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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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''You think it was a good idea to just leave?'' Sophia asked as they went down the road.

''Most likely.'' John answered. ''He even admitted that he was angry. He may drag on with it as it were. So, now that we got away, what now?''

''What now? Don't you want to try on the games?'' She suggested.

''Well, maybe. But I didn't brought gold with me.'' He replied.

''I could lend you some of mine.'' Sophia offered. ''I wouldn't mind.''

''Thanks but,'' John shook his head. ''I couldn't possibly accept.''

''Too bad. Well, other than the games, I heard there was going to be this show.''

''A show?'' <I wonder, perhaps Rodrigo would be there, staging another act of his or something.> ''Well, alright.''

And so they went on their way.

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Shadrak nodded, taking the bear and looking it over with a careful eye. After a second, he held it out to hand it back. "I guess you could say it's cursed... it just has a weak little Sleep spell on it, nothing too terrible." He said, snapping a little with his free hand. Wow, after the exhaustion from the stall that bear just about knocked me out... I really need to get back to the mansion and rest up before the meeting...

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A look of wonder came over Robin as Shadrak handed the doll back to her. She knew he was likely a being of enough magical power and knowledge to be capable of telling if a doll had a curse on it, even a simple curse like what he described, but that didn't cause the feat to seem no less amazing to her. A smile passed onto her lips as she took the stuffed animal from his hand, holding it tight. Was the sleep curse really there? Was it working on her even now? Robin didn't feel all that much more tired than before, but also was used to working under conditions where little sleep could be obtained, such as a long hunt or a short night spent fleeing from wildlife, so maybe it didn't affect her as much as it did Shadrak. She didn't know if that was the case, but it would explain why she hadn't felt much tired while she held it.

"Only a sleep spell?" she asked, curious. "I see. The woman sounded like it was something much stronger than that. Still, that you could figure out such a thing is amazing Shade Drake." she held the bear close in her arms. "I... ummm... I have never been to a fair like this before. Not this big. I would like to see it, but I know I am a keen target for people seeking to make quick money and I do not know much about this place. Would you be willing to show me around? I do not mind if it means having to join a group, but... If I could be tricked into taking a cursed doll so easily..."

OOC: SLEEP! She is a cruel mistress who eludes me.

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Once they arrived at the guest rooms, Raquel opened the door to the room she was to be staying in, and stepped inside, peeking back out only to say "I'll see you later." to Bert. The door was then closed, and she fell back onto the bed, causing Chip to come flying out of the bag in surprise. The little monkey scurried around on on the bed, and then eventually settled down and went back to sleep himself.

"Okay, now this way to the dining room."

Dining Hall

Gabbie had been walking all over the place with Steinn's tail wrapped around her waist like a belt, but they eventually wound up right back in the dining hall. It wasn't quite time for dinner yet, but Gabbie was hungry again, anyway and decided to have another snack. The two entered the hall and took a seat at the large table. Only then did Gabbie let the dark prince's tail unravel and leave her.

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Shadrak sighed a little... he was tired, and he was pretty sure that bear wasn't helping. "I'd like to Robin, but me and Chelsea should be heading back, I blew all my gold winning this thing..." he said, tapping the Brooch "and also need to rest after the ordeal... just... be careful..." He said to the Hunter girl.

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Robin looked down, a tad distraught that Shadrak was already tired after having spent so much time with another woman. Yet, the warm lump of fur, cuddlable and cute, only a quick squeeze was needed to at least provide a moment of restoration. "Okay. I hope you rest well." she said simply, holding the bear close.

The bear sat upon Robin's chest, it's body stuffed with fluff entwined in the arms of Robin. Thought it had just come into her possession, it was not a cute and cuddly little bauble to be ignored. It was a cute and cuddly MASTER TO BE OBEYED! He was finally glad to be away from the older woman, her crazed rantings and ugly demenor, but in doing so had lost her granddaughter as his servant, and she had been ever so sweet. Now, he was in the hands of this new, strange, harsh woman who seemed to be just a bit too soft on the inside, and he didn't like it. Her holding of him like a common toy, her willingness to hand him over to others for inspection... especially men... she was awful! But she was his new servant for life, and though he was a absolute master, he was also a kind master. Had this man before him now ruined the happy mood of his new female servant? That would not stand. No man could insult the bear and escape without punishment! His cold, black, beads of eyes stared into Shadrak, seeking his inner being, his inner essence, so that he could lash into it and claim the man as his own! He could lay a curse on him so immense and dire as punishment, but that was not his style. No, a curse could be fought against easily. Fear and terror... that was his manner. He was a caring bear... for himself, and his stare betrayed his utter lack of regard for Shadrak's well-being as he stared at the man.

