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The Resistance 2


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##Give plans to: Paper, zorbees, Psych, RD, Kay

I still don't trust anyone who voted yes on Team 1.4 when they weren't on said team, especially Kevin

Because of RD and paper i will say no. After all they were on the failed mission.

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That's pretty sketchy reasoning, unless you are suggesting we only approve a mission if none of the people on it were on that mission, which would be pretty awkward on the likely chance that there were 2 or less spies on Mission 2.5

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Because of RD and paper i will say no. After all they were on the failed mission.

You were also on the failed mission. Does that make you a Spy?

Edit: Wait, no you weren't. My bad.

Double Edit: Wait, yes you were. I was looking at Paper's proposal.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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That's pretty sketchy reasoning, unless you are suggesting we only approve a mission if none of the people on it were on that mission, which would be pretty awkward on the likely chance that there were 2 or less spies on Mission 2.5

No, and you have all the reason to trust yourself, however i find it pretty odd that the first proposal includes two people that were on the previous mission, which failed.

You were also on the failed mission. Does that make you a Spy?

Edit: Wait, no you weren't. My bad.

Double Edit: Wait, yes you were. I was looking at Paper's proposal.

Not necessarily, but it doesn't make me trusted among you, after all i was the one to chose the people. I was at the failed proposal, and i'm not suggesting that you are necessarily a spy, in fact that can easily be used against me and anyone else in the mission.

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Because of RD and paper i will say no. After all they were on the failed mission.

We know that there was only ONE Spy among those five people. If there were more than one, I find it highly unlikely that the others would cooperate with the mission. So if you have one Spy out of five people, that means you'd have three more Spies with the remaining six people. So if you don't include ANY of the five that went to 2.5, there MUST be a Spy included. Even if you include only one person from 2.5, the presence of a Spy in the mission will be guaranteed. Is that really what you want?

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We know that there was only ONE Spy among those five people. If there were more than one, I find it highly unlikely that the others would cooperate with the mission. So if you have one Spy out of five people, that means you'd have three more Spies with the remaining six people. So if you don't include ANY of the five that went to 2.5, there MUST be a Spy included. Even if you include only one person from 2.5, the presence of a Spy in the mission will be guaranteed. Is that really what you want?

I see.

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We actually don't know if there was only one spy, because it's possible one collab'd, although IIRC spies can't talk to each other outside the thread so it's likely there was only one.

They can't talk outside the thread and we would know exactly how many people attempted to sabotage. If there were two Spies, only an idiot Spy would cooperate with the mission in the hope that the other Spy would sabotage it instead.

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They can't talk outside the thread and we would know exactly how many people attempted to sabotage. If there were two Spies, only an idiot Spy would cooperate with the mission in the hope that the other Spy would sabotage it instead.

An idiot Spy would vote no hoping the other would vote yes.

An average Spy would vote yes just to be sure.

A smart Spy would vote no knowing an average Spy would vote yes. I think.

And so the WIFOM begins. Like Paper, I don't want to assume there was only one Spy, but I also acknowledge that that is the most likely scenario...

What was JB's reasoning behind supporting proposal 2.2, or did he give any before he left?

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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IDK if I'm permitted to answer since I'm subbed out, and obv Snike doesn't know the reasoning.

It's because Snike doesn't know the reasoning that you should be allowed to answer it.

But yeah, maybe it's better to wait for I Eat Tables

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I'm not sure... JB giving his reasoning now would be similar to dead Cops giving out investigation results, in my opinion. Obviously there are differences, such as the fact that he was subbed out instead of being dead... I don't know.

That said, Slayer and Snike are my two top suspects for last mission sabotage, so I'm glad to see them unincluded here. However, what has Psych done so far?

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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I'd also like to point out that several people downvoted 2.4, which imo means there were either too many spies (see above discussion for why multiple spies on a mission is bad for spies) or there were none.

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Two of the people that downvoted 2.4 were inactive though, and I believe we can assume the two were Darros and Snike, so looking at those two won't give us a lot of info.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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I voted yes on 2.4 because I really hate having to force-accept missions.

Hmmm. . .seems we'll hit Mission 4 no matter what. Mission 4 requires two spies to sabotage in order to fail. I think we should use this mission to help weed out the bad apple in the previous one. I'm not particularly suspicious of Paper or RD. . .oh wait a minute, Psych. . .the hell has he been doing?

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@RD: While inactivity fucks with the theory, it's basically as follows

Less than 4 people voted yes on 2.4, meaning that imo the spies did not upvote it. This means

A. There were too many spies and they didn't want to suffer from the above mentioned issue with overlapping sabotages

B. There were no spies, which is obviously bad for them

Now, if I were a spy and had a spy leader coming up as the fifth mission, I would definitely downvote a prior mission if it wasn't "perfect" (read: exactly one spy).

Obviously, this is a bit conspiracy theory, but this is the mafia forum...

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