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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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<"I'm not sure about that."> she said quietly. <"If Lord Valdimarr ruled the world, I could go wherever I want and not be tied up or hidden. It may not be the same as before, but it would be safer for my kind at least, and humans would still exist, they just wouldn't be allowed to fight each other unless it's a sporting event. Everybody wins ... I think."> When the humans riding both ground horses and flying horses, Siv tried to scoot into the back of the wagon but ended up slipping and falling to the ground. Being tied up was bad enough, but this was a whole new level of dangerous. <"Gaaaah! Shadrak, help!">

"Whoa, just hold on a second!" Raquel yelled stepping out a bit. Amon had already begun moving over to Raquel since Callisto still had her weapon out. The last thing they needed was their merchant getting shot over trying to get between the patrol's apparent leader and a fallen they'd smuggled in. Meanwhile Gabbie made her way to the wagon. "Oi! Nadya ... and that other chick! Get out here! Now!"

"Hey, don't just ride in like a bunch of bandits and prep to shoot us!" she yelled a second time. "If you've got questions, we'll answer them, but can you please not aim that thing at us?" Truth knows we're slowly developing the habit of shooting first ... this is the last thing we need.

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John looked over. <Well that can't be good.> He thought. <And we were close too. Would they be really be willing to listen?> He looked over to Gil. With the noise the wyvern had risen again. <Maybe not yet. One wrong move is the least we need.>

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"There is no good explanation you can muster for having a creature like that," Callisto responded to Raquel. "Now move out the way before I-," Callisto paused for a second to assess the situation further.

Pink-haired merchant, traveling with a heavily armed group with several wyverns. This must be... Wrath truly smiles upon his faithful... "You're Raquel Valcyn correct? Hand over the Emblem and there won't be any need for violence here. Except for ending the winged beast's life. That is non-negotiable," she said, her bow still pointed at Siv.

Veronika already had her sword out, standing in front of Raquel and surveying the situation. Lots of warriors on horseback...some of them have magic too I think.

"What's goin' on?" Nadya said, poking her head out of the wagon. "Oh this doesn't look good. You're gonna have to deal with that other shard for now Robin," she said, going over to Luca and getting on top of him.

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<Alright, I guess that no longer matters.> John thought, running over towards Gil. <It's never the easy way does it?> He wondered as he mounted, and taking out spear and shield.

''Okay Gil, we may have some real aerial combat this time around.'' He said, looking at the pegasi. ''Maybe you may actually show your true potential after all.'' He laughed. Gil just grunted, eager to take on the skies.

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Managing to get down safely, Ranyin made sure there was the wagon behind him. Although it lessened the room he could evade around, at least he did not need to worry about attacks coming from the back anytime too soon.

In case diplomacy failed, which would most likely happen, Ranyin took out Stormcalmer in preparation for the fight.

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Shadrak sighed and rolled his eyes, his Dark tome floating out in front of him as he prepared to fight. Zel was already mounted and at the back of the wagon, lance brandished and poised for the slaughter. Shadrak called out to the group of mounted opponents. "A better question would be, who are you? You clearly know highly classified information for just being a normal patrol."

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Gytha stood right near Amon and Raquel, sword drawn and in-hand. "I don't like fightin' th' authorities...but looks like there's no choice," she murmurred, mostly to herself before shifting her eyes to Raquel and Amon and asking, "D'ye still accept me assistance? I'd like t' defend ye again, Raquel...and I'd like t' fight with ye again, Amon. Ye still trust me, aye?" She both sounded and seemed unsure. The last large battle, she'd been making sure that Maw was alright and she felt like she'd betrayed her friends' trust. She hoped that they would let her fight alongside them again.


Maw had memorized what to do in situations like these. She was already hiding under the wagon.


This was quickly looking like more than just another patrol, especially seeing how everyone formed up. So, Norbert glided down and landed, looked to Raquel, then to Callisto before asking the Ursian in charge of all the horsemen and pegasus knights as well as the pink-haired merchant, "Alright, what's the problem here and why does it look like we're all about to get arrested?"

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"Hm?" the first thing to come from Amon at Gytha's question. "Of course I trust you. Let's show them that we're not going to just let them walk all over us."

