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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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"That's a'right! Just keep movin' yer feet n' ye'll be fine!" Gytha encouraged before -- as per Amon's prediction -- Gytha pulled him into the dancing area and joined in wit the lively tune. She didn't follow a very particular dancing pattern, but she did keep time with the beat. Mostly, it was like skipping around in what seemed almost to be aimless patterns, spinning and turning when she felt like it. She hadn't kept her grip on Amon for long. It was only just enough to get him into the dancing area and get him moving. She'd actually spun him before she let his arm go.

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"Oh... okay..." Krystal said, she would of asked more, but it seemed like Zel was about to start something... maybe...

Zel chuckled. "It's... interesting, and kinda wierd. You never know what's going to happen, whether the cavern you're in is going to hold up your weight and collapse... or if the roof above you will spike you just from the tremor of your footsteps... if the next black hole is 1, 10, or heck, even a hundred feet deep... not to mention all the wierd critters and insects that can somehow get who knows where." He started off, taking a break to get his thoughts in order with a deep breath.

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"Hmm...must be harsh, going through all that with all that armour on you," muttered Mireille worried at the idea that knights would actually spend time exploring caves in full armour instead of fending off bandits...unless the cave happened to be a bandit hideout.

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<Everyone is leaving.> John noted. <I guess I should follow as well.> Sure enough, it looked like the only ones left were Siv and... whoever that girl was, he hadn't noticed her arrival.

<Hm? Well, not much to do here so I'm leaving.> With that, he rose and went for the nearest exit. <Now where to again...?>


Sophia meanwhile just ate her food. I knew it, I was late. At least I still have time for the Festival before the meeting.

Once she had finished, she made her way out of the room as well.

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Angel From Hell

"Next question for ya." Gabbie announced. Steinn was ready and waiting. "Why did you want Siv kidnapped and brought here?"

"I understand that some of you are curious about that, but you've been paid, haven't you? Why not let the matter be?" he asked seeming both a little reserved and concerned. He was hinting at some stern reluctance though.

"Ey, I'm one of Weyland's employee's not a mercenary. If I get my lance back I'm done with Raquel's group, so it's not like I won't be around to pester you until you tell me."

"... well ... if you put it that way. Siv was not not a mandatory target for kidnapping, I just needed one of the Finnians. Those little mercenaries were not going to be taking Brynhildr alive, so that left Siv. I would have preferred Svanhildr, but at least with Siv I can strike a more deadly blow."

"Oh do tell, conniving one~"

"Since Svanhildr wasn't captured, she'll undoubtedly convince Valdimarr to send Norn here instead. Had she been captured he would have come himself. Sending Norn here only adds an extra step in the process. Scenario One: Valdimarr loses one of his precious Finnians to the humans and comes rushing in to save the day. Scenario Two: Valdimarr loses a Finnian and sends his sister to investigate. She too is captured and from there, nothing dear Svan can say or do will detour him and he will come rushing in same as Scenario One. The major outcome is the same either way." he explained.

"... who's Norn?"

Tourists From Hell

<"Ohhh Noooorn~"> came Runa's voice. Norn cringed as she stood there in a small floor length dress. It was nothing fancy, but still hard to miss. Runa came over from a merchant selling various clothes and presented another outfit made specifically for dark avians.

<"Whaddya think? Very fine work, no?">

<"I'm surprised you can even get them to sell you anything when you don't know any common.">

Runa faked a gasp. "No no, he say Runa's common very good~" she corrected using the language.

Norn just stared back at her for a moment not saying anything. <"Somehow ... I get the feeling you're doing it wrong.">

<"Well it's enough to get by, for now. Have you tracked those humans dragging Siv all over the place, yet?">

<"No. This city is filled with people and livestock and food-"> <"Same things, princess."> Runa interrupted. <"My point is, it's going to take me awhile before I'm sure of the direction they went in. The scents are all mixed in together and this noise is driving me crazy ..."> she complained.

<"Well take your time~">

<"Why are you so happy?"> Norn asked angrily.

<"Are you joking? This place is fantastic! Hiding out in human territory with no competition for food and I only have to deal with Gunnar HALF of the time. Norn, we should just stay here for awhile. It's a paradise with no troubles or worries.">

<"We're on a mission. Now put that outfit back unless you can afford it and keep up.">

<"I was recommending this for you, Princess ...">

Norn shot Runa a glare and she leaned back slightly in response.

