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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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"Fine! Whatever!" he could tell the Fallen were organizing some sort of plan just by how they were reacting to one another. Apparently he was supposed to do his part right now. So, he mounted up onto Rizen's back and flew right back to the mansion as quickly has he could urge the pegasus ro fly. Immediately after reaching the stables, Norbert handed Rizen's reigns off to a stablehand and entered the mansion's halls with evern intent to find Siv and lead her to some place with a window. That was all he had to do and then maybe that thing in his chest would go away. They'll know where I am... I can't go for help right now, but I will as soon as that thing is gone. Now let's see... There's one.

Norbert walked up to one of the maids scattered throughout the mansion. "Do you know where the Fallen girl is? I need to talk with her," Norbert asked. Stupid politics... I told myself I'd never get involved with them!

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Shadrak turned to watch Steinn leave, with Gabbie following. "Be careful Wolfy, I know it sounds entertaining, but try to not get in his way, we're dealing with powerful forces here." He called out to her, standing and dusting himself off. "Well, I'm going to go track down my bird and go on a small walk before the meeting starts, anyone wanna come along?" He asked the group at there seats, though, he really didn't wait for an answer, already walking out after Steinn and Gabby, only stopping long enough to get a reminder on where the animal's were being kept.

Zel walked into the mansion, saying bye to Mireille at the stables as he made his way inside, uncertain as too whether he'd bump into someone or not, his first destination though, was another trip to the cafe, it was dinner time. Krystal only followed him part of the way there, breaking off to stop at her room first.

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<Tracking us?> John thought. <So they didn't just allowed us to get away with it. Should I follow them? Then again, this could be out of our league. What to do...?>

Meanwhile, Sophia began to panic. W-what did he say, there are even MORE fallen here!? What did I just got myself into? This wasn't a good idea after all...

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"The fallen girl? Hmm, let me see ... I'm certain I saw her earlier. She's been wandering the halls for quite awhile. Some of the guards were talking about her, too. Sweet little thing. I hope her stay here isn't bothering her too much. I'm babbling. Right, then. I'd check in the halls near the back of the main building. That's where I saw her earlier. Just take a left at the end of this hall, and then another right--only way you can go once you reach the end, really." She explained.


The abducted fallen was still trying to figure out what to do about her situation. She hadn't left the hallway in the back of the mansion, and instead watched the rest of the Recusant tests and the sunset that followed. She had been sitting in the hall with her arms wrapped around her legs and her head down between her shoulders. She remained that way until she noticed ... something that got her to look over her shoulder. Is that a beacon? It's getting closer ... she thought before standing up and trying to regain her footing. She took a few steps toward the source, not sure what it was.

Steinn and Gabbie

"Can I even get in your way? You don't even seem to moind that I'm comin' along." Gabbie asked after hearing Shadrak.

"Don't break my line of sight, and you should be fine." he replied plainly.

"Line of soight? You gonna be lobbin' magic around at those other fallen?"

"Shouldn't be necessary, no."

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"Thank you," Norbert replied to the maid before following her directions at a brisk pace. He rounded the couple corners and soon found himself standing right in front of Siv. Not wasting any time, he swiftly informed her, "I'm here to get you to Norn. We just need to be by a wall or window that leads outside." Whatever spell's inside me had better leave when they do.

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Shadrak walked down the back halls, gently stroking his black bird, humming to himself. He had on his falconer's gauntlet, and was following where the bird seemed to be telling him to go... which was odd, considering how much sense the bird had. Maybe I should be heading the other way... iunno. He saw Siv as he rounded the corner to a windowed back hall, he approached her from behind, she seemed to be heading somewhere. "Oh hello there! er... <I mean, hello there Siv, how's your stay so far? Heading somewhere specific?">" He said, switching to Kigen as he reminded himself of her langual limits.

Zel stopped in his tracks, as there was a Steinn and a Gabby coming down the hallway he was in, and they were in some hurry. "Lady Wolf, Sir Steinn, where are the two of you heading in such a rush?" he asked them, stepping aside in military fashion to let them pass.

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Steinn and Wolf

"I'm goin' to watch ol Steoinn here work~" Gabbie replied.

"Time to ... 'spring the trap' as it were. I wouldn't advise too many follow, however. I plan to keep it to a minimum, but there will be violence." With that, he and Gabbie continued on their way.


