they passed another good looking restaurant. "You don't mind, then, do you, Gideon?" "Mel, could you just pick somewhere, please? We wanna eat..." Seriously, pick one before I do! I'm getting really hungry. I'm sure you'd be a good meal, if you don't hurry up and pick... She joked with herself, wondering how much of that joke was actually serious.

"Nope. She's light, and she has fun up there." Amera almost scoffed, cheered up a little. "Come on, Gideon... I know I'm not super heavy, but... light? Even you must think I'm a bit tough to carry." Maybe Mel's game isn't that bad? I guess it's just annoying because I want to eat. Gideon wasn't having any part of it, and who could blame him? He was the only person getting really annoyed. "You see anything? You're supposed to be looking, right?" "That's right, and Mel, if you don't choose somewhere right now, you're not staying in our room tonight! I'm tired of waiting for food, so... so pick!" That was rather... bold of you. Don't care, though, I want food now! She put on a fake mad face, hoping Mel would hurry up and choose somewhere. "Seriously, getting annoyed here, and if you don't pick then... then we're eating..." she shot her finger off at the first place her eyes made contact with, almost falling off of Gideon in the process, "there!" She'd pointed at a small mom and pop restaurant, but it was food, and Amera didn't care how good it was at this point, as long as it was edible.

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"W-what? What's so funny?" Her pout turned to a frown. "I just... thought back rubs were super personal... and stuff... I only ever got them from my brother you know, so I've had a lot of good memories tied to em, alright?" She turned around and sat herself up, leaning a little. "And I think we've both got the same complex going on here... you think I'm some beautiful girl, but you don't find yourself to be all that good looking, while I'm apparently the same. I think I'm pretty plain and... undeveloped, let's be honest, but I think you're pretty handsome looking. So how about this, we just fucking compromise, OK? It's better than being self deprecating..." Of course, amid all of that, she couldn't help but fantasize a little about Adrian, and of course, she realized just how her earlier actions could have been taken, making her blush like mad if he could see her face. "I uh... I'm sorry... I d-didn't mean to try and lead you on like that, it's just, the back rubs... well you know now, anyway... sorry."

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All Three

Teis gave a long look at the boy leaning against the wall in front of him. Ormis had given him a series of events that had basically thrown all prior assumptions to the wind. If Ormis’s account of the event was accurate, Horatio was the biggest threat at this point (disregarding the fake Crimson Witch). It was inevitable that they would cross blades with Grant again at some point in the future, but for now, it was best to deal with the current ‘crisis’.


Ormis took the lead in knocking on the doors. Teis would have liked to do it, but the appearance of a large, armored man in the door just might cause the wrong impression. So instead, the knight decided to let the kid do it, receiving more than a few strange looks.

As it happened, their target happened to be in the room without a door. Ormis couldn’t decide what was the biggest reminder that a fight had gone on inside. Even ignoring the flaming bed, the darts and various blood splatters making (Ormis thought wryly) a rather nicer design than the original wallpaper, everything was completely trashed. The girl with[out] the bow was huddled in the corner, sobbing and clutching a once-fancy, now destroyed hat. Ormis was torn between an odd desire to rip the kid to shreds and comfort her. Before he could decide what to do, Teis stepped up and knelt, placing his face at the girl’s eye-level.

“What in heaven’s name happened-” Then he backed up, slowly. “Wait… you were with that other woman, the one with the crossbow. What’re-“

Rina hadn’t heard the two come in. She didn’t notice them until the big man who had been threatening Therese knelt down in front of her, saying something that was rendered inaudible by both the noise outside and her sobs. Then he backed away, and said something else, something about a bow.

“Wh-who are you?” She retreated, all the back into the corner. “What do you want? Wh-what have you done with my sister?” Rina almost broke back down into sobs. “Why are you doing this? What did we ever do t-to you…”

Teis didn’t know what to make of this.

“Your sister? The one with the darts? I have no idea where she is, if I did I wouldn’t be in here.”

Ormis shoved Teis out of the way and pushed the girl upright, against the wall.

“I have no idea what’s going on here, but I’m going to try and piece this together anyway. Your sister takes some potshots at my friend here, and he would have died if it weren’t for the timely appearance of yours truly.” Ormis pretended not to notice Teis’s reaction, but he barely managed to suppress the grin. “Then, when we finally find the guy who’s been chasing us around, you show up out of nowhere and nearly shoot me in the back. And then you just run off crying. How-“

He never finished his sentence. Rina punched him in the jaw, sending him reeling. It felt good, in a guilty way.

“Shut up, shut up, shut UP! You are with that fire witch, I know you are! You and your friends show up out of nowhere and just start attacking us for no reason! You guys are with the Crimson Witch,” she shouted, rather uncharacteristically, to no one in particular, “You guys were the ones who dragged off my father, just because he could stop magic!” She was on the verge of breaking down into tears again. Angrily, she threw a small booklet at the two. “His life’s work, all to stop that monster. And for what? He’s dead now, I’m sure of it, because he opposed the Devourer.”

