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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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Hit! Cavalier A is dooooown!

Shadrak rolled his eyes. "YOu want me to cast at a range? Fine." and with that he flicked his wrist at the cavalier, sending a pulse of black matter right towards and through his helmet, there was a small scream before the man collapsed from off the top of his mount. "There? Happy? Now if oyu don't mind... I've got a bitch to kill..." he mutterred, looking directly at Callisto as he said it.



Zel charged out after the enemy healer, in classic jousting fashion... she merely danced around his lance with ease. Zel cursed under his breath as he saw the troub fire a bolt of magic after him.


Auto hit

Zel cried out as the energy raked across his back, burning his skin underneath his armor. He turned with a huff, and prepared for another charge...

Cav A: Dead.

Shad: 14/15

Zel: 9/18

Troub A: full

Shad/Aned/Domo +5 points

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With the heavy armored cavalier down, Veronika turned her attention towards another one of the enemy mounted mages. She cut her, but this one did go down as easily as the last. (5,2,3)= 6 damage to Troub A. Link

The troubadour shot a bolt of light back, but missed. (2,1,5). Link

Troubadour A 12/18

Nadya went over and healed Gytha, who seemed to be in bad shape after taking the light arrows. Gytha +10 HP 12/21 +2 points Gabbie, Nadya

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''It's still safer to do so anyway.'' John answered. ''Why get close if you can attack from a distance? That's a bad decision, despite your intentions. But fine, have it your way, though be prepared to face the consequences of it, like that sword attack you got in return.''

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Down below Robin kneeled down, her bow in hand, as she targeted one of the pegasus knights over head. Hitting a moving target was never easy, doubly so for a flying target, but Robin was one of the people in the party even capable of hitting the knights while they were in their own element and she was not going to let that ability go to waste! Calmly she raised her bow, obsidian arrow knocked and ready, as she lined up the shot. Watching the tufts of hair on her bow for any change of wind she waited for the pegasus knight to enter her view and then...


Robin's arrow shot forwards, streaking through the air like a glinting black bolt. It struck the knight hard in the ribs, sliding under the armor and cutting through the flesh, sliding under her ribs as the arrowhead cut through her target like sharpened glass. Red blood stained the knights uniform from the inside, but still Robin cursed. Though a serious wound, it was not mortal in any way and lethal only if left untreated. She had failed to kill the target and now needed to load another arrow.

Robin attacks Peggie A

3, 2, 5. HIT! Robin deals 9 damage (8 + 2 - 1) to Pegasus knight A!


No Counter. Bow ability.

Robin 12/12

Peggie A 6/15

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We Fight Some More!

Noticing that Callisto was taking aim for Siv again, Amon quickly fell back enough to block any potential shot. He readied himself, because getting hit like Gytha had was going to hurt like hell. He glanced at the stimulant in his hand and began wondering if he should use it at some point during the fight to increase their chances.

Amon Defends Siv!

Gabbie fell back as well once the cavalier fell. Nadya was watching her back but with all of the cavalry around, she wanted to be sure the only reliable healer didn't suddenly get picked off.

Gabbie Defends Nadya!

Luca Defends Nadya too!

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''Well anyway, I'm leaving. Let's go Gil!'' Resuming flight, he returned to overlook the battle. He then noticed Robin firing an arrow at one of the pegasus knights. <Wait, no one is covering her?>

He flew back down and near. ''Need some help? I'm covering you.'' He said.

[John defends Robin.]

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+3pts to Gytha and Amon for a successful defend

"Thank ye," Gytha said to the troubador as she healed her. Those arrows had hurt. They'd felt sharp and intense, but they didn't burn like fire. Just...distorting, almost. It was a strange, painful feeling... Was this light magic?


"What the--" Bert followed the cavelier as he dashed away only to be skewered by one of the wyvern riders they had around but he didn't usually see much of. "Shhhheesh.." That'd been a little close. Good thing he stopped his persuit as far away as he had. Rather than worrying about it, he had Rizen climb again as he looked around for other targets. The fight had hardly begun, after all.

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Callisto took aim at the man in front of the Fallen who had stolen her stimulant, but the shot went awry, searing the nearby ground instead. "Give me back my stimulant! And stop moving around so much Wrathdamnit!" she shouted, preparing another arrow (4,2,2)= Miss.

