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The Resistance 2


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I really think 2.5 had only one Spy in it and not more than that, while the remaining six people contain three Spies, so I want 2-3 of the people from Mission 5 to get in.

Sorry, I meant Mission 2.5, not Mission 5

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I saw both of those. And while you guys probably don't believe me anymore, I really didn't finish reading all the rules before posting in Itemafia. You guys are treating Kevin like a confirmed Spy when he isn't. If you're going to downvote every mission that Kevin is on, then we'll likely lose if he's actually Resistance.

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And while you guys probably don't believe me anymore, I really didn't finish reading all the rules before posting in Itemafia.

You mean to say that the Mafia PM hadn't gone out when you posted that you didn't have a Role PM?

You guys are treating Kevin like a confirmed Spy when he isn't. If you're going to downvote every mission that Kevin is on, then we'll likely lose if he's actually Resistance.

I'm not sure what to think about that post, personally. Kevin didn't participate in Resistance 1, so I could see a mistake being made.

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You mean to say that the Mafia PM hadn't gone out when you posted that you didn't have a Role PM?

It had gone out. But I posted before reading all the rules, which is possibly what happened to Kevin this time.

I'm not sure what to think about that post, personally. Kevin didn't participate in Resistance 1, so I could see a mistake being made.

Then why downvote this proposal when Kevin is the only one who wasn't in 3.1?

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Alright, in case we missed it before, here's the people from the failed mission:

Slayer, Kevin, Paper, Snike, Radiant

I'm least suspicious of Paper and RD, so if those two go on a mission, I'll consider everyone else before voting yes/no. If I see any of the other three, they'll have to talk me into voting yes. . .and Kevin didn't exactly do that last time.

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Where does your trust in eclipse come from, Darros?

I'm getting large town vibes from her. She hasn't really done anything suspicious or scummy.

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SDS said that he would consider anyone who did what Proto did with the role PMs either scum or an idiot (for not being able to read the rules)

SDS is not the all-mighty end all be all when it comes to mafia logic. Reading into me accidentally misreading the rules is about as stupidly paranoid as you can get.

And no, misreading a rule in a game almost completely unlike any other I've played in a big tl;dr post does not make me an idiot, it makes me human and capable of making error.

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It had gone out. But I posted before reading all the rules, which is possibly what happened to Kevin this time.

So then, why pretend to not receive a Role PM if you hadn't read the part of the rules where it said that only the Mafia had gotten Role PMs?

I'm getting large town vibes from her. She hasn't really done anything suspicious or scummy.

What about Lightning, whom she subbed in for? What are your thoughts on him?

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All Rein did was idle because his latop was busted and then he got subbed out. No real opinions since he couldn't be online. I don't think he's a spy because he was idling though.

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So then, why pretend to not receive a Role PM if you hadn't read the part of the rules where it said that only the Mafia had gotten Role PMs?

I read that bit. I did that because I wanted to do something stupid to increase the activity of Day 1, which is usually very dull and uninteresting. And with no actions being performed on Night 0, it would have been even more boring.

My point is that I don't necessarily read all the rules before posting. It's stupid to think that Kevin is a Spy just because he claims to have done the same.

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I'm not buying your explanation, Proto. Not one bit.

Your point being? I'm just saying that you should stop treating Kevin like a confirmed Spy. I'm not saying he isn't, but if we automatically treat him like a confirmed Spy, then it would be really bad for us if he was one. If you don't trust him, that's an entirely different matter.

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I'd also like to remind Proto that regardless of his supposed reasoning, most people's assumptions were "He could be scum playing dumb," and since you turned up scum, that is the logical explanation. Your story now doesn't make much sense, and your reasoning for defending Kevin doesn't make much sense since you aren't really in a position to empathize (since you didn't make a mistake from not reading the OP).

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Why is Itemafia even relevant to any of this? I said it makes perfect sense for someone to post before reading the rules, which could have happened with Kevin. What happened in Itemafia was just one very silly meaningless incident, but for some reason, you're trying to assume that what happened here is completely identical to it, implying that Kevin is Spy. Just because I was faking it doesn't mean that everybody that appears to make a mistake in other games is actually faking it as well.

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Isn't there more productive ways of generating discussion besides making yourself look scummy?

Especially when you actually are scum?

I don't know, Proto. It looks more likely to me that you're trying to defend your scumbuddy, Kevin.

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Isn't there more productive ways of generating discussion besides making yourself look scummy?

Itseasier to make scummy looking moves... Unless you ask questions to someone.

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I have just been reminded that I should propose.

Tables, will you marry me?

##Give the Plans to: Eclipse, SlayerX, Paperblade, Snike, and Psych

Screw using the current display names :P

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