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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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Synthia didn’t know what the meeting was about, but figured she should probably be there. After noticing Raquel and the archer girl clearing out rooms, and finishing her conversation with Krystal; the mage started off towards where she thought the conference room was. She ended up taking a few wrong turns and having to ask for directions, but eventually she did make it there.

Normally, entering a meeting would be a simple act of picking a random chair and sitting down, but Synthia was curious as to what the group had done in her absence. As such, after pushing past Valter into the room, she looked for whoever she thought would know the most information. She walked over and sat in the row behind Amon. Gytha was there as well, and Synthia wondered if she remembered the incident on the boat. She wasn’t going to bring it up if Gytha didn’t.

She poked Amon in the shoulder. “Hey, Amon, what happened while I was gone?”


Walking with Nadya, by chance Valter stumbled across the foreigner and mariner from the merchant’s mercenaries. He followed them to the meeting room – though unsure of the meeting’s reason – and had been in the doorway scarcely a few seconds before Synthia pushed rudely past him. She just insisted on being inconsiderate, he thought. The horseman wasn't going to deal with that if he didn't have to. He sat on the other side of the room, a few seats away from the sleeping Bert.

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"Ah! Ahoy, Synthia! Where've ye been?" Gytha asked, happy to see the mage, though secretly hoping that she wasn't still upset at her.

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“Oh, around,” Synthia replied, keeping up a cheerful façade. “Phyllis was sick, so I stayed behind to take care of her. When did the group make it to Europa? I just arrived this afternoon.”

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The group only made it this morning? She thought they would’ve gotten here sooner; perhaps they stopped someplace. It wasn't all that important at the moment though, as Gytha had asked a question. “Oh, Phyllis is Valter’s horse. Sorry, sometimes I forget that most people don't know the animal's names.” Synthia said.

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"I see. Who's Valter again?" Gytha asked, veaguely recalling someone having been in their group that went by that name.

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Synthia was about to answer when she realized what, exactly, Gytha had asked. She looked confused for a moment before she laughed. The mariner had forgotten! Did Gytha forget everything? It was funny, in a weird way. After a few seconds she actually answered the question. “He’s the guy with the red hair and different colored eyes. Hangs out with the pegasus rider with anger problems?” the mage said, but realized if Gytha had trouble remembering that may not be the best way to explain. She pointed to him. “It’s that guy.”

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Krystal sheepishly followed Synthia, she didn't know where the meeting room was, and Synthia seemed to know where she was going. When they got to the room, Krystal hesitated... remembering that none of the party really seemed to like her. She spent a moment or two pondering where to sit before deciding to just sit next to Synthia... she seemed really nice, or atleast, nice enough to not like, walk away if sat next to... walking up to Gytha and Synthia as they talked, she politely asked. "Sorry to interupt, but may I sit here with you?"

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Synthia looked up, and, recognizing the dark avian, she smiled. “Yeah, sure. You know Gytha and Amon, right? If not, this is Gytha and this is Amon…”

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Robin took a seat for herself within the room. Though she was not picky about such a matter, she did not want to sit close to Gytha or her boy-toy and chose to sit on the opposite side of the room, close to a man she had not yet met (Valter). As she took a seat near him, she paid him little mind though, choosing instead to simply hug her bear as she looked about the room, hoping to spot Shadrak and possibly sit closer to him. She knew it was stupid, but she somehow hoped that his magic could protect her from the rabid pirate woman.

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"Ah, right," Gytha replied, the memory surfacing. Then the Dark Avian appeared. "Ahoy, Krystal! Sure ye can sit here."

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"Synthia? You're back?" Amon asked. He was going to answer her question but Gytha's presence took over and Amon sat back for awhile. If she was that curious about the ambush, he was sure she'd ask again.


As Gabbie and Zel made their way toward the conference room, Gabbie kept an eye out for any stragglers. The route to the conference hall was almost a straight line, so when they found Shadrak, Gabbie chuckled. "Didn't think we'd actually run into anyone if they'd actually gotten lost. Oi! Shadrak! Follow along, or miss out on the meetin'." she called to the shaman before continuing on her way.

