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Nintendo's Brilliance


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So hey, guys, we noticed that because we aren't releasing any games worth buying for Wii other than Zelda in the next year, a lot of you are resorting to going back and playing Gamecube games from back in the day when we liked core gamers. Well, we're sorry, but that's gotta stop right now. We just don't approve of that. Nintendo Wii should be used for playing Wii games, you know, the stuff we're making now. Which is nothing. So here, you should buy our new model of Wii:


And if you're a family of nongamers, then don't worry about the fact that you'll be able to get a barely used, better model of the Wii online for cheaper than our new system.

P.S. In case any of you have any funny ideas about only buying the older, infinitely superior model of Wii, we're going to discontinue that.

Edited by Ragnell
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I'm pretty sure that everyone who is still interested in gamecube games already owns either one of the older Wii models or a gamecube. Not that it makes this a good decision (since I can't imagine that backwards compatibility drives the price up that much).

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LOL, the backward compatibility is probably the best feature of the Wii atm. I hope they can get the gamer's respect back, they alwats will have mine, but c'mon, cutting the GNC compatibility is just NOT smart!

Its not smart to even make a remodel of the Wii if all it does is take away things from it and not add new stuff :facepalm:

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Lol. Nintendo, just keeps losing my respect every year. So many great games, yet they have been ruined by their lust for money. Poor bastards.

If anything, they've been ruined by their lack of appetite for money. Giving how fervently they seem to be pushing 3D, one might even assume that Nintendo were actually frightened by the prospect of money and success.

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Lol. Nintendo, just keeps losing my respect every year. So many great games, yet they have been ruined by their lust for money. Poor bastards.

No. It's just the fact they HAVE to make senseless modifications to consoles each year. Because they're already broken, right? :awesome:

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No. It's just the fact they HAVE to make senseless modifications to consoles each year. Because they're already broken, right? :awesome:

Taking away modifiable hard drives and PS2 and CD-ROM!PS1 game compatibility from the XBOX 360 and PS3 respectively seems to support this.

No more Brawl with Gamecube controllers! D:

And what happens when someone wants to play with you, but you have no other Wiimotes on hand, but the game in question luckily supports GCN controller compatibility? It's freaking senseless to even take that away. Edited by Elmer
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The only thing I can think of making this worthwhile is better performance and the eventual use of bigger better games [which will not happen until we have a next generation console] or a massive price drop.

Those games will probably be restricted to the new console :p.

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Hm, Europe only.

Well I guess they had to do something stupid just to not make NoA look completely incompetent for throwing a ton of money away by not releasing 3 incredibly hyped games.

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Not you your avasig. That's totally Remilia the most adorable 500 year old little girl into BDSM there is.

I know what she does to Sakuya don't lie to me.

It's funny because Sakuya's almost always the one pitching whenever I see the two together in that context...

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