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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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"I know that Bert, and the reason is, and you should note this down Veronika, is that, whatever that item is, it's effecting Raquel, in ways that make me nervous. I had her hold on to a seal, designed to restrain Siv for over a month, for less than 5 seconds, and it instantly reached the end of it's life span. I could probably put the same seal INSIDE my tome, and have it last for a week. Whatever that thing is, it's messing with her, and saving her dad isn't going to mean nearly as much, if she dies, because that thing makes her heart explode, or something..." Shadrak said, almost yelled, some of the closer people could see a tear or two forming in his eyes, he was scared for raquel, full on terrafied... and it was probably showing...

"He isn't kidding' Krystal said to whoever was around her and listening. "There was no fib there..."

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How would...? Oh, right. Mind-reader. Norbert shot a small glare at the Avian. She was beginning to bug him, perhaps because of his recent, unpleasant dealings with the Fallen. "I don't care what you feel," Norbert stated plainly to the shaman, "You can probably honestly think that or you can be tricking that mind-reader with fake thoughts. Doesn't matter. You haven't presented any proof that it's effecting her. It could just be that the seal was sucking the magic from the emblem. directly and your emotion could be from fear that we'll find you out if you're working for the enemy. Why do you care so much where it is? Want to hurry up and hand it over to a contact in Kigen or something?" As he asked these sarcastic questions, his glare remained on the shaman, his meagar confidance in the man plummitting.

Gytha was a bit worried for Amon. She'd never seen him so focussed with such anger. This news obviously bothered him. For now, she just quietly listened as the debate went on.

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The argument between Shadrak and Bert caught Amon's attention and caused him to glance at them both one after the other. Bert pointed out that Shadrak might be someone looking to get the Emblem delivered to someone which hit Amon pretty hard. He's not the only one. I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to last. People don't seem to care, but I was sent to retrieve the emblem and Raquel has the only one I've seen ... ... I seriously doubt this can end well.

"Well ... there is one thing." Raquel muttered, standing up, though still apprehensive. Cat looked to her daughter immediately expecting an explanation. "I ... feel ... just terrible if I get too far away from the emblem. I'm not sure why. Even during that fight in Kigen ... I fell asleep in the middle of a battle in the wet grass and mud. I can barely get to sleep in a lousy bed, let alone the ground ... but it was ... I just needed rest. Just the thought of being separated from it is starting to seriously bother me." she explained with a sad tone in her voice. "Chips starting to cling to it, too."

"You should consider taking shifts with that thing. Even if you have a few withdrawal issues." Cat commented.

Raquel shook her head on instinct and even took a step away from Cat. "... no ..."

"Hmmm ..." uttered a curious Weyland.

Edited by Phoenix
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Hmm. Well, there's some evidence. "If it's really effecting you like that, then I agree with Shamdark. If he knows someone who can help you with dealing with the emblem, then we should go for it," Norbert voiced, his tone far less agressive than it had been a moment ago, eyes resting on Raquel in thought, "We can look for members of this organization on the way. I'll beat whatever information I can out of them about a base. Can't be too different from learning about bandit headquarters from stragglers."

"If we go t' Kigen..." Gytha started before suddenly brightening up like the sun, "Will we be ridin' a ship again?!"

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Shadrak gave Bert that, well, that look you give people when they screw up your name on purpose just to be dick's, before sighing as it did become evident that there was indeed something wrong here. "Yeah, that's... what I mean, that's not good, and yes Gytha, if we go to Kigen that does mean we will be riding on a ship again." Shadrak said, wiping off the tear that started to roll down his cheeks as he did so. "Now, I originally planned on only going with a small force to try to avoid the organization, but Bert does bring up an interesting point, we could go for drawing a little attention on purpose, and possibly set up a trap. The destination I have in mind is almost a fortress in itself... though, I'm not sure how my master would feel about all the company..." Shadrak started to plot allowed... mentally bringing up various responses Chie might give if the entire crew went...

