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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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"Personally, I'm here because I owe a debt," Norbert replied, not entirely enthralled with the swordsman's discovery as his irritation rose again, "But this isn't our employer's usual trade. She's recently become an arms dealer, not a smuggler." Wait. Why am I trying to defend Raquel? "In addition, we didn't murder them, we were attacked. Whether you believe me or not, that's what happened. I'll ask you again: what do you plan to do now?" I don't like this. At least no one's let Raquel's identity slip or we'll be dealing with someone who can point our enemies in the right direction.

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"It's still murder if you were being attacked for breaking the law, which you were," Blake said, thinking about the fallen as he said that. "And I can't simply walk off as if nothing happened, since you people will come after me anyways."

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"I didn't ask you what you weren't planning to do, I asked you what you were. Answer," Norbert replied, ignoring the murder bit since that would just become a pointless argument.

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"Evading the question gives me time to think up an answer, though," Blake replied. "Especially since, well, you're probably going to have to kill me at some point or another. I could try and escape by attacking you and making a break for it, but I have no mount, and there are too many of you for me to fight off. So, the answer right now, is, 'I don't know.'"

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"..." I'm going to regret this. "At least you're sensible. Honest to a fault, though." I'm going to regret this... "... Why don't you talk to our leader? Maybe she can clear this up." What am I doing? Norbert relaxed a bit. This guy knew he was outnumbered and maybe outmatched. Raquel was more diplomatic than he was, though, so even if it meant showing him to the pink-haired merchant, it probably wasn't going to result in too much danger for the group...maybe.

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And suddenly he was referred to the mysterious merchant leader, who was a woman. The problem with that is, there were at least a half-dozen women in the band.

"..And which one is the leader?" he asked. Did he expect him to read his mind, or something?

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"Depending on whether or not you wanted to talk with her, I was going to lead you to her," Norbert replied, "I'll take that as a 'yes.' Follow me." And with that, he led the swordsman and Rizen right to Raquel. "This is the merchant we're following around. We're still protecting her, so play nice or we'll get rough," he warned the newcomer, standing right nearby to keep an eye on him.

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"You're implying I have an option," Blake said, as the pegasus knight led him to his leader, an attractive pink-haired woman. "And that I'm particularly suicidal."

To the merchant, the swordsman said, "Your lackey here wants me to talk to you, to 'clear things up.' I don't necessarily see why he hasn't tried to kill me on the spot."

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Keep talking like that and I might. This guy was getting on Bert's nerves again, which was evident from his glare slightly intensifying and his grip on his poleaxe tightening somewhat.

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"Well it looks like things are going to fall to me now." Raquel commented to Atsuko as Bert headed back over with the previous onlooker.

"You seem to be in need of more reliable men. Some of the people with you now are a little ... ill suited." Atsuko replied. "I'd consider recruiting him into your group if he seems level headed enough for your standards."

"I'm more concerned about people I can trust than anything else. They don't have to be emotional fortresses. Just good in a fight and not up to something behind my back. I can't afford to be looking over my shoulder when we go up against the enemy.

When Bert and the man finally arrived, Raquel tilted her head at his opener. "We're not going to kill you if you don't try to attack us first. So ... " she paused, not sure what to do next. She had no goal for the conversation so wasn't sure where to take things. Atsuko's suggestion came to mind more than once in the short pause and finally she decided to forgo trying to figure out why he was brought to her and simply try to get a new mercenary out of the deal. "Are you by any chance looking for work?"

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"He thinks we're smugglers and that we attacked the patrol in cold blood," Norbert clarified as calmly as he could muster. What the heck is she doing?! Why is she offering this guy a job?! Yeah, let's just recruit everyone who walks along the road with a sword! GREAT idea! Then they can all stab us in the backs at once!

