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[FE11] And now... The SOYO Knickerbocker Recruit-All--Drafted-Units Random Reclass Roundup!


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Chapter 12 - 9/82 Turns

Linde kept stealing Caesers kills with crits :facepalm:

I didn't have a unit that could double the boss, so Wendall had to take him down with two Excalibur shots. A crit would have been nice, and saved a turn, but oh well. Sedgar visited the sword shop since I have tons of money. He bought lots of Silver Swords in case Linde ever promotes. And Bord can use them soon too I guess.

It wasn't a complete loss, I picked up Tomas the curate and Linde got defence :facepalm:

Marth     Jesus          18.54    31  15    0    15   16   18  10    0   A Sword
Barst     Slug           15.27    31  15    0    11    7   10  19    0   C Lance
Bord      Merc           14.04    25  14    0    17   14   10   7    0   C Sword
Julian    Thief          10.56    22   8    0     9   16   12   6    0   D Sword
Sedgar    Horseman    ??/06.26    28   9    1    11   11    4  11    2   C Bow D Sword
Roshea    Curate         11.33    26   2    1     7    5    5   4    9   C Staff
Wendall   Sage        ??/08.99    27   3    5     4   14    3   5    7   A Tome C Staff
Caeser    Dark Mage      08.25    25   2    2     3    7    7   6    4   D Tome
Linde     Myrmidon       04.53    21   3    0    13   17   10   6    1   E Sword
Tomas     Curate         08.00    22   2    1     4    5    4   3    6   E Staff

Whitefang, Linde does 5X2 to thieves and mages, and tinks pretty much everything else. She probably does 2x2 or something to archers. Wendall is good in any class, and I had a 1/3 chance of Excalibur, and I lucked out. Bord is going to start picking up after 12x though, I'm gonna feed him a ton of levels, and he has C Axes on promotion.

Also, fed Bord a speedwing and Energy drop.

Chapter 12x - 20 Turns

Bord hit level 17, I guess that warrents a promotion. He got some good levels this chapter too. He's gonna be deadly.

Marth     Jesus          18.64    31  15    0    15   16   18  10    0   A Sword
Barst     Slug        16/01.00    41  17    0    13   11   11  23    0   B Lance E Bow
Bord      Merc        17/01.00    34  18    0    21   17   11  12    0   B Sword C Axe
Julian    Thief          11.22    23   8    0    10   16   12   7    0   D Sword
Sedgar    Horseman    ??/06.45    28   9    1    11   11    4  11    2   C Bow D Sword
Roshea    Curate         13.38    27   2    1     9    5    6   4    9   C Staff
Wendall   Sage        ??/09.11    27   3    5     4   14    3   5    7   A Tome C Staff
Caeser    Dark Mage      09.66    26   2    2     4    7    7   6    4   D Tome
Linde     Myrmidon       05.63    22   3    0    13   17   11   7    1   E Sword
Tomas     Curate         09.12    23   2    1     4    6    4   3    6   E Staff
Horace    Horseman    ??/03.00    24  13    1    15   12    7   8    3   D Bow E Sword

General promotion gains are ridiculous. Bord is also ridiculous. Sedgar is :/

Chapter 13 - 4/86 Turns

Bord didn't have enough movement to kill the boss on turn 3, he could only use a hand axe instead of a Silver Sword, so it took an extra turn. Horace ORKO'd the bottom ballistae with a steel bow, Wendall and Sedgar took the north, and Barst, Marth and Bord went up the middle. No level ups, so no stats.

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Chapter 14 - 6/92 Turns

Bord and Marth ran towards Jiol, with Marth unlocking the door. Julian and the others charged down to get the silver card, while Horace and Tomas stayed back, and sniped archers/healed Horace.

