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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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"It didn't start with hunting, for one," he began, tone still somewhat harsh, but he wasn't yelling anymore, "Because I ride a pegasus, she thought I was a woman. No matter how many times I told her otherwise. In the end she decided to just 'pretend that I'm a man.' Then I asked about hunting and she began talking in circles, insulting my intelligence the whole time. It built up, alright?! Sorry for disturbing the peace!" By the end, however, he did yell a little, then he crossed his arms and waited for Raquel's usual scolding of his anger problems.

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"She think's you're a woman? That doesn't ..." For some reason, that just stuck out more than anything else. Raquel couldn't help but try to figure that one out for a moment before forcing herself to address the other issues. "Hmm, well I guess it would be frustrating, but maybe you should try just ... blowing people off. It's kind of rude, but at least it avoids those loud two sided arguments." Terrific, I just gave him advice that he could very well use on me now ... great idea Raquel. she mentally scolded herself.

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For a moment, her responce confused him. She wasn't frusterated with his behavior? That was...different. "I guess. ... That might be hard for me to get used to. I'll...try, though," his tone was much calmer than previously. Actually, he seemed somewhat like he was trying to figure something out. "... I'm going to go for a flight. I'll follow you again when you start moving so don't worry about it; I'll just be in the sky above everyone." With that, Norbert climbed into Rizen's saddle and took off to circle the group, its wagon and mounts.

While he was in the air, Norbert was alone with Rizen and she didn't pester him when she could tell he was trying to gain distance from others. Right now, he neeed to think. Just walk away and ignore them, huh? I've never been good at that. She was perfectly reasonable, though. I'll just have to do my best. ... This will take some time... Lots of trying and failing, but improvement each time. ... I'm up for the challenge, I guess. Still... That was weird. Not a lot of people listen to my side of things. They just assume I'm to blame for whatever argument sprung up. They might be right, too. Maybe I am usually the cause of it. I get angry much more quickly than most people. I've never really cared, though. Now that I'm with them, though...I guess I have to start caring about how people percieve me. Grr... I hate that. Whatever. I'll just take it. Not like I'm too weak to handle that. Even if I start yelling at someone when no one else would, as long as I keep working on it... He stopped as a realization hit him. "HOW THE HECK IS THAT OLD MAN HAUNTING ME?! HE KEPT TRYING TO GET ME TO ACT MORE CIVILIZED FOR YEARS AND THIS MERCHANT GETS ME TO CONSIDER FALLING IN WITH SOCIETY IN A FEW SECONDS?! AUGH!! WHAT THE HECK?!! NO WAY!! I'LL RESPOND HOWEVER THE HECK I WANT TO!!! ...Grr... And how I want to just so happens to be working on my temper, that's all," the pegasus rider yelled and grumbled to himself.


A little while after Norbert had taken to the skies, Gytha heard some sort of yelling from up there...angry yelling. Not that any of it was understandable from that distance. "By Leviathan, th' man can't even keep from yellin' at himself! Or maybe a bird looked at 'im wrong, HAHARR!" Gytha joked with no one in particular.

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Curious, John got closer and listened.

<Wait, she thought what!?> John thought, surprised. Of all things, this certainly didn't expected it. <Now that's some stubbornness if I hadn't seen already.> And now Norbert had left as well, and then the faint shouting. John shook his head. <And I guess that's the end of it.>

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Within the carriage, Robin was in a similar feud. Sitting in the back corner, turned away from the group, she sat full of fury. "<Damned Ursium! Thinks he knows everything and that he has the final say? Of course he's right, he is a Ursian! Doesn't matter that I spent most of my life hunting out in the wilds and surrounded by these weapons and animals and know how to handle myself, he has to be right! Never let the Skotian be right, noooo... That would be treason! Hearsay! Then says I started this fight.... UGGGGG!>"

She drew her stone knife and suddenly rammed it down into the woodwork of the cart in a fury. However, either the blade struck a iron nail or was not made of as strong stone as Robin had thought. With a loud sound, the blade shattered sending bits and pieces flying forth. One of the larger pieces cut into Robin's leg, embedding itself in her flesh. A soft cry, quickly squelched, came from Robin as she gritted her teeth to block out the pain, then slowly grabbed the shard, her bloody fingers struggling to grip the shard as she tried to pull it out.

