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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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A group of guards were herding the maids out of their rooms and to the basement level of the estate. When one of them spotted Connor far off at the other end of the hallway, he motioned to the others and then to Connor letting them know that he aimed to go make sure their employer's nephew was safe. He then made a mad dash toward Connor while calling out to him. "Sir Connor! Sir Connor! Over here!"

Conference Room

Another loud explosion sounded off ... this time inside the mansion ... Raquel could only watch helplessly as the party began to fret and panic. Some were calmer than others, but the situation was all too tense, and Ranyin was hiding over in the corner so far away, he looked like a small bag. She only knew it was him because she'd seen him move there while scanning the area. She looked to Weyland. "What do we do?"

"Just wait." Weyland answered calmly. He then answered Zel's question more specifically. "Anything we do before getting that report is going to lead to more casualties than we need. Just stand by for now. We're safe in here for the time being." When Mireille asked about retrieving her equipment, Weyland looked over to the door, the only entrance into the conference room besides a few areas backstage and the giant wall. "If we find they haven't breached the main building, I'll provide anyone who still needs to get their things an escort."

"I volunteer." Amon said standing up. He quickly revealed his knife. "I'm ready to go."

Weyland nodded, a bit impressed with the response. "Good man. Anyone else who wants to help with escorting the unarmed to their weapons, could you step forward, please? I'll be sending Amon with Mireille if there are no objections."

The doors to the conference room came open, again, and a man with an injured arm came in aided by Craig. The doors were quickly shut again behind them. "Mister Weyland, sir! Something's not right, here! I've got the report for you ..." he struggled to get out. From the looks of things, his leg and side were also injured, but he wasn't trailing any blood, so they may have been at least partially treated already. When they reached Weyland, he held out his hand, expecting something written on paper. The scout shook his head. I lost it, but I made damn sure to memorize the contents."

"Let's hear it." he said, crossing his arms.

"They haven't breached the estate proper ... not yet. There's a little time. They did break in through one of the skylights, but someone set off an explosion and ... everything just got buried. I think the enemy may have had a casualty or two, Wrath willing. There haven't been any other fights inside the building reported, yet. Now the important thing is, we've got enemies on the roof, enemies coming in from the north, the south, and the east."

"Estimated numbers?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure about, this, sir. Each group is about half platoon strength, but they're packing a lot of heat. They're very well armed, but there's someone else ... the attacks from the north are all from one man. Just one. We've got the three remaining fully armed Recusants out there right now trying to hold him off."

"A single bloody man is giving my tanks problems?!"

"Sir, he already blew up one with this ... weird ... vortex thing. It's insane, I've never seen so much power from a magic user before." the scout replied. "If the tanks can't stop him, we're screwed."

"We can't do much about that, right now. We need to focus on the people coming inside. What else can you tell us about them?"

"One group is very strong in wyvern riders. They're the ones that nailed the roof, but we also spotted a small team of wyvern riders take off again and head somewhere else. I was gathering up other reports. Those three have shown up in a couple of other places. Not sure what their goal is. Another's packing a lot of magic. The last one's got enough armor to stonewall us. We've spotted what we suspect to be some of their officers ...that's another thing that's bothering me."

"Spit it out, man."

"Aside from the tank buster, there's a blonde woman with a killing edge, a man with a powerful thunder blade, and another with a fire blade. They seem to be leading the individual strike teams."

Fire blade? Raquel thought to herself.

B-blonde woman? Amon froze as the thought came to mind. Amon glanced over at Gytha wondering if she'd caught that. He almost said something, his lips beginning to go through the motions, but he stopped himself. There's plenty of blonde women ... with killing edges ... right? But Silvia was here earlier ... she was in Europa and ...

"... I came to see if you had thought over my offer."

"What could possibly change my mind?"

"... your impending demise ...? ..."

What if it's them?

"Alright, if there's still time, hurry up and retrieve whatever you can. Once you do, get back here, immediately. For those willing, I want to begin formulating a counterattack strategy but I'll need every one of you willing to fight. This room will serve as a temporary base of operations. Don't forget your way back here." Weyland instructed the group. "Craig, go and gather up any guards not actively holding down the building and if you see Connor, get him somewhere safe." Not every strike force would have a dragon, but I think it's odd that Neviskotians would have along a lone man this powerful. It's ... too much. I'll need to find Steinn and ask him about this if there's time.