Marth     Jesus          19.48    32  15    0    15   16   19  10    1   A Sword
Barst     Slug        16/02.13    41  17    0    13   11   12  23    0   B Lance E Bow
Bord      Merc        17/02.45    35  18    0    22   17   11  12    0   B Sword C Axe
Julian    Thief          12.60    24   8    0    10   16   13   7    0   C Sword
Sedgar    Horseman    ??/06.98    28   9    1    11   11    4  11    2   C Bow D Sword
Roshea    Curate         14.26    27   2    1    10    6    6   4    9   C Staff
Wendall   Sage        ??/09.85    27   3    7     4   14    3   5    7   A Tome C Staff
Caeser    Dark Mage      10.06    26   2    3     4    8    7   6    4   D Tome
Linde     Myrmidon       05.85    22   3    0    13   17   11   7    1   D Sword
Tomas     Curate         09.57    23   2    1     4    6    4   3    6   E Staff
Horace    Horseman    ??/04.27    25  13    1    15   12    7   8    3   D Bow E Sword

Caeser got speed and magic!

Chapter 15 - 5/97 Turns

Turns out you rarely need a 10 movement unit to get the lowest turncounts more often then not. Bord OHKO'd the boss with a steel axe, while Horace, Sedgar, and to a lesser extent, Barst, escorted Marth there.

Marth     Jesus          19.48    32  15    0    15   16   19  10    1   A Sword
Barst     Slug        16/02.55    41  17    0    13   11   12  23    0   B Lance E Bow
Bord      Merc        17/03.33    35  19    0    22   17   12  12    0   B Sword C Axe
Julian    Thief          12.60    24   8    0    10   16   13   7    0   C Sword
Sedgar    Horseman    ??/07.34    29  10    1    12   11    5  12    2   C Bow D Sword
Roshea    Curate         14.26    27   2    1    10    6    6   4    9   C Staff
Wendall   Sage        ??/10.36    27   3    7     4   14    3   5    9   A Tome C Staff
Caeser    Dark Mage      10.06    26   2    3     4    8    7   6    4   D Tome
Linde     Myrmidon       05.85    22   3    0    13   17   11   7    1   D Sword
Tomas     Curate         09.57    23   2    1     4    6    4   3    6   E Staff
Horace    Horseman    ??/04.85    25  13    1    15   12    7   8    3   D Bow E Sword

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Chapter 16 - 7/104 Turns

Didn't have enough punch aside from Bord to get to the throne on time, so an extra turn was taken. Marth got tons of exp, as he murdered like half of the map. Bord got the two heroes at the start.

Marth     Jesus          20.89    33  16    0    16   16   19  10    1   A Sword
Barst     Slug        16/02.85    41  17    0    13   11   12  23    0   B Lance E Bow
Bord      Merc        17/05.43    37  20    0    23   18   14  12    0   B Sword C Axe
Julian    Thief          12.89    24   8    0    10   16   13   7    0   C Sword
Sedgar    Horseman    ??/07.80    29  10    1    12   11    5  12    2   C Bow D Sword
Roshea    Curate         15.36    28   2    1    10    6    6   4    9   C Staff
Wendall   Sage        ??/10.61    27   3    7     4   14    3   5    9   A Tome C Staff
Caeser    Dark Mage      10.06    26   2    3     4    8    7   6    4   D Tome
Linde     Myrmidon       05.85    22   3    0    13   17   11   7    1   D Sword
Tomas     Curate         09.87    23   2    1     4    6    4   3    6   E Staff
Horace    Horseman    ??/05.22    26  13    1    16   12    7   8    3   C Bow E Sword
Xane      Chameleon      Whatever Whoever he's impersonating, most likely Bord.

Why is Horace better than Sedgar :/

Also looks like I'm missing the Gaiden, unless I can feed an obscene amount of generics and Linde to the fire dragon.

Chapter 17 - 3/107 Turns

Bord is actually so good.

He soloed the map after Julian opened the door.

Is it just me, or is he luck blessed? Isn't his base luck like, 1?

Looks like I got the Gaiden. Time to make Linde into a death machine she did 2x2 to a cavalier a couple chapters ago with a steel sword

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I'm going to keep poking away at this until I reach a chapter I don't like (like chapter 23).