The troubadour had been injured, but stood her ground, firing off two bolts of light into one of the wyvern riders. (3,2,3)= Autohit. 8 damage. (1,1,1)= Lethal Hit! 21 damage!

John KO'd

The pegasus knight was a bit flustered after being shot, so she swung her lance widely. It didn't do much damage, but she managed to prick someone again. (4,1,3). Tink. Gabbie poisoned.

Gabbie 12/15 due to poison Domovoi 9/15 due to poison.

Callisto (Erratic) 24/24

Cavalier A (Defending Callisto) 0/24

Troubadour A (Aggressive) 12/18


Cavalier B (Defending Pegasus Knight A)0/18

Troubadour B (Aggressive) 0/12

Pegasus Knight A (Aggressive) 6/15


Cavalier C (Defending Troubadour C) 18/18

Troubadour C (Passive-Aggressive) 12/12

Nomad A (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Cavalier D (Defending Nomad B) 18/18

Pegasus Knight B (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Nomad B (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Pegasus Knight C (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Nomad C (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Troubadour D (Passive-Aggressive) 12/12

Start Player Phase 3

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As quickly as she could, Robin loaded in a second arrow and fired it forth at the pegasus rider. The arrow shot forwards, striking the pegasus girl full-on in the chest and piercing right through her armor. It was only by a sheer miracle that the bolt did not strike her heart! In retaliation the pegasus knight suddenly lashed about, swinging her spear wildly about and cutting Robin across the leg... where only a few moments ago her own knife had been shattered.

"<God damn it!>" hissed Robin as she landed, collapsing down as she felt poison starting to spread through her.

Robin attacks Pegasus Knight A

3, 1, 1... Not even gonna bother. Robin criticals the Pegasus and they survive only through Miracle.


Pegasus Knight A counters: 5, 5, 4. Robin takes 5 damage (3 MT + 5 Roll - 3 DEF).

Robin 6/12 Poisoned

Peggie A 1/15

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John saw the incoming bolt of light. <Not good!> He thought, quickly getting his shield in front. Unfortunately it did little to protect him as the magic just seemed to phase around it and received the full blast.

''Ungh...'' It took a quick reaction to avoid falling from Gil, but as he stood his view back in front he saw the second bolt coming, and even from there, he could see that it was coming even stronger than the last one. This is so not ending well. Were his last thoughts before receiving the blast of light magic. ''Gaaaaagh!!'' The resulting force knocked him backwards out of Gil and into the ground, unconscious.

Gil let out a loud growl, and quickly got himself in front of John, covering him. As much he'd like to just step in on his own, he wouldn't trust to just leave John down there, especially unconscious.

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Ranyin saw the ugly rainbow haired pegasus rider flew past him to attack a troubadour. Finding the hair once again offensive, Ranyin channeled the magic and fired at her back. By mischance, the ball of air missed his intended target and instead struck the troubadour full on...with misguided vehemence that knocked her out

http://invisiblecast...r/view/3184452/ 4,5,4,5,3,5


Auto Hit!


Ranyin (12/12)

Troubadour A (0/18)

+5 to team Ranyin/Bert/Zel

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There was a pegasus knight that was also retreating to the sky's safety, presumably for a better vantage point. Norbert just rushed her, axe ready.

((4+2)+1)-10 = miss!

She saw him coming, though, and was able to direct her pegasus out of the way before swinging an unusual-looking lance at him.

((5-2)+3)-6 = 0 = hit!

(3+2)-4 = 3 damage!

The lance made a long, thin scratch up Norbert's arm from his wrist to his elbow and though it burned more than usual, it wasn't very deep.

Norbert 7/15 (+PSN)

Peg A 1/15


The mariner headed over to the Fallen girl and picked her up off the ground. "Hey, ye a'right? Bit surprised no one'd tried t' help ye up yet," she asked Siv. She hadn't really spoken with the girl yet. Might as well in the middle of a fight.

Gytha defends Siv!


"Grandpa! Grandma! Look over there!" a little girl exclaimed as she rode in the back seat of her grandparents' humble canvas-roofed wagon. Only her grandmother looked to see where their granddaughter was pointing, though she had to squint and couldn't make out the image very well.

"Oh, dear, those are just the tourists. Looks like a demonstration or somethin'," she informed her graddaughter.

"Dern kid ruffians. Always makin' more noise than they should..." complained the grandfather as he continued to casually drive his wagon down the road, passing by the battling mercenaries and Ursian officers.

