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The Resistance 2


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While i have resistance vibes from Snike, I can't say the same for Zorbees/Radiant. For Kay i have nothing, eventhough most agree bal was trustworthy, it'd be better if kay talked a little more than just lurking. Psych, he just hasn't talked enough as well for me to determine... voting no.

tl;dr: I have vibes of resistance from snike, I don't trust Radiant/Zorbees, and Kay and Psych should talk more.

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I'm not sure where the trust in Balcerzak came from personally, since I don't really see the merits of his 'plan'.

Why do you think Snike and Balcerzak are Resistance, Slayer?

For Snike: Again, from what i have read in his post he seems resistance-ish. (i.e where my vibes come from)

For Bal:

For Kay i have nothing, eventhough most agree bal was trustworthy, it'd be better if kay talked a little more than just lurking

I don't necessarily think he was resistance, but his plan was good and he seemed to go for whats best for the resistance.

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What in his posts made you think he was Resistance? As for Balcerzak, what good is his plan aside from making it so we see a lot of proposals (which is a good idea, but doesn't make him Resistance)? 'Most people think he's Resistance' tells me nothing about you.

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Can anyone tell me why they suspect SlayerX other than him being the one to propose the failed mission 2.5? Not that he is clean, as nobody can be for sure, but I am wondering if that is the only reason he is being left off of missions, after being on the successful first mission.

EDIT: I'm thinking about proposing something similar to 2.4, as it seems like it was downvoted by spies. I also tend to think it was a decent shot at a successful mission, in retrospect.

Edited by zorbees
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It looks like he's trying to stifle discussion about .5 missions, and I don't like that, honestly. He also has an at least 20% chance of being a spy.

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I actually agree with zorbees in that 2.4 seemed like a good team that was downvoted by Spies. But Snike's one seems good enough and I like all the members in his team, so I'll be voting Yes to it.

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What in his posts made you think he was Resistance? As for Balcerzak, what good is his plan aside from making it so we see a lot of proposals (which is a good idea, but doesn't make him Resistance)? 'Most people think he's Resistance' tells me nothing about you.

Its a gut feeling, hence the "vibes"... As for bal, I never said i necessarily trusted him, i just said most people did. I can't say much for him, mostly because of Kay. Bal is a good enough player to fake resistance, but what about Kay? (note: i was thinking of some other reason for bal, but i forgot it after my brother reseted the computer :/ )

It looks like he's trying to stifle discussion about .5 missions, and I don't like that, honestly. He also has an at least 20% chance of being a spy.

I get the 20% thing, but the .5 missions thing is bad? Why? I have only discussed it around 2 (before getting to 2.5 and then when zorbees said he wanted to be on it [i think those are the main ones... a post or two others around it that may not fit in that category]). How is trying to avoid a .5 proposal which is actually forced bad? We need to avoid them, and to do so i think we should discuss teams before sending a proposal. This way we can send teams most people agree with. It sure beats the hell out of one single person choosing who goes where.

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If most people agree with the mission, that probably means it has a spy on it.

Thats why we discuss it, if there is a lot of approval, then its bad (perhaps but there is always the wifom possibility), and so we choose we propose other people...

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Requesting past teams and votes be added to the first topic, because I really hate having to flip through all these pages to figure out WTF people are talking about.

ClipseyKitty has been modwrathkilled. He was a [DATA EXPUNGED]

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