Something clicked. Teis vaguely remembered a newspaper report speaking of the researchers who were developing some kind of anti-magic device. “Fareth…”

Rina was bewildered. “How-“

“That was the name of the head researcher on the magic-seal project. My father and yours were good friends. And there was some other, like, Darsuli or something. I don’t remember. The three were all determined to stop the Devourer at the height of her power. They succeeded. From what I remember, Darsuli disappeared and was never seen again. My father was burned to death in front of me. Your father… I don’t know.”

Ormis knew that something was afoot. “It’s that cult shit again, isn’t it?”


The boy grinned, his bravado apparently recovered. “Well then, let’s go kick their asses! Everyone has been talking about how the Witch is down south, on some island, let’s go see if that has anything going on.”

The knight frowned. “I was intending to travel with Carrion. Having a mage would be useful. And,” he added, glancing at Rina, “we may as well bring her along as well.”

Rina, who was beginning to calm down, decided that, whatever those two were doing, she wanted no part of it if it involved traveling with that witch. “I refuse. I’m not traveling with that monster.”

Teis was about to respond, when Ormis butted in. “Come on, Teis, don’t be a spoil-sport. We don’t need Scarlet, you and I both can handle her. Just drop her a line at the inn if you’re so worried. I’m bored, everyone seems to know more about what’s going on than me. I need some action!”

The knight sighed. “Very well. Meet at the inn in one hour, and we’ll be off.” As an afterthought, he extended his hand to Rina. “Teis Risdryn, by the way. Nice to meet you.”

“Rina Fareth. Likewise.”


After an hour of replenishing supplies (getting Rina a new bow and quiver, getting Ormis a better-quality sword, etc.), the group was ready to set out. Teis insisted on leaving a note for Carrion* before they left. Once he was done with that, the group of three set out. None of them noticed small black flame burning on a patch of grass behind them.



*“Due to unforeseen circumstances… …Ormis and myself have decided to take our leave prematurely. We will be traveling south, towards the place where the Crimson Witch was last reported as sighted. We shall wait one day for your arrival (barring extenuating events), after which we shall attempt to bring in this imposter alone. If you find a need to communicate with me before then, letters addressed to ‘Drynis Lasryt’ will make their way into my hands. – Teis”

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"W-what? What's so funny?" She frowned, and his smile faded a little bit. "I just... thought back rubs were super personal... and stuff... I only ever got them from my brother you know, so I've had a lot of good memories tied to em, alright?" "Right... sorry. I just thought you were going elsewhere, hence why you were blushing. My bad." She sat up and turned around, his immediate thought being, noooooo, I was enjoying that..., but he had offered to start massaging her, so as she leaned forward, he sat up and put his hands on her shoulders. He'd never done anything like it before, but it can't be too hard, can it? I've just gotta... He rubbed her shoulders a bit, pressing his palms into them a bit. Okay, that should be fine for starters. "And I think we've both got the same complex going on here..." Oh, we do? "... you think I'm some beautiful girl, but you don't find yourself to be all that good looking, while I'm apparently the same. I think I'm pretty plain and... undeveloped, let's be honest, but I think you're pretty handsome looking." Well... yeah, you're a bit small there... "... So how about this, we just fucking compromise, OK? It's better than being self deprecating..." "Alright, alright... but only if you get over your lack of a chest. I don't see why it should really matter that much to you, when you don't really have anyone to impress."

He moved his hands down from her shoulders, pressing with his thumbs, not too hard. She'll tell me if I'm not doing it right, won't she? He threw in his palms just in case, pressing up against her back with them, rubbing a bit. "I uh... I'm sorry... I d-didn't mean to try and lead you on like that, it's just, the back rubs... well you know now, anyway... sorry." He laughed again, but not at her. Not entirely. "That's fine, Carrion. I was just getting my hopes up, not your fault. Not that I mind doing this instead. So, relax." He started pressing against her lower back, hoping the massage had been fine so far.

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As soon as his hands reached her shoulders, she twitched ever so slightly. OK, let's see how this goes... Her muscles tensed up as well, but they gradually loosened up as Adrian kept at it. "Mmm..." she moaned softly, but felt she had to jab at the kid, "You're a bit... clumsy at this, aren't you? Hahaha!" stifling her giggle as much as she could, she straightened herself out again, a little surprised he was going so low so fast, but not entirely complaining. "Could you... go back up towards my shoulders? That's where it aches the most right now." She closed her eyes, starting to really enjoy this, her mind wandering to her past again. "Jack..." she mumbled. Opening her eyes again, blinking a little, she decided to go back to an earlier topic. "If I was seriously worrying about my chest, I'd have ended up a much different girl, believe me. I'm not worried about it so much as I'm worried you'll just... get bored of me. I'm not trying to imply that you're just some skirt chaser or that you're that shallow it's just... thoughts linger in my mind, alright? I've never really been with a guy before, this relationship stuff is totally new to me, and I don't mean to sound clingy but this is just how I feel, I'd be scared to death if I lost you because of something I didn't do. Relationships are give and take, and I can't tell when it's equal or tipped very easily, so I... I find it all confusing." Sighing and slumping forward slightly, she brought herself back up. It felt awkward for her to say that without looking at Adrian in the face at all, so she finally decided to peek over her shoulder a little, "Sorry, today was unnecessarily loaded, I should stop thinking about this crap for the rest of the night... but please keep going if you want, this is surprisingly comfortablllllllle, ooohoh yeah, right there, feels sooo gooooooood!" She arched her back a little, involuntarily but she went with it.

