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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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"My course of action seems obvious. Pursue Raquel, find out the identities of the attackers, then kill or incarcerate them. They will not be able to run forever, we'll have another unit cut them off eventually. Unless they plan to flee towards the Neviskotian border...things may become more difficult then for obvious reasons. The aid of any others who wish to rescue her would be welcome, but they will have to work with me, not against me. I will not have civilians undermining this investigation," Selene said in response to Weyland, glancing at the mercenaries Raquel had acquired to make sure her point was perfectly clear.

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"So we're all goin' after Raquel? Nice t' have th' law on our side; heharr," Gytha lightly added, happy for the support from the Ursian military. She almost felt like she was at work again, except for the severe lack of ship and sea.

"Tch. Fine. It'll go that much faster if we have help. They can come along," Norbert added, not really caring one way or the other. He didn't feel comfortable working so closely with the military, but at the same time the goal of rescuing Raquel didn't seem so impossible with them along. He'd tollerate it.

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<I guess it can't be helped.> John thought. <We have to work with them if we want to succeed. I guess as long the emblem is staying with Weyland it will be fine.>

So the military will aid us? That's good to hear. Sophia thought.

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Soon another woman entered the dining room area. She was dressed similarly to a pegasus knight. Only two soldiers were with her. She kept a reasonable distance so as not to disturb the meeting and crossed her arms while she listened.

"If ya can tolerate Ringo, we should be just foine." Gabbie replied to Selene. "I need'em for scoutin' and he's more durable than a pegasus." She hadn't said specifically but there was a slight allusion to the scouting animal being a wyvern, after all, horses didn't seem to bother military types on principle ...

Frankly, I'm more worried about them getting in our way. I mean what if we have the chance to rescue Raquel and they hold us back and they escape with her or something? Amon thought to himself. I guess there's not choice. "I'll help too ..." Amon said reluctantly.

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With most of the wounded taken care of, Synthia began walking inside. Unexpectedly, however, she was stopped by a horse in the middle of the hall. She didn’t recognize why Phyllis was in her way until she tried to walk around her and Valter stepped in her path. The mage tried to go around him as well, but he sidestepped to prevent her passing. She glared at him. Valter sighed.

“Mercy, your behavior is ridiculous...” he said, rubbing his forehead. “Look, I just want to ask you a question; you can go inside afterward.” To his surprise she didn’t walk away, ignore him, or any of the various other actions he had predicted. Synthia actually replied!

Although the reply itself was unexpected, the content of the reply was not. “I don’t have time for this. Move,” she said, and crossed her arms. Her tone was brusque, but she was being truthful. She needed to check on Raquel, Amon, and help with any healing that needed to be done. However, the horseman knew something that she did not.

“Your employer’s been kidnapped,” Valter said simply.

“What?” That hadn’t been a question at all! “When did this happen?” Synthia only half listened as Valter began explaning, and instead began to think. If Raquel was kidnapped, did that mean they’d gained the emblem as well? The merchant was probably safe for time being since they hadn’t outright killed her, but what about the others who were with her? And more importantly, how was she supposed to get paid if the person she worked for was missing? At some point Valter realized she wasn’t listening and poked her to get her attention. “What?”

“Weyland and the military are planning a rescue. Do you plan on helping?”

“Sure?” After all, if she were kidnapped she’d want someone to rescue her...

Valter smiled and took Phyll’s reins. “Great. They’re meeting in the dining hall; you should probably head over there,” he said, and began to leave with his horse.

Still a little confused, Synthia took a few steps down the hall before she remembered something important, turned, and shouted, “I’m still not talking to you!”

Valter chuckled. Success.

----- -----

Valter and Synthia arrived just before the meeting started; the mage after getting lost a few times, and the bowman after stabling his horse.

Amon was alright, Synthia saw, but most of the other news so far had been disheartening. If the enemy had been able to take down a third of Weyland’s troops, rescuing Raquel would be rather dangerous. However, with the military helping out, things didn’t seem so bleak... “I’m in,” she said, and glanced at Amon as he offered to help as well. He had almost died not more than an hour ago, but he still agreed to go? Idiot.


More used to working with the military himself, Valter found Norbert’s response amusing. “Unfortunately, I think we’ll be going with them, not the other way around,” he told the Pegasus knight. “For what it’s worth, though, I’ll tag along.”