Raquel needed a second to think before realizing why Gytha had said something so peculiar, then she remembered that the last battle was the one to acquire Siv and she had missed it entirely ... and for reasons Raquel didn't agree with. "... yeah. You're here now, and that's all that matters." I'm the one that's useless around here, remember? she thought to herself before taking a few steps back.

"Raquel, don't put yourself in any danger. Let us guard Siv. There's certainly enough of us at least ..." said Amon before he began quickly counting up all the enemies.

Gabbie's Conclusions

With a bit of a sinister grin on her face, Gabbie commented on Shadrak's question to the enemies. "Ain't it obvious? You heard what she brought up just now. These pricks are more Wrathoites. Military, sure, but we can't let them take advantage of that. We're not failin' our mission, and you're not takin' shit from us, trooper, so bring it on!"


"Worry about it later, Bert! Just get your weapon out, they're our enemies!" Raquel called over to the pegasus rider.

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"Not more of these crazy military wanting to kill us..." sighed Norbert as the took his poleaxe from Rizen's saddle then flew her to his side, hovering in the air as aerial support and cover.

Gytha's bright smile returned at Amon's answer and she gladly accepted Raquel's responce. "HAHARRR! Aye, Amon, that's just what we'll do!" she boisterously cheered, morale high and ready for battle.

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"Your group is both refusing to turn over the creature you illegally possess and you're holding on to an ancient artifact that doesn't belong to you," Callisto answered Bert. "Your refusal to cooperate necessitates the use of force on my part. I'll kill the demon, the rest of you take out the others," she said to her troops who moved in position to strike.

Callisto (Erratic)

Cavalier A (Defending Callisto)

Troubadour A (Aggressive)


Cavalier B (Defending Troubadour B)

Troubadour B (Aggressive)

Pegasus Knight A (Aggressive)


Cavalier C (Defending Troubadour C)

Troubadour C (Passive-Aggressive)

Nomad A (Passive-Aggressive)


Cavalier D (Defending Nomad B)

Pegasus Knight B (Passive-Aggressive)

Nomad B (Passive-Aggressive)


Pegasus Knight C (Passive-Aggressive)

Nomad C (Passive-Aggressive)

Troubadour D (Passive-Aggressive)


Level 2 Nomad Trooper

Raw Stats

HP: 8 STR: 8 MAG: 0 SKL: 8 SPD:10 LCK: 3 DEF: 1(-1) RES: 1(-1)

Simplified Stats

HP: 24 MT: 8 Hit: 8 Evade: 13 AS: 10 Defense: 0 Resistance: 0

Weapon 1: Arcus Luminae (Light Brand Bow) E

Weapon 2:

Special Weapon:

Item: Stimulant (1/3)

Special Item:

Overall Stats

HP: 24 MT: 8 Hit: 8 Evade: 13 AS: 10 Defense: 0 Resistance: 0

Cavalier A

Class: Level 5 Cavalier

Raw Stats

HP: 8 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 4 LCK: 1 DEF: 5 RES: 2

Simplified Stats

HP: 24 MT: 6 Hit: 6 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 5 Resistance: 2

Weapon 1: Warden Sword E

Weapon 2:

Special Weapon:


Special Item: Bulwark

HP: 24 MT: 6 Hit: 6 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 9 Resistance: 2

Troubadour A

Class: Level 5 Troubadour

Raw Stats

HP: 6 STR: 0 MAG: 6 SKL: 6 SPD: 8 LCK: 2 DEF: 0 RES: 4

Simplified Stats

HP: 18 MT: 6 Hit: 6 Evade: 10 AS: 8 Defense: 0 Resistance: 4

Weapon 1: Defending Light Tome E

Weapon 2: Mend Staff

Special Weapon:


Special Item:

Overall Stats

HP: 18 MT: 6 Hit: 6 Evade: 10 AS: 8 Defense: 3 Resistance: 4

Cavalier B, Cavalier C

Class: Level 3 Cavalier

Raw Stats

HP: 6 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 4 LCK: 1 DEF: 4 RES: 2

Simplified Stats

HP: 18 MT: 4 Hit: 6 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 4 Resistance: 2