Once she arrived, she headed right up to the front rows and took a seat by the center aisle.

Raquel and Maid

The maid knocked on Ranyin's door, but she had been in a bit of a hurry so didn't wait long enough for an answer before peeking inside to find Ranyin in bed. She looked back to Raquel and said "Seems one of your friends is resting just like you were, heehee."

"Which one?" Raquel asked before walking over to the door herself. "Ranyin? Hey ... wake up, the meeting's starting soon."

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“Yeah, I’m back,” Synthia replied to Amon. “Now, about when I was gone... What happened? No one’s told me anything.” She glanced not only at Amon, but Gytha and Krystal as well. If they wanted to help explain, she was listening.

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"Oh thank Truth, this place IS a maze!" Shadrak called to Gabbie before following along behind her and Zel, once they arrived at the room, he chose to stand in the back rather than sit.

Zel chuckled at Shadrak's predicament, once at the room he sat down next to Gabbie, and ildly readjusted his helmet.

Krystal shrugged. "Well, we were attacked by some luny patrol." She said to Synthia.

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"Right ... well on our way back, we ran into a patrol, like Krystal said. They were Wrathites. Not only did they spot Siv, but the leader recognized Raquel and demanded the emblem. That obviously wasn't happening, so a fight broke out. I captured the leader ..." He put his head down at his last statement. "... led to a big argument ... and a couple of shootings ..."

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They fought on the way here? Synthia was surprised, but it did explain why they arrive late. “Damned Wrathites. You think they’d learn to leave us alone after getting thrashed in that church... Well, who got shot?” she asked, looking around the room rather conspicuously. Amon’s behavior implied that someone on their side had been injured. At least, it did to Synthia.

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Cheap Shot

"Well ... the leader I captured got shot ... and then Robin got upset and ..." Amon paused and looked to Gytha. It was a little too awkward explaining it with her right there. He was hoping she would expound on it more herself so he wouldn't have to confirm anything that might make Synthia scold her.

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"Robin threw some arrowheads at me 'cause she was mad at me for shootin' someone who'd get us killed if we let'er live," Gytha continued the explanation, "She turned about t' leave, but she had a lesson t' learn. If she pulled somethin' like that on someone else, they wouldn't've bothered even thinkin' b'fore shootin' 'er dead. I just shot'er leg so she would learn how dangerous doin' somethin' like that is. Also t' teach'er that I don't take kindla t' bein' attacked." The mariner hoped Synthia wouldn't get angrier at her for it, but she stood by what she'd done. It was good and right in her eyes, after all.

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Krystal gasped at Gytha's explanation. "THAT'S why you shot her!? Are you mad? She wasn't even attacking you! She was just having a fit, I don't think any of us would dare react in such a manner, that's just, heartless!" While her words weren't any louder, they definitely carried a lot more weight to them. "If she actually, shot at you, then I'd understand, but, lobbing arrowheads? You seriously think that's an 'attack'?" She took a second to take a deep breath and calm herself... I can't believe... wow... just... wow...

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Synthia sighed and cradled her face with her hand. Shooting the leader she could understand; shooting a teammate, less so. However, that was not what bothered her the most. She felt that Gytha’s shooting of the leader was hypocritical. Apparently Gytha was willing to kill a human that was captured and restrained, but not a dragon that was an active threat. Did she always have such skewed judgment? Unfortunately, Synthia’s current musings brought to mind the incident with Maw. Perhaps she could get the mariner to think, or at least explain her point of view. It was a better alternative than yelling at her, as she so desperately wanted to do.

It turned out Synthia didn’t need to scold her, as Krystal beat her to the punch. She still had something she wanted to ask though. “Gytha, how much do you value human life?”

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Before she could respond to the Dark Avian with the ruffled feathers, Synthia asked a strange question. "I value it pleanty," she answered, "Some people I value the lives o' more than others' like me own 'r me friends'. So I'll kill t' protect'em."