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Again, mixed feelings. Norbert was glad to hear Valter would be coming along -- not that he hadn't been expecting it -- but not entirely thrilled that the military would be the ones calling the shots, as Valter guessed would happen. "This is our leader we're rescuing. I assumed we'd be the main rescue party," he grumbled, only half making it a formal complaint.

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A good thirty more minutes passed, with the Neviskotian backup leader only passing by once. Eventually, he was ushered to the damaged dining hall for another meeting. This time, along with the group, there were several members of the army present. Once the initial body count - a third of the security forces, plus three of their four tanks!- was announced and the floor was made open, the leader of the armed forces instantly declared that her unit would lead the hunt, and that anyone who wanted to help would have to cooperate. The fact that she was willing to cooperate was concerning. The last time he checked, the group was not on friendly or even neutral terms with the Ursian military, judging by the attack the patrol made. Why was there a sudden change of tune?

"I'll go," Blake said, nonetheless. A fight was a fight, after all.

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<Alright, then it's settled.> ''I'll be going as well.'' John said. <At the least while on the road up high there is enough space to keep my distance.>

''Me too.'' Sophia said. I wonder if someone will actually deny on going.

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We're In

"We'll call our own shots if necessary. I'd prefer leading the rescue myself too, but they didn't exactly ask us for permission," Veronika chimed in to Bert and Valter's conversation.

"Ah heck, I might as well go too, not like I have better things to do," Nadya said.

"Uncle...can I go too? We'll probably need to bring the wagon and I think I know Raquel's wares better than anyone else in the group. And well...I'd feel bad just sitting here and doing nothing," Connor said to the Professor, still carrying Chip.


"I have no problems with wyverns, as long as I know they are on our side. You and whatever other wyvern riders within the group may wish to keep a decent distance from the pegasi though, as close contact may cause unnecessary agitation. Gorgotha knows better than to attack or be alarmed by them, but I can't necessarily say the same for our less experienced pegasus knights," she responded to Gabbie, before walking over to the woman who had just arrived.

"Lieutenant Altena, I'd like your opinion on a matter. Do you think it best that we remain with Weyland's people or travel as separate groups? We would travel faster than they would I think...they seem to have a lack of mounts," she remarked plainly.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"I won't lie to you, Connor. I'm concerned about you going with on what could be a direct assault, but if you'll stick to your promise from before and protect yourself at any cost, I'll let you go with them." Weyland replied.

"Hmm." Altena began. "Well we want to catch these people, right? So we shouldn't let them slow us down. We've got enough manpower, I think, so we can handle this with or without them. We should let them come with us if they want but not wait up for them. If they trail behind, we should just leave them. The situation's urgent, after all."

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Overhearing the military women talking about leaving them behind, Norbert decided to say his peace to them. "Hey! Some of us have mounts, too! We could have those who can fly go with your pegasus knigts and those on horses go with your horsemen while the ones who don't have mounts travel together," Norbert put in, not too happy about the idea of being left behind.

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Meeting Room

"Feel free to split your forces up if you want, but your numbers are already pretty ... lacking." Altena replied. "It's up to you people, I guess." she added with a light shrug. She didn't expect them to contribute much to begin with.

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The young shaman opened his eyes slowly, looking up to see the caring face of Robin. He gave her a weak smile before closing them again. "Where is everyone?" He asked softly.


The noble knight finally walked into the dining hall, looking rather worse for wear... he heard what was going on. "I'll be going as well." He called out to the group before him.


The frightenned avian was sitting in the basement where she was told to go, hugging her own legs to her chest as she was left to think about what just transpired, any onlookers would see tears welling up in her eyes though.

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''Can't just the ones without mounts hitch a ride with the ones who do?'' John suggested. <Then again, it's highly likely we'll be bringing that new wagon along. If that thing could really keep up, then I guess that's a better alternative.>

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Norbert knew the retaliation to John's suggestion already. "That'd slow us down more. I don't know how many passengers a wyvern can take before being land-bound, but I could probably only handle one light passenger and I don't want to overwork Rizen," he replied to John, "If we're taking the wagon, the ones without horses could probably keep up with the ones that do. If those of us who can fly can keep up with these military, then things will go that much better. Everyone else can catch up, but at least we'll keep our priorities if we have some of us getting there first." Like heck I'm going to let these militants run the show.

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"Getting ready to go. Raquel was kidnapped during the fight. I do not know where she is, only that we must find her soon." said Robin, smiling as she tried to help Shadrak up. "I owe her my freedom. I will be joining in the hunt for her. I do not know where she is though."

