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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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She talks weird. "Uh... Okay. I'll keep an eye on you, then," Norbert replied, only a little more comfortable with being within the general area of his new teammate.

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Get Ready

"Okay ..." Gabbie replied with some reservation in her voice. She then addressed Shadrak, again. "I really don't loike messin' with mages, so unless it's really necessary, don't send me after'em. I'd rather focus on the enemy's close range units. The last thing I need is to get hit with some koind of anima explosion."

Suddenly another tremor shook the conference room. Something had been destroyed in a large explosion. Raquel immediately feared that the last tank had been blown away, but Weyland could already tell the explosion had come from inside the estate building. Gabbie slowly lowered her head. "You know ... I could almost feel that coming ... roight as I finished the sentence."

"Damn! They've breached the building!" the scout called out.

"Not all of them ... that explosion came from the east wing ... so that means the armors are through. Welp, looks like you're up, Evan~" Anna told the guardsman.

"Yeah, yeah ... just be careful, the rest of you." he shot back before rushing out to meet the others in the hall. They had an entire wing to defend, now.

"I'd better get going, too. I'll try to bag your blonde woman, Amon. Later~" Anna announced, before running out behind Evan. Amon didn't have time to say anything, and just stood still, fighting off a mild blush.

"Alright, if the rest of you are ready, head out toward the front entrance and hold that position if the enemy is there! If the enemy can be forced further back or is already at a distance, head outside and establish a perimeter! Watch out for any possible reinforcements!" Weyland ordered. Then he began heading for the door as well, apparently on his way somewhere.

"Where are you going?!" Cat yelled.

"To get some things. Stay here." he shot back.

She just sighed ... then she pulled out a tome from her cloak. "This is irritating ..." she muttered.

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Ranyin was not pleased with having to part with Bert and Valter. Or rather, he loath to leave Rizen to join a group with no flying mounts. Neverthless, orders are orders. Folding his arms Ranyin asked Veronika and Sammy, "As our group seem poorly armoured, I presume we have to strike more decisively? As in pick our targets more wisely."


Saluting her team members, Mireille announced, "I am Mireille Authine. And I shall see to making sure none of you get harmed with my honour as a knight," lowering her hands, she added, "Also, you may adress me as Miri for short."

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"Well, no use stayin' here. Come on!" Gytha cheerfully mentioned as she drew her sword and headed out in what she assumed was the correct direction, figuring the others were following.


People were moving now. Thank Mercy. "Well, looks like we're leaving. Stay close," Norbert instructed as he mounted Rizen, though he wasn't sure how much he meant that last bit. And she he, too, began moving out towards their battlefield.

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John stopped at the sound of the explosion. <What was that?> John wondered. He then shook his head. <No, I must hurry, I'll probably find out later.> He then resumed running.

When he finally reached the stables, John quickly went over to Gil. Not to his surprise, he found him giving a small glare at his direction. <I figured.> ''Fine fine, so I'm kinda late.'' He said. ''But at least I'm here now.'' A mere grunt he got in reply, as always. <Well, at least he didn't leave the place looking for me.>

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"Waaah.... we're being attacked NOW!?"- Chelsea squeaked in surprise. As Weyland gave the order to move out, Bert told her to stay close to him.

"U-Understood!"- she said and she ushered Nesha to follow the pegasus and her rider.

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Robin gave a nod as she drew her bow and a arrow. "Shade drake, Gabbie... Please. I am not shooting to kill, only cripple. If I down a target, please do not kill them afterwards. If Weyland is wrong and there is a Skotian among them... I do not want to become a traitor to my people, defending a Ursium home while striking down Skotian warriors." she asked, trying to avoid the Gytha-situation as before. Then, quietly, she took a knee.

"<Please... Goddess of... whatever... Mercy I think it is? Please extend some to me for after this fight... I am doing this in self-defense... Ummm... I don't really know what to say actually. Just please, show mercy to both them and me.>"

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"Ey! Don't call me Gabbie. Stick with somethin' else." she corrected before Shadrak led them out. As they walked, she spoke up, again saying "I kill people who try to kill me. If helpin' me makes you a traitor or whatever, then don't do it. Better yet, stay here."