<"... after all, I couldn't possibly conceal my ta- ... my ... goods--in this little thing.">

<"You're just in love with this human cesspool aren't you?">

<"Oh come now, Princess. There's something here for everyone, even people like you.">

<"Liar. You can shut up, now.">

<"Oh! I could have sworn I saw a merchant selling live animals--mostly for eating--but there was a cute little raaaabbiiiit~">

<"... ... ... where? You didn't kill it, did you?"> she said quietly, conceding only for the chance to see the rabbit for herself. She was still sore about Runa eating the last one.

Interview From Hell

"Next question." the man said, causing Raquel to tense up a bit in preparation. "The divorce between your parents ..."

Don't ... go there ... do not, even go there ...

"How did you feel about that?"

"It was a divorce. How do you think I felt?!"

"I thought I told you I would be asking the questions, Miss Val-" "That was rhetorical!" she interrupted. "My parents decided to break up, and at the time I was closer to my father than to my mother so I ended up with him."

"You've got one of the primary reasons for the divorce written as 'political disunity'. Care to explain?"

"My father was in the military until not ... too long ago. He dropped out of the military partly because he's against the anti-Neviskotian sentiment that goes around."


Gods! It's already written there. Why don't they just ask me if I'm with or against Ursium and just get it over with?! She sighed deeply before answering. "He believes that Ursium's harsh anti-dragon policy is unethical, and paramount to genocide."

"Did he call it harsh or did you?"

Raquel's eyes widened and she felt as if she had been caught in some sort of trap. "I ... I did."

"And why is that?"

"B-because. Not every dragon that's ever going to be born is a menace that needs to be purged. I think it's harsh because Ursium could end up wiping the dragons off the face of the earth. If that's the goal, then it's just cruel ..."

"I see ... well, seeing as you've applied for these foreign carrying and selling permits, I have to wonder if you ever plan on doing business in Neviskotia ... once the war is over."

"That's the plan, yeah." she admitted grudgingly. "Look, I know I seem like a big risk here, but I-" "Hardly." he interrupted, blowing off her notion." "Urgh ... I don't agree with every single law in Ursium but I won't break them because of how I feel or try to ... rebel or use my business for that or anything."

"You may want to be expedient about this and while you are getting to the heart of the matter, Miss Valcyn, we use these questioning methods for a reason."

"To annoy the living crap out of people?"

"... I think we've questioned you enough. We'll review your information and render a decision by tomorrow morning."

Tomorrow? Uuuuuuuuugh.

"You're free to go. Have a nice day, Miss Valcyn."

Strange. I've never heard of it taking an entire night for a case like Raquel's. They must be making her wait while they go to confirm some things. Cat thought as she stood up.

Raquel met up with her mother and Bert at the entrance and seemed to be almost dragging her feet. "I hate this place. I hate it so muuuch."

"You did okay."

"Are you kidding? They'll probably reject me for that show."

"... possibly, but you weren't the only one to chew out the interviewer. Jethro did too. I suppose the only difference is that he was in a regular well lit room with only myself and one other man ... not a very intimidating fellow, either. I suppose we'll just have to see. They've got your contact information so it might be best if we head back for the time being ... unless there's anything else you need to do ...?"

Raquel was silent.

Dancefloor From Hell

Amon's first time dancing was certainly awkward. What dancing he had witnessed before then was too slow and too feminine to be of any help and he found himself a bit lost in the crowd. Eventually someone grabbed him and got him back in pace with the group while he tried not to drop the box he was holding onto. Things were looking grim for the most part, and he couldn't even see where Gytha was anymore. The woman that grabbed him eventually traded him off to another when she got bored of correcting him. The next woman seemed more optimistic.

"Oh, hi, Amon." came the new partner's voice.

Amon froze for a moment until the woman kicked his shin and force him back into the dance. Silvia ... what the hell, what the hell, what the hell- "What are you-" "Do anything suspicious and I'll bleed you~ You know I'm a Rodrigo fan. Why wouldn't I be here?"

"What are you doing, right here, on this dance floor?" he shot back.

"You're a six foot tall blond nomad--or rexian, whichever--; that's kind of hard to miss. I came to see if you had thought over my offer."

"What could possibly change my mind?"

"... your impending demise ...? ... no?" she asked seeing if he had considered that.

AM I ABOUT TO GET STABBED ... AGAIN?!!! The grimace on Amon's face made Silvia giggle a bit. Then she gently shoved him away.

"It's your choice, Amon. Just remember, this isn't a game. When you lose ... you lose, and that's the end of your little journey with the vigilante merchant." were her last words to him before disappearing into the crowd, dancing right along with them.

