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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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The pegasus knight did not like getting shot, so she took a stab at Robin (4,2,2) The lance struck true, reapplying poison to the archer. 5-3= 2x2= 4 damage! Robin 8/12

One of the archers took aim at one of the mages killing their group. The arrow struck the mage solidly. (5,3,1) = 9 damage. Ranyin 3/12

The pegasus knight decided to attack the swordswoman, she knew her weapons triangle. She struck her solidly. (5,4,1). Veronika takes 6 damage and is poisoned.

The archer decided to drink a stimulant before attacking the cavalier again. Didn't seem to help too much though. Stimulant drank! (4,3,4). 10-9= Zel takes 1 damage.

The troubadour decided to attack the wounded lancer near her commander. The light magic crashed into lancer, luckily not injuring Callisto more. (5,2,6). 8-1= 7 damage Gabbie 2/15

Gabbie takes 3 damage due to poison! Gabbie KO'd!

Bert takes 3 damage due to poison! Bert 1/15

Zel takes 4 damage due to poison! Zel 10/18

Robin takes 3 damage due to poison! Robin 5/12

Veronika takes 3 damage due to poison! Veronika 6/15

Callisto (Erratic) 0/24

Cavalier A (Defending Callisto) 0/24

Troubadour A (Aggressive) 0/18


Cavalier B (Defending Pegasus Knight A)0/18

Troubadour B (Aggressive) 0/12

Pegasus Knight A (Aggressive) 0/15


Cavalier C (Passive) 0/18

Troubadour C (Aggressive) 0/12

Nomad A (Aggressive) 0/15


Cavalier D (Defending Nomad B) 18/18

Pegasus Knight B (Aggressive) 5/15

Nomad B (Aggressive) 15/15 Stimulated!


Pegasus Knight C (Aggressive) 15/15

Nomad C (Aggressive) 4/15 Stimulated!

Troubadour D (Aggressive) 12/12

Player Phase 5

Edited by -Cynthia-
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By The Wagon

When Gabbie came under attack again, she was hoping to use Callisto as a shield, for both her own sake, and sadistic comedic effect, instead, she was hit with light magic yet again and fell over. She quickly got back up and put Callisto in a chokehold while ignoring the wound and the profuse bleeding. "Are you stupid or somethin'?! Do you want me to kill this bitch, cause I'll be glad to! You damn Wrathoites don't seem to know much of anythin' anyway!" she ranted while dragging Callisto back to the wagon with her.

Siv flinched at the sight of the one who had been shooting people to get to her. She was still tied up and so began gnawing at her ropes to try and get free. Callisto was injured, but Siv wasn't taking any chances while everyone was so distracted.

"Raquel! I need some help over here!" Gabbie called out. Raquel came running out the back of the wagon and landed with some vulneraries in hand just as Gabbie collapsed to one knee. "I'm done. Can't foight loike this. Listen. If I pass the hell out or somethin' don't let this bitch get away. We cannot afford to keep lettin' these Wrathoites fuck around with us, got it?"

"Uh ... got it ... but she's bleeding to death."

"Pfft, if she doies then she's just saven us the trouble. We can't let her go and we've already got one hostage to hoide. We can't handle anymore than that, the fuckin' wagon's crowded now."

"Isn't there some other way we can handle this?"

"Raquel ... listen to me ... you've got the fire emblem and these people KNOW that. You don't start gettin' your hands dirty and I promise you they'll be the ones to kill you. You'll ... get used to this koind of thing."

"I don't want to have to 'get used' to it, Gabbie."

"Well tough. Deal with it or don't come cryin' to me when they come to finish you off ... and don't ... call me ... Gabbie ... I don't ... fucking ... know ya loike that ..." she trailed off before flopping over.

"Gabbie! Oh no!" Raquel exclaimed.

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"As if killing me would truly stop the servants of Wrath. We fight for a better tomorrow, a world without demons and other monstrosities? What do you fight for?" Callisto shot at Raquel, attempting to crawl away slowly.

