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The Resistance 2


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That is a very detailed explanation for something as critical as Proposal 2.4

Generally speaking, a lot of support for a mission means that there is at least one spy in it, or we trust whoever is on this mission. I was erring on the side of caution, in downvoting it.

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Generally speaking, a lot of support for a mission means that there is at least one spy in it, or we trust whoever is on this mission. I was erring on the side of caution, in downvoting it.

That just allows for a lot of WIFOM honestly... What if the spies knew there was no spy but showed support just to make people think there was a spy?...

Also you guys know why i voted no already.

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Mission Proposal 3.5 by Snikitty

This was proposal 3.4, Tables.

That just allows for a lot of WIFOM honestly... What if the spies knew there was no spy but showed support just to make people think there was a spy?...

This game is rather heavy in terms of WIFOMing anyway, which is partly the reason why I want simple statistics to help back up my thoughts.

How would everyone feel if I left myself off the mission?

Personally I would prefer you put yourself on the mission, as I'm getting some town vibes.

For any of you who actually care, I no longer trust paperblade, and think snike is probably scum too. Pariah/eclipse/psych are also iffy, but I'm far less sure of.

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This game is rather heavy in terms of WIFOMing anyway, which is partly the reason why I want simple statistics to help back up my thoughts.

I'm starting t realize this...

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Proto has gotten more and more logical as the game went on, in my opinion. I was also leaning towards including Kirsche but I didn't really want to include 3 of the people from Mission 2.5. I don't really have any opinions on Psych, but I didn't like the fact that he was on every proposal for the third mission.

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Proto has gotten more and more logical as the game went on, in my opinion. I was also leaning towards including Kirsche but I didn't really want to include 3 of the people from Mission 2.5. I don't really have any opinions on Psych, but I didn't like the fact that he was on every proposal for the third mission.

And yet did not end up going on the final mission. :/

I find that weird too, almost as if you all want to incriminate me.

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Slayer was on both failed missions, one of which he proposed. He was on the successful mission also, but it seems fairly reasonable that if there were two spies, both might have cooperated with the mission and assumed the other would sabotage. Maybe it's not the most substantial reasoning, but I don't really trust him.

I think Proto probably just overestimated the amount of room for reaction testing in this game.

I'm thinking of choosing Eclipse, Paper, Kirsche, Snike, Proto, and myself for the next proposal, any thoughts on that?

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People aren't going to trust me, and there is not much i can do. Any finger pointing from me is basically useless since it can just go back at me. Pariah hasn't sdaid anything (well atleast until that post above) and i already have given my thoughts on her... I find it a bit hasty for her to be finger pointing so quickly...

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Whining will get you nowhere, Psych.

Here's the next block of people, in order:






Now, here's my opinions of everyone:

Pariah - I wish you talked as much as Bal did, because I got the feeling that he was Resistance. On a failed mission (3.5)

kirsche - I'm still not too happy with that random assumption about the Spy PMs, and he was on a failed mission (2.5)

RD - He seems the most townish of the bunch, but he was on both failed missions, so I'm not sure what to think.

me - Dammit Rein, why do you make me look scummy?

Proto - Seems confident that RD is town, and was on a failed mission (3.5)

zorbees, can you explain why you put yourself on the same mission with Proto (Kiku-Ichimonji)? I did that for a reason, but I want to hear your explanation first.

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Hey, I can't talk without pointing fingers at anyone. What am I supposed to do, say that I'm sure you're all Resistance?

No, but its very easy to point fingers really, here we have Zorbees (who we can aplply what you said about me) in a similar position that i am, and then there is Radiant kitty (also in the last failed mission) also in a similar position of mine. Then there is you, quiet up until now, and proto who isn't trusted for his yes voting IIRC. Of course, without finger pointing really, we won't get anywhere... so idk where do we go from here...

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Slayer was on both failed missions, one of which he proposed. He was on the successful mission also, but it seems fairly reasonable that if there were two spies, both might have cooperated with the mission and assumed the other would sabotage. Maybe it's not the most substantial reasoning, but I don't really trust him.

I think Proto probably just overestimated the amount of room for reaction testing in this game.

I'm thinking of choosing Eclipse, Paper, Kirsche, Snike, Proto, and myself for the next proposal, any thoughts on that?

Kirsche is the only one of those I feel very worried about. Proto and Snike do see scummy to me, but not enough so that I would vote no on this.

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I'm thinking of choosing Eclipse, Paper, Kirsche, Snike, Proto, and myself for the next proposal, any thoughts on that?

I can't say I'm confortable with Paper anymore. He was on both failed missions, and it's do or die time.

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