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Efficiency playlog

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To be fair, most of my restarts of that chapter were due to poor position of my other units. Because the only units that were doing anything resembling efficiency were Marcia and Ike, I played inefficiently for the rest. And only once did Ike *not* kill Ena with a Wrath crit (because Miracle activated, what the fuck) so I never actually had to restart due to the Wrath crit.

Turns out Ike can be hit by just about everything except a Killer Lance crit in the bottom part if I want to kill Ena, because he still only takes like miniscule damage from Ena. Also, I'm not restarting for level ups or anything if that helps. I did reboot the game because I felt I was doing something wrong because I had bad level ups but I ended up with almost the same thing the second time through.

You could have saved two turns if I'm not mistaken. My preference is to use a laguz stone on Reyson here and rescue/take/drop Reyson forward so I can use him each turn. The key then becomes killing any ballista operators or other enemies that could kill Reyson. I see your Sages have 21 Magic. If they have enough +Atk supports, they can OHKO some of the Ballista operators with Bolting (they need at least 36 Atk). Since Marcia got your Boots, she's also an excellent candidate to move ahead a little and kill the Ballista operators (who pose the greatest threat to advancing Reyson). Then again, your Reyson doesn't have the Boots, so maybe a 4-turn clear is out of reach.

I'll retry the chapter, then, and aim for a 5 turn. I'm not sure how viable it is to have Marcia kill any of the ballista operators, though, but I know that Soren has +1 Atk and Tormod has +3 Atk in supports to kill the Archers.
By the way, you seem to be employing a lot of low-chance strategies and reseting a hell of a lot for an "efficiency run".
I'm not sure where you're getting "a lot" from. I've never relied on chance or a critical occurring, and I explained what I'd do if the critical *didn't* occur except in the case of Ena, where I needed the critical to procure a 6 turn. If I didn't end up getting the critical then the 7 turn works equally well.

If you're talking about the Killer Lance crit in C23, I also said that if Marcia didn't get the crit then Kieran and Oscar would home in on her. I also forgot to mention that Tormod could Bolting/Meteor her cause he was in range too (8 move is fucking ridiculous for a Mage). The only one that ended up happening was the Laguzslayer. I did end up restarting once because I thought I had two Arms Scrolls (so Marcia could get a C in Swords for the Laguzslayer, therefore I could get a more reliable 6 turn) but I was mistaken. Either way, I should've given the Laguzslayer to Tauroneo, given Ike an Elixir because those cunts don't attack Ike, and then Tauro would activate Resolve against Ena and kill her that way. If anything, I restarted on Turn 4 when I dropped Ike because like every so often he'd end up sleeping.

If you're talking about C15, it's not hard to restart on Turn 2, especially in a chapter where I engage in combat three times exactly -- once against Jill, once against Boyd, and once against Marcia. Marcia had approximately a 64% chance of success. I didn't get the Laguz Lance since I don't know where to get it, which is why it was like that.

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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I managed the five turn.

Chapter 23

Turncount: 5/120


-- Arms Scroll on Tormod (C Thunder, so he has Meteor and Bolting now)

-- Tormod/Reyson A

-- Full Guard to Marcia


         Level  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Astrid    08.02+ 38  19   8  24  26  16  19  13
Ike       06.00+ 48  22   8  21  22  16  19  12
Jill      07.02+ 38  25   6  23  20   9  21   5
Tormod    04.01+ 44   5  21  20  19  15  13  17
Makalov   02.00+ 37  19   4  16  20  11  18   6

Remaining: 8

Units deployed: Ike, Oscar, Boyd, Soren, Marcia, Mordecai, Kieran, Jill, Astrid, Makalov, Tormod, Muarim, Reyson

Anyways, here goes; it was basicaly similar to my previous plan. I did use the glitch where you put a flying unit on a pitfall, but generally I did it very similarly. Tormod went out as my first unit and OHKO'd the Archer with a Bolting. This allowed me to use Jill some more. Then he OHKO'd the Sniper with Bolting on the very next turn (but he needed to be Canto'd by a now-transformed Reyson). Marcia and Ike kept going north and I managed to get Ike to the left side by the end of Turn 2. Petrine attacked me on Turn 4 EP, where Marcia missed with a Killer Lance (I used a Killer Lance to off a Ballista operator) and, well, here's where it could've improved.

Marcia could've used the Knight killer here instead, allowing me ~15 damage. Marcia couldn't double Petrine, which is why I tried the Killer Lance Crit. At any rate, I had Oscar attack (miss) and Kieran attack with a forged Hand Axe (it hit and did very little damage). From there, I had Tormod siege her with a Bolting once, and then Reyson Canto'd him and he attacked with a Meteor because Meteor did 16 damage with supports.