"Goodbye noisy ruffian tourists!" the little girl farewelled as she waved to the combatants as they passed them by.

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We Fight Continuously!

"Speak Kigenese. I don't understand much common. Take off ropes?" she replied to Gytha helplessly.

The party wasn't doing very well in repelling the entire unit and they were considerably weakened. As much as he wanted to cut the head off of the serpent leading them, he doubted he had the power to do so. Looking at the stimulant he had taken from Callisto, Amon made a decision. Looking back at Gytha and Siv he yelled "Be careful, Gytha. Keep her safe for a minute. I'm going to take the leader." and then he popped it open and drank the rest of it. Within seconds he felt his arms and legs tense up. Uncomfortable, but a moment later, he was feeling ... ridiculously precise for some reason.

Amon uses a stimulant!

+1 str

+4 skl

HP: 15 MT: 2(6 if CK) Hit: 9 Evade: 14 AS: 8 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1

HP: 15 MT: 3(9 if CK) Hit: 13 Evade: 14 AS: 8 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1

Gabbie meanwhile glared at the cut on her wrist. It didn't affect her performance at all, but that burning itch ... poison. "You've gotta be kiddin' me! You flyin' bitch, you're dead!" she shouted as she dashed toward the pegasus knight! The lance was plunged into the pegasus' neck bringing it to the ground, but before the rider could escape, she ripped her lance out, span around violently and clipped the rider across the face sending her to the ground. From there, it was as simple as sending the spear through the rider's chest, but she didn't bother. She knelt down and took one hand placing it over the pegasus knight's face and said "Have fun beyond the gate, bitch ..." she then forced her hand down forcing the rider's face to the side and snapping her neck.

Gabbie attacks Pegknight A! Rolls 6,1,2




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Callisto (Erratic) 24/24

Cavalier A (Defending Callisto) 0/24

Troubadour A (Aggressive) 0/18


Cavalier B (Defending Pegasus Knight A)0/18

Troubadour B (Aggressive) 0/12

Pegasus Knight A (Aggressive) 0/15



Cavalier C (Defending Troubadour C) 18/18

Troubadour C (Aggressive) 12/12

Nomad A (Aggressive) 15/15


Cavalier D (Defending Nomad B) 18/18

Pegasus Knight B (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Nomad B (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Pegasus Knight C (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Nomad C (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Troubadour D (Passive-Aggressive) 12/12

Veronika noticed that John had fallen to one of their mages, but there wasn't much she could do about it at the moment. She decided to head off one of the cavaliers charging up to flank them. She slashed twice, doing little damage (2,1,5)= Hit. 2 damage. (3,1,3)= Hit. 2 damage. He swung back, managing to strike her with his axe. (6,5,6)= 9-1=8 damage

Cavalier C 14/18

Veronika 7/15

Nadya went over and healed Gytha some more, who was holding Siv. Being near that Fallen girl seemed to make one arrow bait, so she didn't stick around too long. Gytha +10 21/21

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Shadrak shook his head, trying to clear the fog that the fight was giving him... now was not the time to be brash, he needed to intelligent... there was no way he was gonna hit that crazy archer... he looked aruond and noticed Robin was clutching at a nasty leg wound, with some sort of ooze coming from it... most likely the poison that was dripping off of the Pegasus Knight's lances. He jogged over to her, and held his staff over it. "I won't be able to cleanse the poison, but I can atleast slow it a little..." He said as the wound sealed shut.

Zel, on the other hand, decided that sitting back, playing guardian, just wasn't going to cut it, they needed some noble, heroic, galliant, Absolutly freaking reatarded, actions to save the day. With a cry he charged out to the nearest formation of enemies. In perfect jousting form he ran one of the archers through... completely. Zel had to let go of the spear as it went in, and grab it from the other side of the mine and pull it out, his momentum was so high. With the scent of war in his nostrils he continued the charge, dashing past the knight Veronika was dancing with, and stopping by the mounted just in time to swing his lance around once and slit her throat with oddly fine precision. He huffed as she fell from her horse, and spun Sliep around to watch for his next advisary... "These Wrathites are a disgrace to the Ursium military..." he mutterred to himself.


Nomad A is Critted for 22 damage! He's dooooown!


Troubador C is hit hard for 12 Damage, perfect KO! DOUBLE KILL!