Encounter With the Robed Figure

North of the estate, the last remaining tank had taken another shot at the robed figure only to see it dodged. "DAAAAAAMN!!! I'm loading another round before this guy crushes us!" the gunner yelled. "Why ... WHY CAN'T WE NAIL THIS GUY?!!! HE'S JUMPING AROUND LIKE A DAMN MONKEY!!!"

"I'm going to get us to a distance! Hang on!" the driver yelled. The tank began to back up some more. This made it more difficult to get an accurate shot off, but would probably buy them a little more time. As the gunner prepared to take another shot, he noticed something out in the distance near the robed figure. A lot of smoke was gathering without an apparent cause. The smoke didn't get the enemy's attention before Craig leaped out from it and took a shot at him! The shot went through the man's robe, but no blood was drawn. The shot had missed, it seemed. Craig landed and aggressively pursued the man as he moved away. When Craig came close enough to land a blow with his dagger, he was met with another blade ...

"State your intentions ..." Craig demanded during the blade lock. The figure pulled out a second blade and forced Craig off with a fast swing before answering.

"I'm here because I want to be ... why are you here, hm? Hope to save the lives of your allies? If they surrender, then no one else will have to die. You know, that, don't you?" The man's voice was calm and quite confident.

"We won't surrender to pretenders like you. Prepare to die ..." Craig shot back before spinning into his next attack. The robed man moved back and tossed a dark magic attack his way. Craig quickly dove under it, rolled to his feet, and lunged, meeting the man in another lock. The robed man didn't seem to need his hands, however, and another sphere of dark energy emerged from his chest. Craig leaped away and left the man with an active grenade. The grenade exploded, and what followed was another explosion from the failed magic attack, and finally a shot from the tank came flying in at high speed. It would have been the killing blow if the figure hadn't emerge from the smoke, leaping through the air at high speed. His robe was gone, likely damaged beyond use in the explosions.

When he landed, he still had his blades, and an eerie smile. "So what, now? Will you to try an stall me now that I've repelled every one of your tricks, assassin?"

"Just keep talking while they line up another shot, tough guy. I dare you ..."

Encounter With the Armors

Evan's men rushed through the halls desperately trying to intercept the intruders before they gained anymore ground, but they didn't have a plan, yet. They were simply rushing in to meet the enemy. Evan's heart was racing as he contemplated the situation. The closer they came to the enemy,the more anxious he became. They had no plan, and the enemy would be met with equal momentum. His only hope was that they didn't thin out his numbers with any opening volleys. When the armored unit came into view, he instinctively shouted "Disperse!"

Right as he gave the order, his men complied, and it saved their lives. Several blunderbusses were fired all at once, lighting up the hall, yet killing no one. "I knew it!" Evan affirmed before raising up his sword. "This is it! Let's do this!"

Encounter With the Wyverns

Anna's team decided to wait in the shadows where the wyvern unit would be breaching from. An explosion nearly exposed them and left a huge mess in the central hall. As glass from the skylight rained down, over a dozen units came sliding down on ropes. Anna shot a bolt up through the skylight and killed one of the wyvern riders in one hit. The other ranged units targeted the fastropers. "Don't let them get out of the room ..." she said in an uncharacteristically cold voice. "I'm not getting fired for poor job performance."

Encounter With the Mages

Raquel stayed behind with Connor and her mother. Only a few guards were still present, but it would be enough for the time being. Everyone else headed out and made for the main entrance to the estate. Upon arrival, in plain sight was a large enemy unit. They were a short ways outside and preparing a very large spell to overpower the rune barrier. "Well damn! It's a good thing the estate's defended with more than one rune, or the first breach would have let'em all in at once!" Gabbie commented.