Weapon 1: Defending Axe E

Weapon 2:

Special Weapon:


Special Item:

Overall Stats

HP: 18 MT: 4 Hit: 6 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 6 Resistance: 2

Cavalier D

Class: Level 3 Cavalier

Raw Stats

HP: 6 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 4 LCK: 1 DEF: 4 RES: 2

Simplified Stats

HP: 18 MT: 4 Hit: 6 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 4 Resistance: 2

Weapon 1: Defending Sword E

Weapon 2:

Special Weapon:


Special Item:

Overall Stats

HP: 18 MT: 4 Hit: 6 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 6 Resistance: 2

Troubadour B, C, D

Class: Level 3 Troubadour

Raw Stats

HP: 4 STR: 0 MAG: 6 SKL: 4 SPD: 6 LCK: 2 DEF: 0 RES: 4

Simplified Stats

HP: 12 MT: 6 Hit: 4 Evade: 8 AS: 6 Defense: 0 Resistance: 4

Weapon 1: Precise Light Tome E

Weapon 2:

Special Weapon:


Special Item:

Overall Stats

HP: 12 MT: 6 Hit: 6 Evade: 8 AS: 6 Defense: 0 Resistance: 4

Pegasus Knight x3

Class: Level 3 Pegasus Knight

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 7 LCK: 3 DEF: 1 RES: 2

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 3 Hit: 5 Evade: 10 AS: 7 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2

Weapon 1: Poison Lance E

Weapon 2:

Special Weapon:


Special Item:

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 3 Hit: 5 Evade: 10 AS: 7 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2

Ability: Miracle: When hp reaches 0, the pegasus knight may remain standing with 1 hp once per battle with no point loss

Nomad x3

Class: Level 3 Nomad

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 7 LCK: 1 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 5 Hit: 6 Evade: 8 AS: 7 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1

Weapon 1: Short Bow E

Weapon 2:

Special Weapon:

Item: Stimulant (1/3 uses)

Special Item:

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 5 Hit: 6 Evade: 8 AS: 7 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1

Ability: Canto: Can perform two actions per phase following these restrictions: Atk/Item, Def/Item only.


Siv(Erratic) 12/12

Stats HP: 12 MT: 1/0 Hit: 8 Evade: 9 AS: 8 Defense: 1 Resistance: 0

Primary Objective: Defend Siv for 6 turns

Award: 5 points

Tip: Callisto will go for Siv, so you will either want to distract her by attacking her or defend Siv from her attacks. (Note: Defending Siv can be done by anyone).

Secondary objective: Rout all enemies within 6 Player Phases

Award: 10 points

Tip: Concentrate your attacks on aggressive combat teams

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Shadrak shook his head and popped his knuckles. "1: The emblem belongs to no individual, it is an artifact of emense power that should not have fallen in human hands." He stood up and set off at a mad sprint towards the archer horsewoman... despite everything his gut said about chasing a Light Brand as a dark mage... "2: You Wrathites need to learn some civility!" One of the cavaliers rode up and intercepted his charge. Black magic flared around him as Shadrak jumped in the air, his arm pulled back, and his fist clenched, radiating a black aura. With a cry he brought it forward to the man's helmed face, a small explosion radiating from it as Shadrak sent him flying off his horse to the ground. Though the horseman react in time atleast, as the both of them fell to the ground, he positioned his blade to run Shad through on the fall. "and 3: Her name is Siv" Shadrak said as he stood up and staggerred off the man's sword, still looking pissed and ready to fight... though it was clear the dismounted Cav was in much better shape.



Shadrak does 13 damage!



Shadrak Takes 11 Damage!

Cav A: 11/24

Shadrak: 4/15.

Zel stared agape at the display, but rather than charge into battle like the suicidal Shaman, decided to stay back and defend...

Zel defends his Team!

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Ranyin saw Zel place himself between him and the enemies like the brave knights of tales. Such an act seemed inspirational for the Kigenese mage as it was the perfect example of literature coming to life...filling him with immense confidence that nothing could go wrong. And so Ranyin cast his spell with full power. Although it did not have the extra punch to it, nor was it done at a distance, nonetheless, Ranyin casted it better than he usually did.