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"That wasn't what I was saying," Norbert corrected, "I was saying that if we were attacked on the way, we could defeat them as always then keep the captives for a while. That way I could get some information out of them and we'll know -- hopfeully -- where at least some of them are holing up. Then, we could attack whenever we wanted to, but Raquel should see someone about this emblem thing first."

"HAHAHARRR! If we all go, then, 'r if there's nothin' else fer th' rest o' us t' do while we wait fer Raquel t' come back, then I'll go ta Kigen, too! Yer comin' too, right, Amon n' Synthia?" Gytha enthusiastically asked, standing from her seat, excited at the opportunity to go onto a ship again.

Wow. That was...enthusiastic... Norbert thought, at Gytha's proclamation. And loud...

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<Is it really a good idea, to split our group?> John wondered. <I don't really mind if I go or not, but Bert did brought an interesting point. If they are attacked then having less numbers is bound to be a disadvantage.>

This person really minds having company? Sophia thought. Must be a shy person. Although...

''Excuse me but,'' she said. ''If that master of yours really doesn't like big groups that much, what's stopping us from everyone going just near the place and then send the small group to actually meet the person?''

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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"Uh, sure, I'll go, I guess." replied Amon, a slightly shaken by Gytha's sudden joyful outburst. It's kind of my mission whether I like it or not.

"Your group is barely a match for this organization as you are; I doubt splitting up is as much setting a trap as it is asking to be overwhelmed." Weyland commented from the podium.

In the Night

On the roof of estate's main building, several snipers walked around on their usual patrol. It was getting dark enough that many of them were beginning to set up lamps and torches. They didn't finish before one of the guards flinched at a sound he heard in the distance. Waving over one of the clerics, he said "I need light, right there." pointing toward a spot in the darkness. The cleric sent a light burst out into the distance. Seconds later, a wyvern appeared, exposed by the light. The attack had been unintentionally aimed right at it. The wyvern evaded the attack and disappeared as the light flew on by.

"... wyvern riders ..." the guard uttered on the verge of panic. Suddenly the cleric was taken down as the wyvern slammed into him. The rider stabbed the guard with a lance as the wyvern ripped the cleric's flesh from his body. The other guards took up their guns and bows, but the sounds of beating wings had them all disoriented and uncertain where to shoot. Another guard was killed as a wyvern rider flew out of the darkness and collided with him. He was sent straight into a skylight and came down crashing through the glass. The rider then revealed a firearm and shot another guard. The other guards in the area hearing the gunshot immediately knew something was wrong. As some of them began to dash toward the disturbance, another figure appeared out from the darkness. They were suspended by a rope and came swooping down like a falcon, slashing one of the guards clean open with a sword and sticking the landing before severing the rope with a follow up swing.

<"Remember ... thirty minutes."> came a woman's voice. Numerous other figures appeared from the darkness, all baring the black reconnaissance attire of the Neviskotian Army.


Weyland looked up a bit at the ceiling at the barely audible sound of a gunshot. "That's not a good sound ..." he mused aloud. Gabbie looked up right after Weyland said that, listening for anymore sounds. Raquel was drawn into the act as well, along with Caterena and even Amon.

"Are we under attack?" Cat asked Weyland directly.

"Nobody panic, yet. We'll wait for a report to see what's going on." he replied, not taking a single step from the podium.

Naddy's Daddy: Hope

With their escape route cut off, Brady searched desperately looking for another way out. The dragon had crashed at an intersecting hallway, but had only cut off one of the paths. The other was almost buried in debris from the crash, but if they could climb over it, they could escape. Brady looked back to see how many infiltrators were still following them. There were about six, more than he'd hoped, but not enough to discourage him from taking a shot at them. The shot was blocked by a firewall. The infiltrators had learned their lesson and put the what barriers they still had back up as they began to pick up the pace. They were closing in at storming speed. "Get over that rubble!" Brady called out.

"Sir, it's a little steep ..." Jason replied.

"Get your asses over that rubble! Do you all wanna die?!"