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"If I knew, I would not be confused, no?" replied Robin. Normally she would have smiled to show it was a joke, but now... she felt too put out to even try. "A short while ago I left my home and was picked up by a group of people who promised glory to Neviskotia if I helped them. They planned to steal a national relic and set me up as the scapegoat. I was captured and put into slavery. While I was a slave, I was put into a fight. That fight was the first time I had ever killed a human. It felt so horrible and wrong, killing in cold blood with no regard to life. I swore to only wound non-lethally, disable, not kill. Now, I not only failed to stop the pirate from killing someone who was defenseless, but... I killed that pegasus knight today without even trying. I do not know if it was the heat of the moment, or fury at Noobert, but..." Robin sighed and looked down at the candle before looking up at Krystal. "This is the first time I have really questioned how I have acted, but I know I did the right thing. The sanctity of life, my loyalty to my nation, I do not know which I should be listening too right now."

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Gytha felt slightly irritated suddenly, but she wasn't sure why. She decided to ignore it and continue listening to the conversation between the new swordsman and Raquel.

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The Truth

Raquel glanced at Bert while he angrily explained the newcomer's point of view, and then put her hand on her chin. "Well it's not like that's what happened. They attacked us. I'd probably feel less guilty if they weren't Wrathites ..." she explained with a hint of irritation in her voice. "Let's just say the Wrathites are after me because I'm carrying something they want. It doesn't do anything really, but they're still willing to send people after me on occasion." There. That's the truth, and hopefully Siv doesn't come up again. He'll find out eventually if he joins us but he doesn't need to know anything else until he makes a decision.

The Hair

When Zel was more conveniently placed, Gabbie began messing with and utterly messing up his hair while almost completely ignoring the nearby conversation. "He's loike a giant mouse man, heheheeheh."

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Zel kinda winced as Gabby began to fiddle with his hair. "I don't mind letting you have your fun Miss, but could you please not call me a mouse as you do it?" He asked her, his complexion gaining a little color as the beginning of a blush came about him.

Krystal nodded in understanding. "You should listen to both... and to neither, you need to do what you believe in... not up here." She pointed to the top of her head. "But rather, in here..." she then pointed to her heart. Not that I would now, that's just what they all said in the stories...

Shadrak shrugged as he paused in his motion for her. "Iunno, he probably just wanted to know what it is so he can get the rest... or something..."

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Before Blake could reply to the merchant, the pegasus knight who he clearly had irritated blurted out his earlier comments. Someone was sore. The woman then denied that and tried to explain the attack. Which she did, with more success than the aggressive one.

"I see..." Aaannd she doesn't know what I'm referring to, clearly. It'd probably be best to play dumb. "So, it was just a bunch of zealots who attacked you? I'll have to believe you, I guess. As for work, if it involves combat, I'm interested." If it's breaking the law, on the other hand...

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"Err ..." she paused. Well, they weren't always doing the illegal. Things were entirely legitimate until the second mission Weyland gave them. Perhaps after this mission was concluded, they would get back to staying on the right side of the law, minus any encounters with the Wrathites. "I won't ask for your help on this particular mission since it's almost done and the others probably don't want their share of the profits being reduced over a newcomer, but after this, I'll be happy to have you on full time. It's ... up to you if you want to accompany us or meet in Europa somewhere though." she explained, still not saying a word about the fallen being fed bloody pegasus bits by the shaman.


"Called ya a rat, but okay. No mouse remarks, heheh. Besoides, I loike rodents." she replied while messing around. Eventually she finished screwing up his hair and got around to the eyes. "Whoite hair and red eyes. That's so rare, heheh."

"Good thing, or you would be doing this to a lot of people, I'm sure." Atsuko commented, looking away from Raquel's conversation for the moment.

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"If you don't mind, I'd like to go with your group, as otherwise, I might end up missing your group once your job is turned in," Blake said. That and I might want to go to the army otherwise.

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"Um alright then. We're getting ready to leave so just pick someone to ride with or find somewhere in on ontop of the wagon." I hope Sandrock and Riley aren't getting too weighed down ...