The source was drawing ever closer to her until she saw Bert round the corner. She took a step back, not sure what was happening or why. A beacon was placed into him and he came to her? Was she being rescued, perhaps? Then Shadrak arrived. <"Uhh ... uhhh."> She wasn't sure what to say or who to address first.

Naoki's gaze shot to Bert. A few caws was a cue that something was wrong.

Fast Approach

Norn and her unit had gone the long way trying to stay to the same side of the mansion Bert was on, so they might have a straight path to him and Siv when he found her. They found themselves behind the mansion and out in a field as the sun finally vanished and the sky began to turn a dark dull blue. They quickly made their approach at low altitude. They were spotted by some of Weyland's guards, but Norn quickly unleashed a powerful and massive cloud of darkness that covered the entire area. From inside the estate, it seemed as if a thick pitch black cloud was consuming the ground. The fallen approached from within, and the snipers had no idea where to look or shoot. "... damn." one of them muttered, lowering his weapon.

Siv looked out the window in time to see the dark fog forming. <"N-Nooorn?">

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Shadrak looked at Bert, then Naoki, then Bert, then to the fog, and back to Bert. "<Siv, Steinn's going to be here any second, he tracked this man here using the same mark this Norn put in him, if you don't want to accidently get caught in the corssfire of a large fight, then I suggest we leave, now.>" He said, keeping a close on Bert, while carefully watching the fog with his corners.

Zel nodded. "Be careful Sir." He said, before continuieing on his way to the party in the dining hall.

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Finding the common bath was easy, and the best part were the comfortable bathrobes prepared, although they were either too large for him, or belonged to Connor when he spends his days in the mansion. Sinking himself into the bathtub filled with lukewarm water after all the walking he did was something Ranyin wished he could experience more. Relaxing there, he looked out of the window nearby. Gee, it sure gets dark pretty fast in Ursium, he thought, gazing at the pitchblackness outside.


Returning the mount to the stables, Mireille decided to head to her room to get some rest. She needed to sleep off the draining effect that magical trial she attempted had caused her.

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Norbert sighed silently in frustration as Shadrak appeared. This wouldn't go smoothly after all. Siv didn't know what to do, a dark cloud was right outside, the annoying dark magic user was speaking in another language and the shaman's freaky bird had cawed at him like some alarm. At least they're coming quickly. Still, why the heck is Shadrak here? And what's with the bird? "Would someone please explain to me what's going on?" Norbert frustratedly asked. He heard Steinn's name come up when Shadrak was talking. Maybe he knew more about what was going on. I hope those Fallen stick to what they said about not trying to kill us if I helped them, even if it was practically forced.

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The Dark Prince

<"I think that's Princess Norn!"> Siv called out. A slight tremor, possibly from a huge burst of wind struck the glass just before it exploded. A torrent of dark energy washed over the area and Siv almost fell over. As the black fog began to pour into the estate, through the broken windows, a fallen emerged from the fog, Loki. <"Siv. Take my hand."> he told her. Suddenly he flinched and began struggling to move before she could react. Loki found himself paralyzed. He couldn't move an inch, and Siv didn't realize this until she took his hand.

<"W-what's wrong?!"> she yelled.

<"It's him ... I cannot ... move. C-can't ... breathe ..."> he struggled to reply.

Siv's gaze shot to the source of the magic. Steinn was approaching from afar with Gabbie close by.

<"No! Stop!"> Siv cried out.

Suddenly a roar cut through the air. Looking to the broken windows, Steinn spotted the source of the disturbance. The first thing he saw was Gunnar flying away like a bird who'd just nearly been smacked out of the air. His wing beats were wild and uncoordinated to the point he just looked silly. Appearing behind him out from the fog was the creature responsible for the loud roar, a dread. The beast was something like a bird with fleshy dragon like wings and the head of an eagle. It chased after Gunnar viciously.

<"I knew this was a bad idea! Somebody heeeelp!"> Gunnar screamed as he flew high above the estate to escape. The dread followed and gained on him quickly. Steinn could only sigh as he walked just outside the broken window.

Looking up toward the fleeing Gunnar and the dread chasing him, Steinn said <"Summoning a demon beyond your control. How utterly foolish."> Giving the beast a stern glare, the chase ended in a way none were expecting. The dread was paralyzed in the air, unable to move or keep itself aloft. It came falling back toward the estate. By the time it reached the ground, its body had completely turned to stone. It shattered on impact sending debris everywhere.