"Also, I need a healer for this man."

"Thank you, Mister Weyland." the scout muttered weakly. He'd said his piece and was now thoroughly tired.

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At the mention of Connor's name, a sudden look of worry came across Robin's face. The boy was still out there and she was far from certain that he was a skilled fighter. Though there were other members of the estate out there, she was sure, she did not know where they were or how to help them. Connor, however, she did.

"I will go to help Connor. I pray that these Skotians are honorable and will not kill a innocent as well." said Robin, volunteering. She was one of the people who, thankfully, had brought all of her weapons as well. "I will also help escort people to their weapons if that helps."

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"If we need everyone to fight, then we need to get to the weapons, right?" Blake asked rhetorically. "I'm in. Besides, strength in numbers, right?" Aside from that one man army of a magic user, of course. That was nothing to worry about just yet, though. The man drew his short sword and lowered it, prepared to step outside into what might end up being a war zone.

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"Valter and I were going to go to the stables if anyone left something there," Norbert mentioned, "Though we're not unarmed, being as prepared as possible is something I'd like to be."

"Careful, Amon," Gytha mentioned quietly to her friend before speaking up herself, "I'll stick around n' stratagize with ye. I'm willin' t' fight, but I do have a request: I'd like t' be put on th' team t' confront th' blonde woman." She'd caught it all right.

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Veronika raised an eyebrow at the report of the magic user blowing up tanks. If there had been a man with that much power in Neviskotia you think word would have gotten out by now...though I suppose a tank buster would be a good secret to keep. "Half a platoon is a pretty sizable amount- I doubt our group could hold off an attack from more than one direction," she advised everyone.


"Hey if we get to leave the building, no reason to stay on foot right? I'm goin' with you guys to grab Luca. Gonna need him if I need to make a ru- increase my mobility on the battlefield," she said to Bert and Valter, remembering that most people weren't so used to the idea of fleeing when the going got rough.


After hearing another explosion, Connor's attention was drawn to one of the guards on the other side of the hall. "W-what's going on?" he asked him. I don't think that multiple things would start exploding at the same time normally...

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"Are we allowed to get our mounts, too? I thought they weren't supposed to be in the estate," it was more of a question aimed at Weyland. To Nadya, he asked, "You have your staff, right? You can help out if we're attacked if that's the case. We'll defend you." Even if you would just run away if things became too hard.

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"Hmm, yes. That's probably true." Weyland replied, agreeing with Veronika's assessment. "You won't stand a chance if you spread yourselves too thin. It would be most effective for you to concentrate all of your strength on a single strike team. Meanwhile I'll have Craig and maybe some others get the remaining guards coordinated in their respective areas. I wouldn't advise trying to ride your mounts indoors, but if the situation allows, certainly. Truth knows I've got a gigantic mess to tend to in the morning regardless of how this turns out; a few hoof prints on the floors aren't going to make things any worse." He then turned to Gytha. "Is there some particular reason you want to go after the blonde woman?"

"Uh Mister Weyland, this is just a hunch of mine but ... I don't think these people are Neviskotians ... not military, at least." Amon chirped up.

"... I'm beginning to suspect the same, frankly." he replied with a bit of anger in his eyes. Things were quickly coming together in his mind and he found what he was theorizing both effective, and insulting.


Raquel was still standing around with nothing to do. She was listening to as much as she could, but was still having trouble keeping up. It seemed now there was talk of retrieving everyone's weapons and plans for a counteroffensive. She managed to hear a little of what some were saying to Weyland as well, particularly Gytha and Amon. Suddenly the tremor of another explosion from outside shook the room slightly. There was nothing to see with the wall up, however. Chip came flying out of the bag with his new pistol brandished, completely disoriented. Raquel didn't see Chip, at first, though. The moment the bag opened, her eyes were assailed by light from the emblem. "Ugh! ... it's ... glowing again ... Professor! Shadrak! It's glowing again!" she called out to them.