Ranyin melee casts

http://invisiblecast...r/view/3184189/ 5,6,2,2,2,5


5+5-5= 5 Hit!

6+6-2 = 10 damage

Cavalier B counters against Zel

6+2+2-5=5 Hit

4+2-9= -3 Tink!

Zel counters

http://invisiblecast...r/view/3184190/ 5,3,2

Zel parries and trusts at Cavalier B

6-2+5-5 = 4 Hit

6+3-6= 3 Damage

Ranyin (12/12)

Cavalier B (5/18)

Zel (18/18)

+3 to team Ranyin/Bert/Zel for successful defend!

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"I'll watch yer back. Go on and lead th' way," Gytha told her comrade, ready to follow him into battle this time.

Gytha defends Amon!


Seeing some guy on a horse and Ranyin work together to nearly bring down an enemy horseman, Norbert flew above them to help out as needed. Valter apparently wouldn't be joining them this fight. (Blast it, if word of my involvement gets over to the military, there'll be no turning back. ... Bah, I never wanted to join them anyway!) And so he dove, poleaxe out and ready to attack his team's target.

Norbert attacks Cavelier B!


(5+4)-6 = 3 damage!

The cavelier didn't see Bert coming -- there was no way he could avoid the attack completely. His horse, however, had sense the rapid approach and moved enough for Norbert's strike to hit a more armored section of his target than he orifgnally aimed for. Norbert didn't show that anything had gone wrong, however. Though the cavelier was still able to counterattack.

(6+5)-6 = 5 = hit!

(4+5)-4 = 5 damage!

It was a tight space to try to manuver a flying horse around in, and so Norbert couldn't quite escape his opponent's axe. He did manage to rise somewhat, but that only managed to have the axe's edge cut into his leg before he made a more complete escape, flying a little ways away before landing Rizen and deciding to rider her like a horse for the time being. (Ow... My legs aren't usually the targets. Looks like I won't be dismounting Rizen for this battle.)

Cavelier B 2/18

Norbert 10/15

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''Alright Gil, let's go!'' John said, and soon they were both airborne. Despite the dangers of any pegasi rider coming, he looked over as the battle started to unfold below.

<Wait, what?> He thought after seeing Shadrak. <He's a magic user, what's he doing going up close to an enemy?> He shook his head. <Great, now he's in trouble, time to do something about it.> Ordering Gil, the pair got back to the ground between Shadrak and the cavalier.

''Hey! What was the big idea?'' He asked. ''Can't you use your magic from afar?''

[John defends Shadrak.]

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We Fight!

Amon spotted some things about the enemy he didn't like right away. Just like Sabina, Callisto was carrying a stimulant. "Darn it! Okay, Gytha, cover me, I'm going in to try and get that stimulant before she uses it on us!" He immediately began rushing toward Callisto hoping Shadrak's distraction would work, unfortunately the cav was back on his horse and came around full circle. He took a violent swing at Amon that forced him back. "Urgh!" he grunted having failed in his attempt to steal the stimulant and almost being cut down for it.

"Outta the way!" Gabbie said as she charged in! "Amon, get in there!" she yelled as she closed in on the cavalier.

Gabbie attacks Cavalier A! Rolls 6,5,2



-1 hp

Cav A rolls 1,3,6



Using the opportunity, Amon ran around to the side and flanked Callisto. He violently leaped onto the saddle behind her and grabbed the stimulant before she could smack him with her bow. He leaped down and began running as fast as he could to get back to Gytha before she could give chase. "Thanks Gabbie!" he called out "Gytha, here she comes!"

Meanwhile Siv watched the fight from near the wagon and tried to get out of her restraints. The moment Shadrak knocked the cavalier from his horse she awed. <"He puts magic into his punches like Lord Valdimarr ..."> she said in Corvian.

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Veronika decided to go for the exposed magic user on the horse, the cavalier defending her distracted. She cut the woman down from her horse, causing the animal to flee.