Lupo quickly began helping Staggard to get Donnel up over the rubble, but they quickly realized that they wouldn't be able to get him over before the enemies caught them. Jason and Regis had already gotten to the top and were waiting for the others. "Oh this isn't good." Jason muttered.

"What are we gonna do?" Regis asked looking to Jason. Jason could only give an uncertain look back to his squad mate. Brady had given up on stalling the Neviskotians and was already making his way over the rubble.

"Staggard, new girl. Get over that hill. I'll buy you some time." Donnel struggled to speak to the two of them.

"You want us to leave you here to die?!" Lupo scolded.

"Stay with me if you want; I just thought you valued your lives more than that is all." he replied with a weak smile.

Staggard and Lupo looked to each other, and then back to Donnel. He pointed toward the top of the rubble with his thumb. Both were still a little hesitant, but on his second thumb prod, they both conceded and began scrambling up the hill. Donnel tried to stand up but failed twice before giving up and just taking as comfortable a seat as he could at the bottom of the wreckage. The infiltrators arrived just as the rest of the squad made it down the other side. Two of them approached Donnel with their weapons ready.

"... what? You think I'm scared of you people?" Donnel spat at them. "Well? What are you waiting for, an invitation? Need permission from your mother or something? Huh?" he mocked as they spread around him.

<"Just get it over with."> one of them said to the one directly in front of Donnel.

Donnel didn't give the man much choice as he suddenly forced himself up and lunged at him with his sword. Two others quickly shot Donnel from the left and right side, a move that left Donnel on his knees looking up at the Skotian he'd failed to attack. That one simply came down on him with his blade, finishing him off. The others could hear all of this from the other side. They thought to keep running, but several new faces appeared, three magic users, one of them a dark avian. "You, there. Are there more infiltrators over that large pile?" asked the dark avian. Brady grudgingly nodded. The dark avian smiled at this. "Good."

The enemy was soon making their way over the rubble as well. The second they came into view, the dark avian and the female sage near him began conjuring up a firestorm and engulfed them in it. The lead sage followed up the other two with repeated volleys of thunder magic. The entire infiltration squad was killed off or left mortally wounded by the end of the attacks. The survivors and the slain alike rolled or slide down the rubble and Brady's men wasted no time in rushing over to finish off any survivors. Brady turned to the sages saying "Which division are you people with?"

"We're the estate garrison, same as you, though we were reassigned here just yesterday." the dark avian answered. He wasn't in the mood to answer questions, but that one he felt was one that needed answering.

"A three man squad?"

"You're not the only squad that's suffered casualties, Lieutenant." the leader cut in.

Brady rolled his eyes. "Well you're certainly better off than us ... ... why don't we stick together for the time being? Our squad was never really magic heavy and our healer's dead, along with almost of the team."

"We were hoping you'd say that." the female sage remarked.

"Indeed. Our chances will be much better if we stick together. I'm Private Raynor Lutinn." the dark avian introduced himself.

"Corporal Jenney Clyde."

"Lieutenant Rutger Renalds."

Brady nodded with what could very well be the workings of a grin. "Lieutenant Niel Brady. That's Warrant Officer Cameron Lupo, Corporal Jason Ellis, Private First Class Robert Staggard, and Private Ken Regis."

"I wanted to introduce ma'self captain." Regis complained.

"No time. Let's get moving."

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Nadya began to move towards the wagon after Weyland informed the group of the payment, but stopped herself when people began discussing their vacation plans to Kigen or...something. I guess I should wait after the meeting because that's good manners or something...not too long though.


"Well, what's above this room anyway? And should there be guns there?" Veronika questioned Weyland.


Connor whistled a small tune to himself as he continued to write notes on the process of metallurgy.

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While Robin’s account of the shooting may have been biased, Valter saw no reason to disbelieve her and ended up trying to puzzle out why the mariner had behaved that way up until the meeting started. Frankly, he was lost for a bit of Weyland's speech. He didn’t have much knowledge of the group’s activities from before he began following them around. However, he soon caught on and was surprised by how deep into this they were.