Shad/Aneda/Dom gain 3 points for Shadrak healing Robin to 12/12

Zel/Ranyin/Bert gain 10 pts for D-d-d-double kill!

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The woman Callisto had shot before was apparently guarding the creature. "If you insist on protecting monsters I will not show you mercy," she said, her arrows of light striking true.

(3,1,3)= 9-2= 7 damage!

(1,6,1)= 14-2= 12 damage!

Gytha 2/21

The pegasus knight charged and struck the enemy cavalier with her lance. It only did a minor scratch, but perhaps the poison would do its work. (1,6,1) Tink! Zel poisoned.

The mounted archer chugged his stimulant and took aim at the shaman who had downed the head cavalier earlier, his two arrows striking true. (5,4,2)= 11 damage. (5,3,6)= 10-1=9 damage. Shadrak KO'd

Domovoi takes 3 damage from poison Domovoi 6/15

Gabbie takes 3 damage from poison Gabbie 9/15

Robin takes 3 damage from poison Robin 9/12

Zel takes 4 damage from poison Zel 5/18

Norbert takes 3 damage from poison Bert 4/15

Callisto (Erratic) 24/24

Cavalier A (Defending Callisto) 0/24

Troubadour A (Aggressive) 0/18


Cavalier B (Defending Pegasus Knight A)0/18

Troubadour B (Aggressive) 0/12

Pegasus Knight A (Aggressive) 0/15



Cavalier C (Passive) 14/18

Troubadour C (Aggressive) 0/12

Nomad A (Aggressive) 0/15


Cavalier D (Defending Nomad B) 18/18

Pegasus Knight B (Aggressive) 15/15

Nomad B (Aggressive) 15/15 Stimulated!


Pegasus Knight C (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Nomad C (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Troubadour D (Passive-Aggressive) 12/12

Start Player Phase 4

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"Thank you Shade drake!" said Robin, nodding in thanks to him as she loaded another arrow into her bow. "I pray that I will not be put near death this time! Pray the same!" she asked as she lined up her next shot on the second pegasus knight, letting the arrow fly aimed at the heart of the knight. It was only due to the thin armor, which managed to redirect the bolt a bit, that the knight managed to survive. Robin pumped her arm in triumph even though it was still alive.

It was only then that Robin noticed a lack of reply from Shadrak. Looking down, she spotted the archer, two bolts embedded in his body. A look of fury came over her as she bent down, loading another arrow before she tried to break off one of the shafts to make the arrow withdraw easier.

"Damn it! You took my luck!" she groaned as she tried to removed the bolt with one hand.

Robin shoots Peggy B. 6, 3, 6. 10 damage! (8 + 3 - 1)


Peggy B: 5/15

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We Fight To The Bitter End

Amon stared down Callisto for a split second and then rushed straight toward her. He waited until the last moment to break to her backside, and then leap onto the saddle. With as strong a thrust as he could manage, he stabbed Callisto in the back with his knife on her right side. He decided that he didn't want to kill her outright, despite the severity of the situation. He left a wound that would kill her in time if she wasn't healed, but he couldn't bring himself to kill her outright. He didn't let go of the knife and quickly hauled her down from her horse. With a collapsed lung, things were probably looking horrible for the woman, but Amon kept the knife in to slow down the bleeding.

Amon attacks Callisto! Rolls 3,6,6




Gabbie looked at her wound closely. It looked somewhat like a snakebite but instead of two little fangs, it was one long bloodless cut. She quickly took some cloth out of her bag and wrapped her arm above the wound as tightly as she could manage. That was when she saw Amon plant his knife deep into Callisto's back. "... he got her? Hah, and he even saved me some trouble by not killin' her." she noted before glancing around at the others fighting. "I'm not feelin' too hot and Nadya's gonna be busy for awhoile. They can still use Amon though ..."

She ran over to the rexian and called out "Hey! They still need you over there, so get movin'. I'll look after this bitch."

"I can't ... if I take the knife out, she'll bleed to death in a matter of minutes." he protested.

She sighed. "I'm not sure what useful info we can get but we don't need anymore casualties on our soide. They really need your help. ... Raquel and I will try to keep her aloive and you get your butt back in the foight."

"Urgh ... alright." he said. He wanted to warn Callisto that what he was about to do would be incredibly painful but couldn't find the words. He slowly removed his knife being careful not to open the wound further, and then handed her off to Gabbie. "Thanks." he said.

