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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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"Could I have that back, please?" Gytha asked as she walked over to Nadya, "Don't want t' waste me shot, after all."

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Nadys shrugged and handed the bullet over to Gytha. "Wouldn't do me much good anyway. Now if you folks are busy tearin' each other up for the time bein', I've got some treasure to 'liberate'," she said, walking over to the leader, picking up a small coinpurse and removing her necklace.

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As the bullet was removed Robin said nothing. She simply looked furiously at the people in the group before she carefully stood up and headed into Raquel's cart, heading to the farthest corner back she could find before sitting down, doing her best to forget she was even part of the group and wishing silently that no one would come to see her.

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Gytha began cleaning off the round and whistling one of the shanties she'd grown up on. It was almost nostalgic, that moment. For some reason, focussing on the round she was cleaning and listening to her own whistling triggered the memory of cleaning shots at her old home with her mother before dumping the corpses they'd brought to the docks into the sea. She didn't let the memory continue very long, though and simply put away the cloth and bullet before wandering away from where Robin had been and noticing Amon's shoulder looked weird. "... Ye a'right, Amon? Yer shoulder doesn't look so good," she asked as though nothing had happened.

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"It's not doing so good since I made the mistake of landing on it. Since you're here, I'd like to just get this over with. Can you move it back into place for me?" he asked with pained pleading eyes. "Just be quick about it ... urgh."

More Decisions

"Okay, wagon lady. Toime to decide how we're gonna handle this. Stick around and bury the bodies-" "Noooo~" Siv moaned "-or just leave'em here for the vultures." Gabbie explained.

"Waste not! Waste not! Waste noooot!" Siv protested picking out words she knew to form phrases with.

"Speak not, ya little pigeon!" Gabbie shot back. "We can't haul all these bodies with us. Cannibalism ain't legal in Ursium anyway so you'd have to eat them all yourself."

"Canniba-wha ...? Not ca-nibbling. Um, we ... want food for the journey, so preserve her and the others."

"Shut up, Siv."

"Do we even have time to-" she paused when she heard John mention the onlooker and both she and Gabbie, and even Atsuko began looking over at the man. "Greeeat." Gabbie commented. "Well we ... probably don't have time to bury them with people coming up this road regularly. We should just leave ... as soon as possible." Raquel said before putting her head down.

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"It's not wasting." Shadrak said to SIv, popping around the corner to see what the gunshots where about... only to watch Robin trump inside sadly, Callisto with a hole in her head, and well, everything else. "<By burying the bodies, we furtilize the soil and promote further growth of plants, and either we humans eat said plants, or eat the animals that eat the plants, that way, we get more out of it than if we had just eaten it at the time...>" Shadrak explained.. though even the thought also made him sick as it was, he may of had some wierd tastes, but cannabilism wasn't a part of it... he glanced at Atsuko, and hoped that she realised that he didn't... completely mean what he said, that he was just trying to shut Siv up.

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"Aye, aye, though it might hurt," Gytha answered before taking a firm hold of Amon's shoulder and torso and violently forcing it back into place before letting him go and mentioning, "Ye might want t' keep somethin' cold on that shoulder for a while."

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Alas, the chaos was quickly abated, as a grumpy-looking pegasus knight looked directly at Blake, and two of the many Neviskotians appeared to notice him as well. They weren't doing anything, though, so he was not going to die horribly... for now. It seemed the bullet incident was mostly forgotten, since the plundering woman went over and healed the arrow-throwing one, while the pirate turned to another dark-skinned man - were they actually Rexians? The others noticed him and just resumed their conversation, which was not really confidence-building. Clearly, they weren't hostile. As a result, the swordsman lowered his weapon a bit more, still cautious.

"What happened here," Blake asked, "And who shot at me?"

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"Probably Robin or one of those horseback archers that attacked us," Norbert replied, his confusion leaving him suspicious instead.

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<Hm, looks like this one is friendly enough.> John thought. <Still, we must not take it for granted, he does have his weapon out.> He looked around. <Then again, this doesn't leave a good impression.>

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Amon didn't make a sound when his shoulder was set, but it was clearly painful and he toughed it out as best he could. He was still holding onto it once she finished, but at least it was in the right place again. "Yeah I'll talk to Krsytal about that once we're on the road again ... yeah." he said moaning in little intervals from the pain.

Mostly Women

"Bert's talking to him now ..." Raquel commented as she watched.

"Is he our best representative?" Gabbie asked with an uncertain look.

"Better than some people." Raquel said back to Gabbie.

Siv listened while Shadrak explained and then started looking a little upset. <"The land is fertile enough though! This place is like a paradise that's been overrun with wild humans. In Corvus, there aren't many plants that grow, but here, they're all over. The land is fertile enough so we should use the bodies for food for ourselves. I'm tired of fruits and bread. I can't remember the last time I tasted meat."> she explained with an occasional word dragged out into a whine. Looking over the bodies, she began moaning some more. <"At least let me have a limb! It doesn't even have to be one of the humans! Horse meat is fine too!">

Luca felt a chill down his spine. Probably nothing.

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Within the wagon, Robin sat fuming in her corner. She didn't want to look up. She didn't want to see anyone, and she didn't want to think about the horrible things that those... things... had just done. Shooting a helpless opponent, shooting someone in the back, and now... It shouldn't have even been a issue. Just heal that girl up enough so she wouldn't have died then leave her at some roadside inn or something, would that have been so hard? Respect life, was it such a bizarre concept? She had tried to do it after all... She had not taken a life since she had joined up with the group! She had...