(4,5,1) Hit. 5+7= 12 damage Troubadour B KO'd Link +5 points Veronika, John

Nadya noticed that Shadrak had received a rather nasty slash from the sword, which she rode over and healed. "We're probably goin' to have an easier time here if you don't go chargin' into their weapons...just sayin'," she added as a point of advice. (Shadrak +10 14/15) +2 points Gabbie, Nadya

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So they had run into a patrol that caught them smuggling Siv. Dom had to admit he didn't expect that, nor did he expect them to know Raquel had the Fire Emblem, but he shrugged and readied his lance. Domovoi shook his head at the idiot shaman charging in instead of holding back and was about to help him until he saw John go to Shadrak's aid.

"Good job John! Now get the fool to get back!"

Looking around, he saw that Veronika charged into the fray, cutting down one of the healers. He swooped down, in a defensive stance to protect her.

"Don't worry. I've got your back."

Domovoi defends Veronika.

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Shadrak straightenned himself a little as his wounds closed, spitting out a glob of blood. "Heh, sorry, but there's something about getting up close and personal with an enemy that gives your message a little extra punch to it, if you know what I mean." he said to the pair with a smirk, wiping off his mouth.

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"Aye, Amon, I'm here!" Gytha called out to her teammate, keeping right near him for most of their run time, though having to stand back as Amon relieved their enemy of a glass bottle with some sort of red liquid in it. She made sure to keep her sword at the ready, thoug she wasn't too certain she could parry an incoming light arrow. Still, better she take the hit than her ally.

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Enemy Phase!

"Naming inhuman filth does not make it any less of an affront to the gods. And is your group not comprised of humans? Time to-" Callisto's monologue was interrupted by someone rummaging through her pack.

"I should have figured heathens would be involved. Foreigners always bring more trouble with them," she said, firing two arrows of light at him, which struck the woman in front of him instead.

Callisto attacks Gytha!

(3,6,1)= 14-2= 12 damage.

(1,1,2)= 9-2= 7 damage. Gytha 2/21

The troubadour healed the cavalier in her group, who got back on his horse. Cavalier A 10/24--> 19/24

The pegasus knight looked for a target to hit and struck one of the wyvern riders. She didn't hit him very hard, but the tip of her lance did penetrate his armor. (5,1,3). 4-6= TINK Domovoi poisoned

Domovoi takes 3 damage due to poison. Domovoi 12/15

Callisto (Erratic) 24/24

Cavalier A (Defending Callisto) 19/24

Troubadour A (Aggressive) 18/18


Cavalier B (Defending Pegasus Knight A) 2/18

Troubadour B (Aggressive) 0/12

Pegasus Knight A (Aggressive) 15/15


Cavalier C (Defending Troubadour C) 18/18

Troubadour C (Passive-Aggressive) 12/12

Nomad A (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Cavalier D (Defending Nomad B) 18/18

Pegasus Knight B (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Nomad B (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Pegasus Knight C (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Nomad C (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Troubadour D (Passive-Aggressive) 12/12

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"Ow....shit....oh god I feel a little sick..." Domovoi groaned as the poison coursed through his veins. The lance blow itself didn't hurt him particularly though.

"Hey Veronika. Get somebody to go protect the Fallen. We can't really let her die," he grunted and was aiming for the pegasus knight but a cavalier defended her, so Domovoi ended up stabbing him in the chest.

Roll: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3184295/ (Note: Because I didn't know Peg A was being defended at the time, it ends up hitting Cav B instead).

Dom (3,5,1) Hit! 5+5= 10-6= 4 damage! Cav B 0/18 HP

Cav B KO'd.

Dom/Shadrak/Andea gains 5 points from a successful kill and 3 points for a successful defend before.

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Noting that the cavalier he struck earlier was now too weak to survive a blow from anyone, Ranyin decided he had to deal with one that was giving the group the most problem. A large hulking cavalier in very heavy armour warding off blows with his sword. The Kigenese mage was trained to seek out targets that were too tough for physical weapons to handle in the few morning practices he was forced to attend.

Of course he had to do so in a safe distance, channeling excessive to power his spell at the expense of accuracy.

Ranyin blasting at range using Mage ability +4 Mag, -4 Ski

http://invisiblecast...r/view/3184301/ 4,1,5

1+4-5 = 0 Hit

6+4+1-2 = 9 Damage

Ranyin (12/12)

Cav A (10/24)

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