The guard kept running until he was close enough to Connor to feel safe slowing down. He nearly ran out of breathe. "The estate's under attack. Some flashy Skotians are trying to break in. Every ounce of security's fighting tooth and nail to keep them out while we move the workers to the basement."

"Lennard!" came a voice from down the hall. Craig appeared, running even faster than the guard had. He was by Connor and the guard in seconds. "I'll take Connor. Spread the word; Weyland's planning a counterattack. Just keep the enemy out a little longer."

"How much longer?"

"... ten minutes should do ... if those people don't screw this up. I'm not asking for ten minutes. I'm asking for whatever you can manage ... and it's more important that we keep our casualties to an absolute minimum. If they're threatening to overrun you, just fall back. If all else fails, the conference room is to be defended at all cost. They'll never break into the lower level as long as that magic user outside stays there."

Lennard nodded, trying to take all that in. "I'll get right on it. Be careful, Sir Connor." were his parting words.

"Connor, this way. To the conference room." Craig told him nudging his head down the hall.

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Hearing the scout mention that the estate had 'not been breached' in her training, that meant the path around the mansion was clear. Weyland's offer of someone to follow her was an extremely reassuring action. She had great doubts about surviving beyond the room unarmed and alone after hearing about the dangers out there from the scout. Dangers she never thought about.

Looking at Amon, Mireille saw him flash his knives and immediately thought of Craig. Hmmm, if he seems like someone who uses the same evasive fighting style as Craig, thought Mireille, I wonder if that can complement the defensive tactics I've been trained in.

"So I presume you are ready, sir...what was you name sir?" asked Mireille adressing Amon as she opened the door to leave for her room, fully expecting the Rexian to follow.

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<What to do now?> John thought. <I'd only really need to leave for my helmet, but I can still fight without it. On the other hand, there's Gil. Last I want is him rampaging around trying to find me if he has noticed the chaos already.> He shook his head. <Well, hopefully that's not the case. And with this many people leaving for the time being it's best not to reduce our numbers here. Anything could happen after all.>

At the mention of a healer Sophia had quickly moved to the man's side, staff in hand. I'm very sure he will be the first of many. She thought. I wonder how safe this room really is...

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The sudden light only distracted Gytha from her answer momentarily, as did the sudden monkey. Gytha had already come to the same conclusion as Amon and Weyland as well. "She hurt me friend," as her simple reply, though her expression and posture held none of her usual, happy-go-lucky attitude. Likewise, her tone was dripping with how grave a mistake it had been.

Norbert was satisfied with the answer Weyland had given and so was mostly waiting on Valter and Nadya to mention anything that they migth want to before the three would set off for the stables.

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Zel nodded, taking a defencive point by one of the doors, spear ready and waiting. "Who else needs to get a weapon? I'll cover you!" He called to the group, as a one last double check before things got hot.

Shadrak rushed over to Raquel, looking in, before glancing around rapidly. "Ok, Weyland, we've got a problem, I believe whatever Raquel is holding has multiple pieces to it, and other pieces are attracted too and react too each other, if I'm right, then this light means they can track Raquel without really trying." He called out, screening the closest walls for some sort of sneaky way in...

Krystal cowared in the corner she deemed 'safe' trying to just stay out of the way, shut up, and not screw things up.... she looked terrafied though, simply terrafied.

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"Oh ... yeah. I'm coming." Amon replied. He made his way to the door after nodding back at Gytha and glancing over at Raquel. The emblem was acting up, again. That couldn't be a good sign. "My name's Amon. Just lead the way." he answered her previous question.


Gabbie walked over to Zel with a raised hand. "There's no guarantee Ringo's in the stables but it moight be worth a look. My lance is with'em." she explained with a bored expression on her face.


"So there's another one somewhere in the area, is there? Well the conference room is well fortified whether it appears to be or not. Are you certain they can track her with it? Why can't she do the same?"

"I ... don't really know." she answered shyly.

"Hm. She can't be placed anywhere safer without going to the basement level with the other workers and noncombatants ... but I wouldn't suggest that, for obvious reasons. If they're after her as well, then anyone in the way is likely fair game." Weyland speculated.