"See you later tonight then?" asked Robin, holding the bear up just a bit so its eyes could connect with Shadrak's for some reason she didn't quite know. "And... Ummm... Keep him safe from... nightmare Chelsea?" she said, praying she was pronouncing the woman's name right.

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"Yeah. Sleep well," Norbert farewelled Raquel before she disappeared into her room. His guide then piped up, informing him that they'd be going to the dining hall now. It was somewhat unnerving walking through the halls alone with the maid. Each footstep sounded louder than it should have what with the hard floors and the quiet that permiated the halls for a while. Activity became more evident as they neared and event ually reached the dining hall, however, and it was at that point that the pegasus rider thanked the maid for leading him back and that he could find his way from there.

Entering the hall, a quick lookabout told him about the obvious changes that had taken place in the amount of time he was gone. Presently in the dining hall were Gabbie/Wolfy, the Fallen prince and Blake. It was odd that those he was the most cautious around were all gathered in one place -- waitresses included and perhaps Gabbie excluded -- but it was also fortunate since it meant he could speak with at least the prince. I'll eat shortly. I might as well take care of this first.

Casually, Norbert walked over to the table Steinn was sitting at, sat down across from him, and quietly asked, "So, why ask for Ursium's help for Operation: Cease Not?" His posture and expression showed he was there for business, not for a relaxing chat. Though, Norbert was usually in this sort of mode anyway, so little changed.

Edit: Miscomunication is a wonderful thing~

Edited by Mercakete
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The two made their way across the festival to the area the show was going to take place. As expected, the place was full of spectators.

''So, this is it?'' John asked.

''Yes. I wonder what the show would be about.'' Sophia said.

<Well, there is only way to find out I guess.> John thought.

Once it had started, he was proved wrong regarding his previous thought. <Well, it wasn't Rodrigo after all.> He thought, as he clapped with the audience. <But these avians sure know how to sing.>

What beautiful singing. Sophia thought, clapping as well.

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While We Wait

The waitress immediately arrived and asked Steinn, Bert, and Gabbie if they wanted anything. "A glass of water, please." Steinn asked before leaning back and putting a fixed gaze on Bert, along with a slight grin.

"'nother panini!" Gabbie ordered before leaning forward on the table and assuming some bored posture.

"Well now ... why ask for help? Well ... help is generally a good thing, if it doesn't weaken you in the long run. Why Ursium? It's not really Ursium I've allied myself with. It's Weyland. I chose Weyland because he and I have a lot in common. We can understand each other ... communicate on the same level. It's much more convenient than trying to mess around with Ursian royalty. They're too silly and easily influenced by others. Weyland is different. He doesn't have a position that can be so easily taken from him, and it makes him a very bold individual ... an individual whom I can work with." Steinn began.

"I'll admit, my little operation is geared toward Corvian interests, but your survival should be benefit enough to compensate. Tell me, just how much of Operation: Cease Not has he explained to you?"

Gabbie was listening but didn't look the part of an eavesdropper. Knowing her, it was a safe guess, however.

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"Just some form of meat," Norbert replied first to the waitress so she could be off with her disappearing act and leave for a while.

To Steinn, he replied, "He explained its basics: it's a plan you came up with to keep the Fallen-Human war going for much longer than it would if you decided on total war like your 'rival' would lead your people to do. I know that wouldn't be good for humans and why." Magical superiority, physical superiority, only slight technological inferiority only in some areas and superiority in others, and far more numbers. The only real advantage we have is resources, I guess, and that can be taken from us. "Though the only way I can see this war lasting very long is if the Fallen population goes down by some large percentage. I don't know how Weyland could help you there. You'd be better off asking the Kigenese for help. Even if they don't listen to you, your population would still go down by at least one." Sure it'll reduce how much they consume if their population goes down, but over all, I don't see how that helps them. He seems sane enough but with a plan like that, he can't be right in the head.

