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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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<Hm, so it is against the mages we are fighting.> John thought. <If I remember correctly, both my new teammates have mounts. I guess I was the only one to not have gone to the stable then. Well, if we're still on time, I'd better correct that.>

So this is it? Sophia thought. Well, I guess I have no choice then. I got myself into this, knowingly or not.

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Their target decided, the group’s combat teams had been spit up and reformed by Raquel. Well, most of the teams had been. As far as Synthia could tell, hers was the only one that had not. She glanced at the other two and wondered if that had been a good idea. “Remember, you two, don’t be... careless out there,” she said, purposefully avoiding a certain word.


“Of course not; but the same goes for you too,” replied Valter. He mounted his horse. “Good luck to you, Ranyin, Bert,” he said before directing Phyllis towards his new combat team, Nadya and Mireille.

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Shadrak approached his two new field mates. "So, we're going up against the casters... so, what's the plan? You go in first wolf, I cover you and finish them off while Robin harasses from the distance? I keep you healed up as needed..." Shadrak started to plot, shaking himself as he was already running through his magical barriers and counter magics.

Zel walked Sliep up to his mates, giving them slight nods... no words, he was in soldier mode.

Krystal was glad combat was gonna leave the area, so that she might be safe from any crossfire... but... that didn't make her any less afraid...

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"'Course not. When're we ever careless?" Gytha asked with a broad, jolly grin. Maybe she was joking, maybe she really believed they had never once been careless. Who knew?


Norbert couldn't help but smile at Valter's words. It was just a good feeling, having a friend like that. So, with one more wish of well-being to Ranyin, Norbert headed off to his new teammates: John and Chelsea. He wondered what they'd be like. They'd been pointed out to him when the new teams were formed, but hadn't yet spoken with them. Well, that was about to change.

"Hey. So, I'm Norbert. You must be John. And you're probably Chelsea. I guess we're teammates now." Not much of an introduction, but it was a start.

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“When? That… Look, Gytha. Are you oblivious?” This was ridiculous. Synthia turned to Amon. “Can you make Gytha understand…? Please?” she pleaded.

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''Yeah, that is the case.'' John said. ''So, you guys went to pick up your mounts earlier, isn't it? I guess I should've gone with you guys.'' He noted, shrugging. ''Perhaps it's not too late yet.''

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A faint trace of red came across Robin's cheek as Shadrak approached the pair. "<That is not a bad idea, but very basic.>" she said, unconsciously reverting to her native tongue. "<The better question is... what are we good at. I am good at hitting fast moving targets at key weakpoints, and Shadrak can bring down much strong magic, but... I do not know about you.>" she looked at Gabbie, indicating the woman. "<We would probably be best at picking off the stronger targets.>"

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Veronika was paired with the archer boy who helped get her coinpurse back in Ursentius and Ranyin. I'm clearly the tallest one in this group...does that mean I'll be under the heaviest fire? she wondered to herself.

"Are you going to run away this time? If so, you might as well stay back here with Raquel- I can't rely on someone who will flee at the first sign of danger," she said bluntly to Sammy.


Great, fighting mages and we get a walking tin can in our group. She won't be dodging bolts of lightning or fireballs in all that armor, so I guess it's up to me to keep her alive, along with everybody else. Joy of joys. the nomad thought to herself.

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" I don't know. There was only one tank left fighting that guy with those magic spheres. I don't know if you could get over there," Norbert replied to John, "Can you fight on your feet or do you only know arial combat?" Speaking of combat, looks like John uses a lance. He'd probably do better than me against some of the swordsmen. If he had his wyvern, we could cover each other in the air. But we've got another member to worry about, too... Hmm... Staff and a horse... Nope. No flight ability. Looks like we'll have to keep low anyway.

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''Well, I can fight on foot.'' John answered. <Did he forgot the battle at the church already? Wyverns weren't allowed inside after all.> ''But I think that, with you two having mounts, I'd be at a disadvantage when it comes to mobility. I couldn't allow you to be slowed down because of me.'' He explained.

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"We'll have to fly low anyway, but you have a point. Well, if there's a clear path to the stables, you should go. If not, then don't risk it. Mobility's not worth dying for," Norbert advised.

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Excellent. They would be fighting the group they were best-suited to dealing with, the mages. They may make it through the night yet. Soon, Weyland redistributed the group, and Blake ended up with a knight in shining armor, and a fighter. Well then.

"Gentlemen," the swordsman said, as he moved towards the cavalier and the burly man.

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He rolled his eyes in frustration but he didn't exactly feel the comment was unwarranted, "Ha ha, very funny... And to give you a straight answer, no, I ain't running. Not like I could get anywhere anyway if I did... I'd be destroyed, or possibly worse somehow." Sammy began to think of all sorts of torturous things, making him pale ever so slightly but he shook his head violently to keep the evil thoughts away, the color rushing back to his face. "I don't plan on dying here for something stupid I seem to have gotten caught up in, so I think trying to live would be a grand idea, don't you lady?" He smirked and cocked an eyebrow at Veronika, hoping to try and lighten things up, and doing anything he could to stop from trembling again.

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And then the teams were formed. Chelsea was approached by both Bert, the pegasus knight with somewhat of a foul temper, and John, the usually pensive wyvern knight.... who was without his wyvern. Chelsea nodded at Bert's introduction, and took note of the fact that John was mountless, because he forgot to go. Bert then advised that if they could go, they would, but otherwise no. Chelsea chose that moment to speak up.

"Can't you just call him? Like with some kinda whistle or something?"- the troub added, thinking that if there was a way to get from there to here, it would help a lot.