"Don't thank me, just take another one of those bastards down."

He nodded and then ran off leaving Gabbie to smile as she held Callisto on her feet. "So how's the hole feel?"

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Her attention focused on the woman holding the Fallen, Callisto didn't notice the knife from behind. "Gugh- Wrath, pr-protect your f-faithful," she sputtered out, dropping her bow, gasping for air, not bothering to respond to the interrogator's questions at the moment.

Callisto (Erratic) 0/24

Cavalier A (Defending Callisto) 0/24

Troubadour A (Aggressive) 0/18


Cavalier B (Defending Pegasus Knight A)0/18

Troubadour B (Aggressive) 0/12

Pegasus Knight A (Aggressive) 0/15


Cavalier C (Passive) 14/18

Troubadour C (Aggressive) 0/12

Nomad A (Aggressive) 0/15


Cavalier D (Defending Nomad B) 18/18

Pegasus Knight B (Aggressive) 5/15

Nomad B (Aggressive) 15/15 Stimulated!



Pegasus Knight C (Aggressive) 15/15

Nomad C (Aggressive) 15/15

Troubadour D (Aggressive) 12/12

Veronika applied a vulnerary to herself. This battle isn't over yet... she thought to herself grimly. +10 HP Veronika 15/15

Nadya decided to heal Zel, who has charged into the fray. "Oh shit more poison...well I can heal your wound from earlier at least," she said applying her staff to him. Zel +10 HP 15/18

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"I onla speak Common; sorry," Gytha replied to Siv, "And takin' off yer ropes'd probably be a bad ide--AAAGGHHHH!!" A couple arrows of light stuck into Gytha's back. Shaking off the pain, Gytha turned around to face the one who'd shot her: the same woman as before. Then Amon got her. "Least she won't be attackin' me anymore...augh, I can't fight like this..." she muttered in annoyance before setting Siv where she'd been sitting before then sitting next to her. Gytha wasn't about to risk fighting in this state.

+3pts to Amon and Gytha for a successful defend


"Urg... Why did it suddenly get so warm? Agh, that scratch burns... I need to land...it's easier to breathe down there," Norbert muttered to himself before directing Rizen to carefully land. He was feeling somewhat lightheaded...

Edit: past-tesnse has "ed" at the end.

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"Well then... Your turn!"

On a whim and a prayer, she urged Hannah on towards 'Bob' [Cavalier C], and did her thing


(Aneda hits for 1, Bob hits for 6

Aneda: 5/15

Bob (Cav C): 17/18)

"Well played, Bob!" She shouted, the cavalier just giving her a 'the hell you just call me' stare.

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Feeling confident, Ranyin grabbed on that feeling. Now where did that rainbow haired affront to Nature go two?

Spotting Aneda having troubles againts a mean looking cavalier, Ranyin decided this would be his chance to strike her for real. Alas, for him, but fortunately for the team, Aneda dodged an attack from the cavalier as his spell released in the form of a whirling blade made of air, leaving the cavalier wide open. The extreme prejudice behind the blow left rather unpleasant results...Aneda would probably need to dye her rainbow coloured hair again with all the red on her.

Ranyin vs Cavalier C +2Mag, -2Res, Ranged

http://invisiblecast...r/view/3185254/ 3,5,5

3+5-5= Hit!

6+2+5-2 = 11

Crit!!! so it's 22 Damage (KO)

Ranyin (12/12)

Cav C (0/18)

+5 points to team Ranyin/Bert/Zel

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Retreating a little after the kill, Domovoi decided to make use of a vulnerary. It would be harder for him to kill and thus, harder for the enemy to deal with if he was at full strength after all.

Domovoi uses a vulnerary. +10 HP. Domovoi 15/15 HP.

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Shadrak moaned in pain as he lay on the ground. "Stop... you'lll just... open the wound... more..." he mutterred before passing out...

Zel, feeling triumphant tried to continue his momentum and Charged the next Archer he locked his sights on. His lance struck true and hard, but not enough to kill the man it seemed... the nomad lined up another shot, point blank, at Zel's head. Zel wasn't going to have any of that, and swatted the bow, making the shot go askew and fly off into the distance. "Care to try that again?"


Zel auto hits for 11 damage!


Nomad C Crits for nothing!

Nomad C: 4/15

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