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Mireille learned that despite everything, the group had failed to protect their charge. In her opinion, the outcome was in no way a draw. This was their loss as long as they did nothing, for defending Raquel was their task. Or at least her new one. If I had stayed back to defend her, would the outcome have been the same? Would more people have died? Maybe it is better this way, most of us are still alive to rectify our error.

She alsoe learned through the sheer number of mages in the last battle that she might need to be defending her allies against magic users. The standard large shield knights used would not cut it. She would need a Barrier added to it to allow her to block magical attacks as well.

Approaching Weyland, Mireille asked, "Sir, before the rescue party sets out, I would like to get an upgraded Barrier to add to my shield's protective capabilities. I have the gold sir, do you have any spares lying around?"


Ranyin spotted Bert and Valter together and decided to hang out with them...as he was not sure who's company he wanted to be with. Maybe I can get to ride Riz again, thought Ranyin when John suggested something about hitching rides.

But when he got closer, he also heard Bert respond to John's suggestion with something along the lines of not wanting others to overburden Riz. Feeling depressed at the prospect he might not be able to ride on Riz, Ranyin sat down and stared at his footwear.

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"I'll just stay in the wagon if everyone gets into a fight. There's usually not much reason to leave it anyway, I'm no warrior after all," Connor reassured his uncle. Turning to Mireille he said, "I can upgrade that for you once we're on the road if you like. Shouldn't take too long," he offered.


"If we're riding in the wagon we're going to need a new driver. Not my area of expertise I'm afraid, hopefully there's someone in the group who can handle it," she interjected into the conversation.

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"I can do it! I drove th' wagon b'fore, after all," Gytha offered when Veronika mentioned they'd need a new driver.

Catching a glimpse of Ranyin, Norbert mentioned, "Ranyin's light enough that he shouldn't slow me down. I could take him with me and still keep up, I think. But anyone heavier probably shouldn't ride with me."

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“Perhaps I should drive,” Synthia hastily said after Gytha had offered. “We do want to get there in one piece, I’m sure. Besides, I have taken over for Raquel before.“

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The shaman wasn't mocing, atleast, not without the help of someone with a little more bulk to there name. "Damn... ugh... I've got something very important I need to do then... can you find my Raven, Naoki, for me? I need to get a message delivered..."

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"Why do you need a pet bird?" asked Robin, curious. Why WOULD someone need a pet bird?... Unless it was a magic thing. Could it be one? Even if it was... birds were birds to her. She couldn't separate out one raven from others like she was sure he could. "Can you tell me?"

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Meeting Room

"Ah, that would work as well." Weyland commented after Connor offered. Never missing an opportunity to practice and improve. Good, good.

"Uh-I second the Synthia droivin' thing. We'll need you on the front loines with no distractions, Gytha, heheh." Gabbie pointed out with a bit of a nervous chuckle. Oh I can see it now, a violent crash with no survivors ...

"These are pretty funny people, General. You know, it's nice that maybe half of you can keep up with us on your own, but frankly I don't see the point. You haven't been integrated into our units, so in fight, you'd be all on your own until your friends catch up, and depending on how much ground those people managed to cover, the stragglers from our group may only fall behind a few hours ... or they might fall behind a day or so. I guess the point I'm trying to make is, you're not going to be very useful as a group smaller than twenty or so. Didn't these people just kill off a third of Weyland's staff and blow up three tanks?" Altena explained with her arms crossed.

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The shaman let out a small laugh at Robin's ignorance. "It's the only Raven in the estate, he's magical, and the only person besides myself who knows where my contact lives, take my dark tome... it should help him find you." Shadrak said, slowly sliding out his little black book from under his robe and holding it up to the half shaven archer.


The knight wanderred his way further into the room, clearing his throat. He walked next to Gabbie. "Can I have my helmet back now?" he asked the woman politely, still just listening in on the conversation on a whole.

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Robin took hold of the tome. As her fingers touched it, she could swear she felt a odd, cold, dark chill creep across her fingertips. She quickly dismissed it as just her imagination though. She was unattuned to magic after all, it might be possible for her to hold the necronomnomicon and not feel anything... right?

"Right. Black bird, magic dancing in his eyes, only one inside the house." she repeated, hoping she got it right. She then backed away slowly from Shadrak before turning around, her eyes looking about the room, then heading out into the next one, looking for the raven, tome clutched in her hands.

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