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Gideon, Melanie

"Come on, Gideon... I know I'm not super heavy, but... light? Even you must think I'm a bit tough to carry." Gideon smirked, but said nothing - she seemed legitimately annoyed that Mel wasn't picking a place.

"That's right, and Mel, if you don't choose somewhere right now, you're not staying in our room tonight! I'm tired of waiting for food, so... so pick!" Whoa. Um... Mel's face reddened a bit and she turned away from them. "Sorry, was having fun...um..." Desperate to find some place that'd bail her out of the trouble she was in, Mel scanned the buildings before them, eventually deciding on the first one she saw. "There!" she chirped, pointing at the same place Amera had pointed to. When it hit her that they were on the same wavelength, Mel shook her head and started laughing. "How did we - what are the odds, even?" It was embarrassing that she was laughing so loudly over something so small, but for some reason it was really, really funny.

Amera had almost fallen off of him, and now Mel was laughing like an idiot. She has the most annoying laugh... "Alright, alright, take it easy, girl," he ventured, hoping it'd quiet her down a bit. Even if it was a bit funny, did she have to react like that? "Lead on." He glanced over his shoulder at Amera, who was clinging to him at an odd angle; he didn't want to know how she got in that position. "You okay back there, or do you want down?" In what appeared to be classic Mel style, she had gotten ahead of them again, and she was nearly at the door. "That girl is all kinds of strange..."

Taking a deep breath between giggles, Mel worked her hardest to calm down, her face a deep shade of red. "S-sorry 'bout that," she stammered out, grinning widely. She didn't even notice how much distance was between them.

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"Mmm..." I take it that's a good sign... Her moan had turned him read, not expecting such a vocal response to something as simple as a massage. Something he thought was pretty simple, at least. "You're a bit... clumsy at this, aren't you? Hahaha!" And now he was red for more than just that, beginning to wonder if he was doing such a good job after all. "Hey, at least I'm trying, alright? Give me some credit. I could've just stayed asleep." He kept doing what he was doing though, not wanting to try harder and inevitably press harder as well. She seemed to be enjoying it, so maybe that was just her... being herself. Yeah, that's what it was. You're doing fine, Adrian... "Could you... go back up towards my shoulders? That's where it aches the most right now." He was enjoying feeling around where he was, her lower back, but if she wanted shoulders, then he'd rub there instead, slowly moving his hands up her back. As he pressed his hands against her, he heard her mumble something, " ...ck..." Huh? What was she saying? He leaned in to see if she'd speak again, but she'd started off on her chest again.

"If I was seriously worrying about my chest, I'd have ended up a much different girl, believe me. I'm not worried about it so much as I'm worried you'll just... get bored of me." He snickered, shutting his mouth as she went on. "... I'm not trying to imply that you're just some skirt chaser or that you're that shallow it's just... thoughts linger in my mind, alright?" I would hope not. I'm in this for the long haul, whether you want me or not. "... I've never really been with a guy before, this relationship stuff is totally new to me, and I don't mean to sound clingy but this is just how I feel, I'd be scared to death if I lost you because of something I didn't do. Relationships are give and take, and I can't tell when it's equal or tipped very easily, so I... I find it all confusing." He kept on massaging her as she spoke, smiling at the end. "Well... I don't think me telling you to stop will magically get you to stop worrying, but... try, okay? I'm not going anywhere, even if you want me to." Feels good to say that... it really does.

"Sorry, today was unnecessarily loaded, I should stop thinking about this crap for the rest of the night... but please keep going if you want, this is surprisingly comfortablllllllle, ooohoh yeah, right there, feels sooo gooooooood!" He was halfway back to her shoulders when she began to moan some more, stopping his traveling and rubbing there. "Right here? That feel good?" He pressed up against her back some more, rubbing his palms where he'd stopped. She arched her back, and he didn't know what to make of that. That's a good sign. I think it's a good sign.


"Sorry, was having fun...um..." Amera growled to herself, hoping Mel couldn't hear, knowing that Gideon could. Have fun later, I want to eat now... Mel finally seemed to understand how hungry Amera was, and it almost amused Amera to see her this distressed, trying to find a place to eat. "There!" She just ended up pointing to the same place as Amera had, which lead to a sigh, and a bit of a chuckle. Well, at least we're eating. I just can't stay mad at her... I kinda wish I could, but she's too carefree for me to get mad at... darn it. "How did we - what are the odds, even?" It made Amera laugh a bit as well, nowhere near as hard as Mel, but still. It was an enjoyable coincidence. She looked at Gideon, who seemed really annoyed though, and that turned her happiness down. Mel walked off, and Gideon looked up at her. "You okay back there, or do you want down?"