Steinn stepped back into the hallway unfazed by the turn of events. Siv was too scared to move, and by then, Loki could no longer speak. His body had turned to stone as well. <"Little sister. One of your own seems to have been captured trying to pull off this little rescue. Are you going to do something about that, or shall I just shove him over and let him crumble?">

<"STEIIIIIN!!!"> came a voice from directly above. Steinn looked up just in time to see Norn descend upon him with both blades at once! He barely had time to move and his chest was slashed by the dark assassin! The wound did not kill him or even throw him off balance. He touched the wound with his hand and took a glance at the blood before returning his attention to his furious sister in front of him.

<"It doesn't make any sense! He shouldn't be able to do that! Loki never looked him in the eyes! He didn't!"> Siv yelled, keeping her eyes anywhere but on Steinn.

"Silly girl. <What led any of you to believe that you had to make eye contact with me for it to work?">

Norn immediately began casting another fog, but Steinn sent her flying into the wall with a powerful burst of dark magic before she could pull it off. As she landed, she found that she couldn't get back up. Her limbs were getting stiff already. <"N-no! I can't ... let it end like this!"> she shouted. Steinn simply stood there and waited. <"Argh! S-Siv ... r-run. You have to escape. Someone has to ... tell brother ...">

<"I think we both know that she's not going anywhere."> Steinn commented with a grin. Before long, Norn was turned to stone as well, and ceased all movement. <"I suggest you two run ... go tell Valdimarr what has happened~"> he said to Runa and Gunnar, the former having just emerged from the dark fog in utter disbelief, and the latter having just landed nearby.

<"N-Norn ... what have you done to her, you monster?! What have you done?!"> shouted Gunnar.

<"L-Loki too ..."> Runa muttered sadly.

<"Run along ... or you can join her, if you wish. I'm sure I can find a cage big enough for all four of you.">

<"Shut up, bastard! You'll pay for this! I swear! Lord Valdimarr will tear you apart for this!"> Gunnar shouted, choking up. Suddenly he realized that Steinn was serious. It was already too late to undo his insult, and he found himself paralyzed. <"Nononono-wait! Wait! WAAAIT!"> he screamed before turning to stone and joining the others. Steinn's gaze then wandered to Runa the only one left ...

She took a few humble steps back, and then quickly hurried off into the fading fog, only to have vanished by the time it had lifted. Steinn then turned to face those who had witnessed the failed rescue attempt. "Well ... I suppose these results will do."

Siv broke into tears. <"Norn ... Loki ... Gunnar ...">

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Shadrak blinked. That was... fast. "So, can they be restored?" He asked Steinn, pointing to the statues of the failed Fallen... before turning to Bert. "and do you need some help with that magic? God damn your new aura is positively drowning!" He said, and he looked like he was about to continue, but Zel came barging around the corner, lance drawn.

"What happened?" The white knight called out as he approached. "I heard a crash and rushed over quick as I could, is everyone all right?"

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Hearing some loud noises that might be beneath him, made Ranyin marvel at the quality of the materials the windows and walls were made off. Whatever he heard, sounded very muffled, no doubt nearly completely absorbed by what ever the glass and bricks were made off. It did not concern him much at all. If Weyland's people could not handle whatever made that noise, there was pretty much nothing a lowly kigenese mage like him could do.

Sighing at the idea of leaving the bath soon, Ranyin poked the wooden duckling figurines that lay around the edges of the bathtub, each painted in such vibrant colours that they seem alive. Man, the beautiful things that exists in this world, thought Ranyin getting out of the bath wearing the warm bathrobes, picking up his robes as he head off to his room.


Barely had Mireille began removing her armour when she heard a loud crashing sound. Fearing an attack, for a knight should always be paranoid when it came to the defenses of their liege, Mireille grabbed her lance and rush to the source of the sound, helmetless and the gaunlet and shoulder guards of her right arm left in her room.

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The scene unfolded rapidly and only a couple words were in Common, so Norbert couldn't understand what anyone was saying. He didn't really have to, though. The scene was shocking enough and basicly spoke for its self. Steinn was not to be trifled with. That was very very unfortunate since it meant he would succeed in luring his brother into Ursium just as he had planned.