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Gytha's mention of Silvia got Amon thinking, though no actual reply was ever voiced. Well it's not that I want her dead ... I'm just not sure about my own chances of survival with her threats. She's really aiming to recruit or kill me, now ...

"I'll be careful." Amon replied to Synthia. He was more confident in his abilities than he used to be, but the enemy was probably stronger than usual if they were beating up on Weyland's security, people he assumed better trained or at least better armed than them. When Gytha's reply failed to get Synthia off of her back, he was promptly recruited for ... explanation duty.

Turning to Gytha, he gave it a shot. "Uh, I think she means that she doesn't want you-US to take any unnecessary risks. You know ... like charging straight into enemy gunfire or things like that. It'll probably be easier if we just watch each other's backs." he conceded a little.


"I'm not a fan of foightin' mages, but that's not the only thing we'll be foightin'. I don't do plans; I'm not an alpha." she replied to Shadrak. To Robin she replied "Speak. Common." she gave the archer an annoyed expression as she flipped her lance onto her shoulder.


Overhearing Bert's conversation with John, he decided to comment. "Just take the same route the first group took to the stables, from there, you only need to decide what route you'll take to the battle. You can keep your wyvern grounded and head through the building, or go outside and fly over the west side of the route. I wouldn't advise flying over the center or the east where the other wyverns landed. You're too likely to get shot down going that way. You'll also need to be mindful of those roaming strike teams. There's at least one ..." Some other suggestions came, which prompted some more input. "Until the enemy breaches the building, you've got a clear route to the stables. Just keep that in mind."

Edited by Phoenix
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''Couldn't I just go to the stables from within the Manor?'' John said. ''After all, they've yet to breach the place according to the scout.'' He then faced Chelsea. ''I could whistle, but with so many noises outside I doubt he could hear me if I did.''

Just then Weyland suggested the same thing about going through the manor. ''Hm, in that case, could I excuse myself? Better to do it when it's still possible then.''

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Shadrak chuckled at the lancer's response, as crude as it was. "Well, that simplifies matters, Wolf, don't get too brash, I'll keep the mages off you if you keep the fighters off me." He told the wolf. If Gabbie wasn't going to be the alpha, and Robin being as timid as usual, that left Shadrak to fill the role of the squad leader it seemed, which, in all honosty, didn't sound like that bad of an idea.

Zel gave Blake a small salute, acknowledging that he had been heard.

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"Sometimes I think life is all about getting caught up in things and trying to live through them," she said, giving Sammy a small smile. "Stay back with Ranyin and keep your distance while I enter the fray. If an enemy with a weapon gets too close to you you may want to call for support from another team- John has a heavy shield and armor and can probably keep an attacker off of you for a while," she advised, gesturing over in John's direction.

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"Alright. Be sure to meet up with us soon. I'll watch Chelsea while you're gone," Norbert replied to John.


"Oh, nothin' unnessessary. If things get necessary, though, a'course I'll have t' make sure yer both a'right," Gytha cheerfully responded.

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"I am sorry. I did not notice I had switched. I said we should focus ourselves on those targets whom are tough, but not armored. Shade Drake is a powerful mage, and I am skilled at taking down hard things with well-placed shots, so it seems the best choice."

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Chelsea faced Norbert and smiled playfully. "Watch me!? You make it look like I can't be left alone 5 seconds before I wind up somewhere else. Really now, I'm hurt~ Hehehe~"- Chelsea giggled at her own attempts at lightening the mood.

"But seriously, good luck John. Get your wyvern back so we can be the mount trio. Would be better if Nesha could fly but still-"- Chelsea was cut off as Nenesha began to try and shake her off. "Geez, I was only kidding, damn horse. Calm thyself, lest you get no carrots tommorow."

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''Okay, will do.'' John said. He'd rather not wait for an answer to his question. It was better to just act considering the circumstances. ''Well, I'm off.'' He said, making a start towards the exit into the bowels of the manor.

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Chelsea was suddenly being...playful or something...and did that creepy laugh with that sort-of-winey-but-kinda-as-though-you're-laughing tone...and Bert found himself beguiled and quite simply freaked out by it. It was sort of like the waitresses' sing-song ways of talking, but...far and away creepier. "Uhhh...riight... Alright, if you don't need me watching you... Though...since you are the healer among us, I thought...maybe you'd benefit from some protection... I guess nevermind, then..." he awkwardly responded, leaning away slightly. Just who have I been teamed up with?! A creepy cleric and a mild-mannered wyvern rider? I hope his wyvern doesn't like eating pegasi...

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Party Planning:

Nanahm sat, or rather, stood around while Raquel went about the business of assigning teams. It was no unexpected surprise then, when the teams announced were very much unlike the previous ones. Or were they? Nahm had trouble determining if it were so. If it was so.

"Understood," the fighter replied to Weyland's orders. "We kick them over the border, then we run back inside," locating his new teammates. Odd fellows, he thought upon receiving acknowledgement from each. Nahm debated going over strategy for the upcoming battle; he had none. Only he recognized how much Nanahm knew about what was going on.

"Nice to meet you two," he answered after a pause, lacking anything to say.

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"Haha..."- Chelsea chuckled when she saw Bert inch away from her.

"My apologies, I did not mean to make you nervous, especially during a big battle. I was simply trying to make the mood... less serious. I do need protection, thank you very much. And again, I offer my sincerest apologies for my earlier behavior. If you could please overlook it, I'm sure we can get along fine. What say you?"- the troubadour apologized, still wearing a smile.

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