She hopped off, walking beside him, instead. "That girl is all kinds of strange..." "You seem... really annoyed by her, Gideon. Is she really that bad? I don't think she is... sure, she's loud and a bit too hyper, but, well, so am I." She scratched the back of her head, wondering why Mel was getting on all of Gideon's nerves. Maybe it's because I'm not like that when we're alone? I guess... but he said he wanted me to be more vocal when we were alone. Ahhhhh, I don't understand men! And then a thought hit her, something she didn't want to believe. Maybe... it's just because we're together... no, no he's not that shallow. There's gotta be some other reason. "S-sorry 'bout that" Shook out of her thoughts by Mel, who was already at the door, she smiled. Might as well not think about it. I can ask him later... I think. She took his hand, and rushed them off to the door, pushing inside. She just wanted to sit down and get something to eat already, grabbing the first waiter that came close, "table for three, now, please!"

"Uh- y-yes, follow me, miss."

Finally! Some food! The waiter led them to a four person table, and Amera sat down to relax, flipping through the menu that was handed to her. Wonder what they'll be getting...

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As Adrian kept rubbing, Carrion felt better and better. "This is wonderful I hope you know~!" And after a few moments she let out a contented sigh. "And as for just stopping my worrying, you're right, I don't think I can. I'm kinda... set in my ways, and in my mind I don't feel it's wise to just , you know, completely forget my past experiences, and yet... My body and my heart want to believe you so much when you say you won't leave. It almost makes me feel conflicted, thinking about it, but... it... feels almost good to be that way. I'm probably explaining it terribly, sorry." Turning herself around, she smiled at Adrian before grabbing him by the head and pulling herself right next to him. "Thanks a million for the rub, it was so good! I hope you won't mind giving me more in the future. As for payback, I just don't know. Whatever shall I do, Adrian? Hmmmmmm...? I've been pretty bad, leading you on like that, but come on, you being shirtless is almost unfair, dear! Why, I may just not be able to help myself if this continues!" She giggled, smiled and stared right into Adrian's eyes. "All joking aside... do you want to?"

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Noel’s eyes roll once t the response she receives. ‘Impressive indeed’ is hardly the musings of someone truly awed by another’s achievements when they need to be reminded of the others abilities and strengths. She is silent a second, giving him a small sta. She kind of gets it in that moment, that he doesn’t like Langley that way. And in truth, all it does is make her feel smaller inside, as if those guilty thoughts of him likin her more are being felt unwanted desire, unstated hope. She just nods to his words, ignoring the small burning in her cheeks. And is surprised by a motion she realises is coming too soon, she knows it, but she wants to do this.

Her snout moves to the top of Andy’s passing head and a soft press amongst his hair follows, a small kiss. She murmurs to him with a soft tone while her heart aches with a feeling of betrayal at the smallest touch.

‘You’re a good guy, Andy. But you just have to stand up and be honest sometimes.’


Carrie raises her eyebrows at him, though beneath her hood it’s hard to tell. So she just smiles, a small thought to herself. To test and see if he really does want to hear what she has to say. She folds her arms with a casual movement and with a slow smile recites to him.

‘Alright. I’ve got a good family, me and my mom and dad. Dad’s a bit conservative, you know, the whole ‘dude should protect his children, the girl’s supposed to help raise them.’ Ironic as my dad’s not as fierce as my mom when it comes down to it.’

Carrie gives him a grin as she explains why, slightly relaxing with every word she speaks to him. Like passing a secret from one to another, almost, relieving a burden. Or maybe just enjoyable talking, a good possibility.

‘He’s a watchmaker. I can kind of see why, he loves the components of things, how things work. He’s always trying to get my mom to explain to him things she does so he can understand how she does it. Drives her batty.’

She smirks at memories of her father’s rather meek yeses as her mom threatened him with working the stall on his own if he didn’t butt out of her business one time. Her mom, irons will that one.

‘My mom worked, still does I think, a market stall, selling anything. Really, she’d sell jewellery if she found it, food if she grew it, artwork if she liked it, she loves to work the market really. She’s a maestro of haggling, I kid you not. She once managed to get 40 gold out of some half eaten bread from a nobleman because she convinced him it was the softest bread he’d ever taste. Just so happens I guess the guy was satisfied, even if my dad had eaten the other half of the loaf.’

She smiles up at him, a small worry she’s boring Horatio by continuing with this. Yet as she’s been speaking, her form has slightly slipped back into the chair, her legs have folded over one another and her smile has grown wider up until this point.