As Weyland mentioned traitors, Valter wondered about his own credibility. He hadn’t given them any reason not to trust him, but he was also following them around without a stated reason. What if they suspected him of something...? Paranoid, he kept quiet throughout the rest of the meeting. He didn’t really consider himself a member of the group, so he didn’t think he should give an opinion on the matter. If they decided on something he disliked he could always leave.


Synthia eventually gave up trying to reason with Gytha and instead paid attention to the meeting. She just had one thought on the information given: whatever they were getting into was really, really bad. However, it wasn’t nearly bad enough to miss out on all cash and there were people she genuinely liked in the group. She wasn’t going to bail out yet.

The new wagon was cool, but the debate going on bored her. At least, it did until Raquel confirmed the effects of the emblem. “If the emblem really is affecting Raquel, I think we should go to Kigen. If Shadrak’s lying we can just beat the crap out of him when we get there anyway..” she said, though she mumbled the last part. However, when she heard the detail that they’d have to ride on a ship again, she was less than enthusiastic. How could Gytha enjoy those things? “Uh... I’ll only go as far as the border, Gytha. I’m not crossing that river again...”


At the sound of gunfire, Valter also glanced at the ceiling. Synthia just looked confused. “What's everyone looking at?” she asked.

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Both Gytha and Norbert looked up at the muffled sound above them and as the discussion switched subjects, Norbert's hands rested on teh grips of his maces while Gytha quietly checked her pistol to make sure it was ready in case their meeting was...interrupted.

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The atmosphere of the room had taken a sharp turn it seems. Sophia glanced up as well. I have a bad feeling about this...

<First the fallen, now another possible attack?> John thought. <Sounds like it will be a long night.>

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Conference Room

Weyland began rubbing his forehead, quickly becoming irritated. There was a slight possibility that the estate was under attack, and he knew it. "The rooftop guards carry both bows and firearms. One of them may have taken a shot at an intruder ... there are a few other possibilities, though none nearly as likley-" Weyland was cut off by the sound of a tremendous explosion. The source was a destroyed vehicle, probably a Recusant tank. The flaming hulk came tumbling into view from the open wall and left view again just as quickly leaving behind a trail of debris and burning grass. "Okay, then ... we must be under attack ..." he finally conceded.

"What the hell?! Weyland, that was one of the tanks! There's nothin' strong enough to send one bouncin' away loike that!" Gabbie shouted.

"Just stay calm." Weyland replied with a gesture. "You there! Close the wall! Quickly! We don't need to give them an entrance into the building that big." Weyland instructed. The engineer got on it, and the wall began to close up within seconds. Weyland then stepped down from the podium and handed the large notebook over to Caterena. "I'll decide how to deal with this once we get an assessment of their strength and determine just who they are."

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At the sound of gunfire, Robin quickly sprung out of her seat, her hand moving to her bow as she drew a arrow, knocking it.

"Be careful. Guns are not fired idly." she said, stating the obvious. "Keep in groups if we must leave this room." What could have caused such a sound? Some idiot on the roof misfiring? She certainly hoped so. If not, then that means that there is likely real danger either up top on the roof, or from the guards shooting at something not yet there.

"Does anyone hear guard-chatter?" she asked, trying to focus on her listening.

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"The gunshot barely got through, you won't be hearing any yelling, let alone chatter." Weyland replied.


The conference room doors opened and Craig came rushing in. The doors were quickly shut again by the guards stationed outside. He rushed up to meet Weyland. "You know, I half expected you to drop down from the ceiling or something dramatic like that." he told the agent.

Craig shook his head saying "There was no time for roundabout entrances. I had to make sure you were alright, Sir."

"Do you know who's attacking us?"

"A Neviskotian strike team. I came straight here, so I can't tell you their numbers ... or what's demolishing the tank hangars ..." Craig replied, crossing his arms and shaking his head at the ground.