Raquel closed the bag so she wouldn't have to adjust to the shine. "I don't want to endanger anyone else, so I'll just stay here for now ... I guess." she commented.

"Don't worry, we'll protect you. Right, Weyland?" Cat cut in, giving Weyland another expectant look.

"Yes, yes, but I'll need to fetch a few things after we decide on the battle plan."

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Valter hadn’t exactly expected to go to the stables, but if Bert and Nadya were going then sure, why not. Strength in numbers, after all. “I’m ready to leave when the rest of you are,” he said before joining Zel by the door.


One person was taking down tanks? Well, as long as they didn’t have to fight him, they should be alright, she thought. Synthia walked over to the people who were seemed to be planning. “If we’re discussing which group to clobber, I suggest the mages or armors. We’re not really equipped to take down flying lizards,” said the mage. She glanced at Gytha. “If one of those two overlap with the blonde-haired lady, then I agree with Gytha as well. She'd try to go out there by herself anyway, may as well back her up.”

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The sudden light caused both John and Sophia to glance over at it's direction. Sophia quickly focused back on her healing duty, while John moved closer to the source.

<It's glowing again?> He thought. <Well, that explains it.>

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"Not Neviskotians, hmm? I'd like to investigate myself if the conference room will be defended well enough. As for who to attack, heavy armor is harder to cut through but we are not very strong against magical attacks," Veronika said to everyone, pondering her options.


"No offense Bert, but I've seen you guys "defend" in the past. Mauled, stabbed and shot until you can't move. Even John got lit up like a fireworks display last fight we were in. I'm gettin' Luca, let's go," Nadya said, beginning to walk out of the conference room towards the stables.


"But why would Neviskotia- oh right," Connor said, realizing the answer to his own question. Uncle makes weapons for the Ursian military...I suppose an attack by Neviskotia was always possible but I always thought the estate was a safe place... "Er, right coming!" he said to Craig, following him down the hall towards the conference room.

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"Hey! If I'm going to stick my neck out for you, I'd appreciate some healing!" Norbert loudly complained as he also started heading off towards the stables, at first having simply followed Nadya, but winding up just grumbling as he took the lead so as to protect the only healer they had with them (even if she probably would rather run than heal.) He suspected the rest of the group heading out towards the stables were following, though he recognized that Zel was better equipt to lead them since he was more heavily armored. However they wanted to possition themselves, he didn't care, so long as they stayed quiet while in the hallways so that they could listen and hopefully not be noticed.


"Don't realla care which ones we attack. Me goal's takin' down Silvia so I can talk t'er. I'll kill'er if I have ta, but I'd rather talk first," Gytha mentioned, "Though I don't like bein' hit by magic, mages don't like bein' hit by me sword. There was one armored guy I fought once who, though I hit with all me might, I couldn't even hurt. So they're a bit worrisome."

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Craig kept a steady pace while heading back to the conference room, making sure that he wasn't losing Connor along the way. As they ran through the halls, the violence outside was getting louder and louder. The sounds of cannon fire were almost continuous, and with only two tanks currently operational, for Craig, it implied that the situation outside was getting pretty desperate.

Conference Room

"Thank you, miss." the scout said to the healer before joining into the conversation. He began standing upright, again saying "The strike team with all the magic is heading in from the south. That's not to say they've only got magic, but there's more of them there than in any other group from what we can tell ... and they're making the brightest fireworks. The armored group's heading in from the east. A lot of gunfire from that direction .... The wyvern riders hit the roof and are trying to get in from there. They might be the first ones to breach, but last I checked, we still had enough men to force them back ... especially if we get all these people armed in time."

When Connor and Craig of them arrived, the guards smiled. Craig had come through, again. They quickly opened the doors to let the two of them in. Weyland noticed immediately. "Oh thank goodness, you're alright. Craig, good man." he nodded at the agent, receiving one in return.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to run some reconnaissance. I'll be trying to get the guards coordinated, as well, but ..."

"If you get the chance, take a few of them out, why don't you." Weyland replied with his arms crossed.

