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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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"See? What'd I tell ye? HAHAHARRR!" laughed Gytha, glad that Amon was enjoying the meal. A moment later, Robin sat down in front of her and said something...maybe. Really, it just sounded like a bunch of odd sounds. "Uhh... Ye a'right?" she asked her, unsure of why the archer was there.

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Robin looked up from her seat, trying to slow down as she pronounced the words in common. "I apologize for throwing my arrows at you." she repeated. She wasn't being sincere, since from her perspective, she had not actually meant to hurt Gytha, even though she now understood how it could have been perceived as an attack.

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Mireille reached the source of the noises with her lance cackling with magical energy...and confused at the sight of strange new statues silently standing. Mireille asked one of the nearby guards, "What happened here, sir? Enemies attacking?"

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"Ah, well that's good. Thrown' sharp things at yer teammates gets ye attacked right back, after all. Glad ye learned not t' do that anymore!" Gytha replied happily with a cheerful, friendly smile at Robin, "Careful, though. Some people wouldn't fire a warnin' shot like I did. So if ye do pick a fight, be sure it's against someone ye can win against." After offering the advice, Gytha went back to eating her meal.

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"You did not fire a warning shot. I did not realize that what I was doing could be seen as an attack, but I also did not mean to hurt you or even do something intending to provoke you. You did shoot me. I hope Commander Domo talked to you and asked you to apologize to me as well."

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"... That was a warning shot. Coulda killed ye if I wanted to, but I just decided t' let ye off with a warnin'," Gytha replied, somewhat neutral at Robin's coment. Then, she added, a bit offended, "Appologize t' ye? I was bein' nice, teachin' ye somethin' b'fore ye got yerself killed by someone else. Ye can't just attack whoever an' expect t' get away with it. Best learn now than later, ye know."

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"I suffered for my unwitting attack by being shot by, then having to apologize to, you. You, however, have not even been slapped on the wrist." It was clear that Domo had not spoken to the woman. "You did shoot someone who, at the time, did not desire to actually hurt you and was on your side and have not apologized for it. When we met at the stone festival, we talked like friends, and are now enemies. Do you feel no remorse, sorrow, or guilt over such a thing?"

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"Nope," Gytha nonchalantly replied, "I've never done anythin' t' realla hurt ye. I shot ye, but it was for a reason: so ye wouldn't get yerself killed o'er a fit o' indignation. On th' ship, I gave ye advice. At th' festival, I helped ye with yer writin'. When I shot ye, it was t' protect ye. Wanted t' show ye a smaller version o' what mighta happened if ye were dealin' with people who didn't care fer ye. Hardly know ye, but I've still helped ye as th' need arose." And she continued eating.

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Once the food was brought over, the two began to eat.

John glanced over to where Amon, Gytha, and now Robin were. <Hm? They're talking to each other?> He thought, a bit surprised. <Well, I guess that's good to know.> He then resumed eating.

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Folks In Halls

<"What do you mean, exactly?"> Steinn replied to Shadrak.

"Yeah I'm foine." Gabbie said giving Zel an ever so slightly annoyed glance. It was quick enough to miss had he not been paying attention. When he told her that she felt like she had a fever, her attitude changed. "Silly whoite knoight, I don't get sick." she said in a teasing manner. Next came the 'order' to lie down or something, to which she replied "Neh, not toired, 'soides, the meetin'll start soon and I'm not gonna pretend to be sick in bed without somethin' to do."

The guard Mireille spoke to shook his head at the whole mess. "Weyland let us know to be expecting some uninvited guests ... didn't think Sir Devlinos would mop the floor with them like that, though. The situation's under control for now, and we're going to move those three in a moment."

Dining Hall

Amon listened to the two women going back and forth, somewhat waiting for the escalation. For the moment, Gytha seemed to have it handled. As long as no insults were thrown around, he was content to just stay out of it and eat. Things were steadily becoming more intense, though.

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"You shot me. In the leg. No amount of 'caring' could justify such a thing. If your aim had been off even a inch or a priest not present you could have cost me my leg or caused me to bleed out. You shot that Ursium woman despite her being helpless. I threw away my arrows because I could not stand using the tools made by a world that could condone that action, and I was shot for that. You outright killed one woman and wounded, could have possibly killed, a fellow teammate and have been rewarded with hot food and soup!"

Robin lowered her head, hugging her bear in a desperate attempt to keep her temper under control as she muttered in Skotian various curses and insults comparing Gytha to certain people who engage in lewd acts towards cattle.

"And now you tell me I should be thanking you?" she said after she calmed down enough. "For shooting me and putting my life in danger. You are a irresponsible woman whose head is as thick as a cow."

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Shadrak nodded towards Siv. "<You didn't intend for her, she barely understands what's going on, she's scared and confused, you wanted someone more important, more... aware, in a sense, Kidnapping Siv is a... 'Accident', Correct?>" Shadrak confirmed, turning to look Steinn directly in the eyes... he just learned that the man controlled when he killed, so, Shad didn't need to fear the petrification, unless Steinn wanted to do it, in which case, he would be stone already.