"Good gods, man ... well is there anything good you could note?"

"Well if you want some good news, I'm positive we still have enough people left to push them back. Even if they've brought half a battalion here, we can still use the estate's layout to our advantage. If we hurry, we can probably mount an effective counterattack as well."

"A counterattack, hm? Not a bad idea, but I still need more data before I commit to a strategy. Craig, help the men guard the conference hall. When the scout comes, shove him in here." Weyland ordered.

Craig nodded and ran for the door again.

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A Neviskotian strike team? Damn it, they're going to assume I'm with Weyland and I doubt they'll leave me enough time to ask questions... "I will not be participating in any attacks here. I'll defend Raquel from attackers if need be, there's no need for her to go into the fighting after all," Veronika suggested.


"So I guess we're not gonna have time to go back to the stables before entering a scrap, eh? Bullocks," the nomad complained to no one in particular. Last time I fought indoors...ugh let's not go there.


Hearing the explosion go off, Connor left the library and began walking through the halls. What was THAT? One of the Recusant tanks? But they're not prone to spontaneously combusting...I should probably find Uncle. he thought to himself, heading over towards the conference room.

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Shadrak grabbed his tome in one hand, Staff in the other, (forcing naoki to his shoulder) and calmly walked somewhere away from as much things as possible, he wanted all the space he could get for this if it came down to a fight

Zel approached Weyland. "Sir, are you going to need us to help with this counter offensive or do you have another plan for this squad?" He asked the man in the 'what are you orders?' voice that any man of the military would have down to a T.

Krystal took a gulp of air, she was shaking.... scared, another fight... she looked around... picking up what emotions where going through everyone's heads, trying to descern whether she should be terrafied, scared, or just concerned...

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As soon as gunshots were heard and he saw flaming tank rolled off to beyond, Ranyin backed away from the direction he saw the thing slowly. Then at a quicker pace, he ran to the edge of the room and huddled in one corner muttering about fire demons in his native language while clutching his head.


Mireille pinched herself at her selfish decision to dress comfortably for the meeting instead of wearing her armour and anticipating an attack at any moment. "A knight should always remain vigilant", she muttered to herself angrily, then raising her voice to inform Weyland, "Sir! I shall be needing to retrieve my gear if there is a fight on our hands."

Edited by Rothene
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<A Neviskotian team, this far into Ursium?> John thought. <Impressive.>

What, Neviskotians!? Sophia was surprised, once more in that day. B-but, the war is... how did they managed to reach all the way here?

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"Neviskotian strike team? Here? Inside these boarders on a private estate? What are they thinking? There are women, children, and innocents here! They would have to slaughter them all or take them hostage. Why would they do such a thing... Will... Will I have to... fight them? Will they even give me a choice?"

Robin gulped nervously at the thought of fighting her own countrymen. She was Skotian! Too kill her own in this time of war would be account to treason by any means. Would they attack her? Would they see her as only a enemy? Slowly, she started to move, hiding behind her chair to use it as cover against what might happened. She looked over the edge with nervous eyes, scanning all entry points, be they doors or windows, for anything that might allow her to live.

"Shadrak." she said, getting the name wrong from nerviousness. "Do not stray far. Stay in the center. If you separate yourself, you will be struck down swiftly if they mean to hurt us. <May the Gods spare me...>" The final bit was a small prayer swiftly muttered in Skotian, praying that, somehow, she would not be put into a position in which she would need to fight for her life against her fellow countryman.

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They were under attack, Synthia soon figured out, but the given culprits seemed kind of sketchy. “How the hell did a bunch of Neviskotians get this far into Ursium? Enough to attack the estate?” Synthia questioned. And, if Weyland’s forces were having trouble with them, what were they supposed to do? The group was strong, but not that strong.


Of all the things Valter thought he might see, a bouncing, burning tank wasn’t one of them. The situation on the roof must have been serious. He hadn’t expected this when he arrived and had left some of his things in the stables, most notably his crossbow. There was probably no time to get it now, he realized. There was no use worrying about it now. He stung up his bow and remained alert for any new information.

