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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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"Hey. Here," Norbert told some guy without a helmet as he handed him a vulnerary after he rode up to him, "You don't look so good. ... Or smell so good, for that matter."


"Argh!! Rr... Thank ye, Raquel," Gytha responded after the merchant had taken care of her arrow wound, "Th' rest was magic methinks, so just give me a vulnerary and I'll be fine."

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Zel took the Vulnerary and swigged a mouthful down before passing it back to Norbert. "Thanks... but one of those dang Peggies got me... do you know if they're passing out anti-toxins?" He asked, looking at Norbert with a very pained, but still grateful expression.

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"Yeah, Raquel should have some. Are you one of us? I don't recognize you," asked Norbert as he began leading the horsed man over to the merchant with the pink hair.

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Zel blinked at the man for a moment... before remembering that his helmet was off. He held it up for Bert hoping that he would recognize it as is... talking didn't feel like the greatest thing right now... Though, if the Blazing White Armor with the Blue Eagle on it doesn't tip him off I don't know what will...

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"... Yes, I see you have a helmet. Are you one of us or not?" He asked, beginning to get suspicious. He wasn't about to lead this guy right to their leader if he was one of the people who'd attacked them.

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"I haven't been paying attention much to who's been in this caravan," he replied as he continued leading the poisoned man over to Raquel, no longer looking to him as he spoke with him, "It's not my main concern. I just want my maces back." That was a lie. He'd already decided that he would continue travelling with Raquel's group even after recieving Splinter and Crunch back. He didn't feel like telling this guy, though. "Zel," huh? Probably shortened from some other name. He's Ursian -- definately. Military? Probably. How else would he have such good armor? Well, sort of good. It didn't keep him from getting poisoned.

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"So my hair pisses you off, huh? Tell you what." She turned away from him, "You have to learn to deal with it. This can't be THAT bad, you're just about the only person who's gotten... almost sickeningly pissed at it, so it's definitely not a normal reaction. I'll take a stab here." She tossed a glance at the kid, "You're an artist, I take it? Because honestly, that's about the only reason that could come to mind here, like you hate how it's all meshing... So... I have a proposal for you. I ain't getting rid of this, but if you wanna help style it to a... less puke inducing level, you're more than welcome. Because I'm sick of having bodily fluids hitting my face and body in general, you know? And I'd hate to impede your magic, because gods be damned, it's some powerful stuff... so I'm just trying to compromise here, alright?"

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"Well, as sticking to one colour is not an option you would take, the easiest solution is that I avoid facing you unless neccessary because in Kigen, we all like to keep our hair in one colour. Although I appreciate working artistic stuff, hair styling is not one of my fortes...my talent lies in simple paintings in black and white," said Ranyin slowly shifting his position to escape Aneda, "That might probably be the reason why I have trouble taking in your hair colour safely."

Edited by Rothene
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"You don't seem to be hurt," Domovoi noted as he observed the others getting healed. Vulneraries were being distributed as were the antitoxins.

Antitoxins...yeah, the poison must've worn off somewhat during the battle. I'm not feeling crippling pain or sickness anymore.

Right. So he was accounted for. Miskavolv was also doing alright it seemed. Dismounting from the wyvern, Domovoi pondered what to do to help. Gabbie had the captain under control. Then again though, only Gabbie being with the captain wasn't exactly a good thing. He wasn't sure if she had any healing items on her, so he decided it would be good to get Nadya to heal her injuries.

"You should probably keep an eye on the captain with Gabbie. I'll go get Nadya to heal her and see if Raquel has any rope. Just in case you know?" There. Hoping that Amon would follow his suggestion, Domovoi approached Nadya, who had finished healing Norbert.

"Hello there. I came to get you to get the captain of that lot we fought patched up a little. Be a good idea to interrogate her and all that eh? 'Course that all depends on if you're willing or if there's more of us that are close to death."

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"Okay, here's another one." Raquel said in a slightly duller and more fatigued tone than normal as she handed Gytha another vulnerary. Let's see ... four ... seven ... ... yeah, I'm at half stock, and with no profits to speak of. That means it's time for plan B. I need to do two things once we reach Europa. First, I need to apply for some higher grade permits, and then I need to get in touch with Weyland and try to get some information on the best places to sell my weapons. I suspect the best places in Ursium are the areas in Central where people are fearing a Neviskotian takeover but there might be some other safer places closer by. I have to do this or these battles are going to put me so deep in the hole I'll never get out again without total financial backing from somebody like Weyland. If that happens I'll be working for him and even though he's been ... relatively good to us, I don't want it to come to that. I really wish I hadn't broken that bow now ... it could have covered the cost of this entire battle and then some ...