Where could I have improved? The Knight Killer actually made jack shit of difference cause I still would've missed. Tormod would still have to hit with a Siege tome (Oscar had a 38% hit rate whereas Kieran had a 65% hitrate considering his was forged and he has Marcia support) but moving Reyson up north earlier would have been a better idea. Kieran did enough that she went down to 32 HP, which allowed Tormod to KO her with two Boltings. But I could've Canto'd Reyson north and used Bolting *once* and had her go down to 13 HP. Then Marcia would be guaranteed a KO, because she would've been able to do 15 damage and kill her. But I mean, I didn't lose any turns and I can just have Elincia Hammerne Tormod. I kept a save state just in case.

         Level  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Ike       07.69+ 49  23   9  21  23  16  19  12
Marcia    11.35+ 42  23  10  24  25  16  14  20
Oscar     05.65+ 39  22   4  18  21   8  18   6
Jill      08.06+ 39  26   6  23  20   9  22   5
Tormod    05.45+ 34   5  21  21  20  15  13  18
Reyson    05.31+ 23   2  15  15  19  17   3  27
Muarim    09.26+ 45  23   4  17  18  11  15   8
Kieran    03.70+ 41  21   6  18  20  10  19   5
Boyd      03.54+ 48  22   1  15  19   8  10  10
Astrid    08.78+ 39  19   8  24  26  16  19  13
Soren     01.57+ 32   4  21  22  19  11   6  22
Makalov   02.67+ 37  19   4  16  20  11  18   6
Mordecai  02.22+ 41  22   2  12  11  10  16   7
Haar      11.64+ 47  21   8  19  17  12  20  10

BEXP: 400/408

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I can't imagine anything less efficient than restarting the whole chapter over again (well, boss abuse is a contender).

With respect to draft play, I am of the opinion that one loses 12 honor points each time one resets the game. I personally refuse to partake in drafts that don't penalize or at least heavily discourage reseting. I recognize that some people feel differently.

FYI: 12 honor points ~= 6 respect points.

Not to throw things off-topic, but having a low turns competition and telling people they are not even allowed to reset to figure out a good strategy completely defeats the purpose.

I did use the glitch where you put a flying unit on a pitfall, but generally I did it very similarly.

I'm not really sure if this counts as a glitch. How would you "fix" it, for example? You can't have two units occupy one space and it doesn't make sense for fliers to fall in. Although I suppose the square could be blocked out like a wall for non-fliers if a flier occupies the space, but that seems like it would be tough to program.

It's not like this is really a big deal, of course, but this seems to me more like a necessary evil than a glitch.

Good job on 5 turns, though. I'm wondering if maybe you could have gotten 4, though. I got 5 turns in the Tellius Draft with only Marcia, Titania, Ike, Brom, and Muarim at my disposal, so adding in Reyson in particular I imagine could save at least one turn.

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Good job on 5 turns, though. I'm wondering if maybe you could have gotten 4, though. I got 5 turns in the Tellius Draft with only Marcia, Titania, Ike, Brom, and Muarim at my disposal, so adding in Reyson in particular I imagine could save at least one turn.
Yeah i kept a save state in case something comes to me. I'm not sure where I could've saved a turn, though, simply because of the pitfalls. But I have heard of a 4 turn clear somewhere.
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Chapter 24

Turncount: 3/123


-- BEXP:

         Level  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Ike       08.05+ 50  23   9  21  23  16  20  12
Oscar     06.01+ 40  23   4  18  21   8  18   7
Tormod    06.00+ 34   5  21  21  20  15  13  19
Kieran    04.02+ 40  22   5  19  21  10  19   6
Astrid    09.00+ 38  20   8  24  27  16  19  13
Tormod    06.00+ 34   5  21  21  20  15  13  19
Soren     02.00+ 32   4  21  23  20  11   6  23

Remaining: 91

Units deployed: Marcia, Oscar, Jill, Tormod, Reyson, Muarim, Kieran, Boyd, Soren, Mordecai

I calculated that I need exactly 6 extra spaces to get Marcia to Arrive on Turn 3. This adds up to 2 Shoves and 2 Smites. But on Turn 1, I ended up having to go an extra Shove -- this is because I would have to give Reyson the Knight Ring in order for him to Canto back and allow Kieran to reach Reyson before he gets horseraped (literally, by Weapon Knights). Otherwise, it was just a Marcia rush.