To Krystal, she replied, "She threw sharp things at me. I reacted t' teach'er somethin' she could use in th' future: don't do that unless ye plan on defendin' yerself. Learned th' same lesson meself a long time ago. Don't act hostile if ye don't want hostilities. Havin' a 'fit' can be disasterous t' ye n' yer allies. Best t' learn now. Won't let meself be attacked like that either, even though it was harmless. Still an open challenge n' I'm no doormat." The look she was giving Krystal showed just how dead serious she was about that. It was almost coolly, calmly challenging her. "If yer that zealous b'out somethin...choose quickla if yer willin' t' fight fer it. Back with th' dragon, I decided not t' be stupid. It wasn't worth dyin' fer, so I wasn't hostile towards those soldiers. Robin needs t' learn self-control. Hope I conveyed that t'er. Least she won't be botherin' me anymore, I hope. She'll get th' same answer as last time if she does."

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Robin could hear her name being talked about by Gytha. It wasn't as if she was trying to listen, but the conference room had been designed for the prospect of lots of people talking and hearing each other with ease, so her being able to hear the name was not surprising. Her earlier incident with the pirate quickly flashed through her mind as well as the mention of being shot. Almost instinctively she retracted her legs up, both to stop Gytha from shooting her there again and to try and make herself as unnoticable as possible. She still hated Gytha, but the incident would be hard enough for her to live through trying to just avoid the issue and Gytha all together. She was half-convinced that Gytha might outright shoot her just to get rid of the 'contention' in the group at some point in the future.

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The sound of someone calling his name caused him to stir from his sleep. All thoughts of soaring through the sky astride some...wingless being banished in that single moment. Tumbling down from his bed, exactly as he envisioned himself falling off the creature he rode on, caused the Kigenese mage to let out a loud terrified scream.

"GAHHHH...eh?" muttered Ranyin rubbing his head, as he stood up, "Hey? Someone called for me?" asked Ranyin looking around then seeing the two woman who came to wake him. it could only mean one thing...

"Ah! Sorry for over sleeping, I'll get into my robes now. I'll be at the meeting place," said Ranyin shutting the door as he frantically fished out his other pair of robes, bright green ones that he intended to wear more, for hopefully a change of luck. Donning it, Ranyin burst out quickly and headed over to the meeting room.

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Raquel and Maid

"Well that's all the guest rooms. Weyland will really want me there and I don't want to hold everything up, so I'll head to the conference room now. I still remember where it is, luckily. Could you ... maybe direct anyone else you find there, too? We might still be missing a few people." Raquel said to the maid.

"Oh, of course. I'll make a round now, and see if I don't come across any of them. Don't worry about a thing." she replied with a sincere smile.

"Thank you." Raquel smiled back before heading off.

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Synthia wondered if Gytha had been shot to learn that lesson as well. “What I want to know is why you didn’t just speak to her about it. As far as I know, that was the only time the archer girl behaved that way, right? Before you point out that an enemy wouldn’t have given her a second chance, I’d like to point out that not everyone thinks the way you do or was raised the way you were. If you’d warned her in a way that didn’t threaten her life fewer people would have a problem with it. Leg wounds can be fatal, you know, even if you have a healer nearby...

“Besides that, shooting teammates is a great way to lose confidence. Robin is not going to trust you again, at least not for a long time. Any other warnings or... lessons you try to give her will be ignored because of the method you chose. I would not trust my life to someone who shot me,” the mage said with a frown. “You say you value human life, but you seem all too willing to put people’s lives in danger sometimes.”


For the last few minutes Valter had been sitting quietly in his seat, waiting for the meeting to start. All he'd really paid attention of till now was that Bert was snoring, a girl he didn’t know sat near him, and Synthia was arguing with some others on the other side of the room. As the quarreling group grew louder, however, the girl beside him became more... nervous? He thought fearful might fit better, but she didn’t see seem as scared as she did uncomfortable.

“Is something bothering you?” The horseman asked her. He already had a guess as to what it may be, but jumping to conclusions was never a good thing.

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