"Are they about to-" "Oh roight ... GET DOWN!!!" Gabbie shouted. The mages immediately unleashed their spell and the rune along with anything that was a part of the main entrance's wall was obliterated in a violent blast. The roof remained in tact and the party wasn't buried ... now they had to fight to keep the enemy at bay. The mages fell back into their respective formations, ready to fight. Remaining at the head of the group with two mages was a sword master. Sparks ran the length of his blade even as he spoke to them.

"Well whaddya know ... you guys weren't really hiding, were you? That's good. Cowards aren't really worth killing ... I guess that makes you people tonight's special. Well ... no use just talking about it. Come at me; I want to kill the bravest one here first. Hurry up ... I don't want those flying bozos to come in and steal all my fun."

Colin (Passive-Erratic) 12/12

Mage A (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Mage B (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Mage C (Aggressive) 15/15

Knight A (Defensive/Defending) 18/18

Shaman A (Aggressive) 15/15


Mage D (Aggressive) 15/15

Knight B (Defensive/Defending) 18/18

Shaman B (Aggressive) 15/15


Mercenary A (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Knight C (Defensive/Defending) 18/18

Shaman C (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Mercenary B (Passive-Subvert) 15/15

Mercenary C (Passive-Subvert) 15/15

Knight D (Defensive/Defending) 18/18


Class: Level 2 Sword Master

Raw Stats

HP: 4 STR: 4 MAG: 4 SKL: 7 SPD: 12 LCK: 2 DEF: 2 RES: 4

Simplified Stats

HP: 12 MT: 4/4 Hit: 7 Evade: 14 AS: 12 Defense: 2 Resistance: 4

Weapon 1: Thunder Blade (Arcane Weapon) E

Special Item: Seraph Robe

Special Item: Shining Barrier

Book: Skill (-1 skill die modifier)

Overall Stats

HP: 12 MT: 4(8 if TB)/4 Hit: 7 Evade: 14 AS: 12 Defense: 2 Resistance: 4(6 if SB)

Mage A and B

Class: Level 5 Mage

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 9 SKL: 8 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 2

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 9 Hit: 8 Evade: 7 AS: 5 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2

Weapon 1: ArmorSlayer Tome E

Weapon 2: Mend Staff

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 9(13 if ASTTs) Hit: 8(12 if ASTTs) Evade: 7 AS: 5 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2

Mage C and D

Class: Level 4 Mage

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 6 SKL: 6 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF: 3 RES: 3

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 6 Hit: 6 Evade: 7 AS: 5 Defense: 3 Resistance: 3

Weapon 1: El Tome E

Weapon 2: Healing Staff

Special Weapon: Grenades

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 6(+1) Hit: 6 Evade: 7 AS: 5 Defense: 3 Resistance: 3

Mercenary A, B, and C

Class: Level 4 Mercenary

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF: 3 RES: 2

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 6 Hit: 6 Evade: 7 AS: 5 Defense: 3 Resistance: 2

Weapon 1: Steel Sword E

Special Weapon: Flintlock Pistol

Special Item: Pellet Pouch

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 6(7 if SS)(12 if FP) Hit: 6 Evade: 7 AS: 5 Defense: 3 Resistance: 2

Shaman A, B, and C

Class: Level 4 Shaman

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 8 SKL: 5 SPD: 4 LCK: 1 DEF: 2 RES: 4

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 8 Hit: 5 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 2 Resistance: 4

Weapon 1: Poison Tome E

Weapon 2: Healing Staff

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 8 Hit: 5 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 2 Resistance: 4

Knight A, B, C, and D

Class: Level 4 Knight

Raw Stats

HP: 6 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 3 LCK: 1 DEF: 6 RES: 3

Simplified Stats

HP: 18 MT: 5 Hit: 5 Evade: 4 AS: 3 Defense: 6 Resistance: 3

Weapon 1: Steel Sword E

Weapon 2: Steel Lance

Special Item: Bulwark

Overall Stats

HP: 18 MT: 5(+1) Hit: 5 Evade: 4 AS: 3 Defense: 6 Resistance: 3

Primary Objective 10: Defend for Six Turns

Hint: Don't die.