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"I guess that makes you commissioned," Bert almost grudgingly remarked, "At least you're on our side...for now. I don't tust you yet."

"Welcom t' th' crew! Me name's Gytha! This ol' bag o' rage is Norbert and his pegasus is named R--"


"Didn't think I needed it," the mariner replied, a little less jolly than a few moments prior. To Blake, she added, "Don't worry; he yells at everyone."


"Aye, ye do. Ye've yelled at just about everyone ye've ever spoken with, I'll wager. 'Specially Raquel."

"WELL... WHATEVER!" the pegasus rider didn't feel like arguing at the moment, so he simply mounted Rizen and mentioned to Blake, "Betray us and you're dead." Then, he was in the sky again, needing time to simmer down.

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John only watched as the guy got brought over to Raquel. <I see, he went to talk to her after all.> He thought.

Soon after, he saw Bert mount on his pegasus and take off. John followed him with his eyes for a moment. <I take it something happened down there.>

He ordered Gil to get back on ground. ''So,'' he said, still on Gil. ''What happened?''

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Europa Bound

Siv was unable to finish the pegasus leg before the party prepared to head out and pleaded with Shadrak and Raquel to let her take it with. Raquel was just surprised that Siv wasn't full after all she had already eaten. Eventually she decided to take the leg with and hope she could finish it by the time they reached Europa.

The group traveled as far as they could in that day, but were unable to reach Europa by nightfall, much to Raquel's dismay. Still, camping out so close to the city wasn't something she was willing to do at that moment, and she decided to press on into the night until they reached their destination. Sandrock and Riley managed the trip, but were exhausted by the time they arrived in the city. So was Raquel, frankly. The city lights began to fade under the light of the dawn, and she looked up at the sun, almost cursing it for reminding her of how long it had taken them. Falling behind schedule by more than six hours due to a battle and partial blindness to the road and not getting a wink of sleep had her severely agitated that morning.

Night Ops

Norn and her small team had first started by crossing Kigen by night until Norn was able to track down the sight of the battle. She spent a couple of hours investigating during the day. By evening, she had come to the location where they had crossed the river. They crossed over by air and once on the other side, Norn got back to trying to locate any remaining scent in the area, while the others simply did whatever they felt like. Gunnar frankly, felt like pestering Norn.

<"You know, I could just summon a few hellhounds. Put five or six of them to work and it'll speed things up."> he suggested.

<"Your hellhounds' noses aren't as strong as mine. Just be patient. They can't outpace us to save their lives and we know they have a definite destination in mind. We'll catch them."> she replied.

<"Sure, but will we catch them before something happens to Siv?"> Runa asked while standing around and looking at the area.

Norn held her head down. <"Something already happened to Siv, before we were even put on this assignment, but at the very least we can rescue her.">

<"So this is Ursium. Believe it or not it actually smells a little different on this side of the water."> she commented while Norn got back to searching.

<"You have no idea ..."> she said. <"Wait! Found it! It's trace so it's been awhile but this is the path they took."> she announced to the others. <"Come on!"> she ordered before shifting her eyes and taking off into the sky. She would be able to spot a road far easier from the air, and the others followed. All four of them disappeared into the night.


By dawn they arrived in Urden. Concealed by what was left of the darkness, they landed silently in the town using the rooftops of buildings to get around unseen. They would have to wait around for an entire day, but that was better than nothing. As all four of them lied about on one side of a taller building's roof, Gunnar began pestering again.

<"Norn, hungry ... reeeeally hungry.">

Glancing over, she replied. <"It's easier to get food at night. Just tough it out for the day ... and be smart and catch something while it's still dark out.">

<"But we were flying all night! None of us had time to catch anything!"> he protested.

<"I did."> Runa commented.