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Shadrak rolled his eyes at the entire scene, it interupted his little interrogation... thing... that was all really. "<Well, you should find out, ignorance is a bad thing Siv, you can't make decisions without knowing the full story.>"

Zel sighed a little. "I see... I'm... sorry I brought it up Wolfy..." he said sorrofully... it must be tough, not knowing your past or your family...

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<"But I'm only forty-eight seasons-I mean twelve years old. I'm not old enough to be deciding things. Once I'm old enough, and I'm the empress, then I can start ... doing things like that, I hope. If it's alright with Lord Valdimarr."> she answered. The sound of the furious Neviskotian in the back made her frown. <"They should have fought ... it would have been fun ..."> she said with her head hung low.


"Ah don't worry about it, man. It's been too long now for me to feel depressed about it. Maybe it's not worth rememberin'." she replied shrugging a bit. "So since you're the only one of us with family history you can remember, and there's nothin' to do besoides watchin' the feuders, tell me about yours."


Amon glanced over at the wagon right when the yelling started, but couldn't just ignore it a second time when he actually heard a small whine and something breaking. "What was that?" he leaned over being careful with Siv so close and peeked into the wagon. He saw Robin but it was too dark to see clearly and he moved the curtains over. "Hey, what did you do in here?"

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Robin looked up, pain in her eyes. "Hurt myself. Shattered my knife." she said as she tried to turn without causing more pain to her body to let him see the wound. "Stone splinter." As she moved, trying to keep her right leg steady and even without moving too much, her balance shifted causing a slight jostle and a fresh wave of pain from slightly lower in her leg, closer to the knee than hip. "More than one!" she said after taking a sharp gasp of air.

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"... maybe you should get a stronger knife ... or ... not try to carve up the wagon with it ..." he commented glancing at the various pieces for a moment. "Just stay there for a second. I'll go get one of the healers."

He then left the wagon and his first stop was Nadya. He figured it may as well be her since she was so close by, and he doubted she could take the conversation from a knife wound to anything involving Sanctuarian culture ... at least he hoped. "Uh, Nadya. You've got a patient in the wagon. Robin shattered her knife and some fragments got stuck in her leg."

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<Now what?> John thought at the sounds coming from the wagon. <They must have really took it personal or something. Then again, I guess it wouldn't be surprising if they did.> He shrugged.

''Well now, I wonder what's next.'' He said out loud, without someone in particular.

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"Well, we could keep goin'. I'm curious about what we'll find out at Weyland's," Gytha responded, somewhat eager to get on the road again.

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Ranyin sat in silence as he watched the archer and pegasus rider argue over hunting methods. He had little to no knowledge in that field, hence decided to stay out of it by resuming his earlier activity of painting.

He did not realise the arguement ended until Bert's shadow flew pass him and he looked up to see Riz rise up to the sky. It made him feel sad as first as he had missed out on an opportunity to ride on Riz. But then, he recalled Bert's expression and vaguely remembered the man's voice raising earlier. He's likely very upset, not a good company anyways, thought Ranyin as he tried to console himself for not flying.

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Shadrak chuckled a little. "<That's what I mean, in the future, when you will be making decisions. It's important to learn now, so you can make the correct ones then." He said to her with a smile

Zel sighed a little, and leaned his back against Sliep as he tapped his armored finger to the chin of his helmet. "My family eh... well... I guess it's nothing special. My father used to be a soldier for Ursium, he fought in the war against Skotia for the longest time. His stories, as grim as they could be, where the ones that inspired me to become a Knight. My mother is a Cleric of Mercy... and my sister is studying under her... I wonder how they're doing... this has been the longest I've been away from home..."

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John turned to face Gytha. ''I guess so.'' He said. ''Although, Atsuko hasn't come back yet. If we were to leave we should tell go and tell her then. Or just wait until she comes back.''

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"Aye, a'course everyone would have t'be ready t' go. Guess we'll just wait till Raquel gives th' order," Gytha agreed, lacing her fingers and placing her hands behind her head as she let her eyes wander around their little section of the road.