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As he was looking around, Norbert finally noticed Valter. "Valter?" he asked dumbly, "I thought you went off somewhere." As he spoke, he readied his maces, wishing he had his polaxe just in case there was some fleet-footed swordsman they had to fight. Left it with Rizen... Blast it...


"Apparentla," Gytha replied to Synthia, putting her gun away in favor of her sword. It was better for defending allies in her opinion and she wasn't sure from where they would be attacked if the enemy reached them. By now she was standing, as most of the group were.

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Valter looked confused for a moment. Then he remembered that Bert had been sleeping earlier and probably hadn’t seen him. “Yeah, I did. I had some horse issues,” the horseman said simply, and looked around the room again. More people were getting their weapons out, he noticed. “I certainly didn’t expect this when I arrived. I left most of my things in the stables...”


Synthia, luckily, had left neither her tome nor her staff in her room and readied them now.

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"Me too. Specifially, my poleaxe and a phial of some red liquid that's handy in a pinch. If I had those, I'd feel more comfortable with any enemies coming our way. I got Splinter and Crunch back, but it's a bit hard to hit certain kinds of swordsmen with them," the pegasus rider replied. That was when an idea came to him, "Hey, you know, it's a bit risky, but we could go to the stables together to get the rest of our equipment. I'd feel much better about trying something like that with you watching my back and I'd also feel better about you trying something like that if I'm watching yours."

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The meeting began with an immediate discussion on trust. Some trust would apparently be needed to fight this expansive and wealthy organization which Raquel had seemed to pick a fight with. What it boiled down to is that there could be no moles, period, or they all would die messy deaths. This was getting better and better, since now the newcomer would be examined even more extensively than before, by people he still couldn't really trust. Next item up on the list was essentially a tank in wagon's clothing, that Raquel would be using. A tank. If Blake was comfortable with his survival odds before, he was sure to be now.

The blonde noblewoman a few seats away began to talk to herself. Something about how underhanded tactics were beneath her. Was she some sort of honorable magic user?

Thankfully, the discussion moved away from its' alarming components and towards the band's next movements. After a bit of discussion, most of the 'veterans' agreed that they should travel towards Kigen, to visit some sorcerer and find out what's going on with Raquel, who is apparently addicted to some magical. The swordsman didn't necessarily agree with it, but if it meant a fight, he could deal with it. The various mercenaries chimed in with their own opinions, but the census was cut short by a muffled BANG! which came from the ceiling. Shortly followed by an explosion which echoed through the room, and something on fire rolled past the window. Clearly, something was wrong in the estate of Weyland. The professor himself announced that they were under attack, and the lady who was with the Fallen earlier exclaimed that the fiery vehicle was a tank. A very reassuring thing to hear.

A man rushed into the room to announce that yes, the estate was under attack, by... Neviskotian commandos? Gee, that makes a lot of sense considering the battlefield, last time he checked, was two hundred miles away. Along with the fact that they had just been discussing an organization with an exceptional influence, it wasn't difficult to rule an actual attack by the Neviskotian army as unlikely. Nevertheless, the whole room was in a state of disorder because of the announcement, which probably reduced the chances of an orderly counterattack by quite a bit. Some armed themselves, despite there being no immediate threat apparent. Others told excuses as to why they could not participate, which did wonders for the newcomer's confidence in the band. This wasn't very loyal, to completely ignore the coming threat. Ranyin, instead of uttering an excuse, cowered in a corner, afraid of something outside. Yes siree, what a crew.

The noblewoman muttered something about being vigilant, then essentially requested that she got retrieve her armor. Then, she was an armored fighter? It was hard to tell, based on her current appearance. Moreover, did she expect to retrieve it alone? That would be folly, what with the attackers somewhere on the estate. Separating from the main force only leads to disaster.

"I do hope you're being escorted," Blake said, as he finally decided to rise from his chair.

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