Callisto's already tied up so don't worry about the rope.

"Right ... so she doesn't 'accidentally' kill her or something." Amon replied thinking of how hostile Gabbie tended to be toward the enemy. He understood the hostility in battle, but outside it? Maybe there wasn't a real difference for in her eyes. He walked over only to find Gabbie being scolded by Siv. "What's going on?"

"Well, prisoner number two ... has lost consciousness and is no longer responding. Prisoner number one suggests I turn prisoner number two into food for the road. Apparently she knows the proper way to season humans. I'd love to try her cookin' sometoime, alas I'm not a cannibal." she responded gesturing to each as they came up.

"... what is wrong with you people? ... give her another vulnerary before she dies, would you!"

"Amon, think about it ... how the hell are we going to keep her under control? If we somehow manage to make it to Weyland with her in tow, he's just going to ask me why I didn't kill her and I'll have to say 'Sorry, but the others just wouldn't have it ... morals; you know how that goes.' and he'll sigh, and I'll sigh, and then he'll make me do it and dispose of the remains and we'll have wasted our toime. Why don't we just let her drift off into that peaceful abyss ... and not heal her only to decoide to off her while she's conscious and preachy?"

"I thought this was going to be a group decision." he shot back with an angry tone.

"What group? That group? That group roight over there gettin' treated for all sorts of fucked up? Those guys? Yeah they're a little busy it seems."

"Darn it, Gabbie, I didn't spare her for it to turn out like this! Someone heal her or something!" he called out to the others.

"Oigh, just ... j-just let it go, man ..."


"What made you think I was heartless? I would risk my life to save any innocent person. It's the fallen I can't stand." she clarified while tending to the other wounds Shadrak had collected in battle. Once she was finished ... and oddly enough out of salve, she tried to help him on his feet.

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"I'll give you a few days then." she put on a smile to try and calm him down. "A few days, and if you can't seem to get over it, I'll wear a hat or a helmet if I'm near you. Fair enough? I'm not gonna mess around with my hair, it's how I want it, it's... how I want it, but I'll do this for you since I don't want to be fucking around with your comfort zone." Her smile turned to a smirk. "But at the same time, I'm not gonna just up and change for some guy I've never met before, one who lied to me because, I assume, my hair color." Walking over to him she held out her hand. "Friends?"

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As John kept looking around, he noticed Krystal just behind. <Hm? Ah, she must be getting back to the wagon as well.> He thought.

Finally getting near, one thing he noticed was the tied-up Callisto. <We're taking her hostage as well?> Curious, he went over to Amon and Gabbie. ''What's going on here?'' He asked.

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Shadrak got up easily enough... but once he was up, it was clear that he wouldn't be walking on his own, as he practically collapsed into her arms. "Sorry... nnng... innocents huh... heh... I know that you're probably gonna hate me for this, but could you help me get to Siv?" He asked her weakly, slowly positioning himself to not lean on her SO desperatly.

Zel nodded... though the sunlight was really starting to hurt his eyes... he'd probably need to seek shelter in the wagon soon, if he was still regurgitating, he didn't want to fill up the inside of his helmet in gore...

Krystal ran past John to bert and Zel. "What's wrong with him?" She asked... Zel seemed worst for wear... he looked really pale... (what she didn't was that he always looked like that)

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Ranyin looked at her hands and thought ashamed of his behaviour, she seems like a nice person...

Taking Aneda's hand and looking back up at her, carefully avoiding her hair, Ranyin said, "Yeah, friends I guess."

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"Why do you care about that fallen girl?" asked Robin as she offered her hand to Shadrak. She wasn't sure her body was recovered enough to support the man, but she was also still willing to try. "It is not like she is a friend or anything, or even a traveling companion. You can barely stand as is since you heal... ummm... Since your wound in combat."

OOC: She doesn't want to admit that he saved her just yet.

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Atsuko sighed. "Yes, I'll take you over to Siv." I shouldn't be surprised it's the first place he wants to go. Just go with the flow. As she helped him over she began noticing the conversation between Amon and Gabbie getting louder ...