Chapter 17x - 20 Turns

For some reason, I hate the last three gaiden chapters, and like the first two.

Marth     Jesus          20.89    33  16    0    16   16   19  10    1   A Sword
Barst     Slug        16/07.88    44  17    0    16   12   14  26    0   A Lance E Bow
Bord      Hero        17/09.03    40  23    0    25   20   16  12    0   B Sword B Axe
Julian    Thief          13.03    25   9    0    10   16   13   8    0   C Sword
Sedgar    Horseman    ??/10.05    33  12    1    14   14    6  13    2   C Bow D Sword
Roshea    Bishop      15/02.00    34   3    4    11    7    6   4   11   B Staff E Tome
Wendall   Sage        ??/10.76    27   3    7     4   14    3   5    9   A Tome C Staff
Caeser    Sorcerer    10/02.44    33   4    5     5    9    7   6    7   C Tome D Staff
Linde     Myrmidon       05.85    22   3    0    13   17   11   7    1   D Sword
Tomas     Curate         09.87    23   2    1     4    6    4   3    6   D Staff
Horace    Horseman    ??/05.22    26  13    1    16   12    7   8    3   C Bow E Sword
Xane      Chameleon      Whatever Whoever he's impersonating, most likely Bord.

Chapter 18 - 7/114 Turns

I was too lazy to reset for a 6 turn clear. On the plus side, Horace killed Est for Mercurius.

Gave Horace a dragonshield and speedwing. He's killing Medeus :)

Marth     Jesus          21.88    34  16    0    16   16   20  11    1   A Sword
Barst     Slug        16/07.88    44  17    0    16   12   14  26    0   A Lance E Bow
Bord      Hero        17/10.56    41  24    0    26   21   16  13    0   B Sword B Axe
Julian    Thief          13.03    25   9    0    10   16   13   8    0   C Sword
Sedgar    Horseman    ??/10.86    33  12    1    14   14    6  13    2   B Bow D Sword
Roshea    Bishop      15/02.40    34   3    4    11    7    6   4   11   B Staff E Tome
Wendall   Sage        ??/10.76    27   3    7     4   14    3   5    9   A Tome C Staff
Caeser    Sorcerer    10/02.44    33   4    5     5    9    7   6    7   C Tome D Staff
Linde     Myrmidon       05.85    22   3    0    13   17   11   7    1   D Sword
Tomas     Curate         09.87    23   2    1     4    6    4   3    6   D Staff
Horace    Horseman    ??/08.41    26  14    1    16   16    7  10    3   B Bow E Sword
Xane      Chameleon      Whatever Whoever he's impersonating, most likely Bord.

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Chapter 19 - 5/119 Turns

Horace got strength/speed/luck/defence in one level. What is happening.

Xane got me a seraph robe and Geosphere, while Julian got me a bunch of money and a bolganone.

Gave Horace the seraph robe from this chapter. Also, got the spheres. Bord is like one swing of a sword away from Mercurius.

Marth     Jesus          22.35    35  16    0    16   17   21  11    1   A Sword
Barst     Slug        16/08.35    45  17    0    16   12   15  26    0   A Lance E Bow
Bord      Hero        17/11.03    41  24    0    27   22   16  13    0   B Sword B Axe
Julian    Thief          13.03    25   9    0    10   16   13   8    0   C Sword
Sedgar    Horseman    ??/11.30    35  13    1    15   15    6  14    2   B Bow D Sword
Roshea    Bishop      15/02.56    34   3    4    11    7    6   4   11   B Staff E Tome
Wendall   Sage        ??/11.50    27   3    7     4   14    3   5    9   A Tome C Staff
Caeser    Sorcerer    10/02.68    33   4    5     5    9    7   6    7   C Tome D Staff
Linde     Myrmidon       05.85    22   3    0    13   17   11   7    1   D Sword
Tomas     Curate         09.87    23   2    1     4    6    4   3    6   D Staff
Horace    Horseman    ??/09.14    33  15    1    16   17    8  11    3   B Bow E Sword
Xane      Chameleon      Whatever Whoever he's impersonating, most likely Bord.

