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The Resistance 2


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While i have resistance vibes from Snike, I can't say the same for Zorbees/Radiant. For Kay i have nothing, eventhough most agree bal was trustworthy, it'd be better if kay talked a little more than just lurking. Psych, he just hasn't talked enough as well for me to determine... voting no.tl;dr: I have vibes of resistance from snike, I don't trust Radiant/Zorbees, and Kay and Psych should talk more.

Yeah, I heard that. The point is, why do you think that's a good reason to include him, if you don't have a reason to trust him?

I'm lost, where did i say that i want bal (now known as Kay) included? All i said was he should talk more... :unsure:

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Mission Proposal 3.4 by Snikitty

Team: Snikitty, zorbees, Kay, Radiant Kitty, arachnidsGrip,

Yes: Kirsche, Radiant Kitty,

No: Darros, Snikitty, zorbees, Kay, ClipseyKitty, Kiku-Ichimonji, SlayerX, Paperkitty, arachnidsGrip,

Result: Yes - 2, No - 9

Proposal Fails. zorbees is the new leader

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I voted No, because there was a lot of support for this team, which means that voting Yes wouldn't have looked very suspicious. Several players, myself included, publicly declared that they would be voting Yes. So, I figured that this would be a very good opportunity for Spies to upvote the proposal, ensuring that it goes through, which would mean that a Spy is in it. So I voted No to hopefully prevent that from happening, thus preventing the Spies from getting their Spy in.

Now, let's look at the possibilities.

If there were no Spies in this team, the Spies would have downvoted it. If we were to succeed in sending a Spy-less team, Resistance would end up auto-winning. So the Spies would do anything to prevent that from happening and would likely have voted No. In this case, I guess RD and Kevin would likely both be Resistance.

If there was only one Spy in this team, it would have been the perfect situation for the Spies. There seemed to be a lot of support for this mission, so it would be easy for the Spies to vote Yes without looking suspicious. Nine No votes implies that this isn't the case. Of course, it's always possible that the Spies voted No because they thought that this proposal had enough support to go through without their help, but I don't think that's very likely, since this opportunity would have been too good to miss and going to Mission 3.5 would have been risky, since zorbees could have sent a Spy-less team. If there is indeed only one Spy in this mission, then I believe it implies that zorbees is a Spy as well, since he's controlling the next proposal, allowing the Spies to feel safe in voting No. Since zorbees was on the team himself, this implies that Snike, Kay, RD, and Psych are all Resistance.

If there were two or more Spies in this team, well, the Spies would have faced a dilemma. Sabotaging the mission at multiple stages is not desirable for the Spies, but should they take that risk anyways, fearing the possibility of a Spy-less team in 3.5? Or would they downvote the proposal, hoping that zorbees would have been able to pick a team with exactly one Spy? Their faith in zorbees's selection could only be justified if zorbees himself was a Spy. If zorbees wasn't a Spy and there were multiple Spies in the team, they would likely still go through with it. If there were two attempts at sabotaging the Mission, we don't learn THAT much more so yeah, the Spies wouldn't have downvoted the mission in this scenario unless zorbees was a Spy himself.

Based on all of that, I can now trust RD, since I find it highly unlikely for him to be a Spy. I also want every single player in this game, excluding Kevin, to explain exactly why they voted No, or in RD's case, Yes. And I want to hear their thoughts on what I just posted.

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I voted Yes because I'm fairly confident of the members of the team. I'm iffy about Psych, because he hasn't done much of anything, and Kay, but she was on the successful one and not on the failed one, so I wanted to see what would happen to a mission she was on now that it's no longer the first mission.

If we assume for a second that zorbees is Resistance, then we can be reasonably sure that the proposal had no Spies on it (I don't believe they would downvote it and risk zorbees picking a Spy-less team otherwise, unless he's expressed his trust in one of their members in his previous posts).

If zorbees is a Spy, then I believe we can assume he was not the only one on the proposal, since I don't believe it would be too difficult for the Spies to push the blame onto one of the other members (especially since Snike and myself were on the failed mission and not on the successful one, while the opposite is true for zorbees).

I need to reread the topic, since I believe there's a lot of information that can be gathered that hasn't been brought up yet. Also, we might gain some insight looking at everyone's voting patterns.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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I trust RD and Psych for downvoting 1.4 for a similar reason as to why I thought it was going to go poorly.

I'm not sure if I trust zorbees and Bal. I currently think 1.4 was not sabotaged due to Rein's idling, but that has not been proven and it could just be them cooperating so we trust them.

I do not trust Snike because he yes'd 1.4 without being on the mission and was on the failed mission, and JB/Snike have not really contributed iirc

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How would everyone feel if I left myself off the mission?

I don't think you should leave yourself out. Because if you're a Spy, you'd force a Spy in your proposal no matter what. And if you're a Resistance, you would know that and therefore, you can ensure that at least one of the five people being sent is Resistance. Which means you only have to worry about the other four people.

I'm even thinking that it might not be a bad idea to just send the exact same team as 2.4 or 3.4, because it looks like the Spies downvoted them.

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I do not trust Snike because he yes'd 1.4 without being on the mission and was on the failed mission, and JB/Snike have not really contributed iirc

Bold: It's really hard to explain things when you weren't in your proper state of mind at the time. Or another player.

The rest is reasonably true. ;/

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