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"Alright, then. I'll be back with your orders soon~" the waitress said, and then she was gone ....

"The Kigenese are doing their part, already; I need not even make contact with them. The war isn't strictly dependent on fallen numbers decreasing. They've been this vast for centuries and the Kigenese have held their own. Killing weapons, slaying weapons, war elephants, wind and fire magic, thunder towers, death clouds; the list goes on. The problem now is that my brother's ambitions know no bounds and he has found a way to make total conquest a reality. Most fallen do not realize that reign over all of the known world is the final step for our people before total extinction. I honestly cannot allow that to happen."

"Your people gonna turn on each other once there's no one left to conquer?" Gabbie asked randomly.

"Well yes, but that won't wipe out our entire species and it will be the only shred of our culture still in tact following a complete takeover. The empire won't be able to sustain itself over such a vast land, and the lack of opposition alone will cause friction among all branches in government. It would be complete chaos from the beginning to the end. As I said, though, that is not the problem."

"What'll woipe you guys out, then?"

"... humanity has a guardian ... an all powerful guardian that I would rather not provoke a second time. Do either of you know anything of ancient Sardian history?"

A little? Gabbie thought to herself, not really sure how ancient was truly ancient. For her, her own childhood would have qualified as 'ancient history' if she could remember any of it.

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After a while, one of the members of the group - wasn't it the female wyvern rider? She didn't seem to be wearing armor, though- entered the dining hall, attached at the waist to a dark avian - Maybe a fallen, like the captive?. The pair sat down at a table across the room, just as Bert walked in and moved to the other table as well. It looked like the good pegasus rider had started a conversation when suddenly, waitress. How did they move so fast? Blake didn't even see her pass by! Regardless, once she took the orders, the serving woman vanished once more and the discussion the avian and Bert were having resumed. He couldn't make out what they were saying, though, so the newcomer merely sat at his table and examined the decor.

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<So, now what? Are we going to keep wandering around?> John was now wondering. He hand not kept track of the time, but they've already spent enough time in the festival already. <That meeting... I think it wasn't until nightfall. I wonder if I should be heading back already. On the other hand, I can't just leave. What to do...?>

''I think we should be heading back.'' Sophia suddenly said.

<Huh?> ''You want to leave already?'' John asked, a bit surprised.

''Yes. I have to attend to a meeting back in the Manor by nightfall. I think it would be best to be there early.'' She explained.

''Wait, so you're going to that meeting as well?'' <Weyland asked her to come? Just what exactly is this meeting about?>

''You too?'' Sophia asked.

''Yes, the group I'm with was asked to attend by the professor.'' He explained.

''I see. Well, let's be on our way, shall we?'' And so, they started to made their long way back to the Manor.

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Naddy's Daddy: Fighting ... Surviving

The Battle of Urcenter raged on, and Jason's squadron was holding position at the manse operating as headquarters. They could only watch from the windows as dragons and swarms of wyvern riders flew over the city and overpowered all opposition. Brady unlike the rest of the squad was getting ready for combat. The headquarters wouldn't be spared from it long.

Regis approached Brady noticing that he was double and triple checking his rifle for any potential problems. "Sir? Ya think they're gonna attack us directly, soon?"

"Oh yeah. Stop gawking at the dragons, fellas. They'll be killing off our guys inside with infiltration units. Speaking of which, get away from the windows. Rifle ranges aren't that great, but your stupified faces are still hanging out for the enemy." Brady replied, addressing the whole squad.

"Do we have a plan, Sir?" asked Michaels.

"Yep. Don't die." Brady shot back.

Donnel glared lightly at the Lieutenant. "My line."

"Alright, idiots. Listen up. Holding position here until the retreat is sounded is next to suicide, so here are some helpful tips. If you can't fight at preferred ranges with your weapon of choice, you fucking run. You run your ass off and get to some cover. As WO Lupo informed you earlier, don't take any chances. If you see little round balls get come randomly flying your way, get out of the way and to cover. Assume it's a bomb, because it probably is. Next, don't fucking stick your head out the windows. Once the infiltration units breach this place, snipers will be waiting for people they can shoot through the windows. Lastly, don't fucking split up. Not a one of you stands a chance on your own. We're just infantry. These guys are urban specialists and they will kill you before you even realize you were being followed. I'm serious, guys. We need to survive so we can get out of here and make them pay for this later on." Brady explained.