Bonus Objective 10: Defeat Colin in Four Turns.

Hint: None.

Note: Failing this objective changes the primary.



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Now having retrieved Gil, the duo now make their way, at Weyland's suggestion, on the ground while hugging the wall. As soon as he was within sight he saw the explosion.

<What...?> He thought as he watched. <Looks like we made it just in time.> ''Come on Gil, we must hurry! Let's take to the air now!'' He said, then after they took off, though keeping a low altitude and kept going towards the scene.

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Robin's first arrow was already knocked. She rose from her kneeling position, the string on her bow being drawn back as her eyes picked the first target, a mage. She brought the arrow up to aim down the shaft, then let it fly! The arrow shot forth, striking the mage hard in the chest and cutting through to the rib! Not a lethal blow, thankfully, but the sheer impact from the shot alone would cause damage, never mind the sharp cutting edge of the bolt. However, it would not be enough to down the mage for good, and he would still pose a threat. Not good.

Robin attacks Mage C! 4, 4, 1! Hit! 9 damage dealt! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3253868/

Robin: 12/12

Mage C: 6/15

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Try Again:

Nanahm looked at the swordmaster for a few moments. "He's moving way too fast," deciding to cleave through a knight's armor with his axe. Caught by surprise, the knight nonetheless managed to slash at the fighter, scoring a minor blow. Making a quick circle around, Nahm struck again, downing the defender.

-11 dmg. Fighter ability. Link

Knight hits. -5 dmg.

Double and autohit. -14 dmg.

Nanahm: 13/18 HP +5 points

Knight A: 0/18 HP KO

Edit: Formatting.

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Seeing the young archer, the only member of the group shorter than him, ready to take aim, Ranyin felt compelled to protect him, for no other reason than to satisfy his own ego. Tome at hand and legs arched, the kigenese mage prepared to intercept any attacks coming Sammy's way...

Ranyin Defends Sammy!


Standing with her back towards Valter, Mireille readied her lance and braced herself, "Sir archer, I shall be protecting you with my life."

Mireille Defends Valter! Def +3

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It was as if the world slowed down for the kid, watching the chaos erupt around him and sounds blurring together into one cacophonous noise. He felt the urge to run away, to never look back or try and be a man again, but his body would not move. Instead, his arms seemed to move on their own as he began to stare at one particular man, a knight by the looks of things. An arrow notched in his bow, he held his breath as he launched it, the sudden crash into the man's neck breaking his stupor and giving him a sickeningly sweet feeling inside.

I did it.

I killed a man.

With my own hands, my.. my own hands!


1st round uncounterable, used Fighter ability to cut through that sextacular defense.

22 damage vs 18 HP.

(Yeeeeah, the knight (B BTW) is probably not gonna live that one down...)

(+5 bloody points to the team of Veronika (thanks SO MUCH for the help) Ranyin (Again, good job standing there) and Sammy (Goddamn he's amazing))

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Shadrak ran out to the field, Robin seemed to handle herself fine, whittling down one of the enemy mages with a well placed shot. "Good work! Be careful, Wolf, attack that Dark magic user, I'll protect you." He said to his lancer, already drawing a mis-direction barrier over her.

Zel saw the barbarian of a man that was Nanahm charge out and tear one of the enemy knight asunder, he rode out after him, ready to intercept the first thing to try to strike the man.

Shadrak defends Gabbie!

Zel Defends Nanahm!

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Amon decided to defend Synthia for the time being. It wasn't necessarily careless and she could at least launch an attack or two unhindered. "Synthia, see if you can't take a few of them out! I'll make sure no one gets through!" he called out.

Amon defends Synthia!


Gabbie attacks Shaman A! Rolls 3,2,6



-5 hp

Shaman Counters Gabbie! Rolls 2,5,1 Shadrak Defends!



-10 hp

Shadrak counters! Rolls 4,5,6



Nosferatu Activates!