Zel raised an eyebrow at Gabby. "Well, it would be improper for a noble such as myself to leave you unnattended, I'd naturally keep you 'company' while you layed down." He acknowledged with a slight wink.

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<Looks like it was too soon.> John turned his vision back to the three. <This better not escalate to an actual fight.>

Sophia had turned as well. What is that woman talking about?

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"...Ye sure are stuck in that line o' thinkin'. Well, I've explained meself and ye can accept it or choose not t' I guess. Now, d'ye mind? I'm tryin' t' eat me dinner with me friend," Gytha asked, somewhat casually, but at the end, giving Robin a steady, slight glare, sending the clear message that the archer was to leave.

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Robin looked to Amon. "You dine with a murderer who sees nothing wrong with shooting her teammates. For your sake, I hope you never go against her in any matter." she said before standing up, intentionally bumping the table as she did so to try and annoy Gytha. "I am sorry I did not mean to hurt you when you shot me. I should have used the arrows to shoot you in the head. Shooting you in the heart would just be a waste." she said before leaving the dinnertable entirely behind.

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Amon tried to continue eating as the argument shifted in Gytha's favor--in that Robin was losing her composure while Gytha kept hers--, but he quickly took a look at his soup, and then out of curiosity looked over at Gytha's to see that hers was much closer to being finished than his. This shocked him since she was in a dispute with Robin while he had gone mostly undisturbed. Am I slow or am I just not as good with this celery spoon as she is? he thought to himself.

When Robin had finally had enough, she addressed him. He would have replied saying ... something, but never got the chance. Robin made her way out rudely and left him speechless. Any comments he could muster would end up being for Gytha and Gytha alone. "You two ... seem to have completely different perspectives on this." He stated the obvious, but that was all he could really put into words at the moment.


<"Your party could never have captured Norn, nor could I lure her here without proper bait. Again, I would have preferred Svan, as it would have led to Valdimarr coming here himself without having to involve either Siv or Norn, but the extra two steps were not unexpected. I'm not entirely concerned with the process; results are what matter."> Steinn replied to Shadrak.

Meanwhile Gabbie was a bit surprised by Zel's response. She didn't miss a beat, however. "Well I guess with you around, I wouldn't get bored. Could mess with your hair some more, but I can do that at the meetin' too, so that works too~" she replied with a smirk.

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Shadrak sighed lightly shaking his head. "<Well, that's a 'no' for what I was going for, but, thanks for answering honostly, that's something hard come by out here, not sure how it is with the Fallen, never got to find out, which, as a Scholar of the Cultures, kinda puts a dampener, especially since, as a whole, the world knows so little about your culture.>" He said, trying to change the subject a little as he looked over the statues. Wow... so much... power... I'm glad we're putting this guy in office, the Fallen easily have the power to just, boulder over the world...

Zel laughed lightly, returning her smirk with a pleased smile. "After the meeting then?" He asked, taking off his helmet and shaking his hair a little... It's kinda nice being able to take this thing off now... no one ragged on me for my odd appearance... well, atleast, not negatively, calling me a demon or vampire... and no one fawned over me for my heroicly good looks, though, I'm glad to see they apperantly atleast caught an eye...

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Robin was certainly spiteful, though there was no consequence from her having jiggled the table. Gytha had anticiapated this and her chowder was almost gone anyway. She was just glad Amon had polished off enough of his that it didn't spill. The mariner began eating the lid to her bread bowl as she nodded at Amon's observation. After swallowing, she shrugged and mentioned, "Some people're like that. Just learn t' see when they won't listen and have'em shove off. Best t' avoid 'em completely." She took another bite of her bread, chewed and swallowed. "Back home, me mother woulda just shot'er an' thrown'er inta th' sea if she caused any more trouble. 'Course, I've noticed it's much quieter in that way in other parts o' th' world than in St--" She hastily took another bite and swallowed it down. "than back home." Having finished her sentense, she began chewing the last of her bread bowl lid. By Leviathan, I need t' be more careful! Musta realla made a good friend fer me t' be shootin' me mouth off like that. Heh. Don't see a harm in lettin' Amon know. Maybe I will sometime. She seemed somewhat amused with herself for some reason.

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<Looks like things didn't worked out after all. Well, at least they didn't worsened.> John thought, focusing back to his dinner.

''What was all that?'' Sophia wondered, her eyes now following Robin.

''Hm? They've been like that since a few days ago.'' John answered. ''From the looks of it, it's not changing any time soon.''

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Robin stormed out of the dining hall, fury in her eyes. Things had not gotten better with her apology, but instead only worse. Gytha felt no remorse over her shooting and Domo had put her in a position in which she would now have to accept that Gytha was in the right for doing so. Though her knowledge of the mansion was lacking, she soon managed to return to the guest rooms. She couldn't stand being in a group that would claim that such a action was dignified and correct. She quickly gathered up her scattered-about arrows and tools, thrusting them into her quiver without care. It was clear she was disliked here, and if such a action could be justified, any chance of survival Robin had with the group was far smaller than simply striking it out across Ursium to return home. This whole trip had been nothing but a disaster for her. Set up as a scapegoat, arrested and enslaved, and now being forced to work with a group that was outright hostile towards her. It was simply safer for her to head out on her own than to stay here.