Chapter 20 - 5/124 Turns

Ha! My first pick costed me no turns!

Undrafted Shiida flew towards Lorenz (when she was able) and she had just enough movement to talk to him on turn 5. Bord ORKO'd Camus with a hand axe (:facepalm:) and Marth tailed behind. Screw the gaiden, I don't want to do it anyhow.


Marth     Not Jesus      22.85    35  16    0    16   17   21  11    1   A Sword
Barst     Slug        16/09.17    46  18    0    17   12   15  27    0   A Lance E Bow
Bord      Hero        17/12.89    42  25*   0    27   22   17  13    0   A Sword B Axe
Julian    Thief          13.64    25   9    0    10   16   13   8    0   C Sword
Sedgar    Horseman    ??/11.65    35  13    1    15   15    6  14    2   B Bow D Sword
Roshea    Bishop      15/02.72    34   3    4    11    7    6   4   11   B Staff E Tome
Wendall   Sage        ??/11.50    27   3    7     4   14    3   5    9   A Tome C Staff
Caeser    Sorcerer    10/02.85    33   4    5     5    9    7   6    7   C Tome D Staff
Linde     Myrmidon       05.85    22   3    0    13   17   11   7    1   D Sword
Tomas     Curate      10/01.24    31   3    3     5    6    4   3    9   C Staff E Tome
Horace    Horseman    ??/09.68    33  15    1    16   17    8  11    3   B Bow E Sword
Xane      Chameleon      Whatever Whoever he's impersonating, most likely Bord.
Lorenz    Warrior     ??/05.14    32  10    0     2   10    2   7    1   B Bow D Axe

Lorenz comes with a B bows, very nice. Also, what kind of prepremote has 2 skill!

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I'm by ch. 5 and Marth is already lv. 15! :awesome: He solo's every map :facepalm: BUT!!!

...on the bright side Lena got str, luck and def on her first level up!!! :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: But Norne is just fail, Lena has more def than her and both have almost the same str. I'll make the turn count and stats post until I finish it.

EDIT: What the?! Why do I have Marcia again? I had Tauroneo...but well, Marcia is better than Tauros :newyears:

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Chapter 21 - 3/129 Turns

I did 20x, forgot to get stats, and it was completed in like, 12 turns because everything was dead.

Marth     Not Jesus      23.75    36  17    0    16   18   21  11    1   A Sword
Barst     Slug        16/10.55    46  18    0    17   12   16  27    0   A Lance E Bow
Bord      Hero        17/16.45    46  25*   0    29   22   19  13    0   A Sword B Axe
Julian    Thief          14.21    25   9    0    11   16   14   8    0   C Sword
Sedgar    Horseman    ??/12.08    36  14    1    16   16    6  15    2   B Bow D Sword
Roshea    Bishop      15/03.30    35   3    5    11    8    6   4   12   A Staff E Tome
Wendall   Sage        ??/11.68    27   3    7     4   14    3   5    9   A Tome C Staff
Caeser    Sorcerer    10/03.11    33   4    5     6   10    7   6    8   C Tome D Staff
Linde     Myrmidon       08.29    24   3    1    14   20   14   7    1   D Sword
Tomas     Curate      10/01.32    31   3    3     5    6    4   3    9   C Staff E Tome
Horace    Horseman    ??/11.49    35  21    1    23   23   15  12    3   B Bow E Sword
Xane      Chameleon      Whatever Whoever he's impersonating, most likely Bord.
Lorenz    Warrior     ??/07.12    33  11    0     2   12    2   7    1   B Bow D Axe


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I'm by Ch. 13, the team's going really good, especially Lena, who by lv. 14 has reached 9 str :awesome: , but she needed a seraph robe though. Julian is just being abused for his thieving abilities, lol. Thanks to Lena, I 8 turned ch. 12 :awesome: .