Connor saw the scene between Gabbie and Callisto develop. Uh, better do something, everyone else is busy with the battle. "Uh if you don't stop, I'll...throw this grenade at you," he said, walking up to her, grenade in hand.

"I don't think you know how to use that thing, kid," she replied to him, continuing to crawl.

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The wind always seemed to be right behind her. Almost as if someone was casting wind spells at her or something. Looking around, she did see Onion there, but she frowned "No way he'd be that stupid, harming an ally like that..." Reassured in the faith of humanity for no reason, she went after that fucking troubadour.


In her current condition, her chances of getting away with a clean blow were not going to happen. And yet... Aneda accepted this course of action. All her life, she wanted to go out heroically or at least leave some sort of mark on the pages of history. Maybe... Thoughts of martyrdom and suicide aside, she flew in on her pegasus, her spear aimed right at the troubadour's heart from afar. She tipped the little bitch off with a loud roar, urging Hannah forward.

"For glory! For BLOOOOD!"


(Aneda hits for a whopping 10, Troubadour hits back for a massive 9 damage in retaliation)

(Aneda activates miracle!

Aneda 1/15

Troubadour D 2/12)

The strike, while almost fatal to Aneda, only left her laughing and running away at this point, her body fried by the intense heat from the light. She laughed as Hannah instinctively flew away, hoping to get her master away from further harm.

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Zel spun Sliep, relatively unphased as the arrow as it scratched his armor. With a cry he slashed the man across the chest, finally bringing him down. He hear some.. crazy laughing, and realised that Aneda was in danger of getting slaughterred by a light mage. He brought Sliep to a full gallop, sliding to a hault with a mighty stab, but he called the stop too soon, and the spear tip ended just inches away from the Troubadours face. With a worry sweat drop she spun her mount away and fired a bolt at Zel in retaliation. It struck him in the chest hard, actually causing him to physically wince... though he wasn't aware of the fact that he was literally smoking from under neath his armor.


Zel kills Nomad C! 5 points for Aneda, Zel, and Ranyin!


Zel misses the Troubadour!


and gets fried for 8 points of damage!

Zel: 2/18. *PSN*

Nomad C: Dead

Troubadour D: ROFLROFL 2/x

Krystal glanced up from the crates she was hiding behind for the fight... she had over-heard what Gabby had told Raquel... and she saw that the woman that Gabby referred too was still... probably getting away... with a slight whimper she waved her hand and a small fence of Ice appearred around the woman, walling off her slow crawl.

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Wagon Drama

"Burn her, burn her, burn her, burnher burnher burnher!" Siv cried as she tried to scoot away. Callisto didn't even seem to be moving toward her, but she was still too scared to take any chances. <"Burn her before she kills meeeee!"> In Siv's mind, Callisto was eventually going to make it back to her bow. When the ice appeared, Siv looked over at the source, Krsytal. She wasn't sure what to think, or what Callisto would do so she quieted down while trying to wriggle free from her restraints.

Raquel ran around in front of Callisto. "I'm fighting to get my father back from a bunch of people who to me are just like you. They're murderers who'll go to any length to get what they want. I don't care how righteous it is! People like you have no right to decide who lives and who dies! My goals may be small and insignificant to some but they're a damnsight less maniacal than yours!" She quickly ran over to Callisto's light brand and swiped it up off the ground. It took two tries, the first proving to be more painful than she thought, but the second she managed to snap the bow in two before chucking it away. "I don't have to be a murderer to beat you people ... I just have to take away your weapons."


I KNOW she TOTALLY could have pawned that bow for some killer profits but eh, she's upset right now.

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"And you consider yourself a better recepient of such power than the gods? Hubris is ever the downfall of man," Callisto responded, wincing a bit at her bow being broken. SHe couldn't summon enough strength to try and get around the ice barrier.

