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Fire Emblem: Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light Low Turns Run (NES)


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Being a great big fan of Fire Emblem, I plan on LPing all of them one day, doing 4-7 with the intent of getting the highest completion rank possible while doing the rest in as few turns as possible. And so, just so I can see the evolution of the series as it went on, I'm playing all of them in order. And so, I have started with this one. Also, because the game moves somewhat slowly, I'm also sort of treating this game as a speed run, that is, moving as few characters as possible to guarantee low turn counts.

Another thing that will be in these playthroughs is that while I'm playing through, I plan on commenting on the quality of the game itself, such as it's mechanics, it's map design, and all of that. That is, if I can actually find anything to talk about of course. So, who's interested?

EDIT: I just completed Chapter 1 in 5 Turns about an hour ago, however, it's not going to be uploaded until the morning due to how late it is right now. So, now that I'm onto Chapter 2, I'll just ask a brief bit of advice. Would you guys recommend purchasing anything from the armory after Marth rescues the village? It's a clone of what Chapter 3 offers, however, this armory is easier to get to. I don't figure many people have actually played this, but if there are, what do you guys usually buy from here?

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Here we go, to start this off, rather than simply diving right into the game, I made a 10 minute long tutorial video explaining the basic mechanics and everything so I wouldn't have to bother with them later. Here it is, Chapter 1 will be hear soon...

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Mmm, I know what you mean. Personally, I find it hard to sit through more than a couple of videos on ANY Fire Emblem game because of how long it takes to do things on them (unless it's an efficiency playthrough, speed run on the highest difficulty, or one of Dondon's). I plan on maybe fastforwarding through enemy phases because of this, although it makes it a bit harder to plan commentary around. Unless you want me not to fastforward through it?

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I like your voice.

This seems interesting so far, I'm glad the translation was done. Those sprites are so bad! XD

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Hmm, bad news guys, some recording problems made it so that I have now lost my Chapter 2 recording. So, I'd like to ask a favor. Chapter 2 involves me continualy resetting until I got Marth a point in Defense, something that he only has a 20% growth rate in, so I really don't want to record it all over again. Could I please simply post a video of what the strategy is, even if he doesn't get a point in defense again?

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This game is one of the few games in which buying weapons and storing them is an actual concern in this game XD.

I've been playing this game too. I kind of like it, though the inventory management issues drive me up a wall.

Great playing so far.

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Actually, you're totally correct Horace. As a matter of fact, that's the amount of turns I complete it in now that I look at my recording....huh. Wonder how I miscounted?

Probably because of Marth's 7 movement, which is high for a lord. Especially when compared the the GBA 5 movement lords.

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Probably because of Marth's 7 movement, which is high for a lord. Especially when compared the the GBA 5 movement lords.

GBA games had lower movement as a whole though (see: cavs and armors)

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Celice and Ike had 6 move before promotion. Leaf's base move was 6 as well (but he had a 5% re-move rate and 3% move growth... not as bad off as most people but it's not likely to go up anyway).

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Alright guys, after test running this entire game, I'm now rerecording everything from Chapter 2 and upwards. I have now deduced that I don't need the Falchion to defeat Medeus, I just need some guy to max his Power stat, have sufficient Speed to double him, and have a great amount of Skill and Luck so he can critical Medeus more easily. There are some things that still bother me though...

1) The Earth Orb seems to do a totally random amount of damage, an amount I don't know how to control yet. I've had it do from 7 Damage all the way to 13 Damage to every enemy on the map. This is something that'll be really important for the sake of K.O.ing Medeus without relying on an absurd amount of luck. Which leads me into...

2) For whatever reason, the amount of HP Medeus regenerates is random, regaining from 4 HP all the way to 8 HP. If I can find a way to make the Earth Orb do 13 Damage or above, this will be a non-issue, but if not, it could potentially throw a serious monkey wrench into my plans by making my victory even more luck based than it already is (Medeus takes at least two critical hits from someone with 40 Attack and enough speed to double him to take down even with optimal conditions).

3) Also, there is also a dragon with a Demon Stone guarding Medeus who also has 45 HP and can't be taken down even by someone with 40 Attack without a critical hit. So all in all, Chapter 25 takes three critical hits to clear in one turn, when the max critical chance you can possibly get from maxed Luck and Skill is only 20%.

It's still worth skipping the Falchion for however, because the Falchion costs at minimum 3 extra turns to get, easily a range in which Medeus can be beaten. The question is, does the RNG work in a way that'll allow Medeus to be beaten in one turn? I'm hoping that if I can post this question on TASforums, or get Rolanman to help out, I can figure out the answer to this question. I don't want to needlessly reset the game if what I'm trying to get is impossible anyways, right? So, depending on what the answer is, this game can be beaten in anywhere from 61-62 Turns, and that's what I'll be aiming for. What do you think?

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I haven't played this game in forever, so I could be completely wrong when saying this, but if Medeus can be damaged by magic (his base resistance is listed as zero, and the site here says that Medeus's dragonstone only gives +27 defence, so could he not be damaged by magic? I'm guessing you skipped Marich and Excalibur, but theoretically you could (maybe) damage him with Bolganone or something, if you get up close, as IIRC you can't attack Medeus from range, because IS really pushed for Marth killing Medeus in this game.

Of course, if he can't be damaged by magic, ignore my rant.

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Actually, I tested this, and Medeus cannot be damaged by magic. Actually, that's something I've been meaning to talk about in regards to the info section on this game. Several of their descriptions are wrong in regards to this game and it's weapons. The problems I could find are...

1) The Falchion does not protect you from every non-Mamkute attack as the site says it does. The only attacks you're invulnerable to are close up attacks that aren't from Mamkutes. Marth is still vulnerable to all range attacks, physical and magical, in addition to Mamkutes.

2) Although the Knight Lance is effective against Social Knights, it is most definetly not effective against Paladins. I've tested it with Hardin against Camus and against various Paladins in Chapter 25, and there was no increase in damage from using it. This is understandable to me, as whoever wrote the info tested it against Social Knights and just assumed that Paladins would be weak to it to (as I would've had I not played this so much), but still.

3) The info on Medeus's weapon is too vague for my tastes. The site just says invulnerable to range attacks when in fact, Medeus is invulnerable to magic, and all physical ranged attacks. Still, that would've been a pretty awesome opportunity to mock Gotoh on putting us through all this trouble to get Falchion and everything when he could just one round Medeus himself :D:!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Actually, 1) doesn't seem like a mistake to me. The description says "negates non-Mamkute direct attacks", which (although it may be worded slightly confusingly) fits what you stated. "Direct" in my case means "Melee" or "1-range".

2) was an oversight on my behalf (although as you mentioned it's an easy mistake to make). I can no longer access the site that had the info for 3) so I have completely no idea about that >___<

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Hey, one final question, just for the sake of future videos. Now, obviously, if I'm say, manipulating a specific level up that I need, I'm not going to stop recording there, use save states until I get what I want, then start recording again from there, because that would be cheating, right?

But suppose I make an extremely boneheaded decision, like, I've just killed the boss, have done absolutely everything else, and am about to take the throne, but I slip up, and accidently park Marth right outside the throne area. Would it then be ok for me to stop recording, then use the "Movie Playback" feature to go back to that point, and fix it, as long as I'm telling you that I did this?

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