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"She got a knife stuck in her leg? How did she...eh it doesn't matter I guess," Nadya said, riding over to the wagon before entering.

"Y'know generally stabbin' yourself with knives is bad for your health," Nadya said to Robin off-handedly, taking her healing staff out. "Let's see the wound now."

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"Hm?" hearing her name mentioned made her realize that what Gytha and John were talking about involved her somewhat, which made everything come back. "Oh when we're leaving. A half hour break tends to hold Sandrock and Riley over for awhile so in another twenty minutes I guess."


Amon shrugged and then followed Nadya back to the wagon. He remained outside with Luca though. After a few seconds of just standing there, Luca snorted toward Amon blowing his hair a bit for some reason. Amon glanced at the horse and then ran his fingers through his hair to get it facing the right way again.


<"But I was learning. Svan was just beginning to teach me common and more advanced ways of controlling my powers. Bryn brought me with her so I could see what a full scale battle looked like. I was doing lots of learning like I was supposed to, and then those Kigenese humans killed all of my guards, beat me until I couldn't move, tied me up, put this power sucking thing around my neck, and left with me while Bryn was distracted."> she explained with an annoyed look on her face and a deep loathing in her voice.


"Hmm ... sounds loike a noice bunch. Do they where helmets at all toimes too?" she asked suppressing a laugh into a small chuckle.

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<Twenty more minutes? I guess we're not leaving just yet.> John thought.

<Maybe I should just wait it out back with Gil.> He glanced over. The wyevern was just lying there, resting most likely. <Or maybe not. I think I'll just leave him be until we're ready to move out.>

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"Here. I did not do it on purpose. My knife broke and shattered. Two shards, one big, and a smaller one below it." said Robin as she tried her best to raise her leg to show the wound to Nadya. "Not clean... Is it safe to heal a wound with a object still inside it?"

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Shadrak shook his head. "Sorry.. well, I guess I can't blame you for being angry, but I mean, learn about the world, everything, not just the little bit of it you see in your home.>" He said to Siv.

Zel chuckled as well. "My father used to. It was actually an old saying of his, unless in the comfort of your own home, don't take your helmet off, for you never know when someone will knock you upside the head... and I feel that it's true enough." he said, giving his helmet a slight knock as he did.

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"Nope," Nadya said simply, before reaching over and plucking the larger stone shard out of Robin's leg. She then immediately applied her healing staff to the gaping wound as it began to bleed, closing it.

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<"But I can't even travel around Kigen or they'll kill me, and everywhere else I'm hidden in that stuffy old wagon all the time."> she said beginning to whine quite a bit. <"I won't be able to learn much about other places until the fallen empire rules over them and I can travel safely.">

Then an idea struck the young fallen. <"Hey, you know a lot about the human world, right? If it's that interesting, you can just tell me all about it. After Lord Valdimarr takes over, it will be safe to travel and when we visit places you can tell me about them.">


"Hahah. Helmet hair probably runs in the family, but whatever. Noice to know there's someone I don't have to feel guilty about jumpin' behoind." she replied while laughing.

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Callisto and the other horses and pegasi came up quickly from the south side of the road, quickly entering the makeshift camp. Callisto pointed her bow in the direction of the Fallen, an arrow made of light already strung.

"I have no idea who you people are and what you're doing with a demon in your possession, but there will be time for questioning when I take you all into custody later," she announced to the rabble curtly, poised to shoot.

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Shadrak sighed. "<this whole taking over the world thing is why I want you to learn about it... if you knew more about how the outside world works, I'm pretty sure you'd reconsider having your Lord take over...>" He said to her glumly.

Zel started to laugh as well... but it was kinda cut off by a slight of confusion. "Jump behind?" He asked her, shaking off the remaining urge to chuckle.

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Ranyin looked up from his unfinished painting and sighed. Now we get trouble from the law enforcement, he grumbled in his mind.

Being on the roof was a bad idea for someone as lightly armoured as him, especially when they clearly have ranged attacks. Trying to look casual, Ranyin kept his parchements and slowly slid closer to the front of the roof to get off it, hoping that the enemy would not take it as a sign of him trying to attack them.

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