"D-darn it..." Norbert furiously, quietly muttered to himself under his breath, clenching his fists and gritting his teeth, his face downcast. That dull ache was still in his chest, too. Steadily, he lifted his defiant, hateful glare to Steinn. What the others were doing or saying was completely blocked out to him. Now his brother will fly over Ursium and kill anythign that engages him. Now this country will weaken. The Neviskotian war rages on our eastern border, a furious, powerful Fallen will come from the south... My sisters... I couldn't prevent this. I couldn't foil this plan. I couldn't stop that Fallen from coming here! They should've left! They should've let me find another way to get that white-feathered girl back to them!

His thoughts only fueled his rage. In his anger, he didn't care how powerful this Fallen prince was. "CURSE YOU, YOU DEMON!!!" cried Norbert as he whipped out Splinter and Crunch and charged at Steinn, weapons ready and aiming to land a couple, strong blows on the prince.

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John finally shook his head. <No, I better not. The situation already looks too bad. The last time we encountered Fallen we could only escape from them. And who knows how many are this time around. Sure, we are in the Manor and all; but after seeing that incomplete storm...>

With not much else, he went over the nearest table and took a seat. <I wonder if staying away from it is the best thing to do?>

Sophia remained rooted to her spot. This has to be a nightmare. I'm not moving out of this room! Looking around, she noticed all who remained were still seated, and John making his way there as well. She sighed.

I guess I can just wait for the food to arrive. Hopefully it can take my mind off this whole mess. She then followed suit.

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"Uh, thanks," Connor said, not especially used to receiving compliments. "But what's wrong with iron weapons, if I might ask?" he asked Robin out of curiosity.


Veronika pondered over her discussion with Steinn after they had finished talking. Human siblings do kill one another for power from time to time, I suppose the difference is that the Fallen are just more open about it.

Steinn then left, which Veronika found somewhat suspicious but was not interested enough in pursuing. There was a loud crashing noise followed by some yelling. Noticing John was remaining in the dining hall, she decided to do the same. Security here is Weyland's responsibility not mine...hopefully none of our group is getting themselves killed.

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"There is nothing wrong with the weapon of necessity. It is the person selling it. I made all my weapons myself. I worked hard to make them good. Their craftsmanship is excellent. Merchants come along then and assume that, because I use stone instead of iron, I am a primitive girl who would leap at the chance to own anything 'modern'. They push their weapons hard, telling me how much better iron is than stone, how inferior my own weapons and tools are compared to theirs... and they do not even know the person who made their weapon. They do not know if it is good craftsmanship or poor. They just know that I am inferior for using stone and they are right for offering iron." explained Robin as she looked down at the bear in her arms. She did not know whom had made it or if the craftsmanship was good either, but... a strange feeling suddenly welled over her, causing her to squeeze it tight. Maybe it was because the bear had not been forced on her, maybe because she had not felt insulted, or maybe... something else her mind couldn't seem to put its finger on, but she liked the bear.

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In his room, Ranyin immediately laydown on the bed and slept deeply, he aching feet soothed by the wonders of peaceful rest.


Rushing to the stairs, Mireille noted the sounds of crashing had vanished, replaced with a loud below of a clearly human voice. Forcing magic into her lance, Mireille ran down the stairs as fast as she could in her light custom made knight armour, prepared to send a blast of lightning at whoever threatens Weyland or his guests.

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As Bert came charging toward Steinn, he got the fallen prince's full attention. In an instant, Bert's body grew stiff and solid from the inside out. Despite how quickly this occurred, he was not completely petrified, though it was apparent that he wouldn't be able to move. To keep him from falling to the ground, Steinn came forward to catch and keep Bert standing with one hand while keeping the other over his own wound.

"It was a nice attempt, Bert ... a good fight." Steinn said to him before making sure the pegasus rider was able to stand without falling over, an event that would have cracked petrified muscles like stone. As Steinn placed his hand back over Bert's chest, the petrification began to wear off and the pegasus rider was able to stand on his own again. Not only this, but the dark orb that Norn had forced into his chest, emerged, being dragged out by Steinn as he pulled his hand away. Once he had retrieved the sphere, he crushed it in the palm of his hand with a light grin. "You may not like the idea of an eternal warfare or the lives lost due to it, and I can understand that. If you really want to put a stop to it, though, I suggest doing so by fighting back and winning. Playing right into my hands? Yes, but that doesn't make victory impossible."