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He was beginning to enjoy this, if only because of her reaction. If she hadn't been enjoying it this much, he'd tried to convince her into doing... something else. "This is wonderful I hope you know~!" He smiled, glad to know that he really was doing a good job with it. "Apparently I've got knack for this, that's good..." He was also enjoying the discussion they were having, listening intently to what she had to say. "And as for just stopping my worrying, you're right, I don't think I can." Not surprised there. "I'm kinda... set in my ways, and in my mind I don't feel it's wise to just , you know, completely forget my past experiences, and yet... My body and my heart want to believe you so much when you say you won't leave. Then you should, it's sorta, ya know, true. He mused to himself, as she kept talking. "It almost makes me feel conflicted, thinking about it, but... it... feels almost good to be that way. I'm probably explaining it terribly, sorry." "Yeah, you kinda are, ha ha. I get the gist of it, though, don't worry. And I understand it as well. You're just not comfortable forgetting everything that's happened to you and starting off anew, just yet, and... I can't say I blame you."

She turned and gave him a smile, letting his hands off of her. I guess that means my job is done? But then she was back to being herself, as she almost climbed on top of him and pulled herself close. "Thanks a million for the rub, it was so good! I hope you won't mind giving me more in the future." "No problem, just let me know when," he snuck in, as she continued, "As for payback, I just don't know. Whatever shall I do, Adrian? Hmmmmmm...? I've been pretty bad, leading you on like that, but come on, you being shirtless is almost unfair, dear!" Oh, not this again. He chuckled a bit as she kept going, only making him enjoy her teasing even more. "Why, I may just not be able to help myself if this continues!" He leaned in and gave her a quick kiss, smiling back up at her. "All joking aside... do you want to?" "My my, I don't know. I'm so tired after all that's happened today, I might just... roll over and fall asleep. But... how could I leave you like that? That would be terribly unfair of me, wouldn't it? So, I guess..." he kissed her again, this time longer, sighing a bit afterwards, "that you get to choose, tonight." I chose before, now it's your turn. Don't even try to turn this back onto me, Carrion. He kept his smile, and stared back into her eyes, wondering where she was going to go with it.


Andy didn't expect what was coming in the least, having expected some sort of violence from the girl during their entire conversation. She... kissed me... wha-wha-wha!? Wh-why did she do that!? He was taken aback, almost afraid to move from that position. He was steaming red, and he only listened to what she had to say, ‘You’re a good guy, Andy. But you just have to stand up and be honest sometimes.’ Right, easy enough for you to say, with what you just did! It's not like it was terrible, it was actually pretty nice, but, that was totally uncalled for, and, and... I... His body moved on its own, despite the myriad of protests in his mind, as he turned and gave Noel a hug. Andy, you know what you're doing, right? Right?! Gods, this is going to go terrible wrong in every way imaginable... As quickly as he'd given her a hug, he pulled away, stuttering and mumbling as he tried to find words to say why he'd done that, but he couldn't find anything, shooting himself down the stairs instead.


Right, she's smilin', she seems like she's enjoyin' herself... good. Couldn't bear t'see her the way she was before we got here. Maybe I'm too much of a sucker for girls... But he listened in anyway, wanting to have some sort of conversation while they waited for a server, ‘Alright. I’ve got a good family, me and my mom and dad. Dad’s a bit conservative, you know, the whole ‘dude should protect his children, the girl’s supposed to help raise them.’ Ironic as my dad’s not as fierce as my mom when it comes down to it.’ "Really now? If your dad'n'mum're that protective, what're you doin' all the way out here in Pravna, on yer own?" That's... interestin'. He let her continue instead of pressing his question again, ‘He’s a watchmaker. I can kind of see why, he loves the components of things, how things work. He’s always trying to get my mom to explain to him things she does so he can understand how she does it. Drives her batty.’ Sounds like a pretty borin' guy, t'be honest. But, who am I t'say?

‘My mom worked, still does I think, a market stall, selling anything. Really, she’d sell jewellery if she found it, food if she grew it, artwork if she liked it, she loves to work the market really. She’s a maestro of haggling, I kid you not. She once managed to get 40 gold out of some half eaten bread from a nobleman because she convinced him it was the softest bread he’d ever taste. Just so happens I guess the guy was satisfied, even if my dad had eaten the other half of the loaf.’ "Ha, yer mum sounds like someone I could get along with. But, uh..." he said, wanting to get back to his earlier thought, "why're you out here on your own? Don't you think it's dangerous for a girl like you, so young and beautiful, t'be travelin' without any companions, or weapons? I'd hate t'think of what would happen if ye got jumped by some... less than pleasant people." He couldn't help but take her in, now that they were sitting across from each other. She had... a pretty impressive body, he thought, wondering if she'd notice that little stare he'd given her.

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It was a peaceful scene, the three of them. Maybe Obelia would want to come back to Lushira with them. It wouldn't hurt to ask her. However, the moment was about to be ruined. A trio of crossbow bolts crashed through the window, narrowing missing Ken's head, impaling the wall. It looked like his assailant had returned, with company.

"Obelia. It seems that they're going to try once again. I cannot leave Lady Lucinda alone, and I dare not move her from her bed - there's no telling what would happen if we interrupted her healing process. Could you please assist me in pushing her bed away from the window? Ideally she should remain still, but she's right in the line of fire."