-12 hp

Shadrak +6 hp


Shaman A hp 0/15

Gabbie hp 18/18

Shadrak hp 11/15

+5 points for Shadrak/Gabbie/Robin

Colin (Passive-Erratic) 12/12

Mage A (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Mage B (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Mage C (Aggressive) 6/15

Knight A (Defending daisies) 0/18

Shaman A (Aggressive but dead) 0/15


Mage D (Aggressive) 15/15

Knight B (Defending dirt) 0/18

Shaman B (Aggressive) 15/15


Mercenary A (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Knight C (Defensive) 18/18

Shaman C (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Mercenary B (Passive-Subvert) 15/15

Mercenary C (Passive-Subvert) 15/15

Knight D (Defensive) 18/18

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A second explosion rocked the building, the groups dispersed to their separate targets, and Valter followed the others outside. The horseman positioned himself in front of the gaping hole leading inside, behind the knight who he’d been teamed with earlier. He looked over the battlefield and picked out an injured mage.

Roll: 2,4,3 - CB equipped

6 + 2 = 8 – 7 = HIT

6 + 4 = 10 – 3 = 7 dmg

Mage C is dead, 0/15 HP

He hurried to load another bolt into the crossbow. “Mireille, how would you feel about going after their leader?” he asked. The knight planned on protecting him, after all. It would be unfair not to ask first. Based on the swordsman’s lack of defensive gear, he probably relied on speed to avoid attacks. It would be a simple matter to shoot him and end it.


“Alright, I’ll see what I can do,” Synthia replied to Amon, and searched out a target. A shaman and a mage were closest, and to avoid being disadvantaged she attacked the mage.

Roll: 4,6,6

6 + 4 = 10 – 7 = HIT

6 + 6 = 12 – 3 = 9 *2 = 18 dmg

Mage D is dead as a doornail, 0/15 HP

Before the enemy mage had even realized what was happening Synthia summoned spears of wind that pummeled him into the ground, unconscious. She stared at her tome in bewilderment. Why did it pick random times to be absurdly powerful...?

Forgot to add points last night xD

+5 (Valter/Miri/Nadya)

+5 (Gytha/Synthia/Amon)

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Shaman B attacks Ranyin! Rolls 5,2,5!



-10 hp!

Shaman B hp 15/15

Ranyin hp 5/15

Mercenary skill activates!

-2 hp

+1 str/skl

Mercenary A attacks Mireille! Rolls 3,6,2



-11 hp

Mercenary A hp 15/15

Mireille hp 4/15

Shaman C attacks Zel! Rolls 4,6,6




Shaman C hp 15/15

Zel hp 0/18


Ranyin -2 hp

Shadrak -2 hp

Zel ... oh never mind ...

Amon 15/15

Gytha 21/21

Synthia 12/12


John 21/21

Chelsea 12/12

Bert 15/15


Shadrak 9/15

Gabbie 18/18

Robin 12/12


Ranyin 3/15

Veronika 15/15

Sammy 15/15


Valter 12/12

Nadya 18/18

Mireille 4/15


Zel 0/18

Blake 12/12

Nanahm 13/18


Domovoi 15/15

Saken 12/12


Aneda 15/15

Tipheret 24/24

Sophia 12/12

Colin (Passive-Erratic) 12/12 Thunder Blade

Mage A (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15 Armorslayer Tome

Mage B (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15 Armorslayer Tome


Mage C (Remembers he had something to do this morning) 0/15

Knight A (Defending daisies) 0/18

Shaman A (Aggressive but dead) 0/15


Mage D (Wishes he could start over) 0/15

Knight B (Defending dirt) 0/18

Shaman B (Aggressive) 15/15 Poison Tome


Mercenary A (Aggressive) 15/15 Steel Sword

Knight C (Defending) 18/18 Steel Sword

Shaman C (Aggressive) 15/15 Poison Tome


Mercenary B (Passive-Subvert) 15/15 Steel Sword

Mercenary C (Passive-Subvert) 15/15 Steel Sword

Knight D (Defending) 18/18 Steel Sword


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+3 Points for Team Ranyin/Sammy/Veronika for successful defending and For Team Mireille/Nadya/Valter

Ranyin placed himself between Sammy and the shaman knowing full well that the boy could not evade such the precise attack launched, he recieved the full blast, gritting his teeth as his magical defenses her torn asunder by the powerful spell, Still concious despite his ordeal, Ranyin coughed out some dark coloured blood that hissed when they touched the ground. Not good, he thought despairingly, I've been poisened.