Turning to Shadrak, he said "Norn and her fallen lackies will be just fine so long as you don't push any of them over." He gestured toward the shattered dread outside who's various parts could now be seen with the fog cleared. Those bits were no longer petrified and were now just pieces of decaying flesh in the distance, a gruesome sight.

Facing Zel, Gabbie sighed. She pointed her thumb back at Steinn and said "Steinn here just beat the other fallen and some big ass demon just by givin'em the 'evil eye'." That was arousiiing ...


The waitresses arrived with the bread bowl soups for Gytha and Amon, a chicken dish for John, a fresh salad for Sophia. "If there's anything else you need, please let us know~"

Amon looked at the soup sitting before him and was a little in awe. It's almost like everything is backwards. The only thing that would have me convinced is if the bowl was full of ... silver scraps. "This is really weird, Gytha. So do I just eat the soup first and then ... work on the bowl and spoon last, or something?"

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During the journey back to Weyland’s estate Phyllis became ill, and, worried that it may be contagious, Valter decided to stay behind while she recovered. However, when Synthia informed him that she was staying as well, he was confused. Weren’t they not on speaking terms? When asked she said she was only there to take care of Phyllis; and with the amount of attention she lavished on the horse, he was inclined to believe her.

The two followed after the group a few days later after Phyllis had recovered and reached Weyland’s estate the same evening the fallen attacked. After being let in by a guard who remembered her, Synthia was directed to a room she could stay in, and dropped off her things before stepping out the door to find Raquel. Valter took Phyllis to the stables and set out to find a friendly face. He wasn’t sure where any of the mercenaries were, but figured he’d find some food and start from there.

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Shadrak nodded. "<Siv, you're friends will be all right, just, don't try anything, kay?>" He told the Fallen girl, gently rubbing her back as he did, trying to be as comforting as possible to her.

Zel nodded. "Good work Steinn, uh, Lady Wolf, are you feeling all right? You look a little flush." He said to her, walking over and flipping his visor up to get a better look, it didn't need to be down in the all indoor enviroment, especiall with it only being twilight.

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It was a terrible sensation. His muscles stiffened, his body ached as he tried to keep moving, his momentum slowing to a crawl...and then he couldn't move, frozen like a statue...yet not quite. He wasn't petrified to the extent that the beast outside and the three, stone Fallen around him were. He was still primarily flesh and blood, but he could feel his body's turmoil. It was trying to get the stone pieces out, including bits of many of his organs. It was excruciating, but he couldn't cry out. -- it was hard enough to breathe as it was. All he could do was choak in air as frequently and rapidly as he could. He could barely feel it when Steinn caught him, saving him from whatever damage falling to the ground would have caused. His hearing was perfect, though.

Steinn commended him for his attempt. He even said it was a good one. Then he was set to the side so he wouldn't be obliterated by falling and breaking. Then, the spell the princess had placed in him was drawn out...like a tick trying to stay latched to its host. Norbert's pain was such that he was getting dizzy (nevermind that his blood was probably not flowing to his brain correctly.) It came out before he fell into unconciousness, though. He didn't even realize his body was returning to normal durring the process. It was only after he fell that he realized he could breathe normally again, and so began catching his breath as he sat on the ground. Then Steinn shattered the spell from before. The prince was talking again. It was as though he was reading Norbert's mind. ... Wait. "S-stay...out..." the defiant pegasus rider weakly commanded, tiredly glaring up at the prince. No mind was paid to him, though, as the Fallen prince turned his attention to Shadrak and Bert hung his head if only to rest easier. His energy was gone. For now, all he could do or wanted to do was rest, his maces held loosely in his hands. And yet, Steinn's advice echoed in his head. "You may not like the idea of an eternal warfare or the lives lost due to it, and I can understand that. If you really want to put a stop to it, though, I suggest doing so by fighting back and winning. Playing right into my hands? Yes, but that doesn't make victory impossible." It was oddly sound advice. Okay... Fine... I'll just have to use this tool you've given me. Not right now... One day, though, this war will end...and humanity will be better for it, even if I don't contribute to it personally. He wasn't trying to communicate. It was rhetoric thinking. Still, he guessed Steinn heard it. He really didn't care every much if he did or not right then, though.


"Aye, that's right! Just be careful. It's easa t' spill th' soup yer first time usin' a celery spoon," Gytha informed, taking her celery and scratching it a bit, hollowing more of the middle out a little. Then, she scooped soup into the spoon, holding it steady, and slipped it into her mouth, not spilling a drop. she continued eating her meal this way, obviously quite happy with how it'd turned out. It was warm and creamy, filling her with a content warmth as it entered her stomach. The flavors were distinct and worked very well together, too.

