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The Resistance 2


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Also Zorbees, going to mission proposal x.5 is bad. Really bad. You should not be making plans for it.

It's not a bad idea. Zorbees is making the proposal and I trust that he'll send the right people. Somewhat.

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I think most candidates should be discussed before giving plans from X.3 onwards... This is to avoid having to go to a forced mission five.

I was poked in a PM. I didn't have tine to discuss.

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It's not a bad idea. Zorbees is making the proposal and I trust that he'll send the right people. Somewhat.

Its a bad idea because we are being forced in the 5 proposal. There is no 100% fail-safe team that we can send.

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If going to x.5 was so bad, everyone would just vote yes on x.4, essentially making x.4 the new x.5. Proposal x.5 is never a problem in and of itself. I am assuming that the spies aren't all bunched together in the leader order (because seriously, if a situation came where the spies had control over 4/5 of the proposals, that would probably not be fair to the resistance), so we should have at least 3 resistance members per 5 proposals. If you fear that a spy has control over the x.5 proposal, you obviously shouldn't let it get that far.

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I'm voting no, because I don't like rushed teams (even if I'm on it).

Two requests:

1. Can the rest of you don't put me on a mission, unless you are absolutely, positively sure that the others are Resistance? Any spy who winds up on a mission with me will be more than happy to sabotage, and blame me.

2. I want at least two members from the failed proposal on the next mission. We had at least one spy, and I'd like to use this mission to weed him out.

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Proposal 5 is only a problem if the leader that mission happens to be a Spy. Otherwise, it's little different from any of the others.

Even if the leader is a Spy, we have the right to question him on his choices so he can't just fit a Spy in on purpose without any logical reasoning. Unless it's the final mission.

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...I am assuming that the spies aren't all bunched together in the leader order (because seriously, if a situation came where the spies had control over 4/5 of the proposals, that would probably not be fair to the resistance)...

The spies are entirely random. On the one hand, being bunched together might mean a mission can be forced to fail. On the other hand, it means they only strongly influence perhaps 2 missions in the game, instead of potentially making assignments-to-fail at sporadic times.

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Good going guys, it's been less than 14 hours and I have all but one vote in already. I'll wait out the last vote as it hasn't been time yet and it might be close, but either way, good to see activity rising again.

Until I disappear back to uni in a few weeks :unsure:. Things should be quiet enough at first to keep running the game though.

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That's everyone, folks!

Mission Proposal 3.3 by Darros

Team: zorbees, Pariah, Radiant Kitty, Paperkitty, arachnidsGrip

Yes: Lol

No: Darros, Snikitty, zorbees, Kay, Kirsche, Radiant Kitty, ClipseyKitty, Kiku-Ichimonji, SlayerX, Paperkitty, arachnidsGrip,

Result: Yes - 0, No - 11

Proposal Fails. Snikitty is the new leader

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That's everyone, folks!

Mission Proposal 3.3 by Darros

Team: zorbees, Pariah, Radiant Kitty, Paperkitty, arachnidsGrip


I have just been reminded that I should propose.

Tables, will you marry me?

##Give the Plans to: Eclipse, SlayerX, Paperblade, Snike, and Psych

Screw using the current display names :P

I'm starting to wonder if you're doing this on purpose... ...probably trying to send a subtle message to the Resistance members to go with 3.1's team

Also, I should remind you guys that if we can send a Spy-less team for Mission 3, we auto-win the game. And if we fail, we'd be forced to go through Mission 5 (if we succeed 4), and selecting six Resistance members isn't going to be easy.

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I can tell you exactly why it's happening. I've just automated part of the spreadsheet to update the yes/no columns and vote counts automatically, but not the who's on the mission box (by automatically I mean I put X's by the person on the mission and Yes/No once they vote). I'ma going to update that now too.

So is this better?

Mission Proposal 3.3 by Darros

Team: Snikitty, ClipseyKitty, SlayerX, Paperkitty, arachnidsGrip,


No: Darros, Snikitty, zorbees, Kay, Kirsche, Radiant Kitty, ClipseyKitty, Kiku-Ichimonji, SlayerX, Paperkitty, arachnidsGrip,

Result: Yes - 0, No - 11

Proposal Fails. Snikitty is the new leader

Edited by Tableskitty
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Uhh. . .Psych? Again? Why?

Why is Snike a safer bet then I am? It's just as possible he's a spy and then knows it's an easy sabotage and can easily pass off the blame to me or Paper.

Wasn't that what you said would happen with you?

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I see Darros, Proto, Slayer, and Lightning, who is now you, as possible spies, and, with Kevin and Papermole being on the sabotaged mission earlier, I went with Psych over them, since we already have 40% of the failed mission on board. The other two I believe to be resistance.

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Previous post was directed at eclipse.

@Me going on the mission: There was a pool of five I had to pick from, and I decided to put my name along with Radiant's on the mission. FMPOV, it's 20% less of a risk.

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