Amon's heart raced as he stood there. What now ...?

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When they were finally released, Norbert relaxed a little. As they walked, he voiced what he'd noticed. "I dind't know you were a dragon sympathizer," he mentioned. It had been the most surprising bit of information in there to him.


"Amon? Ye a'right?" Gytha asked. He didn't look too good... Carefully, she began leading him back through the crowds away from the dancing. "Ye should sit down 'r somethin'. Maybe get some water..." He looked like he was going to fall over or something to Gytha, so she was already acting on trying to make sure he was alright.

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Trying to keep up with the erratic nature of the now dancing crowd, Ranyin was uncomfortably jostled and pushed around. Giving up finally, he detached himself from the jovial mass of humans and stood outside their 'danger zone'. He could still see others nearby, although he had to be careful in constantly keeping them in sight. Maybe it isn't safe for me to be so far away from the rest of the group, thought Ranyin warily.

And so the kigenese mage slowly tried to make his way back to Krystal and Zel, whom he could see conversing with the white armoured knight from Weyland's mansion.

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"Ranyin?" The voice's owner pushed through the bit of crowd between the two mages, showing himself to be Tim from the last time the groupd had been in Europa. "It is you! How have you been?" he cheerfully greeted, holding what seemed to be a half-eaten snack: a roll of bread with some meat and vegetables stuffed inside.

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"Tim?!" exclaimed Ranyin surprised. Then again, why shouldn't he be here? After all he studies here, thought kigenese mage. "Ha, I've been fine. Still in one piece despite all the dangers of the road and minor fights here and there," said Ranyin massively understating the dangers he had been through.

"What about you? How goes your studies? Has the male baths been repaired?" asked Ranyin

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"Well I've never really met any. I don't know or understand enough about them. When I was coming up, some of my teachers--and my father--encouraged me to make my own judgments about everything. When I started applying that, I realized that I don't have much reason to hate dragons. Even the ones in the Neviskotian military are probably just doing what they think is right. Our whole country is against them and apparently it's all justified. It's an issue I like to stay away from since I know how unpopular it is. A girl in my class chewed me out when I brought it up because brother was killed fighting one." she explained keeping her head down as the three of them exited to the waiting room. From there they would head out to the carriage.


"You didn't see a blonde woman wearing a long black sleeveless coat dress with a purple sash, did you?" He was surprisingly specific, but the image of Silvia had been burned into his mind due to the various encounters and the fear that came with them. Prey coming to quickly recall the predator, Amon was feeling a bit sick to his stomach after having his fears confirmed, and just when he had stopped fretting over them ....

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"My studies have been going well, though with Ascension here, my water magic proferssor thought raising the difficulty in our homework and giving us more frequent pop quizes would help us remember our schooling," Tim replied only slightly concerned at his own report. Then he moved on to talking about the bath. "Oh, it's been repaired for a while now. The school staff are very good at keeping things in shape. By the way, are you still thinking about applying to be a student sometime? Or have you changed your mind?" He seemed a bit concerned with his question, but his nearly ever-present smile never left Tim's face.


"No, but I'll keep an eye out. She th' one who ran ye through b'fore?" Gytha asked, coming to the only logical conclusion on why Amon was so shaken by this. Can't leave'im alone fer five minutes... The next time that woman showed up, she'd tell her what was on her mind...whether with words or with a bullet...or her sword.


"I see. ... That's good advice," Norbert somewhat absently responded. Her reply made him think about his own stance regarding dragons. I don't like dragons just because of what I've been told and how some of them have hurt my sisters... They -- along with Neviskotian wyvern riders -- are the biggest threat to my home, too... I don't know if I can give up this hate until I meet one, though. We'll see what happens then.

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Zel chuckled. "I didn't go cave diving in armor, that's just asking to get murdered, you need to be mobile and lythe, aint no swords to run you through that an inch of metal will save ya from." he said, idly re-adjusting his helm.

Krystal shudderred... remembering what it was like in the secret entrance of Weyland's estate. "Doesn't sound pleasant..."

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"Err...About that enrolment I'll likely do so. But I'm not sure when would I have the time to with all this travelling I'm doing," said Ranyin, reminded suddenly that he still had that research to conduct. "Also, I recall you're honing your skills in mind reading with magic, how is it working out so far?"


"So what were this acts of generosity that you saw back in your third spelunking expedition? Was it something you did with friends or was it an assignment by your baracks?" asked Mireille.