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"Oh I'm foine. Just watchin' the ... 'domination' ..." she replied to Zel. She hadn't turned to face him directly, but at the very least, she answered.

Siv had heard Shadrak, but was still in tears at the sight of her would be rescuers. She slowly approached Norn's frozen form and knelt down beside her. <"Princess ...">

"HEY!!!" One of Weyland's guards yelled as he came into view. He was a heavy sniper from the looks of his uniform. He rushed in to see what was going on with his longbow in hand. "What happened here?!"

"Some intruders were captured." Steinn said gesturing toward the stone figures. "They will not remain in their current state for long, so might you fetch some more men to help relocate them to a holding cell?"

The man nodded. "Sure. Wait here." he shot back before running off.

"Hmhmhm. Welcome to Ursium, Norn ... you're going to be here for awhile." he said to the lifeless statue by the wall.

Dining Hall

Amon took up the celery spoon and tasted some of the soup, being extremely careful thanks to Gytha's warning. It was good, so he began repeating the process and gradually worked his way through the meal. "It's really good, heheh." Amon said to Gytha with a smile.

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Robin looked down at the book, then to Connor, then back at the book. "You are a smart kid. Yet I think that learning about how to deal with another culture may be over your head for now." she said as she stood up and headed for the door. Connor was only a child, not even a fighter within the group, yet just being able to talk to him, even explain her troubles to iron with him, felt uplifting.

"Do not worry about me. I may not know this mansion, but I will find my way eventually." she said as she opened the library door. "If you want, I am willing to show you some of my own work later. Maybe you will learn from it." she then smiled, and closed the door to return to the confusing hallways of the mansion.

Up and down flights of stairs once again. In a time of the older days, she might have even called the house 'Labyrinth-like' from her perspective. Forests and fields were her thing, not the complexities of buildings. Come to think of it, she hadn't known where she was when she had been captured either, having gotten lost within the buildings.

Still, she traveled through the hallways, half-expecting bull-headed men to suddenly pop out like in the old tales, until at last she spotted a doorway towards the end of her current hall. Sitting just beyond the doorway, like the beasts of old, was a bull-headed woman! Gytha, sitting down at a table, her back to the framework. Robin could feel the hair on her body riding up as the flesh where the bullet had shot into her leg felt as if it was burning. She squeezed her bear tightly as her teeth clenched together in fear, almost expecting the woman to casually turn around and fire another shot at her to finish the job. Had Domo had the chance to talk with the pirate woman yet? She didn't know.

"<Better get this over with now.>" she said, looking down in fear at the bear, trying to eek some confidence out of its stuffing. She moved forwards, her footsteps stealthed as she approached the woman like a wild cougar. She wished she had her bow and arrows on her, if only to give her some degree of protection beyond her knife, which she couldn't remember if she had left it in the room or not, leaving her totally exposed. As she neared the doorframe though, part of her wanted to reach out and grab one of the table knives and use it to slit Gytha's throat out of fear of the pirate hurting her more if she didn't, but she suppressed the urge. Taking slow steps, she moved about, past Gytha and coming to the opposite side of the table, well within her vision. She was sure she was being eyed, seen as a potential enemy, hearing the subtle click of her pistol being loaded for another shot. Her one salvation was that Gytha seemed to have been talking to someone beforehand, distracting her and putting her in a good mood. She took a empty seat close by, waiting for a clear lull, hoping she would adjust to her presence, like most animals when they encounter something that could be a enemy. Then, after a moment...

"<GythaIapologizeforthrowingthearrowsatyou.>" she blurted out under her breath in Skotian.

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"Ya sure?" Zel checked, walking up beside her and placing the back of his hand against her for head real quick. "You feel like you've got a fevor to me..." Slipping his gauntlet back on quickly. "You should lay down, or something..." he ordered, looking at her with a very firm 'I'm not kidding' glare.

Shadrak sighed. "<So, you didn't plan on bringing an innocent girl into this mess?>" He inquired to Steinn in Kigen, a slight edge coming to his voice as he looked at the young Fallen again, before turning to Steinn once more. This really wouldn't bother me so much if she actually understood what was going on... this is just... wrong...

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