Veronika did not like the lance hitting her and...making her feel woozy, but the pegasus flew off before she could counter. She decided to cut down their last remaining mage instead.

(3,3,5)= 10 damage. Troub D KO'd +5 points Veronika, John

Nadya went over and decided to heal Zel, who had taken another nasty light magic attack. "Try to stay up...we've almost got 'em," she said in a lame attempt at encouragement. Zel +10 Zel 12/18

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Meanwhile Amon Was ...

... looking over the remaining enemies, of which there were few. With these kind of losses they would be pulling out soon. "We need to take the rest of them out as fast as we can or they might leave and come back with reinforcements!" he called out to Gytha. "Let's get the heavy one!"

Amon defends Gytha!


"That's not true, I ..." she paused. She couldn't say what she was about to say. 'I'm going to get rid of the emblem once I rescue my father!' ... no that was wrong. She needed it to defeat the organization that started all of this. 'I'm going to get rid of the emblem once those people are defeated!' ... that felt wrong too despite her attempts to deny it to herself. They weren't the only organization that was trying to harm them now. A branch of the church was even after them now. For them it might simply be easier to part with it then, but after two attempts to kill them for it? "... I don't deserve this ... whatever it is ... but neither do you. I'm not going to use it for anything evil, but I'm not handing it over to people like you." I don't know what this thing is or what it's capable of, but if people like these are after it, then there must be something to it. I guess we won't know until we find more pieces ...

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"Shut up Shade Drake! I know how to handle a arrow wound!" hissed Robin as she tried to aid the unconscious shaman. However, that was proving to be very hard with a poisoned wound and a mad pegasus knight bearing down on her. Yanking her hand away, she quickly aimed at the pegasus knight with another arrow and fired. The bolt struck true, the bolt hitting the knight hard in the head in a shot that, normally, would have been a kill. Except this time the bolt, somehow, glinted off the skull of the knight, failing to kill her.

"<GOD DAMN IT! How many miracles do you people get?>" she hissed. Apparently the knight either understood her, or got the gist of what Robin had said. Lowering her lance, she smiled cruely at the knight. "Just enough to kill you." she said before lunging forwards. Thinking quickly Robin pulled out the bloody knife shard as the pegasus knight bore down on her, the wings of the steed flaring wide in the sun. She stabbed forwards, seeking to pierce Robin, only for Robin to swiftly raise the knife shard and run it along the edge of her lance. A shower of sparks blossomed forth as Robin turned to the side and pushed the weapon out of the path with her broken shard. The lance impaled the ground right beside Shadrak, but missed both parties entirely.

Robin attacks Peggy B. 5, 3, 5 Hit! Deals enough damage to activate miracle! Peggy B 1/15

Peggy B counters and misses! 2, 1, 1. WHEW!


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"Aye," Gytha responded to Amon, though with less energy than she usually had. "Hey, don't try to escape. We're tryin' t' help ye," Gytha told the Fallen girl before heading over to the target Amon had indicated and swinging her sword at him with as wide a slash as she could manage, pouring her might into it.


(5+6)-6 = 5 damage!

The powerful stroke slammed into the cavelier, but he was able to remain horsed and slashed back.

Cav D 6/18

Gytha 2/21


What's wrong with me? Norbert wondered as his vision blurred and he leaned his arms against Rizen's neck. I feel so tired... And since when was it so...cold? I was too warm just a second ago... This can't be good... ... Augh, don't tell me I've been poisoned... That would... Augh, Merz...

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We Fight Until Our Lungs Give Out!

The cavalier tried to take Gytha down just as he expected and he kicked the sword out of the way, a risky parry but it worked, and Amon was soon airborne in a violent spin. He threw his knife arm out and pulled it back in during the spin and the cav's throat was slashed wide open, the only armored spot Amon could think to hit to end things quickly, and it did. As Amon landed on his feet, the cav came crashing down from his horse. "Heh ... three left ... I really hope we can get them all for a change ..." he said to Gytha casually as he panted. "You alright?"