"Will do." Craig turned to exit, and started double checking his equipment.


Two Recusant tanks in the field had their cannons aimed at a lone figure in the distance. They both fired almost at the same time, and then the figure leaped so high into the air, that even the shockwaves of the blasts didn't reach him. One the gunners cursed their timing. "Dammit! So close ... reload!"

"What is that guy?! I've never seen a guy jump that high. Did you see that?! Must've leaped a hundred feet!" said the driver.

"The son of a bitch is blowing up everything. Does not surprise me he can leap like a frog on stimulants." the gunner replied, ready to take a second shot. "We've got to try something different, or the next time he unleashes one of those sucking ball things, we're finished. We'll wait to fire. Try to track his next jump, and then shoot'em when he lands."

Once both tanks had the figure in their sights, the first tank fired, prompting his speedy response, another spectacular leap out of harm's way. The second tank waited until he landed before firing. This time the shot nearly had effect. The figure leaped away again, but was pushed by the force of the explosion and couldn't make as graceful a landing as before. Both tanks kept their guns on him, waiting for the next shots to be loaded. The man had finally had enough and held out his hand, which panicked the tank crews. "That's it! That's it! He's charging up another one!" the driver shouted.

"Oh to hell with this ... we'll shoot him while he's charging that thing up!"

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Zel saw Bert head out, signalled for Gabby to follow him as he ran quietly after them, spear at the ready for any possible assailant.

Shadrak looked at Weyland. "Probably because they know a lot more about it than... we... do... Actually, if they are attracting each other and they know how to track it, then I expect mister Explodes Your Tanks will be here as SOON as he finishes that up, because I think... they know how to tap into it's power and actually utilize it... and, if we're guessing the amount of power that's locked in that thing, well, I'm pretty sure that would have the kind of power to make scrap out of your tanks sir." He explained... not feeling anybetter about the situation.

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''In that case, how much longer you think until he begins blasting at the walls to reach us then?'' John thought out loud, glancing at the ceiling again.

Finishing with her task, Sophia went over to the group as well.

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"Maybe we can simply just ask them not to harm us. Many of the people in this mansion are not warriors, maids and such. Neviskotians are honorable warriors and I do not see how there is honor in striking out at people under a banner of peace." offered Robin. In truth, the reason for her suggestion was not that she thought it would work. Even if the group agreed it was likely that at least one of them, most likely Gytha, would ruin the plan or the strike force would be after someone in the group specifically, probably Raquel. However, Robin REALLY did not want to be thrown into a position where she would be forced to fight her own countrymen, same, she was sure, with the other Skotians in the group. If there was a chance of it working it was worth at least offering the suggestion to the group.

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"This isn't Neviskotia's military," Gytha said to Robin, deciding to spell it out for her, "This is that organization that's huntin' Raquel."


Maw had been wandering around the halls for most fo the day, quite content. A sympathetic cook had given her some fish and a saucer of cream which she'd been very grateful for. She even managed to wander outside to chase various insects and mice and sunned herself for a long time. It was quite blissful, especially since she could smell that the nearest cat was some odd miles away. She was safe. As the sky darkened, she'd yawned and stretched before padding back to where that nice cook had been to get some water and chicken. Then, she'd returned to Gytha's room to curl up on the bed and sleep. However, her sleep was interruped by a very unpleast thing: a loud, sudden noise. She hated those. They usually meant the humans would start fighting. So, she wandered out to pad about the halls to find a safer place to nap.


Rizen was a very unhappy pegasus. There were loud noises in the night and that meant danger and she kept telling everyone in the stables about it, neighing, whinnying, snorting and stomping, trying to urge every equine and human in the place that they had to find their respective humans to protect.