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"Oh, mind-reading? No, where did you get that idea?" Tim asked, a little confused by the question, "Telekenisis, though, is something I am working on. I find it much easier to manipulate the flow of water, however, rather than lifting it into the air."

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"Oh my bad...was learning a bit about avians and their mind reading abilities, must have had that mixed up with telekinesis somehow," said Ranyin emberrasedly, "So how is actually lifting stuff up with water easier than the air?"

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"Oh, I meant changing the flow of water. In a still pond, I can stir the water to make currents or even a small whirlpool if I focus hard enough. Lifting it into the air is harder for me, though, since I don't practice dark or wind magic. Sectioning the water into a ball is easy. Actually lifting it is the hard part since I have to maintain it at the same time," Tim explained and clarified what he'd meant to say earlier.

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"<Here. Come in.>" said Robin after a moment that seemed to take an eternity. She stepped back, revealing the internal mess of scattered arrows, stones that she had been working on, and various tidbits that had been thrown asunder. She stepped over her own bow before sitting down on the bed. "<I guess I need to explain myself better. Killing... Is not wrong. I know that well enough. I'm wearing the skins of animals I killed myself. However, I always make sure to take only what I and my family need when I hunt. I do not hunt for sport, I hunt because if I don't, we all die. I do my best to ensure that the animal I kill is never a helpless being, never a mother with a fawn, never the key member of the heard. When I make my kill, I do not tear into the beast like a savage, I treat it with honor and respect. I live in a world where, every day, I see the life of the mountains abounding, pure and natural, something to be protected. I see life the same way, as something to be respected and protected. So... To kill someone who was only doing her duty to protect her people, simply because she may have told on us, while she was down and helpless was... Horrid. When Gytha shot her, I couldn't stand to be associated with any people, any thing, that was like that. I cannot craft iron, few in my village can and we need it for things beyond weapons, so the only way for me to obtain iron arrows is to buy them from traders from the outside world... The same world which could spawn someone who could do such a thing. I couldn't take it. I had to get rid of them... So I threw them away. I... think I meant to hit her, to return them to her, but not to hurt her. Simply to push her, and everything that she represented, away from me.>"

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Peggies on Search

Finally arriving in Ursentius, Clara turned to her sister. "Well, where should we start looking? We know he was here a week ago...he could be here or he could have gone away I suppose. Though if the abilities of our boss for this mission are anything to go by, he could be quite a ways away. We could ask around at inns...or maybe pose as military, though that's a bit risky," she said, putting a hand on her chin as she hovered on Perseus.

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Zel cleared his throat a little... "It wasn't... so amazing, a more casual trip, and this kid that happened to be mountain climbing on the same mountain that the caver we were diving in shared some cookies with me, it wasn't anything major, just, a random, rather noble, act of kindness... and you don't see that a lot in nobles... as I'm sure you are aware..." he explained, idly adjusting his spear on his back.

"So... nobles here aren't very nice?" Krystal asked the both of them.

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After some more walking through the hallways, and getting lost again, John soon found himself in the stables. <Well, I'm here so, perhaps I should just pay Gil a visit and head back to my room or something.>

Soon after, Sophia had reached the place as well. Noticing John, she approached him. ''Um, hello? Are you heading to the festival as well, by any chance?'' She asked.

Hm? Turning around, he recognized the girl from before. ''Me? Well, maybe.'' <It isn't a bad idea, but perhaps I could be doing something else.>

''Oh, you see, I was thinking of heading there, but I would rather not go alone, those things aren't completely safe after all so... but if you aren't going I understand.'' She said.

<Not wanting to go alone, huh. I wonder... well, what harm could there be?> ''Okay, fine, I'll accompany you.'' He answered.

''You will? Thank you.''

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"Yeah that's the one. I kept thinking I'd spotted her earlier and then she came right up to me in the middle of all that dancing. Same question as before, only she didn't stab me this time and just disappeared." he explained sounding utterly helpless.

Raquel and Co.

Once they made it back outside, they entered the carriage and the driver got the wagon moving again. "Where too, Miss Blanco?"

"Oh um, just drive for now. I'll let you know if we've got a particular place in mind." she said before looking over to Raquel. "Last chance if there's anything you'd like to do while we're out here."

"I understand, but I'm so beat. I couldn't have fun right now if all my enemies were tied up and helplessly lined up in front of me in a water balloon throwing game." she said with her head down.