Instinctively, he took out a nearly empty flask of vulnerary to use to deal with most of the pain. Gazing at it for a short moment, the kigenese mage looked back at the young bow user nearby. If I had not tried to shield him, he might have died. The fact that his actions had made an impact, accomplish protecting one without being beaten himself caused the kigenese mage to stand straighter with pride. Shoving the vulnerary into his pouch, Ranyin forced himself to stand and brace himself. He knew the boy was a better fighter than he was, and thus for the sake of the entire group, he would have to continue protecting him. And to accomplish that, he would need to forsake applying the vulnerary on himself to remain vigilant.

Coughing out a bit more of the poisoned blood, Ranyin tried to ignore the pain and act, perhaps for one time in his life, like a true Kigenese warrior, brave, proud and strong. Please...let this moment last...

Ranyin Defends Sammy!


Bracing for a blast of whatever magic the enemy mages can conjure up, Mireille was nearly knocked off her steady position by the sudden shock of force smashing into her shield from her side. But she managed to hold her ground. Looking at the dent in her shield and then the enemy holding a gun not too far away, Mireille grimaced. Her shield arm was still intact thankfully, but she could feel it numbing all over gradually. Had the pellet hit actually pierced through? No, i can't show any weakness, thought the panicking Ursian knight trying her best to hide her fear, what if it struck my helmet?

No tears came. Then the pain came, despite the numbness, there was pain. And blood. I'm...bleeding? So this is what it's like to bleed for your allies, Master you are right, the path of a knight is harsh, to defend others and accept their pain as your own, I will hold strong...

Reaffirming her will, Mireille stood her ground. Even if the next shot killed her, she would at least die knowing she did so as a dutiful knight...

Mireille defends Valter!

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Veronika saw the shaman attack her new teammate Ranyin and dashed forward, cleanly cutting through him. (6,2,5)= 9-2= 7 damage. (1,6,6)= CRITICAL! 13-2= 26 damage :unsure:

Shaman B 0/12 +5 Veronika, Ranyin, Sammy

Well maybe all that armor is handy...she sure took that gunshot better than I could Nadya thought to herself before having Luca trot over to heal Mireille Mireille 4/15-->15/15 +2 Miri, Valter, Nadya

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Amon 15/15

Gytha 21/21

Synthia 12/12


John 21/21

Chelsea 12/12

Bert 15/15


Shadrak 9/15

Gabbie 18/18

Robin 12/12


Ranyin 3/15

Veronika 15/15

Sammy 15/15


Valter 12/12

Nadya 18/18

Mireille 15/15


Zel 0/18

Blake 12/12

Nanahm 13/18


Domovoi 15/15

Saken 12/12


Aneda 15/15

Tipheret 24/24

Sophia 12/12

Colin (Passive-Erratic) 12/12 Thunder Blade

Mage A (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15 Armorslayer Tome

Mage B (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15 Armorslayer Tome


Mage C (Remembers he had something to do this morning) 0/15

Knight A (Defending daisies) 0/18

Shaman A (Aggressive but dead) 0/15


Mage D (Wishes he could start over) 0/15

Knight B (Defending dirt) 0/18

Shaman B (Nika'd) 15/15 Poison Tome


Mercenary A (Aggressive) 15/15 Steel Sword

Knight C (Defending) 18/18 Steel Sword

Shaman C (Aggressive) 15/15 Poison Tome


Mercenary B (Subvert) 15/15 Steel Sword

Mercenary C (Subvert) 15/15 Steel Sword

Knight D (Defending) 18/18 Steel Sword

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A look of shock came over Robin as someone struck down the mage she had been fighting. Already her next arrow had been knocked and ready when the mage had been outright killed instead of disabled. She gritted her teeth though as she looked to the next of the unarmored targets, lining up a shot on a shaman. She quickly fired the bolt off, striking the shaman in the hand.