         Level  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Ike       08.54+ 50  23   9  21  23  16  20  12
Marcia    12.47+ 42  23  10  24  26  17  14  20
Oscar     06.17+ 40  23   4  18  21   8  18   7
Jill      08.60+ 39  26   6  23  20   9  22   5
Tormod    06.52+ 34   5  21  21  20  15  13  19
Reyson    05.51+ 23   2  15  15  19  17   3  27
Muarim    09.26+ 45  23   4  17  18  11  15   8
Kieran    04.28+ 40  22   5  19  21  10  19   6
Soren     02.11+ 32   4  21  23  20  11   6  23
Mordecai  02.23+ 41  22   2  12  11  10  16   7
Boyd      03.94+ 48  22   1  15  19   8  10  10
Lucia     12.00+ 36  15  12  21  23  16  10   8
Bastian   13.00+ 35  12  19  21  16  15  12  20

BEXP: 400/491

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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Fuck Chapter 25. I can't think of any other chapter that deserves "least favorite"... If it's not a slew of 30% attacks hitting Marcia constantly (she has full guard) it's a random 5% critical.

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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Fuck Chapter 25. I can't think of any other chapter that deserves "least favorite"... If it's not a slew of 30% attacks hitting Marcia constantly (she has full guard) it's a random 5% critical.

[mock concern]Oh, is Marcia's durability causing you grief?[/mock concern]

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Jill's not doing any better in the durability department right now :awesome: She also keeps getting hit. Marcia is still crucial to rescue dropping Ike so nyah.

Chapter 25

Turncount: 6/129


-- Marcia gets Savior


         Level  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Ike       09.00+ 50  24   9  22  24  17  20  12
Jill      09.00+ 40  27   6  24  21   9  22   5
Tormod    07.00+ 35   6  22  21  20  15  13  19
Boyd      04.00+ 48  23   1  16  29   8  10  10
Astrid    10.00+ 39  20   8  24  27  17  20  13
Makalov   03.00+ 38  20   4  16  21  12  19   7

Remaining: 60

Honestly, I fucking hate rout maps. I know I can shave a turn or two off, but I didn't care enough to do so. Also, Sonic Sword with 9 Mag is surprisingly effective against the boss. It was basically a Marcia/Ike/Jill rush anyway, and Tormod helped out here and there.

         Level  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Ike       11.70+ 52  25   9  24  26  17  21  14
Marcia    13.79+ 42  23  10  25  26  17  14  20
Oscar     06.55+ 40  23   4  18  21   8  18   7
Jill      11.35+ 42  27   7  25  23   9  22   6
Tormod    08.20+ 36   6  23  22  20  15  13  19
Reyson    06.01+ 24   2  11  12  16  18   2  22
Kieran    04.58+ 40  22   5  19  21  10  19   6
Boyd      04.50+ 48  23   1  16  19   8  10  10
Soren     02.58+ 32   4  21  23  20  11   6  23
Muarim    09.26+ 45  23   4  17  18  11  15   8
Makalov   03.75+ 38  20   4  16  21  12  19   7
Astrid    10.61+ 39  20   8  24  27  17  20  13

BEXP: 300/360

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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Chapter 26

Turncount: 3/132



         Level  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Ike       12.00+ 53  26   9  25  26  18  22  14
Marcia    14.00+ 42  23  10  15  26  17  14  20
Jill      12.00+ 43  27   8  26  23   9  22   6

Remaining: 117

deployed: Ike, Elincia, Marcia, Oscar, Jill, Tormod, Reyson, Kieran, Boyd, Soren, Muarim, Makalov, Astrid, Haar, Tanith, Mordecai, Geoffrey, Ranulf, Titania

This wasn't a hard chapter once I reset a million times and figured out the strategy (trial&error is great). I did a bunch of shoving chains on Marcia and Ike so Marcia can Savior Ike and go ahead at this point. Everyone charges as far as I want them to make sure Reyson goes as far as possible wtihout being hit. Reyson used a Laguz Stone.

On Turn 2, I had Elincia Rescue Reyson so he could Vigor Astrid, Marcia, and Oscar (once those three got into a triangle formation, then Marcia went and created the Diamond formation I needed), then Reyson Vigored those 4 and those four went forward. Marcia dropped Elincia in a convenient location (he'd be like 7 spaces away from the throne), while Astrid equipped Bows to attract some enemies and Oscar/Kieran equipped 1-range weapons to attract others. Marcia was equipped with a Spear to divert enemies away from her (though they do go to Ike -- he killed a couple, but that's just about it, there were Tigers in his way). Shade helped Marcia too.