Cav D counters Gytha, Amon's totally in the way though! Rolls 3,5,2



Amon counters! Rolls 6,6,1



-9 hp! KO!

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"Yes, the proper way to rescue your father is to gather ancient artifacts and make friends with the Fallen, not inform the authorities like a reasonable person. De-delusional twit," Callisto said to Raquel, doubling over in pain on the ground.

The pegasus knight didn't care for being shot at one bit, so she charged yet again, nicking the archer. (5,1,4)= 4-3= 1 damage. Robin 4/12

The other pegasus knight attacked that irritating cavalier. (3,5,5)= Tink!

The mounted archer shot at the swordswoman who had taken down their last troubadour, downing her with one arrow. (4,4,3)= 8 damage. Veronika KO'd!

Bert takes 3 damage from poison. Bert KO'd!

Zel takes 3 damage from poison. Zel 8/18.

Robin takes 3 damage from poison. Robin 1/12.

Callisto (Erratic) 0/24

Cavalier A (Defending Callisto) 0/24

Troubadour A (Aggressive) 0/18


Cavalier B (Defending Pegasus Knight A)0/18

Troubadour B (Aggressive) 0/12

Pegasus Knight A (Aggressive) 0/15


Cavalier C (Passive) 0/18

Troubadour C (Aggressive) 0/12

Nomad A (Aggressive) 0/15


Cavalier D (Defending Nomad B) 0/18

Pegasus Knight B (Aggressive) 1/15

Nomad B (Aggressive) 15/15


Pegasus Knight C (Aggressive) 15/15

Nomad C (Aggressive) 0/15 Stimulated?

Troubadour D (Aggressive) 0/12

Begin Final Player Phase

Nadya healed Gytha, who seemed to have gotten shot again just as she had predicted. "Sorry I'm a little late here, you guys are takin' hits like crazy," she remarked +10 HP to Gytha Gytha 12/21

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"Thank ye," Gytha responded to Nadya as she was healed yet again. "Haharrr! Great job, Amon! Aye, I was a bit tired, but thanks t' the staff lady 'round here, I'm feelin' better!" Gytha cheered before dashing off towards her next foe: a nearby horseman with a bow.

Gytha activates Mercenary skill! -2HP, new mt/hit = 6!

(6+6)-8 = hit!

(6+6)-1 = 11 damage!

Gytha's sword slammed into the nomad in a way not unlike her attack on his ally just prior and left Gytha open for a retaliation.


(5+6)-3 = 8 damage!

"By Leviathan why do ye archers always do that?! ARRRGHH!!" loudly complained Gytha after the nomad's arrow had found its way into Gytha's shoulder.

Nomad B 4/15

Gytha 2/21


Not many more thoughts filled Norbert's mind before he blacked out. The scratch on his arm was horribly discolored and the pegasus rider nearly fell off his mount. Rizen stopped this, however, by hunching her wings and guiding his weight so he was leaning foreward onto her neck. Then, she trotted over to the wagon, whinnying in concern, hoping someone could help him. He was burning up, but at the same time, he was shivering a little and beginning to sweat. His body was fighting the poison but enough had gotten into his system that it would take some time to get rid of. His leg and arm were still bleeding as well.

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Zel turned to Nadya, a grate, happy red glint comind from under his helmet's visor before he rode Sliep out and stabbed the third and final archer that the enemy had brought, leaving him a gaping hole in his chest as he wheeled Sliep around, turning to come facing one of the last pegasus knights. They both looked at each other... and knew what needed to be done. Almost in perfect syncronyzation, they brandished their spears, got low on their mounts, and charged at each other at full Joust. Neither one of them moved or waverred as they rushed toward each other. When it came collision Time, Zel's spear, aimed for her chest, was too high, on sailed over her shoulder, while hers cracked loudly against his breastplate. As they both turned to check the damage they had caused... both were sadly dismayed. She, though landing a powerful blow had failed to do any damage, and he had ony succeeding in cracking her weapon... which even then wasn't quite damaged to the point of uselessness.