"Damned archer girl!" hissed the shaman as he ripped the arrow out, then sent a blast of magic at Robin in retaliation. A sudden, furious, burning sensation swept over Robin as dark magic coursed over her body, pressing through her skin with vile intent. Robin quickly tried to spring backwards and rub the poison off, only for it to cling even more to her skin. Worse, it had started to burn. Not just her flesh, but it felt as if her very blood was on fire. Robin screamed out in fear as she tried harder and harder to brush it off, yet with every motion it caused her body to hurt more and more... and worse yet, cause the feeling in her fingers and limbs to go numb as they became stiff and rigid. Robin collapsed to the floor, screaming in terror. She knew exactly what this was. Snakes used this sort of poison, something that assaulted the nerves of a person, causing them to contract and spasm as it worked its way towards the heart. Normally, the 'best' solution was to tie the limb off until something could cure it, but the tome had struck her entire body, and there was no way she could seal all that off. She tried to step away from the battle, only to find her legs had gone numb and started to spasm. Backwards she fell, striking her head hard upon the ground as she came crashing down, obsidian scattering about her fallen form.


Robin attacks Shaman C for (2, 2, 6) 8 damage!

Shaman C counter attacks Robin for 12 auto-hitting 12 damage! (3, 5, 3)

Robin goes down!

Robin 0/12 HP

Shaman C: 7/15 HP

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Boom went the eastern side of the estate. And it was off to the battlefield, as the group raced to prevent the estate's fall. The band had arrived just in time to witness the rune barriers' shattering by the magical squad. Blake's squad mates raced ahead and struck down one of the armored units, but this was not without a penalty: the cavalier was immediately struck down by a shaman in return. Those would be an issue.

The swordsman switched his short sword out for his enchanted blade, and produced a small bottle. After downing about a third of it, he put the item away and began to observe the battlefield, for an open target.

Blake equips his Barrier Sword! Res + 2.

Blake downs a Stimulant! MT + 2, Hit + 2. (Stimulant 2/3)

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Other than the boss and his two underlings, the only enemies left were being defended by two very large knights. Mages were supposed to be strong against those, right? Either way, they needed to be taken down, and after her last attack, Synthia felt she could do it. She launched the first attack, a blade of wind that cut through the man’s armor. Amon diverted his counterattack and finished him off.

[spoiler=Rolls and such]Synthia’s rolls: [5, 4, 1] [4, 4, 1]

Knight’s roll: [5, 6, 6]

Amon’s rolls: [6, 6, 6] [6, 6, 3]

Synthia: [5, 4, 1] attacking Knight C

6 + 5 = 10 – 4 = HIT

6 + 4 = 10 – 3 = 7 dmg

Knight C: [5, 6, 6,] Attacking Amon

5 + 5= 10 – 14 = MISS

Amon: [6, 6, 6]

9 + 6 = 15 – 4 = HIT

6 + 6 = 12 – 9 = 3 * 3 = 9 dmg

Doubles [6, 6, 3]

9 + 6 = 15 – 4 = HIT

6 + 6 = 12 – 9 = 3 dmg

Knight C down


Valter had failed to realize the enemy held firearms. Thank goodness he had someone protecting him, he thought, but was the knight alright? His worry was short lived, however, as Nadya healed Mireille soon after. Back to the battle at hand and the horseman aimed his weapons at the shaman who had taken down two of their allies.

Roll: [4,6,4] CB still equipped

6 + 4 = 10 – 5 = HIT

6 + 6 = 12 – 2 = 10 dmg

Shaman C is down

+5 points (Gytha/Synthia/Amon)

+5 points (Nadya/Miri/Valter)

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