"Poor thing. Having people trying to take things away from and kill you is taking its toll, isn't it?" she asked in a motherly tone, to which Raquel simply nodded before leaning up against the wall and dosing off.

"Why won't they just give my father back and then turn themselves iiin ..." she muttered quietly.


"Hmm, I don't want to play the military card if we don't have to. Like you said, it's risky and given where we are, they might actually want us to verify. The capitol has at least a few information networks that I we've got notes on, but I'm not sure we should be paying out of our own pockets for information we could have gotten for free." she replied. "There's a slight chance the military doesn't even know where he is ... if that turns out to be the case then we have to hope a broker knows where he went.

A bit of general digging and questioning to random people wasn't Cecily's favorite part of the mission, likely no part of it would be enjoyable for her, but it wasn't entirely fruitless. The operation the military launched recently couldn't be completely covered up and wild rumors had spread everywhere. One of the more prevalent ones was a rumor that the military wiped out a group of dangerous white haired cultists. Anyone with white hair had been getting strange looks in the inner city for the past week as a result.

"Well this could help. We know he doesn't have wings so that cuts the number of possible people with white hair traveling around to about a third, maybe. We might be able to get a direction from a broker without paying too much if he thinks we don't need his help." Or we could be more forceful. Either way is fine by me.

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"Such an act is considered noble act of kidness? What are you talking about? Is it not up to us to uphold the standards by which others must adhere to by how we carry ourselves? That should be an expected gesture, to aid those in need whenever possible" said Mireille confused. She had been taught mannerism and the proper code of conducts a noble knight had to perform in order to be presentable to others, and general populace too.

"I have no idea what sort of devious so called nobles have sir Zel spent his training with, but nobles are not as you put it 'not nice'. We are taught how to differentiate right from wrong, how to identify injustice when it is carried out. Being nobility does not equate lacking in generosity," explained Mireille to Krystal angrily, "If they would not heed their education, then such people whom you claim are not willing to help others are not fit to call themselves nobles. Avian, do not let this knight mislead your perception of what disposition nobilities incline to."

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"Which way'd she go?" Gytha asked, though her tone made it sound more like a statement.


Norbert was quiet while he rode with the mother and daughter. He and Cat being the only ones awake after Raquel dozed off made the silence somewhat awkward. Even so, he didn't want to disturb it. He was used to riding in silence, though for years now he had always had the freedom to leave whenever he wanted to since he would be riding on Rizen's back if he was riding at all. This was close-quarters and, quite frankly, he couldn't just up and leave to be alone. This was silence with company. Even more than that, this was silence with his employer's mother who had somewhat of a fondness for making situations as awkward as possible. Luckily, she, thus far, seemed to only have that tendency around people she knew. Cat and Bert had, thus far, been courteous enough towards one another. Perhaps the silence would carry them all the way back to Weyland's mannor as each one's mind drifted to other, separate things. I'm just overthinking things again. Norbert thought as he let the musing and wondering slip from his mind and he simply listened to the natural sounds which came from riding in a carriage.

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Zel let out one exasperated sigh... the kind you do when you're just trying to shake of the stupidity of what someone in front of you just said. I remember when i thought the same thing... He took a second to clear his throat and straighten his posture. "I'm sorry, I did not mean to imply Lady Krystal, that our nobles are un-just folks. What Mireille said is indeed true, there are rules and traditions to follow, expectations of the people to meet, all I meant to imply was that, even in a such a strict life-style, that there are still the occasional... bad egg, as it were, those who take advantage of their position for personal gain rather than for the good of the people... it's most unfortunate, but sometimes, there is naught you can do about it... I have tried..." Zel monologued, entering into a variant of his noble mentality again as he stood straight, and his voice spoke firm, and strong.

His speech done he turned back to Mireille. "The reason the act was rather noble was that the boy was a commoner, and he and his mother had baked the cookies just for the trip. They had immense personal value, I'm sure, and he offerred to give them to me when i didn't even ask... there aren't many people in the world like that... even the highest nobles have to draw the line somewhere."

Krystal nodded in understanding. "Okay... that's... different, from how Kigen handles things... that's for sure..."

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"I see," said Mireille folding her arms and raising an eyebrow, visibly irritated by what she thought Zel had implied, "I agree that there would be those who would not adhere to the rules they were brought up with. It is sad that such people would not make good use of their priviledge."

Her mood lightened when she heard the rest of Zel's words, "A commoner you say? It is indeed a noble act then to offer you such personal possesion. In return, I am sure you saw to it that the boy was well protected while he remained in the cave with you?"

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