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Conference Room

"I generally don't worry too much about magic users. I won't be able to do a whole lot without some extra equipment, but I can afford us some time should he breach the conference room ... and I saw the look in Craig's eyes. He's just as concerned about that magic user. I know he'll try to buy us some more time, as well." Weyland reassured Shadrak and John. Then turning toward the conversation between Gytha and Robin, Weyland expounded saying "Yes, I'm fairly positive that this is a ruse to keep themselves hidden while striking out in full force against us. The Ursian military isn't going to suspect some secret organization of an attack when they hit us like Neviskotians, dressed like Neviskotians, and so on. What I'm not entirely certain of, yet, is if they aim to take me out of the picture and Raquel just happens to be here, or if they're deliberately trying to get at both of us while we're in one place. Either way, this strike force of and by itself isn't a shoo in. We've still got a chance to stop them cold."

The emblem was glowing during that battle in Sergio too. Then ... if the same organization member carries a piece of the emblem around ... it must be the one who defeated my father ... Raquel looked toward the closed up wall, the place leading out to the back of the estate where the tanks had been destroyed. He's actually here ... and I can't do anything ....

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On the quiet treck to the staircase which would lead them to the stables, everyone was listening and watching for potential for hostility. There was one minor occurance in the halls when something moved in the dark, but that was decided to be just a trick of the light. Once they reached the stables, they met a couple guards there, but were recognized and allowed to enter.

"Alright, everyone to your mounts. Make sure you have everything you need," Norbert mentioned to those who'd gone with him as he walked over to Rizen. She was glad to see that he was alright, though she was also angry with him for worrying her. She grudingly remained still as he took inventory of his belongings, then opened the door to her pen, mounted the pegasus and rode her at a walk into the stable's main aisle, thinking as he waited for everyone to ready their own mounts. No one's breached the place yet but that staircase is going to be tricky and time-consuming. We could go around, but that's basicly inviting death. Wondering what sort of tricks Weyland might have around this place, he rode over to one of the guards and asked him, "Is there some way to make that staircase into a ramp?"


Maw smelled a bit of the group's scent as she silently stalked the hallways of the giant house and gollowed them, hoping that they'd lead her to the safety that Gytha provided. However, they wound up leading her to a place with horses, pegasi and wyverns. Didn't they have any sense at all? She wasn't trying to come here! Well, they would probably go from here to Gytha, so she jumped up onto one of the horse's rumps then slipped into its saddlebag. It should be safe enough here.

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"Ramp? Well there was some talk a few weeks ago about trying something like that, but Weyland's been too busy lately to bother. It'd only be used for an emergency, though ... like this one ... yyyeah, but at least you folks have your new wagon. We've all heard about that thing." the guard replied to Bert.

"I wish Sir Weyland would train some more engineers. We'd get a lot more done around here, and the place would actually be a lot safer." the other guard said with a sigh. "There's a path you can take to the rear entrance to the main building, but there's a guy out in the fields taking on the tanks ... not sure if that's a good gamble to take. He may be distracted but he could probably use the lot of you as shields if he wanted. It's not as if cannons are accurate enough to sharp-shoot with."

"That reminds me. We're actually keeping an eye out for the others. A lot of the guards are gathering on the western side of the main building to organize a counterattack. If Weyland gets things organized himself, I bet they'll be coming back this way through the stable exit. It's less risky than prompting the enemies out front. If not for those runes on the windows ... we'd be up to our ears in enemy steel, magic, and gunpowder by now ..."


Once they arrived, Gabbie gave a loud and distinct whistle that drew Ringo right to her. "Good lizard, now gimme that lance." she addressed the wyvern, reaching over to grab her weapon. Once she had it, she had only to figure out what to do with him. She fought better on foot, and bringing him inside the estate didn't seem to serve much purpose. "... stay here for now, I guess. Pounce on any intruders that come in through here~" she instructed; whether he caught any of that was anyone's guess. "Okay, I'm ready to head back. We don't want to keep Weyland waiting, and those bastards moight break in at any moment. If we have to foight our way back, I doubt we'll make it at all."

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It seemed that there was to be two groups for weapon retrieval: one for the guest quarters, and the other for the stables. Which essentially meant that they were dividing the party into 3 groups. 3 groups was much weaker than two groups, but before Blake could protest, the stable party ran off. Good to know people knew what they were doing. Regardless, that just left him with the Rexian and the noblewoman, who introduced himself as Amon.

"I'm going with you two, it seems," the swordsman said, as he moved towards the door. "May as well hurry."

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