EDIT: :wtf: !! Again Tauroneo?! :facepalm:

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And finally, I've beaten this SOYO draft. The results are as they follow:

Turn count

Prologue I: 6

Prologue II: 8

Prologue III: 12

Prologue IV: 12

Ch. 1: 8

Ch. 2: 5

Ch. 3: 7

Ch. 4: 8

Ch. 5: 5

Ch. 6: 10

Ch. 6x: 10

Ch. 7: 7

Ch. 8: 5

Ch. 9: 5

Ch. 10: 14

Ch. 11: 9

Ch. 12: 8

Ch. 12x: 20

Ch. 13: 5

Ch. 14: 6

Ch. 15: 5

Ch. 16: 7

Ch. 17: 3

Ch. 17x: 20

Ch. 18: 6

Ch. 19: 5

Ch. 20: 5

Ch. 20x: 17

Ch. 21: 3

Ch. 22: 8

Ch. 23: 7

Ch. 24: 4

Ch. 24x: 10

Endgame: 5

Final Turn Count: 160 turns

General Notes:

- The team was really overshadowed by Draco Lena and her load of stat boosters, lol. The rest had not enough movement to surpass her.

- This was my crappiest Marth, her def was 10 by lv. 20, so he needed some dracoshields.

Name     Class          Lv.   Hp  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res   Weapon Rank

Marth    Lord          28.77  39   22    0   20   25   29   13    1   Swords A
Norne    Swordmaster   12.07  43   17    1   23   28   18   12    3   Swords A
Julian   Thief         06.90  20    6    0    9   14   10    5    0   Swords D
Lena     Dracoknight   15.38  50   23    2   25   23   29   19    9   Lances A, Axes C
Wolf     Warrior       17.73  56   22    0   13   20   14   16    0   Axes A, Bows D
Hardin   Swordmaster   15.04  57   19    1   29   30   18   15    4   Swords A
Athena   Sage          09.92  38    9   17   13   18   14    6   14   Tomes B, Staves D
Minerva  Sniper        13.04  35   13    0   16   21   16   11    3   Bows A
Jake     Ballistician  20.03  27   13    0    9   11   11   23    0
Beck     Ballistician  16.36  28   10    0   10   10   13   20    0
Ymir     Warrior       13.12  48   19    0   13   16    5    9    1   Axes B. Bows D
Elice    Dracoknight   01.00  28   8     3   12   12    9   12    6   Lances D, Axes E

:newyears: MVPs and Fails :facepalm:

Marth: :newyears: He definitely goes for one of the bests, however, he ended with a crappy def. He couldn't handle the wave of cavs and pallies in the Sable Order.

Norne: A filler unit, nothing special.

Julian: Looooll, he ruined my strategies in the early chapters, so I decided to abuse his thieving skills.

Lena: MVP of the SOYO run :awesome: . Her +2 base def was really helpful at early game since enemies have crappy attack, so she began doing chip damage. Suddenly she began gaining str consecutively :awesome: , at least in two level ups. Once promoted she took the lead. She reached A lances really quick, and got ridiculously better with stat boosters.

Wolf & Hardin: Good team. Wolf sucks at first but as soon as he gets some level ups, he gets better.

Athena: Lol, biggest fail. However, somehow useful.

Minerva: Nothing special, useful when using a longbow.

Jake & Beck: Pretty good team when killing mages, thieves, bishops, curates and ballisticians (piiikaaa.... :awesome: ).

Ymir & Elice: :facepalm:

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Chapter 22 - 7/136 turns

Bord, Xane and Horace killed most everything, and Bord hit A in axes. Horace is killing Medeus, fuck yeah