"You are one motivational speaker, you know that, Lieutenant Brady?" Donnel commented jokingly.

"I don't need to motivate you, Private. Seeing those Skotian bastards steamroll right over the first line of defense ought to do the trick just fine."

"HEY!!!" a young man shouted from down the hall, getting everyone's attention. "Command says to hold here and focus solely on the infiltration units! Command is trying to get a thunder tower up and running but they need you to keep the Skotians out of the building at all cost. Our current goal is to kill as many heavy units as possible, and then fall back!" the messenger instructed.

"Heavy units?" Regis asked no one in particular.

"Short for Wrathdamn dragons ..." Brady said before taking up his rifle, standing up and heading over to a window. He stayed out of direct view while leaning by it. He then took off his helmet and held it up to the window trying to mimic a dumb soldier sticking his head out. Within a minute or so, the window exploded and the helmet was sent flying out of Brady's hand. A sniper's rifle had punched a hole right through the thing and flung it away from him. "And here we go ..."

Outside the mansion, a dragon came swooping down and sprayed down the ballistas positioned there with fire. Next, it shot a fireball right at the building itself and blew a hole through the second floor, almost directly above Jason's squad's position. The shaking alone almost caused injuries. The dragon was quickly assailed by mages wielding thunder and wind tomes. The dragon only managed to kill a few of them since they were covered by rifle fire, from not only snipers but Brady as well who managed to get off a shot before going back into hiding. Once the dragon had enough and was covered with tiny wounds, it took off into the air again and flew a short distance back to the city using the towering buildings as cover.

"This isn't good. The dragons have a lot of cover. Just one shows up and it hogs all our damn attention, but who knows how many others are actually out there just waiting to sneak up on us. We might have a chance if they were out in the open ..." Brady assessed. "Lupo, keep your eyes peeled for those infiltrators. I do not want to die for this shit today."

"Understood, Sir!"

Jason peeked out the window for a moment too, only to duck back on reflex as a misplaced shot missed him and shattered the window! "Sweet Mercy, that was close!"

"DAMMIT, ELLIS!!! KEEP YOUR WRATHDAMN HEAD DOWN!!!" Brady shouted. "I'm not losing any of my men to a sniper when I taught you better! Now focus on the damn halls!

An hour passed and the violence in Urcenter continued. Occasionally the squad would hear an explosion or two on another floor, but until the enemy came within range, they had to stay put. Adrenaline came down, but not Brady's ... he was too tense, too on edge, too ready for what he knew was coming. That moment, and that enemy that would throw them headfirst into that hellish battle. When it finally came, he still wasn't ready for it.

"Enemy contact!" shouted Lupo as she took up a grenade and chucked it toward the figure in the distance to buy some time. The entire squad was alerted and combat ready by the time it exploded. Several shots came flying back down the hall at them and not everyone managed to get out of the way in time. Lupo's right shoulder plate was shot clean off leaving a bruise where the plate had been. Jason's helmet was shot off forcing him onto his rear. Sampson's left arm was hit sending him into a screaming fit.

"Kill them! Kill them all!" Brady shouted before taking a shot into the smoke caused by the explosion. The sound of metal hitting metal and a thud on the floor a split second later were the only signs he had hit anyone. The enemy retaliated quickly with more shots being fired, along with crossbow bolts and a few grenade tosses. The assault was too much and the squad fell back as the explosions went off. The hallway was torn to shreds and only the raining debris covered their escape. Rushing out from the darkness were heavily armored soldiers carrying firewalls and various weapons. Despite the weight they carried, the ten or so infiltrators kept pace with the squad.

"Fucking run! We're not dying here!" Brady shouted as he desperately tried to reload his rifle. The constant jerking of his running wasn't saving him any time.

"Sir, this ain't gettin' us nowhere! Them Skotians are gonna catch us and kill us if this keeps up! We need to just get the heck outta here!"

"No! We have to fight back or they'll just run us down!" Jason shouted.

"Fucking shut it! Just shut up, both of you! Lemme think!" Brady yelled back before pausing to think. "We need to set up a line of defense! Lupo, throw another bomb to slow them down! Everyone else, help me get some of these lousy decorations off the walls!" he ordered.