<"What?! When?!">

<"I spotted a cute little rabbit on the way, so I swooped down and scooped him up~">

<"So that's what that dive was all about ... duuuuuurgh. I can't take this. Norn, please! You can ... uh ... you can pretend to be a dark one, right? So ... just do that and, bring us back something.">

<"I don't have any money, idiot."> she replied, not even looking at him directly anymore. She was more focused on the sky and the clouds hanging up there. She missed being able to fly around in the day time, but on a mission, it was too easy to be spotted. In Kigen it was more of a danger, but no one was to suspect fallen were in Ursium, so the same rules still applied.

<"Well ... work for it!"> he shot back.

<"You work, since you're the one that's hungry.">

<"He has a point, Norn. It's too difficult for the rest of us to hide our tails and pretend to be dark ones. You on the other hand have a naked tail so all you need is a dress or something and you can pass for one of them. You also have the best stealth training so you won't have any involuntary shifts. I'm not saying you should get a job for the day just to feed Gunnar, but maybe you should take advantage of your abilities for the day. Find out something useful about Ursian humans."> Rune suggested.

<"I didn't bring a dress but ... I'll think about it ...">

<"You know, Runa. You could probably hide your tail under a dress too~ You should both go. You can both work and we'll get double the results."> Gunnar suggested.

<"What kind of work are you talking about?">

<"Any kind of work that needs doing! Do whatever it takes to get us some food and-or gold!">

<"... you make it sound like we're prostitutes ...">

<"Hey, you can always do that too. Humans will mate with anything. We'd be fed for the rest of the mis-"> He was caught up in a dark entanglement of energy before he could finish his statement. He struggled but the energy net was crushing him into a ball of feathers. Helpless to get out, he rolled over the edge of the building's roof and fell into the bushes.

<"Escape puzzle unsolvable ... ... So Norn, what do you say? We grab a couple of disguises and do some exploring?"> Runa asked with a slightly perky tone.

<"Runa, help!">

<"... alright, fine.">


Raquel actually needed help to deal with the checkpoint officers, since she wasn't feeling very friendly at the moment. Once they were free and clear, Atsuko checked to see if Siv was alright. She had been gagged and stuffed into an empty crate again just to be safe. She was quite agitated too having promised not to reveal herself and still being silenced and boxed. Being hungry again wasn't helping matters and the pegasus leg was already gone.

When Raquel brought the wagon to the mansion, there were more people around waiting for her and the others than expected. She stopped the wagon so one of the estate workers could approach. "Pink hair, large cape, brown and black horse driven wagon. Raquel Valcyn, right?" he asked after reciting some key details.

"Yeah, that's me ..." What is Weyland going to funnel us in through a backdoor or something so nobody sees us? It's a little late for that, isn't it?

"Your 'cargo' can't be seen outside, so I'll need you to bring your wagon along this road leading to another area of the estate." he explained pointing to a right turn a short ways up ahead.

I knew it.

"So just make a right here, and follow the road. You'll know where to stop. Don't come back this way either. There's an entrance inside. DW should be able to show you if you get lost."

"Who's DW?" Raquel asked. The man immediately pointed to Gabbie. "Oh ... her ..."

"Right ... Weyland will have your payment ready upon close inspection of the cargo. Your mounts ... fliers included--need to go with you down the same path. Again, don't come back this way. I also suggest not leaving for a few hours. If you've got any other questions they can be answered inside." he said before turning to leave.

"That man was very apathetic." Atsuko noted to no one in particular before Raquel got the wagon moving again. After passing a small group of guards keeping an eye on the path, they came to the road. Following the road from the right, led them in between some very cleverly trimmed trees that formed a large wall only aerial units could see into. The path seemed to go on quite a ways. Eventually what looked like a wall showed up. The only place to go now was backward ...

"... what the hell ..." Raquel muttered.

"Keep goin'." said Gabbie.

"There's nothing but a wall here." Raquel shot back.