To Save Or Not To Save

When John asked what was going on, Amon was the first to answer. "She needs to be healed, but Gabbie's just going to let her die." he explained angrily.

"Yyyep. Saves us a little toime and we won't get caught with an Ursian officer as a hostage ALONG with a fallen."

"Gabbie, didn't you want information or something?! She could die any minute!"

"She's probably just another goon on the look out for us." Gabbie said shrugging. "Ya moight wanna stop this guy before he gives her mouth to mouth or somethin'." she told John while nudging her head toward Amon.

"Dammit, Gabbie! For crying out loud, will somebody ... uuuurgh ..." he grumbled in frustration, not sure what to do. Gabbie soon stood up though and walked right up to Amon and gave him an uncharacteristically serious look.

"Listen, you feel guilty, I get that, but you already killed one of her men, and you killed plenty of people before that. Don't think for a second that saving her will somehow make up for that. These people had loives and potential and yeah that's fuckin' sad, but you know what? They tried to take our lives. They took that potential and gambled it all on us, and they fucking ... lost ... the game! You're gonna lose next if you keep putting yourself at risk over moral BS that does nothing but make it harder on us."

"It shouldn't be your decision." he said glaring at her.

"Ey, she was your hostage until you left her with me. You wanna make the decision. You've got to get a vulnerary to her and get passed me." she said cracking her knuckles. "Frankly I'm not interested in getting arrested by the military for holding an officer prisoner, so I'm not gonna go easy on you."

Edited by Phoenix
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Shadrak chuckled at Robin. "It's kinda complicated, but at the root of it, if Siv doesn't it make it out of this alive... I don't want her last moments alive to be complete torture, I don't want her to die... sad, or alone. If she does make it out, well, hopefully I can make a good enough impression on her to maybe bring some change to the sketchy ways of life between Humans and the Fallen... an impossible feat I'm sure, but hey, if there's ever a chance, this would be it..." He told the pair.. not even caring if Atsuko was really listening or not... though, the argument between Gabbie and Amon was getting kinda annoing, and the dispute was so simple. "She's practically dead already, might as well kill her now to put her out of her misery, there's no point in letting her live." He called out to the bickering couple. and if they don't kill her soon, I'll just do it myself and settle it... the entire dispute is stupid... just because Amon is a Rexian and he can't kill a woman, bah.

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"Heal her up." interjected Robin. "Shade Drake, you said that you were interested in not letting Siv die alone or torture, then why not offer the same to this woman? If she is beyond your healing ability, then at least someone by her to ensure her passing is not one alone."

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John only listened in. <This probably was a bad idea.> He thought. <One one hand, she is no longer a threat at the moment. On the other hand, it would be troublesome to have her with us. As if Siv wasn't enough while being here in Ursium.>

''In my opinion.'' John finally said. ''No matter what we do with her, it doesn't change much. She was clearly sent after us by someone, who by not getting word of this, will probably send someone else if it doesn't give up. Considering this is about Wrathites and the emblem, they probably won't back off.'' He shrugged.

''So whatever we do, we won't hide the fact she encounter us. It's too late for that.''

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Atsuko heard Shadrak out feeling the message was probably a little for her as well as Robin, but she didn't say anything in response. Well ... not like it can amount to anything too harmful since she's not going to ever return home again.


"We may not be able to keep them from findin' out about this, John, but we can make it easier on ourselves by not tryin' to hoide her along with Siv. If even ONE thing goes wrong between here and Europa, we'll be either captured or on the run from the law until those bastards that took Raquel's father catch us off guard or lead an entire battalion straight to us and pick up the emblem after they're done. Either way, we're just hurting ourselves keeping her aloive. Just let her injuries kill her, and bury the bitch."

"Bury? No, don't!" Siv called out.

"Shut up, Siv. It's not dinner toime."

"I said preserve her! Use ice! Ice!"

"And I said shut up, now shut up."

Amon turned from the conversation and made his way over to Raquel, who by now was beginning to wonder what was going on herself. "Um, what's going on?"