Truth be told, Ken wasn't physically very strong. Hopefully the pair of them could move her before the next round of bolts.

The rather inaccurate super Ken hating assassin trio

It was getting ridiculous, how on earth could he avoid every shot they fired? Was he wise to them? They'd have to go in close, he wouldn't be able to avoid a dagger. He seemed to have a companion with him, but even then it was three versus two. If one of them distracted her, it would leave the other two to take on the priest...


Still fuming over the ignorant barbarian, he continued scheming. He had enough gold for at least a dozen good men, and the promise of more afterwards would keep them on their leashes. It amazed him how selfish some people could be, at least his own work was for the greater good!

There probably wasn't much of the day left, he would have to stop off at the nearest town... except he hadn't seen one yet. It didn't bother him, he was more than confident in his own navigational skills.

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Even with the sight of Lucinda still slumbering, she is content for a second, knowing the man she is learning to call friend is beside her. So as the dark shapes that go fro dots to bolts within the windows view, do so in moments, she grabs Ken, albeit it roughly, by the shoulder, tugging at him to move behind her. The armour might not stop a bolt from piercing through but it might very well stop him from dying.

'I will move her. Stay behind me and do not move from that position.'

She sounds cold as she says it, for battle is not the place for overt emotion, for letting someone get hurt in a panic. She darts her hands down and while she takes a moment to steady her breathing, she grunts, lightly tugging the bed across, making sure he stays right behind her.



She pauses and just silently, stares. Her eyes turn to the boy hugging her and can only watch with a silent disbelief at the response to her touch. She is slightly silent though her mouth is open too. He moves back, trying to stammer, to respond but he darts.

Oh no. Not like that, she thinks. She moves after him, hesitant but moving on muscled legs, running down after him, hesitant but reaching for his arm with an outstretched hand, her red fingernails brushing his sleeve.

'Andy, wait!'


'Well, why I'm here isn't exactly news, Horatio.'

She grins at him with a slightly tired smile to her; understanding that what reason she's about to give is the tired and tested reason for doing stupid things such as this.

'I wanted to prove I could be somebody, you know? Have an adventure, come back world-learned and strong. So dad might shake off his attitude and mom would know I could take care of myself.'

She rubs her cheek a bit and pokes at the bridge of her glasses, nudging them up even as she looks through the very cracked lenses, small flecks of glass coming from the tiniest movements.

'So I left and wrote them a note. I know it's not the right thing to do, but otherwise I thought I'd never get the chance, you know? Be stuck in a shell and believe the worlds all roses the rest of my life. And after what happened the last place I was, I know now that's… well, not true.'

Memories of the riot echo back to her and she remembers with a shudder the knife in her bag from that trip, now resting at the bottom of her bag. She is silent a second but smiles soon again, giggling slightly at the notion him and her mom would get along. However, as she speaks next, hearing his words, she both smirks at first and then suddenly looks so serious, as if tired from the idea of such a notion.

'Well, first…' the smirk rises to her lips. 'Did you just call me beautiful, Horatio? And second…' and then, the serious glance to him, one that isn't meant to put him off but conveys her best answer. 'I have to learn to defend myself. If someone came and hurt my family, tried to take them away, my friends, my life, what can I do? Just sit there and wave them off, lay down and pretend to be dead…?'

The thought, the image that comes into her head she dismisses but she rubs her stomach, feeling a bit ill from even that idea, that fate for her home, her friends… her parents.

Edited by NagafenOfIlivikitty
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"You're leaving it to me...?" Bringing her face back ever so slightly, she had a slightly confused look. "If that's the case, and you're so tired... Then nope, not tonight." She decided to give him a tight hug instead. "I'd rather just sit her and snuggle with you for a bit. And besides, it'll just make when we finally do do it all the more special!" Letting her body go limp on Adrian, she smiled. "You want me to talk you to sleep or something? I'm still kind of restless at the moment, your backrub was great by the way..." She began to nuzzle up to his neck as she said that. "I really gotta ask though. Are you really ok with me like this? The teasing has to be getting annoying to you by now, it has to be! Come oooon, you do know I do that because I really don't know what to do for you, right? I got nothing to work with! But it's OK. If you enjoy it, I won't bother switching it up... So come on, I hardly know anything about you except, like, you're a cute guy that I accidentally killed not too long ago... Or if you just wanna sleep the night away, that's alright too."

Edited by SlaveKitty
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Only managing to get himself halfway down the stairs before he was stopped by Noel's grasping hand, he waited for what he knew was going to be aggravation, taking what she said as such, 'Andy, wait!' "F-For what? For you to c-catch up so that I can get berated for something I did that I don't understand, myself? So that I can be even more awkward around you and these confusing feelings? People aren't supposed to like other people this much right away, it takes time, but you... I-I just don't get it, and it's seriously beginning to unnerve me, alright? I'm sorry, but... j-just let me get something to eat and clear my head." He wrenched his sleeve out of her grip, rushing down the rest of the stairs and into what looked like the kitchen. This isn't happening, Andy. This can't be happening. You've just met her, she's Langley's best friend, and she's an animal! Though... you don't really care about that last part, do you? No... no, you don't.