Zel KOes the last Nomad! 5 more points for Zel/Ran/Ber


Zel misses the Peg knight...


The peg knight critically tinks!

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We Fight For Bonus Objectives!

Amon attacks Peggy C! Rolls 6,5,6



-10 hp!

Peggy C counters! Rolls 3,2,5



Amon doubles! Rolls 4,2,3



-5 hp!

Miracle activates!

Amon 15/15

Peggy C 1/15


"Yeah right ... like the authorities care about my father ... like they'd go out of their way to rescue him from those lunatics. And let's not forget that it's the authorities ... the Wrathite's at least that keep trying to kill us too. We're doing this our way, and if you want the emblem so badly, you better be ready to have this happen to your forces again and AGAIN. We're not going to lose to you people." she replied to Callisto. When Riz showed up, it became all too apparent that it was time to focus more on triage and less on arguing with the zealous officer. "Krystal! I need your help! Connor you too! Take these vulneraries and start getting them on people as fast as you can. Bert and Gabbie first!" she instructed. "I'm not going to kill you ... but I'm not letting you run amok either ..." she said before going to fetch some rope to tie the officer up with. She also had a vulnerary ready for afterward. She was no expert on knots, but had seen enough of Siv's restraints to get something good enough and tied Callisto's hands behind her back, took off any bags she might be hiding a sharp object in, and then sat her down near the wagon. She then sighed and glanced out at the fighting ... their side had nearly won ...

Is it always going to be like this ...? People like them trying to take the emblem from us that we'll end up mostly killing off? Isn't there some other way to handle all of this?

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As the pegasus knight struck Robin at last, she took her next arrow and quickly fired it off, striking the knight hard in the chest and knocking her off her horse. She hit the ground hard, tumbling and rolling across the dirt, if not dead, defiantly out of the fight.

Robin attacks Pegasus B. 5, 5, 2. Hit! Deals WAAAAAY more than 1 damage. Pegasus B is downed! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3185884/
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Only one pegasus knight was left and it was about to flee from Amon before Domvoi easily caught up to it and stabbed her in the neck. She fell off her mount, her back landing on the ground very hard.

Roll: Done on IRC. Phoenix can vouch for me.

Domovoi: (5,4,3) Hit! 4+5= 9-1= 8 damage! Pegasus Knight C 0/15 HP.

Domovoi gains 5 points! The battle ends and everybody gains 10 additional points for completing the bonus objective!

"...That could've been avoided. But it appears we had an easier fight than usual." Despite this fact, Domovoi did not feel particularly elated. Killing wasn't something you celebrated over unless the being was truly evil.

"You fought well," Domovoi said as he landed next to Amon. "Guess we interrogate her, if she's still alive," he continued, indicating Callisto.

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Saken leaned up after what was probably the best nap, he'd had for a good while... to wake to the sight of a battle in its final moments.

It's always something... It's always something...

The first thing he did was get out of the cart, and snuck around trying to look like he had been in the fight.

I have to time these sorts of things better....

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Point Average: 38

New Point Total: 346

When Domovoi dispatched the last pegasus knight, Amon sighed with relief. "Yeah, you did great too. Any later and she might have retreated. Then we'd have reinforcements tailing us. "Hmm ... so that's the last of them." Amon he said to himself this time, an effort to get himself to relax. Then he felt the effects of the stimulant begin to wear off. It really was just in time ....

Right ... there was also Callisto, their leader and one of the few possible survivors. If he knew Gabbie, and he felt he was beginning to, Callisto wouldn't make it through the interrogation. Amon had mixed feelings about all of that anyway. If they kept Callisto as a hostage, it would make it nearly impossible to reach Weyland. If they let her go, well ... she would easily track them down again and probably bring more troops than before. If they killed her ... well that was the simplest route to go, but not the most comfortable one. Amon was beginning to wish he had simply killed her by accident instead of wounding her so precisely. That would have saved them the trouble they were about to find themselves in.