Marth     Not Jesus      23.75    36  17    0    16   18   21  11    1   A Sword
Barst     Slug        16/10.55    46  18    0    17   12   16  27    3   A Lance E Bow
Bord      Hero        17/18.45    48  25*   0    30   22   20  13    3   A Sword A Axe
Julian    Thief          14.21    25   9    0    11   16   14   8    0   C Sword
Sedgar    Horseman    ??/12.08    36  14    1    16   16    6  15    2   B Bow D Sword
Roshea    Bishop      15/03.30    35   3    5    11    8    6   4   12   A Staff E Tome
Wendall   Sage        ??/11.68    27   3    7     4   14    3   5    9   A Tome C Staff
Caeser    Sorcerer    10/03.11    33   4    5     6   10    7   6    8   C Tome D Staff
Linde     Myrmidon       08.29    24   3    1    14   20   14   7    1   D Sword
Tomas     Curate      10/01.32    31   3    3     5    6    4   3    9   C Staff E Tome
Horace    Horseman    ??/13.23    37  22    1    23   24   15  13    3   B Bow E Sword
Xane      Chameleon      Whatever Whoever he's impersonating, most likely Bord.
Lorenz    Warrior     ??/07.12    33  11    0     2   12    2   7    1   B Bow D Axe

Chapter 23 - 7/143 turns

Horace, Sedgar, and Bord cleared the way for Marth to get to the top of the tower. Man, the rest of my team is useless.

Got the Talisman, gave it to Horace.

Marth     Not Jesus      24.34    37  17    0    16   18   21  11    1   A Sword
Barst     Slug        16/11.25    46  18    0    17   13   16  28    3   A Lance E Bow
Bord      Hero        17/20.00    50  25*   0    30   23   20  13    3   A Sword A Axe
Julian    Thief          14.41    25   9    0    11   16   14   8    0   C Sword
Sedgar    Horseman    ??/13.70    38  15    1    17   16    6  17    2   B Bow C Sword
Roshea    Bishop      15/03.40    35   3    5    11    8    6   4   12   A Staff E Tome
Wendall   Sage        ??/11.98    27   3    7     4   14    3   5    9   A Tome C Staff
Caeser    Sorcerer    10/03.11    33   4    5     6   10    7   6    8   C Tome D Staff
Linde     Myrmidon       08.29    24   3    1    14   20   14   7    1   D Sword
Tomas     Curate      10/01.32    31   3    3     5    6    4   3    9   C Staff E Tome
Horace    Horseman    ??/15.00    38  23    1    24   25   15  14    3   B Bow E Sword
Xane      Chameleon      Whatever Whoever he's impersonating, most likely Bord.
Lorenz    Warrior     ??/07.12    33  11    0     2   12    2   7    1   B Bow D Axe

Chapter 24 - 5/150 turns

Bord was a bit slow going over the mountains. Generic fetched me a pile of statboosters. Forgot to grab stats until endamge.

Chapter 24x - free (10)/150 turns

Spammed Horace, gave him statboosters for great justice.

Endgame - 5/155 turns

Didn't have enough mov to do this in 4, Bord whacked Medeus with Mercurius, then Horace finished with Parthia!

Marth     Not Jesus      26.23    38  17    0    18   18   21  11    3   A Sword
Barst     Slug        16/11.25    46  18    0    17   13   16  28    3   A Lance E Bow
Bord      Hero        17/20.00    50  25*   0    30   23   20  13    3   A Sword A Axe
Julian    Thief          14.41    25   9    0    11   16   14   8    0   C Sword
Sedgar    Horseman    ??/13.70    38  15    1    17   16    6  17    2   B Bow C Sword
Roshea    Bishop      15/03.40    35   3    5    11    8    6   4   12   A Staff E Tome
Wendall   Sage        ??/11.98    27   3    7     4   14    3   5    9   A Tome C Staff
Caeser    Sorcerer    10/03.11    33   4    5     6   10    7   6    8   C Tome D Staff
Linde     Myrmidon       08.29    24   3    1    14   20   14   7    1   D Sword
Tomas     Curate      10/01.32    31   3    3     5    6    4   3    9   C Staff E Tome
Horace    Horseman    ??/20.00    59  24    1    25   27   15  20   11   A Bow E Sword
Xane      Chameleon      Whatever Whoever he's impersonating, most likely Bord.
Lorenz    Warrior     ??/07.12    33  11    0     2   12    2   7    1   B Bow D Axe

MVP was by far Bord, if he haden't existed as a Hero, I would have been screwed.

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