Shot people because they had disturbed her sleep and in the last fight she had taken down one of the knights simply out of her own fury at Bert. Was she any different? Was she any better? She didn't know. Her head came to rest on the corner of the wagon. Was she any better? Could she claim such a highground over these Urswine when she had done those things? She didn't know. She didn't want to know. She didn't even want to think about it.

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"Archers don't usually shoot light magic at people," Blake said, raising his sword a bit. "And why would a patrol just randomly attack a merchant group? Did you guys raze a village, or something?"

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The fate of the captain appeared to be in dispute. Some wanted her to be kept alive, like Robin. Others wanted her dead, like Shadrak and Gabbie. There was quite an argument over what to do and Domovoi was just about to step in and put his own opinion in when he saw Gytha execute the prisoner by shooting her in the head.

Bloody hell....can't that woman go one day without acting like an idiot?

A fight broke out between Gytha and Robin, who had entered a physical confronation. His face going to his palm, Domovoi let out a long sigh. He knew he wouldn't be a very effective person to intervene, so he didn't step in. Soon though, the fight stopped. Domovoi breathed another sigh, this one being both of relief and frustration. He'd have to pound into Robin the importance of discipline and especially the idea of not letting her emotions get her into fights with her comrades.

It appeared that a lone swordsman had wandered in on them. Swearing profusely, he was hoping Gabbie wouldn't kill him to get rid of anybody who witnessed their crime.

"Just when this couldn't get any worse..."

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Shadrak sighed. "<Well, one thing I guess you'll need to understand about humans is, well, we don't eat humanoids, at all. It's considerred morally in-correct to do so, and to see another humanoid, eat other humanoids, well, it just isn't right in our eyes. I'm sure I can get some help with you and your desire for meat though... later. I'll see if the archer wants to do some hunting, and we might have a nice bloody meal... sorry.>" He explained to Siv, watching the others deal with the newcomer. I hope they know what they're doing...

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Norbert's experssion darkened into a glare at the notion and tensed, matching the other's readiness for combat if it came to it, though he kept his poleaxe pointed down. He'd raise it if the other came at him. "You think we're bandits or something?" he asked, his tone ont he verge of threatening -- warning the newcomer that that was not a good accusation to make, "The leader of the patrol might've had a light brand. They threatened and attacked us and we fought back. I don't know why they attacked us. Maybe they didn't like the wyverns we have with us. Maybe they're idiots who confused us for some other group, though I don't see how that would be likely." He glanced at the man's weapon before his eyes flicked back over to the lone swordsman. "Are you planning on using that?"

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Shadrak sighed and glanced back to Robin. Hmm... "<You can't have any human... that's one culture barrier I can't pass... but...>" "[Hey Robin, do you have you had a chance to go hunting recently? I mean, like, hunting animals.]" He asked her, switching from Kigen to Skotian as he addressed the hunter.

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Nice one, Blake thought, as the pegasus knight grew enraged after his comment was interpreted (correctly) as accusing the merchant's lot of being bandits.

"I'm not using this unless you attack first, sir," he said, as calm as he could be under the circumstances. "I'm just saying that it's unusual for a patrol to attack a merchant's convoy unless said convoy performed some illegal act. And it doesn't make sense that the patrol leader shot at me, since I was heading away from you people."

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Robin looked up from her corner. She had zoned out due to the shock of being shot and her personal troubles and returned to reality only thanks to someone calling her name. In silence she stood up and turned to face Shadrak before shaking her head in a negative. She hadn't done any real hunting since she had joined the group, though she supposed she could go out on one. Anything to get away from the people.

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"Good." Shaking his hand firmly then let ting go, "Sorry about shoving it all back down your throat, and for the slapping, but hey, all is well that ends well, right? Right...? I mean, you're a kid, you'll bounce right back from that! It's not like that'll leave a permanent mark or whatever. Character building! That's what it is!" The shot to Callisto didn't even regster with Aneda, because quite honestly she didn't particularly care at all. She was more focused on making sure Onion didn't try to kill her or something worse, cut her hair.

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<"But there's FOOD ... RIGHT ... OVER ... THERE ..."> Siv replied to Shadrak. <"I won't eat any humans! Just let me have a piece of that dead pegasus! It's still a fresh kill!">


With the curtain open again, Naoki took his chance and flew passed Robin and out of the wagon. He landed on Shadrak's shoulder and began looking around. He even stopped to look at Siv for a moment, who to him seemed to be a black hole for any type of energy flowing too close to her. Such anomalies warranted caution.


"I'd go over myself, but I can't possibly explain any of this." she said to John. "Let's just get ready to leave and once they're done talking, we'll head out."

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''Good idea.'' John said before turning and leaving for real back to Gil. <I still wouldn't quickly trust things will go smoothly. But I guess it's all up to them and how the handle their talk.> He thought as he made his way back.

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Shadrak stroked his chin, and his bird, at the thought. Well, it is a horse... hmm... Shadrak got up and paced a little, and found himself wandering to Gabbie and Raquel... unable to decide himself he decided to ask the two. "So... while I'm all against the consumption of people... the little bird pointed out that we do have a pegasi out there... though, I'm not sure about how the everyone would feel about that..." he started to muse, giving the pair that 'this is totally a question' look.

Zel sighed a little and looked up to the sky... he didn't notice it when he was walking, but Aneda and Ranyin were pretty close, and with nothing better to do, he decided to talk to them, maybe lighten his mood a little... before the sunlight dampened it again. "So, you two just make a business deal or something?" He asked them as he walked up, brushing his white hair out of his crimson eyes with a smile.

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