When Gabbie woke up she was staring straight up at an overcast sky. Unsure of how things had turned out, she assumed that something must have gone wrong. After all, they're luck came with a cost, like one of their own dying, or Axel getting blown up. She suspected that Callisto had gotten away thanks to Raquel's softness, but got up to find that she was actually guarding the woman herself. "Ugh." she said shaking her head. "So I see ya spared that captain bitch. Whaddya plan to do with'er now, let'er go and come back to boite us in the as later?"

"I don't know yet. Once everyone's recovered, we'll decide what to do together."

"Democracy's a slow process. We need to get outta here before another patrol shows up. We're not entoirely in the roight here, we are smuggling a fallen into the country so she doesn't need to spin her story much."

"Nothing's ever simple, is it?" Raquel asked frustrated by the dilemma.

"It's always simple, you just have ta choose between bein noice or doin' what ya have to do to stay aloive."

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Krystal was a little slow to follow Raquel's order, but as soon as it clicked that hey, she has a job, she immediately grabbed a couple vials of the medicine and flew out to tend to the wounded. She first came upon John, laying in the dirt, and started to try to open the bottle... but the lid was stuck... "razafrazen <Lousy stupid tight> [medicinal supplies]" She said as she fought with the bottle, slipping from gibberish, to Kigen, to Avian in her rage.

Zel panted a little as the fight died down and the surge of Adrenaline that was pulsing his in veins was slowly replaced with the numbness of poison... but that was also slowly fading out as his body siphoned that out... but not fast enough. He passed out for a second, falling off Sliep. His helmet ended up falling off and rolling down the road a little. A couple of seconds later, and a little nudging from Sliep, Zel picked himself up and wiped his brow as he heavily gasped for air... he slowly picked himself up to his knees, and shook his head, trying to wake up, but only succeeding in covering his face in his long, pure white hair. Reaching forward, he picked up his helmet and stood up, and scanned the battle-field, his crimson eyes weary, but alert. He guided Sliep over to a nearby group of wounded, Robin and Shadrak. "Hey miss, let's load him up and take him to the main group..." He told her, his helmet under his arm.

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As the rest of the battle raged on, Gil kept his watch, silently. Eventually the group managed to rout the enemy, but that didn't relaxed Gil. He stood there, almost statue-like,, watching.

Eventually he saw the tail-less winged one coming this way. He stood his position, awaiting. She didn't seem to have noticed his presence, fighting with a bottle she was carrying. Gil at this point growled, giving a glare in her direction as well, to get her attention.

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Krystal jumped up with a small cry... managing to open the bottle with the small surge of energy granted by the fear. She looked up at Gil with a nervous wave, almost instinctly reading it's mind to try to get an idea what was wrong... Gil seemed... protective, of his rider, and understandable feeling, considering his condition and the fight that just happened. Krystal thought for a moment on how she could get the wyvern to trust her... then she noticed a small cut on her leg that she had sufferred from the treck to john... (mighta been a badly angled arrow from a nomad or something) she dabbed a little bit of the salve on her finger and rubbed it over the small wound, and watched as it healed over quickly, making sure that the process was plainly visible for the Wyven. "I'm not going to hurt him..." she added on in a caring, gentle tone.

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Robin lowered her bow at the battle finished. She could feel the poison spreading through her body, and it was bad, but she was still cognative enough to move.

"Yea. Sure." she said as she looked down at Shadrak. In her hand was the shaft she had broken, and as she tried to load him up, she was glad she had done so so that the arrow didn't move about as much in the wound and hurt him more. Carefully, she tried to lift him up to Zel. "Uggghhhh... So... Heavy..." she grunted.

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