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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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"Anyways, back on to the topic of hunting, I think we can do some hunting well. It would not hurt for sure and Bert can be useful for encircling a heard. We may even get more than one kill if both of you help out."

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"I could carry back what's salvagable, too. Does an axe make a good hunting weapon?" Norbert asked, figuring he couldn't bring his maces since the payday hadn't struck yet. His iron axe was still at his belt and his poleaxe was on Rizen's tack. I wonder which one would be more effective from a pegasus' back...

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''If you say so.'' John said. ''Though I guess it we carefully plan an approach, we could have it easier.'' <Then again,> he thought. <We may end up with a fight anytime we meet someone of those anyway. So much for just talking it out as a solution.>

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"No. Just the opposite actually. A good hunting weapon needs to be capable of hitting a specific point at long range. If you must fight a animal you want a quick weapon to deter them and make it clear to them that you are not prey. Your pegasus can fly though and that makes it easy for you to help us encircle. Just be being on the field you can scare the animals the right way."

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"Who says I can't strike quickly?" Norbert asked, somewhat irritated by the implication, "If an animal attacks me, I can usually kill it before my arm winds up in its' teeth, too. They know plenty well I'm not pray. That's why they run away most of the time. Though it'd make sense that it'd be easier to hit something that's running away with a ranged weapon. And I'm not a sheep dog. Don't imply that my usefulness ends at herding!" By this point, his tone was upset, but he wasn't quite yelling yet. He was glaring, though.

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"The point is not speed as much as it is to deter them away from eating your face. You do not want to kill too many or you endanger the heard as a whole and most of the meat will go to waste as you will not be able to drag back enough or eat it. You do not want to kill the predators if you can help it because they keep the heard from growing too large and ruining the land."

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"You said an axe wouldn't be good for hunting because I'd 'need a quick weapon.' And I said if I was attacked, I'd be fast enough to defend myself!" this was getting quite frusterating, "Besides, I know to only take what I can eat! Why would I waste the energy hoarding stuff I don't have the supplies to preserve? Make up your mind on what point you're trying to make!"

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Robin groaned as she rubbed her face in her palm from frustration. "If you have a fast weapon, you deter sooner so you do not risk damage to yourself. You do not need to kill a large animal and, if you use a weapon like an axe, you may kill more than you need. Is it really so hard to understand?"

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"Aren't ya not allowed to see ladies naked? You'd apparently go blind from their divine radiance or somethin'...at least that's what I think I remember someone sayin'," Nadya said, putting her hand on her chin.


The cavalier came back to the bulk of the patrol unit.

"Commander, there's an odd group up on the road ahead, some sort of caravan. They had a stange creature with them, with wings and a tail...," his voice trailed off in uncertainty.

"That sounds like a Fallen, but what would a Fallen be doing in Ursium? No matter, we'll just kill the beast and ask questions later. Be on your guard and move out!" Captain Callisto Aulus said, taking her bow into her hands. The fairly small unit of horses and pegasi trailed behind her.

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"... Are you suggesting that someone with an axe will automatically kill off an entire herd of deer?" This woman was incrediable in the not positive sort of way. He was almost too dumbfounded at her closed-mindedness to be angry.

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Amon immediately grumbled. Grrr, not this stuff agaiiin. "Where do you get those ideas from anyway, and isn't it like that everywhere? Not going blind, I mean women not wanting to be seen ... like that ...."

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"That's what people say about the old country. Though this was Kipp sayin' that and he's my age, so he probably doesn't know much," she said, putting a hand on her chin. "And yeah, most women don't like bein' seen naked, unless that's their job, and even then you have to pay to get a look see," Nadya said to Amon, shrugging.

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Robin looked up at Bert, clearly irritated at the man. "<Stupid Ursium.>" she quietly cussed. "You want to try and use your axe, go right ahead. When you get some experience hunting, I'm sure you will start to understand my reasoning."

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"J-job? Wha-never mind. I'm pretty sure I don't want to know what you're talking about." It's just not a good idea to talk to her about much of anything, is it? Amon thought to himself.

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"I was hoping for instruction! Not some mindless babbling that doesn't make any sense!" at this point, he was yelling, but not as loudly as if he was more irritated than he was presently -- though that didn't mean his words weren't dripping with venom, "If I'm attacked by a wild animal, I can defend myself with an axe! I've done it before, I can do it again! But hunting isn't just simple combat. I know that and I know not to kill more than I have use for -- those are questions of simple logic! Most of what you're saying doesn't make any sense, though! Try talking when you figure out how to explain a complete thought, you backwater, brainless, inarticulate, delusional, unskilled dragon-lover!" He wouldn't take much more insult.

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"<Back off you stupid, self-centered, bull-headed Ursian!>" shouted back Robin. Almost reflexivly she could feel herself reaching for her knife, as if Bert was an attacking bear seeking to maul her out. It was only with a conscious thought that 'defending' herself from him would likely result in trouble for Raquel and the majority of the other Urswine voting to kick her out and leaving her in this distant land that stopped her.

"You wanted to know if your axe was a good weapon to hunt with and I told you it was not." she said through gritted teeth. "I told you that it was not because the only time you use melee weapons in a hunt is when you have to defend yourself, and even then the point is not to kill the animal but simply to get it to stop attacking. If this is how you act, then fine, I will not take you on a hunt. Hunt with your fellow kind, just leave me out of it."

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"There! Finally, you're making sense! The way you said it just now makes sense. If you said that before and didn't keep insulting me, then I wouldn't have become so angry," Bert thrust his index finger at Robin as he pointed out her explanation. Though he was still yelling, a smile was on his face now, glad he could finally understand what she was trying to say.

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At first Raquel only glanced over at the bickering pair, but then as things got louder, she took a few steps to the side getting closer and leaning in to hear what they were arguing about. A hunting argument? Helloooo, we've still got plenty of rations left. If they wanted deer meat or whatever so badly, why didn't they just buy some in Ursanctis when we were there? "Could you guys relax?"


<"Are they going to fight to the death? I always wanted to see an underground human fight!"> Siv said cheerfully. When Bert pointed a finger at Robin, Siv was certain there would be a match and began swaying back and forth in anticipation. Raquel's presence made her worry that it was all going to be broken up though ...

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"Yes, you did. You kept implying incompetence on my part," Bert pointed out, his temper rising again as his smile left his face and a glare filled his eyes again. Only after that did he respond to Raquel, keeping his red gaze glued to Robin, "You should know better than to ask me to relax, Pinky!"

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Robin looked furiously at Bert as he insulted Raquel. Never the less she, quite literally, bit her tongue. "Yes Raquel." she said after a moment, the salty-iron taste of her own blood in her mouth from the sheer strain of keeping herself from lashing out in response. She jumped back onto the wagon and, with a final look out, went inside. A moment later a loud and frustrated scream came from inside, muffled only slightly by the carriage walls.

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"Seriously guys ..." Raquel managed to mutter after Robin left.

Siv watched as Robin came over and went into the wagon with disappointment in her eyes. <"She ruined it ...">

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"ARGH! That dizzying--! Grr... ... What?!" mostly nonsense came from Norbert before he looked over, having noticed he was being stared at. He wasn't in the best of moods.

"Heharr... Ye sure are mad," Gytha giggled lightly to herself about the male pegasus rider. Bert didn't hear her, though, he was mainly focussed on Raquel.

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