You seem intent on this, girlie... Carrie seemed to have a good reason for being all alone out in Pravna, so Horatio put his chin in his hands and listened in. 'I wanted to prove I could be somebody, you know? Have an adventure, come back world-learned and strong. So dad might shake off his attitude and mom would know I could take care of myself.' He chuckled, but he smiled, not wanting to insult her. "I guess that's a good reason t'want t'spend some time on yer own. Bit dangerous, but, I'm alone most of th'time, so, who am I t'say you can't be?" He kept listening as she continued her story, 'So I left and wrote them a note. I know it's not the right thing to do, but otherwise I thought I'd never get the chance, you know? Be stuck in a shell and believe the worlds all roses the rest of my life. And after what happened the last place I was, I know now that's… well, not true.' He frowned for a moment, but went back to a half smile. "So... yer parents don't know you're out here, do they? They're probably worried sick, y'know? Ah, well... I'm sure you'll go back one day." He leaned back in his chair at this point, wondering where their server was.

Suddenly, Carrie became serious, which came out of nowhere for Horatio, making sure he payed attention to her. 'Well, first… Did you just call me beautiful, Horatio? And second…' "Ha! Why, yes, I did. I hope that's not a problem." He was smirking, but she was still serious. Well, this sure has taken a turn for somethin'... yeah, I've got no idea. Dunno why she's being this serious, either. 'I have to learn to defend myself. If someone came and hurt my family, tried to take them away, my friends, my life, what can I do? Just sit there and wave them off, lay down and pretend to be dead…?' Never mind, I get it now... "Carrie, yeah, I understand ye. That's a pretty noble reason t'want t'do somethin', too. Just lemme know if y'need some help with that, yeah? I'm always around... for the right price. Speakin' of price, I'm gettin' you some new glasses. Those ones're broken too far." It was at this point that their server showed up, Horatio telling the man that he wanted soup. "And you, Carrie? It's on me."


"You're leaving it to me...?" "Yeah, why not? I've been making most of the decisions all day, now it's your turn." He smirked and sighed, wondering where she'd go with it. It's Carrion, so... it's either all or nothing. Kinda hoping it's all... But, it wasn't. "If that's the case, and you're so tired... Then nope, not tonight." But he got a hug out of it instead, giving her a less tight hug back. "I'd rather just sit her and snuggle with you for a bit. And besides, it'll just make when we finally do do it all the more special!" He gave her a puzzled, but playful glance. "Are you sure that you're the same girl? Like, where's Carrion, who're you? Ha ha..." Hearing her talk about snuggling was something that, two weeks ago, he'd never even have thought about. It was a bit disarming to hear her say it, now. Not that it's a bad thing, it's a lot better than getting some sort of death threat.

"You want me to talk you to sleep or something? I'm still kind of restless at the moment, your backrub was great by the way..." "Suuuuuure, mommy, tell me a story. I bet that'll help me fall asleep, ha ha." She began to press up against his neck instead, which was a bit of a tease, but he was fine with it. Though, she began to go on about her teasing, which sort of concerned him. "I really gotta ask though. Are you really ok with me like this? The teasing has to be getting annoying to you by now, it has to be! "Not in the least." Not really, but maybe a little bit... "Come oooon, you do know I do that because I really don't know what to do for you, right? I got nothing to work with! But it's OK. If you enjoy it, I won't bother switching it up... Oh, so you want ideas. Oh boy... "So come on, I hardly know anything about you except, like, you're a cute guy that I accidentally killed not too long ago... Or if you just wanna sleep the night away, that's alright too."

"I really wish I had more to tell you about me. You already know about what's happened to my family, so there's not much else there... about me, though? Well, I like cooking. And I enjoy relaxing like this. And camping, camping is amazing. I'm pretty simple otherwise, nothing outstanding. Maybe I can cook for you one day? Once we get the chance where I could actually sit down and properly make some food. How does that sound?" He was enjoying the thought of that, getting a house with her, their own kitchen, their own food, but... then the thought of Carrion in nothing but an apron popped into his head, which made him blush a pretty deep red. Uh oh. She's going to want to know why I'm blushing. Uhhhh... He tried as best as he could to think of something to make the thought go away, but it wasn't going anywhere. "A-And as for your teasing, I don't really have a problem with it. So, tired yet? Want to get to sleep?" He decided that going off of the subject would be the easiest way to get his mind off of it.

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<She's on a horse>


"I suppose that... settles it, then." The guild owner slowly began handing over the payment, shivering (geddit?) all the while. Cyrus then left the guild, the streets nearly empty now at this time of night.

Anticipating nothing more would happen, he took a slow walk back home.

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'I will move her. Stay behind me and do not move from that position.'

Obelia had positioned him behind her, surely she wasn't planning to use herself as a shield? There wasn't too much Ken could do for her, he had no knowledge of any barrier magic. The best he could would be to stay in position and not to compromise her safety.