What I did on Turn 3 was I had Kieran attack Bertram with a forged Hand Axe (10 damage, Kieran managed to dodge thanks to Oscar/Marcia support), then Marcia Brave Lanced him to oblivion. I got my units in the back to get some residual kills, and then Ike seized and ended the chapter. That is, after I had Elincia Rescue Jill who took out one of the Tigers in Ike's way (though I should've Hammerned the Meteor and had Tormod take the kill, but either way I'd be using Hammerne once in the future).

Tanith's reinforcements helped take attention away from my main unit. That was nice.

         Level  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Ike       12.40+ 53  26   9  25  26  18  22  14
Elincia   01.80+ 27   9  12  16  18  15  11  15
Marcia    14.13+ 42  23  10  25  26  17  14  20
Oscar     06.95+ 40  23   4  18  21   8  18   7
Jill      12.62+ 43  27   8  26  23   9  22   6
Tormod    08.87+ 36   6  23  22  20  15  13  19
Reyson    06.21+ 24   2  11  12  16  18   2  22
Kieran    05.40+ 41  23   5  20  22  11  19   6
Boyd      04.53+ 48  23   1  16  19   8  10  10
Soren     03.15+ 33   4  22  23  20  11   6  23
Muarim    09.37+ 45  23   4  17  18  11  15   8
Makalov   04.20+ 38  20   4  17  21  12  20   8
Astrid    12.63+ 39  21   8  26  27  17  21  13
Haar      11.94+ 47  21   8  19  17  12  20  10
Tanith    10.22+ 32  16  10  18  24  18  15  13
Mordecai  02.23  41  22   2  12  11  10  16   7
Geoffrey  11.54  43  18   9  17  19  12  21   9
Ranulf    09.36  46  25   4  21  20  13  22   9
Titania   10.35  40  18   7  16  18  15  15  12

BEXP: 500/617

My goals are: 5 turns for C27-1 and 1 for C27-2 (Should we count the BK fight as turns taken? I honestly don't think we should because it's a story battle, but...), 3 turns for C28, and then 2 turns for endgame, leading to a max turncount of 142 for this efficiency run. I'm not sure how much more time I'll have for this, though, because I want to do something else for the next 4+ hours I'm going to be awake and I go back to college on Monday so god knows when I'll be updating this again. (and my schedule this semester is going to be fucking terrible so no video games till Thanksgiving @_@ tho I did get a 4.0 out of last semester so it can't be THAT bad...)

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  • 10 months later...

Don't get excited (though there was some controversy on this thread anyway), it's not an actual update. I'm just posting TCs and comments. Thanks Aeine for having TCs for me to compare to.

Chap Turn Comments
P    4
1    2
2    4
3    3
4    2
5    6
6    4
7    6    5 Turn clear exists
8    8
9    7
10   9    Stealth, 3 Turn clear exists
11   5    Will be recruiting Jill, 3 Turn clear exists
12   5    Recruited Jill, 2 Turn clear exists
13   7
14   3    Recruited Makalov, 2 Turn clear exists
15   2
16   5    Suboptimal clear, 4 Turn clear exists
17-1 2
17-2 3    Suboptimal clear, 2 Turn clear exists
17-3 10
17-4 1
18   7
19   3    Trying to get Knight Ring and BEXP, 1 Turn clear exists
20   2
21   6    Suboptimal clear, 4 Turn clear exists
22   2    Suboptimal clear, 1 Turn clear exists
23   5    Suboptimal clear, 3 Turn clear exists
24   3
25   6    Suboptimal clear, 3 Turn clear exists
26   3
Tot  132  If I didn't recruit people, make one dumb mistake and get the Knight ring, I'd have 117 :/

Edited by Lord Raven
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Boots Reyson has too many things going against him. The Rescue Drop argument means he can't use his full 10 move or w/e he has, and anything else is more or less nullified by Marcia.

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One of these days I'll demonstrate how Transformed Boots Reyson can make possible a 5-turn clear of C18. First I need to finish C16, which requires substantial motivation.

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One of these days I'll demonstrate how Transformed Boots Reyson can make possible a 5-turn clear of C18. First I need to finish C16, which requires substantial motivation.

It's only 4 turns. It should take 3 hours at most.

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It's only 4 turns. It should take 3 hours at most.

I've documented a 4-turn clear, but I'm trying to be comprehensive and document an efficient clear that recruits Devdan and gets all of the treasure (or at least Bolting). That is what I lack the motivation for. Hopefully I get it back at some point, because I am excited about a few chapters (namely: C18, C21, and C27).

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