Gabbie sighed. "Foine then. Demonstration toime. He sent us this way for a reason, now watch." she said before flying right to the wall. As Gabbie approached, the wall began to drop into the ground revealing a very large roadway heading underground. The path was lit but it was still a bit intimidating to have just shown up so suddenly. She was inside as soon as it opened and expected the others to follow.

"Alright, everyone, we're going in." Raquel announced as she got the wagon moving again. From there, it was into the underground. Deeper inside was a large doorway that seemed to mark the borders between two different environments. The doorway was open, but only large enough for people to fit into. Fortunately there seemed to be some other exits, and a few hands were standing around waiting for them.


I don't want any environmental confusion going on so let me point out right now that this underground passage is large enough to FLY through on a wyvern or pegasus while not threatening the space of the wagon. When I say very large, I mean it :lol:

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Along the way, Ranyin had managed to catch Norbert while Rizen was aground and now, in the tunnel, he was playing the passenger on the pegasus again. Since the new swordsman hadn't caused any mischief, the pegasus-rider had calmed down and wasn't particularly bothered by him anymore. As they'd entered Europa, a sort of excitement had been gradually building inside of Norbert: he would soon be reunited with Splinter and Crunch: the maces he was so used to wielding. Still, Weyland's place was quite impressive. This was his first time seeing it up-close. Flying underground was something he never thought he'd do, yet here he was. He landed near the wagon and as soon as he saw the next passageway would not likely permit pets, he began hoping that they wouldn't go any farther into the mansion but would rather be met by whoever Weyland sent if Weyland himself didn't come to make the exchange. Though he didn't wander much farther from where he'd landed, Norbert did dismount Rizen and help Ranyin back onto the ground.


As she usually did while they travelled, Gytha had maintenanced her weaponry and took care of Maw. Newer things to do included chatting with the new swordsman, telling him she was a mariner and how she met Raquel, as well as hinting at her dislike of being called a pirate. She told a story or two to him, Synthia, Amon -- and anyone else who was listening -- about a couple run-ins she'd had with pirates as a mariner as well as some stories about various people she'd met along her voyages. Only interesting ones, of course. The short, stingy Kigenese merchant who shrieked whenever he saw a rat and wound up paying Gytha mainly for Maw's services, the blowhard sailor whom most of his shipmates swore was the reason for the wind in their sails, the time a ship she was on ran out of food so they all had to try their hand at fishing... And, of course, there were the shanties. If Gytha wasn't making sure something was in good health -- Maw or weaponry, usually -- she was telling stories of the sea or singing shanties, as was her jubilant habbit.

In no time, the group was at Weyland's. When the wagon came to a stop underground, Gytha sprung from the wagontop to stretch her legs. Maw stayed aboard but likewise stretched.

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Shadrak looked around the cave complex with a rather bored expression, stepping off the wagon. "I've seen more impressive built-in defenses. I gope there's more to it than just this cave and that moving wall..."

Zel dismounted Sliep and handed him off to an assistant. There was one good thing about being underground: the great big torch in the sky wasn't trying to incenerate your face. So he took off his helmet and put it in one of Sliep's saddle bags though he looked even more bored than Shad about the whole thing. "Oh joy; it's another cavern..."

Krystal, on the other hand, was flipping right the fuck out, flying around the top of the cave at high speeds. "Ohmanohmanohmanohman, that wall was MOVING, and it lead to a CAVE!? I don't know what is going on anymore!" She was prattling on about, the close quarters evidently causing her a lot of stress or something.

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<Finally Europa again. How long has it been?> John thought. <This job is almost over...>

Following the trip to the Mansion, and now what looked to be an underground passage. <Underground. Subtle.>

Gil looked over at the entrance, and grunted. ''Come on Gil.'' He said. ''Think of it as any other mountain cave... except without the mountain I guess.'' He laughed. Another grunt.

''Well, in any case, let's go inside. You'd rather stay here behind?'' And so, they flew in.

<All this much space underground? I wonder if this is just more than a pathway. Would seem to be kinda unnecessary otherwise.> He thought.

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