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As Amon listened, he found that Gytha had apparently taken after her mother in some ways, possibly her father in others if she was merciful enough not to outright kill Robin. On the other hand, that would have been nearly impossible to justify at the time. He was picturing Gytha's mother as a slightly taller, but otherwise identical woman with a pistol that was improperly scaled and shooting holes through both people, and whatever was behind them, all the way out of view. He knew it couldn't be accurate, but it was the first thing to take any real shape in his mind. He was also not sure what the other end of that word was that Gytha cut off, but she replaced it with something more general. Seemed like she didn't feel like giving actual place names, so he didn't pry any further, despite being a little curious. "I sure hope this doesn't get any worse ... like in battle or something. I've never seen it before, but I've heard a few stories from Haythem about how infighting leads to problems on the battlefield. He told me people will sometimes let others die if it comes to it." he explained looking down at his soup with a grimace. He then broke the lid in half so each piece would fit and dipped it into the soup before taking a bite. It was surprisingly tasty.


<"Assuming you've never been to Corvus, I imagine it would be difficult to learn about our culture."> Steinn replied. He then glanced over at some guards who had come from outside through the broken glass. Some of them could only gawk at the statues at first. Others were distracted by the pulpy mess that was once the dreaded ... dread.


Gabbie feigned a look of surprise saying "You want me in a 'bed' that badly?" Her words carried some deep emphasis that time around. "Just what are you plannin', I wonder."

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Shadrak nodded, following Steinn's gaze over to the guards. "<It's not like I can just go visit the place for a year, wandering around at my leasure asking about your culture, then leave as if nothing happened.>" he replied solemnly.

Zel shook his head slightly at her suprise. "I'm sure you know already what I have planned, it would just be so, unnoble of me to nod try to aid you in your time of 'need', especially someone as lovely as you, how could I turn a blind eye?" He said, entering into a slight, over-the-top, 'hero' voice as he said it.

Krystal stepped out of her room with a yawn, her stomach giving a low grumble... it was food time, but there was someone new in the guest wing. "Oh hello there miss, how are you?" She inquired, giving young girl with a friendly smile.

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Synthia heard someone enter the hall and speak her. She turned to answer, but was shocked into silent for a moment when she saw the girl’s wings. After the battle a few days before the first thing she had thought of was fallen. However, it wasn’t long for logic to catch up and tell her that no, this was not a fallen, it was only a friendly dark avian. To her knowledge, there were no fallen on the estate except the female they had caught in Kigen.

“I’m fine, thank you,” Synthia told her. She was smiling and sincere. “You have excellent timing; it’d be great if you could help me. Have you seen a pink-haired merchant recently?”

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Connor wasn't sure whether to take Robin's statement as an insult or a compliment, but waved goodbye to her regardless before returning to work.


Nadya was waiting in the stables. She wasn't particularly keen on entering the estate, she was afraid she might track in mud or something and ruin it, but was beginning to worry that Raquel and the others would abscond with the cash and leave her in the dust.

Looking around the stables, she did manage to see a familiar face, stabling his horse.

"Hey! Uh, archer guy?" she said, not quite remembering his name. "Where have ya been? Maybe I just haven't been payin' much attention..." she mused out loud to the man after her question.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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<"Indeed. Some things you will only be able to learn from other fallen, it seems."> he replied.


Gabbie leaned in closely with a mischievous smile and lowered her voice. "Are you ... sure you know what you're gettin' into? They call me 'Wolfy' for a reason~" she explained, alluding to ... something or other.


Weyland stepped out of the conference room with a very thick notebook under his arm. He turned to face what appeared to be a maid that had followed him out of the room. "If there's anyone still sleeping in the guest rooms, would you mind directing them back here? I'd like to get the meeting started. Oh and check the stables as well, please"

"Of course, Mister Weyland."

With that, he turned to leave and began heading for the dining hall, figuring everyone else would be there, though he would be sure to ask if anything else was going on or if there was anyone else missing. Once he arrived in the dining hall, he cleared his throat to get the room's attention. "Ahem! Everything is ready. The meeting will begin as soon as all relevant parties arrive. That would include everyone in Raquel's company, Miss Authene, Miss Siritov, and Miss Meredy. Is there anyone who's not in the guest rooms that's also not here? I'd like to begin gathering them up."


Raquel heard a knock on her door. It woke her up, but she wouldn't get to the door in time to answer it herself. As the maid peered in, she saw Raquel just beginning to raise up. "Yes?" she said in a tired voice.

"Mister Weyland wants to begin the meeting soon and I've been asked to gather some of you up. Could you perhaps help me check the other rooms?"

"Uh ... sure." she said, rising to sit on the edge of the bed. There were lights on everywhere outside in the hallway, so Raquel could only guess that it was sundown. That meant she had only gotten about two and a half hours of additional rest, but that may have been enough. Hopefully. Once she was up and about, she left the room with the maid and began checking rooms. The second room Raquel checked was Robin's. She knocked on the door saying "Hello? Is anyone in there?" Not as charming as the maid's method, but it would do the job.

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