Lupo threw another grenade and then hid behind an armored suit as it exploded. There weren't any soldiers in sight with the hallways full of dust and debris, but she was certain that would buy them at least a few seconds. Meanwhile the rest of the squad ripped down the stands of armored suits and anything else that wasn't secured to the walls and made barricades. They quickly jumped over them and then Brady called out to Lupo. She didn't allow herself to be slowed by the barricades and quickly ran along the wall clearing more than half of it that way, before leaping over the last bit and continuing on with the others. They ran a short distance and then stopped. Everyone tried their best to stay covered behind the corners but there was barely enough room for one person, let alone that many people.

"You guys have the guns the brass issued? Get'em ready, because we're fighting back, right here, and right now. We are going to survive this; do you get me?!" said an aggressive Brady.

"Yes, Sir!" Jason replied first. No one else got to reply before the storming infiltration units appeared and started shooting again.

"Fucking kill them!" Brady took another shot, and a Skotian was downed. Several of the others tripped over the collapsing soldier, but not all of them lost their momentum, and they kept coming. Lupo took a shot with a pistol and then chucked a grenade. The whole squad had soon fired shots, but only three enemy soldiers died.

"Damn firewalls!" Lupo shouted. Suddenly the windows near the squad burst as two extremely well equipped Neviskotian shocktroopers came flying through them from swinging ropes. Both of them drew short swords and began stomping toward the squad from behind, intent to kill.

"Sampson, you picked a really bad time to get shot, man. I'd have loved to see you fix this little problem." Donnel said while helping Sampson along.

"I know, right? Now I'm kinda useless. Dean, heal me before those guys kill us, would ya?"

"R-right, I'm on it-" Dean was interrupted by a gunshot. The second he had begun heading toward Sampson and Donnel, he was shot in the head.

"DEEEEEEAN!!!" called out Sampson!

"Michaels! FUCK!!! FUUUUUUCK!!!" shouted Brady!

No way ... Dean's .... Jason's thoughts began racing as the two Neviskotian shocktroopers approached clad in all black ... while from behind, a wall of steel approached them. Jason could see the soldier that had killed Dean, one of the shocktroopers had slowly holstered a heavy pistol implying the deed while still carrying a sword in the other hand.

"That was ... our WRATH. DAMN. HEALEEEEER!!!" Brady shouted at the top of his lungs as he beat the floor.

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After collecting a moderate amount of gold from some hopeless saps highly valued customers, Nadya decided to return back to the estate with Luca. She still hadn't gotten her pay for the Fallen mission after all.


After taking a well-deserved nap, Veronika made her way back to the dining hall where some people had congregated already. She listened in on the conversation between the Fallen prince and Bert and decided to interject at this juncture.

"Do you mean the gods? I'm not sure if I would call them protectors of humanity really, they seem to keep their noses out of mortal affairs for the most part from where I see it," she said, leaning against a chair.


In the middle of his research, Connor took a brief pause to consider what he was going to do next. I wonder of I should stay here or if I'll keep traveling with Raquel...having all the weapons around to experiment on is convenient, but it's rather nice not getting shot at either. I guess I'll have to decide later. he concluded, returning to a very old book on metallurgy.

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Forever Fighting

"That's probably because humanity is not yet in danger of being completely wiped out or enslaved." Steinn said to Veronika. "There was a time when your race was on the brink. Shortly before the founding of Ursium, in fact. I believe it is referred to as the 'Legendary Rebellion' by the Ursians. The God of Wrath himself descended to the earth and crushed all resistance to order. Our own god Obelisk too was unable to withstand the might of the God of Wrath. Five thousand years have gone by and my people have ... mostly forgotten ... forgotten that this same being would have us obliterated." he explained.

"Not gonna give'em an excuse, ey?" Gabbie said with a slight smirk.

"Not if I can help it, however, the fallen are not a people that can simply sit in the shadows and hide forever. Our culture is one of blood and violence. To deny that is to deny who we are. I despise divisiveness however and would rather have my people aiming all of their aggression toward humanity, rather than killing each other in the darkness. Likewise, I hope humanity would unite against us rather than kill each other over territorial and religious disputes. The God of Wrath indeed has left humanity to its own devices, and as long as you are not conquered by my people, it may very well remain this way. We cannot allow ourselves to be defeated, though either. You see what I am getting at, yes?"

