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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Favorite Food or Drink: Rice & Coke (addicted to coke :lol: )

Interests: Video games, Law, Bodybuilding, Boxing and reading

Orientation: Straight

Background: Asian Pakistani, Egyptain, Russian, Saudi

Religious View: Muslim

Favorite Color: Dark Green

Favorite TV Shows: Judge Judy

Favorite Books: Lord of the Rings

Favorite Movie: Lord of the rings the return of the ring

Favorite Quotes:

Political Views: none

Relationship Status: not single! lol

Dislike: Racist people e.g BNP and show off's

Your Hero or Heroes: none

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what the hey might as well

Favorite Food or Drink:pizza

Interests: video games, swimming


Background:55%german 25% english 10% polish 10%swedish

Religious View:christian

Favorite Color:blue

Favorite TV Shows:scrubs

Favorite Books:harry potter (like only 1s i have read)

Favorite Movie:idk

Favorite Quotes:anything that comes from dr cox's mouth

Political Views:conservitive republican

Relationship Status:dumped

Dislike:obnoctish peoples

Your Hero or Heroes:god, parents, bob the builder

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Favorite Food or Drink: ice cream XD

Interests: music, playing guitar, movies, games, fencing, reading

Orientation: straight

Background: no idea, i guess a great mixture

Religious View: atheist

Favorite Color: black

Favorite TV Shows: lost

Favorite Books: Anything from Conan Doyle, Clive Barker, Tolkien, Harry Potter XD

Favorite Movie: Any Tim Burton or Lars Von Trier movie.. Probably Big Fish from the first and Dogville from the latter.

Favorite Bands: Why isn't the person's musical taste here on this list? I might as well post mine: Dream Theater, Opeth, Symphony X, Pink Floyd, Dimmu Borgir, Epica, Metallica, Tristania, After Forever, Blind Guardian, Kamelot, Nightwish, Haggard.

Favorite Quotes: Too many, most are from songs.

Political Views: Whichever i agree with

Relationship Status: with a girlfriend =]

Dislike: Narrow minded people, wake up early.. lots of other stuff probably

Your Hero or Heroes: I don't think a really have one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Favorite Food or Drink:Green Tea and Stir Fry

Interests:Anime,VideoGames,Studying Japanese

Orientation:Straight(as everyone should obviously know by now)

Background:Black(and a bit of chinese as my mom told me)

Religious View:I dont even know.......I believe in god.........

Favorite Color:BLUE

Favorite TV Shows:Katekyo Hitman Reborn,Code Geass,Fresh Prince of Bel Air,Naruto,Bleach,Black Cat

Favorite Books:(Im gonna count this as MANGA)......I dont think I read manga's that dont have an anime....oh yeah Melty Blood.

Favorite Movie:The Incredibles

Favorite Quotes:"Pray to whoever you worship,for your end is near"

Political Views:I HATE POLITICS SO FUCKING MUCH. I avoid that shit.

Relationship Status:Single obviously.

Dislike:Ppl who think everyone has to act according to what society portrays them as(IE blacks always rapping and robbing places...fucking retards. Makes me wanna beat their faces in everytime someone goes "Are you sure you're black?" I should respond "Are you sure you're going to make it home alive today FAGGOT?" What else......oh yeah, CARAMELL DANSEN.

Your Hero or Heroes:Ike,Train,Yamamoto

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Favorite Food or Drink: Pizza, beer

Interests: Fire Emblem

Orientation: Bi

Background: Too sad to tell.

Religious View: Christian

Favorite Color: Red

Favorite TV Shows: That 70s show

Favorite Books: None really.

Favorite Movie: Desperado, True Grit

Favorite Quotes: "Now hold up, she is what she is because that's what she wants to be." John Wayne

Political Views: Don't got one, Democrat if I must.

Relationship Status: Married.

Dislike: Everything.

Your Hero or Heroes: John Wayne, God.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Favorite Food or Drink: It depends. Spaghetti, pizza, ice cream, soda...those sorts of things.

Interests: Anything relating to acting or doing stuff in our school's TV studio. Or best of all, being on camera. Also, I enjoy working out, and sometimes running...but especially talking to people. I'm a social dude.

Orientation: Straight, as far as I know.

Background: Polish, German, English. A slight mutt.

Religious View: Agnostic

Favorite Color: Blue and red and stuff. It changes.

Favorite TV Shows: I don't have enough time to watch TV >_>

Favorite Books: 1984, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Glass Menagerie, Hiroshima, Great Expectations, Romeo & Juliet...

Favorite Movie: I need to watch more movies. <_<

Favorite Quotes: I never remember them. >_>

Political Views: Liberal, generally

Relationship Status: Single?

Dislike: Ignorance.

Your Hero or Heroes: All of my friends, especially my drama/TV friends.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Essays are bad!

Favorite Food or Drink: Spaghetti and Diet Dr.Pepper.

Interests: Preparing for the Oklahoma invasion, and making sure my friends are still breathing.

Orientation: Three miles to the right.

Background: White.

Religious View: I'm unaffiliated with any organized religion.

Favorite Color: Grey (but only when spelled with a E)

Favorite TV Shows: Law & Order reruns.

Favorite Books: Right now i'm enjoying a lot of the classics, just finished The illiad; been meaning to tackle that forever.

Favorite Movie: My Own Private Idaho

Favorite Quotes: "I don't want people to be agreeable...it saves me the trouble of liking them." --Jane Austen

Political Views: Moderate who swings to the left.

Relationship Status: Somewhere in between a relationship and single.

Dislike: Rhinos, and when software gets glitchy.

Your Hero or Heroes: Sylvia Plath.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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