"OK, I shall remain in position, but please let me heal you as needed."

If only there was a way to block off the windows, that would at least provide some cover.



It seemed the girl was going to defend him. No matter, their plan had accounted for this. The other two were climbing the stairs as the pair spoke, just audible but hopefully quiet enough. The "sniper" began to reload him crossbow, her armour didn't look that thick.

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OOC: Can anyone tell me what has happened in Chapter 5 so far? Those 29 pages intimidate me. Also, I'd appreciate if someone told me where you guys are, so I can get a grasp of what I should do now.

EDIT: Woops, sorry!

Edited by Lorddomu
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OOC: Don't post your questions in this thread, please. There's a chat thread in the chat section for a reason. Either that, or ask Slaveblade on Skype, like he mentioned he has. With that out of the way, I'd appreciate you not responding to this, and I'll ask a mod to get rid of these in a bit.

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"Oh don't give me that crap!" Suddenly, she pushed him down flat on the bed, smiling the whole time as she placed herself right on top of him again. "I don't believe for a second that you're just some average guy. You died. I mean, just think about that. Not to mention, you took pity on me based on nothing. I don't think an average kid woulda done that, they'd have run away after seeing what I do. Though to be fair, you did try to run away, but only once. You seemed complacent to stay by my side after that, even though I didn't want you at the time. Also, you've had sex with the Crimson Witch... granted so have a few other people, but..." she turned away for a moment, not looking him in the eye, "Um... what was I saying... Oh yeah, you're going out with the Crimson Witch! I don't necessarily like the title, but it is a legend. Something an average guy couldn't achieve, lemme tell you." Of course, seeing him blush so deeply at his own comments only intrigued Carrion more, her head on her hands. "Oh boy, now I KNOW you're not average. You've got quite an active imagination I'll bet! Maybe, just maybe, when we're done with all this violence and travelling, I'll act out some of your perverted fantasies, 'kay~?" Bringing a hand to his face, she began to stroke it. "Good heavens you're warm! It must be pretty sweet in your mind right now I'll bet! Care to let me in on it, you naughty little boy?"

"A-And as for your teasing, I don't really have a problem with it. So, tired yet? Want to get to sleep?"

"Aaw, you're no fun!" Even though she was getting quite tired she really wanted o know what he was thinking. "Do I have to beg you to tell me? Pleeease Adrian? Pretty pleeease?"

OoC: Well. If you can hop on Skype, Google Chat, Mibbit (Darkmyst.org) I can give you an info dump if you'd like. Also, take this to the AS Chat thread right here please.

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‘Go ahead. Oh and sorry for this.’

Her apology, Obelia’s eyes screwed up a moment as she glances to the window, know this shot will not hit or is very unlikely to. So with that in her head, she turns her wrist, keeping it slow so her body stays in front of him. But with a draw opened at Lucinda’s bedside, she takes the knife out, swinging her arm, letting the knife go so it’s blade soars through the open window. And to what result, she does not know.



She see’s him wrench free as he says those words and of course, they’re right. The worst thing is she doesn’t know why that huts the most. It’s very quick, these feelings, maybe that’s what worries her. That and Langley. She lets him go to indeed the kitchen, a rather plain but well filled affair of a makeshift rather large freezer, a stove, a kitchen table and chairs, the usual. So Noel just sits there and waits in the corridor, so confusing this morning has this been.


Horatio’s responses take her through a number of her own reactions, ones which don’t leave her feeling, well, as alone as she has. His words to her reason for example make her smile a bit, a slow rub of her cheek following as she feels it grow warm at words of understand, not derision. She lightly feels her heart sink though, knowing now with confirmation, a note cannot assuage a parents fear. She just nods a bit, realising she may have taken the mood down the wrong street.

‘I will go home, one day. But not today.’

She says it with a degree of assurance despite the fact her guilt grows ever so slightly, wondering if her parents have cried or something close since she left. Or maybe they just keep living, that’s all. His remark to her supposed beauty makes her smile a bit, an honest one as she responds.

‘If you had any idea how much I’ve wanted a guy to just say that, for however long it’s been, you’d know I have no qualms with you sayin’ it, Horatio.’

Price. She hesitates but for some reason, knowing she doesn’t have much money, she doesn’t want to leave him either. She’s just met a guy, who despite his appearance, despite the mention of money, honestly called her beautiful. So it’s with a slight ignorance of the waiter, she hesitates but reaches into her bag, tugs out the still rather fat wallet of money and lets it rest on the table, saying with a hesitation.

‘I hope that’s the right place for you to want to see me again.’

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‘Go ahead. Oh and sorry for this.’

A knife flew off into the distance, Ken wondered if it hit its target - and how badly they would be hurt.

"It's quite alright, I appreciate your concern for my safety."

Anti-Ken Unit

Just as he was about to load another shot, a knife came hurtling out of nowhere. That girl wasn't to be underestimated, she was strong - a knife shouldn't reach this far. It brushed past his crossbow, severing the bowstring. It meant that he'd have to go in close too, but from the front...

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