"It's a never endin' two soided fit of violence and warfare ..." Gabbie said with a confused look on her face. "I'vvvve got mixed feelin's about that.

"I understand. Not everyone would agree with what I'm trying to accomplish, especially not other fallen. They're more concerned about winning and don't stop to think what winning and losing amount to. Do the fallen truly win if we destroy all opposition in the world, or do we just exhaust our supply of enemies, just like the rest of our resources before being viciously killed off by your God of Wrath? Even if he did not step in to destroy us ... we would no longer be able to sustain a government. Only chaos and infighting exist after that ...."

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Being stopped in his tracks suddenly, was not a good experience for the 'charging' Kigenese. Although his head stopped where Gytha's hand caught him, the rest of his mass continued on with the force of his innertia. The result was a Ranyin with a very sore neck after he completed his standard procedure of gasping, backing off and gaping slightly at Gytha in fear.

But that fear was quickly replaced by a sense of despair. His grip on the basket failed as soon as he collided into Gytha. Most of the not so warm buns lay strewn over the floor, some stepped on by the careless crowd. Tears welled up in his eyes as he watched those poor little things have the meaning of their existence squashed out of them by the uncaring heels of ignorant festive Ursians. Picking up the basket to salvage the few remaining buns in it that had not fallen out, Ranyin wiped his tears and asked both Amon and Gytha, his voice broken due to his sadness, "Shouldn't we be heading back soon?"


Mireille nodded and went to join the crowd of people dancing to the concert with the horse pulled along. Because of the mount, she did not proceed any further than the outer edge of the crowd in order not to inconvenience anyone. Knowing how silly, and impractical it was to dance in a full suit of armour, Mireille instead tapped her foot to follow the tune of the song.

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"Hmm, maybe. Guess we could head back. ... Ye a'right, Ranyin?" Gytha asked. The little guy was practically in tears after all and Gytha had no idea why. Was he allergic to hands stoping his running or something?


Before he had a chanse to reply, Veronika stepped in and Steinn continued with his explanation. So, he was talking about that... I remember learning about it a little...sort of. I knew there was some sort of war, but I forgot who it involved. Norbert thought as he listened to the two. "Sounds like a good idea to me," Norbert casually mentioned, "Your brother's plan, I mean." Merz, I wish I could say I had a brother. ... Well, maybe not. Whatever; I don't know. "Maybe Wrath could do it right this time and wipe all of you out. You're better off extinct from where I sit." Though it sure sounded like he really didn't care about what happened to the majority of the humans during the process, his thoughts would've said otherwise. That's a lot of death on our side, though... And I think everyone back home would be safe, but anyone in the military would be the first ones down... A lot of my sisters are there. I don't want a never-ending war and I don't want us to be enslaved. Those are the only options this guy is presenting, though. I'm not buying it; there's got to be another option.

"What sort of deal did you strike with Weyland anyway? What's he doing for you and what're you doing for him? I doubt this only has to do with that old war's repetition." Calm and cold. Bert was trying to be readable only as someone who couldn't care less about the world's end so long as he survived it. After all, if you showed your heart to an enemy, it could easily become a target.

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"Better off extinct? I'm ... glad you feel that way, in fact." Steinn replied, getting a slight head tilt from Gabbie. "Only those who truly hate us are going to continue fighting us. Most others will be hiding behind the strong and taking life for granted like usual. Human beings that hate the fallen are exactly the kind I want to see out there. The fearful and the weak, those with nothing to protect are not even worth killing. That girl, Atsuko ... the Finnians instilled a great hatred in her and I hope that she never fully overcomes it. It's difficult to fuel wars without deep, irrational, burning hatred. Why do you think the Kigenese have withstood us for so many centuries? The last thing I want are a bunch of peaceful humans trying to talk their way out of fighting us. It would be a slaughter." Steinn explained waving his hand just inches over the table mimicking a wave at his last statement.

Gabbie shrugged. "I guess."

"What deal, you say?" Steinn echoed. "Well ... as you probably guessed by now, Siv was not taken so Weyland could learn more about the fallen. He learned everything he needed to know from me. It's a simple exchange of information." he explained with a shrug. "I wanted Siv or any other Finnian Valdimarr favors taken as a part of the deal. It's almost sad how little effort this will require on my part ...."

"So, why tell us this?" Gabbie asked. "... asoide from bein' pestered, I mean."