"I need a vulnerary. Callisto's dying. There's no time, just give it to me." he demanded as calmly as he could. Raquel could tell he was furious though. She handed over the vulnerary and as soon as it was securely in his grasp, he turned and took off running toward Gabbie and Callisto. He didn't want to have to muscle past her so he planned to get around her. He got up his top speed while Gabbie stood between him and Callisto like a barricade ready to strong arm him. He quickly crouched in preparation for a high jump, and as soon as he leaped up, Gabbie shifted to her left foot, and sent her right skyward! Amon's legs were clipped by Gabbie's kick and he lost his balance mid flight! One flip later, he came crashing down on his shoulders in the dust and dropped the vulnerary in the process. It rolled to a stop just inches from Callisto.

Gabbie walked passed Amon and as she did said "Didn't know I could kick that hoigh, did ya?" with a smirk and picked up the vulnerary. "If you didn't want her to doie then you shouldn't have stabbed her. You should have just let her shoot you instead, you idiot. Thanks for the vuln by the way. Tell Raquel to put it on my tab."

Gabbie buys a Vulnerary!

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Shadrak pushed himself off of Atsuko, and staggered over to Amon and Gabby, knees shaking, eyes dialating... he didn't care, this level of infighting in the group wasn't needed. "Okay, seeing as we need a mediator on the situation... Amon, present why you think Callisto should live, then Wolfy, present why you think she should die, and I will pass final judgement. This needs to be settled, and we're going to be civilized about this, none of this trying to sneak past each other... kick each other bull shit... in the mean time..." Shadrak pulled out his staff, and barely, barely healed Callisto, just enough to stall her inedvitable death long enough for the event to get settled... then he proceeded to lean on it like a cane, looking at Amon expictantly, pulling out his Tome in his other hand, and tossed it in the air idly, as if to emphasize 'if you fuck up, she's dead.'

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''I'd agree on that actually.'' John said. ''Having her around doesn't sound like a good idea.''

<Wait a minute, then why is she being held prisoner? Had she died in the battle, this wouldn't be happening.> He considered on asking this, but at that point the whole scene between Amon and Gabbie happened.

This is getting out of hand. He thought.

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Robin watched as Shadrak tried to be a neutral mediator for the situation. "<This is stupid. They're treating her like some kind of animal that can be killed off without problems. She's a human... She's a Skotian which is still... uggg.... human. Her life shouldn't be decided like this.>"

Doing her best to be quite and stealthy, she tried to sneak about behind the arguing people to make her way over. Keeping low and sticking to what little shadow there was, she tried to approach Callisto.

"Hey." she whispered as she approached the woman, unsure if she was being too quiet. "I am sorry about this, your life being decided and all and only a Skotian here, but..." she tried to extend her hand. "I do not know what to say beside 'I hope that, if you die, it is a peaceful death'." She knew she was putting both herself and Callisto at risk, but Shadrak had only spoken to Amon, and... well... She couldn't explain it, but even though Callisto had been trying to kill them only a short while ago, the thought of killing her simply because her life was pointless to the group sat sour with her. At the least, she could be there so Callisto wouldn't die alone.

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Delicious Conflict

Amon slowly grabbed his shoulder and climbed to his feet before yelling "Put that tome down, Shadrak! It's not your call to make alone! You're not even close to our leader!"

Gabbie yawned. "Shadrak, this isn't up for negotiation. Look, you guys can spare her if you want, but I look after number one and number two--Ringo--first. There are things I'll gladly put up with if it means I'll be gettin' paid but ... we're on a mission. I aim to complete it, and we run an unacceptably hoigh risk of failing that mission if we keep her with us."

Raquel rushed over after seeing Amon crash and Shadrak stagger over into the mix. She arrived in between Gabbie's sentences. "What the heck are you guys doing over here?"

Gabbie continued in spite of Raquel's question. "Now Shadrak the wise may deem it just to let her live or he may not, but either way, she doies. I honestly don't give a shit what any of you thinks. We let her live and take her with us, somehow, somethin's gonna go wrong, and the authorities are gonna figure out that we're holdin' an officer and a fallen hostage. If we get caught, this shit gets traced back to Weyland! Since he's my source of jobs and income, I can't let that happen, and I will personally kill the next person who walks up and tries to heal her ... don't think for a second that Weyland will disapprove of me covering his ass from your stupid mistakes."

She looked toward Callisto before getting her lance, but had to stop the whole thing short when she saw Robin with her. "... uh, pardon me, what the fuck are you doin'?"

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