"Why not? What are you people going to do ... try to ruin my plans?" Steinn asked rhetorically. "I'm actually curious as to how others besides a thinker like Weyland respond to such ideas."


"I'd feel safer back at the estate too. I should also probably put this music box somewhere before something happens to it." Amon commented.

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Shadrak sighed and pushed the bear away, shaking his head. "Yeah... see you later..." He said, before turning and making his way back to the estate.

A little later he arrived at the mess hall again, stumbling through the door as he trudged his way over to the busy table, taking a seat slightly distanced from anyone, hailing the nearest waitress, and taking a deep breath. As he waited for service he turned an ear towards the nearby conversation, trying to pick up and join in in a minute or so...

Zel looked towards the sky, idly bopping his head to the music... it would be a good idea to start heading back soon, he reached over and tapped Mire on the Shoulder and pointed up, hoping she'd get the message.

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Norbert could feel his temper rising. The previous mission had been a form of trap; he and the others were working for these powerful beings who were a festering pleague waiting to be unleashed on humanity. If one opposed them, they'd wind up doing as the Fallen pleased: feeding their bloodthirst. If someone sat back and did nothing, its only benefit was that it annoyed them. However, it wouldn't help the humans. Already, Norbert's crossed arms' hands were holding Splinter and Crunch's grips tightly. This feeling of helplessness was infuriating and he would do what he could to overcome it.

"What are you planning to do with that girl we brought?" he asked, doing his best to keep his anger out of his voice, though he had no such luck with keeping it from his eyes or posture.


"Aye, those be good reasons. A'right, let's go back, then. I'll have me talk with that woman later," Gytha decided before leading the two back towards Weyland's. It'd take a while since it looked like they were going by foot, but every step would bring them closer all the same.

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Leaving the festival grounds, the duo made it back to the Manor, leaving the borrowed horses back in the stable.

''Well, we're back.'' John said. ''Although, I guess it may still be some time left before the meeting.'' He noted.

''I'd guess so.'' Sophia said. ''Well, I'm going to the Cafeteria. I don't know how long the meeting will be, better to have an early dinner.''

''That isn't a bad idea.'' John noted. ''And a good point. I'll be heading there as well.'' <Well, I hope this time around I don't get lost. I assume she knows the way.>

Oh, he will head there too? That's good. Surely he knows the way. I still remember I got lost heading there hours ago.

And so they went on their way.

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Dining Hall

The waitress returned and set down Steinn's water, Gabbie's panini, and Bert's meat dish, which seemed to chicken with a special sauce stylishly poured over it along with a knife and fork. "Here you are~" she said to them. Noticing Shadrak she asked "And can I get you anything, Sir?"

"Siv? Well it's an extra step, I suppose, but it still works out in the end. I'll want Siv to remain in the estate for the time being. Once the slaughter of siblings ends and I assume the throne, she can return home. In a little less than half a year, I suppose. I can't guarantee her safe return before that time, so it's best if she just remains here." Steinn explained.

"For a guy that cares so much, you sure scare the feathers off her." Gabbie commented before taking a bite out of her sandwich.

"I can't blame her ..." he said with another shrug. "I'm not as brutal as Valdimarr, but she has seen me kill and it scares her. Not every fallen prince deals with clans like hers the way I do, however. She'll learn."

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"Just what will she be learning?!" Norbert wasn't yelling as loudly as he could have at that moment. Still, how veague this prince was being left pleanty of room for speculation and Siv was just a little girl. It was all Norbert could do to restrain himself from outright attacking Steinn right then and there, in spite of the delicious smell of his meal wafting up to his nose. She was too similar to Norbert's younger sisters for him not to have a reflexive protectiveness, especially since his sense of reason was becoming more and more clouded with his rising anger. If he was implying anything dangerous about one of his own sisters as opposed to a young Fallen girl, he would already have been attacking this prince in spite the odds he had of escaping the fight intact.

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"Some Sweetbread if you have any." Shadrak said to the waitress, now turning to watch Bert's rising anger... he was glad that Bert was, because Shadrak too was feeling a little upset at these turn of events... whether if it was about Siv alone, or if Bert's anger was just being contagious, he wasn't sure. Not that it matterred, he was still recovering from the stupid game, and he didn't want to get in a fight with the state he was in.

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